Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, April 24, 1863, Image 2

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ir - 14Ity; April 24 1802:
r • •
r ' ) O grA°atl t it a rr i al e tidiiViA u„
here treat t e
Nirt FteetlernYtA
beln e ,WrJe u ef t;
And' Frdetlom a
' b' hiVer itreelimnx oer
eirfors'Yoceured in Mr.
Goon's price list of plants as published lath
publish tke list corrected to-day.
e undCintand that the
Mr. BEATTY will deliver his last or furiwell
ditiCoun3n,' in the Union Chttrch; Id this
place, on Sunday next, services to oodiurelted
at 3 &Clock, P.M:
Piddic Sale. , ---The said adirartisad by Mi.
comes off Friday, May
Bth instead of the sth as pablished if bttr
Int issue
Soldiers' Money.'--' V a Imie been reqtffei
led to state that Co. E, 126th Reg. P. Vo.;
has ft:winofled to M. M. STONER; Esq.,
Specimen Pictiires.—Dr. W. D. tAbittzte;
itho has Commenced the business Of photo
graphing, exhibited tb us a few dajfa einee
numbet of sietiibbne *e regard at fine
aditrtiiement *ill ttppbat
next *Celt:
ilLS'Copperhead papbastevery Aibre (says
the ilatiotei..Speetator) are making bitter
and malignant attach upon the Union
Leagues and charge among othei things that
they are secret oath haunt/ emOcrations inten
ded to "suppress public sentiment by the
sword and iryohet."
As for the "Loyal Union Lea;
know that the best and purest men of the
tonnti:y of all parties belong to them. We
'know that General Stott is President of one
in New York, and Eilivard Everett of anoth
er in Boitdri. We Ittitivr that they iii 4 S its o
pen as the noonday sun in all their transac
tions, that they have neither signs; oaths,
nor any anoint machinery belonging to them,
and that the only pledge asked, which is a
tacit pledge of honor, is the following;
, "We 'pledge ourselves to an unconditional
loyalty to. the GoVernmeht of the United
Stites, to an unwavering support of its efforts
to suppress the rebellionoind to spare no en
deavor to maintain, unimpaired, the National
Unity, both in principle and territorial boun
dal. The primary object of this League
is, and shall be; to bind together all loyal
men, of all tradeS and' professions, and all
patties, in a common union to maintain the
power, integrity and glory of the Nation."
No*, we *int .to know if any loyal man
burl object CO subscribe to that pinaget ? We
think not, and we advAn,all loyal men in ev
ery township and borough of the county 'to
Organise a League on thisbasis. accom-
Plislits nothing else•it will draw the line be
tween the loyal and disloyal, and will be a
Useful retoreto preserve witil this war is
Another Arrest.—Solomon Heiser, who
iesides Maryland, but near the line of
this county; Wes in this place bft business
Flaring Court Week. On &turtle, evening,
after baring 'Attended to his business, he
was arrested I'y'tie Provost •Guard for dis
loyalty t o the Government , of the Units('
States, and seat ta Rift ItltHenry. His Non
has also been ,nrrestbcldti tt like ehtuge.=
i?epOsitorli cG rr,T3Tipe.,
ilEir". Since the above arrest was made tce
have. had Alt opportunity to •Converse With a
reliable eittlethen from Helser's vihidit
iili ' o;repreents hifri as tree of the tmastirio
lent ! that section; and tha
has done more 'to poison the minds and breed
' disloyalty athon'g; the people of his neigh=
borhood distil all the dislayarthere put ul
ge.ther. Yet the Valley AS'pirfti;ithe "cop
peihead organ ;' pronounces the arrest "An
ather' Ontr4ey" and even,goih so far as to
indulge threatB resistine6 td future ar
rests. The hditor tt ust. havi rielintly been
on ti visit to the Berks' "Bart! Association."
The' rodent' disVdfiry - mita tatild Barks,'
Of seveadhundrad conspirators, tilt arms;
resist the i ttatitertties •of, the,goverttMent;
.lie calls :.j'an iniinetise , 15.1are'a:Nesr," • On§
'of his apel3gies Pot thbse antb:titttid trai,
i o 6ie, that they ''WrO ( . 7la4iitek,oPintbd
the' conscriptionbill," and "were deterutinbd
tti‘ teat its conStittiti'onalitat in , the courts."---,
' 'Consistency ; fo'r'dOce, diVe, the fbllb~ credo
•*,' ‘"
The Atiliiy a t sleet, iitlf
F.Jranklin _county; triOleUtibtiotigit 4 0
frbin thnlieart
teas long, Veen tt,vrttudsir, Why .theohbOutiUt t.
