Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, November 11, 1864, Image 4
FAMBI FOUTHETSIIIII6. STOBE:' wvoier'.tvorzittut...tliv . WOULD tender his thanks to the community Mid Mill solicit the patronage of a generous public who Want anything in his lifts. Inasmuch as he Lids enlarged his stock-so-as-to l* enabled to answer all calla or anything'and Orerything usually found in a tlitig.filtore,' and has a thormigh ac quaintancelvith the bitaineas, he hopes' to gain the confidence - of the Comtilunity. will pay par tiCular attention to fi lling physicians'. Prescriptions, and more clue and precaMion used in waiting up on children than adtlite. - FOES 9ND DOMESTIC: Choice Wines •tind Liquors for medicinal and sacramental purposes, Patent Medicines in endless in variety, including all'that have been made up to this date and some that are yet in embryo. Also White Lead, Zinc, Paint, Whiting and Varnishes hr idc ' dl or house building or inside work, besides all sizes of Glass. CoMmercial Note, Forts Cap .and Let. ter Paper always on hand, with a variety of Enve -sop es-of different sizes and-colors.---Brusbes,-Combs, Pomade, Fancy Soap Hair Oil; Colognes, Essen ces, Flavoring Extracts, and numerous articles in the Fancy lihe on hand and offered for Safe; cheap ___er_than ever offered before. _ _ . - Also a large assortment of Kerosene Oil Lamps, Chimneys, Shades and Wicks, and Kerosene Oil to fill them. A general assortment of Fruits and Confectionares, Tobacco and Cigars. September 4, 1863. 'ICE LATISfARRIVAL! HER NES, MY MN II 41% F., KURTZ WISHES to inform the good citizens of Way nesboro' and vicinity, that he has just receiv ed from the East a large and full assortment of fresh Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dye Stuffs; Wind ow Glass, Putty, Brushes, &c. &c., which he is pletcared to sell as cheap as they can be had at any ‘ cd her house in the town, and which, in regard to quality, cannot be excelled: He h.a also on hand st.large assortment of 'EOM A RTICLfI* comprising in part the following articles, viz Toilet Waters, all kinds, Eau do Cologne, endless in variety, _Extracts for he handkerchief, Fine English Pomades, Ba ndolines Bear's dil, Fine and Fancy Soaps, Tooth Brushes, Nail " . Combs, &o. ko. rot. CulinarY;purposes he has Corn Starch, : Pearl Barley, Pearl sago, Flavoring Extracts, viz: ' Lemon, Vanilla, Strawbery, Raspberry, Pine Ap ple, Orange,•Banano, Celery, Pear, Peach, Nut. ineg, &c. Fresh-Spices, Black Pepper and all oth er articles in that line. He has also something to please the • CHILDREN:. . A fine stock of Toys of all kinds, a large supply of China Ware. 3e.lSebt CB kit 3Vrie eti0123.4a . He has Drake's Plantation Bitters, Hofland's German do. Sand's Sarsaparilla, Bull's do. 1i t eshow's Cough Syrup, Diarrhoea Cordial, I rep s .t erml ugo, Vormifurms, doz. kinds. Judron's, Spaulding's, dyer's, Brandroth's, -Morse's, McLane's, liver; Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup, Dr. Parishe's do. Kerosene Oil, Lamps and Chin). neys always on hand. Thankful for hind favors already bestowed upon him, he solicits a continuance of the same, hoping `that by trying to please he may win the confidence of the people. As much care taken in waiting up en adults as children. Physicians' Prescriptions promptly and carofutly compounded at all hours. J. F. KURTZ. August 19,1864. VILE (119011 NEWS JACOB ADAMS STMT.. AT THE c:l•ac.x) Vitioxarmitatta, On Cliureh. Street. ILlt, EEP• constantly on hand Buggies of every description end style ; new and . - second handed VEHICLES, of kinds at reasonable prices All persons 'emitting anything in his linn of business will do well by examining his stock before purchasing elsewhere 011 JA COB' ADAMS ' Wayneishoiti l , Pa. Apr 10('63 BUMS, INI Yin SREST! Wl3 the undersigned intend toput up a Cain Mill and Evaporator to*manufacture Syrup at Ringgold, Md. We