0 W 1M a HE midi& 1 Itatigii ilr k:tilitla titer. ;ii OAP inpi/rin,rill,sell t u: ii typiOnt, n'oMPI.4 I 4/ Alt II Ali" t . ,97401; ~ •1# he evening et titi, reek t ,and on • • ,TU " 4 41 ' ' 04403, 0 1 00A4,41,5t his sit*Mijtt 1( iviiii 11,th0.ria4:40,14 from A;etteisb4if 16 91.141)14v ti; hi e tt lin til i kkA l lo, d '‘9# l'Th i a ti.4.q, ' . ;0 1 .1::. :1 '' D. , . 71 . . ...:007 0 7 17n7.'t 4 _ 4 r i. V 3 .q.,* f all taidi,.thaaartaa, i tiiiiViiii2ie 6i 44 ilia : hoes, Hats and4trarlistti fofinetioini r. :: ' I -11 011iila;144P4KIPP. *lloPRO4l,liin • ditini*a4ZTivivviii4l3l6'sgariire' klinihanslare; 3800 Eliot* •14410.7.41:tiiev,1 bbL f M finleblVel-ViyiteEtikrak , ingtrii). , •••z•ek • s‘ tt•oa B • A -•1 ..' • . ..!•••••,, 11 7 • ••,,,. LC KSIMT IH.Tad - L-13)- ~ ~ .A.,„....!, , ... _.:aiis , i4:n: i i,ii. ; ,iAit",,„ . i .„ ~ , tlitr s r., Fll,;,%',irizt la :iri l t tivtia a ~,'- u k•kalivgi,'l i iikt of,-,F;14.90. -, .1 • - •ty ' 'Dra4 3o d ll Iro've securt , , , , , iY4,07 a 1 . , 9 3 1,1,4 ~-. , ,', ~..• J ,. . se , Or. . • e1249".1 I ' lll6l' It' Id A - ' - 13:='-i -•:- - ' Geb:, V. littil/4;,4uit.• ?JAE S.U. 1 TILL be dipppaed,of at Public • .NISSDAY, THE ,2S FO pl._ • Mitten, at the re-ro oms of „the undeielined,, in ,Waytiesbeid', he finest tot of 'Cabinet: Fitinitime ever Offered to e ~ The furniture felt!' of th'e very latest shion, and Manufactured of the vierY best 'm'sfer-- .I.lrrni, as, kr:vroritne,nt.lidp,eipn.of.b! surpassed in e 'State. An inspection of the fultnini:e wilC ie"- , minend jteelf. Nye liaio to offer Bedsteads, of 'deseriOions and the 'very latest Styles, SCRETARIES S -crelaries iFith.book case . aUaciunenti, Mahogany alnut and Cherry Console Miriam,. Mahogany d Walnut Dressing- • • • 133, Ers as , or t , tizt Ez a ith oval and'. 'square glass frames, Walnut and harry •Dining laud Hidakfast , Tsbles. Sofa Tables various styles, Rout and Tea Tables; Ladies' fan • sevving. Tables of beautiful' .paterns, enclosed, foll'asul plain Washstands, spring, cane and wood seat Chnirs, Rostov scoria and nurses !do - eking holes, Table and.Roddrt airs ; for tbijdran, box Cradles, Lin and Bruise's Chairs, —el racks, clothe chests, ASHING MACHINES; It Boxes, Spittoons. and in fact everything for an tfit. Now is the time for those ivhO anticipate ing to househeepicg.to gel: good furniture, and •en they are &me with: it they can give it to their Wren and 'gra nd•aildern. tar Sato to commence 10 o'clOck on 'aid day, iwhen the teims will be "•ilitoivn by BENDER & HEN EBB RGER. • .B. The Furniture ie open fo'r inspection to se who Wish to see and examine. B. &H. 13 12 -ie. Gee. V. Mang, Auct. WWI; • :-SALINE. HE subscriber wiWsell et Public e, at his residence, three miles west of. Waynestinto% The turnpike leading to Greencastle, ON Moso4* I urn , DAT. OP Minn, 1863, the