A Joint •111eiain lo'nfirropoising • certain Ainendlnients to the Constittitioti;;.. - N7 - • Beat reank.ed.4.4he Senate andotionte of RePre! .sentativea4 the. ,cainnsonf4re44.ofrfarts,yoania in. General Aeeembly met, Tbacthe fdloyitig meats oe.pmposed to,the CimegitanonnE monwealth; accordance. otitiinibe•Pßvißtgn, th° • tenth artialethereof • st '•' Thom titian bo;an,adilitional,seciion.itfo„ehe , third article of the Constitution, to -be a, signaled as sec. tion fatty, tits. folio 1 11, / ^ C't ' NBonciis‘ 4 WhOover oleo tors of this Conrnonwealiit snail he in elf,i tielu4l - service, under a ieqiiisititni friinf the. Presi dent of the United states, or by: the aut horikv of this Coniatentiealth, 'Meth eldetors kitty eserelvs. the , right :of 'infinite' in lill erections .by the eitty,on.ii Uti der"iubti regulaiionta 'are; or shall' be,- prescribed by law; as fling esti thepVere phiaiint. at theit'usu al place ofelectieri. • ' ' • ‘•_,' Thenidholl be twojiddltionsl 'seetient to the e leventh nitrate of the CoMilitidion,' to be designated• as sectione eight; and nine,. os follows , Sacrum 8. Nb bill shall be passed by the Legis. !attire, containing 'lime 'than One; subject, which shall be clearly expressed in the title, excot -'appro priation bills: ' • ' • • ' Stextoill. 'No hill shall-be passed by L egis !stare gouging any powers, .or • ivilegett, • ia an '- ease, where th'..^."' soaff — rosvers, or yen, or may hlreafter be., conferred urte of this Commonwealth JOHN UESSNA, kiletrAfthe: - .House_ofittpreaentatives.___ JOHN P. PkNNY Spaiktr of the Senate: COMoc, of that Siliesaireto; tax -34 of two C7om-• 333-crraweadaltJaQ < Harrisburg, Juight, 1863. PENNSYLVANIA; tgs : 1 do Hereby certify that the foregoing and annexed is a full, true and correct'copy of the origi nal Joint Besolution of the General Asseinbly, en titled "A Joint Resolution proposing certain Amend ments to the Constitution , " as o the same remains on file in this offCce. ea , ,, to Teartmort whereof, I bav • her eunto L B. set my band, and moved the seal Of the -.Secretary's office to be affixed, the day and year above written. • ELI 8 R, Secretary of the . Commonwealth. Register and ilteeorder. DAVM L. CO YLE vriil • be n candidate for Register end Recorder of Franklin County' 'euteet to the decision of the Union Nominating Convention of stuil.County. - Mercer eburg. July 23d, 'B3—te] THE UNION WITHOUT AN 'IF' OR 'BUT I' UNCONDITIONAL support of every effort of the President to crush the existing atrocious reuellion is, in my humble judgement, the best test nt loyalty, and every man asking favors from the public should be desired to express his views so that the people may not be deceived. 