BROTHERTON'S COLUMN. JAN, 18640 111. .11 MOTHERTON. 11A1133WARE tirr.LflYa A lattte and carefully selected stock of n which ho has just received and intends selling at decidedly Z&/(:;! . ' ALSO oiN.! a4ca c544a4,40 HOLLOW WARE, Cedarware l OIL CLOIIIISS SHOE rINDIN.GS AGRICHTIMAL IMPLEMEI 11:31;iiiizit**1 ROPES, PAINTS, GLASS vatalit4lama.a 4o L. for , ,* 3•.71bi•, %U.'. • - 31L'!71 LEATHER FLY-NETS, He invites especial attention on. a very large stock of scythes, ' Scythes Showeners, Rh kes, Forks, Shovels, --Cy'raus—C'radles-, FCI7ICS and Handles, Floes, Snaths, ARE -OF THE VERY 081 QUALITY CHEAP IS PIIg CHEAPEST. TO YOUR OWN INTEREST BY EXAMINING. MF STOCK! You will find in my store a good assort• meat of all descriptions of goods ' usually ,round in liardWare starer. .I. merely licit au examinatbp ofwy goods .and prices before purchasing elsewhere; REMEMBER SPILL' ScITTRES. AT' OJ.D PRICES: l'rm. cf. IitiOTFIEIttoN" . 1-S(;:i • • , , TN MST BEAN jpg I;ms, ogy pm, -44 f t .0. F. 1(.1) RTZ • kivistigs inform the good citixene of Way-. ncaborn* and vicinity, that he has just receiv ed from•the East, a largo and full ageottinent of flesh' Drugs; Medicines, Oils, Paints, ElYe !Stuffs Window Masa, Putty,'Brushee,g&c. ; &c., which he ia - prepared to sell - aa oheap„sorthey - can °e - had - at any other hobse in the town; send which, in regard to quality, cannot be excelled. lie has also on bind a largelsaarttnent TOILET ARTICLES comprised in part of The following articles, viz -Toilet Waters, all kinds, Eau dc Cologne,, endless in variet,, Extracts for the handkerchief,y 'Fine English Pomades, BandOlines Bear's" Fine and Fancy Soaps, Tooth Brushes, Nail " Hair " - For Culinbty purposes he has Corn Starch, Pearl ,Barley, Pearl Sago, Flavoring Extracts, viz: Lemon, Vanilla, Stralvberry, Raspberry, Pine Ap ple, Orange. Banana, Celery, Pear, Peach, Nut meg. &c. Fresh Spiced, Black Pepper and -all oth. er articles in that line—lie-has , also—something to please the CIIILDREN. A fine stock of Toys of all kinds, a large supply of China ware. letterk.t He has ' ' Drake's Plantation Bitters, Hoffland's German do. Sand's Sarsaparilla - , Bull's do. • Hiteshew's Cough Syrup, " Diarrhea Cordial, Frey's Vertidfuge, Vermifuges, doz. kinds Pills—Wright's, - Spa.ulding's, • Holloway's, Ayer's, • • ( Brandreth's • 'Morse's, MeClane's, liver; Mrs. Winslow's • Soothing Syrup, Dr. Parishe'sdo: — Karoserie Oil, Lamps and Chimneys always on hand. Thankful for kind favors already bestowed upon him, he solicits a continuance of the same, hoping that by trying to please he may win the confidence of_the_people.__A6 much care_tahen-in-waiting up on adults as children. Physicians' Prescriptions promptly and carefully compounded at all hours. J. F. KURT Z. I—_Se' ptentt•er 96 : , Sl] L'.grillYa 1 : 't• I UG STORE! 3fre111r3151. 1 1 -9 .IEICIVIALW W O • n InTsiti) ll i lls h e thankst a o g o t h o e r c a o r: ( tri ‘n u e ; j o i n t Y s public who want anything in his line. Inasmuch ail he has enlarged his stock so as to be enabled to answer all calls or anything and everything usually found in a Drug Store, and has a thorough ac quaintance with the business, he hopes to gain the confidence of the Community. fie will pay par ticular attention to filling physicians' Prescriptions, and more care and precaution used in waiting up on children than adults. FREIOII VIII DOMESTIC DES, Choice Wines and Liquors for mcdicinaLand sacramental purposes, Patent Medicines in endless in variety , including all that have been made up to. this date and rsome that are yet in embryo. • Also White Lead, Zinc, Paint, Whiting and Varnishes for house building or inside work , besides all sizes of Glass. Commercial Note,' Fools Cap and Let. ter s, P— Iv— on hr _ land, with a variety of Enve lopes of different sizes and colors. limbos, Comb; Pomade, Fancy Soap Bair Oil; Colognes, Essen - ces, Flavoring Extracts, and numerous articles in the Fancy line on hand and offered fbr sale, cheap. er than ever offered before. Also a large assortment of Kerosene pil Lamps, Chimneys, Shades and Weeks, and Kerosene Oil to fill thorn. A general assortment of Fruits. and Confectionares, Tobacco and Cigars. September 4, 1861. MORE GOOD NEW FIRST SUPPLY OF NEW SPRING AN D SUMMER GOODS•• • AT THE • FASHIONABLE _CLOTHING EMPORIUM .• • JAMES A. mamma. 'vi and stoc: s t a ry embraces o the THS, beststyles iin d F Fancy y P lain C._ElMEZ.34Z3l3all3DiaiorfaCl9.sls 9 .Plain arid Fancy VESTINGS, all of tv,hich - will be made to order in the most fashionable and work manlike mariner, or sold in Patterns to suit custo men. Also a full stock of READT,AHADE CLOTHING sEiY'CHEAP FOR CASH.