Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, April 28, 1865, Image 4

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EPI: 13:1 s , F. I> BY. liltplassT,i e
- • • •. , r 7•":". I
1.111 up your eyes, derpeoulitig Women! ,
".• Fling , to tho' oviVitie yooiirileillbo
who utifrirleckyour beaurcputbanner' i
• Su - yirii quiiiitaidi6ii' •
Olunis.-:- 4 A thousgti kytoii
a, Way rcuillmtoid!
the tla6l riatiV twilight'
„ • WaVhingon ti4P in Oines•Af°l4l„
*hit it t.he.elatidediVllPtle. Moinett . ti; :”.1E
Ilide the blue Aks,,where morn a p pears
'Mien the Mph gub t ihnfiiiits the* bliinsdn o -
Ihse to shinb a ibotisand
t CitiVilibirefialy 61'6411
elTei •
Yea and be stir)) !hi aprutinpin Idea a;, ,
Tell the oirprilieed of every nittien;'
Jiibilleedast a tiunieandleares
thouiand yearafl
invioun, Com heyond the ,ocOnn " z ;„
Little we heed you'r - th - ientening eeri .
Little Will they our chiTdien•'s
When you ore gone n thousand years.
"A thouinini
itehels at hornet go hide sour faces:
Weep for crimes with hind MAN- '•-•
You could not bind the blesseddityikthA,*
Though you'should striv6 a thou'sdnd
' "A thousand years;"
hack to your dens, ye secret traitoril
Down to your own degraded spheres'.
Ere the first blaze of dazzling sunshine,
Shortens your fives a thoitsund.yeari:
"A thousand yea:l.s," .
Haste thee along thati gldriyus noonday'
Oh! for the eyes of ancient seers,
OE! for the faith of Ithii ivo reciitihrt .
Each for his days a thoifsand year's.
"A thousand years," nay Own dolunibiii
„Tie the, glad day Fp long forefolcl!
glad i m&n*WhoFe 01:14ly twilight
Wavhilig,ton - ialh in firr;el,,a-old._
RANDOM NOTES . .—TiId first day of Ad
am's lire is said to be the l'oboest, ever knoWo
because it' bad no 1:0,. •
A youth declares that 'sister is SO ten-
der-hearted that slie Cit'nuot be persuaded to
strike alight.
A. sentimental folio*" intends to petition
Congress for a grant to improve The chan
nels of affection, so that henceforth the
•course of loge Indy rim 'smooth."
We love women all the better for 'their
weakness. Those strung-rnifid'ed'women al
ways seem as if they wanted to be lifett and
'Theie's sweet niu'si?,` in &earns,' Sala an
old gentleinan. .‘YeS ; there may be settid
his wife, 'but I hear nothing of it except
Women arc Wore lilsl.:ral than men. 3litny .
a husband grudges his wife a new di4ss, but
few wives are averse to _ivin. trei an.s
a dressing
'ls it possible:, Misi; that you do Bot know
the names of sothe of yonr friends . ? - cOer
taiuly, I do nut •even know, what lily own
name inay'be in a year from now.
A GOOD STIMULANT:—A little incident
f‘ir loyal boys: , I was standing in the city
of Brotherly Love, near Broad and 'time
Ftreets, as a ropuent WM3 passing on to the
field of battle. A man CAM° °At wit piteb•
er of ale and glasses, and passing it round
came to a soldier.
‘..May be you'll bare sornething stronger,
since you're suebabig fellow. How tall you
are ! A big glass of Veer, ha ?"
"No r sir; none !"
. .
"'W hats the 'JIMMY ?"
"Noshing, sir."
"Well;yon need its it'd Siiinutant!"
lie placed his hand in his poeliet, • and
bringing out a Bible, said,
"That's ivy stimulabt; sir. l"
Sidney Smith *ad otiee lobking through
the hot house of a lidy who was prettil of
her flowers, and used not very accurately, a
prorusioe (ft botanical' ndriitig. '
"Nadan)," said ho "have , oit the )tar`
fets• psoriasis.
"No," said she, ".11iad it la! 7 ,t winter, and
I gave it to the Ardlibishop of Canterbury;
11, came oiit beautifully in the spring."
iSeptennie psoiiiisia is the tutiteal nate
for the seven year iieh:
• .44.