1 believe that all the candidates who have o fere, d themselves for the enliven of the Union Convention lyre as loy.: al as 1 em, hut I feel it toy duty to say in dl Mingo I an-fain the Administration. On the platform of unconditio ;al loyalty, I again offer raysei las a can didate for the office of CUB lIK VP'T HE COURT'S —subject to the decision of the approaching conven vention. If nominated and elected, / will try to do my duty. If some other candidate is nominated,. however he shall have my,,warnwert support and my most earnest efforts for his election. P. 'MAIM* SHO UCH, Better known as "The Virginia Tailor." Greenceetie, Pa., May 22 —if.] 1 1 1116T111131VAICALICillal• - • wBEREA 8 Letters testamentary on the E• it atter JACOB MIDDIJIMt late of tilnincy town• deceased, hare been granted to the cubi subscribers residiog in said township ; all persons in • debted to the card Estate, are hereby requested to mks immediate payment, and those hawing claimer of demands ainst the Eat ito of raid decedent, will make the same known tlaithout delay to JOHN MIDDOUR BAMUEL MIDDOUR, Executors, June 12-76w] P1101E1%024 OTA it V. ELI .0 W CITIZENS of Franklin' an mg you tor your hearty and liberal sup port on a former occasion for the office of Proth on otary oc said County, 1 again announce myself as a candidate for the nomination at the next meeting of the Union County Convention, pledging myself if nominated and elected, to fill they Mice with fideli• ty. • K. bHANON-TA YLOR. June 5, '63-11n.1 • 311...111111MIN7IL".• lAT 4i t ,e B tw lo e s e t n ot p th to e n 29 a t nd 29th of e olt olt ut o, a t nrnV i k i e Vkltt WATCH, de tubed Lever, marked on the inside cage "Patent Lever," "13 Jewels," with Neel Chain. A liberal reward will bn ,paid t7a tinder by leaving said watch at this office, or with the gebecribt.r.two miles toutlt of Waynesboro. Jane b-3*] DkNIEL SENDER. FOR REGISTER AND RECORDER, ,say STUICICLAR., of Antrim Township, is a candidate for RsaisTEß AND REcORD .It for Franklin County, subject ta, the next Union Nominating Convention, and movt respectfuily so •lmits the support of all Uphill. Men.. May 29. '63— ft.] SKY-LIGHT TO GRAP HS.' rp subscriber would inform the public that 1 he lore completed -the neceimiry arrangements for-taking Sky-Light - Photegraphs. -- and is prepared to furnish Pictures much finer /hid' those taken with Side-Light. Persons wonting pictures! are requested to call tend examine.his specimens. May 1-513 • W. D. LECHLER. • At OhlPrices.", • NIV.DLON . GRASS SCYTHES, 7/5 cents •AL each at • • • lIROTHERTON'3 each ' Hardware Store To Warmers:: THAVEnn Mt:alit:ail for sale a large stock of I, Rakes, Forks; Grain Cradle:a, Hoes, Fork Han dirk, &e.; &elf louivant Weave mores t give me a; • PLOWS FOE SALIN. FINE lot of double and - single Shovel Plows ill 'ironed and randy for use, for sale 'at the We gonnutkar tshop•of Dtvid Shoop,' in- Waynesboro'. Fanners would do omit to tall before making 'pur chases pp 24-K1 1 OFFEE; 'Fieptirecl Coffee; th — riFUiil go ' ds'fa} as J two pounds Moot my ZU cts. a round nt June 12 P ices 1 - 170R - EiVr.,D.ssi.F.s4A.LING fitutr CAN jtlint