oALvNpArt..vm.is.oti m. Frilio; US a La. 44 I J'Adtiar, il 1 8 25 12 19. 26' Fa:aim:Sr Mara( 16 23 30 15 22 29 13 20 27 12 19 26 10 17 24 31 11 18 25 15 22 29 13 20 27 12 19 29 Augimi 10 17 24 81 16 23 80 wept~fnbet 13 20 27 31Ar 25 26 Noitrobil 1 _ 2 8 9 16 18 22 28 29 80 6 i 18 14 20 21 27 28 HOE! FOR QUINCY Second Artiial of Spring and SiDnmCr Good*. LEWIS COLLROUL am now re . 4iviiig ant bilking to sell a new end full assortment DRY GOOD, Whiehr,!l think I alit prepared to sell on as M sonabla terms as an' other bonito iii town or eouii itrY.. A hill assortment of • • LADIES DRESS Goons of all kinds. Silks, Delaiiis; Alpacas, Printed- Challies, Ginghams, Lawns, Fancy Prints, Ladies Shawliv &c. , MEN'S SPRING AND SUMMR gain of all kinds. Cloths, Cassimere, Fine Tweeds Ken. Jeans, Cottonades, Vesting's, Handkercheifs Neck Ties,,Hosery. A full assortment of Plain and Fancy Cassimeres.. QUEENSIVARE AND GLASSWARE. A liute stock Of Q2l.tricaS ccocz•zrillcosod Which I tun prepared ,:to offer as low as any oth . - er retail store in the country. BOOTS ND SHOES, for men's and Ladle's Wear ot all sorts and sizes. Also a large and well selected stock of DOMESTIC GOODS: Tickings, and a complete assortMent of Notion's.. took' Glasses , Hardware, Hats and Capa,Fainis dnd Oils; Fresh Shad and Herring by the barrel{. it is no use tryink to - enumerate. If poi% sant anything in the Dz., Goods line, just call ana you will find tis'ready to wait on you with Pleasure 10,000 CHESTNUT RANT SHINGLES for 'Sale Country produce taliefi in exchange for goods 'at the highest market prise* By strict attention to btisiness and a desire to please in every respect, I hope to merit . a con. ttntiattce of patronage. • / May 23.) LEWIS COLLIFLOWER. .I•73EFINT 'stria 13111.4114."'" DEWS, MM. STOWER takes this method of thank e ing his cOtoiners, and informs the' public that he has last Upturned from Philadelphia with the kopek assortment of Dritgs, ideditmes, Paints, :Oils, Dye stuffs, Soaps, Potfumary, , Fruit, Conroe wet3gt.itik tiosary, drc:, dcc.;that has been , ' ,tu.. the vino this :cum, which ha '• , ''' ' ' Ifs Alas aninAid. With what he is Age:, •ilkitC , his egeorunitit'Of Patent bland& great* Itt: ' q than soy dtheisttablistunent in the place: in • few weekii, he bill prialish IS list of_ titinufickurei .articles. Hs hal on ltialeiro,llllCsl....-011601adne, . utup in s ix °fines beitioN:price • F r. eo n * !Iwo care, no 'pax.", _ Its comes prtiOs" are MOW luny aplpmciated, jqging tram its Wash . kiley . It 411. COPPER; BRAt - if 18e8tx*3'4140, St at sign lathe Big Rid gam • '6 ll O 11 *-1/411#*iiiiks i d a 5N.113 WA, Arctic Wappospratid *that ionejetabib Naas for cad PuirkdrilE, isips4 clot ~ at. •r, Tooth . • aii just receive d• And Virsite +itsly - Viler by „'by it. ,EI , 15 22 29 10 17 24 31 13 20 27 in 23 30 10 17 24 13 20 27 12 19 26 11 18 g 5 [ll Ili 13 20 27 10 17 24 31 12 19, 291 It li g 26 10 17 24 16 23 30 15 22 29' 15 22 29 10 23 SO 13 20 27 12 19 26 13 20 27 12 19 2,9 10 17 24 16 23 80 10 17 24 el 16 23 80 1-5 22 29 15 22 29 111 13 20 27 12 19 26 10 17 24° 11 18 28 15 22 29 10 23 80 10 17 24 81 14 21 28 13 20 27 16 23 80 15 22 29 10 17 24 us 20 sf 11 18 25 111 12 19 20 10 17 24 31 15 22 29 16 23 80 Lai6T7 - RlVitt gin Ito @DO D 11 11 Hardgmitaite # 6100ERnis, ODEENSWARE AND CEDARWARE! HAVING just returned from the Eastern Cities he Would call thelithintion of hid customers and the public generally to his LARGE SPLENDID ASSORTEENT DRY GOODS! Winich will be sold