•!iputtlits E*ll, filtiwinpriniairottlite;
isa9;,The foiliossikagisofkom,the,
imply .L Seil What Wei*
P 3 Oki/ [ Tnioli'/ 41 06 1134 ? 4 -
41cor 04 z oise`'
, toj*Alkue.katt ) iro i 4 .404/fr#c. : ,
Ap i a 'hatki,fidieho itut ,so Anns, t ,hst
intiittiiier with rebellion will raii,s6inat
them. Their sole.objeet is to nuiiiiteintike
gniwanieu,t and the Union; Mid no loyal man
will oppo s e an Argartliation , hirving„:oob , ee
WA; ept
0110PRINEMEEE" I grt i a l Ein
NE. - Ounce
t for -f 46. ng,44 fished
t i"/ • ekVrpose of
organising a nion eague;:' a number of
periona assembled at the "Continental Ho-
AV 41 4 ,4 31 141 Z10Y4 4011 4 41 : 118414 :- H -
Grordon,iiiesiaent and I. 'Seery.
On &oil* the followie >= 6oiniii tees Vera
appointed: Joseph S. Stem, .liVillim*
Brotherton, and A. 111. rrriMtmer, a commit
tee on resolutions. V.
:BlairrW, :Ask : with,- W.. Ilantmgt,,.. J.: F.
'Knits, al eontmittee on organisation. Josiah'
'Besoie, 'Davit - Sheep( 'John Sheeler,:• JoV
,Ait4rhon ! lieff , vtgey,
John OnannCiriii Thos. W.
Meeinikt, exeentive 61Miraittee: , On'
rodtioit of NC Brotherted it was ,resolied
ifia(ttici proctiedinge Of this meting be pub
the Vigtege Recthil." on
Coil, the meeting
. . H., Pre's i t:
5. F. Ittro:Ti,SOo*.ty. ,
Pirdpesb'oro'; April 20th 186 g.
More Bread Riots. —Pet6fabarip "Va.,
papers giVe a meager account of a bread. riot
Which oactirred in that city about ten days
since. They do not dwell on particulars,
but there can be little question that it was
One of no small magnitude and significance.
Desekters from the rebel army at 'Savannah
report disturbances there, which must soon'
break out into a serious, revolt. The demand
for bread is too imperious to be overlooked;
and the rebel authorities must heed it ;
how ? Thera is nothing in the confederacy
with Which to giire relief. Peace alone will
bring low prices and plenty, and that can
billy be purehated at their 'oWtt humiliation ;
and they are not willing' to pay the price.
But the people will soon compel them to
surrender. Thu plan of starving the' south
into submission, once BO' ridiculed, is now
deemed feasible ; and all *e hate to do, is to
administer trio' or three &ore Murfreesboro'
flfig'elationt, ad& keep their ports blockaded
for . six months, and tie will have the peace
whiolt 'might halt; been concluded ere now,
had not the rebels been eneouraged by the
peace-ptrity Of the North, from whom they
expected supplies, if not active assistance.
ues" we
Difie•Greferilor Curtin, in view of the exi
gency of the public service, has suggested
to the President a plan of garrisonitrg the
defences Of Washington with militia, that
the veterliti soldiers boil in that deparmont
might be spared for more important and
pressing duties in the field: To this end,
he offered to forward titenty thousand mi
litia, and (tilted that about
,fiVe thousand
volunteers Who have bad the necessary ex-
Darlene° be distributed among
* the militia,
to tender the latter force equivalent for all
practical purposes, to the same number of
volunteers'sent to the field. It is not 'known
whether this patriotic offer has been 'accept.
ed, but it meets with the favor b the Presi
Caught at Last.toE HooK.Ett, who so
successfully carried on horse stealing in this
region during last winter-,-has—been--caught
aLlast. It seems he sold a couple horses in
Washington city to a colored man and' the
katrttiuight stole them back, and sold them
again in a day or two to another man. The
horses were recognized by,the first party.—
This led to the detection of HOOKER. He
was arrested and is now in jail fit Wasliittg
ton. Constable. WoLEi, of Mercersburg,
went down, last
. week to indentify him.
"YANK," his partner, madelis escape. It
is expected that .TIo6KKa Will be brough t to
this county on the Goviracir'S tequisition.—
abbsicuatin Pilot,
Thd President lifts• issued a piddiaiiiaddii;
dbclaring that the et for the admission of
West Virginia lute the Union shall take ef
fect fictinbild after sixty days, proof hating
been submitted to hiin that the oonditibnt
of ndtriisifioii; namely; certain emancipation
in her COStitutioti, have been complied
The rebels have at mamind the Megii (Jr
'ashington, N. C. The whole force tinder
General has fallen back td the interior;
atid join General 'Longstreet on the
Blinitwater. The design is to make a heavy
assault tipon Suffolk, Norfolk, and Yorktown,
and to he, ready to repel an adtsecti of the
Army of the Pototnac,
. .