call the attention of - farmers to the imporutnce of raising the Cane. as it is he lieved by persons' who . hove raised . it lobe the most valuable Crop that con be raised. It yields from two hundred and twenty-five to two hundred and seven ty-five gallons of Syrup to the acre. , The, Cane is best plant& On hills. Thoased should be , aprouted before planting it. Persona wishing to get seed can get it at • Charles Hiteshew's atom. Ringgold; at Charles Hiteshew's room, Smithsburg; at Ground & Logan's store, ,lieitersburg; at Geo. Shover's ' store. Waynesboro'; - at Daniel Mentzer's - Mill, at ,Samuel Frantz's Mill, at Geo. Besore's Mill, in the Black COMM', and at the Nunnery Min. :; • - Rob. 12, '64 —ta - • .J. &B. PRICK. , Adaninifitratoeti Notice. NOTICE - is hereby givea. that Letters orAti azinistraticirtott the 'Estitte of John 1: 1 V11,0% Baugh; Into of Waynestioro',,Ohe'd, hive been'tittati' ed to the undersigned. • • ' :JAW-peewee knowing; themselvee ititlehtid said Estate will_plensi mace immediate ,paymon.l,..and hail - raj :mien* them properly at . • , ' .• • .1.16311 tetVEtt; TV.I6)IC:EI3 Hit! 01../ 131111 Hair • " .:ii , f.:Ti , l i I U flt .11g GA, 4 . olrki g $ 5l4 *WW* 4 l l- ' • ESTABLISHMENT_ AND _MILLS:I_, CirLk continuing the Fkaaufaaturing• of 'a IF Ottiuda Of Building Matenal,such as SASH, Doors, illikukterah - FACING, MOULDINGS, Door-Pramea, WindoW-rr,4!)=Wos, w ow. tostAiCiitirir -E- • By Mill and circular Saws of every description.— Asking a continuation of favors. I promise stilt to sell 6n as equitable terms as possible, considering Uinta and prices. For fureher_partic_ulsre a to the subscriber and proprietor. Factory 2 iles Southeast of Waynesboro'. . April 1,1864. POie FOR TDB TES. While war's fierce peals alarm us, or victory's shouts oft charm us, The calmer notes of local news, Of little brawls, or breaks, or store,. Are equallyteriOging. The former often shock or please, But such emotions quickly cease, But when jewels bright and gay, In multitudinous array, Our serious thoughts assuaging:— Are placed to view at Grove's old arta, To - brightea - eye, - or ear ' - o r - hand, To deeerate the lass or lad, To beautify the calm or sad, Oh. eyery heart's delighted! With rings, and pins, and bracelets bright, Glistening like the stars of night, wrist,nn and fingers, breast add ear, Like seraphs fair the youth appear With beauty's splendors freighted. With thimbles, lockets, mourning setts, Box-pins, gold-chains, and setts ofjer,. Steal jewelry,- belt-slides and-hooks, All of the latest styles and looks, I'm sure you'll be delighted. - Eight-day, - alaren f thirty-hour,- and fancy clocks; Spectacles, cases, and a full assortment of jewelry, of the latest styles , and most elegant finish, watches and jewelry promptly repaired at the lowest cash+ prices. C. W. LOGAN . April 22—tf. • Ira/al:maw laCrl EAST SIDE OF CARLISLE STREET, GREENCASTI.Ef PA. TH E undersigned respectfully announces td , the traveling public that this Hotel has been REMODDLED.• The room are large and comfor table and are well fulmished with good new furni ture. Persons stopping at this Hotel can have ei ther doable or single Rooms, with or without fire in them. The TABLE ,is always supplied with the pest in the market, and his BARR filled with the choicest Liquors. There are also a fine lot and a pair of Hay and Stock Scales connected with the Motel for the accommodation of Droves and Butch , CYS. His Stable will - always be provided with good wholesome Provender for Stock, and attended by careful ostlers. JOHN H. .A.OANIS. April 15, 1864•] THIIIII, MIT-1101 EN, Et riIHE subscriber 'woula inform his mi§tomers and I public generally, that having., with other busi;. ness men of Waynesboro', adopted the " e3.A.23410E grSrlS tr it t 3tt WE," he is now prepared to sell at shorter profits than formerly. Persons in want of any article in his line are respeettully invited in give him a call.