Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, June 03, 1864, Image 1

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PAFITE ;![.!Fif!',44l,F!! , nRe ARd.sctOrlas•
What tresttertvheit . . the. lifOrkfc'Ff4l,.
sgsiti -dOst •-• .•;
":•:Arnongithe,manglett plain;'
tiuttlxvogh the horse he dim ,to see,„ ;
• --/ - 14af;tratuptztVon the nod,,;
iNhat ,iectaAti when the-spirit ,
•dieseo44 'idoct• u0a..1. ,
Th o ,c o wo r g , ,B, dy Atoy.clf.ose
• NPO4: ll 4!!!inY•ed , ,..
And satteittl;enes his iitabs eoxopose r
'tjigttruinntit.o'ex thein.tprestl;
ut ryb7vapy *lli. tits bloody fray,
I Whefielell)thriiinatitled.brsie;`
'o4'3 2 4titriji /titi tottin.ild't4tei; •' '"
itVeilitin l in his grave. • ' 1."- *
.•(-) (,•!,
Itwere:SWeet, indeed, to close oux eyes,
4:With:thole eheriihed sear s
tiotletiAtpittaid by 'their sighs,
Soar to poinecaliner ephere,
tut; , inkthtlie4V,lt;the'desirold high,
Place tivhe'F , t e than can
;Is. where he dies MAN.
0 -th`e'vv.e,ai;
If u nonee . wit ~f u tthe children; - -"
A the orange, oppressive'stillness
*here the children, come no more!
Ay. the longing Of die aleepleiti
tOr'tfie'eoft artnti of the chit Iran,
Ah! the longing for the/4mo' .
Peeping 'through. the. opening deep—.
Faces gone forevermore!
Strange it is to wake at, midnight
And hear not the children breathing,
Nothing but the'ohl clock ticking,
Ticking, ticking by the door. •
Stiange tp ;Bee the little . dresses •
Hatigingip there all die morning;
And the grilteis:—icht 'their patter,'
Vl r e witi l heiCir it never more
' io•
I.Rlll . r ifili.t. 7 ?mu . en floor.
W hat ' is !Mine iti . thant the children!
Ceith r viithbtitits 'verdure, • • ,
e Wiehotif e'hu'n9l2 n
Lire it withered coit.!
yr ; c:perethis',licary desert, ,
. And well follow Hie Geoci‘Sh'epher '••
T,e l thevecnertpasturea Nernal,
..7..:'*'hertamimnbis have "gone before"
• With the Shepherd evermore!
wir.x-0c1E,36 - 14Letam - x - .;
aohnson.. • ./' •
Al4e,isyi4 Flour avtade-oa the --laSt days"
ie tigrap er; nice tiouat; 'adv.
`at rektird. ton his ..erfierienee.-:'
" _fait piinecaly one I these .: Wo4
thrtatili . teal- iirdeatklartrall` 4beik. itire-tinte,
I *=" 41 :"' ** I t appears -
at?ti ;W:Oitartly, ites2 the;
io,llFtrib 4etiltilititi - glirlum ad. to ,
q ;cosi: ite-aestiet Ltu 'the Anxious/ nee
11-1-,ttee to ' tier:by:that dying:.tuotalist,,
't.k to'be'eavid , r: Air. :Witt,
eeentewtote ,;:=l.l say iihelaaglitge
. the` .13,iiptist=Belt'oid the -Lamb • or
tiiketh• 'the ersiii tt# ' ?thdt world.',
• entitle bait a- With tr,
noes' Ord 4e4 10itte 4pirit,,
it Viint:iikakitp:to!thit' , hergt: l intereup,,
a. ~e' ea" Ico-woo ea. tr4gtt to r. , ttere-1
tiling litt-a4 *l4? - 144 4t faisaha•' i L: Alta he
!ih e
,/ iiiheiiiirbriggedithur the•Jviterl Tighe
, Vg" eiai,qhkeild tiikittikaeiifrom. , :timia
m. ~.. . , • • .
"iattni hell 411110$14.01C.'Ll'Vettitetelet4tr.n.
' igniii fi'aii i , l eiiitiiliiitidiiTootnittterviewilii , i
iairblo` . , gie 60%iitelettfproitigt :the • trittt,l!l
Yl l eirir4ei;iiiilittfitriliit I.ltoo()Dootor4ind.
, jiapit't.' iii the Moliigiiin •Otlthisrgteatitrath:J,
'A' lit iii l jh ellit '• he '•iliety lit' I: tgrucci;:itOitlii
. I:6t lai gsfhesi :to , libt . Taliti . ehlini Veda r i ti
Ig,iiiiti, ti i)utfiiii, oii itdrbily i 41414 , Y/wit , int" .
Wadi' tlitiliii;iffied youtitsriatil6e a:: ahris.-4
-tjigi-` 223 -V tiatialgialtetOtteilliVivru4tiflut
aitty dirial 1 tat iiiesiiiidef o,:lin'al'oi.ttio'bith'
i f y etvai
irr I " fOrckand•
ri;;itiAaViifillXletor;; 1‘041,41°
li' ' -1 :!is, "f1I
diaJ' at ap ~` *44 •AiwittwJettmaii;
Air,' A' ' ' il.^.'r '• Vdoe,l6fievisiv d 360 °damp
S ri
ilierel liciltAriitaglitikilite*terema6lo
ituat a idaft itx—#.4kw :144:4; 1--: ,
11 atril , 114 is :: ri- X)
1 * 4514 - 41* - liiniciiAwAtitl93 , l4l44offaC
itionit, 41o)gt.*ktikesitsitb431*Piplwit 4#4 oh
4010.46voluxidlt 4 - ortleAftortlE49 mietri.