TIME TO GROW.--::A. gentletilin ditthi g
a hotel where servants Oete few and far be
tween, dispatched a lad amono• ° them for a
plate of pudding, ..Af After longtilue.the,lad
returned, and plating it befere the hungiy
gentleman Was asked: Are,yuti the kid virlio,
look my plate for this pudding?" ”Yes,
Fir." Bless ttle;"reSumbil the hungry man,,
"how you have grottur .
Swath° had hood ti , liippt'd for stealing hits.
master's onions: Oue:day brought in a
skuilit in his aitils; sass he. "31assa, here's;
de chap dat Steal do `ohitlhs!•" \V hett—triell
him bref !•' • '
An old Irishman Who hail withe6sed , the
effect of whiskey for ninny years past; said a
barrel labeled "iihiskey" buotaincil a thou
sand songs and,flfty tights,
An aukwarcl man, att'6npting • to carve, d
goose; dropped it on the floor.""There nowt"
exclaimed his wile, "we've lost our dinner2'
"Oh, no; thy clear," answered he; "it's 'safe,.
have -goi vill jim on Id"
"I am irillitio• tti fiplit hairs with ,my op
ponent d day if he Uniists,upon it." said a re-i
ry distinguished Adieri&iti lawyer,in a speeeh ,
at the , lur.J thpu , - .P;said dh e op
ponent,• a'rootii;sie•tipeetinen' fioui
own head, and extending it ",flay it please;
the Cort;
.I didn't say bristles,"
Why may carpenters reasonably belieoe
there is no such thiiir , as" stone ? Becaiiie
they never .s,ito it.
Why should the highest apple on a tree
be a good uue? :ts j utip top applp.
fe;fintv 'reatintt.y, was fined fot kin*-
in . g.ll:Veiaider 11 e'saie it was dQvll
vilfere . n man daria not .
't!tpmv r lkis...l4l4,lts 7 4gin .111o,g1t1)1e e .nn,d 'Of 1.
.+- , iirognersticafvf rain—wlezr)iois"siie7foter br
Eire gt l l6lkrois . e-tarti:into4:4l.%iooniqdbli 6)1
r •4',1 r
Isionft 'tend ex piontie lto thilzopen air. V.iwzi
rt• -t
Wiry 7 biegntlgtdtieiktiove4etters.iiiirlialN
to gn astrhY ?"160 1 :TZ•Citite
Bee' I
-iva.34.thiss-direatd. -'
/- „
tioblesi qikestion In theVorid iv—Wltat
scan T do? i
• . •
k I COTIT i t I Z'S
Me Powders
11V strength
I Intestines,
Ins& theme
om offensive:
tier,,, and'
ig them te .
tealthy state:
are a
eure preientide,of Littig Fever, and ,a certain
remedy for all
enth tis Chitn4
deb, Yello*
ter ' Dist
Co,m le r;
Fenn tier,
H dal/as,
toughs, Fe-
Vert, Loss of
Appetite and
Vital Etter- -
gy, &c.
In poor, lon'-spirited animals, it has the
Most beneficial effect: ' . • '
Tlie utt of thbm'iinProies the nitni,
ens the Appetite, and gives to the Home a
fine, smooth and glossy, skin—thus improv
ing the appectiance, vigor and spirit of this'
~ a. ~ ~ l
The prOperfy this"PotHei
creasing the quantity of Milk in Cows, give'
it an importance and inlue which should
place it in the - handa - t of - every person : keeping_
a COW. BY.actuat hperhheilt it has ,prevete
'that it will increase the qnanlity 0f , .1,1i1k and
Cream twenty per ceut., andoiake,the Butter
firm 'and sweet._ In fattening eattle,lt.
them an - appetite', +loosens - . their b tlile and
Makes thiin thrlre *lnch faster.
Tu nll Diseases of
tbe Swine. sitar as •
Coughs, 131cers
the Lungs, Liver, •
4tc. By putting
from half a paper
to a paper of these
Powders' in a her
rel of Swill, fhe
above Diseases C'em he cured or entirely pre
vented. By using these PoWders the Hog
Cholera can be prevented.
Price 25 oil peqaper, or 5 Papers
For Sale by Oritggists and Stokelseepere
I:brought:nit the United States.
!The above Priwders can be had at Manufri
, ti:Yrers' prices of FOURTH MAN, Waynesboro'
Johnson, Hollowly & Cowden, Philadelphia; J.
Bender & Co., Pittsburg; Laughlin & Bushfiold
Vh i eeling, Va. . Mee. 9-Iy..