— His stock of HOUSEKEEPING GOODS and KITCHEN WADE are;complete, and will be sold at such prices (the times considered).as cannot fail to give satisfaction. All kinds of AO r - itr cus - likr is, embracing the latest and 'most approved patterns for eithet wood or coal, constantly on hand. UrSpecial attention is given to putting up Spout ing, made of the best tin, for houses and barns. Remember the sign of the "Bt G RED Hoge August 28, 1F164. Lumber;for.Saleb THE subscriber has still for sale at Metcalf's Mills (formerly • Gilbert's) LUMBER, ouch as Boards, Plank, Lath, Pailiugs, Strips, Joice, Scant ling, &c , all of which he will dispose of on the most accommodating terms, being desirous to close out his stock. Persons wanting Lumber will please call upon' hitn at his resi don* in Waynesboro'. , Ap. 22 If ] V. B. GILBERT.. BEERY SiBOWLUS, 7CP.MWTX,SEIUDIS. RAVING located in Hagerstown. would :oiler their professional services to the citizens of the place and surrounding country. Having had the experience of Fif teen years, anti having availed them selves of the late improvements, they are prepared to do work in a neat and substantial tnanner; upon the most reasonable terms Hagerstown, Nov. 6—iy. - e I zees horse Cattle,Powder. 14. STONER having purchased of Mr. * Mentzer, the recipe for making the above fair-famed Horse and Cattle Powder, for Pennsylva nia and Maryland, takes this method of informing the Hilfmers, drovers, &c., that he has on hand and intends keeping a good supply always on hand.— Country merchant* and others keeping such articles for sale, Wotild'do well to'supply theamehles With a quantity. lie Will sell it on commission or for cash elicap4Orilers will be punctually attended to. tlanunly 31. Ad Mitaitatr ator 5 g . Notice. 10 1 °TICE is hereby given that that Letters of Administration 'on t he Estate of 'Joseph Funk, late of Washington township, dec'd; have been granted to the undersigned. All persons know ing themselves indebted to said ehnto . will please make immediate payment; those having Melina will present them properly authenti cated fur e•ettlement. DAVID H. FUNK, Ott 14-6t] • Administrator. DR. Jo_FAIIIMET'S BLOM ITICIFIEIis TIIEB ankle so well known ,by reputation for Mivinecurred some of the worst eases of Tet ter, bcrofala, and all impurity of the Blood, is al ways on hand at Forirtlimen's Dm; Store. Ile has just received a fresh supply'of the above article andNian accommodate his cordon:WM. Jane 3:-;-33r. • TOITHE PUBLIC ERSONS owing the subscriber, will please pay jr up when notifie I , if they desire to save jcosts. My determination is to pay the cash and accuse no thing else, altbougN . not understood ea annulling former Contracts, hut under this caption my princi ple is to "square up" square. Aug 19.] ". M..M. -STONER. 1 ! lireataizatriagezkikkz:ckwitta ',. • - 1 , .4. - FILBEH T • --wi ... .... . . .", - "D 724.'P0R . : • ' :-Nikrieirriataittly,furide kfu/l fx*critment fl. t s, uouins Joi'deritieritas,war - e. -.—, ~ negt.Cits,. FrOplorut al !tip!, on . hand. , W taborce s - Pa: ' '' : • '' ' r'. ' 0, 4 , ' ISIIIIWOO47OIXXXXMIAMINN a tirV ' . - -j , o,: • ( AncMpimule feu #iusi, — gefic at :, F Kiri - HEIM BITTER 'WINE rOV IRON. A Vung dna lioefeifel TONIC, Corrective and, II :A Iterative, of wonderful efficacy in diseases of the STOMAM LIVER and BOWELS. - or D. F..GOOD. Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, • Swimming of the Head Mfficalt Breathing. Yellow'. nen of the Skin and. Byes, Fever and Dull pain in the Head, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest and Limbs, will cure every, case of Chronic or Nervous ' eases of the Kidheye and And Diseases arising from a disorder ed Stomach, good for male or ferrate old eiridst—beneficial—inetficine—lcnovhn-gives bet ter satiseaction and cures more diseases than any o. trier preparation offered to the Public. Prepar ed solely by S: A. KTJNKEL.