S retook ,The Corpse platbd in the 'thitgnifiAtent ' heart* iti' 'Which it irai brought to Independence Hall, and the line of ward' was taken up. The escort consisted,of the 184 h regiment of infantry, thn:city Troop;eivalri e ,:the guard Of honor, tire rietaChinent of 'soldiers to guard the body, the Perseverance Hose company, and a detachment of the Republi. can Invincible& The funeral train started , for New York at 4 o'clock: ..ww _- MZI9~IO,IJ~I. THE NEW CONSTITUTION—THE PRINCI PAL NEW PROVISIONS WHICH TH E PEOPLE AIRE TO VOTE UPON ON THE SATE:AM/NE, ISO. .1. Who Cosititution, in its first sentence, recagsizes oar dependence as a people upon Almigho , God. the Sovereign Ruler of Na tions, for our State Government, our ,liber ties, and ear Connection with. the American Union. 2. /t declares Missouri a free State forev er. 3. It establishes the equality of all men before the law. _ 4. It prohibits legislation interfering with the personal rights of men on account of their color. 5. It asserts that all government, of right, 'originated from the people, is founded upon their will only, and - is. instituted solely for the good of the whole. 6. 4,t affirms' that the people of Missouri are a part of the American nation. 7. It declares that Missouri shall ever re main a member of the American Union. • 8. It asserts-the paramount allegiance of every citizen of Missouri to the Constitution and Government of the United States. 9. It excludes from the ballot-box and from . office, traitors, Rebels, Rebel sympathizers, guerilla marauders, bushwhackers, and their eiders and abettors. ' 10. It, da like manner, excludes Knights of the Golden Circle, Sons of Liberty, and 0. A. K.'s. 11. It, in like manner, excludes those who fled the State to escape the draft. - --12.1 t , in like manner, excludes those who , enrolled themselves as disloyal, or as South . ern - sympathizers, -to-avoid militia duty._ 13. It provides for an efficient registration of voters, thereby securing the exclusion of illegal. voters.. 14. It removes the rule requiring Treason to be proved by at least two witnesses; and leaves it to be proved as any other crime. 15. It invites ernmigration from Europe, by extending the elective franchise to those persons of foreign birth, who have, more than one year before an election, declared their in tention according to law l to become ~citizens of fhb United" States. 16. It forbids private, local and epecial ' leg islation , which for thirty years has curs edthat State, and brines the State under a ,uniform. system of gene ral ° dews. 17. It prohibits lotteries; . ; 18. — It tor bids-the Legislature making.eom • •pensation for emancipated slaves. 1.9. It forbids the Legislature's removing the county seat of any county, unless, at a general election, two-thirds of the voters of., te,county vote for it. It shortens the term of office of the. Governor and other State officers at the seat; of,Government (after the present term,) to two .years. 21. It .establishes intermediate •appellate Courts between the Circuit •Coarts, and the Suprone:Court, without increased expense to the State, 22. It stops the creation' of corporations by special acts, with enormous and dangerous'. powers, and requires all corporations to be formed under general laws. . • . 23. It prohibits the creation, renewal or extenaion of the charter of any ,bank ,of is sue. • . 24. It protects .the interests of the people, by imposing arm stockholders individual lia. bility - fo-r - the - Tdeb - ts - ons, and so insures a most honest and faithful manage ment of ,those institutions. 25. It secures an efficient system of 4om mon schools, for the free education of the children of the State. 