it extrothily Low Neel": below you %bill Lad enutherated a feir arficlea which will be found among hie stock; to which he invites your attention FOR - TEE LADIES; Billie, dll Wool Del_tines, Fahey " Alpacas, Bombazines, Plain Gingfiains, Plain Fliinnels, Grey -ALsOt Ladies' tilhailds, Fancy Prints, thension Skittle, BaHuard Skit* Ladies Collars, Magic Rafting, . Linen Maiidit Ho!Baty, &C. • MEN'S WEAR . Fancy Coeditlintel, Plain' 4 Clothe, Dalian Cloth; Veatingr, Sammie, 116;sevi8ca Tweeds, , Jeans, Shirt Fronts, gents Conant, Neck Ties thular'Shi;ts, rawers, Back Gloves, " Gauntlets, DOMIBTIC SHIRTINC t'brniture Check, • Bed Ticking, Cotton Flihnel, • wool 11 Taibre tiaper, Towling. gaging, &c., &b. Qtmenswire, Hardivare, Boots - and 81000 s, Cedar Ware& CE3I:IIIaEXIZSUBUILI23I2M. dr the very best quality, guavas Syrups, and New °riming Molasses, Best Rio - Coffeei— _kiPeriur Prepmell Coffee, Hiimmell's Best, Essence; Baker's No. 1 Cliocolate, Reign* Tobacett Rice. etc. The above goods have been artfully saffected atiNi pinchased at the very lowest figUre. He is thereforii enabled to accommodate all who may favor hiiii with a call. By . strict attention' to business and it dOre to please in every respect, he hopes in meth a continuance of patronage. NO TROLBLE TO SHOW GOODS, Country Produce taken in exchange for goods ak the highest marketprices J. W. MILLER , 0ct.13 '62 • taca4alkaaaa AND CUTLERY! WI BROTHERTON R E a B n P d E c C ar T ef F el t i l y L s L e T ec i t izite s la:te o 7t g io o n od t s o h ju is st larp re. ceived from Philadelphia, and which comprises Avyything usually kept in Hardware Stores. I am prepared to aell at iriees that, still DEFY COMPETIT lON. "CAS and see." (Jan. 16 '63.) OPPOSITION TO OLD JOE! 40 Oysters for 25 Cents ! THE subscriber informs the public that be has opened a nestatiralit in tho room formed) , oc cupied by L. 8. Fisher, one door west of Tritle's Tin Store; Where the pbblic can be accomodated with OYSTRB, fried, routed and • stared, ALE, BOLOtilliA SAVBA6E. EGGS, &c. Fifiteeld good, oyster''' . for 181 cents, Forty stale Oysters,:luch as are sold at Elhamburet, for 25 cts. (NoV. 28—tf.) H. A. FISHER. ti • -'t :-• T. J. FI 4#II3II3I3IOIIIIMXIMMXBI4 LBERT; ZP l a .K. - RAPER, Ilits.eoradaefiOrr sake full assektment la X-, GOODS- cr Gentlemen's tare. la rdirLasest OA Fuhisis always On hand. te tit KSKOS 141E___FAMP/3.-1111 kind or sale by. D. B REWELL. sign of tße "Big ReJ horn." , • liter& 1.1 ~i`i~ 11' ILIMEti sad Misses' Heaped skirts at 0414 . . . tirsass 4 *AWL& c- 4111VESI" - • t - AfioDigoty Aug is lad' Drawing Icniosi trlion*esssk t imsoir (Ise 413.) , SAGAIBIC—Lbied Peaches, pang sedleisp . Whir• • Aindisi(iii;Balmasor MASS ZEST COOK - STUTZ in the inrket to tti lad et die eitle ef tb Ult ii U. Ittailurae 1 DUI ;1411)-11C1443 lim n 11044 you. ask me, sloth) yakwentler. Where to huy your Stoves end-Tide/ate!, • T world aiswer. I Wrotthi le4 • - • "itio mite' the „Anil niter store room Where the Big 4ed Horn, the big* it; ' There's the best CAllt Store and Tin-Ware, . All sold elleatiby Ef. 11.' Russell. ' . ' radiit Me &Jig o Hid tedlAfs. IBE urideellgded intbinur- the ptibllc in genera and espiiirdly that of his custothen iW Want of anything in liiii line of foulness, that he has com pleted and hi do* octapying his new and extensive y enlarged eilrablhenent for the Ittantiffteture and idle OF TINWARE; SHEET-IRON WARE. AND lie iii,noVirephred t o supply any . demand for his Cook stgeo, general