VILLAGE RECORD; NAiraa,.. - srN11110133C001.0v.; • IT' Friday ) Jult 221804 . • rt Forever %Vie hi V► 4th Fliedom's foil beiliaoltvont.feit. . And FrecgotO booncestrenttlfor,o'o,. MIT; imiirste hottoo of tho,fatiitioy Bounty Coop , isuottierttlon3o. . NOTICE,—A! Township *voting will be 11041%916 toWa toltncirrOW. 4 (Satur-; day)'M q*o'clpeki te•ehOoie delegates to , thie Union County Conveotion l . to be hold Cbainberaburg.on Taesdajrnext ) the. aktb, ctoitttnontAtlending tob I raid . into Maryland . has 'subsided rrultimo miiiirg tious and-hopeTto-serve-our-ren. ers more reg ularly hereofter. The unsettled state of pub. lie feefng-ns t3' the designa.of the enemy ring the early part of last Week necessitated a suspension of business generally. But the thieves have re•crossed' the river with-their plunder, end farmers having returned with their stoehTiTeeliiig of sem* prevails.— The cireulntion of exagerated rumors gm rise to much unnecessary—exciteurent_whi . has furnished a theme for Coppperhead seal. , awags to dilatn,upthi. . Thei never seem lztet ter pleased than on such occasions, and not withstanding their cowardice has thus long • . ,•,, : I the-rebei.;• are_ th first to impute a want of moral ,courage to those *be would avoid the presence and insults of their rebel brethren, in arms.— fled it no been for what certain ay paehis ere term a "big scare" the peopl of this epunty would doubtless haVe left t iourands of horses at borne, as did too ma Mary landers, to fall into the hands of th e iders. . 1 ( 44 A_s it wast_hey _got no hoiaers, and a feeling of disappointtnent prevails among certain par ties of the - copperhead pet suasion %rho have no property themselves of which they can be robbed— a class that prate . most about th e nigger anilt_the_same_tune co uld_uot awn one if they were purchasable at tls per head. Big scare or ,little scare, the - sequel proves that the people Were 'right, and this what annoys the home rebel. • A BRAVE SPIRIT FALLEN.—We learn , from a private • letter that Davin H. WOLFF, 'son of Mr. pireid Wolfe, residing on thc. Welsh RunOn-this-countyi--and-a member of Co. A, 2nd Provisional Artillery, was ,mortally wounded in Virginia on the 17th tilt:, while gallantly charging the one , mitts line. He was Orderly gergeaut, but at the time was in command of the company, his officers being wounded. He had been - twice wounded (in the anti: and •leg) and was in the•act of grasping the .rebel colors when he received a wound in the stomache and survived but a few minutes. He form erly belonged to Co. 0, 26th Reg. Fa. Yols. He was mtnost excellent young man, and was beloved by all for his bravery as well as his kind and gentle disposition. Our inform ant states that his body was kindly cared for by the company and his grave marked. DRAFT.—The draft for the eiefi- Cieney in the quota of men to be furnished by this county, came off in Chambersburg oh Tuesday. The following are the names of those drawn for this township and Quincy: "OLTINcr —Deficiency, 8. Drawn ) 16: John Walk, John Middour, Win. Fine frock, Paul Strossner, John Thompson, Nich. Nunemaker, John Gre.ennwalt, John A. Null of G., John Lowery, Samuel McCleary, Co- lumbus Stull, John 31cCush, Harman Bum baugh, Amos Martin, Adam Rock. of J. David Moon, of D: W - AsitoraTon. - --DeficienCy; 7 l-1.-DraVno2. Samuel Sheller, DaVid Fria, Geo 1% -- Mungltobert - TweedyTLewis — llincluirt - Jacob Needy, Win. Ball, Jesse Young.Lewis_ John.B. Miller, Milton Hoot, Win. Ruchlir Geo. W. Lowery, Jus. Clayton; Robert Luvis, Israel Baer, Henry_Scott, Da evid Willard, Martin Funk llirain'Sbin7l- decker, Wash. Johnston, Luther Speeltna6. WATOSBORO%—Defigioncy, 10. Drawn go. 'Samuel K. Smith. :oho G. GrumbineA'd o-m—n-rn-ey,--17-an—Slße-a-do-rTH-e-t-iry-1,:- net, Wm. H. GOrdirn, Wm. IlokO; Jacob Barket,--Na t I. -Crouse,—Fmn cis - S.-Ityder, JiuncsWeagly, Hiram Snyder, dames W. Miller, John S. .1110orn Hi: IL Benne berger, 'Augustus Fisher, E. A. Herring Chas. 111. Shmder. 'David-a/Kam Wm. IL hunter. " . • sup: ELECTION —On Tuesday a week, the 201 of Angust, the, people , of , :this State will Weaned upon to approve _or reject at the ballot boz several important amendments _proposed to the Cmstitntion, heretoforii pub • lish•Cd, 'the most. iniiiirtiMt of stieh isepe giving to ow ga lant soldiers in the ;e t e iight-ofsuffrage.. Df aff cithir'elasses'thei ,I :tiliould - be the lase" to •hti deprived of this Fight. Every friend of the, soldier should sierefore . .be at -ther polls otreleetioti,day. ItEVRESITING.