26. It restores to the rank and file of the militia the privelege of choosing their own company *ad regimental officers. 27.1 t removes the injustice to the massesof the people, of enormous exemptions of pro perty from .taxation. 28. It forbids the loan of the credit of the State to any .company or corporation. 29. It prohibits the Legislature authoriz. ing any county, cityor town to become a stockholder in, or to loan its credit to, any company or corporation, unless with the as. sent of two-thirds of the qualified voters. 30. It forbids the •release of the State's lien upon any railroad. 31. It gives increased. facilities for its own amendment ; and allows the people a direct vote upon every amendment proposed. 32. It provides for calling a oonventim to revise and amend the Constitution whenever the people, being authorized by law to vote upon the question, shall vote in. favor of it, , unit not otherwise. TZIE ASSASSINATrON LONG Aoo PLAN• TED.--Mr. A. D. Richardson states in his .forthcoming work: On the day of Mr. Lincoln's first inaugu . ration, I travelled in a crowded railway ear in Mississippi and Louisiana. While the train was stopping, and conversation could be heard through the carriage, some one alluded to the event Another passenger replied: •?I. .hope to God ho will be killed before' he take: • the oath." A third said: "I have wagered :a new hat that neither he nor Hamlin will -ever live to be ineugurated." Nearly all ,present belonged to the educated, wealthy alaveholding class—the class which origina ted and conducted the war. Several expres sed approval of these remarks, not one utter ed a word of dissent. I was in the Cotton States for weeks after this, and the subject was frequently alluded Ito ie say presence. I heard but one man .condemn theyroposed assassination; and he was a Unimust. Again and agaiu leading journals!, Whiel were called reputable; ask ed, "Li there no Brutus to rid the wor ld of this Iymntr'• Rewards, were openly propo 'fled for the , President's • head. If Mr. Lin eoln lad 'beets inurdereel,in 'Baltimore, every N thorough Secession jcluttiat in the South - Would have expressed :Lie. approval, directly .' or indirectly." Of °Curse, I do not believe that.tle, masses, or , all, Seeetwioo s t s , would have ;desired , such 8 1, stain upon , the, Ameri eibumeme,; but eventhen, as afierivards, when tieery ntsirdered our' captured 'soldiers; and starved, Acme, and , shot'imi prisoners, ithe men who led and controlled: the rebels op- gamin • •••• • • pealed deaf ; to ",huManity end to decency.— QiiaritY would fain held thin insane but there was too 'much method in their mad ness. • Elt 10004101 00E, Tali! toll! toll!• ' On every .hand, Ye bells throughout the land; Washington's greateompeer now lies, Vti tth•dootb.sialed des, . And pallidfice upturned towards the skies! toll! toll! • On every band, Ye belle throughout the land! Toll! .tot!! toll ! • "Weep! weep! weep! . On every hand • • Ye patriot' in the land; Brave Lincoln dead!. Orem, God ! and can it be? "Henceforth there's nothing in mortality That's serious!" • Help us to look to thee! Weep ! weep ! weep ! On every hand, Yo patriots in the land, Weep ! weep ! weep ! Tray'''. pray ! pray t • On every hand, Ye Christians in the land. mote his honest face will greet the smi— ths day is finished, and his labor done; A crown of glory rests his brow upon! • Pray ! pray ! pray ! On every hand, Ye, Christians in the land; Pray ! pray ! pray. ! Speech of the Secretary of War. Colonel Sherman, today, presented to the War Department fifty one colon? captured by the et;ilry portion of Major General Sheri dan's command at Dinwiddie Court House, Five Forks, and several.cavalry engagement's from Sutherland Station-, along the