'Through the, exc . rtions oftdv. elude,
is.everulivci CO the interests of the sol
dier,un agency has been established in Wash
ington, throUgh which' hndies of - privates
*he die in the . artny are Sint iUtheir hornet
at the teapenseof the goilinintent. Officere
tire alotinchided thin - arrangement.
, ,
:176e Eke Way. in Mei rayitifit.--The vote
the ain ailment to the ts . consikitido of Went,
Virginia proposing 4, gradual emancipation
bf alatt4.has 03sulted iu 28. °aunties as. for
fowls lintancipation' ?4 ; 874- and
The i ntit hold for
the beis.iiouse fit Siikelibiltetirit3; s d far,
Bite aiefVOiitibiiesoir 85.4 a -the -democrats
yorati.os; yVest 18; Oattfor
Cipiettsniralst-40.004 :•;_ ,
- w
116Beisiat±s tts?Rfq- 4000; btt Palf
to every sOldier Who ie.:enlists for n year af
ter the term of his aortic* expires, each eel
4ier le to hive thirty ila.ya furlough:
• ,'; , ~.; , . : • .4
i,. 'e , ..yfee .'• ~, . .:, - .AArg an - i
•,.,.. io i
• zi Oil ,
~,, 4 de l , 1 05e , .. A
i v • ' ',' f'.l p as 13 'th
fi r '',Yi., '•..,, -;',: may" ., o l , - , ,i,
&nti , '.; gif Ool4eika iirthoi'Coitil 11040;
in ChathViiiibarg on Tuesday evening, the
,A* 1 .0n...4 . 6.'N54 1 ,!ce, measures forfotating 'a
tiiiealiiigue: take,
iiieeiiiig IfiL4 'Oirgaiiiied
gsr Iflatiog:l3Corlf ' Zeigletoft3Teetteptlei
ia .the , Cyliii: fht : taking . .the chair
Zeigier . .taade ttfe# yeitif?:eot r emarks, lir
!ging tlice.itiahisiityof,Vnicas,ind,pitii,4l,l . 4t,
this .eriels,Kforgettipg.p.arty nni TPPIPB4r"
ifi:g : e011atv.y.,6114. -„ll , ,ehert •;‘ , alj ea, of Green,
.CO. John Shirts, of ,Dkereerehnrg, il'oha:.Ri•=,
.ley; of .ohatnbereburg, sad ; 1)r. C•., ; l`. li.ioClay,
.of Gresitbillageovere.made Vice' Presiaents f
and (lea. O: SeilliairCei ttifd Ti A., Wats ; of
,Obilifilist;shurg, Sebretaiies.
On motion of C. S. Eyster, , ESq.., a coma
mitten of five •was appointed by, the ehair.,-to
draft resoltitions.' That committee consisted
of C. S. EystereSnively Strickl6o. H. Mc-
Cauley, John Ditzler ned 3. A. Hyssong ;
who • retired - for a short time for that purpose.
Meanwhile, 'CA, A.- R McClime made a
strong and eloquent appeal in behalf of the
Union. The Committee returning reported
the following resolutions: .
We the , undersigned,. citizens of C hut-there
burg; and its vicinity ; do hereby' form our
selveS hito an assoeiation called the Chien
League. of Chambersbutig, for the purpose of
co-operating with similar associations through
out the state and county, upon the' princi
ples embraeed in the following Resolution,
which has been adopted in other places as a
basis of action, for all , true and earnest lov
ers of the Unies throughout the country,
and we 'do earnestly urge upon-all the friends
of the goternment throughout the different
Districts of the tottrity at once to go to work,
and fort similar Leagues.
Resolved; That we do hereby absolve our
selves froin all party, excepting that great
party of American Freemen, who are deter
mined to stand by the question of National
unity and Free Government. To this great
party We cordially tender the hand of fellow
ship and 'tmity, and tie 'call upon all the U
nion loving citizens of Franklin county to
stand by the Government •and the Adminis
tration Eth one accord ; to aid in maintain
ing it With all their might and power, and
means and credit, and to exhibit no hesita
tion or flattery until our arms are triumph
ant arid peace restored' throughout the land.
On introdticing the resolutions, I. H. Mc •
Conley ; Esq., made a stirring and patriotic
speech which was responded to by Todd
cheers; and a long list of names of the men
who are willing to be, known to ba for their
Country: • On motion of Judge Carson, the
proceedings of this meeting be published in
all the loyal papers 'of the County. The
Lettgue then adjourned to Meet at the hodse
of Jacob S. Brown, on Saturday evening
next; to perfect its organi . .
Gi-oli His RIGHTS.—Dan 4
Stewart car
penter; who left this city with the Rebel in
vaders, in September last, in order to "get
his rights" under the 'banners of Treason,
appears to hate auceeeded beyond his expec
tations. At least this is the inference drawn
from his unexpected return last week in rath
er a forlorn condition, and professed his
hearty disgust of Rebeldom. He was prompt
-4 arrested by Maj, Vredenburg, our Provost
Marshal, on ,Thursday last, and upon making
representatides Of his sincere tepentanceand
joy-at-escaping from the 'lousy chivalry,' was
permitted to take the Oath of Allegiance
and was released. It took him seven months
to get his rights and get back 4,atti,—Fred.