Rotiaeh'epang Gdoda and Kitchen Wariain such terms sS must give entire satisfaction. vao avoliaa Offered eie Of the best and dent improved kinds a arid having been tried are acknewledged to be all that can be desired as good cocaina and bakers, and are easily kept clean. His oftn MANUPACTWRRIj WARR is all made with'a view to the wants of customers from the beat mate rial 'and is warranted in all cures to be' good. He also keeps a large assortment of fancy articles. IM*Stiecial attention is given to putting tap SPOUTING, made of the beat tin, for houses and' barns, in Which he has had a long anfi extensive ex: periend. Remember the sign of the Big Red Horn. Aug. 9, 1860 D. B RUSSELL. INTITIM FACTORY aiHE suhscritier, thankful for pad patronmeilitil lj siilicits the &into; and in addition to mandfdctu ng kinds or *forked • Material for BuiMirig Purpose% - such as SASH, DOORS, SHUTTERS, DLINDS, FLOORING, WINDDIA FRAMES, DOOR FRAMES, FACING, MOULDINGS; &c., &c lam prepared to furnish dll kinds of oaktitliber Of different purposes in building, such as 0 ICE , RAFTERS, LATH. STUDDING, PAIL INGS, SCANTLING, BOARDS, dm.; All of *hi& will be sawed to order, at short hoitce dlid upon reasonable terrhs. Alio, sawing, by mill tfnd circular saws, of every desciiption done-, Fratding, Surfacing, Matching, Flcibilt.g, &c., &c. Ftif further particulars apply to the ibbscriber, at Factbry two miles - southeast of Waynesboro.. D. F. GOOD. Jan. 17, 1881 LOUR, FEED PROVISION STORE I THE subseribelii announce . to the ciiitens of Waynesboro' that thhY have opened a Flour eed and Provisidn Store lii the room nail door to Dr. Brotherton's cdflue, where they will, de all times hale for sale Mk CM Miii, HEY MILL STUFFS OF ALL KINDS, SCREEN INGS, CORN, SHKLLED AND IN 'ME EAR, OATS, POTATOES, APPLES, VINEGAR; Also, Rye, Wheat, and Barley by the bushel or in smaller quantities, and other articles usually kept in sucn establishments. AU Flour and Mill Stuff will be sold at Mtm, Pangs TOR THE V*su. • The highest market prices will be paid for Wheat; Rye find Cdkh to be delivered at the Mill of the Bab- JOHN WALTER, (dept. ' JOS. ELDEN. important to rantaters THE subscriber taked this method of announcing of the Farmers and ilthers,lhat he has on band a lot of DWARF BROOM CORN seed, along with some specimens of the ebrn. 'This is an excellent artielb of Broom Corn, ind should be raiiied by ev ert elle. He has alb a full assortmetit of fresh MO, Medicines, Chethicals, /Ice. J. F. KURTZ. P. 8. am selling Olenberries at 14 cents per quart, " Mar. 14 Illeibuct of Arnaggedon. A BOOK FOR THE TIMES; PHIS is acknowledged to be one of tfib Most workable of hitman productions tdat has ever been offered to the American people. The style is chaste and truly eloquent. The oubjekt treated 01 is of the most inspiring: "The United States in Prophecy. For sale by J F. KURTZ.-- Novl :en ert orae do Cattle Powder inM. STONER having purchased of Mr. . Mender, the recipe for making the above tar-famed Horse and Cattle Powder,fbr Penneylva. ilia and Maryland,.takes this method of informing the farmers, drovers, &c., that he has on hand and iiitcnds keeping a good supply always on hand Country merchants and otherskeeping such articles fcr sale, would do well to supply themselves, with' gnantity. lie will sell it on commission or for cash cheap. Orders will be punctually attended to. Jan. 31. Apr. 1, • 1863. BAOK AGAIN AT THE OLD BUSINESS. BE subscriber respectfully announces to his T old customers and the