AkeitiAtrAtiattob itritiwtirsoirm9, s , amis.. gt
iiiiirin irmu 'cc Ittas . •- ' •
Aida retir. SkoktiolV .,
f„; kL,f
Through tie kindness 04 r 6,0 1 40
Yr.a c dden!Atrithis.i.M..A. :Pq r a, 9 P,k1 11 , 6 , 11 17. 1 4; C i f ( .
4 ;491) 0%1 1 tlatikji*: ire 40 , ,,eivit 1 44 . %
. fpie our readers .the following iriferg9inalll,,t, l
per, w,!tibh.hat
e print: - the, 1 .0141;t1:1
reitte ,10,1'.
sled, to react4ight , -,YoefgrtnFrwliqr•FY
!trrite4.:ttnAf te , o9l#l:4m o Pg 4l ).P 3 r7: l l# ll 4fT
_ACC nib 'K ll l4l' 6l 4 . 6 ,f 6 h'
.h9„ o , l P 3 risliilirrWc 7, , Pti n elC a l h6 IC/1.
auttationlvttielt he ; )mre„9nettleates o 8 devo
?tiny to the r Ocipperbead, pupal, are
czpeete4 espy' ' - ,•:.•
tvlaHENOTeer Vet49 i '7ll3BlS
, P.E.411, .M4pn,l .. t,By trletter•Weeiv'ed,
dearilittilinfid; i LS , ininifini-
Vated to hie, ihno,yftil'hitilligtince 'arm ityii:
linV,S ; resented him Aviiki‘filotwelkVai: "'hurl
Ant you fot„iitiliiinoringilite',Otith' kitrinahle
byi cal li hhiiiA'nthjetsr JailisOn.d
precinte the' entilh" yoii;tveob*
.gFeater,ectilkittit hti"ettlific4 - qifveg'
• t;TieO'ot
Sh a ll:4l4 6libilso
ie f sti6!,; tho, , t
:44 present: it r ot'ag'ilktd#ther'4ll , lll
oiPriadate , 114.',06,d_tni3ALtiour ity
ly:ordinas'iten of • r • but ,1 • trust my
,'riend; SainneiStitirtwtidt,•Esq.74' ,- tvill.Tbamst
.tb9 Abotineo to tepregent proxy.„.
. this sirlittnir °sea:sloe ) and , Is. hive to- .re..- 4
quest,thet yotirandfydrir dear , husband ;pre-'
gent thin; my :i,4linest, to littri and ,:afterward,
: 4 Shall entrust my obligations to this dean
boy to yahr, ihatettkal•
.eareingo that• Of his
dear father, pa my debility a„preseUt ()chi:on
inhes me that I will never hi'vethe Pleitstire'
to see him,,huleSs fshOld litino - Yed' i with
visit, 6y, you 'hig i and his
IterlOtilg•ei au
e, off, . par
.prAyels for hiin.
enclose ;her,ewith' . :the UsUal . gip „ or lifili
ntegake lietttkitiecl to all m
,others--it .bears the irp • pr9lB..ol i the Eair,le'bf
his Country ; displaYeil on hil'her - hiteners:-LL
and as the child grows in .yeern nnil '
Aqui I have to"depentt on yo tt tit 'eitplain to
hirn;‘ with this injunction hi's .godfather.,
tharwhefilteurrives at the yerirs of,mauhood
he v4itl always tie found tustainingthe L Eggle
ot Mal Country ft - 3m the iusult, , . ot 'lgrasp ; of
a toreign foe, 'end'the still More -ltarsgerous,
enemy, the intestine - Traitorw4lnsy ettgoge
in the 2oieked scheme of severing our glorious
Union, tenon which, depends the pergettaitioW
of our happy Government, which will eildtire
, • ,
'L.' ; :i
• 1.
. .
llonger,, , in. hi; mind that bre. Fed. -
eral, lieion must be • pr4erved. To the 'lv
triotiem of, hip' dear
,parents f,tort . this 'les
son will be early impresse d , Wit i moral
virtues, cn.,his Mind. •
I beg you to Piss the dear. boy for we, and.
piasent him,with my, blessings. My prayers
will be constantly offered up for .-him,
he may have a long and useful life; that he
may be 'a blessing to his parents. in theft de.;'
alining year's, and•gain a happy immortality.
With my sincere prayers for you and your
dear hip-band's welfare , and happiness,here
and hereafter, and that of your amiable fam
ily, I am, very respectfully' your friend,
Mrs' JACKSON, of the city of New- York.
The palm of patriotism is olainedi:for.the
farnily of William Mereer, , melding in the
vicinity of Bainbridge; Ross: county, Ohio,
wife, eigNt'sotis and one grandson in the
a.rrni • tv a rage veight is; 21:6,pounds, ,
and height; si't feet: -111 4hort , ,Mr. Mercer
,has'4B feet , tud•l,6Bo Pounds. of , hoys in the:
army. Their mother says sho •has Luso -more
that will son be ready if needed:;,,
A Rhode Island paper, the prbvidonce
PreS..;tielis ti yet better. story:: It, says .that
atnottg -ihe rectu its for the kourteerttlt Rhode,
10.aodillegittrent on.Dutettlsktod,.areifour-,
teen brothets i all the sons of the ~sauto .ftt ‘ .
.ther'and trt4thelr. A. still' mere retuarkable ,
`eireutii§tatieb,...concerabigtl these ,}boys"- is,,
!that J ' tkere.lare '.ttutong -them , two ; pairS- ; of,.
' t Wins; IThtiuverage: II eight; , : sf-the,
~ tourtee,o ,
'is' siz' feet! tiro int . hes,tanaliit(pult.,iggr.;vAct.