. Examiner.
—janies Snowden Peasants, of Montgomery
County; Md:, for "relieving the enemy with
iritualsi and knowingly harboring and pro
tecting them," was sentenced to be hanged,
by a court-martial at Poolesville, Md., of
which Col. Wm. Wdrt Virgin of the twenty
third Regiment Maine Volunteers, was pres
ident. The finding of the court *as return
ed; with this eudorsOnttnt
"MARCH 25, 1863.—The sentence of
death in this case is hereby commuted to
ithprisonment during the war, in one of, the
military prisons to be designated b the Sec
retary of War. A. LINCOLN."
Bank near 7Sttfo lk—Capture of a ebee
Battery - and 206 Prisoners.
WASHINGTON, April 20.—An official de
spatch has been redeived,from Major Gener
al Peck; dated 'Saturday evening, eight o'-
clock, saying :
General Getty, in conjun ction with the
gunboats under Lieutenaut 'Jamson, has
stormed the !wavy battery at the West
Branch mid captured six guns and two hun
dred of the Forty-fourth Alabama Regiment.
They crossed in boats. The .eighty-ninth
New York and the Eighth C •nnectiont were
the storming party.
Attack of the Rebels bn Fayetteville-'- - -They
are Reprised with, considerable Loss; the.
ST. LOUIS, April 20:—Telegraphic de.
spatches received at .headquarters today say
that Fayettevile, Arkansas, was attacked be.
fore daylight on Saturday morning by about
three thousand armed 'rebels, with four pie
ties. of artillery: Our 'force waS less than
two thoeiand, part of which were unarmed:'
The rebels were repulsed with considerable
loss. Our loss Was'five killed and seventeen
Wounded:" '
The Crisis
. bf Ehb Wao.
The Richmond' flpriliner of the 9th fast.
"In the cOurbe of the Manth of June this
campAign and the war lOW culminate.' If
We Come out of that month defeated the
South will be forced on' terrible 'Measures to
preserve, itself. If wdeonle out victorious;
then"-the war will be "ittbsteritiallk"oveii as
trociis'caurnit operatein the Routh
alter thallium!? - '
,- 1-Gerieralitoseerans has , pripretl. his army
for offensive operations: , bleuorul Burnside
bus , opened. direct communications' with him,
aid, will probublyAoin ,him, at., the :preper
moment, .Tce ,forces seatiered about *rough
Tennessee, Missouri, and Arkansas have
orders to concentrate-and move with -more
concert of action. . •
pity , .
"NE ggiv
• r ,
Naval .Exp!clitt,' ' 6410". 4 15 401'
. besieged zn4itlitlifaslnVon IV.'
boat• stranded on Point :Marsh Shoal;
Pamlico Sound,—a• tereific storm—The
-- Teritreopht.seenr- , ,=-isinc:4l-the Expc(ll-.,
*last letter closed-milt - our startmg-oirt
lon a second expodition, and L promised to
give you details? but, inasmuch ; - have .
',already aketehecfit, for' the #eAsitorzi &'
rransciiiii, and tiseieula de thickening so
rapidly about-1111 i fuller,sof interest; I omit,
; drop that portion of our hishory, eager as I
.au' to, acquaint those, interestedl inns, with
every:ineident of note.. ' chir,Brigtitte' seems
doomed to: labors and Kahl that fall to the
lot of none otherlin this AinrY: cotpa; owing
to the fact ; Icra ,intorimed i that Our terra of
service expires Era - Jivers? , heirte,:the neat three
months we brigade' ;Mobile, Cer
tain? or as our inimically jolly' Doetor ex
presses it, Bell will be Lo play and. to bile to
turn the wheel!. Well ; We had ;returned'
from our second expedition; had enjoyed the
mellow Wrarblings of tho birds, and the soft
balmy sunshine, .several fine spring morn
ings; had innocently entettritted, the idea,
that several days, perhaps weeks, of Uninter
rupted repose ; a .de it:ions-season td ertpend
in communing with our loved (ales at home,
and the newspapers, the only tsfo sources of
pleatere the soldier wots of- - -Wheti f a "soli
tary horseman" came plenging over the
bridge with an envelop half as long Sts his
arm, sticking out of his bosom; says I "Sgm
my the jig's up !" My neighbor, the captain,
scratches his head and takes a mouthful of
—beard ! I,tell Dark to stand at attentiki
"Fry mush and • fish immediately!" Things
fry ! Marching ordersl- Ten days rations!.
