PUBLIC SALE. HE undersigned intending to retire from busi ness, Will sell at Public Outcry, at his residence, 2. miles East of Waynesboro', near Bear's Factory, P T On TIII7RSDAY the 10th March, tko following personal pioperty, viz : . 5 Horses, . one STALLION known as the Ntaa'! ` , Oster Horse," one Irongray Horse, one Dun Hors. and one Dun Mare, heavy with foal, all of which are heavy horses and good leaders, one light Gray Horse; 2 MILCH. COWS,. 2 young Heifera;"s 'head young Sheep, 1 email fat Hog, a lot Shoats, a lot Bees, 1 large Newfound land Dog; " FOUR-HORSE- WAGON, four-inch tread, 1 norrow.tread Plantation Wagon, • new, 1 two-horse Wagon , 1 Spring Wagon, 1 Cart, .2 new Wood Beds, 1 two-horse Bed, l•pair two horse Hay Carriers, 1 RoCkaway Buggy, 1 Trotting Buggy, 1 Sleigh, 2 log Sleds, .1 Jackscrew, 1 two and three-horse Plow, 1 Harrow, 1 single and 2 double shovel Plowi, 1 Cloverseed Ruder, 1 Clo verseed Windmill, shovels, foil's and hoes; 1 set C • - GKS _. half ton Plaster, a lot Compdst for corn; . set of Scales to weigh 700 lbs. 1 patent mill peck, 1 shav ing horse, 1 ood set dung boards. 1 shot gan; a lot old mill gearin , a lot horse shoes and iron, irons for a pair of wood adders, 2 digging irons,'l crowbar, 1 millbar, 2 mill and 2 cross-cut saws, a lot circular saws, 1 mandril 2 wood saws, a lot axes, 1 maul ing axe, 2 socks wedges, 1 stone sledge; 100 perches good building sto , 2 log chains, 2 cant. hooks, one lifth-chnin, butt t ces, breast chains, cow chains, °. single and double spreaders, single, double and thribble trees, 1 Jinn bell, 2 sets Breechbands, 2 sets front Gears, 1 set single Harness, 1 lour-horse line._2_plow_lings, 5 hoUsens, 6 collars, blind bridles riding bridles, a lot-plow gears, 4 - riling saddles - 1 -1 aide saddle, 1 pair saddle bags, 1 good wheelbarrow, 2 grain cradles, 3 mowing scythes, - a lot grain bags, 1400 BUSHELS OF ICE, Which can be left in the house during the season; also Household Furniture, viz: it COOK STOVE, 1 PARLOR AND 1 TEN-PLATE ! VB, lot stove pipe, Bedsteads and Bedding, d ; Bureaus and several Tables and Stands, 2 twenty foyr-hour Clocks, 1 crib and bedding. 2 sets Chairs, 2 settees, a lot Carpetting, several Looking Glass= es, 1 Instrument called bpinit, 1 Bookcase, Apple butter by the crock, Bacon by the pound; Potatoes, Prince Albert, Mercer, and a large lot Sweet Pota toes for seetLa vartpty of Seed Corn and other seeds 1 sausage machine and stutter, a lot cider barrels, a lot kegs, meat and other benches, a lot Vinegar,ineat vessel., a lot Peach, Apple trees and Grape Vines a large amount of • MLA 111-7 . consisting of Rails . antl Posts, Shingles, fencing lath plastering lath, shingling laths, and 1 inch Boards , 3 ar.d 4-nteh Plank, a lot Gates and Gate stuff, a lot zieantling andslabs, and a variety of other tuna iiel; iOl. of Clov , er Bay and a large lot of Carpen- GRAIN IN THE GROUND , and_uLariy ulticlea too ItailOtts to enumerate. 6.110 to Calmat:Aloe at 9 o'clOck ott said ,when a med .:: c' Ilion+ Wili to glven _ I) `BLit SALE. -u: ribw Its it amu. , ot iii g ) wn; ,e 1: T .Ftrztar,y loiliming peno.nial property, , iz : 1 tit,t-rut IF A. 31 aLY HO It ONE GOOD AIII,CH CUW; 1 Buggy, nearly new, 1 'pang Wagon, 1 Sleigh and large string of bells; - sets single Harness, one with silver moun ting and nearly new; '2 harne.•a bridles, 2 riding and 1 blind bridle, 1 riding saddle, - 1 new side saddle, 2 halters and chalks, t dy-mt, lot cow . chains, 1 pair berg plow tiaces, 1 patent teed cutter, double and single Shovel Plows, 1 Wheelbarrow, 1 shovel and mattock, Fl HST-RATE; HAY & CORNPODDER by the load, , lung ladder, 20 feet, iron shaking forks and rakes, 2 grain cradle, 2 mowing scythes; 2 cor- ner Cupboards, one new; 1 large Kitchell Cupboird, I — Sink 2 — Bureaus7l — DeskT2 -- chesrsTl — large Look ing Glass, 1 twenty-four Clock,•6 Bedsteads, 2 Meta • chuils, 1 large ruching chair, 4 Tables, 1 wood chest 1 ENI AND 2 TEN-PLATE 8111118. 