'oteigAty fide fiot. Their I ats Ines . a te, Rolitsk,
Aey;.-ind4hey-fire4ll-teetabemittf-Coutpan l lT
''They home frent.the tows Qt . Dcposq k js,yott
due tj i i . this .Stu tr. iwasure 46,i r ~u4u.Thqr :17/
' 'eta Aitring, , Altar iintber beittildleadyr Ant 4.:
"where; also,. - th4 have; tWoisispurs, sho,twinsi,
. one of whitiolveighS-..twaihuoikect 44..eigki
ty, two pounds, awl, theoothet about two huo
' ' relLsiiiCtivetity'i - 'i;11 - . ~.. • ; - ;.::r
41 , 11 n ," . 1 11ittle illuidi rib ibeacisilw ,tm ~
it. utlite , - ' t , •
littlelct oluPepese, it Sew flrePks , 4,49l l P4o.
die 4illiiivit4Auiportartt .14 1 1 0 );.4.1149:Cgiq 0, ,.
me m : to t.• Z 1 L ILL
reetwOrlisilta; tina;effmt..4a.t44eLl 3 43lP.Al,z9;
balttlds;44lo*.thiintitoobe iiup I tiojtp,pd,,ell7
taittatetdi, thersearitrativel QR - 01"04q141,p9, 1 14 „PAA
elaied , t3ideralab...ataks 4 mar Adikeetryt*t o o.l 3 ,:i
come to pass before, 40 ileatiVierlettvAiall
theted to the gratterielk. Gold will take the
dosirtati44.tue - glim•Ala) tn
tftetft 411i , Otgr1
w36 7 ,l4leeidellitovaelktufAgobiell,
,eld(ftland prohabhtlea'Au .l9olVillth.eft4Pb
• ' ll f91 0 .p.:
.44411X14461Xfdrkuout aimiroplA9t , 0.5
0 13uctialuddibisubitie r ibikitio,4042AWMT .
botlElO+X D
Force ,andsluok,. not4uon Impositions are
~ ffektriti•bdstliiiiotienti4kbolihinttiO4, 4 AOSFA.
f_i*krttlysA tiVi!wricgOlyvi./.1.601
i„ f laigt# / r. i r t atithio
Alifpgrie Arrel 6 : 1 1 .1 " .4
A 15.44 N#l vuulitevigut
ou :of our ,ufou iiAiiiiitragiltWitlo o 62tt
• .P•0111E,f).
Patriotic Families
trisu;;piiteifsAifi l pe
1 4Ac 4 . 4 #1i;°4Pih, 0, 1 0 . t ikrni",t: '
Tl. l6l c,oriveßPl4 , rAltrfireirltjftcYl P . r:g4#!o;a:
'bi!tha'f*eiLiflitoi:PifApffAsiPjgg;Psßer B :-f,
` 33, 04 dtlii
M 14.,„StOver,,OC‘rentisyfranitti, Sitekettiv i i'
gt e TrATP l7, Y 6 4 o. F t e' l lf•
v .
Mifor,:vAlNP,Pg Othe,rhiillgsPlP4Ogt:tile
*tioft;Pf,re4PPo.:-.§Yriodschelle, lo o , 94, l 4 : ,
lieltt4ePliNuktM,:"`.;!..EP - ,P4bVi9,! ) ,wgriffff'#*
that/444)40Y: OeoPrSW. irk , ) : 11 1 4 il:;11- 4 • •
ResPIMeASM.AItt Atkviligniafv.SßM , S%:JiFYCI•
on& tlinei,dnycitg. th'ejtextilf.w., ore' CV:
c'!ut AO, t 4 7, 1 4Tk.5!re0r VP,Pit,,go:o7
our eo,legtolY lIT . OFJP.Og;9I.? e91. 1 1T,#"; 1 4P" ,
del) led:, fo.rg P. 94,
to thnprginating;eituei ot:;tinittgneint
g in; dst tut&
jte• fereAle--9 ) .P9flePp.,"
righteue . peugAl,he it ;t i n , tue.
the:Cie,v,ecntiseAti.of.,;(hts4hi 7 ited d stwi l ..; „0,
Au!n*PA9. o4 „nActQ4t ii i!* i i 9 till\ t ectt.iti'l•
eopnegue,u,t,,amq,.otoo t r3l: ; • A‘TPPu' i nrP {
thglivA94 3 tOig
Atiii-41,431.eirR and },;
pßelOgYeftu Pulrrwç`.. l 44PN ( l9oi l Y l 9 l l l T l l,
inn htl f grit t#Afte, 0. , 4 1 ,!!!!litl*
.0* i*P90 , 4 1 ? VAeges B 9 B ‘ ilvl 2 4l' 'ILIPTtPAi AT ,
:erinveed•our. is a• tirit toe
of Proyidew ill, delivimiog i us frup. Opp,
eioes'Pf rbP 05 4 1 :,
PT 9 g! OB "jet! , 04:9 : 44100.-
GpVetement and4liq..Aslntion ipeogni r
tion 'll‘ t' .
el f .ttie,lattit,el:Gorkntid ug sp luau,
to th@••lPPislYcs v,zhielic44ve bOP.#4Ritse47,ot,
Elie ePPArPqei99,of,thf j ;
That .TeFogni,znig, the ,stiffqings ,
elid cal ! mines Of Nu! 88,,0 1 4 PiOS:
went, of„aj ust cot.
transgression 3 ,. pat upon o"stpr'p'.ind
0h0r540 1 1t9 'WO uq 1R14.6'.°60eT9.0:
oof in[ indtint
tionallgitis) pd. i l gveto
the Divine forgiveuesl t that :,,as a ,peop i le vte,
'ma;y4lsoft)Eloff,sioe; 1 4Ticiliteoesee4eA
justly, love matey, and hutniolx
lie4olvoit et kX si4 fP
•tnaking , ,Ennong, us by
. prOtesletily'4.lhrft4fon:
titor449 Prove. flra,,, theioly
',the Dityine.too4tuttoia of Auibr,icun . §l . 4v.Pix
—the principal cause of this
ton—Tsre the Delegates of 'General
nod of t he IfiVitngs ilical•Lutheran 'Church in
'the ited' Suttee, AerekV , -PE.P.,!ess = 11 9.6
quitlified .coude,tuns4on, of, optitite t
God a,nd ihither, Of nil till,ier n. 4'Alein of liir
•Inan oppression,.,wiiieb oily
lenegoin4pi the coves ot,ltllgnlLtfll3Ylll\gB.