Start off at four-o'clock; this is sunday of
course. The streaming sun is fleeing through
.the sky pursued by ravenously dark-looking
clouds? there is to rain here unaccompanied
by howling storms. Rain begins to fall? the
storm-king fairly yells, ,as if maddened by
our desecration of the Sabbath day, In the
rain s in the storm, and with Otiosity feelings
or savage desires to see the cross-baited
Gens. in —in an unreasonably uecomforta ,
ble quartet' for a short time, we slide through
the mud to the wharf! Ah I , that Will' do!
A splendid steamer the Thos. Collin ; re
ceives us ott her capacions decks. Our gal
lant Col. D: B. McKibben haitiug been seri
ousl injttted whilst deploying skirmishers
near Pollocksville one very dark night, his
horse having,hthen with, much to
the regret of all riot with us; hence ; my
friend ; the Lt. Col. is in Command, with
scaled orders in his pockets: Off steams the'
tatit steamer, spurning the descending tor
rents, the-heavy wafts of Notes ; blowidg
defiance in
,her very jaws, arid the lowering
heavens thick with dire portents. All went
Well till we reached the month of the Neuse
where 'Boles seems, by times to Unloose all
his rebellions prisOners; and not , they played
the Devil Without pitch—fide Dr. , - Our
good ship heading northward ; received the
splaShing *eves tumbling inward from the
sea star.boafd, which set her to rolling' vie
twist here mention ; Its the proper
place that the, dol. unsealed his orders, and
announced that we were to proceed imme-.
diately to Washington N. C. to relieve Gen.
Foster—Well, the'fury of the sterfin increas
ed with the • descent of night- , --shadows,
pitehy add thOk, and sheet-rain swept down.
with redoubleu fury : the rialling at the
boat began to affect the men, and up came
Jonah from every quarter; pale-faces, sighs
and groans were everywhere. Oh ! horrid
the feeling I Every roll of the boat is like a
fresh pill to the sick! Utterly reckless, you
care little Whether you-live or die; for there
is do relief ! The poor fellows lay stretched
on decks; indifferent whether tinder shelter,
heedless of all orders or duties ; knowing on
ly how miserable they were, and deploring
t,bCir sad fates. Little, did they reek of the
trials and terrors i leaping ;:ke sea-Waifs, just
no* en the very bow of their boat : for in .
the darkness, in the rain, itt ne general
distress; the ship had unaccountably gotten
out of the channel ) having drifted Several
miles sea-ward, and now behold I the cry is
heard the ship's aground 1 In vain the engi
neer applies the steam, reverses motion, chan
ges po.sitiort of the men, &c. &c.; hard and
fast she sticks amidship, bow and stern,
rocking ! 'Twas 9' o'clock—night, storm in
creasing and hurling wave after wave, upon
the doomed Vessel& Finding it impossible
to dislodge the ship, the Captain commanded
cur ratioull to be Cast overboard; and barrels
beef; toffee niui •
'of pork, beef; toffee and sugar, their heads
driven in, were given to the waves, and
thousands of pounds of hard Tack, candies,
etc. were scattered on tho waters, which, by
day-dawn, we saw ravenously snatched up
by the huge flocks of sea-gulls, gathering
round us from all quarters, warbling in mock
ery of our terrible condition. Thirty tons
of coal were now east overboard; the boiler
pipes were opened, the last hope, and all the
water, about twenty tons, drawn off,—and
yet there was no relief. With every blow
of the fast-striking waves, the timbers of
the vessel creaked, and gave way; - and the
flooring of the cabin would raise as ititich as
four inches. Signal-guns were fired from
the dock, sdhootiers would could in sight,
but fearing to approaeh tho :treacherous
shoals, would sail aw,4l At noon, the Cap
tain declared tlaatif not relieved in eight
hours, the ship would fall to pieces ! The
Col. asked for volunteers to attempt a re
turn in a small boat to New Berne, for as
sistance, Lt. Stover, Company' U. and Lt.
Beaver Comp. I offered themselves. At two
o'clock, with thti pilot and several other men,
they gave _themselves to the Waves. With
an extemporised sail, the little boat fairly
flew before the storm. With whit anxiety
we watched ..her, as she datmed from i crest to
crest, by. time, scarcely viSible through
mist. We had great eptitidence 'in the boo'
bravery of the Limits; atid,our only hope, of.
escape from the_ perils environing is, being
in their success, we never doubted their safe,New Berno. By 9 o'elock P. M
they.preAtited their dispatch to A. A. G..
Hoffman at head-quarters! hiving no
cothplished the'distance, about fifty miles in
seven hours I illetipwitileZwe lay sick and
- suffering the , Collier, stall. rolling and re
ceiving thhustoittoilthlurs ot,Noptunit info,
slate • - Another. high t ekterrovd ad'd : .Uppre,
bedsiods iaipaSsed;.herSd fe* are . praying,
earnestly; fok deliverauee, thinking doubtless
&Paul's troubles *lied, shipwreeked; 'there
a little 'crthrd artsittging - hymns) Whild'oth
ers, Atka add lebir*tth unblended •bro*s,.
dethithined to meet their, fate like hero&4
Anlid the hoWlings of the storm signal guns'
„ • I.