1 flour chest, applebutter by the crock, earthenware, queensw are and tinware, lot tubs, 2 churns, one new; Vinegar by the barrel, 1 largo meet vessel, 3 good meat benches, 1 sausage duffer, 1 doughtray, 1 stand and pickles, 1 large iron kettle, pots and pot racks, Bacon by the pound, 1 wooden and 2 tin lard cans, 2 shoe benches, a lot shoo lasts, 1 large clothes bas ket, 2 washing machines, I large watering can, a lot inch hue Boards,l spot wheel and many other ar- tic ers nu' necesstry u mention Carb'ale to con mence at 10 o'clock on said day, when .a• credit of Mx months will be given on all sums of $5 and up wards. JOHN STrrr. s—ta. G. V. !violin, Auct. PUBLIC SALE, 111 H E undersigned will sell at Public Salo, at their residence, one-half mile North of Hope well Mills, uu the Mentzer Gap Road lending to Quincy, • • 0/17 - IrichniFcirrattry-26th--186 the following valuable personal property, to wit: S 11111114Clit. COWS, S head of Young Cattle, one a fine young Bull; n "cad of olicep, 7 beau of Bogs, 1 Brood Sow ; Wagon, 1 Manny - Reaper, 2 grain Drills, 2 Wheat Fans, 1 Rolling bcreen, 1 cross-cut saw, 1 grindstone, I pa:r liay carriages, 2 burshear plows, 1 _Awing do, 1 Single and 3 double stovel tows, 1 corn coverer, 1 1 sct Breechbands, 2 sets Front Gears, :1 sets flow Gears, 4 Fly /Sets, 1 net Harness, 1 set of I3LACKSAII.TH TOOLS, 1 cutting Box, 1 Barrel . Vinegar, Meat Vessel, log chain, spreaders, single, double and trebble treeß, 1 narrow, 1 Side Saddle, L Wagon do., 1 Boring Inaclune and auger, I pair Lion Jaws; cow chains, 2 Head Halters; 1 31, ROCKAWAY'. BUGGY; }lading and bridle;' 1 1;21,TM-day corner cupboard, 1 6ceretary, 2 13ureau, Tables,k 2 was etiair-i, good as new; frocking chair; 3 STOVE'S 9 one cook, ono ten-plate and one parlor sto:e, near ly new; 40 yards carpeting, 1 bedstead and bedding 1 bland, 3 mirrors, 1 douglitray, 1 wood box, one bench, lot of burrels;. appiebuttet by the ciocic,-alho Fifty B4rreis of Corn, and many other articles not necessary to mention. :Stile to commence at 9 o'clock on said day when the teens Will be made known. Jo6lAll BURGER.. .REBECQA OLLER. G. V. ,Vutcti. curt. Feb. 5 —ts . ii. A .1 1 ., It V, - 1 --- 4"9T IN (.; Im:a ted to H agerstewn, tvo l f a l o il er 1111 s prvi'vs- ion al t;ervittett to cite ctticuuo ul the mace :214,1 roultdiug Ct/L17.4 trl'. ig tt.c expuriei4ee of filteptt etas, and avatted him eiv.lf ut Liu; late itaprovPutetits, !:e is incp.l•Vd to do work ill a neat urt4l auestantial manner, upuu the t.ite'st reasonable terms. ifai,Trp.,tutyn, .Nor T" subscriber living in Mt. Hope, Pa., will sell at Public Sale, On Saturday, February the 20th, 1864; 4 1 the following personal property, viz :-5 Head of 9 33311.493:00f 3ECCOOSI-0 0 , two of which are extra Breeding Sows, 1 Yearling Colt ; 1 Three-horse Plow, new, / - Grain Shaker, new, 1 Grain Cradle, 1 Mowing Scythe, iron forks, shovels ' spades and rakes, 1 Riding Saddle, 1 Bu reau, IStaud, 1 Cradle, 1 Sink, 1 Safe, 1 Dough trey,-2 Tables 2 setts Chairs, ',Rocking do:, 4 Bed steads; lot Carpeting, 1 twenty-four-hoar Clock, 1 Stand and Pickles, Vinegar by the barrel ; Applebut ter by the crock, lot crocks, 1: churn and horse, Queeasware, Tinware and Cedarware, 2 large meat Vessels, 1 COOKING STOVE, Pipe and Fixtures, lot new stove pipe, Iran Pots, 2 pot racks, 1 large lion Kettle, 4 flat irons Bacon,- Lard and Soap by the pound, Puddings by the pound, also a keg of Preserved Sausage, I sausage cutter, mall and wedges, I wood saw, 1 large fish— net ; Also 36 ACRES OF GRAIN in the GROUND. a dale La commence at 10 o'clock on said day, when a credit of 8 months will be given on all stuns of $6 and upwards, by JEREMIAH ZODY. Feb. s.