— On Wendesday 'even= „ling eur, : section was favored. with: ,eopions showers af: rain;Alie•first fersomo eia weeks "and_wine!. just...v=le in time to savo,corns. giass' L ieba. 110 former Ails doubtless ban tintuagel tto some eeent . by the dienght. FIVE ,1113blDREP, TROVSANDII9E.E., the Picsidflits!,Kroclanititien, catiing f0t009,000. nlonlallowing Nty days 41 arlll6lt reerwi(thnni, after which on .60 of SoPtettiberi.'a drab gill tikoplaee tv filfi the defloloney.,/ credits .s 4iiii . allowedliiihe vii' to distriets-for all seldierelidticiklaire,been.furr. Dished in excess of calls heretofore made.--. , The draft will be for one This call says - the Lancaster Examiner cannot be avoided. The Ecbellion, i ls ipite. last an and five liundied ? ,tilloutiand n b iti men. for one year-wilt T . 010se -it -up , grand!yw in most of the.districts c if; the wo_iltia gone at immediatelyinnd thosewhciAtie;-iliiibhi. to .service Militate ' , hold' Olt. tit earliest, ~ t he !draft Onti - ii every draftiot ducod,jt avoidOO. Sonftborlii mast TbOiluotti tuts be made •np.. - :It `is much better to enlist; secure the Gornto • m6it and leeid ' I4 l . l . i gn# : drafted : 4 4 :o!. l,l'l:( ; kinaty. -This:queatititu Ain appeal,. directly to -these -iho'iiroin -- the , draft: 1 / 4 They should: move Without . delay, and eadoavr4 to secure the aid, f tl4i.reitt Of. the Ceunitinity in 'his-, in , : funds and devising proper meant,. " I DESISTING TUB REBELS.—We learn from a gentleman from Wolfsville,-. that Mr. , Geo. Blessing, a fernier, residing - near Myare• %lite, in Frederick county,. successfully de• fended his property froin rebel maraudera during the raid Into that region. It appears that be collected a number of guns, ,and with his son, yet a lad,, teek a position. -near • •s -barn, where he held at one time hei many as twenty.rebel horsemen 'at bay; convening them finally i to,rctrea!with one of th e and:.n Elegikoori:ously , wounded. Our informant states -that-Mri • tut_7.l ;., • • • i inditional Union man, and the 'okay atilvelAddr district. Such fortitude and.courage undor the circumstances will find few parallels., WORK OF THE REBELS.—The press and fittures'Ortlie Boonsboro' Odd Fellow were smashed, and the 'typo scattered in the. street by the rebels during their stay in that place. *The Odd Fellow was a' spirited ra per and thoroughly Union. No troubt - the. wore instigated to the.act by,lome traitors. A large steam distillery, near William sport, belonging to Mrs. Dahl, was fired . and and also destro , ed b • them. HUNDRED DATE,' MEN.—Lt. W. R. Kura last week let about tbo work of get. tit% up a company of Cavalry for 100 days, tid-had-anceetdect-in - rthnost - ftllinrtlx - t -- c - oni; - 1 inlay when notice was FCCei'red. that Abe men could not be mounted: The. ,project ;has consequently boon • abandoned., He informs - us - that he-met-with-considerable_opposition from certain quarters, but would.,4ave suc ceeded notwithstanding. If an crumple were made of a few *lio"seek to distourage en listments tho effect Would no doubt prove salutary. • . RNMOVAL OF &TAPE WORM.—One ofthevi3ost remarkable . cases we have ever heard of, says the Vork . Press, in medieill practice, occurred in that borough on the 26th ult. It consisted id the successful re• moval of what is known in medical science as a bqihricieeph;ilus lotus from a patient by the name of Theresa Ilerwedel. Dr. yeis ; , tel, of New Salem, vies the physician in at tendance, and after considerable careful at• tention to the case, succeeded in" removing the tape worm whole, in a whet state, and measuring ninetyfecf / The time occupied in effecting the removarwas three hours.- 7 Strange to say the patient was well enough on the following to resume her nitlinatil avocations. A iREMA.RKABLE MAN.—The Mer cersburg Journal says that they have in that place a remarkable man in the person of Mr. James Ilennett.,now in the 91st year :of his ago and wcooper by trade.. .Se has been-a-resident-of-31eriersburg-fer—the_pas years; and hale and hearty. Sinoe 12 years .o age he has.never with, but en° .es eeption, missed a 'harvest.; and that some :years ego. ' For the last 32 successive years he hai. harvested on 'lthe ',same place ; and 4 - • tar map 10 da-o. v it_D-111. KILLED.