. ' tire 1111 Ated, ant Signal-li hts displaye d ,
41h ~,- *t., Jor4:0110 Nettll, , & eh c:'l
Intvillg:, i e rapi t y ilktrai i tits;.” adal CI , ••
4 0
NOth b . : own. thotighlthCAY)jojhty i l
- etirriiiiirvatiillit4 againif t f thiiishik;piitiiiied
the very heart's blood, for the - iihiip was' ex
pected to break asunder anithiilitew her liv
' ink reight to the naiads of -the sound,)
IVloafitrbiardNe iiretibn'ltierrlitenir
God,!•ex.okildnektnany a one. Oh , l how aux
ifinidrie ltitikett `toward Neuse rivet for the
'expected_ suneor I how wearily ,the hours
passed ! Night was again approaching! "Are
theY-bei'dortil6g/7 iiiii iislod oh ; how often!
Now ihe storm begin& to it a te' ; "A sail V'
lime noir shouted:--4.llhey-are coming,for.-es4.
she comes on ',but t ehobe.passei onf.,rar
ded with soldiers : Bit there I iMiOttideo tnes
in- View; she 860, and , ' ibeiiiiiii ' Mi., "bh ,
!halm weight of spyienseli ; reineved: Mow
we sail toward dur diatiiiatitin'-• WO iliddh
Palmieo: river next morning, tirriVint Within
1 six miles of Washington we 'are suddenly
brought to; by the announcement 'that "the
'Rebs ? }lief placed. batterieS' 'along the shore
thaturould de'stroy Us: 'We cast anchor
The glin 7 boats Were sent for; they , arrive
next day; attack the batteries, bit Olin make
no impression upon theta. . They fear to run
the gautitletf. for While'floundering about the
Rebs erect repro and powerful ' batteries in
such positions as' to thoroughly . command
the channel. It id determined frailly to
place ow-regiment wpon two SChoeirers, and
in tow of steamers, rim 'vie - 'through ' the
gauntlet, and had ou'r Col.' not refused to
bear the responsibility ; ilie retrial officer in
command. would have sent us itp,' and the
undersigned and 700 as good men as ever
Carried a musket, would this moment afford
a festival for some Ring, and gulden fishes!
—We got home this morning. Before wer.
left thetoat,we got niarehiftg orders ! Sicrel
Buenos Notches, Vir. T. B.
Atiiap of the Wasissiptit
A Fleet of S team erstr Run the Blockade
Vicksburg—Gen, Grant's Army Ofieta
tiny from Below the Citi.
Chicago, April 21.—A special Memphis
despatch of the 19th states that the steamer
Silver Moon, from Vicksbitwon. the . 17th,
brings the intelligence that the night; before
the gunboats Benton, Tusournbia, Lafayette,
Pittsburg, Carondelet, Gen. Price ; add three
.transports, ran the batteries of . Vicksburg,
all safely except the transport Henry Clay,
whisk caught fire oppos,ite the city and "Was
burned., The. Benton Was the only beat
struck. . She. had one uftiii killed and two '
wounded.. The transport Forest Queen had
her-drdm-ead injured by ecntaet with one
of the gunboats, and - can be ea4ly repaired:
Frorn the time of starting until the first shot
eras heard froni the" rebel batteries , nearly ad'
hour and a quarter elapsed, 'which time
nearly all had got past.
Washington, April 21—Offie'al despatch=
es were received here lastn ° ight i statin ,, that
a portion of Admiral Poter's fleet, laden
with a large number of soldiers from General
Grant's army, have Succeeded id running the
batteries at Vicksburg ; and are now in a
eondition to either help General Banks - in an
attack upon Pert Hudson, ei.make an attack
on Vicksburg from the south.
The Rebels Defeated near Codatit ; littss.-t-;-
Heavy Loss of the Enemy, Ekc
CINCINNATI, April 21.—The rebel force
touted at Celina ; Tenn., on Saturday ; were
1,200 strong. 'We have no special informa
tion touching the affair.
„, .
The general commanding at Goriu th attack
ed the enemy. last Week, and drove them
from Bear creek to Crane creek, with, heavy
loss. Our loss was on % hundred killed and
wounded. We had• on piece of artillery
disabled, but saved it. The enemy has been
largely reinforced at TuscUmbia. Ilnr or
tant news is looked for from Grant's army.
The Memphis papers have not resumed
The qv/Mitts fact l lately developed in.
Berks county, that there is an organization
in this State Vigorously perfected to resist
the draft, seems to startle' the people of the
entire Commonwealth. What art eleinent of
evil is+ this.! Is it not time for .tts to _awalte•
to the danger, and for all true friends of the
Union to stand together? Is it'not time for
dissensions to cease ? Can anybody remain
indifferent or inactive with such . an enemy,
so strong and venomous, in our midst ?