Sio*k. VS' th. a 1461'61
A young min Who was paying special,ftt
ten tion, tung4l4niet, witit.thel?lletrq:
ih ,incident,durtug tine, f his
Being invited into tif,oparlortp, tirrtut the
lady:a appea,rauce ) enter.titined luru~elf as
best he might for sonic 'tinie, find Was.beeetn ;
ing very. weary,, w 491- about, five
.years.olci slipped . sop 4, be, conversa
tion , •
"I can always said ale, :you
are euming . to our house." •
"You eau?" he replied, ho* di>
,tell it?" ' , , .
"Why," when you *aro going ,
, , f
sitter begins to' stag "fled' to' get good; a nd She
givei me cake, and- iiie, , aud anything t . wanty
and alio, sings tWeetlys , - when • speak to'
,her site smiles so pleasadtly - J t I t wish .you
weilld stay bete all the' white; , theul. would:
,124ri - a' g056i1 i But , wheinloirlgivott els , '
; tot is notsood. gets-mad, and if I ask
lietfoi..4ny thing, she 'sliips'-ittid bangs • inti
;alAit; aticlls as ill' as •ti-copperbead."'
,"*.l'his We§ a •Poser it's' the- young
and llitlti.t.Z.-
".# , i)lbf§ and . chticlfen 'tell the catchy- -filleted
,"he;;,"he;;d Maagliisibir e ft 'le and rethried •
' •
. . •
'NI i I Itiolnis
O4.l 9 diitiihtdriJniziiiedVshoVid hod') thoiishiqlt
tridloll When' trtitigOrated 4
ikettAkcjit,`Oktf-wilhdid 4 is hottAingk•
13itiglit1ftirsok thitld'ln" &Wide,
,gdP,dpr 'effi)tbi
, " threat ;i:ivaratetiaitlittortv;
bllfitOl.4.lsdToiight tirs ofhdeVel , 4366,ltis
,the` 'the c6iirdr iotk Oftivit
to", :'l l lodetifcfitl
tu fiditaiddtit bribe to bavidetiVait iner`e.
imin4441.480C1 01 . 0 4191ikildw
or t tOligi God 4iitti I
niodr'eliinial pi ocher: -Tho4, inoitw
firidisthOtid , ,c
proclawi fr. itilVitioh 4 f6-6.loAtiwkiri d;:atfdt
ouing bAcksuuls to r thl • bospm of redeeming
:2;::-.14..0.4( ' ." 1 .• 91iT
Attit4=4olo4 l l4SuP , let Ononeysii 410
!a:Locoing, fo'firdiehaild altewboauetouy3lear,V•
it„(1.1, -
"4.4VOlt'shihtitiott alwitiptoy t tuyi . gleatvbuti
bow can I Buy and B ire* thoutoncintsr' b
intiftiglit:t4;tidoniiy.just ,Its;;lnve
folgiteadMitOkt:thowohe trit4 wit?, stoosoekw
‘-.l:lrottriusowoyiluitillear ,too
;tit Aatup t
• : beatilfifft hod; ihusbehd'jii i~3al~elJ 72
ItiAca7iiii'ittdtbialhntd:cdt:kuggutgAwmz. turn
etVit WitAkjuitidearrightlegaill (11641.4111.04 go'h
dieYddiftik said dOolethimgikitiogoaisd IkO Agik
1411VEdqu;iifliiiiid,dtitiviaii age_ to ~
BaYingi. tit tateia- ferteuo to—keep. auoh
f:31r::41 'Dag lats 6 7Lita
: 11 Mlbivp*Iat 4111Tarericsoimitt491.19*digirlA
and yagoe , Ouc can't go vibc.o44olfiin
'I lie' other "661 irtlr i Vllo e is
IS .1 .14 41 /1 - 1 , 4 V 1.44! !An.
b bAligtrtrirAttpialifitiuv:vi tro
Etoolit.iitsl it ; -
k,1 1 1#14 01 4 1.rP,P, Iv:" 7 3i
Aie 1 14 / a th II- rf n l ei34 - - NA 1 . 1114 7 .. 0111 Elir . ^;
firb ttfi r gi l etia i r toile
lap* 02 iTINty
love diviee~
- 0 -0 , •
•iJf!s: i 4 - 1140 f)* dl-te i iLi3 El gi b t
T the well I n;
a 1 5"n5a • /71 r
et A t/tE troi -&.v.r3'
l '‘ -I,ClitE 10 ild±JrnifE9flW.tr4iE C
t'f J
•112 , 1 1 /Proralkk l itir n'S.2 l *9 ll 34l:A . Rit:lik.
adtesAgd,plo,Aetonstrution Wb vL
'.l"Mr,ifirepkerithq mbiedielltberP49plfsil9t
alts: United Sta_to(9rl4.2o.)eitqli4s9 lt They
detwatul t. 9!,T? : , i tt t ir i :H.opresentattvet, that.
Ala iiistatitiieb' of' 1113 44 littreigiffihte r h } hali
Lire,* the beginning been' out( tiottiendlvel
nroatili;stlie frhitfaV.seiteemotAtestionttLettgik
:Ryland strife, the obstacle to the' &yelp!'"
