Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, March 06, 1863, Image 1

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    cti) ovmpit
• .1t4:1 - vlswrglititr*
• +l , tlool-to! qi
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41 111.1iotr:iltitti
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ftfi; fitly
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voultirtut .i, Jr
1 'ill
en MN VIII WlT'atTit 11101111111% TSAR:
"Re kokiPAS,hrohettiti,heetrt;, and : hineleth up
their uneeeftie.—Pialtiki4l-3: .^ "
Oh l'hou,;who dry'etlthe,WournW's IUTI
Itaurdork would be,
If, when deceived land wounded here,
We could hotlyttolher;.,
The frienthLivhco in.ont inneidue
• .When winter come awl flown; ,
And he, who hes but tears to give,
Must weep duweleara. alone.
Bat thou 'Wilt heal that broken .heart,
Which, hkettur plante Mat throw,
Their fragrance‘froui the wounded part,
• Breathes sweetness out
When joy no longer seethes or cheese,
And'e!ewthe hope tbat,tbrew. . ,
momenta sparkle o'er our tears,
.11; la i simm ' ~ ,and viihilh'it tool
0/ who Would bear life's : stormy doom,
Did not the wing of love
_ come brighllY-wsfiling through - ,the-iIIfPPT4..,
Our peitMs/psuich from Move./
Then, sorrow touch') by Or, grows blight,
With'inore than iatitaib t olray 4 •
dotineis sham no 'rondo of 1ig144.
We Wier lawbY. J y t• ,
;lie hot to pause *hen at thy door
A shiteritig biktberistands,
. 1 -
To eik the eause that made him poor,
' Or why'he help demands I
• .
not In norm that brother's prayer,
.. For faults be ogee had known,
'TI not to leave him in despair
And my that I have none. -
The voice of CBABITY is kiwi,
She thinketh nothing Wong,
till every fault she seeineth
Nor•vaunteth with her tongue.
Igliatience she places faith,
Hope smileth at her door, -
Believeth first, then gives, And math,
1, 1310 thOrsza, MN Ito Mon !"
A Benutibil Incident.
Six years ago 'a young man just entering
ife, uader the influence of rum,. committed :
crime against society, wie - taied, convicted,
nd seat to Warpin. Ile served outi his
imo behind the prisons. Before his trial,
fair girl had promised to link her fortunes
his, and cruel was the blow to her.
Alethrough the six years did she wait
or the day of release." With a true warming
eart - she believed him innocent—innocent
t leait before God—and, like the magnet,
he held on her
,steadrway, her bean is,
ug ever to th future . ' Long were the
r ip ta,him: , Slowly passed the , hours—
, : drillerelllllites."7.l4l#o. Wore
hours days—days weeks-weeksinOntfa
months years 7 .7 and the years were like a
:.-----Biery-tolling-ofther prison 411-struelr
eep to his heart, and everysunset 400lr. a
other thread from, the long skein..., Nor,
ere Atte hours less weary to, her. Hope,
, i,titsfaiLangel,iset bootie. , her by: dap,
n. reposed 6 heiliillosi by tight.' Some
,'ere were who laughed at her holy love—
ho sneered so meanly at her loier—a pris
ner miles away : But little" mattered ii 'to'
eci ..; Otheri s aught ,sricer,: ' sbeflreaulinttl
ae to her heart aid - film. Others .inight
• . `. a Man' in - prison garb', toiling away ,
*rem morn till'night, but with'
,one star to
nide 'him on. She saw but the honest soul
'a Wight be laved or be lost., and,. woman
'at'she was,' 'nerved 'herself to bear . the
'hes arid jeers.' Slimed 'words came to him
, f l iis44o7 : 4;.trariti if i love of hapei of
'navies! ; and -strizinge'r grew Ai - heat of
of who bad truly- been''his , better angel
itehing 'Over , his broken' nature. Each
ant from her lightened the hears as they'
ow/r went . by, and longer grew the day oa.