Appo mattox to Tabernacle Church; as well as at engagements at Jettersville, Sailor's Creek, and Appomattox Court House, where the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia sur rendered. , Brevet Major E. W. Farrar, A. D. C. to Major General Wright, commanding the 6th Corps, presented - nineteen-rebel flags and two guidons, captured by that corps. First Lieutenant G. W. Ford, 88th New York Volunteers, presented fifteen flags cap. ' Lured by the 2d Corps, commanded by Major General HuMphreys. Colonel Sherman says: These flags were taken in a series of engagement, commencing at Dinwiddie, Five Forks, and Sailor's Creek, and ending at Appomattox Court House with the Surrener of Gen. Lee. The facts de serve Attention, that these men all belong to the cavalry, who, under their gallant lea der, Gen. Sheridan, captured these colors from the enemy's infantry. The Secretary of War, in reply, said: In the name of the people f the United States, of the President, and of this Department, I return to General Sheridan, to your compan ions in arms, and to yourselves, thanks for the loyarpatriotism and valor which have brought such trophies into the archives o this Department; thanks for your devotion to your country's cause.. It is with profound grief that I cannot return to you the thanks of the late President, who, since you won these trophies, has, gone from the highest pinnacle of power and glory in this world to the right band of God, where, if it , be per- . mitted mortals to look upon what is passing in the world beneath, he now sees what is transpiring in this chamber. WAsHrtiotoN, April 25,--The rebel gu• erillas in Alexandria and Loudon counties, Va., have been nearly all cleared out, and a considerable number of farmers, as far up as Wolf river shoals are putting in small crops this season. The rebellion, which has for the past four years pervaded this section, bids fair to speedily give place to peace. twin suffering from various kinds of deformi ty. M' SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES FOR 1865. Are now ready at Uplegrafra Hat Store a great variety of HATS and CAPS for Men, Boys and Children's wear. Silk Hats, Cassimere Hats, Cloth Hats on Fur Bodies, Plain Cloth, Hats, Fur Hats, Wool Hats, in Black, White, Grey, Broln and mixed colors, Guyaquille, Panama, Leghorn, Can ton, Braid, Straw and Pam Leaf Hata, &c. from :5 cents up. "Cheaper than the cheapest,-- Better than the Best." Wholesale and Retail at UPDEGRAFF'S Ha Makers, Opposite Washington Hesse. Ap 21 1865. Hagerstown. Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold ! Bright, yellow, hard and cold, For lees than Fifty ft ie•oold, To get the "Divy" you are told To call at uPDEGRAFF'S Practical Hat Ma kers, where you can be supplied with all the Ne Spring Styles of HATS and CAPS for 1865, a prices that clearly establish the fact that the precious metal has declined. Ap 21, 1865. TEEM .4.3C0L1AM1.- On the 20th inst., by D. B. Russell, Esq.% Mr: 'HENRY BALEY, to Mts. MARY GORDON,aII of Washington township Frank lin county, Pa, Near Merceraburg, on the 12th inst., Miss CA.TIIA.I33.NE A., daughter of Peter and Nancy' Keller, aged 19 leers and 2 months. Dearest daughter 'thou ad bleat, Called from earth to heaven thy rest, Where no pains distuth thy brow. And no cries distrese thee now.- NEALIEUEEMITIS. PRILAAELPEM CATTLE MARK= ' April 24.—The arrivals and eales of Beef Cattle are small this week, only reaching about 900 head; the market is dull and prices have de. dined about lc V lb. Extra Western and Pennsylvania Steers are selling at from 20 ®220, fair to good at 17®19c, and common at from 13®iftio V ib, as to quality. Ths market closed very dull within the abovs range of pricie. Sheep are unchanged; 5,, 000 head arrived and sold at from 9i®1.24c lb, gross, for clipper:mid Wool Sheep. Cows aro firmly held; 100 head sold at from $3O up to $B5 V head, as to quality. Bogs aro, dull and rather lower; about 2- 600 head arrived and sold at from, sls®lB the 100 lb net. PHILADELPHIA, April 25.