con-bo- p losed and opourni by, any person, ' for sale at the'riign atilt, Big Rod Horn, .k.ltsly 11 '624 D. 11. - 13 Arw wnere utf you .130 get that tiice•Su mar 23uliaorol 5 • ' j uncl2 oat Pines. • QIIAKE itle nsc' e — tw awn) rttneniin 10 than at junell ,Ptacner. • EItOSE.Nb ; A puro.artielcafK;imene at .junel2 . , Pines 00Pa, HOOPS, HOOPS from 87i to 2.5 at 'unaf2 • Paten's. ratir cumi e?, ro in the market to ; be bad at the sign 'gibe big Red Norm . '4l) 13. ilussamo rIASSIM ERRS.. :FOrtimit latest style of tansy aterinierus, call at (tpr, 3) PIOUS'S. x - jl - ccTerl4iicrloorFA,t.:it7ihd..i:i;7C47tj ki and *4 wide, of new designs, at Pittos's. junel2 ' - 1 tihephonis Risk' and was thqs• 111' .lull ,assorAtivl4 at . june.l%, , Pawls. Maii - NETTB,4II7 Ci l inala an Jr/ Ilea Head 'Nato at, jutic pil Pogo • W. H. BROTHER.TON. • • ' Ji V. 4 :1. 41rh; • : A RR I ,va ,„ ' 0 ,1" I t l! 4•' ,;.. 11105 polio li, 4 4 0 Hart!.Ware, ' alt001:11UES; i i PiSWARE'IO,,4OARWAR.E(, ...,......0-.......... '" I tU a o z A .111, orotrerorhe from einem 'Ogles he call ' the aftiMilmi ‘ euitothers and-the-ppi)lic - gen - Millj — to hie LARGE &• SPLENDID .ASSORTMENT lIRYGOODS. Which will be soli at extremely , Low Prices. ' Below ilou will find• enunieratee a few articles which will be found' among his stock, to which he invitee your attention; < f ' FOR TEE LADIES, ' ill Wool De/aines, • Fancy " Alpacas, Ileinhatines, Plain Ginghamse , I lain Flannels,- - Gre • -ALSO . Latlire Manta. Fancy j'rints, • Exteianon skirts, Balmoral Skirts; • .• • Collare, Magic Ruffling, , Linen Hoieery,-dcc. MEN ' S WEAR, Fancy Caffaimerat. Plain Cloths, [Winn Clothe, Vcstinga, • ' tiaiineta. .41.11Gs_qul a Tweeds, Jeans, - mhirt Fronts, Gents tlollers, Reck Ties, Under bbirts, Drawers. Puck 13loves, Ci _inflate, DOMESTIC SHIRTING, Furniture Cheek, lied Tickirig, Cotton Fishnet, It oat-. " 4 , 'Foible Diaper. • 'Nailing. Gaging; &e, 4 &c Qucc asware, Bardware, Boots and Shoes, (1161.1 M. Lai ZILIEt 2123 Of the very best, ynality, such as Syrup., and New Orleans Molasses, Best Rio Coffee, ' • superior Prepared Coffee, Hunnoell's Best Essence;' Biker's No. 1 C t hocolate, Raisins, T co:b tteco. &e., The shove goon's have been carefully selected and purchat eillat the very lowest figure. He is thereibre . enabled to acconnoottateall woo may favor bun with a call. By ttriet attention to bueittess _and, a desire to pies:le in every respect, he hopes to-merit a con tinuance of patronage. NO TROUBLE •TO SHOW GOODS, Country Produce taken in exchenge for goods at the highest market prices. '3. W. MILLER. May 8, '63 1101111 GODD.:NEWSt -0 - FIRST SUPPLY OF NEW SPRING .AND SUMMER , G 0011 $ AT THE FASHIONABLE CLOTHING EMPORIUM JF swaps A. FISHER. • N stock embracea all the best styles of Plaia .1,11. and FaaCy:cl4ollM, Minn and Panay ,C30:10/03AWEIG9ZPOW:pa •Plain and Fancy VESTINGS, all , of which will be made to order in the , mbst