bietiliberty . was to come. Men ,visited
us,, . alritet i ko r • 1 1 11 .4 11 0glii r t *Few
'', ~, , ingzjkintglita 4. - ,; *Mph
is BMA must feed, and tremblingly shriqk
tlaadarkest . corner of its temple.- Thenia
tteeftern her would' dash aside , - the dark
• tams, and
. beekon him on to a Spot' of son
• ice, outsideAma beyopd, his'presettp: reaeb . :
so' passed the years. ' %e sin" was ' lati
4,, thrthet t aiolUdanad"zittAit
`,;3 l aohniliiitticie ' tii-4tisliill,
niriog . by 'tbb key hole bfr.then door; let
in forge life the 'bright - rays. NW liberty.
:tUatrosiettollX434% !lAA . ms
by fir,McGraw,ap4 a vitizeih iiress 2.
Ltialma of Et .pdpoil etii,,,given into7h4M,lnid
p , aniinner rook' , , . where stood : she,' , who, _
re,liefeie, had : promised before God. to be
'11: j „'',Whet a;'meetirlrgl ' "fis:not for 1161,40
oeskotit.., ~ .., L' . '." :' 1 ' '''''''
(M the evening train :the. tio
_ l tirivef 1 , in;
itiiiirkee - and were joined , in , ralizriplie,
'erg/tea witness 'to :the =ceremony, and
--- ,'Jleiriii forget: , the.qeye
4,orsatiPAlit4l4 t W rl t h6
heart Oaf Sind' ,')OS' i loni
: , 'Saved,..uialtAN'
brighter for ther,dark
. taleaflA l l o lMg lisau
.an'elorestanianii Ale
after . knowing.' the fact e.
' biesti"finti tinlY4thest:S
derr, the world as a wonn
t ,
t-~impiya`l~tee to
"At** API
rcz —
SO allol.uhal: Mist f
11 14 ,APhereki Shotig
lt* op t itWte liditiamb
. - . .
. .
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,i.. ."" itl. Icr laciti oftt i . .. 1 -1914qt irt tot f.ffid ( .r.;
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.71T Vidhlyit i l ilteliMPlG if t 4} i iiiiimo,,,l,ri, tox4.t4r4 ti • ' ' ''.
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r I ,I• '-'ilth....if. ... '
1 • rjaiiri I OREC'AVAMIUM -11 ':' ,1
r - t) v. tri-j.'d
Are cgivirotho . .9pr9wijoat t P.i tuoi
brave soldicreuf,lllinom who ant noycin,thei
field Inittlingfon4lieirennegiOnd fife Pete
mend it td gin uttesttkut', 4 /t the secession
iyinputhilors-a£;Reeesiticilletl.,; Buff ', l3 ftt
be long before the patriotic soldiers of „rho
bldißeSstaner tatatec who: 40 4 1:•1 10 *.rieg let
their blond detain* proviceoutitiomi
spdak Aka, itctoues thatvleeneet • be eileeper
derstood,.the‘ri views, And',f/kvit.,,feelingt!, in traitor's at home,,who Are, I,3triv:
ing!to weaken. ourlAmen: glevereine9W
strengthen the rebels• in tbetr o helliskaymuit,
upon the liberty, of, our ! Acne It is, ten,
much, kfatipp e that theiWve hearts rwho
h a ys,isortasis. i„imes and families to fight
the: traitors of .t 4 it conntry, will allow trai
tors at i :tab them ip - 41!" ba l lk
they,are fighting to defend their - hompa anc
fireside!. ;}tome will . learn
that the patriotic soldiers, tor4enneylvaia,;
like the-brave , leyshvil Jiliggis;„ tAlopf silt; a
sneaking trator• it,t• the reqr,*gh t ,tore ,than ;
/mopes rrebet ?injrunt?!, We Mrs tAT'lr9r i e!
to: these traitors at home, ; who are t°
weaken the. hands of the
than strengthening , the.obels,agmust.ebele:
our brave boys are, contending, Bzw i mm l er,
you will bear *voice fiewthombwrp h,eartei
who are in the army of Penusyllvama. that.