& BRO., 118 Musket street, Hanisbure. ' • For sale by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. BEWARE OF • > Counterfeits lEs As Kunkels S itter Wine of Iron is the only sure a. e ectual remedy in thYr - known world for the permanent cure of Dyspepsia and Debility, and as there are a number of imitations offered to the pub lic. we would caution the community to purchase none but the genuine article, manufactured by S. A. Kzsottr. t ti .1: I, ,I 1 I: . the cork of every bottle. The very fact that others are attempting to Imitate this valuable - remedy,, proves its worth and speaks volumes in its favor. The Bitter Wine of Iron is put up in 75 cent and $1 bottles; and sold by ell respectable druggists throughout the country. Be particular that every bottle bears the Ac simile of the proprietors' signa ture. • This Wine includes the most agreeable and'effi cient Salt of Iron, we possess; Citrate of ,Magnetic Oxhide combined, With the most energetic of vege table tonics, Yellow Peruvian bark. The effect in many cases of debility, lose of appetite, and gener al ptuttration, of an efficient Salt of Iron, combin ed with our valuable Nerve Tonic, is most happy.— It augments the appetite, raises the pulse, takes oil muscular flabbiness, removes the pallor of debility, and gives a florid if gore to the countenance. GENERAL DEPOT, 118' MARKET STREET • HARBITBURct, PA. For sale by all • respectable dealers throughout the country. For se le•by J. F, Kewt'z, Druggist. • April 29-Iy. Proprietor FASHIONABLE CLOTHING EMPORIUM MY stock embraces all the best styles of Plain and Fancy CLOTHS, Plain 'and Fanoy • Qiisommagialaetnoctistas s , Plain and Fancy VESTINGS, all of which will be made to order in the most fashionable and work manlike manner, or sold in Patterns to suit custo merst Alio a full stock of D. B. frtiBLIJ Also one of the best selected stocks of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS in the town—fine Shirts, Hpisery, Gloves and Ties in endless variety. Also, Military cloths and eassirneres which will be made o order at the shortest notice. opposite. Washington House, Hagerstown, Md. 0ct.21 1864. FIRST NITIONALBANK OF WAYNESBORO', PA. RESOUR6Er"" 3d, 1864. Bills and Notes Discounted $27,411,97 U S. Loans $20,000,00 U. S, Bonds and other U. 8. Securities ----$100,443,65 Specie &Legal Tender Notes $9,636,76, Remittances and cash karma 439,78 , CiMulating NOME] of this B'k 385,00 Duo by City Nat. Bunke $23.719,31 Duo by countty Banks 1,553,09 CuFient ExpbhsbA • LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in k550,000',00 Circulation 30.000,00 Profit and Loss 2,882,89 Interest 1,197,08 Surplus Fund 742,09 • Depogvits 79,227,31 Due to Banks . 102,00 Total Liabilities , 5i641152,37 I" , e above statement is correct to the best of-iny knowledge and beiief. JNO. PHILIPS, Cash. Sworn and subAdribed before me, October 3c1:04. ' Ocf 7 6t3 • J. F. KURTZ,Notary Public: STATES ONION - 110TEL I ° OPPOSITE TUE Lebanon Valley and Pennsylvania B. . pets, . HARRISBURG CITY. PA. JOHN W. TAYLOR, Oct. 7--1 Proprietor. Ariny and Navy Altana& T OSEPLI DOUG AB, Attorney. at La w J Wayneeporo% being Alitly licensed. as m A gent will moire Petisions,'Bounty ,Bciunty Land orrearages of pay and clothing, and all other allow ances due seamen and soldiers; their heirs or rePre• 'tentative& • •• ' ' May 07•:•=tft - " „. . , , 7a , HE enbacri.ker Informs,ie former . patrons and, the public genitally,.thatle' has re•commeneed 119104111.1 NU bysineso i , in the zoom formerly occupietly the ; Past-Qflice. and is, now preporod• to do liiiipeuteng dint - titutvirot la the . ;beat - style. LiEO. B. PRICE. — Gautier Id. --: • . 4. , .• • . • - 111 14 • 0 lot • Cures Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints,. Headache, General Debility,Niirmusuess,De- • piession of Spirits, Constipation, Intermitent Fever, Acidity of the • Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn. Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight in the•Stoinach, young. FIRST SUPPLY OF NEW FALL AND WINTER G OODS, AT THE SA.VIES A. PISHMR. READY-MADE CLOTHING stireRTAP FOR CAS..itt Third Quarterly' Iteport . OF THE Total Resources BARBERtnIG. t - *AI , • j-Pavi qtw wattle, inspeovtPet -rrnrasning )• =ll {~. K. ~, . . 4 Fanners will idease look at the , great advantage • Grain with -::GEFSERS'; - PATENT. MIRE Glatti N G GRAIN qi.PARAT:OI, should give attention to the above improvement, which will considerably reduce the expense of threshing grain over the common way. , • This machine has been &fore the public for a number of years, but not very widely circulated, al hough it - M - earlirrefel - with all -the best - of the diffthent patented , Grain Separators, and proved -a decid ed advantage, and now_has_the_reputation_of_beirigithe_beat Separator ever- before the-public. In order to prove this in new neighborhoods where it is not known, I am willing to forward a machine for a Pat to any person desiring a trial, and have its merits tested; and I wish to have it iniderstocid that I put the machine upon its own merits, and want farmers tojildge for thenatielveti. If it does not fully ineet•theit'' wants and th i gy do not wish to purchase, I am perfectly willing to oear all expenses of shipping. The mach* is particularly adapted to farmers for their own- use, and-will apply to:lever or,railway power, will thresh-and clean, in good 'grain,ifrom 100 to 150 bushels per day, using four to six horses and the same number hands, but under very faitorable circumstances will thresh more per day. It cleans the grain thoroughly clean by one operation, which is not generally done by other Separators. Grain cleaned on this machine, with much light filthy matter, is worth one or two cents more per bush el than if cleaned in the common way. There is also a great saving of grain, in 'straw and chaff over the common way of thrashing and cleaning, and also over other Separators and Cleaners. The machine is conveniently arranged tor hauling and threshing, being permanently:fixed on two whee Ts. One man can easily move or shift it about, so that it to not halt the trouble barn floor as the common thresher and shaker. It is also easily put in operation, being simple, easily managed, relia ble, durable, compact, and cleanly to work by while in operation, not making near the dust as the cOsit mon machine.or otler separators. - - rar.ners can rest assured that this machine is no humbug, and judging from the high recommendation •-froriacrinerc-that:areolaing themTll . ltirit come to the - conclusion that it is,the very machine thitt farmers want and will have as soon as they have an opportunity to appreciate and attest its merits, which 1 hope they will give tne ah opportunity, as I am willing to he responsible, as already stated, Price of Machine at Shop, (all complete, ready to attach to .belt Lever or Railway POwer,) $1,75 cash, $lBO in three months,•with interest from date. • As materiel for manufacturing advances, there may he a corresponding advance in the price of ma chines. The ma chine is fully represented in the above cut. I warrant the machine to do as above represented. Orders solicited and promptly attended to. The machine is manufactured in Pennsylvania and Maryland, at different shops. For further information and description of machine , address ; • DANIEL GEISER, Proprietor, - - Waynesboro', Franklin County, ernnc4. GEISER'S PATENT SELF-REGULATING GRAIN SEPARATOR', , CLEANER AND DMZ , GER, AND THE LATEST IMPROVED THRESHER AND TRIPPLE-GEARED HORSE POWERS, DRIVING EITHER BY GEAR OR BELT, ALL FURNISHED COMPLETE, READY TO PUT ON WAGONS. • . I, the undersigned, desire to call the attention of Farmers and Thresherifien of Franklin and