HA VING relitrried from the Eastera Cite
with a large and choice assortment of
itr y GoVdsi iltitteitsw . are, Cc!
darwaro and Grcre,eries,
which I am prepared to Mrer with rtii:elt greater ii
ducoments'tha fieietctoie for Cash:
1/..iara4k dvo taa
all Wci Whihtl Delaihes, Vetch Me
Alapaca6, Ginghamß, Shawls,
Ilooftakiris, Collars, Magic Ruffling, Bugle Trini.•
mings, Hooserp, Cloaking Cloth, &c.
Fnnity and Plain Clisimeres; Black Clotitaliiil"
Cloth, Vestings, Satinets, Jeans Shirt
FrontO, Collars,. Neck Ties; Under' ghirts,irawers,
Buck (Antes, Buck Gauntlets, Stc
Furniture Chock, Bedding, Cotton Flannel, nil
Wool nanny!, Linsey, Table, Diaper, 'fowling &d
SyrupQ, Molasses, 'Rio Cofroe,; Prepared CoftiieN
Ess Cbtres, Sugars, Tobaaeps, Babbit 6643, Tea,
l'he above goods have been purchased for the
?' . Cash and 1 desire the sane to-be sold for Cash tis
we gun'. keep any books.
By strict attention to business and a desire to
itiense in every It pest i hope to merit a continti
pnce e'f patronage. Oct 28, 1861.
fi Its THE TIME TO inPi
• • It
.\B 7 IftRE they are ielling , jhem for one liiof
the former prices. They keep liLerythingiib
1116 Dry Gu'ods and Notion fin'e: r , •
-" ,,, OIRCULARS; • „
thelervea ititeof thelates63tilei:-
Ql4l;),,pg '
0,0)Q. end prices,,
•. , ,AtSt.,fust abovt, the Jail, Wept stile elute strut.
April •,- . •-", ;‘,"•1
ARI/1":...4 Cattle roitobili at
Feb..k.'64 - • • • •• •
iiiriatte you m'lst get
I' 131tTZ'..4
.-.4 .0 , - .' '.^:.-'Nl,'Pri'l.:.::.=:,..',::',:t..
• 01
iitiktus Etrrigi itiNg
rims,ana pmerful TONIC, CorreZtive and
": • ofil‘(Arihrf irefir 6 l4. ifigeOlds:d
t srti*A OH,lilv ER Enid BO EhtB'. ." •
- .I . Arer Complainfi, . •
. .
• Ilteadaehe, General. ' : f.: -
Deb i I iiy , Narliousneria, be.- - , '
prem . :don' of Spirits, Conetioatibti,
• - intermitent Fever, Acidify of dui'
fitanieh;•Ninisesiiireartittiril, Dim:tote .--,
..:, F• 003, gaihresic oit Weight i,n fbaAtoniii6, • ;.4
Ainking aillintliiiiigitt the of the' SthkiAtch,-,1
gihimaing if thii Heads B. Breathing; telli4-
riesi dtheiSkiiriiriktleri,Feier and Dull xi :,
iti the itetuf, Pahl" in the 'Aide, Back, Chest'
and Limbo', wilt' cure every case of'
Obronic'or'neVvoui, Dcbiliti,Diir;
:, 41241 g-the Kidneyi 6'41 ;.. . y 2..
-•.: - . 'Alifilliaeaaes aiiiihr -,•
froth a disordei.
' : id Stomach, •
' -,• food for malt : ~
• : •or female old'
• or young. , .
The Most beiferteitti - de&
ter satisfaction and cures more diseases than an,Y
thor preparation offered to the Public. ' PrePer
ed Solely by KUNKEL de BRO., I lg Marko
street, Harrishlika.
,Poi sale by Diliggists and Dealers everytsktres
tounterfeits .. 'itat
, •
"unliele BitterThie of Iron is ; the otiV Ore
and e ffectual) remedy in the kii - *li4orld lot the
cnre`cir Pyspepiria'aiteMbilitfr, niufria
there are a number of imitations offered to the pub.
lic, we, would coition the community to purehnse
none but the geiniine artiefe, fillinUfactured by S. A.
Kunkel & Boo:, a nd has tinlir startip on the top of
the cork' of every bottle. The very fact that otterii
are attempting to' imitate this - valuable remedy',
proles its worth arid speaks tiolutnes in its favor:
The Bitter Wine Of Iron is pdt up cent and
$1 bottles, and sold by all respectable 'druggild,t
throughout the country. Bb particular that ever y
bottle beard the fat BNti.le of the proprietors' sign's'.
This 70'ina . incluM the theit agreeafile anff eft l
eient Self of lion we possess; Citrate of Magnet?'