—The demand for Flout is limited, both for export and home use, and the market bat holders' are rather firmer ialheir views; sales comprise about 1,500 bbls in clots at 88@8.50 for "ex tra, aed 158.50®10 for extra family; the tat- ter rate for high grade Western. The re- DIRGE. shv?l=l9 tailors and bakers are buying in a small. way et from 8t.25.®7.75 for aripeifine, , BB(o.so for extra, and e9@ll V bbl for extra faini ly and fancy brands, as to quality. Rye Flour and Corn Meal continue dull at former rates. GRAlN.—Prime Wheat is in fair demand at_about previous quotations. Small sales are making at 200®2100 bu. for fair to prime reds; and white ; at from 2.10®235e bu. as to. quality. Corn .is in demand, and prices are better; abort 5,00.0 - buS sold at from 125@1270 afloat, and 1250 in the 'eaist Oats are rather soaioe and firmly hold; sales are making at 82@886 bu: " SHERIFF A.LTY, OFFER, myself es a', , Oandids te for the Office • .of SHERIFF; subject to the decision of the nion Nominating Conventien. THOMA9 - McA - F - E - E7 • MerCersburg. April 28—tf. BLNJ. THANTZ, Mel% I. N. ONIVELY, M. D. DRS. FRANTZ & SNIVELY having amnia ted themselves in the practice of Medicine and bursary, would state that they_ are well _prepared to treat all medical anti surgical cases. Persona in debted to either of the above will please Make early settlenient to the time of their association, as they wish to close their old books. , Office in Dr. Frantz's residence in the room for merly occupied as store room by Mr. J. Beaver. April 14--tf PUBLIC SALE. THE subscriber will offer at Public Sale, on the premises, on Saturday the Bth of May next, his . ABE 111:111 IILT Mil AD and Half Acre of Ground, situated about of a mile front Waynesboro', on the turnpike leading to Greencastle, adjoining lands of John Funk and Henry Smith. sale to commence at 1 o'clock on said day when the teims will be made known by Ap 28. GEO. WASSON. FEMALE HERESAY. THE notice in last week's Rscoan headed Mi., litious ileport"nver the signature of the captious Andrew Wilson, id — regard - to the remark said to hive been made by his daughter concerning the death of our late lamented President, was intended for my youngest daughter, a child of about nine years of age, and as I have other daughters and he refused to discriminate, hence this explanation. I the gentleman thinks he can prove that none of his daughters expressed sympathy-for the rebels he may find a more:difficult task than he is aware of. Ap 28-1 t. A. G. NEVIN. PLANTS! PLANTS ! r HE subscribers would inform the public that they have now a fine selection of Garden Plants of different kinds at their Garden, about 2 miles West of Waynesboto', all of which will be deliver ed in season. Among their selections are the Jersey Sweet Potato Plants ; Cabbage, Best, Pepper, &c. &c. JOHN M. MOR4ML. Aptil 29. THEY ARE HERE I New Spring and Summer Goods AT • METCALFE & HITESHEW'S i CHAMBERSBURG, WO l I f E a R c r o . d y s 9 u 1 7 1 : ( 1 7 l ie s s t w a e ll itiiamv:scfilont of all a-full ors, also Ladies' Coats, Circulars and Sacks, made of Silk and Cloth, Bugle Trimming, Buttons, Coad Gimp and many other kinds of trimming. In Dress Gomm we will here say we have the largest stock in the county. Striped Sleeve Swiss; Silk Sun Umbrellas, Brown and Black; Shawls of every de. seription, Shakers, lie a t quality made, white and colored; Ladies and Gentlemen's Kid Gloves, all