—The •li!epositorg publishes a a list of casualties in' the• 77th Re Pa. vols. Anson the killed are privatoi David Maly and James Colter, of this toinship, both of Capt. -J: Widker's Company. Snug. Me- Detie,S, son of NI., kohl' bleDbiell, of Clianl - killed in Georgia in* ass a ult 'aeon the: rebOl. :work& by Sherman on•the 28th tilt: .11e was captain of the Indlllicn dent.•Pennsylvania 'VAST DAY.—Presid . ent:Lifionlik has is -1:-titocilaituition" appointing ;the: fink Thursday in .Augnet its a day - of humila tion and piayeihik-."64-foofkqltlio Unit I-, . 1- ; Er The. To*n 4 P,oneciVek'Oheinbersbiig haiilesolted :to ; toy_ 41013 bounty to leers!t'o•fill diet? Lfeltiota• undef :the. •new:vall for: • - 4:3 • x• • • teoeps. - `• • • liiere'n. Shuman his speposetrally.,crose ktOirti,atitilkOOiliiolrlyiriii 0 eingie, 'ant; flanking Geic.ruiiikeot;n traiak4l9)ootriS .., Goers of Ilsrdee's cores. ' - - - • THE SPECIAL INCOME TAX:=lTii(r. followieg are-t,he terms-of the bill • . „ special, 'doom! tax. o f D per z ,,t , *tli n passed Cwgrelis just:before has;:imiiiiiiiined by the'k That'ini addition to the t 'ready-proposed%yilaw there afialti34,;*tisid , assessed and collooted nn the first ildy -Oetoberris3l34, , apeoial inecuni..4utrtir.on, thezains, profits , or income, for the year MP ding-theialst daycciti/ceetalier,fticiiitcpre-, ceding the time heroin named for levying, assessing and collicting - said 'duty, 7 of ' TersPeiqrebidifixin tlieAtlalfw,l'Outtaauor 'fittisebeef abiodd, at-the iateid.filor-aeol4 l 9 - p. all sums ex' iepdifig : BIZ hundred shall be' levied, assessed; ' estimated and col ieoted, eiicept as,to the - rate,,. according to olio provision ' s of existing hat tOr . ' the eel- Jection of an 'income duty- anatially, 'Where not inapplicable bimetal; wait! the q3coratitry of the , Treasury is tereby authorited.tomake such rules and: regulatiims as to- tieer.and modo,,or other matters, to enforce the collec tion of the epeeist' duty berein• Pio vidcd tor, ts. may' 'be"• iletiessaryl trovided, That in anartal gains, profits 'or incoliie, as doily kid; 'forlthe• foregoing special ineolhe'duts,'tio odediketienis • shall be made trol'illitiliilidslifilitatettrectivelffrcmr any association ' CotiNitiltiMi: or shalt:any dcdaction be,made for any sal ary pay_received. , WifirA soldier who passed through the late raid south of Riehmond,says : "The:impres sion on iny, mind' about the rebellion is that the rebels aro now ; using their last man; lima dollar and last lcuirof bread. Thetis is ob . solntely nothing in reserve., Jfbeitten they go up suddenlY , and surely, Wo could see this everywhere. The' last Call' is now being playeir_and it last it is )(Alio them. I do hope our people will hold out; no mat ter what happens , to Grant or anybody else. Alkt,ttelcrifilvr4nCO:ll jkoitt4 • to Win' the , day. All rebels . want ` to 6E1'4116 war 4*.; he refer subj ugatioo' to another, year, of "Pr The Copperheads in Berko County• aro electioneering against the constitutional amendment allowing soldiers to vote On the ground that there are negro soldiers, and it would let them vote. This of course. is ri- diculous, as the amendment only 'gives the right of such poldiers - to vote ' who, are ;voters t-rhome—and,-twis....w.elL_kitawa, the ton. stitutiou restricts Alto right of suffrage to white, citizen#. ~' 'Con tress hae deelated that none of the .ave been formally declared insurrection shall vote for President till re- admitted into the Union. The'States thus excluded from participating' in the' approach= ing—P-resirlsntial-conteitttre - as - follows Virginia, North Carolina, South ,Carolina, Georgia? -Alabama, : Te;23, Tennessee,. 1%118 7 , Arkarisils. BALTIMORt Jul tutional Contention' to day passed the follow ing by a vote of 33 yess,to. 17 nays.: ' • Ordered, That this doevontion,.reprcien ting ; the people of Maryland,: herebyrespeet fully requests the, President ,of the . States and the cowwandants of the military departn3este in which. 