following piop ,lio Put: ~, • , , . • • 'WORK - itORSES . .! tAD OF CATTLE, tin:ee of which are Mach -F, one with a call by her side; the balance young le, 1 Brood Sow, 2 Shoats Plantation Wagon, 'art, 1 good Drill with gum spring and feeders, 1 3 , Rake, 1 good three-horse and 1 two-horse Plow, info - and 2 Hobble Shovel Plows; li:Corn Cover -1 Harrow; 1 Wood Bed, 1 pair Hay Ladders, 2 BreeChbands,' 1 set front bears, 3 head halters chains, 3 Collars, 3 ' Blind Btiilles; a lot of and rakes, breidst, butt, and coi i v chains ; BACON BY THE POUND) other 'articles not necessary to Intention. Bale :ommence at 10 &clock en Pftiki day, when a lit of eight months will be givenlon all sums of and upwards, purchasers to give their notes with roved security. THOB. H. ILLACH. V !Wong, . . 1 1 111100111:111.71r I E• owitlE is hereby given that- e undersigned - has settled his account, as as ignee Of- Geo. ~e, and has.pretented * gm is petitin , the . court tl :olarreari Picas; 'to be diethuted ortr siiid_ tient, for authority to pay over the alance in his Ids. tallie Bxecutrix of 'said George Price= a application for * final dischargeLwill 'be mad the let Mohday of the' April terin f . iitid Vetirt, ihich time any person interested ea*- attend.' • ' Jikio. PHIL' 1 4 8, • ' 1 Assignee. Mttr;:6-4at I TICE VO IHE, trideraigned.hereby ,offers h mull_ to the - Voltith - Orthhadteer,dictrictlirgu Fy, tow nhhip ; ii 4944;. le r be : ierted on Friday the 20th Of March, 1863. Mai 6-2 w, i 311 W. , . berebyfgiVell to the manufnat'unirs •of Quincy and Washington Townships i . lit. meet et the, 14'0('. Warden, in Waynesboro . on.the tha t ilday of f tlyery month, to tocaive.reports., , " NICHOLAS' .Ast. Assgtmor., IMECI2 READY-MADE CLOTHING. ICHES I filE 'undersigned respeetfulil , announce to their friends, patrons and the: public that •have4Ustiotatnedlfr3m the Eastern Cities, re•iltey have• purchased a lot of aulOrior REA', MADE CIXYAIIING: embracing 4ll the latest t ' :; ATS, VESTS, PA SHIRTS, • . COLLARK /ARMY , ZHIRTS. 'NECKTIES t.I6USPE ; cycy,ything usually fouud in Afisst. z' AL~Si+lJ' kin bought a splendid assortment • ,-. . 2 010 1 1 I SUN ,hjerit make, (facie of `Amoricati ".:M)ONS and FORKS atid‘PLA atilikeSpediteeleep 'Mita:weds ill other ertioles.,genetallyAtew ~ A irittat variety a CLOCKS c • lilt:0 l'ito A B " . Wiltli q ° 4 itatiefor - gentlasiali heretofore, as fatlittrACki—rWl—PtePdhliJin leo* MaJIatATIAMII & ' ,101 L '1 " 11114110 , 41 , 0 - 3 k.ul; It my present stook of Sire iti4h4AMlallft 401tWiL'O.Irrail PETBIt t*Rurrr. ) ELS: ' &c... at*. 104,pis- Vi.,)` ti) uJetoroll stantiy,qa ti,"equip . * tint rt;OyE. tanM; i at 1 , 1 Ail ,14p.13,: t e,(4. il l: 11i+ t 'US ;1:17111;iii .11311 t 4. Lq' eei „ " Vikolikt I SbAp Vi.ixiiiebcp • 1 Set! 4 BACISt, NJ" r 1 4690411 1 1) Bat?ff,;(4 . ltil . ! :QUATRO VICTORY ... 