—ts] • Jos. Barlett, Auct. PUBLIC SALE, THE subscriber intending to go west, will sell at Pulic dale, on the farm now occupied by Mrs. David Hollinger, about 2 miles southwest of Way nesboro', on FRIDAY the 4th MARCH next, the fAlowing persmal property, to wit : JE-31.111C10 - IFlLfffiffiE", _Il _Excellent Cow, which will be-fresh about the middle of March, 2 fine Hogs, 1 set Har ness, J. load Fodder; 1 unproved empire cook stove, 1 ten-plate stove, new:l bureau, 1 sale,l sink,2 bed steads, I large,cherry table, 1 kitchen table, 2 sets chairs, 3 rocking chairs, 1 21-hour clock, 30 yds of carpeting, 2 looking glasses, 1 large meat vessel, 1 lorge iron kettle, 1 churn, queensware, bacon and lard by tie pound, potatoes by the bushel, 1 stand of ! pickles; IL sleign, quilting Irames, and a great varie ty of other articles. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock on said day, when the terms will be made known. WM. U. I.UWE. Feb. —ts U. V. Idoso,Auct. H L creditors tifJohn Zeilinger, late of Wash ton Township, Franklin County, Pelmsyl vania,—an insolvent debtor—are hereby notated mat the first and I' I .18 A 1. account ot• John Philips and 1..e.1 Sanders. assignees of said. John Zellinger, under a deed...of voluntary assignment for the benefit of his creditors, ►vas confirmed Octo ber 28th 1863, by the Orphan's Court of Franklin County, Petinsy Ivania,— that their is - a balance in the hands ul said aceoun tants • for distribution and that the Court of Common-Pleas of the ihiuuty a toresaid,have appointed the undersigned "art auditor to distribute the bUid bithrnee ti) and among said Cred itors, and• make report thereof to the nest Court.-- lie will ttieietoro meet the creditors of bald josolve,lt at his ulltLe, in 11aynesnoro', on Tuesday the 15th day of March, 1864, to hear and adjust their sever ii Ai, of the. said creditors are hereby ear t,) it, their donne duly authen: t.) otr 111 3,1%11/10( of to said day of audit a- JOSEPH DOUGLAS,' 5.-- 3t] Auditor. (;. V .I.uc H R undersigned• intending to quit farming, Will sell at public sale, at his residence, about 2 miles West ut Leitcrsburg, On Wednesday the 24th day of February, 1964, all his stock and fanning utensils, consisting • in part as follows : • SIX HE AD OF VALUABLE one being a FINE FAMILY HORSE, and 4 of which are Brood Mares with foal; 5 COLTS, one 3 years, one 2 years, and three 1 year old ; 23 HEAD OF. CATTLE, among which are 3 Cowe and one young Durham BULL, the balance young thriving Steers ; 7 Head of HOGS ; Y2(3 HEAD OF FINE E E P !114 two plantation wagons, one a 4-inch tread ; 1 Wag on Bed and bows, 1 Wood Bed, 1 pair of Hay Car. riages, 1 pair Wood Ladders, 1 pair Rail Carriages, iVia,33.3x3r FLfearooar, 1 Grain Drill, (guns leader), 2 Grain Rakes, 1 Wheat Fan, 1 Cutting Box, 1 Bag Wagon. 1 Jack Sews, one, two and three-horse Ploughs, 1 Har row, I W ieelbarrow, I Log Chain, 2 pair butt and 2 Pktir breast Chains, cow Chliins, 1 fifth Chain and spreader, 3 spreaders, beating chains; single, doub le and treple trees, 1 mattock, shovels, 1 Sausage Grinder and Stutter, 2 sets breeching, 3 sets frdut Gears, 4 sets plough gears, 4 Fly Nets, 5 Housens, 5 Bridles, S Collars, Halters and Lines, 2 Cradles and 5 Mowing Scythes. Also. - About 20 good three-bushel Bags, Rakes, Forks and Dung Hooks, 2 Feed Troughs, and many other ar ticles not necessary to mention. nrSale to com mence at 9 o'clock, when a credit of 8 months will be given on all sums of *5 and upwards, by the pur chaser-giving his note with approved security—all sums under *5 the cash will be demanded. • JOHN MILLER. J. Bowan, Aucer. Jan 29—ts.) ' :sboro".l:euirraLw-111-publish-t-r-to-o-i •- . billto this office for collection.