fashionable and work manlike manner, or mold in Pattonis to snit • violin men. ' Also a full stock of EADII-111,AD, CLOTHING, IerOEIESP FOR 'CASH: , va , ' Also ' one of the be selected socks Of GENT'S ItNt G: pumps in Pte. tpsag 2 4zrze hthizte, Iloisery, til'oves and Ties in encliese'variciy. Mao, Military ! Ootha and Onsaiinerea which wilt, :ie.:made to or d er, at the shortest . ' _ opposite, Washington douse , Hagerstown, 11 , 1 d. ' aye 3. 63. ' • ./IliTEICII•31L'ILICIIM • • Fs hereby given to OD innufaeturera of Quincy and wiustau g wa wuw u stu i ss, to Ltigut al tire , house ut Bowdettoni Wayneaboro' oil qiiijinit every minim. to receive, - piporui. Ai V.IIO.646,IfONEUREAK, Feb. : ! •• 4 8, gaiur• ti ti %V Ls, ShritiOrtlio "plaid, Paris lgng Bruch 0 (IM. •01i4.1v/e PU/001. jun.•l2„ ' „ • IMlPtaki/ EiNII0 1 . 1 )./sarDias ,(3 . wool) /irate aud,itai I:yenta/4, vaL gratium tual rtytes at jaar,ltt „ . Pk i .ol4. HATS:: Do yua ward, a a p D Hat t !In.ll at juttol2 ' ea.ta.ei • 6 et V. ;?. ? t ,t , p.Or . • PI ST ARMVAL • - TT( lIMBISOVIENEDIET, & CO. • lilWainesboro*Pa.. , FT_ *Alt ~i I ~~., ~ 1111W_11133,111)11V SPRING MB . • V 4-11 E ere now receiving end offering ,t o sell a —FULL--Al6BO-11,-TMEN-T—o inV DEY tODDS Which we are prepared to Sell oW, as reasonable terms as any other house In town or country. L. 11,) DRESS GOODS of all kinds Prints, • • Gingham!, ' ),nuns, bilks, A !peens, Merinoes, Lustrre. • • Lavellas, ciaxamalvltgso SLEEVES ' -- 11EMBRO11)E81ES ' MEN 'EI SPRING. 4kl SUMMER ' CD CD 121) Cottonades, Cassimere, Cloths. Jeans, heck Ties, Cravats, Kummer Hats, Hoipery, . Handkerchiefs, A full aorsortnicnt'of Plain. and Fancy Oadalellirri. OH QUEENSWARE. A good supply of now style white . Catramaaacst ICSKlrenaoces• GROCERIES, Always on hand a heavy lot of good Groceries, COrFEE, . . . , SirGATt, which we respeetftslly call the attention 'of our customers and the public generally; and at die same time we re urn our thanks to customers end the community for their liberal patronage, and will en deavor by fair dealing with all, to merit a ccntiDu, once of the same. ANDERSON, BEN EDICT & CO. DRY FRUIT: • ZPUBAI.ItitU2Mi'M AND . : 3LIIE m IIe ° IILAIESISIC. at • AMBEDSON. BENADICT& ,C0!8 CEIMIN FIXTURES, 01 L - OUR TAI NS, 'at 'A M BERSON, BENEDICT iStoCOIS A FULL A fiIM (I►BTMENT PRINTS i - MUSLIK‘GINUMS •"' 'Mid • LAZIA4I : I4 '44.br°4i). bF ALL DESCRIPTIONS at,. 424113E3SOY;13ENE,D.ICT'6k•CO'3 itiAisszammess DANDELION` COFFEE HIUMMEIGIM ESCENCE . OF'. COFFEE at- A MI3IIIIS*DEN EDICT ■ • Tweeds, NOLASSER, • ,SPICES, Salt, &c. AND • . ni OF •• —1 f - - Vl. r ! : I 100-1 1 ,414 - 33)3S01111. • .. ;..' ='''',*4o,stihatio , , 14 1 01., 0'63. 1 lir ' wABhEowOO4 . `'" •• '„" I* ,tiviAlliiii) WH, 661; , g 0 ' - 1 *dt,Ovit BOO' :' ". I `. 00 llgolni. tfii i ii";; l ; 00 Ispixskitii''' '--. •- 00 ' Itutni PEAcritis 00 thlranso . 