4 i ~I 1 BUR ,DE IN „P RSUIL U. THE, i'' ; i ' i :.1 kt ft' ;-t . " I: fi ti igig,Ll ''.; 4 1: ...Ade *pp ,Reber . or IL THE ,IMITQIIS FLEEING • . .:1 ..FOR-THE. „. 1 , • • "S' i AMONG,tbe other ..trtost starcing 'jute Hittites o note is 'them' ' ' • JOSIAH BESOE, has justsourned,from the Easteiii . 6ities;.with one of the most extensive, and seat selected stook of I . \\ t . S 111 ? „ ever brought to this 13orotta, which he _ht prices to suit the times,.' Irte community is cordially . , irkvited :to ; er}ll,", oknd examine my stock. No trouble to show Goode— To convince you of,the great, assortment I have in store, 'I will just enumerate a. ibis? leading article's. LES et ms s Robe. Cashinereir, Silk Plaid Mohair, NI Wool De!sines ' , 13%. Bombazines; French .Marinnes Of all haws. Silk, plain, blk. and fancy, Plain and figured Detainee, Ladies Collars and. ( 7 :n 1 61 5 344_4 •••Plain ettil fancY Bills Velvet; Trimmings, • x Silk (Bonnet Trimniinga; Bonnet Ribbons; Skating Cape and Coati, Ladies fancy and plain Nubies, • Blk. Crape Veils., Granadien - • Cheneille and Silk Head Nets, Silk Crocketts, Ladies Fancy Woollen-hoods. Ladies Balmoral Skirts, Ladles Long and Square Shawls, (all colors), Opera Flannels, Plain barred and striped, • Ladies :Vlofico Beats, Ladies Gum and - Buffalo Overshoes. WHITE. GOODS. 'Behind*, • Nansook, Jaconets plain and barred Plain and fancy Swim, Linen Pocket Bandicercbiefs, &e. &c. Li;) uta 3:zt Blk. and 'fancy Prints, • 10,000 Vile. of Milslimo, bleaehed and unbleached in great variety. Domestic Gin hams, • English and ' , French do. c• f • " mEIV (5 x siv-EAR, Melton Cloths, . ..D 11 ( • Freneh' • Cloths; blue and-lratred, BertTer Overeoatings,•,. Seal Skins, Do. Waterpioid'iin., Velvet ConT;llk, 'and drab Gents. Sbtiwls, Flannel Shirting; BOOTS AND SHOES, (any seizes.) in treat 'variety.. CA,4P.E . TINGS: I Brunells Cametings, All Wool 3 ply do. ' Girthing, Hemp and Rag do. OIL CLOTHS Table Cia 1 4aii;y,' St it Olf Cloth. iteig Frooi and 2 ndf. QUEENSW A!IE IN 611EA1 VARIETY.' , HARDWARE of eveig • „ • • Frimerßio:Coftee, • • • - .Itninmers Essence, Z4O O ' 1 1 .517E.711M-AIL.IIERJON9 -• •. . • • • Rime NewOrkirns /, ':/ 1 1IIISibn 444 , r, .; fin Cr 1 ( 1110811111411414,141; u;•4. ; r it i "l;kl t,,t; t LA9 1 • 1,.1, itAliatte4lidas , Tiibur ,r. Window taksokbmixtoloWail-18. he . 4pr d l 9kf A n te r traNVMi ' lO coo o it; it iota,: duos diNiar so . mail' '' . I' 4 o 1 : " ' I M% JP , '•= s 1 .1114; olptiP- 0 1 oAlr E I L.s. kr PAftsri Plume .rstkinsto itllD.Arr tb i ~:y i ~: Dtlittucr 'ciYi:l t J.i • DASIDAttieIOWOR- 1 1 1 10K -r • t' ' AlinrillitiELL ' S • .0.4 64. o...iti/4 : 1 11,1+1! .? cr. tzr< ztte yU:Yla,'l • •'l.,~;.c)x q:.1 ; I (J 7 tl 7 'Ati ' f s 11111(14.'t , b4;(04 I 4i1t.!1; OC(A !JO:, :COME AttLlll3Sign 110(1 ti 7:1 L i z, ti:) ' 1 ii .