34ryland is _included, as an act of justice and , propriety, to ahses,3 Upon. tlie i3ympathizers with Idle' rebellion re eidetic in this State the': total IkinOunt of all loises and spoliaiions sustained by loyal citi Zeus of the United States . resident in this State, by reason of the recent rebel .raid, to compensate the loyal sufferers. Darintelligence, from Georgia states that General• Sherman's army is .in front of the Rebel fortifications at' Atlanta. • The Reb els were again flanked at Übattahoochee 'riV= errand retreated to Atlanta after burning the bridges. Our commtpications . with the • army are uninterrupted. '1 liffirThe President . has issued' a..l.lrocla mlitioti suspendingthe 'writ of Habeas Cor out, and ordering martial law to be declared in.the State of Kentucky. This step was rendered - necessarpby the stand taken in that State 14 rebel bympathe.zors .to nullify the authority of the golfed' States and aid the rebel armies. ~Senator Fessea den has accepted the position of Secretary ,of the Treasury and: kas -entered. npon the discharge of its duties• The - whole country is well satisfied with this Appointment, being well assured that Mr. Lincoln could not have selected a better man to sum ,estllr—Chase. :..TITS Niw EX.GISE LA W , ON CIGARS - - The law requires all ..persons...making cigars o_obtain-penuitrto-tuanufactureinud no one is allowed to, work at his trade with Out li cense. . • - . . 2 • . All - persons making cigars are regniied ,to keep .au • accurate 'aecouet. ,ef the number made. Shoeld,any ,pemon,make cigars with out a permit i , they r beeome, a fine of 6'5 per day wkili3,fe.,mat!agaetnyieg, or . ita 7 priseument..:: . • Tu* 31tIRD:ilt: SI4tETOW Josli-ua •. W) lo his'reaidelie,',.VieVeriekiaottn- - ty, Md.,.onlVedne'sdai weetc;*by the reliefs, for ref usir k g to deliiterhis 'borki into their hiii4s; was a genMet4O - yery, nitich citeemad and respected by - tke c:6,intnunitrit large kle served : a long. tigic as jus tiee,of the peace; irit6 ; i4P4itpaiSr..l3 . l6:o4 aiayer'of the town. KiLtii~n' ix Bel*L.E.-0o One ' . Co y = odor 4th,l e niiaylvani& cavalry ,' waS killed in Sheridan' ,qght. óri, the 24th alt. ''RO - Was - a Soti,tififon trolui.,o9'irtidei, - the - seeotid son 'Om has been killeii Withila six woke: Ills hiother,4*aeoli,wli with i,cipe of`lhe'iiutl'lc3 alter eroSsiiig. the Rapiday —• 7 * .. 1 1.4c4er:dic4i at iti'lllostoo; on tho'.s:ll short 19.--Nho State Covsti .--- .13,4Ariiigte it,",P Fast Day Proola— -1..;t,4" ..•-,.: ticin• -:. ,-,.-- WOult i 10 ,y,.0.--The followritzpis, t I :441 - i140411 .) , e.:-.‘: , , yititifitantion appointing 7 . lthaAilifyA. 1- -, S4.z' 404.4 . iy of humiliation 04,/,:.-- ., 140. .:-.,5,,,..rpt o?,fik , , , lion* - 4 1 - lid House of ReR 7 1 .. 7 1 .,. 14.e:seqatiOsti-a1 - liiilgagim'session, ado teed a 'ientiiihifetilietigrtitien, which was appterbd , ...,ou;the second-day of Julyinstant,.and_Which Wasiliii - iiide - folliiiiitig;-iftillielyt - 7"-' "."."; 1 ' J . :, 4 , t, PleyrffliklA k it of, the ' UnitedStates be requested taltpfolbt'itlligoi.haiiiillittfati rand. prayer •.by::::tho people -of, : the .United States; ~thaf t ,,„ko requests,. his consttt tional , alliiieln 4111 . 10- hood'_ 4 4b,4`)(ttitictld' cf. jimrtments 'to unite with him .as alai--m- 6: tattiftt 'Cif thalitito4.-ttt-the-Oity4f -Wash ington and the i rnemhers,otcongress h and all mogintrates,•cli piyi!,,milifaiy and :naval ?fry tors,, all soldiere,sctile t ris :and l iticiriners,'irith all . ; 'eye! ay*, law-abiding po4to,"_ hi" cistivedb at their .usual plaCes.'of worithip;tir:whdtev er Alteyi om!Yite, to Confess - an d'ropen t cf . , their manifold sins; to ,iltiidare *the'CoMpitssi*tincl. forgiveneis j of the Ahniglity,,tl,4 t - if consist ent with .Hts.,*ol,, .111p3 pci§ting rchellien Mai' be aßeedilY suppreised, and the sUprettnicy of "tluk Oronstituttitn, Ind law's Of ;,, r ll theiiited .States ina'''y. . be. established • thin'u . "glicnt - die States; to Jittnlore I-Itni ,its . the Supreme Ru .!,wo-rlti,•itOt: 'hi destroy us as tt pee: pie nor.suffer, us deStroyed, by tim boa tility„ cr connivaace, et' other nations, or by olctinate-adhesioalto_ourbvindendrisell3, which' =May-be in-eonrket±with_flis_eletritil — purposes, and to,...implore4lini to enlighten the mind of the nation to,iinpw and'ilo His w;ll'hunibly believing that, it. iti in , • a*Tdotice with Ills will that oar place should, he maintained as * a united pee antotig"tle'laroily of nations; to, implore - ftitn to grant"to our :armed defen ders and the inite,p( of the people that o:enr