adjoin• .ing counties to this machine. It has been before the public for a number of years, during which time it has [given general satisfaction, and the patentee tas made some very important improvements which ren der it still more complete, both for clean separating and cleaning, and also for the ease of• draught and fast threshing. I take pleasure in recommending it to the public knowing that it will give the best satis faction. lam manufacturing two sizes, viz : The largest is eight-horse power and will thresh and clean from 200 to 500 bushels per day. The small size. See the above which fully represents the machine, also full descriptton,price, &c.,of machine. Persons wishing machines should send in their orders in reasonable tints to insure their being Va avtacaaaizta ataalulia AND MANUFACTURERS OF SYRUP ! I am manufacturing different sizes of Sugarcane Mills (to be driven either by water, steam or horse: power) and Evaporators and fixtures for making Syrup; also Portaido and Stationary Steam Engines for driving MilJd, Threshing Machines, Sawing WOOO, &c. I am fully prepared to make the above to order and on short notice; also GRIST AND SAW. MILL GEARING,' SHAFTING AND PULLEYS, IRON BRIDGES, CAST IRON WATER-WHEELS. IRON KETTLES, &c, - • Stovusand Plow castings,also castiron and wrought iron pipe for steam ()miter, and Brass castings of every description; in a tord, I am prepared to do everything- usually done in a foundry and-machine shop; Having supplied myself with the latest improved machinery. such as Lathes, Boring, Planing and Drilling Machines, persons can rely on having their work done in the most satisfactory manner. 1 am also prepared to manufacture •to order machinery for Wood, such as Tonging and Graving Ma chines for flooring, Surface, Tenout and -Mo.dding machines, &c. I also offer to the public a new and valuable improvement in my steam engines, made within the last year, viz: for the economizing of fuel, and the regulation of speed, which renders my new engines far superior to the old engines. All my machines are sold under warrantee. My hands are all experi enced workmen in .this line of business, and I use 01l good material, so that I am perfectly safe in war ranting all my work. lam also prepared to do repairing in workman like manner, on the shortest notice. Orders soliCited and promptly attended to. AU orders sent in for repairingimust as accompanied with the cash. For particulars and .circulars descriptive of machine, address GEORGE FitiOg Reiter of orders, Waynesboro,' Franklin co. Pa. PROVIESION STORE! 80,443,65 THE sulocribers announce to the citizens; of Waynesboro' that they havo opened a Flour Feed and Provision store in the room next door to Dr. 13rotherton's office, where they will at till timed have for safe 10,461,54 FLOUR, CORN NEAL 110111AY MILLSTUFFS OF ALL KINDS, SCREEN• INGS, COLN, SHELLED AND IN THE EAR, OATS, POTATOES, APPLES, VINEGAR; 25,272,37 $161,152,37 Aiso, Rye, Wheat, and Barley by the bitched or in smaller quantities, and other articles usually 'kept to such establishments. All Flour and Mill Stuff will be sold ok MILL PRIM Fun I.IIE CAM. • The highest market prices will be paid for Wheat, Rye end Corn to be delivered at the Mill of the sub scribers. • 'JOHN WALTER Sept. 3—tf.l .105; ELDEN FOR BATE, MICE, BOACRIS J ANTS, BED BOGS, MOTE IN FOBS, WOOLUNS;Jr.C., iNSBOTS ON PLANTS, FOWLS, AN MALE, , - • Put up, in 25e 50c. and $l.OO Boies,.Bettles, and Flasks. $3 and $5 Abed for HOTNIS, PUBLIC [NSW TETION; eto. . !'ffnly remedies knowit." . ' • "Free from Poisatta." 