--licotrstewn Herald. rp E undersigned-Administrators-of-Josiah_De j sore late in ‘Vaynesboro', deceased, will sell at Public Sale, on the premises, On 'Saturday the 20th.clay of Fe bruary, 18154, the following property, viz iEY •O NE RAY MA.RIE, rFRE MILCH COW, 1 Top Buggy, 1 Spring Wagon, 1 S,eigli and Bells, 1 Buggy Pole, 1 Wheelbarrow,l Cider Mill, 1 Diging lion, 3 setts Harness, 3 Fly Netts, 1 Biding ,addle, 1 pair Sad dlu Bags, a lot olßsidles and Halters, lot of Hay and Fodder, 2 Stoves and pipe; 1 Iron Kettle, I Pot Rack. I• Mtge Rocking Chair, 1 Lounge, 1 Trunk, I Clock, 1, iChild's Buggy, 1 Crib 1 Cradle, 1 dot.ble barrel (Shot Lion, 1 Sharp's Rifle I Lime Sign Huard, a lot _kt—Locust Posts, 71 share Waynesboro' and Maryland stute Line Turnpike stock, 1 share Franklin li. R. '0 shares Ist "National Bank. Waynesboro' 'griller with many other articles I....:irsale reuse at 10 o'clock on said day when the ill be made known. J RESORE, JOHN W..t.;UtiN. .A clul in I.tratora. t r4-.1 `ED L ERE ti, Lettere of Adintnisiration on the EL,tut e liLdentihe Keehier, late of Washi n th.ceabed, have been granted tv riber, teAitling in Washington township ; , •TSOLS ILalebted to the cai.. Esiute, are lieleoy lste.l to itinke• immediate payment, arid those rg.idairne or demands against. the Estate of said lent, Will make known the same without WILLIAM KECKI.Pt, _War PUBLIC SALE. YOUNG CATTLE among which are one Fat Steer, and one Ball, ALTDITOK NOTICE. Estate of John Zeilinger. INAL[lb' SALL -WORK HORSES, A lot at POTATOES, PUBLIC SALE CORN BY THE BARREL , c. 12. —tit] PUBLIC ALE. MIRE subscriber intending to quit farming, will "sell at Public Sale, at his residence, on the road leading from Waynesboro' to ,Chambersburg, one mile from the former and . thirteen miles from the latter place, On Wednesday, March 2d y. 1864,, the following personal property, viz 1131-00 X) . • CORK ..11oksis, among which are, three wagon and plow leade', which cannot be excelled in the 'county, and one fine riding and driving horse; also 2 Extra Yearling Colts; • • 540 HEAD. OF HORNED - CATTLE among which are, six (Ins a co -4217 some of which Will be fresh till the day of sale, five heifers, one tl►riving young -bull,-the balance young cattle ; 45 HEAD °F HOGS, among which are 20 nae shoats and 4 Brood Sows with-pigs;-16 — HEAD OF ISHEEK - among which; are 14 Ewes with lambs 'and 1 Buck. Also— 2 PLANTATION WAGONS, one three and the other four-ibch tread, both new; 1 Wood and Grain Bed, 2 pair long Hay Ladders, new; 1 new Wheelbarrow, 2 new three-horse Plows 3 new Harrows, 4 new doable Shovel Plows, 2 sin do., I McCORMICK REAPER, I THRASH ING MACHINE, shaker and triple-geared horse powei, everything complete; 1 new-patent Fodder and Straw Cutter, 1 patent Comsheller with Wiridinill "attached, 1 new patent Grain Rake, 1 new Wh eat Fan, 1 Fallen-top Buggy, 1 Sleigh, 1 Jackscrew, good as new; 1 pair now spreaders, fifth-chain, 2 log chaips, butt traces, breast chains, 20 cow chains, a lot of single and double trees; forks, rakes; shovels ; &c. &c.; also 2 sets hind Gears, 4 sets front Gears, new; 1 set single Harness, 6 sets Plow Gears, some with cruppers, 4 Fly -Nets, 3 Housings; 6 new blind'bridles, 8 collars 1 six and 3 four-horse lines, 2 saddles, 1 