• . 1
tie I I alf - Of - OUrterritar
:enemy' which h as; for trevnitty7Ye!Malft9NlbßT.
alienated bretbern of the mane blond; which, ;
, has - firtserib - e - dliedlienttob,tiotaetlted4lo..orPA
etidouraged 914 1 PPitilMt.14 RYlll!eitill# 3l 9
s i ps
:tee ,te weakened the ties of Natierair
;twee, and at last arrayed itself in, bloody:Witt'
ta ball betufereiver'
;blotted tiet id'AT lt6lit3l Stlitee;'gnil 'that up:
.on ite'rmei iliallfte,Writteht.V Ikeda. , like
,that Tifitaael `Waif:over , thei
igriteWai tnitdtt ,
)star upon the Republiel - Sldi.ery 4s itteitinie
They dematid tight.of;iftirhO.ihat i
=the thiehlY.:-. ?They aekilited inl the
:nettle Of ery'Uonttit iltidti " Svhibht :le:
Hindi:l. l ld ha;
=shield. Tbey 51errand irtta' the ottyitidetaate'
,eoni s ti'eashicati'fOr `the bderifieeS wliieh • dieyj
~ h ave made add the sufferings: witiok—they)
.havveadured.:, They"sdeniandiitiiuthe.nstu*
of Liberty an di 'of ;.1 . 1 tint ant ty Theydent a nd •
it us' the only-'pledge of dutare • utlionl and :
tranquility. They demand it for their, own,
peace and safety; andsfor; the: it poscr , itad, eelr
an d, t9lri!blVorta,,,we!!konad' 'its mikunda s ,
begitmed 'with t de 'het' Ot"
ere& hi iiod' of:141 tvh lien !which ;11 ftS'
been , sired ;6 is ...sabglti ftry wsr i cowers'
and reels beforadha, ; banears ; fif the,
,olio.. As it 'funk - rep, it . hear ringing in its ears
the decree for its. aziatinfnation ?pronounced
" , -- )peepltv,""
, ...1
A .. • mie-r--4-4,
, Tke ;WWI "PA,: L # e : 4l .
"When I see life gninK,to :efeef97-4v ) hen L
seel 1V 0 4 2
i gl 4li4 l v il lB"Ef )
tred . on t pritviz,toys,mining ponlen
andJiappinees,#.ilin4S,th,as „ the
14T 1 7PPi FllololP94ei?gejl, viii
andoessinnc,t,,por,e,elgte,t: , ,
"'Piero, sl im, On Fen
Ihnpl i setlies i th4rgifiry , °e f t i l fe,iinio
is a (I,l,Lepqe,izip . Tß pOpieus-tiAtin
ripples nyer LAP
~s9,4apet ' oi t fife, , but
Ninkii luto ,its 41004 1 t , t Air,t
bubbles up 'w4At
son:ow,s,,qsayor oat theis,p4llim . '
„b t oing,,Fin,
I are not. ',,b,spkt iißrt in coye, -
Lhire ,13 ) 4( Tk'"3 5 'r
"This 'world, , not: ni Adq
l iom,D, buts
garden: seed,. .
plant you:molt • .it'a•A,
H y ourself, and' you . can only doinay Volt n
de4d,opporpunify, j ther,e / is„no,i;oarr,sotiOn„-; 77 `
Thep u), eni4nylnir i 4be
' tained, is on 'tfie, l etipg'. 4‘lng' .
its own happiness, its " own benefit'bu'e . it
bas nod§ tornparoo--W:bet:teelfesi LP-JAY, lg
escaped foxever..t iiekno .3xerlioN,
'to atone, for the 'lost yeigardey;'t vf 7:
Ibleoution of, a ReboV A Spy, ,
Audreatlittypele n. noic49ltebo,;gizerilla:
,Cou'ivicted, bpa Coati Martial . violatio n
ithn laid. --off war, and of tile :nuniden:ottnext
"ei sins, *at bung at Ferrt— die Henty '
Aiondity nniening:.',2kblinl , the 20th , bfutp . ril.
1 1868: litiyllolo vas eaptured at--Shepherds-,1
u townpVa4 brthe.%Union'. pidketstc;, -onet4 l
I petition , kkitiv Others In wan illeatitiedlwith as
'EldtiYriotio4ltterfllat bninhandifnantitingrei, Cho',
,neniinfottbbiag4hindtaingoinibiketling yam",
ettattnillt• hintrandliielmont
ion* 'the i than fettle es isr.i ab Lifeetioni
,of - thePedittretryntahetcilhe eras . eapturell
. .the*ght. of the I.6thdol7alarch4 I.B6Bphelev:l
i ltpd late itiditimpieltifteharfShopiiercisteseni
.Feill,htihtheith4ylandizitioc f seetefech
lieVellt&titthersighrofhtieertathOehenTile. -
wilfullythei 404 hitled:Charks-Elalitlem,a.l
'resident of bee, aboVii Tat. Clo. the night
'ec i t j yAhei'lB l o epiiiii.l44:4
*apt • 1 , a oi r, 1 la;
MAltiktil l gtki,l lkyaixe r iititti%tViitihia l .;'
• tin g.ioA) , UptiiMtr ifag iett "Bilo
ARreatife ) * wig iitiAdfiettii43,!';attiv
61dcii'OiP TW
Wash, County,. Md..
- (11_ r l .O : ' f, V.)lll . 11( )
Vornkfdadantiti his demitt !of! Fridtt#4
Aatittui :.If4E4Tudowni sitaoplatric4rsaa ,
it;itto-e. littittveale faith tVliayoti doh* , :ithichoist
re beedkact/ taisase viiielpvio ter4 3
[titot fti - soldier 11* te•mas bus aibilayi
fl thatilalicittlihe ditY , beforb bent Wecoveetel
:iiirthbs6titikratiti3tOatid:iradiaoutaittedi unibp.;
Ittitedl*WAS4iteuriAtikAinesii tfihat, ad'
lottqtkillwron4 t titew 0 0' h 9 thy
OWL_ AW01:11 . 101:101sWi149111 - 3
d43adA4hhtlittadicoltfp4otaboitbattrStiltati: was
9. rah - pi l l nos' 3inabti
• • i
isliteoy hadPosilatlftgigal 44 11 404 1 ,4Y 11 11g
!9firtit)l494l/ Alta t r e. .sqhlr kiai n tlIM.l
tn on. uplen. r y 40 L ....ornenway aspiring
brave, ti weat; touciiiiallA3Thg:" - '''' tlr. " -l i s .°""
• I
1414 / 4 4Teteitp" 'Otaitekifit" . .