11 ' ''''P • ; "00 q Plitil t MAU' ''l ''''' 00 IfireT*3 Ileao BoAr 13Adbli 216 ItAvint (rth6Uhlets)' 43. ' " t 1 o • " , • , 11 5 TS: •? ~,V 1" . :4 „ . TRESIARRIVAL . op • • . , . 81111IG' S :11 • T OSIA )ESORE hag just returned from the p) 4astern Uitiee witl Welt of • SPRING •AND SUMMER DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, 4ZiLT.,EisTS To which he invites the attention . of eirpty person whose motto Is, 'Oho dollar saved is one dollar In sae." • Among tho•leading articles of his stock may be always found • • • FOE. TUB L .AIL IED 31E Bik. Wool Delainon, Bonibazimes $14117 10tmeeriii N,— . Drab Be Tues, Coburris . (1a ii, Mourriing Rapp, Mourning Checks, • .. i I -rile Plaid • 4A:i.MIEM9CIL) ecat2 Mohair Stripes, Debeges of every kind, Bopped. Merino, . • Brocades, , • ' Mohair Lustre, Blk. Delain, • Fancy dd., Foil de Chevres, ' Killarney Greys; ' . .Loudon do., Citathem,. Saxony Plaid, Lavellas, Lawns, %Induce, _ . Moaambiques, French Chintz. — Balmoral, Bar State Shawls' Stella do'. • 'a uctletn, ' Head Netts, Crotchet Braids, &c., The following is a list of good. which will always be found among the - LIENS 'Ma DLK. CLOTHS, A • • DU: OASsTWERES, • FANCY DO., DO., COHDo VELYETTEEN, Ztalicria. Clothes,. • acottcoruska.eist, .1111 31Wa AIL' WWI LINEN DUCK, FARMERS DRILL. BLK.SIL NANDKERCHEIFS, ".- " NECK TIES, ' .• FANCY "- "- • Aliso stock 111,4 CAR. ITTS• ..- 0i:!0.4,T1 - 4 : :.a )--:: Exton mien and Seagram; Skirts,. ' Persons wishing eintnlvveys find the best assert ment- G - ,IIOCERIES - , such as AMBER AND (ApI.DEN /SYRUPS • . New'D4cahs t,oicklasses, , „ • Port Alec! do., .„ NEW ORI.;EANS •A'AD CUBA .',•' ipa cy.. , • • Or Coffue, • "" ' t'reparea.tliiffe'e, • i'Leute'tioo , • • , ...„ ion: do, ~ , , , ' • AL , 4O' • • ••:,..••••.:., BOOTS . ANDSHOES: c0.A...v,a. oo©w Ali -tats uhave artialeo bavq.bean , valeetoal very aav - f u gy and Ile take.; ttiia Method of thopkihir you ,to. the pahonagelow Ilavo hitherto given ban, arta*it tkilivositiou to plots° all.lto hope,. W merit a coptili., u.tuee of the aaato,'',• 4.4 C.: f ; 63: Iteqcti:u j iY j r . - IAH ttestifit. - a largo 'an CEDARWARE, &e. Tapering Lustre, Monruing do., o_ll T P MOON'S cOLIMPT. 43 6 b . 1. 1 41 .47 d e i „„ ;ig lasuco. c re n , 111 7 11-11 , 0 6 , . tit . •. "-• t c ". - •,4" f!", r : 1 ' '4 iv: el! i 1 :',1:::, EI9RDAi UTLEY. jtiii4i nod' "Okreftillj, ieyo'ted toCk as selling at decidedly ZaticVKZPi 7PMET,Zzia3SEte ALSO [mail atiza avaralit HOLLOW WARE, Cedarteare, IL - CLOTHS, SHOE riNDIN AIIiIERTNIAL IMPLIMEITS, ROPES, PAINTS I GLASS Tacraao,loo 4 ICIIEN/7E3lritllONlg . AND LEATHER FLY-NETS., Ho invites especial attention to • a very -large-stock of Scythes, Scythes Sharpeners, Forla, Sliovels, Grain Cradles, - Twin and Shovel. Handles, Hoes, ---t SnaOs, &c., HIS GOODS .ARE OF THE YFRY BEST QUALITY, MAP 1S Tll LOOK TO Yo;),I34„W.VII:,ONTE,I,I.FST L3F£XAVININ(, Atl STOPICI You will find in my store tt good uss'ol - of all descriptions or . g ooti.4,..us,ually found In Ilardwatc stores •1 ummly . so licit air exanainatrin of my goods, uud prices before purelm.siugMsewhero. MBER • . . •••`AT I)4•I? . :_,PArOES. •' ' • ~4Cl r 6 , vuue Az' ' , ; • ' = ~• , MIME SHES giii ) R.' • X.., , . ... r, . ~ : t' . 