Oxhide doritbined; with the mest'energefic of veg
table tonield, Yellow Peruvian Wk. The effect
many cases of debility; loss of appetite, and mei
al prostration,. of ne efircient,Salt of Iron, combin
ed with - oTfrViiiilable Xerve Tohici s is most happy.--,
It augments the appetite, raises the puls6, takes off•
muscular flabbiness, removes the pallor of debilit
,and gives a florid figure to the countenance.
For sale by gill 'respectable dealers throlighoti
the country.
For safe by J. F, Kuirrz, Druggist.
April 29-Iy.
Wood Woking and
CIPILL continuing the manufacturing of a' 't
I,kiLds of Building Material, etch ad
Boo#g3 Shutters ) Blinds,
Door-primes, Window=rrames ?
FLOOithal, &d. Sce.
By mill and circular saws of every description. 4
Asking a c_onliturittio_n_offa_vora—Lpromise—still4t.
sell on as equitable terms as possible, considering
times and prices: For further particulars apply t.
the subscriber and proprietor. Factory • 2 miles
Southeast of Waynesboro'.
April 1, 1864
pnidtmicEs in his triettli and the, ; public
~tlLget, e iolly that tte is itt4 in thssessioh of till
the late arid most improved ihstrthrients, ahil is well
Prepared to , perform all DENTAL oPeratiolis. Re
Will be heir> to wait upon therm *hd ttittjt require
the services of an experienced Dentist. All opera
tions upon the mouth and teeth perfornied in tt eel.
hntifie manila.. Teeth inserted Recording td latest
improvements in the art, and at moderate rates. ;
Office in his residence on the South Coiner of ttie
Diamond. Ap. 11,
AL STONAIts Druggists
riNKFt7I, to his friends slid customers fdr the
very liberal eirouragement received in his "ob./
business" ati 1 hp hopes that the introduction of the
cant systeni will add to their' interest and his tul
•vantage'in continuing their fdk , ori. He 'believed a
distinction Might to be made between cash and
.credit and tie intends to exhibit it hi ' the ioicesm
his articled offered for sale. Call and see, and 11
not so, mittliase where ever you can get the'eheap•
est, the best article at th,e, lowest price. His assoli-
Ment is roofs general thniti usliallkfoUnd cowl
. try Drug Stdres. lie has quite a variety of Rooks,
&c., Which he will disposeof•cheap los cash, intend:
ing to close It, considering it no part of his business,
and ; basadopted. this motto, , "live and let live. sup
port and supporting. '• -M. M. STONER..
-- Aug. 191864.. • .
tilitth'eonstayitly fur sale a fail assoriniint o
GOODS' Jor Gentleiatn'a Ware.
.o,l3trlatest City Fashions alivays on braid.
*a.tinfaiore, Pa. - • - • • •
V. " EG.; . ..P.47,.;7Prm . 1,4t. , 0r. •
'TIIE initerSigned having pnrchttied this tinges
-tablished.Hotel would inform' his 'friends and'
the iitiblie.go,iterally that' new prepaied to of-•
ford esrexy, acdotarnodation Whichein bo reasOttabiy '
eiketed.,",. HIS TABLE, will at all.tiroes be sup-
Pited 'With the beat fare the .niarket: _willaftlinl and
hiiitAlt With the ehoieeitirld'uoid. • He his arit
; Id' AI3 LINO :with •an attentive I Hostleriall eye
itiattitidencii. The patronage of the public is Via.,
• spectlOl ly• siitkited. • • V:•• B. GI f.llEitt:' •
April 14 -
• 3 .i
HAlrenrsutna, Pe.
; WI
iv ,
4mprorea • • Hy,
karineis 140 M o -took: th'evr'eat Virashing
' ''• ' with . ,
At ri' Ante iiitY ,- thelliesent;ithen 14134 ia . :Yery scaled . ; if Important that farniere who ere interested
should give attention to the above ritiprovement, which *ill considerahly/ Yeduce,the elipmiite of threshing
grain over the common way.,
This- machine has been before the public fol. a _handier of Yeats, hilt not yery ddidely cireulateri . ,. at.
though it has competed with all the best of the different patented Grain'Eteparators, and proved a decid
ed addinfage, and noW his the-repitation ,of being ; Pie beet:Separate? ever..before the,public. °Met
to prove this in new neighborhood where it , irnot InitoWn,l am willing, to forward a Machintofa a test
to any per Son desiring a trial, and have its merles tested; and I *bib 'to lave it iiiidenttOorlthittl pdttilie
machine upon its own merits, and *ant farmers lojulige for thetnselves. If it does•not fally;meei their
want's mid they do not wish to pur'cha'se, Lam perfectlyydelling to near all eapendef of shipp,ing . 7 . - •
The Machine is particularly adapted to farmers for their own use,, and will apply to lever or raihitorY
vcr, thresh - 41nd - Steen, in good grain, from 100 to,lso_bushele_per_daY, Using fbdr to six horiteSaniii
the same nurper ,handa, hut under very favorable circutiistriceei will tiiinsh more per •day.