•.:1 : ::ilUi 1.1:";;',..1 i c .•:fl9 '. -1 ., It: ~ ',, , 1 .., , ,, , ,r1 ~t 4 .6 ip ' , 4 ~1; y1....,i•••• ',••• , •.! 1 •.::, '3 ,. 0 ,:.: ~•1 •'. 2. .11 . 41. :t i i!' . , ' , ,lii 'LH ~...'i,:ili PJ , .. 11,,',11,4 ' .L.::, ''''' ~: . (LI 'LV• ', ,',.•"'' 41 ' 4 ' Z:i.P , IJI• I L.,:tl u.:l :—..... •1.:ii...:.1.:1 ,!: - .: , ...i1t... 1 I 711 . ' 1•t:4 oe.tuJ tiv;AF 1141'0: , 'r 0 • I .• • • •-• o" 4a , t IL ,BROTHERTON't •;, ,;• His custiVart 4nd th tilabiie'deilerally are invted to eall'and etatiiito for themselves. Hils : ‘,c,',19::9,41, sTiiipos AREiIF.TPEBE4 Trr ..; ~ ,~ TO T ioUli INTERts2+ BY .EXAMINING MY STOCK.I A.LAtig-E ,LOT OFp ' • ' llitliptilir 'CUT IIL cedarteare, tiora tazu avaal.4o i",: ' ' m' SHOE FINDINGS, ts, rot-011.. ais,s-...-I.ails, HOLLOW: WAILSi-AO. ta Nly_stook. is Argo and:o n anlP 9au at prices that will defy cornpetitioa. —; 'November 7; 1862. ;. -:- , PHOTO6RAP4IIOL -- .. - x. .P - GT ERE. ~ AL E THE undersigned has fitted up Ai,. sibom'hver Fourthman's Drug store. Main street, Wnynes. bor'ismitahlrforsPhoter phltig• ,putposes,••lrlietefi the citizens can be liccomMaditteg,' witii ail kin'itsrbr pictuivs ftmn the pries of 25 cents 'Upward. • ographs tit the iegOlar ' • • ' ti For cards or full eiza.pictitren;luirned Old ;pictures, copied of Piliabigraptied al; 6is'y be desit , ed fit reasonable prices., 11,,fine stock of Feney, and, plain eases an hand. — I'he' 'and espeeially the ladies, nre_most respectfully invited to call and see specimens. wcatrekp-F. Nov. 284 . --'lf. " • ' " ' ' 1 " • 13AtIt—AGAibli SHEh •• • ." .• • • c. 4 ; ; : • :•. MIME atibacriboynieiipectfully, , annpurices ; :his "• ta&customera and the• public. inmerally that he•lltaa imileett theqllackamith.r3hop at.the .Eastatnil of Main sheet, Waynesboro', Pa., formerly otouitictl 16:ft i cp!A - linciofs. witerro. purposcs carrying .n 'hp acluunithl siil;4li ite-Wl"ftibiniicWar./*,141 *EA. 'At in. NI; &meitaiga .tidtiteelkitl, upon yea . „ NOrtfithle'kfrlll2: l,, l.:l ;CS :.t;:;.. , ; 4 Abr&Bdietaurd4riMV:WAseconok , bPilt o, :ite: ir•.•i.,'• .„:ri arr . 4.11;. , • ' • .• .El-17.701. .01,11 ihtt Ai' Ogle tie4femll?Ant r he, s lis' iiilsiasiArtrilitt'olittl t se ate' `mid' iiMskii#prekied pcM* o.bt 4 lltXll4titatltine: 11 "happy to the services 440 iIQI All o pe r a.i: tittnoAPlorb.o3o., te, 1 94. 1 4.3 4, 1 t e,tli4llfAvPlol ADA scientific manner. l'emh eg i Acccor4i,eg lotAsk,impttmemients in • tlat'art, atklijaa mhtlertte' Office in huricheldemaditAltiolith Corner of Lti,j 4 ' 71x1 . •(.l APfli .14.143 1 ,,.., *if WX. , `,..k/ .0 1" ,, ,a;1 C/71. L' 1.41 . , / s ‘.., ..