public generally tßlit be has leased the Blacksmith tnioll at the Bast grid of Main street, Waynesboro', Pa.; formerly oc pied by Jacob Knouff, *here he ruilosei carrying on the Itlacksniithing business in an its branches. AII work ba don at short notice and upon Ma! mutable terms. Also Buggtei and Spring Wagons built or. JOHN CLINE. [Jan 2—tf.] Oysters I Ofsters I I HE undersigned hiforms the public that iii hits opened a Restaurant in the Basement of P. opened Hotel, which hu been handsomely fitted lip, and is now prepared to furnish Oysters, nologhii Samar. Cheese, Eggs, and all 'etilhleh usually sold in a first class Restaurant Every ar ticle is new and ckanfinebe in all things will he ob served. The public are inVited to give him * call. l(gt. tf.) E. W. WABHABAUtiII Krais's Kuntz's STEEL Shovels, Spades Hoes, Forte, Hike. Mituare Drags, &c.;at prices that *HI al, competition. Call and iee for yourselves, at , april 2 Bzernatort NEEN and Diy'Shi*frooM and Shads ak Oct 44 SIMS • VILL, Cloaireat, Vistula; Rand, Team, Corn pk eraad Whip 844, eery cheap at al um.) Wit, H. Bacrraaarom *it " - • • 12 VLIM9 Z n url it oelltor loge of 112 ) VhfcrillramoVin 11=211 STOVES: . ITO FARMER& rWMR'W.4_!! ' 7 , Wittitipottok - ~:,, 4 it ANb - ,D HIKE MON SEW edISEWEI PATENT SELP-REGULATINO GRAIN SEPARAtOOO ,CLEANER AND BAGGER - nip ?as iiatest Improved Thresher and Triple Mur al Horse Powers, Driving either by Gar or Belt, all furnished CoMpleee readg td be put on Wagons. 1, the undersigtred, desire to Call the attention of Farmers and Thretherthen of Frankling anktadjoin.l big counties to it. This Machine has been' before the public for seven years, durinW *hicht time it has given general satisfaction, and the Patentee having made some very impolifinat iihproifements Which render it still more complete, both for dead Separating and cleaning, and also for ease of draught and fast threshing. I take pleasure in re. Commending it to the public, knotting that it will Bite tho best of satisfaction. Idm mannfifctiitting three different sizes, as followsi No. 1 is 8 horse Power,will tide& an'd clearr from 200 to 500 bushehr per day. Ne. 2 is 5 to ft horse pow/Ai/Will *real arricijoan from 160 to 300 hCshels per day Nci; 3 is 4 to Et horse pbvteri*ill thresh and clean ham lOU to 200 h'ilshele p% day. These:Mac:tuna are warranted to tle the above' And do it much Fetter iri eiery •ficspect than anY other machine iff tido. Grain having Mitch light fifth hi it deartedon this Machine is worth from 2 to d.cetits dote per bushe el than when cleaned on any other deparator, or the Common way of Cleaning on hand fans. For this' reason there is Mt the eighth paitOf light matter in Ebel grain as whettcleaned on OW riddle principle. The blast acts freely onall the grain as it leaves the Blues, whereas, *hen cleaned With riddle that ad vantage is lost :This maehrae does not yeti% the tatlends as most of the sepafators do. B}r fetamirig filthy tail ends afteinately it is impossible to make Merchants= grain, Anothei important ferdirre in ibis machine that others of the kind have ne't, is the Self-acting Blast Reg ulatof in the fan, *hick reiHedies all tiff ficultie.4 IC bad weaning, blovilfig grain in the chaff in high Speed of irregular drivi4; wHich cannot Ix? avoided in deeding grain by haste pifirer This Machine it alstimore durable and less tedious' to manage thaw any other Sepatator and eleaner,of the common machine with shaker. Orden to inktre their being, filled until harveai