1, ~ ~ . ON ITS ''LIST g 93 CAPTURE OF 'VICKSBURG GOOD NEN! GOOD MS I aauc, aaaav IS 3138:ESIFDL g J - . In receipt of a New and fun assortincntpf • lk 3 fiv. - 3 , 10?.1011 't GROCERIES HARDWARE, . QUEENSWARE, . BOOTS,- SHOES, HATS, &c, WHICH hn coin and will poll twenty-ftvo • per cent cheaper than Spring prima, LL,Am.ss Mk. end Folic?, Silks, All Wool Delmore, •Bermes Plein rind Riney, Spring Drlaint;e, • Ulmhies, Dulzprinee, Lawns!, 'Clmitze Moderins, 7Vltizandliqueg, • Mom Liven; Poplins of ever hue of the Rainbow. MOURNIN in etititeaa variety , Lawns, plnin.eini figured, Bilzerinos, Crape, • Despa uses, Eng. Craps, A inerican Ps into, • French Crape, Collars, • H ik'hs, Mitts, Gauntlets and eyerythipg to render the mourner beahtiful in r-E GENTS' WEAR, Broad Cloths, Pr:irisinn Cashmeres, NI:. and finey Double am! Mingle Millen, in superb styles ; also eplendid,Vesting, ° silk, marsaifles, plain or figured beautiful Neck Ties, Shirt-fronts, Collers and every; thing to set the gents for a piriuro and make them presentable even et the Cupn.ll of the nation. • 542 Muslin", Ticking", Sheeting', Burlap", • Deniml, • Barred Cherfut, . H icknzy titripcs' Cottonntle", , Jeans, &c., CIESOMQD such at CgIOI:73EXIIIVStIiTinELM'. Ilia stock is full and complete and will compair favorably in - price and quatity. Ile remits his thanks to his customers anti by "quick sales and . short profits," fair dealing and strict attention t o business, haves to merit a continuance of patronage. June 12 . SOS. PRICE BROW VII ITS INS. B RO • ,WN NPET L INS a: yd. wide, , very 11. gt, • SI " • 54 wide, at June 12' Paws's. IIDOTTOIVADEN, C OTTONADEB from 25 to 50 Me. at June t 2 ' • Places. iarN:w - P - 3;vmw. good, f. very best, June 12 — turaw.4 - * — G - 09 - 0s: v ri-- 41-ALLIES-at 4,../ :shepherds Plaids, Lawns, ' Ad Wool Delaines, • • june 12 7 -7 GINVIEA.Ms. -----7 _D°Frlg,sZ'iti'i lllNG l AMS. at otaochester Jane . 1 i wide Jane 22 OOP9R IR'rs 10-15. 20 25, 30-35, and 40 g • 'We can bell a 40 tivoit Gaut;. 'rape am' Riveted ;10r*:,111.75 eta. at lIA !FAII8:1, t:uperier lot cured caavu s adit 'Batas °at juao Fyou wont tri he einvineed that we can OCIt I DRY COOS 'as cheap ue Chattibersburg quo. tations,"or„any other inis.7 Call at 1 1 110TUCONOTIAT. --- . • .I[IT 41.11#k$DOWELL wilt lie a c.tudi.;lo.te fa t . .PROVONOTART, subject to tho Uaio •Notaittittrtig 'o3aveution at F'situktip, County. . s A i w . • ,june,lsl, 'llk. Grenadines. Throtlore Berne, Wool 'Moines, I kis, 12 to 15 eti. 20 to 25 mu., lit Pfttc es. 25 to - 31 . - cts. - 25 . to 31 rts. 12 to 25 eta. . 50 ct-. at PART'S. , .. 25 etc 25 to 31 et 4. 31 cto. at PR1C3.24