*ill makeyout-teeth chatter with ., fear, :for;
your cowardly and• tremonabie, conduct.
.Read the ,proceedingkei'the., l 4eve b oys .of
Illinois: , • .
The special correspondent of the St. Lotus
Democrat writes t` -*
i lain* b iss., Jar k . 31.—The prompt
actin taken by :the - bidiana regimeate in
Ge:”Rosooraris aritiy,iii ieferenee to "home
trai ' ," has started the all. The Illinois
troo ,t in Orant's army, b e' spoken to the
"peace nien" . andlutter titi? in ' the' Illi2
noes Legislature. " ' '., ~ • ''
At a meeting o offic e r's of'the'' differ=
ent Illinois regiments stationed at this point,
the following proceedings were had. The
meeting being called to order, Lient., Col.'
Philips of the Ninth Illinois, was elected
Priiiident; and adjutitfit 'nett*, Sittiftli. 111/
inois Secretary. - • .., - :,/
Col. ehetlatt, of , the'Twelfth Illinois? Me
tal that the object 'of calling the Illinois
officers together, was to adopt •resolutions to
show Governor' Yates and the , other, officers
of Illinois, and all otir, friends scheme, that
we are still in favor of the vigorous prosecu
tion Of the *at, -and- that we uphold our
President and-Government , in all their ef
forts' to put down this rebellion.
On motion, a committe en , resolutions was
elected, consisting of , the following officers:
Col. Medan, ' Twelfth Illinois, comman
ding post; M. M. ,Bane Fi ft ieth Illinois,
commanding Third Briga de; lientnant Col.
Wilco:4 , fitty-secOnd Illinois; . 001. Burke,
Siaty-aistW •Illinois; Col., A. J.. , Babcock,
Seventkillinois, commanding '.Second Bri
gade; Lieut. Col. Morrill, Sizty-fonrth Illi
nois. ' ' ~ ' ." .. - : ~ •
The committee on resolutions submitted
the followingi. whit& was unanitnensipadop
tedi ' , ,i , ,) ~. , - ..,,,, •; ,___
Mei/jai; Out thiveindient is now eagaged
' in a sti•i4ggle'for thia peifeleittiaeof *Very
righ t' deer ' es 'as American citizens; = and
requires the united efforts'of all gelid, true
and loyal met its behalf; and. '
Whereas, We have `beheld , with feelings
of sadness add 'deep iegiet; the bitter parti
san' spirit that is becoming dangerously yin ,
dictive and malicious in-sun State, the ten
' dentp of which, is to T par,alyse and frustrate
' the plans of the Federal and State authori
ties an their efforts' toeuppress this infamous
rebellion ;-therefore, •
Weitotved;.That having'pledged • our most
cheVilhad'eSithly interests to the service of
ant:rim/non country, in this hour of nation
alperil;we ask our friendi and neighbors at
liomi to lay, aside all petty jealousies and
Pasty Suittiosities; and; as one' man, stand by
ns to upholding the President in his wan
Measares, in'inaintaining the authority and
dignity Of tht Gibtrcoment, and unfurling a
gain the glorioni entblem of our ..nationality
over - iiVety city' and town in rebeldom.
P . - - 2i , lei so kiv The: we tender Governor
Yates tied—idjiitaiii- General . .. - . Faller our
warmest thanks for their untiring zeal in or
ganising, arming and equipping' the intiny
which Illinois' hassOnt to the fleld; 'at d: for
their' timeli attention to the vnitits , 'ef: Our
sick' Sact tionaded 'ink' we assure
them of our steady arid warm support , in
their ifforts to: inaintai*for Illinois the pion
position of 'loyalty whidh she'
now occupies.