wagon sad dle, 25 good Bags, 1 large sledge, 1 crowbar, 1 ma son hammer, iron for one wagon bed, lot of old iron and chains, 1 large Grindstone, grain cradles and snowing scythes, l set of Drilling Tools, 1 new Rolling Screen, 1 Grain Drill, good as new; about 400 CHRSTISUr RAILS, 41 Chestnut and 50 L °- cuss Posts, 3 sets dung boards; AMC 800 IRS. OF MERE COIL 8 btt. Plaster, is bu. Cloversee4, about 20 loads of 'Corn Fodder, and articles for farming purposes not necessary to mention. Also, Household and Itiiclien Fur , niture!, 2 1-LA RG E-COOKING STOVE'', 1 large Don -Ket tle, 1 large Churn and Buck, large Table, 1 large Flour Chest, 2 new eight-day Clocks, Wolf's make; J :ibis. Vinegar, and, a great many other articles not necessary to mention. Also 2 shares stuck in the tate Line Turnpike. Ilsr Timis :—A credit of Twelve Months will he given on- all sums-of $lO and upwards, the rioi-chati or giving his note with approved security, and - it - not raid at maturity, interest to , be paid from the dAy of sa;c; all aunts under $lO cash. No property to be removed until settled for. Sale to commence at 9 o'clock, A. M. SAMUEL MIDPOUR. Jan 15-7w] J. BMA RD, Atr et. PUBLIC SALE. frAHE subscriber intending to quit farming, will sell at Public Sale, at his residence, in Mount Hope, on 4 TU-F-S-19,-.4-Tere - 1 - stda - ar.iIrARZWI S 6 4 , the following personal property; to wit : . 1 FOUR HEAD OF • 1,44k t.1:1110RK. HORSES, three of which ore good leaders, "two of them brood nutrias heavy with foal, 2 three-year old Colts, 4 MILCH COWS, some will be fresh about the time of sale, 3 head of -4 /7 4 0,-Lizia Cayttle; 2 sots Breech bands-, 3 sets front (ears, 5 good Housings, blind bridles and riding bridles, 4 sets Fly-Nets, 1 six horse and 2 four-horse lines, a lot plow linos and gears, 1 riding Saddle; ONE B.ROADTREAD . • TIMILITIII TIM, I 111111 HON, (broadtread) with bed and bows,'l Muggy, I Spring Wagon with bed bows and cover, calculated for one or two horses, 1 sWootl Bed ) 2 pair Hay Lad ders, 2 three-horse Plows, 4 two-horse Plows, :3 double and 2 single shovel Plows,. 2 Harrows, sin gle double and treble trees, single and double spread ers, 1 log chain,' fifth chains, butt traces, breast and cow chains, halters and halter chains, 2 Windmills, shaking forks and rakes, dung fotk and hook, lot pitch lurks, 2 grain cradles, 1 wheelbarrow, 3 shov els and I mattock, I Set Blacksmith Tools and Bellows, a lot Cornfodder and - Hay, lot , old iron, and many, other articles not necessary to men tion. gale to commence at 9 o'clock on said lay, when a credit of 12 months will he given on all sums of $5 and upwards. MICHAEL PFOUTZ. Jau 22 ] G. V. Morin, Auct. FEN 01HE subscriber intending to quit farming, will I sell at Public Sale, at hiA residence, about one and a halt miles North of Waynesboro', On Tuei'clay the 23d cloy of February next, the following personal tnaperty, to wit : FIVE HEAD OF WOllli HORNES, 14 head of Shoats and 1 Brood Sow; 3 riantation Wagons, one four-inch tread; 2 Wood Bede, 2 pair Hay Ladders, 1 McCormick Reaper, 1 Thrasher and Horse Power, 1 EXTRA. CORN SHELLER, 3.three.liorse Plows, 1 two-horse Plow, 2 Harrows, one good as new; 1 single and 4 double Shovel Plows, spreaders and fifth chain, 1 pair breast chains, 4 pair butt chains, 2 log chains, 2 three•horse doubletrees, two-horse do., 4 sets fly-nets, 2 sets Itreechbands, 3 sets front Gears, 5 collars and 5 ltridles, 6 sets Plow Gears, s ix-horse line, 6 hewer's; 1 Jackscrew. 