- oltillit ' u dt, ' ,ot tr qii - tPiTI nibilitlfluio ,, V. -,
'" i litie, latt .0 1A r ifits i .V9WiriElr-t 111 4 L v) 011 :
' l9l .44 l llN t igiMiltlifa i tiitt 9 .slfattoyittt_.;
0 ,4* - 1
li i i i 4titc!, 41i t no .z.rlciii.9B: .11400M'r: 70. it 11kizipt) . ;
,1,.:/trO eri.:tet 71.: ) tItitt ,, - , 11,,:;14'-^ ~,p'/,,,.-.)lti,
i 4 1010. 0" 'Ladle
717`. ''''' ffr.`7l77 - T'ge .7., kibilf*WW.4, . i t !
.I . oolh tilViCksiiiiit ilea rosy," ' ailllittheit •e
. 1 8 - -n,att i'liattVeM finallaiiladdinY 16iilitakilOilti
144* ilawialditi in4 k lie year of graeo, 108A' ;
Iti l lihich . kifttlfo..#l** 4 khi 1 1440,1 1 •1 6
ientab„ park 1E409n% spal, pi t i t ikriltilet - b,, 1 Pii
j*klif 'Chia clui l ii - fir4relpou'ibibie:c Ike
Aping otherit--4 1 14111. I.."Oilifin_isn44, 4 „
t 'd-has always lib' • dil ta babe* .1611 fin ie.'
Viiikablelitiitaifilit l''''' - ftlidue,tiiiienfkitAtilt4'
ilk completed 1461 : riiiisented iiiiiiiiif fit
Abe treasifX4PBs46"ftlik bettletnen6: l "l44
,motley, the VOA, ftiiiilli`jeertiheate of iiiAk"
ittell4An - in-hilfifgokibh,„ _ ~ ir l io r . rd• pi
) 4
_squil what is - 11111. ifell? sitidalrfie- &kW
tithing his °Mit*"'kir )/atoek, bifiliffetti‘
Aitoad seal of Mite ' pbtittinti: '-' ll4 / 1 : 7( •ke. l
~. "That is yours eliVelg," blandly *fired,
`fi e treasurer. r p(3.1, iltf'.!(, 1 7, "g[1,51,f7/c. , fi?, it
'‘AndliCilliffiiilNtiillt ii, to'VlZlTl:lFilffil k W .
, bOO , Wasn't Rite* - for sto*al 3! 1,1
'lt "Why eeTtailitel , thittti.44ciitt titeekl 6l Wliati
:,lid 3 . ou , e vatiirmat.titif.o.. • ttv..liilltT.' R4l
.$ - What - al - leaiii - et-t-isfild-P, '-'.. • 4',(' , ~'
'q' ' hat - ditiaitcadii.l7;',.% ---
"Wihrliegisi'aigi AlitiP,fl. l 4 ,l 3bsva,Mttek Z .
• • .. - -1, 1 ,7177q,,; ) ,4.1,,,,,,,41 •,
I' ~, talkingiii,iiiv ai Tulin°. weettap irgeti
I ftiboo-beliii* if - 'O3 • - 1111 tit t x ' 8
a great Tifuliiiyaliti'lo,46obi(Ftistsfitigfit
Aii3le, ll)inoi4.sttiiioaaelfino• to thiqiiiiiityfr
ittiti fardiftVilienti . ;*' aid: ,
1 . 111 " 1 :`• 0
- 'Now, boyilier? r its you a qudifititilotil
wasn't be lifilirdritoliiiitt ' right out kat itily
'',iMrer tte..''''‘Arti siiii , to,k, ~,„.4 . 44sitboe,
AY these ficielf leig"l4tas 'indlefitefe,, -1 6 - '
,you c ever thilik':o ondinit them • all' filfirl-4'
Your fathiiii i eWuJtliteiiiilo thailifit - '''"'ll
'Yes, sir!' shouted a hundiediti - dieek“- ''r''-i .
'Well, wheire4littslearilitbeher boAiiestyl
~,TflatilfrqutAkewr i,) ~.,- t, '•,, : t f;) •,..!1 K5,,1,,i,
I;:„ p ri ro __ pe _ ity - clie vf7..3 off - 4 -_-,.:: * k' , ~ it . ur!! t 7, ,,; I ~ 11
I .Demil'.ahaap l d, t1i,e...14,111-, . -.j.; „• , .1
, ' qfial 4 l; riglii tin t d, Ad Will eiiii i- 111 ( .114 1 e
4 US! bO3lO 61113111A4,11j.:11 I , , (
74- qtik 4 i. ' 7 116 W fell'ilie lid ydu l e'yek id id.'
in g 'the 'atik.YVniiifee'Abel tiratiktif4lCloisfigk '
Eiocly4plr4t, , thpmr,., -. v7ii.:.l,- -''.. : :ci , '',\ ',,-11;,,!
''" 'Yes, si i rOota of the m ?' , , •
4,elf:' whe'fi idif ifieY bin' tliebt'Okii
11. 0 " th j ac i, i 4 ,, .. , ..,...r.:•, .2: ,, ,i,:ri-••1•;.,,; ~..•t- ~-,1 , ,,
i,, Weite , exelainied: th wheys: , , i i:n , r!,, 1,,
~ ,
, A, 114,yghq,A011,,bfrOti drapjcar4. tliW l 4
Us, BOYS! ;r , , • r (...