It cleani the , graiii thoienghly, clean try one operation, Which is not generally done by other Separathrt4
grain' cleaned on this nrfachine, with Much: light filthY, tiattier,is worth one or two cents mote per lAteli
er than' ifteleineeffiri - thif - commen - Wityr. -- 'rhere - is - also'-a-great-saving of_grain, in dtraw and chaff over
the corilinhn way of thratifing,and cleaning, and also' Over other Separators and Cleaners.
The -machine is conveniently arranged for hauling and' threshing', being, permanently flied on tlcY•ii
wheels. One man ban entity move o} shift if about,. so that it to not half the trodbfe'ln a hatrt Root - as
the comnibn thresher and shaker. If ie , ,also" easily put in- operation, beitig Simple, easily managed, relitt't
ble, durable, compact, turd cleanly to'Work,b,y , While in °potation, not making near the dust es the cont.
Mon machine or of JOT 13parators. "
Far :tiers can rest assured that. thismat'hine is no humbug, and jtiriging frbm the high reconlitiendation
from farmers that are using them, f• must come to the, conclusion that it is the very machine that forme
want and, ill' have as soon as they have an !opportunity to appreciate 'and fittest its merits, which 1 hope
they wil!give me an oppfortithity, as- I am willing to bsieSpensible, as-eke - I:Ay stated, , •
Price of -Machine at Shop, (all complete, ready to fittieh to belt Lever or Railway Porter,
51,75' Cash; $3BO in three months, with interest from date.
As rnhitqiai fbr manufacturing adVandes, there may he a , corresponding advance* in.the price of
chines. The ma chine is fully represented' in the above cu[.
warrant the rsachzne to'do as above Ipresented. Orders solicited and. promptly; attended:ft).
I'he machine is manufacthWn Penney Ivania. and Maryland, at different shops.
For further informatioh anti description. of machine, whinge
KIEL GEIBER-P-ropriet-oi;
Tfrecytteeboro' ankiin
. County, • Penntt.
Sep. 28.-4tEl
it e aS e,5.,4 r o .
. I, the undersigned, senile to call the attention of Farmer's and Threshenyien of Franklin end adjoin
ing counties to this machine. It has been before the public for a number of years, during which timeit
has'given general satisfaction, and the patentee has made some very important improvements - Which ren
der,it still more complete, both for clean separating and cleaning, and also for the ease of draught and
fast threshing: I take pleasure in recommending It to the public knowing that it will give the best satis
faction. lam manufacturing 'two sizes, viz :
• The largest is eight-horse power and *ill thresh and clean from 200 to 500 bushels pet nay.
The small size. See the abdve which fully represents the Machine, also hill description, price, &c., of
machine. Persons wishing machines should send in their oidefs in reasonable time to filature their being
Ertici4Paa• taizatlciaufaxauaziacasaci4.a . aa' •
I alio tallith:during different Aries of Sugiicane:Mills (to be driven either by water, steam* of horse
pcnier) and Evaporatorfi and tbttulres for making Syrup; also Portable and Stationary Steam.Fifightes fot
driving Mills, Threshing Marlines, Sawing Woou, dtc.
I am fully make the above. to. &der and on short notice; also
Stoves and Plow castings, also east iron and wrought iron pipe for sitilim tomato', and Brass Findings o
every tletletiPtion; In a Word, I am prepared to dp everything usually done in a foundry and Machine
shop. supplied myself with the latest improved machinerY4 such as Lathes, Boring, Planing
indTDlillhigilachineifiTeßont ban rely on having their work done in the moat salisfactuttnhumer.
1 ant alio Prepared to manufacture to order machinery for wood , stich as Tonging and Greying mu
chines for flooring, Surface:Tenon t and Mo"h]ing machines, tir,c.