1 Grain Troxel's make; - - • a, One-horse Carriage, 1 Sleigh, 1 grain and 1 eloverseed cradle, :t. rar,w kn'g brythes, 1 new wagon saddle, 3 barrels of Vin egar; 2. Corn Coverers; 3,00 BARRELS CORN, and many other articles too numerous to mention. to commence at it) o'clock on said day, when tlte terms will be to+ known by JOHN PRICE. Jan. 20—tr.] G. V. lYlonn, Auct. NOTICE. 1 - Have left my Books in thn Nimbi of Joseph _Ellouglas, Esq. All persons indebted to mo by hate or account .Ire zequested to call at his "office and settle up. - J.1e013 Jan. PUBLIC SALE. , " THE undersigned will sell at Public Sale, at his residence, Lmile'south of Waynesboro'. on TJURSDAY; February 25th, 1864, all of his stock find farming implements, comprising in part salon:Am viz : FIVE, • HE AD,OF HMI DRAM DORM, three of which are unsurpassed leaders, two Brood, Mares, one fine riding nitilAriving horse and one colt 2 years old; MILCH COWS, three of which are fresh, 3 head of Young Cattle; 5 Hogs, 1 Brood Sow and 4 Shoats, 2 head of Sheep 1110K7 one good four-inch tread six-hOrse Road Wagon; with bed and bows, one heavy four-inch tread Plan tation Wagon with bed, one three-inch tread Plan tation Wagon, 1 pair superior, Hay Carriages;2o ft long, 1 pair Hay Ladders, 1 four-horse Sled, 2 small Sleds, 1 Sleigh, fficCORIIIICK REAPER and Mower, 1 Threshing Machine with shaker and horse Power, 1 Spring Brill, I Spring Rake, 1 Re volving Rake; 3 three-horse Plows, 3 two-horse do., tdoublo and 3 single shovel Plows, 3 Harrows, 2 'pair spreaders, 1 one-horse spreader, 2 triple trees, 4 double trees, 10 single trees, 4 jockey sticks, Jack screw, 1 Cutter ' • 1 Rough Lock, I Cutting Box, 1 Cutting Box, 1 Wheat }'an, 1 Bag Wagon, 1 grind stone, 4 sets front Gears, 4 sets Plow Gears, 6 col lars, 4 blind bridles, 4 riding bridles, 1 riding Sad dle, 1 six horse line,. 5 halter's-and chains, 8 cow chain's, 4 log chains, l'six horse chain, 2 pair butt traces 2 pair breast chains ,3 grain cradles, 1 clover. seed cradle, 6 scythes . and snaths, pitch, dung and shaking forks. grain rakes, 2 dung hooks, I barn shovel, feed buckets, feed trough, 30 grain bags; a lot shop tools, such as axes, hatchets, hannuers,saws augers, bias, instil and, wedges, &c. FIFTY-TWO ACRES WHEAT. IN THE GROUND ; 50 BARRELS OF CORN, more or less, 3 bus Uloverseed, 5 tons Timothy Hay. Household Fur niture, viz: 1 Hathaway Cook Stove, 1 new Ten plate Stove, 1 Comer Cupboard, 1 Kitchen Cup board, 1 Extension Table, t Breakfitat Table, 1 Kitchen Table. 0 Chairs,' Rocking Chair; 20 crocks of spplehutter, 10 jugs preserved tomatoes; 50011.5. Bacon, snore or less; barrel Vinegar, 2 sausage machines, 1 dinner bell, jugs, benches, meat vessels barrels, tubs, and many other articles unenumeratcd. Sale to commence at 9 o'clock on said lay , when the terms will be made known. Jan 22—t s ] JOHN 0. MILEY. Gronos V. Mom, A uct. PUBLIC SALE, Tl - 11E subscriber intending to go west, will sell at Public Sale, on -Al OND AY the 201h-ciay_of_FEßßlTA RAI next, on the rood leading from Quincy to Monterey Springs, half a inile from Blue H,ck, the following personal property , viz : SEVEN HEAD OF WORK HORSES, I FAMILY HORSE, - ,).P"\ 7 E )OF t...-MILCH COWS 13 HEAD OF YOUNG CATTLE, 20 HEAD OF HOGS, • two of which are Brood Sows; 1 four-horse Wagon, 1 one-horse Wagoii, 4 Barshear Plows, `2 double and —;r4rig-le-Shovel-Plowsi2 - H - arrows, double, treble an. single trees, ULIZIM uaana nearly new; I Slide Drill, 1 Dayhoff's Patent Rakes 2 sets Breechbands, 2 sets front Gears, 4 sets Plow Uear's,4 Fly-Nets, 6 Collars, 6 Bridles, 6 Halters. 2 pair spreaders, 2 log chains, cow chains, sledges, mattocks, shovels, folks anfl rakes, mowing scythes and grain cradles; 1 Latent Cutting Box, 1 Wind. mill, 1 Corneheller, about 20 bags; . l standing-top Buggy, 1 Sleigh; also 500 lbs. Bacon; 2 /neat ves sels, 10 bushels Potatoes; .Ull • Mil itIOIIIiTIU.4IIN two ten-plate and one cookin g stove ; 5 13edateads• -ALSO , . 