1311If.iiiitiiii 7 der .il stiladk roi' ' i f irVoillo i I',
:but \ teco - vriajthilutieltileidftlifilttlliiiid boo
how, taiestapetatzelt it iiise,fi •010,-_,l ,s:Y.,I , ) -,•:'
mimiu mkt6l.l4 .
. ' '
( 4 , '" fgar iiipudenee
is the itiitiegiat dttettj 44 ,, t1tr , lib'
public place is ungentlemanly, but 110. , wren
oneself of a vicinity whieluoircumstances ran.
.der unaVoidahle i lit contemptible./ "The' taftri
who OilifP4TCA*RtilmAY , Pt! a 1 40 a aTP" a a
hotel table, 9r iikAnk omnibus, deserves to be
:do thio; titidePtlitiliintlitiiiitin their qi ia iibt
Apally disa . grelealigirtujhelother-sez, , ,And that
PiI ,I 94I IO ,I4, O iIPP.t: OO WH:
, j u r emia they pie vexation, and
annoyance Wall tidied' 'tinder the
,air iif ealinn'otiii‘Vitf4 VvhitiktlieiVittsolehetilis ,
Treoerived they. (mull& t hick differently.
havBi) l ar4; atA 10 44, PfjpsialPes
ladies delayed their meilit, toe lioitra , inhjec
en,lpft.thq ho,ppe,`, .t,40 pros.
„enee, c;reoii.e. oodoeited p ppy,'ivh6'
imagined' 'Wi t lie l'einSil'ilibeottiiisOndiogi
seltith theirigood igtaceszfltiGleasoteciitera ;
, •
utiarani torn LiOrTri:4-Sidetv the
vent of General Logao's:lsplendidi.efiarps: at
,111 4 1 00vi*Ohe ;WOW it ! til APO!u* l i !". 4 *
:Dave A.
been, in d ‘ Mx t andd emand. - boa,utifitl and .20-
~'poilii3ll4ltedl i ttr4iPliii hedie 4tityitig'iethe'
416te1l in'cabotit's 014 1111tillie;
:minute h Rif, ori twto, min it tee' sitetshe
.had vacate& her room, the gallint General
aethgnei o it.lipthtillandloW.:'i The , .
,Geectreli'on tog preyhm, ; to ;
retiring feuncliC mokt,..segwy
neatly ftildefil,,,tapder, his
u pillaw, t,narlied. in,
.delicate Characters Witethe'd4mia the
Die ittiufibiiiiiiiita''ivilswaiireir
asked by the General, holding the garrndtm ,
liatad nun triLIQ9 :
"P 9 Far Ir4 ° l lo#-Bk , , 14 !01 1 . 1 4. 1 g"
F :4 l es,' answered the ChamVeidiatc
, "Then, oarry thie toiler with my conspll-v
Imsw4ll9 3 4 , APl*l4llAtcrt,lP•viis 1190P;itk,11;P
,it, vtb empty .11Fhtgowns.
Vliattanova tea ette.
• .r4D .thr
P. i e•A ?t,C
was-n- fi t - ers - mt - hmivay; t lte tropt, a
.10 m
ing to the General, told the boy he gueseek
that man, would buy a.mopy. The boy_ ap
proitShid;llfetiliffiektilt; tirlitiatithed,hilif-okt
icsaly; tsW, trah-. Gen:Rriguktkr?;..aThftib?yigiYm:
iqg tiin9 1 ,19,4
replied; l4 iou must be a- green,4 not o
40'11dt - it ?' 1 ' ) Illist736111 1 ," aftirt
oc i ud g b o de d ,' i i i d ati t e tvl It:.
..110q(111:" V
"317611; said a grocer to Kamen ;
ige: 4 Ai tiWriVtfOid`lioieigriele .
monthlipilridiMeke ahei areeraff(de
ments of our trade. +wish to give. you a
CtiaiVe 1 s 'ilATltaitleiket,lll4
"Well s .now,:itthati.talats,ahlbit liitoficeasui.4o
`~~~~ = ~ t ~tl'~ll
'I t :O. ./ • • •
,GOl - Y- - = • 1 =VT "
14.9eitA aI.Vi4SteThRYN , r1 1 484.1 1 9. a
flpm, e y!, l e up ) tarnot • •
- aikid; 4l t - , ,
and the war : wiU entipguAtt.., 'You hooka*
itntkier, Nap> 40::,:-?4,041WelotikAit_Tuck 4:
on IVlllealed "al
Ilg..6:11 iirlw 1t,E14 r, t ir o
- ,', , lJitel , -;.,..rtt:), ) ,, trt! , ;:,t ill •.,,,i
, eyab
* )5 VAgr e•Attf'/W i l til k tittitte d
Atiqe.t tut thet.- so a v il -4; e
- .4t.dittiClittbikytittnefigdfletjtilitividdil*.di
leitiiiNg4o l / 1 41 1 4iti* tkohlktuqtfaillteffl
tttil t 4 gl4 4 l9),Vitliniolhei Vill in° 44ol o- 1 .
s*e • a Se'
.‘")-(ine_lusit of l ikeleN.iiiPferifittrelPill / it
ail having been killed oatright in; the ,aetnO v ,:,-4
stl4lc of battle, and two:thirds. of -the oilier
'h limtti. bb 0441414 iliErigt l l
e tk . hifll4l#ll 3
iiirever - itra e, tpiktemplate e
ihminveahnittliobemn . mitlititto,loo
iirrowoeillimuut usflikoioititoithmitfhld
fC i n erk c y l i s p` e otirrkliti h fet4rE?ti Iteroit t, le.nost- I tt 4 wart 0 er
. r tins; ? all ) or f ( , iltlituNMlWit t rliat n ilBigul.):PrifaVD f i
r, AI ti#r)s thwt ..°43010604,1406 biehrap
grOgiadog thilk,invii‘4N4,4fineszt -Amen allit • 0
c‘illft*lP2l4l iIfIP I TIY37IIIPkib e AO4IIOI7
or carnage, die pal liven er *sweat-
ftpry„erater.ny tionilif r firralk i llayh tt taringle,ti r)
1211 btedse d r ib*
SlitietilMegifr elfin& - I !ii
-nf ebony before the mental eye, and say ikA:11! •
Av,ar isodlieterrible iu it# im‘ll.
me f .v„snritily loader:l=m in its rettfapiorls,'.