„ . ..Lt. L JOS 'WIWI) PRICE: Returned . l ! if ilia 1 :i - . Ith a new • .11111 ' 14 i 1 llicAtiO iv FR . ; , ,-: -;'). ' , ' ' AII 4PIPA T Nr R p4Alfi ' A AWFAUgh 3' WainUP ifokihtreetr. ObntdeviiitherDlNfildrig 11, 0 11 , M !JZf.I I,lrort ud r I • Is now offering Ntkittatmost LLTANIE*NraIr," gqins. z in r German, English and American Fabrics, com prising a ger , tiffif , t of th len styles a dopted to . s 4 ;LAIRES7...:WVAIif EZEIMIE .• .;• Itiw i• Ridh Brno Sillyakri.c Plain and fancy Brocades; Plaitts in,godt-yariefy,i„,, French Merinos, Wool Delaines, Cashmeres', .§44,sllPFedfttOflrAl° LAVEIZI: K. Mohair Mixtures, Thibet Cloths ; Printed MousseHaines, Persian Twills, Poplin, •••• ' • • ihbeges, Opera Flannelii,nll colors, French Gingham, Scotch Ginghatntqj Lancaster do., Plaids. • • ' Embroideries, Lac'es;. 2 '' : ' ' ' Gauntlets, / Kid Gloireii,. ' ' French wo'rkeil Collars, Dimities, • ' Fancy dress Gimps. Cord Binding, , . irflyet Ribbon, &c., &c. in short, ha Litis'a,ll; tbo novelties of the season. FAttAND WINTER Paris long broche 'Shatcfs', with' scwe(l . borders, Bay State Shawls. (latest styles.) Thibet Shawls,. .scwed, bordet,tich ,pritito Shawls with' silk f'49gir, #ll of Whlchire frottlifit4ttiA ixfOrta tionsf tinlitiotit'irelmiit at price s trillif wirktel- 'rout petition, -11,1,,r. y:tr!ol Irish and Scotch Sheeting; pilled case and bolster Linens, fine, low priced liamnsk Table Linens spot ted awl Damask Table Cloths, a vefy size and grade: Napkins, Voyles,-anti AUCIt.,-rinsikso, low Priced Kitchen Toweling, Bolster, Pillow and Sheeting Muslins, 34, 44,134, or 10-42witle, draped dimity Blankets, Marseilles and Quilts. uoultavaa eacioao Such as heavy bro. Cotton, bleached 2tiuslins, Osnaburgs, ‘• Tickings, . • • srl ' s . 'APiClit ez,!. Otte t s , sr • Ai envy., Denims, Cotton Flanels,: , : Prints, .dlee.; MEN'SWEAR. Black and Fancy Cloths and , OtiMitßerelri - 90404 1 t" newest , styles, Mixed DooalfirrAattifftsi Union Cassimeres,,OßOpereAs„,tearts,,POOnades, Over ioatings„Sflk'Satili;.l64lrid 'VVlvet Vesting's, Bitiftleadilylifil4d-Siawers and Shirits; Hosiery, Collars,raysts, • C CARPETING AND.FIOIIRAL,CLOTHSII Carpet, 2411Sh'ing'Xitifi4; Salt :WesOf,rtlinii) and Rag Carpeting, .frona Vicexitai ~$1,00,, per yard.--, Flour Oil Cloths' '11„51=4, - ,qiii and f 3-4 :tide , all of the newest desighii,'Whipihe...4ll4tE,4, great c.bar gains. • •:1 MATlS,,,A s inx i guas, •.; Wool. anti' rtintinit in giia variety. , r His stock' is v4ll ca - nitotiie fa *ith anyln Wayneiibfiris';,tibtivih Ifries grid qualify: • He returns his thatika- to , .hitr filettll4 and' by fair dealing and strict • attention to *-bniiit‘sik ho ho ,e to grit • /YcoTAAPVIce - Rfithi• • ITICk• r ' PBCI4 - fitiffig)11111411111NEll it--rinStlLLEll , _ . ollll , l!rr itkpeitij iinCe,"tifth le arta pan ts andziest fit,for:aa.