45 Acres Grain in-the Ground, bushels of Flaxseed, with other property not tit/ cessary to enumerate. Sale to commence at 9, o'clock oh said day, when the terms will be made known by JAMES B. SECRIST. Jan 15—ts. • Geo. V. MONO, Auct. PUBLIC SALE. T HE subscribers intending to quit farming, will South of Waynesboro', on the road leading to ' a ; Sinithburg, Md., on MONDAY, February 22d, 1864, the following personal property, viz : 3 HEAD OF YORK - 4 1 L • 3/11.1LOMEX • CC>N747.IE;,, 1 Fat Steer, 13 HOGS, two of which are Brood Sows; 2 good strong four.inch tread . ateuizg viaactztaa pair Hay Carriages, 1 pair Hay Ladders, 3 three horse Plows, 3 Harrows, 4 double and 2 single shovel Plows, 1 Corn Corfrer, 2 sets Dung Boards, 2 hooks, ONE BUCKEYE MOWER, nearly new, 1 McCormick Reaper; 1 Spring Grain Rake, 1 Grain Drill,. 1 Thrasning Machine, iron power; I — Windmill, I Rolling Screen, 1 Clod Roll er, 2 log chains, 2 fifth-chains with spreaders, I pair spreaders, 2 pair of now doublelinked butt and 2 pair front traces, Furley's make; 1 Rough Lock, a lot of cow chains, 1 set Breecnbands, 4 sets front Gears, 6 sets Plow Gears with cruppers, 6 leather Fly-Nets, big lies, collars and halters, i Side sad dles, 1 agon, Saddle, new; 1 Jackscrew, treble, double and single trees, 3 and 6 prong shaking forks, hay, dung and grain forks, rakes, a lot grain bags, 2 Grindstones, CORN by the BARREL Potatoes by the bushel; 3 bushels Cloverseed, 3 bt.. Timothy :iced; 2 large Dinner Bells; I set of Black• stuitb Tools, 1 barrel of Vinegar, I meat vessel. Also—tho following Household Furniture. ON 1112 STillitT COOK MR 1 ten-plate, 1 parlor cook and t chest Stove, with pipe; t churn, 1 doughtray, 4 sets Chairs, 5 Bed steads and Bedding, 1 eigid-day, Clock and 1 tvien ty-four hour do., '2 Tables, Waph,Standt4, 25 pounds Low Feathers, ai4 many other, ax,tieles not not:urea ry to mention. . . commence at 9, o'clock on said day,when the terms-will be made known by 11. X. & D. 1. STONER: Jan. 22—tsj - - G. V. Motm, Auct. _ •TGoss•arsii 37oc•Ixgglaas, ATTOICIVEY AT LAW, if) ESP ECTF.7I.I.X inarins the 'public that ho has opened an often in Waynesboro, and is pici,atecl to attend 'to ail law business in this and o ther parts of Franklin County, and before the sev eral Courts thereof. 17 - Particular attention paid to collections an! to C..liveyaucingi in an foruic. Jail. ill SECOND ', SUPPLY , OF NEW PALL &r, WINTER DRY GOODS. - Hardware, GROCERIES,I QUEENSWARE AND DEDARWAREI j. W. MILLER'S, Waynesboro', Pa. -0- HAVING just returued from the Eastern Cities he would call the attention of his customers and the public generally-Cs-his LARG E '& SPLENDID ASSORTMENT 8 13 S Which will be sobl at extremely Low Prices. Below you will find enumeratee a law articles which will be found among his stock, to which he invites your attention : FOR THE LADIES; Silks,. all ‘Vool Delaines, Fancy ••• Alpacas, - Bombazines, • Plain (Thighams, Plain Flannels, I,:rey -ALSO:- Ladies' Sitricvls - Fancy Prints, Extension Skirrs, Balmoral Skirts, - Ladies' Collars, Magia Ruffling, Linen Hdkl'a, &c. MEN'S WEAR, Fancy Cessimeres, ' Plain ". Cloths, ItalionCloths, ' Vestings, atit/ets ..D..calcz4 3 Tweeds, Jeans, ;Shirt Profits, . Gents (Joliars, Meek Ties. Under Shirts, Drawers. Huck (:loves, "Gaunt lets, DOMESTIC SHIRTING, unlit= heck, Bed Ticking, Cotton Flalinei, Wool 'foible Diaper, . 