I also Offer to the public a 'new and valuable irnproiemeht in my steam engines, made within thp
last year, viii for the economizing of fuel, and the regulation of speed, which renders my new engines
far stiperlor to the old engines. All my machines are sold under warrantee. • My hands are all meri
t:llCM wotkihen in' this line of business, and I use all good material, so that I am perfectly sag in war.
ranting all My work.
lam also prepared to•do repairing in workman like manner, on the-shortest notice. Orders solicited
and promptly attended to. All orders sent in for repairing must se raompanied with the cash.
For particulars and circulars descriptive of machine, address
Or DANIEL GEISER, Pf6pliefOr of Territory and solidtor of• clamp aynesboro; Franklin et,. kit.
Sep. " '
klfth'Quarievly ltepbrt
Bills and Notes Discounted $101.791.07 "
U. S. Bonds 79,500,00
Other U. S. Securities 10,500,00
Cash items and stamps 232,37. • ~
Due from National Banks 10,150,95
" " other Banks 372,38
Legal tender Notes . 26,220 00
Notes of other Banks ' , 2,761,00
' Eipenee and tax account 1,276,58 '
Ciiiiital Steek $75,000,00
Circulating notes, 45,000,00
Dbe to Depositors , 105,659,15 ,
Dividends unpaid . 2R.60
Surplus and Profit and Log; 7,116,70
The above statement is correct to diti belt of my
knowledge and belief. JNO. PHILIPS, CaSb.
Sworn and subscribed betore me,• April i 865
April 14-6t] , J. F. Kuhn, Noftiry Palate:
narzatm z0m., 0 %
11 E uhdensie,ned respeetftillY '
announces to
the traveling public that 'this Hotel has been
iIEMODDLED. The room are large and comfor
Cable and are well fUrnished with good new ,
Persons stopping at this Hofel •can have
liter doable or 'single Rooms, with or without fire in
them. The' TA BLE is always supplied with the
bebtin the Market, _And Jds BARB Ailed with the
Choicest Ligtibrs. There are also a fin . h lot and e
llttir. oll 4Y, , (hut Stock. Reales connected with,.th •
Flotelfor the, accommodati on of Drovere iihd Butch
jiis Stable Will .aitkaYs he provided •With good
Wholesome Pievender, tor, Stock. and attended by'
careful.ostiers. APAIVIS. ' •
Apri( IS,. 18'64:3 . Proprietor. :
Fri HIS' arlit•firrib *all' known . ' bir reputation fdr
having 'cirfted smite of the worst cases orTet•
er. Scrafillit, and all 'impurity or,tire Blood; is al;
Wayl; bit band at retardation's' Drif.; &or's. •
'' basjnit 'received a • fresh supply atlas- ab 4.4
talkie and :inn accon'iniodaitif; his ctistorners, - '-''i' . .
• :4611'62- 1 -Iy.; ' ' '
11 7 ‘ItAKE:ti Bitters at
Ifirßo.4Vsi; Ktift.TZ.
H .„•
... K
- r:E.
THE name "Continental' sounds more dear to
the American heart, than any of the Royil hided
eifen should it be •a prince,,
So all you that yrent a good Cooking Stove tha
btirns either coal or wood, call at .
:and ask for the Continental, which is one of the
best Stoves in market, and by far the cheapest. It
takes a long stick ofwood and is prOvided With are ,
brick to burn coal. It is one of the tem bakin&artd,
cooking Stoves that has ever been Offered for 'said.
.It is a fine Cooking Stove and is easily kept clean
I taw ays.have a large assortment on, hand, and willi
give better: bargains .than any -othet house Wake,
country. So to prove that my mute is not Gen. ,
Bragg call and see for yonrself.
Also on ha nd Heating StoVes,romil as
fdt shop'or parlor, all of which I will •self very kilt
You will also find a large assoftment•of
with Copper, Brass and Sheet•lron Ware, which it
all of my own make, and which has titan proven can
not be found better in any place.' • ?tow remembef
I tilt bound to Sell cheap, so all that .Want anything
in My line, give me a call. My.sho - te is still at the
old placo on Main Street, next door to Miller's
r, Ho Ise Spouting! •
dodo at all-times And Of the best denble tin. •
- feelittn , very thankilti for, the, many past favors I
have received froth tile public, I wield invite all fo
give me a call, for then you can tee for yourseive
where to,get bargains. •
Old metal taken at Folindry Prides" in exchange
fut. new' Stoves. • .‘ ,A. TRITLE,
•• • Wayneaboro'e
- and Nay, „Umlaut.