age, power,ot„reststeAce And- endurance tte'-, eessary i to secure thut,icsult; tO,implorellinic . in _Vie infinite . goodneas tossotton.the hcarts; enlighten,ilie minds, and quicken the con-, sciences of ; th - VsT3 may lay doon thelr ,onus . , and speedily .retdlie to 'Pfitcd: ta.t es 4. "that; they be tint nilerly.destrojedj: the effu sion of blood may,,be attd - that unity and ft.:eternity restored, - and peace bil l Wished, thfou! out all our borders. , 'Now; iherefore,, Abralua,`Piles ideat of ho United States, cordially concur ring with the Congress of the United StateS in the penitential . and pious sentiments ex presied in the aforesaid resolution, and hear tily approving of the devotional,design and purpose thereof, do hereby appoint the first Thursday or A.ugust next to be observed by the people of the United States as a day of humiliation and prayer. I do hereby further invite and request the Ileadß - of - the - executive departments_oLthis government, together with all legislators, all judges and magistrates, ani all other persons exercising authority id the hand; "whether civ il militar or naval and all • soldiers -seam, and mariners in the national service, and, all the other loyal and. law-abiding peo ple of the United States, to assemble in their preferred places of public worship on that day, ana there to render to the Almighty and Merci -ful-Rwler ofthe-U-niverse-such-lrorrnme sisal confessions, and to -offer to Him .such supplications as the Congress of the United States, lin%,ip ; their aforesaid resolution, so sole' orOly,"so,earriestbr, and So reverently re commended. . . . In - testimony - where4 - I - have - It'ereunto - sor my baud and eattsedolie seal of the Uni ted Stales to be attted; •., Done at the City•of Washington this soy , : oath. day p ot _July, in the year. of our [suAt]l 4 o;di one thpusand:eight hundred and sixty-four And . of.t.lio, Independenceof ,the Onitod tateti the eighty-tiipty:, AIIItAIiADI LINCOLN: By the Prositlept, _ 11...SEwmp), SqeFettiry of State Destruction of the Alithaina Scateely an event, except that of a deci. Es)vo victory won . in, the field by one of our great armies, could have brought more pleas ure to the loyal heart of the nation than that Which our foreign advices record—the des truction of the Rebel pirate steamer Alabama by the United States gunboat Kearsage.— The point ofregret in this brilliant affair is that the destruction of the entire pirate crew was not as complete as that of the ship, and especially. that Semmes, through a despica ble trick .on the part 'of the : commander of the British yacht Deerhound; 'was enabled to obtain the proteetion.:of the:English flag. The Alabama, under the command of Setn mes,.bris preyed upon 'our Commerce for more than two years past, and has destroyed mil lions of dollars worth of property. Sneak ing from port 'to port, availing. himself of the roasi-neutrality of foreign nations, always heretofore cowardly running away from our armed vessels, Semmes has burned some six , I 1 etschrorataing-the-r lion of a pirate without its usual reward and whilst demoniac , our coumnerce- has not in 'the leat aide% the Rebel cause:. Under what peculiar influence he abandoned this -course or destruction against vesr*ls unable to resist, and sought a conflict with the' Rearsage, it is difficult to:'conjecture. • b•lost probably he ad,g-r-ow-u-disgusted--with-the-bad-notoriety that had gathered round his name,,and, not entirely dead , to the instincts of a - gentloman, sought br a-bbid - deed fo-retriete rePuta. ann. " It aiillqiere4 and sunk' the Kear -sage, or took her as a prize of' ivar, the .suc ,cess_wouldAAdCthe_infin4LothiLcarcer_-_if_ he faileillhOro.,was - Ilan the credit that le fong,s to .a b old ' and 'daring `fief. *Enterer the.. Motive; liowever; the rem*, ha.i been reached„,`;',llienn,h .the Alabama in 'size a ,match Ih(i r . k.eareage. linurs nftetl k.OberbOurg karlepr . ;!eibeid there iiiE!,:ijosloo4.'i. great " collection the i BOhtli: era gy,o3p44ers who fondly anticipated Soon Seeing ;her - back "trltnpli'—`—tEel.Alabama riddled with .Yanke. is e shot , sunk, whilst' her gallant oppeinent; eatcely. injured by the contest, mid with not an officer or man kill ed,. returned, to, Cherbourg,, Itelcerned in tri. ,umph . by the,loyal Americans gathered there. the..A.loama's crew , nine . were, killed, awenty _one wOniied, aria' two droW'ned::— Oixt.y.eight, were captured by the Keaniao, and the•reniainder includin.. ,Sethrries, wore .rescued by an English yaeht:. a published account,e engagenaent..elter _ges the Xearsage With_ continued firing after the:Alabama struck her..flig. continue d , %Vita who 'Commanded_ the - Kcarsan.e Wits this, The Alaiqtatt,Wae,ti .pi rate ,amtdosnried I t to k 6., so treated, ,The fight was a gallant affair ' taifthe victory important,- not. oily in.olearing•tirolleas' of a pirate that had inflicted much damage:oo o it commerce, but also fur •its effect in viadlca tiog tho prestige of our , Navy abroad. 3 , it THE PRESIDENT Win, t 4 A k 0AL4F1011, , ,500,000, KEN. I - • • g tt ' • I. l itgitretiiiTOpllTlT illy 18. 1 r ituatismi r lfy ,likqktot nriPTOYO444,Y . 1804, entitled An net further to regulataand 7 rovidesWthearolliag-anCealliwtt-41.a. nutionalforces, and for other purposes, it is provided thtttahttlifesident of the United States may, at his discretion, at any time hereafter, call for any number of men as vel linteerir fur the rps t pactiye j terms of ono, two or threhjelict fOtm"ylitctr a feservice, and that in.easei.,thalitb.ta,ef,aliLpnr4 *proof, or any tomen;tblivnahip, - ,lvard - ora city, diatflO - t;' ott of".l' drub tt.: nob' ' sob:: divided • shall not be filled within tlefspaoo of 50 "after : MlA• call, then •the ,. Tretii , • dent shall immediately order n draftleri 'one Year to fill anY;Pliftith,ereof Which-may - be UnfillQd j ' • • ;„t; • AO 'udif enrollment hereto- fore ,ordered, so far pleted cisAhat • the aferpiiaichict Cdogiei.: may tibw be put 'hi. opersitiotelii reerniting and keeping VIP' the. strength of the armies - is the fteld,.fer son and such militarycipercitl'ont -en May Lie required for tlinpiirphfie'eflittptitesiing - the rebelliou'and orestarmg- the authority of the United: States Government in the- States nor; therefore, I, Abrihatn'Linciblup Pi:e:sidecit - of the United Sintisc'elciimue-this my cull forfive hundreditbc - amitid - Yolcmteers for. the military service ; provided, riavertho4 less,- that this - mill shall bti reduced bye cat credit's Whibli'innY be establishhif finder tion Bth of the afereSaid'abe,,, on account Of persons' who hnve.entered the' naval= , service during the' firesebt,rebellion,' and by credits foi'men fortiliffied-tb theinilitary service •in exeesir,of - ,calls-herilitofciie-Maiki":- - '-Viluntciern will be iiebeited inidet As 'call for-•one ' . Two or three . years., as they may elect and - bo - . - catitled - to-the-bountrpto.idedlw-tifi • law - for the period of n'orvibeffor ithich•tbey: enlist. And' I orderiltudl direct, that, immediately aftetthe fith'clay.ot SMtefnl,ibr,'lBo4,* being;-50 "daysr•from the date Cif 'this tall; a draft foe Troops to !serve i for Ono.year shall be had•in every town,.town j-shipTward of a-c-ith-precinct-or_election triet, or bounty not SD sub-divided; to•fill tho quota whieh'shall be assigned to it under this call, or any part thereof which may bel unfilled by volunteers- en, the said . sth day of September, 1864. ' In testimony whbrecif, 1 have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the Uni ted States to be affixed. Done at the city. - of Washington, this eighteenth day of JD ly, One thousand eight hundred and sixty four, and of the independence of the Uni ted—ST .fates the eiglaVoirith7 --- ABRAHA.M. LINCOLN, [I.. al BY TUE PIVESii*NT . . WSI. H. SEWARD, ADVANCE OF . GEN. SHERMAN. Atlanta within Reach of hts Giinsy - WASHINGTON, July JoaerEl- Meta IS iti receipt this morning of glorious news frOM 'defiers' Sher Man. It hafot news of a battle, but something better.,' , General Sherman ancounoes that on yes.. tardily, - having previbUsly crc - 6 - led'the Chat tahoochle river, his whole army advanoed five miles south of' the river, and crossed . ~ • Peach Tree crook. - • Th ie. advance was made without'afaresis.: Lame from Johnson's army, except, slight. ; skirmishing with his rear as he retired. This movement necessarily forced Johnson I'oo4 defence,s of. Atlante,and places the city within range of ',Sherman's . guns, the distance, according:to:the Maibefore us, be ing about two and a half . - or throe miles,— The importance of this movement may be better understaod after reading the' extracts from. the Richmond. Whig, of the 14th lust ; and the Atlanta Confederacy of the 10th inst., in which . it is conceded that the cross ing of the Chattahoochio river by Sherman is the last important point , for him to, gain ; that to do this is to , as . s the Ailbl i cen; : " that it is his greatest peril,, and , think overcome, the city of Atlanta must fall.. , . This is the rebel view of the situation in Georgia.' .With the official naves of, Sher man's splendid advance yesterday to, the 'de fences of the city, we certainly have occasion to rejoice with exceeding great joy. NEW Yortx, July 19.