should be sent in immediatelyd • I am fully prepared to make to order and onzhort notice Portable and Stationed STEAM ENGINES, GRIST AND SAW MILL GEARING? SHAFTING AND PUI/LEYS, IRON lIRIDOES, OAST lIIffN WHEELS; IRON KETTLES, &c, finned dha Plot" dadtings,altio cast irdii and *rtiught iron rib% Pk stead oh watef, and Blass castings of every dedefirtion; id a word, I ant prepared to do everything finally done in a foundf.t and machine shop. Hating.supplied nOself with the latest im+ proted Mathineryi such as Lathes, Siting, Planing and Drillitig Machines, persons can idly on having their wont done in the moist satisfacinft manner.— am at ad rrepated to mahufacture to order ma chinery fdf wood, such as • Tonging rind °roving machines for flooring, Burfate, Tenout and Motild ing machines, dm. I also offer to the pffnlic d dew and value able improvement id my Admit engines, made within the last year, eiz: for the economizing of fuel, and the regulation of speedl o vilitch renders my he engines far superldt to the old engines. All my machines are sold under warrantee. My hands are all experienced workmen in this line of pusiness, and I use all good material, so that I am berfectly safe in warranting •all my work,. I am Milo prepared lo dO re pairing in fitatiltlii like maiihet; on the Shortest notice. Orders solicit ed and promptly - attended, to. All orders sent in or repairing must be accompanied with the cash. For particulars slid circulars descriptive ol ma chine, tiedress GEORGE FRIG IC Or Dsthich Guatitt; Proprietor of Territory and ea licetor of orders, Waynesboro' Franklin Co. Pa. April 18—tf NE W - FIRM! Cloachmakingl THE undersigned having leased the dell-kndifh C oacti in aking Intablishme tof A lea. Hamilton, on Mechanics street; Waynesboro', resylectfulljt an nounce to their friends and the public getlerally; that they purpose carrying on the businesa in all its branches, and" are MAY prepared to maifilfacttifb to ,rder all kinds of Carritiges,Thtiggies, Bardtithei Sprng Wagons, dece olkc:of the best motorist!, dtid made oy superior *dilinen.' BLACKISMITHING and REPAIRING, of dll kinds done at resusdbable rates, promptly anal° WO' satififaction of custaniers. • . COUNTRY PRODUCE taken hi exchantalor Work at market prices. 'l3r Persons desiring articles or wait in the Coach l making line, are redpbctililly invited tb give them a call. - L. K. MORRISON, Mar. R. OEO. B. HA WKER. NOttlee d "NeW 'Fibrins THE subicribet having disposed of his entire stock of Goads to Messrs. Colliflower & Clog moil, notifies all persdus indebted to hidi on Store B'daks - to settle thair accounts with and pay the a- Meth* of their indelltoduess to either Jdtin P. Study or Daniel Bricker. The new firm *ill continue the business•aa heretofore. A. S. MODIN. Quincy, Jan. 31, 1862. - , Cheap — aid Beautiftall Light. XTO. 1 Carbon Oil—pure add non-explosive— warrantedl.ll to burn withodt emitting any smell itsed in the CARBON OIL LAMPS, bf the latest AnyNl and imptoveme'ntst-.4.11 Add UM? so* CASS At the sign of the BM RED HORN. D. B. RUSSELL. Pianda and Melodegnia. /ME undertigued. baying become Agent DO Wm. Knabe & Co's. (of Balthnote), celebrated pianos and of Cruhart, Needham & Co's. unetbr- ClMalodetine, is prepared to fdrniih inditW ith"the above named instruments at city' pri ces. AU instrtummte warmikad tor the Mandfactia *a. LOOMS °tithe above inotrdments gitrtm in tn*n I* country. (mity2ll) T. L. BUDD. -- """A.VI3BOTHERTOW I "---- boullile Barrel Shot Goo; 'Colts