.:08EPH i:0017q1A:9, Attorney La w
o...W4yr:cop:no' , being duly licensed as Claint
gent, will iirocure:Pgnidons, Ilditlity, Bounty • Land
a'nearages of 'lap and 16thlitiosnd 'aired:Cm ,allow?
ttheeii due•iieattleb Mid •Wilditnr, their keits nt topic-
entatilvs:“ - ' ,
May +7—tt.
,m it t h in e,, ,
111110 CM ME,
,•, • '
I 1
- ••, frif ;J,•
ç fJl
11:7 - 11.51
Ali • •
-,:• . ~ :li g ~ . .i t, . , , ( , ~,,
.'lz i of AURTZ:zr:.,..t
-• • r
s os id, b iro 0,4 . 1 erpciort citspyl of Wis 7,,
e,,• nesbero' lipid vielnity,-putt ho has just receiv, l .
lid Berri the Bier a lirgel 'a :ifPll ; neefigtgent'Y ",..
freiti Inuit', Niiidininei Oil if WltilAts'o 3 o..,_Siu.,,k 4l l„
WiskirrßlaselPiitty;'!Biti iialAn;szFo'llTg.P.P.•
is prepared to aeli as ciOs .riiii,hff , nottM,Man.nti
Sig nther, house in the ,to n'i,itud. whie,hon,oo,4 di
P 4,941ity,,,40141M.11 . • eitdelled. •iiil4.nir his° int hand
4 large itsioi"nii4nt i2l: - '' •••••':;", '' '-' -!,..• • '-.7;../ ..f •
''.:-' TOlE4,orAlgTiffitiVil ' '';: : - 7
, , ~.‘ , . - ...1.. '.,1j1t.,.j;3-', lro l ie
• e mnpris Tg..m pelt yte.tonnyongtrnme v , !
Toilet Waterh, all iiids,
- 411 - 41s - 004 , gneretAlles..
' Extracts for the handkerdief, " '
• ' Fine English: Pomades,-• . , : '
--- ' • . • .
. . ~ . . ,Beftr',B 011, -„ • . ~ - .
.... ,
Fine aiy4 . Thigoy ,Soag,§,
• tooth Brushes,
Islail„ . . ."'
. , • ' . . ilieir ,i' .. •'.
, ~,. ; .' ,Oorrib — s' i
• For Culinary' purposes he lisii,COrn','Btarolf, .1..4011
Barley, Peart Sago, Flavoring? Bxtedetil, viz i' -•
Lemon, Vitiiilliiktritsibery,,ltispbettyjlibe•Apl
ple, Orange, Banana; Cidery",' , Pear, 'Peach; -Nur:-
meg. &c. Fiesh'Spicti, Bleat. Pepper and all .inii
er articles in:t:hatline, : ; Be has ,also• sometl4ing
please the .. •
' , CIC t 111 16 iiii git it
A fine stock 'of Toys of all kicds i a large sapply of
China ware. . ' •
ritt.t43o.lllt ' itfitetailloilmetiste
tie bas. - brilite's Plantation Bitters,.
• ---Ileffland!s-Gertnan . do:. • •
, • - Sand's Sarsaparilla,.
Bull's ' do:
• ffirestrew's t r ough Syrup, - '
• "s ' tgarrhOft 'Cordial,'sYettilifligei. ..
Ve'rtnifitges i dolt kinds:. •
Pills.---Wtlilit's , ' ' '
j'udron's; . .
' ' 'SPatilditig'ir,.
BrandrethiS.,• .
Mole'-s, ' • - "
McLane', lifdri Mik'l#insliSies' &Ali* ayrafr-'.
Dr. VtiOshe'rcici: . .Kiloseoe 1:N412,64g and Chime
Thanßfol . lbr kittiTfav,ors elleady, beatoWed opon 4
hhq; he'lolidit3a a corginuaact of the same, hoping
thakbr trying 3o ptezpia he intik viiti the con'fide'nce
of the people. As mach care &keit iii waitirig'rili=
on' eiltilts as- children: ' • • '
- • - -
Physicians' Prescriptions prompfiCt• and lc:4011411y
compounded at'ati hours. KURTZ.