1 6 130 t dangerous to the Human Family;' r ilate crane out of their boles, to sold Wholesale. in all large ,citirik glirgold, by ell Drailgists and Retailerereverywhere. rirlilltriwatia!!!,ef all woithleiti' imikat See'fbit; ConAn t e'!! name is On eith Ildx,Bot- Cll s tle;and,Fleak.isifOre you hay. • .CP'Addraa HENRY R, COSTAR. DEPOT 482, BILOADViAY,, NII Y. graold by all Retail Druggist a in .I•Valniaboro' Pa. .CLEANER AND BAGGER. Sep. 23—tf.] Wa y n e sbo ro' AND MACHINE Or DANIEL GEISER, Proprietor of Territory and so tiep. 30—tf. FLOUR, FEED, Foundry SHOP. HE wan Ow 1776, THE name "Continental" sounds more dear to the American heart, than any of the Royri blood even should it be a prince. So all you that want a good Cooking Stove that burns either coal or Wood, call at and ask for the Continental, which is one of the best stoves in market , and by far the cheapest. It takes a long sticklof wood and is provided with fire brick to burn coal. It is one of the best baking anti cooking Stoves that has ever been offered for sale. It is a' fine Cooking Stove and is easily kept clean I always have a large assortment on ;hand. and will give better bargains than any other house in the country. So to prove that my name' is not Den. Bragg call and see for yonrself. • Also on , ha nil Heating Stoves, such tut PITS MI COAL STIR for shop or parlor. all of whialf:l will sell very low. You will also find a Jorge assortment of ' . with Copper, Brass and B heet•lnnt Ware, whit% is all 'of my own make, and which•haa been proven can not lbe found better in any place- Now remember I am bound to sell cheap, so all that want anything in my line, give me a call. My .shop is millet the old placo on Main lOtteet, next door to. Miller's Stem House Spouting! done at all times and of the best double tin. Feeling very thankful for the many paid favors I have received from the public, I would invite all to give me a call, for then you can sea for yourselve where to get bargains. Old.metalraken at Foundry Prices in exchange for new Stoves. W.A. TRITLE, • , Mar.2B ' - ' ' Waynesboro'. I SKY=LIGHT _P- 0 I ,O,G.R A,'P RS. , THE. subscriber w hid infonn.the public that he has eompleted e necessary arrangements for tak ng Skylight I! tograps, - and isprepaie4 to fur nish Pictores much ner thertificnetelten Willi Side. Light. , Persons w ling:pictures Me 4igneated to call and examine speopens. '- •• - '''''' ' ' • May : l—Jo ,- j , .., -, W.,D. LECHLER . ~ _,,. . _,,,...- • , • • il l iill s / 1 0 1 P0 1 .00 •1. • ' fir 7 ' T.: I".` , ' ' : i ~.. 1; ~ , -quEs a t ,- -Itetsirimes .. , . • .. , : : i: „,...,-11., , ,t f : ...,..,,,,_.- . ';',', stomasr.'giviisir I 1 4 .11 A T : CONetatt - tVilitY ONE- , l i e:- kri, • I .>•A••.: . . :.: .•,. :.,.. itstvElli' -:\.!•,* : --,, •..,,,• .... ... ~ -: , • . t'z' ,-',•.', Vitt .;.,,,...„ ~, 4- 14!.-14*;,!:-,•.-, MEM Are you bald 'I • Does your hair fall off 1 yoUr hair becomelbar Does it feethsraii, - and dry; and feverish,? , r Is it timaing•graY. before its' thiii;? 4 :Are you troubled with dchirig, burning sensation of the scalp L Are you troubled with: Sandrilff - •'• Are you troubled with what is called Scrofula or Salt Rheum 1 , .„ .• • Have you had the Erysitiehis%tilidloitiriitii Have you 114,01irAiittideni;IlttOosiii - I have you hid the tiiihold Fedee had loss ~. Have you bad the Brain Fiiver; and ibitritl, Have you lost your hair by any sickness I Do you wish luxuriant. hair _ Do you %hat soft and lbstiotig hriir . Do yoti wish gray hair restored t Do you wish your.wiakers, glossy Do you want a dresa;ng ? Do you want it for your children ? _ Do you want it forelf, for father or zuothei for brother; sister; irfriend 1 Do you Want to make a pieta? • ' ' Do you want a perfume for your toilet I Do you want a harmless article ?