colors, and ten thousand (10,000) other articles usually found in a well assorted stock. D 0 ZVI ES T ICI El . Prints, we have all styles made, from 12 cents up Muslin Bleached and Unbleached, all qualities, 12i Carpet and Oil Clothe,a fine assortment. A p 28. METCALFE ,c HITEBFIEW. SPRING AND SUMMER G OODS, AT THE FASHIONABLE CLOTHING EMPORIUM fi-4 ;11 MY stock embraces all the best styles of Plain and Fancy CLOTHS, Plain and Fancy QtalS9saglmacipacKsas 9 • Plain and Fancy VESTING% all of which will be made to order in the most fashionable and work. Manlike manner, or sold in Patterns to suit custo. mere. Also a fun stock of • READY-MADE CLOTHING serCHEAP FOR OASRmin Aleo, one of the beet selected stocks of GENT'S FIANISHING GOODS in the town—fine Shi Hoisery, Gloves awl Ties in endless variety. Also, Military cloths and Cessimeres which will he weds to order at the shortest notice. J. A. FISHER, . opposite Washington House, Hnaerstown, Md. • Ap. 28; 1865. . NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS mmo.W.••••••11 rr HE Taxpayers will please • take • notice, that 1 I will meet them at the fidlowing places for the purpose of receiving the State, County and Milita ry taxes for the year 1865, viz: QVINC Y.— At Mount Alto, at the house of An drew : , hank, on Monday tho Ist day of May, end at the House of H. M. Jones, in Quincy, on Tees day the 2d day of May. WASH.lNGTON—Waynesboro', at the House of V. B. Gilbert, (formerly Bowden's) on Wednes day and Thursday, the 8d and 4th days of May. • ANTHOL—Greencastle, at the House formerly kept by Foreman & Gilds, on Friday and Saturday the 6th and 6th days of May. MONTQOME.R Y.—Welsh Run. at the House of Jacob Elliott, on Mono's!, the Bth of May, and at the House of Thomas WA fee, in Mercetsburg, on, Tuesday, the 9th' dey of May. tarNciae. but Pennsylvania or Government funds received for Taxes. LICENSES.—AII ipersons Wbo are eubject' to pay a Mercantile or Manufacturers License, will please take up, said Licenses at the abOve named placea,as lam compelled to bring suit on all un paid Licenses by the 10th day of July neat. JAMES G. ELDER, County Treasurer. April 14 PLANTS! PLAINTS: ARLY York and ashcan • Cabbage; Dassanua EABeetc,Red, Yellow eau Dwarrrousau es. Sweet and ttharp Pepper; Egg Myra', White Solid Celle. ry and .lencsaY Yellow Ilweetpotato Planta, ad of which will be ready in season.•by the • dozen bun. dyed, or thousand, at reasonable prices; for further particulars apply to the undersigned. Garden 11 miles - southeast of Waynesboro': 1). P. GOOD: A Pri I t f. TURNPIKE ELECTION. A, Iv.oLeedom will be held at Walter dc Elder's ire Room, on • Monday the 181 of May, be. tween the hoist of 2 and 5 p'eloelt, to elect one President, one Treasurer and six Manaters, to con. stitute a Board of Managers, forWaynesboro' and Maryland State Line rurnßike COmpany. By order of the President. 'Ap ;1 ; -11tv. , • JOHN' WA TATI.H, PRICE &,1011PLICHI COLUMN ! APRIL 21ST, MIL LITBST PROM THE ! THE subscribers have jot received from the EU tern cilia, a large and tine assortment of DBY OOHS GROCERIES, &C, bought by one of the thin who was in the city im. mediately after the fall of Richmond, and consequen ly had the advantage of the Panic Prices, and which enables them to sell their present stock much lower than Goods have been sold for the past 18 months in this town or any other town, (Chamberadurg riot accepted.) To . satislY the community of what we have said is to give us It call and learn the facts. The great. est evidence of their present assortment being low er than they have been for some time is from the constantly increasing demand. LADIES' GOODS : In their varied stock can be found the latest styles of Delaines, A