„7irho makes the ;f iln , gel;to )011 • ~ m lotaliedtitilifft; - Wit ; ftBC e f rom * City, th!,peit , es ! , , t iFekeet t: 4F , a e! t!,:* , it : , FATNent cAkrAlAnith, ni..ACIii4dAMDIERSs lila 'esti vi seep in' this 'tfinirlit. - Wee 1a..., selve's i`o tiirn iioC•Obil Frill AND • Oniiii, Fresh, ispii`rliling gouda Mi:v* please, iiiiir iheiii,' ,We'haVe theitatelf Nellie& Platei,-a il e 2l leave netliiiiii'llAtlone td , illeiiief "bur fri 'fitlfiA "rest of airinkintt.% ' '', ''',- '.- 0. &J.' . LE April 18 ..' ~,':'.• ' ', ..,.. , MEM CIASSIL liffl ; • . L.'. • . " . THE. spriar accaitia cf • -the-WaVadchorot .Clvisi " cat Ifis.titueevrilkbthaieTtce'on Monday, March —--, TE-RII '• 7S ~ ci44o • stik lirii tAs riCi i ic f iit4i .-.. • ge 4tro m Hl g Ger w •' .• ._ . -i' 44- 1 8.00 1 1. incjgdingqiitin. 8.04 44 ;C.... El ..40 V. 6 04 ' ' ZiEjsatfiletiegraleAkPAO.oo The school is disignir `Ur both sexes. Yours i ftfilles'ean''Oitifitii•hottiliclakEditintilid" s-ientifiiiiit - 1 dl4.liroililkiiiniii iripinied.tbit;tAglo.- Art teac. . 7 ,, i'vxt in ' aiin etti'orotthnsiifainltiiksiimi,•4nd - Ino - • iftiiiiittiltil sii'srell'te births founds tiewell -Aet sto4 if 011iicatiiiiX. 6 1 !him fniuWiciypilitieulliri Itietintion , will, be 1061 Ia nt teitoti' grematical' chilling': !liar= idiAlspient,will . be Wild ana" Wild; yet' , firm end i _ „ Ik'2irCulet. containing partiCultr4;llootoon be is likek4 (1 0 eb:271:0 46: vvrrheiAslk . - 31& 4 4 - TieltiC . • 11132; dNEvrour-kortigi , ttrAP MrAgiViodv, 1, do vv9RD,w,AftoN is f Ai - ••• Saws 1 Saws 1,1 4 Csaukint:tfirattiik?Ater!. .0 'it me snit 'Whip Sutirlditree}iitiesirati '‘- ( nv 1 3 / 4 5'6;1 I Atilioltataotemionx 4ppl VCR NZSC.I ,rHIMNUMA4 ,totlfi4 IM=ZEIMMEIM =ME HOUSE FURN!PIPIO:;COtiDS, =MEE iql , Bill;I::1),;11,RAll, vE&fi'Nos,' ;-:, ,:tt : ..t...: . .. .'. , : 04' • i l a C F. 2 f.. 4 ' Z•Q :-. , is Z , .. kr? ' - Xi •-• 'Li . „` t - qua" : biiii "\IBa, 6 4 I ir 41 . , 1 44 .11 1 , ' t: . .. . n . ' • ! -,, e , 'at •'4. . ' / 'i jit 2 GrqqPr i e St r ilD'I ' i r i t i e. f ir! 1 gfir el Mr 081 t i Atia tilininitatlMErt - C i .i Z 1)t 111 t 1 .i 1714, el 61 ' glz ' :1' IN 42 — " a tn . .. StV..6Poici 6 " i tintrorpo he toq po pppears before t fioliritza thief nco'df the same.— He having j 613 icernecifilorni o dititern cities with line a and well selected stock of now ci! * A V' + 11 4? I fi r l t rjEla r ti Grp ACUOW E 4l *), • a ',Which he intends 'selling at veryiAv rates. which si 'he knows he,con do to Aho tisfaction of ailgoLlto will col,and;itpitiftic hii . ko . ~ - -.: liclow ydul w llPti iii ke nu crotch ~a few 'articles Which Will bli foutiii aninhg 6ii stock to which ho cills Pitir atftilitiott‘: - P',4 V', f . 1.: Oa (g 1 ni? FOR TREE LADIESit. ; . Jl. 0. 