General Shields has resigned his coinmis
sion in she United States Army. He atriv
ed in San Francisco on the 2Uth ult., but
occupies_na-position-in-the-Military Depart
ment of the Pacific.
Thd . debt of the Confederate Government
is 8800 ; 000,000, and An Charleston Mercu
ry estimates the current yearly expenses of
the Government in the future at 54,000,000,
or $7 a• year to each man, woman and child;
white and black, in the 12,000,000 of popu
A yolidg than named Stackpole has been
arrested near Boston, charged with poison
ing his father, mother and two sisters. One
of the sisters clod.
Dr. John S. Lynch, formerly of Baltimore,
was recently arrested at Winchester, Va.,
for using treasonable language, and sent
DAMAGES AWARDED.--T h e Lutheran
congregation of Middletown .Md., has been
awarded 62,895, damages by the government,
for the use of their Church as a Hospital
last Fall, and Winter.
M 2
At his residence, near This Oleo, on the
12th inst., Mr. JOSEPH OLLEit,.agcd 69
yam, 2 mouths and
.29 ,days. '
:.1 1 11 airiir pi 3E2
To ..!fr essp ctsse ri and to Omura of Dogs.
iKE subscriber notifies the pablie'that hereafter •
all dugs foams ruitiiiag'atLiarge•upon his faros
will 'be Shot. Psuions'are•also.noutioil **et to trees!.
pass,uppo his premises by hunting.yr otherwise, 'as
he is tietermine,d not to • submit In , thin anneiance
any longer and - will enfiiree•the lavv:gainst all par-.
ties so offending in tile fatale. '
(tipr 1;1-3tej ' '' JOkIN'FUIWK.
I'giliT7gr q lC43lEll -
REAS; 'Letters tretimilitiiiy 'On the E
s V kaki of iceritil" °z& Inter int Washington.
township -decesitedi 'have beeu •t he . •
scriber residing iii trovennittplt • sit .-persons in
ilebted to the said Estate,, are n.viested to- , make
uninedisto, payment. sad tholle,lLivnigciiiiinis
4titinili against ttifi' &Wale nridecd:
the veiny, to,
i . 4t,
fk e
T A ig . , r- iii
BY•lie 13.- N.
-,e''''- ( 1
.. . Ohl thou' sacred home of childhood, •
Dintly seen thrOuth dreary years;
• , How I love rhy.butidirig. virldvrood,
And !111 timers, bid by tears. '--
,-„.. a.,cal !1G.1 . ,!...r4 , 1 , 0 4 4 , ?rf , ....101- .... , 11 ,. ..1,, , ,,, ~
'Friends forsake , me, yet I Cherish,
Ever fun i ligi#ll3!,Pr i f s " 4 ?,i;;'" Cr r
Thy remembrance, whiali cant4hrish'?- ':
"--- : • Dearest home' forever blest l --• • ....
Who can !reef:o,l l k milearMMll4l /, - ,l‘ •
And composei eiehin*bfroWt..t,l,r
Who has love like a kind brother - '
serF.R.EN,CH. SABLA. FURS.—Forty
setts of FreliCti eatile;'cOmplisivig4tit grades,, Me di ,
ty-four Noire at lowest eity.prices.
UPDEGIltAFFS';.Hattersi .
opposite Wzishingtons Hobsee.
—We hive three setts afFirie, Saiiih, three
fine Mink Muffs. We aSer them a .fcgivo city ;
prices, at
UPDEGRAFT 4 B', Practical iitetters f ,
Dec. 2a . ,oppbusite :Wertiiington% Rouse.
•OF 1.862:-.11AT5,.. CAPS,
Canes, Umbrellas, Ladies Furs, Buffalo Robes', Gum
Coats, Gum Blankets, Gum Leggins; Horse. Blan
kets. Cottetri Webifera sind Buckskia • Glov'es,i eort
monaies, Purses and PoCket-Books. We haVe the
best assorted avtil clfehrest stock. of the abuse,. articles
to be found in the Country. '- •
UPDEGRAFFS', Practical Hatters,:
Dec. 12 ' opposite WeAbington:Henan.,
—Six setts Rue Russian Fitch,sii firie Fitcit s Mulfs,,
at lowest city prices
13PHEORAf.F87, Hatters,
opposite Washington House.
IerBUFI/ALO ROBES. haire two,
bates of iiisorted Bu ff alo Bobee f front the common
to the fine,
UPbBORAF.V.V, i f taefidal Hatters, opposite Washington. House.
CY POCKET BOOK. , With one of alma Books
you cars handle the new - currenay without
Also, a fine assortment of Purses, Pocket Books,
Portmonaiii, &c., from a DIME.* at - •
opposite Washington klouse.