Ilwool Delaines, Chalhes, Armure Delaing, Bruin, - Fancy, Silks, Poplins . Chambray Gingham, Alpacas, Spring Deloins, Gingham., Mozambiquea, Cloaking Cloths, Al'wool Carpet, Dag " Hemp Floor and Table Oil Cloth. Summer;Balrnorals, Hoop Skirts, Spring Shawls, Shakers, 41314133 . lin 01 :DS ci We boast of having the largest assortment ever brought to Town. Were bought twenty-five per cent. cheaper than present prices and will be sold accordingly. S . z Bareges, Grenadines, Wool Delains, Poplins, Challies, - Lawns, plain and figured, Balzerincs, • Crape Despanges, Bng. Crape, American Prints, French Crape, Collars, IPdlefs, Mitts, Gauntlets,&o MUMS' WEAR: Through their stock of Men's map you NW find a splendid assortment of llwooi—Tweeds, Fancy Battens, Plaid Linens, • Heavy Cotonades, Farmers' Drill, I , Cassimeres, Vesting*, ' Linens , Drills, OUR FANCY' STOOK comprises a great variety of Balmoral., Hoop Skirts Shawls, Gauntlets, Kid Gloves, Head Nets, Trim• ming Ribbons, Laces, &c. DOMESTIC GOODS BROWN AND BLEACHED MUSLIN, Linen Shootings, Bleaohbd and Brown Diapors, Tiehings, Strips, Furinturo Cheeks, Burlass, Cottonades, Linens, Sags Bagging A good assortment of rat E R EE-1-0 grown Sugars White Sugar. Syrups, iiM ME: Xil Aii, IFIL EA WILLOW WARE' AND QUEENSWA RE, And every article necessary to supply the thefts*. ties or render comfutable our old friends and lc. quaintattees. We mean to give NIROOBAL Arne 'lox To Busman and give our friendel s every sallow modation possible. • The subscribers return thanks to their patrons for past favors awl kindly ask a continuance of the Same. • (Ap.2l, 1885.) P. &H. PUBLW SALE. PRE subseribetwill sell at Public Sale. at the storeof Peter Rouser, on Saturday. the Bth of May nisi, 10 ACREN and 82 PERCRES of, - • MOUNTAIN LAND' about half a mile South of the Germantown Schiml House and easy of access by a good road leading to the same. Salo to commence at 2 o'clock. P. M when the terms will be made known by ' JOHN SINGER. G. V.. Morro, Auct. A p 21-3 w. W. PUTNA hi% Patent, Cloth Wring • for sale at the sign of dm Big Red I% D. B. Mann:L.' (July I I 'fi2.) Agent f • r Franklin county. LA TIST A kg.I.VA.II IMBERSON. BSNEDICT &, CO., ARE NOW RECEIVING THEIR C. 0 011 SH SHIM tEDDS CLOT HS, CASSIMERES AND SATINETTS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND SATINETTS, CLOTHS, OASSIMERES AND SATURTTS, COTTO NA DES, COTTO NA DES, COTTON ADER, AND AND AND • NOTIONS. NOTIONS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES! Mackerel, . Cheese, Coffee. tgr We would call the Attention ' our mimeo en 'and the public to our new stock of goods, and at the same time return our thanks to customers and others for their liberal patronage, and will at armor by fait dealing with all, to merit a cantina: mace of the same. •AMBERSON, BENEDICT & CO: March 240 W; ir7 . 121 1 e148' tlattlo : Powde . si Kiniiret F you WI nt - M Alt C,.11.-':24, 1865. Waynesboro' Pa. FIRST SUPPLY, FIRST SUPPLY, FIRST SUPPLY. r... 17• 7111. I'7M SPRING DRY GOODS SPRING DRY GOODS SPRING DRY GOODS N ffir4.INIIS SS - GIOMS LADIES LADIES DRESS GOODS DRESS GOODS DRESS GOODS. HOSIERY AND GLOVER, HOSIERY AND GLOVER, HOSIERY AND GLOVES Iw_\.:lE .i4K - 9 Mil MEWS SPRING GOODS MEN'S SPRING GOODS, MEN'S SPRING GOODS, MEN'S SPRING GOODS, CHEAP. CHEAP, CHEAP. CLOTHS, Graceries, ro - cerses, Groceries, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS. MB AB 1011011. Queensware, Queensware, Queensware, ne Pomade you mune get it ot. rURTZ'S 7-30 LOAN i By attehorgy Of 444214402.1.0 the Treasury, the eesuineitthe General Subscription j'ligeney for there& oilbe United States'Treasury !cotes, three tenthi per cent:, in• ii(reets per apntitn, Itzwern s es the, F • SEVEN-TIIIIITriOANik