Augasy 18. 1864. , , •
. .
wL' the undersigned inthmi 'M put up a Cain-
Mill and Dvaporater tre Malrufactute Syrup"
at Ringgold, Md. We call the attenfion of farmers'
to the importance of Miming' the Cane. as it'" Is bo.
fieved bt persons who have ritised • irrb 6e the most
valuable - crop that can be raised. If , yields front tOvo •
hundred and twenty.five to tvio hundied and seven
ty-five gallons of Syrup to the acre. The . Cane is
beet planted on hills. The Seed should be sprouted
before planting it. Persons wishing to get seed can
get it at Charles Hitesheves store; Ringgold; at
Charles Hiteahew's store, Srelthsburg;-at Ground &
Logan's store, Leitershurg; ae Geo. Stover's store,-
Wayneaboro'; at Daniel Mentzer's Mill, at Samuel .
frantes Mill, at Geo. Besore's Mill; its the' Mack
Corner, and at the Nunnery
Feb. 1 . 2, '64 —tf] • &U. FIITOK.
!SIM MIT-111.11 RA it
MHE subscriber would IMO& hilt tustorneis and.
I public generally, that having, with other busi
ness men of Waynesboro', adOpted the •
"clA.ssizt saiesplimrPr
he is neW prepared to sell' at shorter profits than
formerly': ' Persons M *ant:of any article in his
I in - O - a - re - respectfalhz, in vited - ia - Arive—him - a - call;= --
ii is stoelt of di OUSDK EEP iN,O GOODS and
KITCHEI.I WARE are conipike, and will be sold
at such prices (the tunes considered) 'as cannot fail'
to give satisfaction. All kinds of
r3E , crib 7.11,7 .AMA
embracing the 'latest and 'most' appro'ed patterns,
or eithet wool or wil t Constantly on hand. • •
'Special attention is given t 6 pitting upSpout
lug, made of the hest tin t fit homes and barns.
Remember the sign ot the "lb a Ruh Rose
P.. B. RP4SELL.•
August t 6.1864.
AIL ' 1167117
,AND' ' •
ditOrl i n 4l o . MleitS
T „
HE subscriber would' i nform the Public,that he
has purchased of,V. B. Gilb'eii, the 'well.known
sawing and Chopping' Mills, sitriated about 'one
quarter of a mile from Bear's Pactory, and is now
prepared to saw Lumber, to order, by, mill or ,circu
lar saw, audit; also prepared tothrip corn, oats, &c.,
at short notice. IV" Persons' Wanting WATER
WHEELS can have them matt" tb order at abOrt
notice. None bat the best material. will be need
;for this purpose. ity'punctuality • and attention to
business he hopes to merit a .litteriti, share of. the
public's patrtmege. JOHN L. METCALF.
P. S. The subscriber offers for sale a new
FRAME BUILDING', 10 by 16 feet, suitable for
a backbudding, wash house, stable, etc:, $0 ready
for roofing. J. te. M.
Nov. 4, 1864. . -
Tfig`s , subscribet informs his former patron and
the peblic "getierallyi that'he has re-commenced
the BARBERING bnsiness,ln the room , formerly
occupied by the I'ost Office, and is •now prepared
to do Haircutting and , Shatlhg, in. the' best. etylei
, • OEO. B. PRICE.
October is
Mentzer s Sptse Cattle Powder.
M. STONER having ptirchased of Ifr.
il Mentzer, the .recipe for making the above
far-famed Hartle and Cattle Potvder, for Pennsylea
nia, and Mallqnd, takes this Method of informing
• the farmers, drovers, &c., tliat he has nn hand' and
intends keeping i'goed stmplY altvays'on band.—
Country merchants and °theta kdeping such articles
for sale, would do well to supply themselves, with
quantity.. He will sell it on cemtnissien or for caal!
cheap. Orders will be pulictlimly attended to
Senility 32: " '
.110CTO - ft JOHN,AdAYER
T'IOTIMERLIt A. A. S s itracot i , ex
" staining Surgeon; Norfolk; Va., *be had been
stationed is the. , idantptbtilidspicat-Fortreas Mow:
roe , has commenced the practice of !Medicine. and
Surgery in this place and spill 3 attend„priamptly, td
all calla, qr appAcation for: information.; „riP,'Office
on `Main Street, ~ next idoqi to' 'reinthinaii's 'Ding
Siore. • .'"t
MAE snbscribtir offerrtoi' sate the"irciund hi
the Miriiintirin .49,4'00 ',Good rJoint:Vinannut
Bh~nglEs. , e Mac it. Sgpsintos rawer,. 616
g0941.44', new. p,,*,4,4 BweGtijoinspr„ag,gcong axnewi
41 60 . ,
IT,ENFtt iitraffriC
„ •,
~ cs,
`'.w. 'Now