1. "I' 5 e.r. asiroitmelhi of blei4ibrods consisting 3F? ft. , ?, and Ptain Delnineo, r 131'k, Fig'il and Oul'd Silks, ,1•• 'Plead • Fi,l Vy!rp 4 4 • .ier '4 ws, " •-• 7kledorki French and llonitie Gingham' ,„ PBplins i ' • I% Pongee "tura . , • , ‘1 ' ea)th Qtr L lies, ;•!;NVlllPindki. • r •*, Li it OP v IPF 7 • . osiary, in gretearitl. GENTLEMEN'S. WEAR sltr.Oad f.lothil, ::1 ' / -113hick'oriti.flan9% cuirimercer, UQion cgssimeses, Duck" ‘., • Num mcr, PcilitingrA ) • iwceos; QT ••• a rsit iII es V Silk Velvatioe Vestings, of plt kinds; at facts asscrtment ,of tan 'Also 11. targferandZwellUteeted stock of ..-t% G _By To. • DtIRESTIC OD DS, • ItrOVS f ; No nk. • 0 yiett ants t ik h n "tit.Al in' the ry GottPetft just call in and you will find him ready-to w._it on Ytlittb 0 pers ne gmmutpc, .44vi t o se , t will find it to t WilVtlnt.igHb"Trllir it to Ste ver's,as heNtihinus ives the highest market rice. So givohim. wo r k 1414.4- 414 huor (heap ,l its tdeMlio liali.ilieWhtreid • tliki Apal 11362. r. Atior " V %..tt k T BEAVER, announces to his cpst9mors. and,. 0"; itterPtili!fc;th3Vliilhalifi r if OHM lienritiP Bristein new coodsf'consisting of Fall and Winter.nixtAara- 1 Caps, (all Forts and ilizes),Bot% ArtFekiiiMMViirfiin and hop . ; With'it coin assortment of shoes for . ladies fircip,land all artieltiVinettilrheptlitih c ActifY-Wire. The public are cordially invited to call and examine hi 4 nes% Iltoeltotfefi ; 0 , ,;1: 1 11 ralinusAnatinfactiiepticto,AsiniatlO whendesired, at reasonable rates and up'rn Altantts -notice Oct. 24, '62, - : 'ft 41 ! t ,{t;l7 , • . %,-,;; :j1; - •: 44 , 1 . 2;:i:07, • 411,0111E11010,..,... '..W4 ESPECTFULLY invitcq atieprioo to his largft 'and cariltillilti4feCtOtska" titghodk; . ceived front' 'Philiidelfiliii7 driff everythirT flu 41); PiTralivoray!Smres. I am prepared to sell at pile's "Mad 15tFY (30.V11'ENTP.ION:' it 1,- IFdge• our u H&c id will rtd th 4 tIBWV v 8e4 ; . .L. 16 . 16 1 1 StrOrnog* . 46 % 4 14 : , 1 1, 1 2 4 1 4 0 ,7P1Nt 't,rt • " wor vOlsi i ng — TiiitOts;"' • 7 ' 1 - • Ina PtrCr4 Fllgvtria 3 , ' oxdor3-., a • Engiish itlupsi , ; very, c1 . 0ecv«,...) ~). Rifles, Rifles, : Rifies*?k , G. , 4* sc L "a% ot S (ism 5 30 /fiftilltt I v,47 ~~~.~ `ti A fun lot.: qt goods c. , :i . vicFl4: . 7i . l . riy '' . €4e_ Ad • .71kii'- (~, i' 4;1; -, ,E.‘,..5 1 .21.11'tic ..;:.. , .. L Percussion-. Caps, 1 -1:1 1 4k,5;4414,kri: , 17,0 11 . EilesyttFiWict•ttul :...Wro'tsGterd - owanketseo: , •e aff puti e icabtg2r,,..., t..4. 4 t.ut w,•!. , Wafft iqt roil Walcitiltll.l% .I{lao. , fn7 t, yPte t rs,.n r_Ttlx.nxngt aouges e . 1 0 ,4 LI; 11.1- I Dirlirrini.P 4 inriVe 9 ; l • • ' d • . 1 fl.l :•V; •.r} lril l,jPgT.,.4 43 3 l: ?tgo . ....a 01 , 3 01..4 ToZethint,Withillr fgtelltisngytnitti.dintenitypuninba uteri. To be convinced that I ant:Setliokothem -dietr,"-eatton. enofisvonglimiro an litt"fec." Cll- "-Wit*MAMA KIIIIV1046!" G OOD quality iiikrDtaleitttplidteloa G (creql74 Cake each, at f H : Trikit Poto:WAWSNI 4, - m !LA ~'l~ ^• - r. '~ iEVAIII vszsat :BIZ kagco r 1 t * .. P 5 1 • AT -TUB io44tA4 sg; SWIM L. ~ MEE