Rivolying Pistols, , Basstd's Electric Powder • Noes& Gun (ape very jeep, SAW Moe, Rifles, Powder Plasko i Powdeirl Shot Sege, Bop. Van. 16 'SS) , ryErgiOuns Vontinentar pomp dir, Joie , dear , 'dig) skt r Y eoltetialihatlid.it be a FFlll'llll. .1%411 trtitellat4eattra' that, burin either ebb!' et Weed, call at Llo I'HITLEV and ask ft* the Crindrientel, whit* is one of tile best stcritii.in nntrketi and by. far Alb cheapat. takes ail Mfg Mick of tiritodixed, briletividealiitli brick to' rum coal. It is one 01'6ktwat balling ant' 'cooking Stoves that has ettitt Ban offers* ihr sale It is a fine Cooking &Ode' Old • is easily clean. I :Limiter have a large essotti s tieitt Ori'lfainVarid will give bbtter bargains than , tidy other how* in the country:. So to prObo my name is nut' Gen.. Bragg call and see for *ourselves. Ake cur hand Mat* Mover, such as fitil AB CM, MI for shop or, parlor, all' of which I will sell vet loaf You Will also parlor,. a large assaitmtlat of , wifh Copper, Brasil and Sheet-bon Wate, which is all of my own meths, and which has ,been proven cannot be found better in any place. Nat remem ber Bam bound to Wcheap, eo all'that want any thing in my line, "gide me •a call: My shop Is still sat tht old place on Main Street, *Arai the Prirrting Offibb. Hetlva Nornittitigt dee at all times and of the best double Om Peeling very thankful for thit many past favors I her, received from the public, I would invite all to gigs nits a call, for then you' can Sae for yodtsetves where to get bargains. Or metal taken at Foundry Prices in exchange for beer Stoves. W. A. TRITI.•E; Ittri.2B Waynesboroi: PUSH ARRIVAL MK ZEE, t 1 ' 1 Mgt ConlectieNery, Frsits; &c., &c., SC. THE subteriber takes this method of aunowreing to the people that ho has received at his 'Thug wore; a large and carefully selected stock of • FRESH DRUGS, Chemicals, Patent Midicines, Paints Oils,: Dye Stuffs, window Otass, Putty, Tobacco,'Smill, and Segars, dcc., *hi& he tio* prepared to sell itis cheap as WE cheapest and will assure his custom. era that in regard to quality; *hick is of the fun imz portance, his goods will cOthpare with any tit the market. He has Am a splendid ne fragment of Perfttelety Soaps and • 2 Toilet • Articles, of all kin*/ consisting in pen cif the foilovring, vit Bared Mies, Parrtades, • Attiber and Bears' Cif Colognes, Extracts for the Bandkerchiefi Lyon's Ketficiron, Bamet'd docoame, • Q Harriet:Ws Ladies' Bog, Hditey Soap, - BMW soap, Diamond White Soap: Ceßniki l iONllßT, FROM a*, Cranberries ' Raisins, Figs , M Prunes, °anta', littleiliPitron,Oranges, Lemons,-Nuts of till kinds, and Candies of every variety. Kerosene Lamps, Lamp globes, and lirdahes, Kerosene Oil, Camphine, Alcohol, Ildnting Fluid, and in fackanything and everything fthtL is der/ally found in a drug store. Thankful for kind favors and rationaire heteitu , fore bestowed' upon Linf t he solicifit a ContinuanCe of the same. and hopes that by endeavoring to please, he may win the confidence of the people. Physicians' prescriptions proniftly and carefully compounded at all Warm J. F. KUNTZ. nov .29, 1860 P. POURTIMAN, Deal& in all Ike variety of hrugt. Medi dos, Ydnkee Notidn% Perfumery, Liguori Idt medicinal purposeL'Oila, C•. WOULII tend& Hit thenkti friths &Mimi' ity and still , solicit the thitranage of a gene us public whd *ant anything Id his line. Inasmuch as he has enlarged His stack se as to be enabled to answer alt della of anything and everything usual ly found ill a tlnit Stole, and has a thorough ac quaintance *ith tHb btisittebs, he hopes to gain the bifiliklence of the Community. He will pay par; ticular attention to filling physicians' Precriptions, and more care and precaution used in waiting up 8n children than adults. 