,'lake in,!it possible et one glanee.the,"lpascl
,year'amighty array . of goreArippiug, , ,ettfins,..:
Abe endless procession of men whp : ,,gotged,,
the ytritr' i s portals in the filow : Rf l,t,e,akt4 l ,p 4,
the ry of perfeot 'physteal
palls•oy , t,over eritusoned'Old, l
' the pres Ont, leaning uponetich otherfor,suli 7 ,,
dependant upon the' tue,rtrif - tli - eif- 1
Zreatures ler their future e6' fit'rt add'
Pri) riffle*. See_these_effeets
hythe entirely and startling distinetniiss
,theirtitttlity, and the shout* of vietofjf 'and'
,the euleginum lavished upon• conquorersEJalli
liponithe listening ear like the bellow eel*?
`den otsome demoniac mockery.
TV? disloyal c h arge that ih'd'Wor i th'' 'EMI!
Pcises n tol oppress the . South la`sl'i&tt' l lciisild a
.bettehthswer than in the lellowifig:'
It is.baid we propose,to - - oppterss She
plo of tlie South. It would, be 'Well ifetialii
oppression could corer the whole surfaoe.ot
known world!. Ours .is au .eppression,
Whichquakcs free; ours a. despotienicxbick
school-housa and the,.,printiak 7 of-....
see; o . e,ur . s a tyranny which
worieg ; tn. the furrow, and 'covets ihoilslcel
add rrers with 'the 'white witi7,s ofCo*nere:q
preastori.. .
God *Ws , the world abundant? 'OP -f
,•• ` , l r , 4
A WORD TO TILE Ifor3.—Whon tin/NW
of Wellington was sick, the last , thing:' he
took was a little tea. On his sorratit'itiaand;
ilia tt to him in a saucer, sad askidg.himit
ho would have it, the ake repliedg !AIM.
if yen please.' These. were ,h laser. won* ,
,:flow e lanelt kindness and. °Arm
ed by r ,tliera. lie who cossmandod,thegroAt r
eat armies in-SuroPe l jud, ivas aions r
. tomict t4't,6 2 6:iati 'oe,fiuttioriV,
pii* or d'lictlookl Vet, Warill edit FteisiefloirctifikV l
And how•maay,boys/du. . ab~'liati > L , tuapctoY +el `:
of PtoliMoo,d,;urY,..? , f4n/1 1 ?
Brothers and sistera'anci'sometimes to .their
mothers: Thiii is . '
'and utieliriatiatind l S3itut4 al aeei'eirl+dl nl'4ll'4 l l l
and hard heart:•:ltrall.yelirthoiuestall4.l4eiß
3'991 , 100.50? , JA!of!flOc.9,Fr.R4 - 31
mates, dent forket, 'l 2.' you please Tck
, all
who wait upon or Acrcejon,
you,please, e q . ) FO4C?„ir9tll/on . nf sorwed,m4”k
•alrthe cross id . the whorel,.
7. 4 . 4 "711 — " - r, {7l - 77.1
Sn,ns scare here ,is
Iy " si iddhkihai' - i4 Luc 'be'n'itrat cl,b :r
wilti'sciaP' 'sae I .ll•Tallaiduki iitiEßtioeitastei
' ter oilmen , nit• moisture wileeps I . Off .htsecisiLi
and,proputes krapi t d grow+. ~1 ; f4,42r1Air3;
0/07:olict,e ; states that..whi4s !flare + has T
bee 'greartailliVi in Vahbitik‘
ati4i6 P gdiacia gelo.itins;'etidiiylokeit4a-INittw
notiptikiidst have , . piaaidectplantikerdwfißeiti
alit I" ice,
inflicted by insects upen,„others.
" r •
j iIe APPP L At4 4 k a §‘ r I RPC ° FottAif t
Jet's Sentence ap. the ease grime.° eers w
et: toz:11
77•7=..50me of tiie ,
l imarcleg koitii}oilienoe'rlll.ll theirmimbizthar
w4thslf.fitNl ug:410 1 :4 1 ,049PA N4ifl!r,t9 , l#
• MLI;., )0,1".4 41:fivotcw , ..ifoor
filiiittwtokuilr*hcefilakos4llo 3 lYObt
!fhb StwiLighitia4loiturxdißoirtaiii tih rt twoo,
izrop,.4,llo,9o„it,itilvecitne ;Ally giC4R.
ell* Tao' is oft - ei•ed*fo' .the seoti
Ohio has already tarnished I.ll,i''ytith,(A)l*--: r
.hundred days,'
ind - Cliff ate . rdgiinents Vier4;noli rea
drfol.,ime al i t itoi v i t tht lAun 41 t'
! , :oro;i1 Itaf .
Wer a in=lin * i t -
.NranniaritiAitilita," •
41101 ,Mnpnon - PdP*4 4l / 01 4tnit 3 4 0 , 14 4 0 3 3 `. -
' 76} 4olaiii? tct aiil4 itatigHintfatt
" idattdi
Ythr*Kk i nc4 4 #o44 l * / 0 1 4 •
Wig 44St.ii.
TAR. ••4
r •
„ . , `.