- Do you:want a pure article ? Da you 'mint a double distilled article?' . Do you want a cleansing article ? - Do you Want thn.kest, preparation out for areas , log, Bantu's tingiarotecting, restoring, the, color,, and rendering' soff - eiiiky ataillustrous the Ettioito Hair? -If-ses-we-warr: CLARK'IS DISTILLED RBSTORMV Fon THE. SAIL TO BE UNEQUALLED AND SUPERIOR TO' ANY PREPARATION EVER COMPOIJN. ED AND OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. Satisfaction guaranteed, or.the money refunded. It costs but $1 for one bottle, or six bottles for $5, and is sold by druggists and d ealers every where. C. 0. CLARK & Proprietois. • 3 S. BARNES & CO., Agentes. Jane 17, 1864. "Cont w in Ay, V ß al oßo l!otel," ic i I' HE undersigned having recently taken the a-• ,bove named House, torinerly known as the • “t obe Inn," takes • pleasure .in announcing to his friends and the public that he is prepared to receive , and entertain Guests in a style not to be excelled by any country Hotel. The House having been thoroughly repaired and newly furnished with eve ry thing calculated to make his guests comfortable —the public may rest assured that they will at all, nines find it in a condition suited tothocoritfcirtand . . convenience of the traveller. Hi 4 Bar is always tarp plied with the choicest Liquors; and his,Table with. the beat the markets afford, and all other appliances.. suitable and neccessary for the accommodation of man or beast. With faithful and obliging :servants with his own personal attention and anpervision, he • will leave no means unspared to merit pablio pa-• . . tronage. • The proprietor assures those who may favor. hiM .with their. patronage that they shill ever meetik his house a cordial reception s and that everything essential to the convenience and happiness of his guests shall be attende".d,to. June 21.1860. L IN. W. IL IRMA • ;7- la tiVirikli‘. NNOUNCEO,,iO,* friendsland; ihti pttblia ligenerolly t iat he is now in possession of all the late and most improved instruments, andie well prepared to perform all DENTAL operations. He will be happy to wait upon throw who ma'y require ' the services of an experienced Dentist. All opera tions upon the mouth and teeth performed in a eel entific manner. Teeth inserted according to Intuit improvements in the art and at moderate rates. Office in his residence on the South Corner oftlie Diamond. Ap. 11,'62., THE OLD MILLER AGAIN. A S the Rebellion is now on its last legs, and linear ly over, we thought right to announce' to the public that we will grind Grime of 20 bushels or upwards either for pay or toll separately, and that we have on hand all kinds of FEED, COEN in the ear or shelled, or in MEAL sifted or not. Also Oats by the bushel or in any way that it may be' wanted; also, Middlings. Shipstuff and Bran,. Corn in cob chopped at snort notice. Praster by the ton . er bushel on band. Still in the market for Wheat. We can always do up good work like it. was done at Island No.. 10 and Pittsburg Landing. „ FIRST USN DM , MBE IN WAYNEBORO,' PA. M. :STONER, Druggist, fTIHNKFUI; to his-friends and customers for the. I very libotal erriouraOrnent received in his "old business" and he hopes that the introduction of the cash system will add to their, interest and bit ad vantage in continuing their favors. Her believes a' distinction ought to be made between cash and credit and he intends to exhibit it in the piices of his articles offered for sale. Call and see, and if not so, purchase where ever you can get the cheap.. est, the best article a t the loweSt price.,Hisassort -mentis-more-generitl-than-is-usually-folntlin-coun-7-- try Drug r.itores. He has quite a variety of Books, dre., which he will dispose of cheap, for cash, intend ing to close it, considering it no part of his bigness. and bas adopted this motto, "live sad let live;sup• port and supporting. M.M. STONER« Aug. 191864, FAHRNEY'S BLOOD PirarrtEß. Is sole by F. - Forirraziktr, •Lewis ßaleaberg, ,Quincy; Mr. Mow ebew, 'Mauna! ; S._' Nizon, Chambers's:P.4;J. Cook, Mt::Hope ;, Lewis Eillotti-TOrnstown.Orr. Snively, shady Grove ; J., H. &Metter,' Greendasa he;, Shim, Alto Psis: ' Sep 13--tf. sarBPRING STYLE OF HATS FOR 1 . 44. 7 .- Now ready it , . ' lIPDEGEAFFS'IIarre&ry; Gppoliti V sehltrpesn Ede, Nogenstowa MI CO Or JOHN Wid.TER , JOSEPH ELDEN.