111E101 Rill 10111811 C BOGS Choice Wines and Liquors for ntediditial adfl sacramental purposes,PateniMedicidat Are endless in variety, including all that bete been mode up td this date and some that are yet id codify°. Also White Lead, Fick; Feint, Whiting end Varnishes for house blinding ef inside Work, besides all shies of Obit*. Comnierclal; Notts; Fools Cap and Uttar 'Pepet allitittyli on haled, with a variety of Envelopes of different sizes and colors.. Brushes, Conihsi Pomade, Fancy Eldip, Eat "Oil; Colognes, Essen ces, Flitioring Eittracts, add nanniftius articles in the Fancy Ifile On hand add offered for sale, cheap: tir than eirtit offered before Also a bilge assortment of Kerosene Oil Lanifis, Chimney") Shades and Wicks, and Kerosene Oil W 81l them. A general assortment of Fruits and Conlectionaries, Tobacco and tlc. 11. To Capitalists.' jAYNESBORtr d AVING FUND.—'hie Society will pay the following rates of in terest per annum,on ill toms deposited in the In. stitutiOn. For 3 moods, $ per cent.; from 3 to 9 month% 3 per cent.; from 3 to IS months, 4 per cent; and orer:18 Menthe, 44 per cent. .Ftik a shorter period than 8 monism the terms *Bibs made town by, the Tiessuror. Notithilit discountshinld be handed to the Tram. nger bit Tuesday; as the Beard of DireeXots meet iyahllty an Wedneldhy of each week,st 6 o'elock A.M - By Order of the Board, Jane 19'38 !NO. PHILIPS Tawnier. _ lUNKlier Wringeir. W. PUTNAM% Patent Moth .Wringer for d. it the sie of dib Big Red Hon' D.B. ilttnath. • Agent ibe rnaklian tangy._ H Itusii&W IN Toys's:sets is £Dottie IN 1 111 1 141144141 :; 74 , c., • ' ..)460111111 0 4kiidia 64, 4' ; '):', ; c , ; ' EirW : iie llll4 Z! , TERMS.-440;59 :iOJ) h 4 idpp4l§,birifttiLW ihree dioisibiz-42-00 ef t the exPiraikiii . oli .' -1 inondur Otte I : lo ' the. ' i. ii i f_ ADVAIIIKEPI • id littipi l ,tbriii War.. tionsVilorinividbie II 4nsertibdi 29 centili• glirPettent itiediddir, ,dii I albeit city adves-• fiefibrio piid . Odmiiiiiolfiriiiiiidisiiiiii - ' 4. 0 MU. rftk - V Nil BliOlitri• ' , aideminemitongtioadir tken o . w hawed';llktve,Unto* • tiitri 'as 't he rt Sin" taitaildbistant in attnottneinttelist ilienthe end. the PrililliP itit: he le preparbdttO receive • add entertain Guestil'in a•style not to:' be• eicelle& It ant Count*: Bond:" The littitifigbeen , thernighli! rePairedi Ind newly feridethed with. ere.- sy thing calciilatbiqb Maki hbtitteeste comfortable —the teihrtel;ntat fidak Ali* frill at at titherffirdit,inianilittlart saitet.to thtf ettinfort and" convenience Orate - itiokihierisiii• plied With the thidreetliqhbrei did Ida-Table with , the dint the markettrißo ;wad• alt Otliar appliances , ' ettitabletnrd necessary for. the accommodation .of maw or beast. With faititiht arid..ohfiging servants with his own personal attention and supervisionaie Will have no etairate . unspitaisi, to ,robrieb. public pad *entree, .