These Notes 'die billed tinder date of ham, 18th 1880, are payable three Years from that time, in cur er'are convertible at the optiOn of the holder V. S. 5-20 SIX per Cent. GOILID.REARING BONDS. These botaht are vvoith a prethium which increa- ses the actual profit on the 7.80 loan, and Its ex. imption from 'State -a 11 d rnunicpa/ taxation 'add:from one to three per, cent. more, according to the rate levied •on' other property. The interest is payable In cuttoncY acmi-annuallyiycoupons at tached to each note, which way be cut,off end sold to any bank or banker. The 'Margit amounts to Notes of all the denominations named will be promptly furnished upon receipt of subscriptions, and the notes forwarded at once. Tce interest to 15th June next will be paid in advance, TEE.ONLY LOAN IN MARKET now offered by the Government, and it is confidently ORBIT POPOLIR LOAN OF TDB PEOPLF: Lees ,than $300,00u,000 of tlie Loen authorized by the lest Congress are now on the market. This amount at the rate at which it le being absorbed will all be subscribed for within four months, when tho notes will undoubtedly command a premium, ac has uniformly been the cue on closing the subscription's to other Loans. In order that citizens of every town and pectiou of the country may be - afforded - facilitica-for taking the loan, the National Banks, State Banks; and Private Bankers t hroughtiut the) country have gen- evilly agreed to.reeeive subscriptions at par. Sub- reribertrwill — Belect - their-m .. agent; have confidence, and who only ure to be respotisible for the delivery of the notes for which they receive JAY COOKE D , Suaicßunloss war. as rtscsivaD by tiro F t RST NATIONAL BANK, Waynesboro'. April 7-3 m, LATEST ARRIVAL OF NEW PALL & MTH 111 GOODS AIL UV GEO. STOVER'S, Waynesboro', Pa. HAMKFTYL for kind favors anti patronage here tofore . bestowo upon him, again appears before the public to solicit a continuance of the same.— He having just returned from the eastern cities with a fine and well selected stock of new Which he intends alining at very low rates, which he knows ho can do to the eatisiaction of all will call and examine his stock. Below you will find enumerated a few articles which will be found among his stock to which he calls your attention. 1111_. 311111 3E3 MB 4, He has a large assortme of Dress Goods consisting in part of Mathes. • Printed and Plain Detainee, 811, Fig'd and CON Silks, Plaid Mohair, Silk Warp Mohair, Bereges, French and &male Gingham. Poplins, Pongee Mixttmrs, Moth for Ladies, Wrapings, Gloves, Hosiery, in peat vssiety. Hardtriorp, 'ar ware, Bardware. Broad Cloths, Black and Fancy Cseaimeres, Union Cana rneres, Duck Linens, Uottonades Summer !Coatings, Tweeds, •. VelV3CCold4, Man shies,. Silk, Vesting* 'Weisman° Vesting', of all kinds; in fact a full assotment of goodafor Gentle. men wear. Also a larger and well selected stock o Notions, Notions, Notions. lifurlin,•Ticking; and a- complete, it essortment of Notions, les no use . Iqing to enumerate. If von want anything at all is the, pry Goods, line jest call in and you will find him reidfla writ on yon with pleasure. fie pumas having country Produce to iell, they will fled ictis their tdoantapf to:: bring ;it , * bar.• rer's,asie shays glasses highest market : prink &. ginr,hint a call► rain be. will soil you gOmiblr SP cheap. sa,they moths purchased elsewhere., Nov.'ll. lege. rvltAlCkr: I/Feb.46'6e One cent per doy on n $5O note Two cents " " $lOO " . Ten it ol CC CC 8500 44 20 " " " 81000 Ci CC di If $5OOO cc SUBSCRIPTION AOBST, Philadelphia. -0 - - - - FALL AND WINTER gooDS, FOR THE 3fedona Cloth, LaveNs, . GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, DOMESTIC GOODS, Hitters at KPRTZ'S