—A special despatch from Nashvillo says the report about. Atlan ta being occupied by our troops is without foundation. All kinds of rumors are afloat regarding the evacuation of Atlanta.: Re ports say that during the. delay of General Sherman at the river the .enemy had been enabled to get away his valuables, but in op. :ositien-te-this, it is well known than they had been sent weeks ago to Augusta. The 1- evacuation of Atlanta -reallr began-several • wee -s ago.- General- Sherman yesterday moved out of his works on the South side of the Chatta hoochie to attack Johnson's forces if found in front of them, or to occupy the event nt a r& Notbiu: later:than' the information that he had moved - had seen re ceives:l here; 'but we , hope - to-morrow - to an nounce the otenpation of Atlanta be lieved-here-that-anis ,•the halt afilie_Chats_ tahoochie Gen. Sherman .eom pie tely - destroy edlll the.rdbel communications between. At !anti' and''Richmond, .and between Atlanta and Montgomery.. ' AFP Mail •DI "BASt TEE6TESSEE:-?--CUICIneI -Taylor,. of Bast Tennessee, rieceatly., deliver ed a speech in Troy, !I'.. Y., which is,report ed in the Whig s Hesaid the people of that section wore starving for lack of men to-cul tivate the ftelds; they : hUvp, j ' been cat off from all commerce with the ontaidciwoi,te for three long- end, weary yearsi their fences wern:bro )Fen, down, their ,cattle ,driven ortheif'ktii oultaraiimpleatents itoren•or destroyed, and even,,the, webs have. berm taken - ; tint or their Without, ClOthitig to •their'fileks, or Shoes to their. feet, and - gaunt famine stalk jag tip_ and;down. The .roads-4iiiig -goner- Gusty" give,a : to thil,dolivering . .,arifiy of Burn side what the sphela had;not . tukgn , theii are very destiticte, must die of combined grief and starvation; finless we who ars fa: vored - With plenty iris 'Willing to gifb:aziithe of our ii6hesT . to•SneOgit :Ind . isave ,thettL-- MM3sicliiisetti'llaeliceti.gentirotts,lol! solas rhiitidelPhitifiind - set has '.lllitittb;rlkill'Now 'irbik - )leed 'the' `diariplaint'of These patient hut lieti:4"iiiffeic:ra, 'anir extend the: hngd whict ,is Weir "10-000 it,the li'nogaoy. Ittqudditsi Ju "13.-o , ld the hotipittilit at rivieriefinver I r'htiindied of the rebel trOutadd. 14 lbw tuftleridarb of our surgeons; artethe eitgteris of rrpleriek and- surgeons . 4.o s rfiosptob state-A.)l4ft every than who aria " capable off', being trenioved without seri cmajnoylmasttricid off it? ainbulanoesund_ wag,olis; trey - thus iiiiiiiii6ribilifirldrflftrilet'! loss. ..* ' 7 t: r.Fra. Before - they rotired - fronttntt may 'bath:ed down all the. Government_buildings ex cept the hospitals.- - Dr. Johnson .*the Dledflial#itoFi ' rat brick, arrived at military fiea iinai enslfus intiritirtreirt sults of thetbAtle.of - thelfoptteset.•:=" . • _ • • • 2 , , - f.••••:Irs, •••••,-, - . • , • :4, , • , Total -,•••, - ,Tusk- `n7ll 'R'EBEL • ` • • Killed, near • = 300' Rounded and .inshospital • ,li'rodoripk, now, in our possession n • 430 : _ -Foust CEULDRPN Rato'runrtnn.4The Clevo iand-Hera/d-relates shocking'oeoureace, :which reminds one of the,woll known story 'of the "Old Oak Chest." On Wednesday a man named Sehriger,.. living near that city, went with his . Wife idle the field' to get a, load of hay, leaving in the house their.four . children : Mary., aged 7 leers ;iCharleS, 10 John 4; and Catherine, aged' 1 lear.Fffton. returning, the• children. eculd , not bedOund- Search was made everywherefer tfkgrn„ l , hur, ' without avail, till next morning their : carps -es-ware-discovared_ien_huge_oht_derman chest,, in the' corn horkelni , rThey. jot into it in play and shist'down• the , iia; . .which closed with a spring 'lock audfi they „mere speedily suffocated.. : , , V EN ET I AN. m Ewr . otretary o eerie on extensive asset men a z i v I SUMMER stock of Materials, HATS; OAPS, &e. Wholesale and Retail, • 7 - Opposite the "Washington liOnee,'` . Ap 15, 1864.) •" ' • Higerstown. riTCANES, UMBRELLAS, Liu] 't tin Um brellas, Pocket Books,Port l'l4onniM,"Ploioli,&c., &c., "cheaper than th cheapest, ' UPDEORAFTS' HAT FACTORY, Orot.tite the Washington tiousee-Hagerstowa...