„ . • , . r, The pitprietof assurer those WitsrmW vlith their pationage that' they shill , ever meet at his houses cordial reception; and that etverything esd - Benda Ur the codvedietteit still' *plums of his guests shill be' attended , to; ' • June 21,1860 to B. ItURTZ MY!! Vl/11112-raCre 9a at s.aat. beet minetutations 6to* the Faculty of *melon' - • lege. N. Pameirros, N.. 1, Fab. 213tht )881. The nndersignettave happy to testify:that mils of the Favetteville'Reademy, Pa. have lottintsinell a high standing anion the'recent gitobektes -of the College_of Nevt Jeriey: ' JOHN MACLEAN• President — of thrEiillege. JAMRSO. MOFFAT4 Professor of Greek. fik MUBORAVE WO E% Professor JOHN T. DUFFiEIAIi Professor of Mathematic itP DL L IL LUSO , At, ?INC/I*CM - to hie frieridi and the [Millie -generally that he is now in possession of all the late and moat imprived instruments,and is welt' prepared to peritirrn all DENTAL operations. His Will , tit , happy to wait upon those who may require - Me et ttri expenenotid Dentist. All opera tioht upon tfotc mouth and teeth perfiirmed in iv pleientifie maruktr. Teeth inserted , aceoYding to the" latest improvetttents in the art, ante it Moderate rates. Office in his residence on the &tenth iikrrner of Etter Diamond,. April 41, 'el , • I PECK OF TROUBLES TURNED . UP 010! t lETHt, tan Wiakit a mail*-4 uniirn in appear- _ yr snag. with a coat fitting like a fauhion-plate pants and rest fit for a pfafrident. W)iu makes the' fine gents you see in the City! Tit& Tailor!—no' mistake about it, Well, then we have just brought from the% City, the neatest, sleekest, fittest, fanciest,. jolliest, lot of FANCY eASSOIDge, MACK ONEISIMEIREB• CLOTHS ANT) irEBTPI 08, detain% semi in this goal/lei. Wel Will pledge oar selves td turnout gdod Fife law thiaap Fresh, Oarkling goals alWairt plebe, and we haver them, We have the latest Ftifhion Plates, and Wilt leave nothing undpiell hi please mei friends and thy "rest of Mankind." G. & .1. BENDE, April 18_ •.iw • . AT BROTHORTON'S." A mum LOT OP Coke Revolting P tole &dui PiStol tiartrid ee, - Sharperi Pieta, CareriJg Color Plato( oaps, Hided U. S. Aimy (laps, 'Wrote and HdJlet Moulds, Fine Bowie Arrive* • Copper Piatdl flasks, Hasard'a Elddric Powder French Odd Wadding. &a.. &c. Goad of this description have become exceedingly scarce. Persons wanting the only refiabk "Pistol made, will doVeil m edli immediately and purchaser one of "Colts Patent 11/each-loading Revolvers. Sept. 28. '62. • THE OLD. MILLER AGAIN ! 8 the Rebellixt is now on its last legs, and nearly over, we thought right to announce' the public that we will gtind Grists of 20 bush or upwards either for peg of Toll aepartely,and tt we have on hand all kinds of FIIED, UORN ear or shelled, or in MEAL sifted or not. Al Oats by the bushel or in any way that it may wantedp=also, Midlings, SidpstMiand Bran, Cis in Cob Chopped at oho:Shelties. Plasterhy the tc or bailiel on hand: ' Still in the market for Wheat We can always dd up good work like'it was do• at Island No: 10, and Fiusburg Landing. JOHN WALTER, JOSEPH ELDEN. TO TEE LAMES/ NEW MILLINERY GOODS! MLIS M. RBSSER informs the Ladies Waynesboro' an I skink" that she , moved her Millinery fibre, to the adjohfing the residene.e.of Mr. ii Wolf and has just remitted from the Eastern issortaienk of • Bonnets, Haut Bonnet..Trinimings, Flowen. and other artieles &many kept by Minute. Ladies are requested to call tad minium bor Aprilit'62 , SAT 111BOTHSISTOWISP A fall lot of gaols consisting of Lead Pencils, /risk Hooks, , Pensussicia Caps, Ink Stands, Files, Piles, Wro's (ludas& Hakes, t Cast-steel Hoes, Wage bens, Msit•Cesters, - -° - Torningeo!ges, . Drawing Knives, Haad Saws 4 • • ira Fig i.408,01a; Books, , ikaar", • a pima law ankles sot mrtativiseed that I ius selling , all stay OM sad *Ors doe pirse.. II V& toptber . r