'fowling, liaging, &c., tkc Queen ware, 'Hardware,. Roots and shoes, Cedar Ware. r4,lmEgt_coairg.,,;:wzlic-klaL+37ll Of the very best quality, such as Syrups, and New Orleans Molasses, Best Rio Coffee - Superior Prepared Coffee, Hummell's Best Essence ; Baker's No. 1 Chocolate, Raisins, .Tobacco, • Rice, c0c.,.-&c. The above goods have been carefully selected and purchased at the very lowest figure. He is therefore VrCaliltd to accu iudate ati-who-may-frivor-himlvith— a call. By strict attention to business and a desire to please in every respect, he hopes to merit a con tinuance of patronage. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS, Country Produce taken in'exchsnge for goods a the highest market prices. J. W. MILLER. Nov. T 3, 1863 VALUABLE ARM FOR SALE, he subscriber oilers at Private Sate, his Farm 151 ACRES, 14 of which is in TIMBER and thriving Cliestnut i of the Farm is of the pest quality of LIME. STONE LAND, and all in a high state of cultiva tion. The improvements are a laige BRICK HOUSE, with portico and porches' a new BRICK BANK BARN, 80 feet long, with Wagbn Shed and Corn Crib attached, a large new frame Hog Pen, double Frame Carriage o u se, Brisk Wash House, Smoke House, Bake Oven, and other outbuildngs, in good repair„ ad the buildings being under cypress aud pine roofs, with tin spouting to each. There is a large Cistern eldse to the Barn, used for Stock, and one near the kitchen- T here is a Well of ex cellent water in the yard. There 13 also a variety of choice Fruit, such as Pears, Plums, Peaches aud Grapes in the yard. There is also a good of young thriving Fruit on the premises. Persons wishing to 'view the land cart do So by calling on, the subscriber, or any information respect. ing it cart be obtained by calling on, Gen. County Treasurer. , • JOHN MIDIIIOI3I{. Sept.lB—ti • • Administrators' Notice. WHEREAS, Letters of Administration on the Evitrite of Josiah Besore, late of Waynesboro', deceased, have been granted to the subscriber rebid ing in Waynesboro'; all persons indebted. to the said Estate, aro hereby requested, to make immedi ate payment, anti thosii having claims or dementia, whether in scrip notes or otherwise, against tho Es. tate -of said decedent, will make known .he same without delay, to • JEREUHAH BESORE, ' 10H\ W, CfIQN,. ' Jan 15—Gw] Administrators. • •1 .R • NOV, 4 MBE 13 ".. 1863. LATESTARRIVAL! =CI IMBEIMOVBERRICT-&-CO., Waynesboro' Pa. ARE NOW RECEIVING THEIR SECOND SUPPLY, SECOND SUPPLY, SECOND SUPPLY. OF FALL & WINTER GOO'S! FALL. AND WINTER DR,Y.GOODs FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS litikllEL INEMIS DRESS GOODS LA DIES LADIES . LADIES DRESS GOODS DRESS GOO])s DRESS GOODs. FURS. SHAWLS AND NI;RIAs. FEES; SHAW I,S AND NU BIAS. FURS, SHAWLS AND NUBIA.' ll( lERY ANO (.LOVER, HOSIERY AND GLOVES, HOSIERY AND GLOVES k i. [INTEn VABEYS MEN'S WINTER GOODS. MEN'S WINTER GOODS, MEN'S WINTER GOODS, MEN'S WINTER GOODS, CHEAT', CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP. L- -T CLOTHS, CASSDIERES AND SA7 INETTS, CLOTHS, CASSLIIRRES AND SATINETTS, CLOTHS, OASSIMERES AND SATINETTS, UNDERSHIRTS, UNDERSHIRTS, INDERSI-11RTs, AND AND AND DRAWERS. DRAWERs, DRAWERS, ' GROCERIES r Groceries, Groceries, Groceries, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS.. 11135011, HD 1110110 E. Queensware, Queensivare, Queenstrare, rrWe would call 'the attention or our custom. 176 and the public to our new s.rick of goods, and. at the same time ri• turn our thanks to customers. and others'for their liberal patronage, and will An deator by fair dealing with all, to merit *confirm? anceof the same.• _ _ ANII3EIZSON, BENEDICT & CO Nov. 13. ISM LOTH. Hat. Hair, Tooth and Naij Brushes. just received and for aate very lacy. h/av 14;. A. 11"-, Hardware, hardware, hardware. .J.Votions, No - dons.