- Ap. 1 . 6; "?' .1 4 1 .- eni this' place„ the• : :l2th 0at.,.. A - THANIEL,' Kon:of , lsrabtabd , -LaTinah. Hess; aged 1 year; 2 ,moutfigrand 13 •dayo. " Deaf aon you have- reins, • And your loss we deeply feel, Put since it•was the Saviour's will He can ,al . l, our morrows heal. . , . r In Quincy tow.nship, . Coo- . . the 281 h Ina:, JACOB SOLLENBERGER, son.of Aartia Sollenberger,,aged 18 years, .3 ; months and 1 day:.. , . - . • : • ..." . . transactions,were 'reported on 'Change'. The advance in tb&N:e'w York market has strengthened the vigars 'of hold ers, butia .the absence 0' price' are necessarily nominal, viz : 'Howard Street Su per and Cat , Extra, I1®11:25; Shipping Extra d0.,11.75g12 ;, 'ltemilitig Extra do. 12; Family do. 13. : , , . GRAIL—At the Corp Kuban - go - this mornin g tho offerings tiny:Mated:l° 2,000 bashelsWheat, do:"Corn'and 500'. do. Oats. Al) descriptions were 'in better 'de n:Mad and the' market dosed firm. Sales in. chided 100 bushels very good to . priniii new Southern . white Wheat at . - 305®312 cents, 1,200 bushels, prime Southern red' at 300 bushels white - Ornil at I_7_s:_cents- 3,5.00 buslxels.yelloi dii. at,172@t74 cents, and 300 , bushels prime.Peap4lvania Orats'st 95 cents, weight. . • rrlliE.Taxables "of • Quincy Township are hereby notified that the,School Directors of,said town ship..haye levied a tax for the purpose t,ounty-olunteers-iri— LA' calls hate placed the collection of the:stime. in .the hands Of-'the Bounty Committee, who. would licreby,give noti;m,:that they. will meet.tbe tax 7 payers-in Quin• cy, an,rriil ay and Saturday, ~the sth. and..6tli days of August, 1864, for the purpose of ieoeivisig 'iaid t'ax.andsettling with those who have iiubscn - bed le the All taxes lot paiel to said conimittes wilt put intci:the hands ef- - thii collecter.and !Tiro per centsdiled. , , ; .• _ . 11 •C: .1k EETZ,. . • 1. G. SECIIIS7,.. .Corn. C. • Wit:FLEAGLE* - - -•-• " • ,ItyrAS' 'tonna tresspasing on the premises ofthe 'TV subscriber in• Washington townsbip,3Frask lin couray.:on Friday_the 24th of lone,, A • BAY MARE, &re years ottle•- The ownerielretjuested to come forecsrd,proire property, pay "charges and take bei serey,br be disposed - of at:eolith/a. to lair ` • •• D.ll. MILLER: . :NW" Q, - . 1 211C- 311 C 111 C Aligt • D'Cris, these from town esptAially.'are no el ' 131'not to treseriss apes. the'preiniseki , of the sub• rieribersliktheffeiture by • eitlietlishiriter bathing, its they are determined - to-enforce the law -hereafter against all parties who refuse to comply with. this request. -' 2 , , „.. BAER, ..,.4nue 2: 2 4t.' P A ICKARDT'S Catehi r • nb. !GA •• - • ~- .. men are !Ighting thejiattios et the Ihiioe in the - Federal Array? ' .. Killed and leflArt,the fi p14 4 - T ., 12X Woueded4riinilicial6l4ol4444l7.:.l9o PrieenerslkEar: TOtat ' ''" ' ' 730' The doctor states 16i th6 - reikihr siiffeted badly in officers and hounded: ' .1'• I ORE TESTIMONY! THIS IS TO 'CER tify that for the last my family Dr. Tobias' celebrated ,Veniltialt Lini ment, and in every instance have found it fully e qual to his , recommendationS. 1 have found.s it to give almost instantaneous relief in cases: of tooth ache, croup, bilious colic, sore throat. pain in• the chest and back, and rheumatism, and I cheerfully recommend its trial to every one afflicted 'vtrith aey 01 the above-named .diseasr+.3:: • • JAMES R. WARNER, Hertotrono, Corm., Oct. IGtb, 1861. Sold by all druggists. Office 66 Oyrtla - mit St. ileiv York. UTDEGRAFFS', Practical Hat Maker', have ready the SPRING STYLES for 1864,T hone who would SAVE MONEY' ~should buy at the FOUNTAIN ILEA H„ maim HATS and CAPS are sold from first haiilaifi at loWetit taftOs. - ' - Sign of the "RED HATS" Opposite Wlabingoo.Hous9,4 - lageystelp. Ap.• 15, 1864. , U.PDEG RAFFS', Psudical flatters, haysvef. •ine3mln 2 1 / 1 111041.334Erigfili. - Firttb the Amen' c,an of :7 7 ;‘esd . 4 last. 16. ' , I • la RIM r 61•W'X'LAL7JZ: KURTZ'S