FLOUR.—S a 1 e s embraced , • 300 bbls.
choice Howard Street and Ohio Cat , Extra-,
at $7.121, and 200 bbls. mixed brands - Su
per-do do. at $7 per bbl. Rates ' closed
nominally as foliar§ Howard Street• Super
and Qut-flitra. at $7®7.124 ;'ShipOihg Ex
tra di). at\ $7.62.4; _Retailing Extra do._ at_
$7:75 Family do. at $8.75®9.
GRAIN,SaIes included 2,500 .-bushels .
common to fair white Wheat , at 180®190
cm. ; 2,000 bushels geed' toverir• choice- , do.
at 193®205 .bringing
the extreme price, 3,000 -bushels common to
fair I'Cansyl4ariia. red at 16.8®173.et5.,.L000
bushels good and prime. 4474®175
ets., and 2,500 bushels good, t 6 very choice
Southern do. at 175(4178. eti. , • Ws-quote
white Corn at-96®97 ets. for aargoes,•and
fellow at 94(e_695 as:, small lots fox retailing
selling at an advance of 1 cent.: - Sales. of
3,000 bushels Pennsylvania Oats at 88W1.
eta., weight, sales at the outside figure being ,
moderate. The receipts of Rye continue
very light and meet with ready sale 'at 105
®llo cts. per bushel according, to quality.
SEEDS.—Clover We quote ,at $5.60®6,
Timothy at $2.25®2.75, and- Flaxseed at
$3.50®3.75 per bashol.
Cattle.—The demand was moderate and
the market closed dull. •Of- the receipts 150
head were held over, 150 head sold to go to
Washington j and the balance (300 head)
taken by Baltimore bufehers, at prides, ran
ging from $4 to $6.75 per 100 lbsi for• ordi
nary to prime Cattle. Transactions at the
inside and outside - figures were limited -
Hoys:—The market .was fairly supplied
with good fat Hoos which ;net with ready
sale at Bi , cents per lb., net.
Sheep.—There were no Sheep- at market
to-day. During the-week sales• were made
at 91-cents per lb.; gross,
A FINE lot of double and single Shovel- Plows
ironed and, ready for use,for sale•tit,gto„, Wa
gon maker Shop 'ol David Shoop. in Waynesboro:
Farmers would do well to call befoie Making 'pur
chaser. (01:124—!u.)
AN. election will be held, at
,thet office- of John
Philips, Eqq.,, on Monday the .4 VI
,day of
,May next, between the hours of 1 and - 4 'clock,
P. ht.,16 elect one 'President, piellanageis,' cne
is r... \..
Treasurer aindkini Secietary, - fin. the Warn ro'
and Stai7land Owe LimOriarapilu3 Corapa .. •
• . By.ordernf the Ai 4 ; 11 0;• • ' • •
(apilo-4t) . , JOU ,NVAL't :14,0licliy.
:11r9 het/ebytiven to: the inaituftetatierm. or •;gainey
and Washington 4.rownabipg436 ttaleA at' the
house of F A Hoortioq, ittNe3inostior!, firs t
Sattirday of every. niontb,, to receive repoite:
Feb.27 l =if: ' • 141 'A/rt. ..ritose:sior.
110111110111 r W 4 1 ,6 31 1 3 2410
XlikTardiE.Ao. lietttro, of on tho
11. Estate of itotellatoug,;latii of Wi4ing-
Uiti`ginvitistiiil tlecetssisti; tho
subikribii-t lit portionitiiiihihted"tio ,Estato,
am, roiastait to dunkulluinoulikttai - ,,priardioiitwond
viohnhostrigion , tot 04: de"
tedenti, wiliPskw kuown.ttur Rome. without
- • •
t 4-;"-
Mien thrpu&h this witle,woihl you tottory
iil.Opiniss:ittiit ideals* *et, 30 ; ,
Methsluta t&tti,' bri cattswes"-''4
tilitelailHome# tWtitinie aepiee s
Oise who bidsilarewell to thee:
Yet I say, farewell eraanesa
And mheiqr my feet stall roam,
I shall eiei,thirilt With iladrieei;
Of my childhood and inf' haute.
But' there hi a hcertie.tibeee its
Relight celestial home of peace,
Where the Angelic stay dial loic;
Theca Ahecease,,
Oh, ski& Eta fly 't
that ISHelreert'
C sorrow l• pilgrirar&lome !:
By earth's wicked billows dii4eir.,
• Hares the wait* , spines frame !.
No farewell itieSer-spokenic
Parting sighs are .never heard,;, •
No true hearts are torn and broken
By 'the thoughts that absence stired,
Alt is peace and endless pleas , are,,
In ttriehomt, by iirtae faund,••
Rarest gem Land' piieeleis treasard,.
_ •
Dec. 12
Dec. 12
Dec. 12
From the American of, Tuesday.