-tea Also, one of the best.selested stocks of GENT'S . .11.1.11NISHING GOODS in the town—fine Shirts, 'Misery, Gloves and Ties to endless variety. Also, Military cloths and Cassitieres which will be made to order at the shortest notice• - J. A. FISHER, opposite Washington Rouse, Bakerstown, Md. apr 3. '63. ' BARBERING. liE subscriber informs his filmier patrons and the .üblic _enerall , that he has re-com ed the Barbering business, iri the room next door to Tinniniestablishinent, and is now prepared 394141Hair-eattong And ,Shaving in tbesbost style. Oct. 'l6 • 659. B. ?WAX.. AIYIE:8 for a tiicO . Balmoral go to .-- 0ct..23,:. • • - Pcsoateo t:f k t . ..4•10m. • B -0- ntmoTA.) 111 VASION ANTICIPATED N 0 .1". by the sons of Sottthern Chivalry, not by an armed nib to carry' ilastruction' and terror through a peaceable land, and frighten-'good people out of their hounar. But what we wisittO turn your attention to now, knot of horrid shape or size, but something that will gladden the heart and cheer the spirit exceedingly: Banish all thoughts of this cruel warin our land arid bring pence and haiipiness,.nOt to the entire country, but to your own heuseholds, which is a biessihg the meat important, of all—and now to hare thitTyoumAiiiing produted just turd god • , • - STEPS TO THE STORE JOSIAH BESORE and take a look through his elegant stock of G 04 B S!! and if you de not go off feeling much better than 'when you called; we will say that pfetty goods 'HAVE NO CHARMS. Come then and see the beautifot D'Lainer, the handsome Coburgs, Lustros, Parameutoc; ' ' Belshazzers, • Nozambiques, • Bombazines ; Alpaca; ALL WOOL BELAINES French Merinos, Thil)bet Cloths, Debaizes, Shepperds Plaid, Killarney Clothes ' Ladies Heavy Shawls, ifood§,_ • übias, Sontags, t'honave .Tackets. ildad Netts, Childrens' hoods, Victoria Ruffling ag.te 12Inen Coliars onnet is ons, Nantua do., Crochet Skirt do. •,r" .‘ - ..•-x S MC) 3 a Idtge assortment of UEh. 9 S__ EIBBDS--- 131 k. Cloths., Bloc do., . 131 k. Cassimers, ' Fancy do., . Vestings, Cassinetts, Jeans, Tweeds, Cordoroys, Velvet Corib, Gent's Neck Scarfs • cc Tics "" cc Silk Hand'kfs cc Linen do., c: Shirt Bosoms, • L. Collars. SHIRTING nA• Red do. . Ye:low do.; • Plaid do., . • White do., • Col. Flannels, Linseys, Furniture Clieeks• - a is imrs. - &c., &c. He has on hand a large stock of • GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QU'EENSWARE CCDC:I.Msac C:St a • • Do To which he invites your special attention and thanks the community fur their liberal patronage heretofore, and by strict attention to business and a disposition to please in eve ry respect, he hopes to merit a, continuance of the same. Remember country produce taken in ex change for goods at the highest market prices. Octobor 16 1863. Pianos and Mei odpons. riIHE undersigned, having become Agent for Wm, Knabe Lis Ca's. (of Baltimore), celebrated urnes-and-of-thuharti-Meedham — & — Co's - . — tuasur= passed Melodeons, is prepared to furnish individ uals with the above named instruments at city pri;, ces. All instruments warranted by the manufacta ers. Lessons on the above instruments given in town or country. (may g 3) T. 1.. BUDD. CHAINS : CHAINS lETH Chains S readers It t. races, and other Chains made by the subscri ber out of the best material, and always on hand. 1.. BGI - 111.1)KNECIft. 'opt. 18—tf iI eiterbUrgl LADLEacfer a utce iitention call at Oct. 6,13. . llEsong'6 WAYNERPROL----, • FOUNDRY MICIUNK .SHOP,.! IIiEAT TO 111 W GURU' GEISER'S PATENT SELF•IEGULAPING GRAIN SEPARATOR, CLEANER ' AND BAGGER AND THE Latest Improved Thresher antd Triple Gear ed .Morse Powers, Driving either by Gear or Belt,: all furnished Complete veadg to be put on Wagons. the undersigned, desire to call the attention of Farmers and Thrnshermen of Frankling and adjoin 'ing counties to it. This Machine has been before the public for seven years, during Which time it has given generic! satisfaction, and the patentee having made—some very important improvements which render it still more complete, both for dead :eparatins—and — clettning;arrd — alfro — for — ease — of draught and last threshing. I take pleasure in re cornmending it to the public, knowing that it will give tho best of satisfaction. lam manufacturing. three different sizes, as follows: No. 1 is 13 horse Power,will thresh and clean from 200 to'soo bushels per day. No. 2 is F to 6 horse power, will thresh and clean from 150 to 300 bushels per day No. 3 is 4 to 6 horse power, will thresh and clean horn 100 ..43