3. Resolved, That we have watched the
traitorous cOndticit Of' those; =Member* of the
Legislature ,of Clio State
. Of mis
representing*ur. eeneAkikeile4,l49 been
proposing a cessation of the war, avowedly
to arnogeternirrepencei,‘ but really Migiven
time for the .neaily to re
cover their stningtli; pfcitting'`, to ' 'divest
Governor Yates of the rights aid authority
vested, in hilt; •by our Stiatefeenstitation" and
laws, and to tholp Of*. say
"Beware of tetriVe„.riitribittiOn' ' that
is falling up)n your coadjutcirs at the South,
and that yotir orime.isvtanfold ~blaeker,
will swiftlyAmite'yettArisk 'tenfold , horror,
shoild you 'ditiuMtlite . .teeds
of treason."
4. Riiiiited; Their' tenderisg Ont. thanks
to Governor, Xtqati,.,and . amfut:iur Wn' of our
cordial support Ajimto:4#4 to', orMih`' . this
ißtnottko tic,bollion, we are deeply itrtteeling
/Po4loth, Vi r cch iiie t' 3l ;PlielfPieP. -
ttou Of ate, t fa,loe,in'ytefildivit :that/ is
Oar men -ouii wives; bit" children, 'int
parents, our homes—and, should the loot*.
some treason o'44*db:toil . "AR are trying
to ures s traar44, 4,00,4 1 Ye't just
thoritY f , opinion,
for return , and ores out treason there,
we will protlittloWrimpsuplz Oder ,so to
doi, for wit , ralp''',llloiiiadiltittplisitor in the
,:rear'lnueb Wore Shoe an,apen,robelAtt frpep:
listobiedpaShowo, hold A040414)0
and will 631(Mrige 40.1 1 man who, is this eting,
nntitonolJile, offers feetiotts
,, eitbsr F.l4eral or.-: 1 4134") :anthatAttellt
fs , theieinflorts or uraserueo,for the vigeFogo
totoseoutiouef theloox ,the, suppression
bf : thiafiodiass
O. 14sadveld, Tbat.wo , ate.,oppeeed, -to all,
propositiollkfur i.oposoimuot., Pt
a compromise, other" thotithosei propAtilkinq
whisk' the oOrernatent haseoustautly offer
ed-C., Rollin' to loyalty and, obodietteA to. ti!!
Jaws, on a common Joel with ether, „States
- of tilts:Unica,. under: the. eoptiAttion tus . our
fatberri made it., • •
•••••' •
" Fightbig Ihr:lgiggegg•ff .' :1
got tired. fightihg for the , niggeral,"
said a:discharged soldiers'coming , up i .from.
the PertstiotithOrevo on the 4tea
nier Feiiirthe lather days .""I've done co
nettglref thavbasiness, and.l.!lnive a broth
enritirthe;MmYywho wittlireas out of it. ,
'Mt totr going tolght beside Wiggers. :I eon:
eider myself a good deal , r above them", • He
seemed HI Minot, likely felleiviquite free to
.eiltreas =himself bet alms* Amy' alibied,- and
espelally free r; (mange those above; !him.,
11 it 'spoke of drunken • officers ' and . grinding.
quatterimestere -in: depriving, 'the men.l of
theit ratiOnsyand was very free :in ecnideuth
Hire the Whitt °theme of • the hospital; cola.;
Plaine& loudly otthe poor living madwonld
like to shOot , a number of. Men. After listen
ibg• awhile 'to him, I inquired what he meant
bylghtini Dar niggers,as he called it. 'Why'
said' he, "the President's proclamation snore
all we're fighting for?'
**snit not tnistaken? The President is
only detaching from the rebel Dryly and reb
el sympathizers, , that body .of' men .and svo-,
Men who raise their - provisions, "tend ,
lentils - turd plantatiehs, look aftr' their stook
andrprovidelot their families, and 'earn the 1
money by-which they can carry on the war.
The Alves build their forte and breastworks,
attend upon their officers drive their teams,
cook for the soldiers. and 'do a great. many
things,' by which they help to carry on' the
war; whichirrif the slaves aid nat- do, the
white men would have to do the things now
done by the Diggers. That watild take so
Much from their fighting material and thud
weaken their strength.—Most of . them, too,
are -loyal, and are forced into the trenches
against their will. Noir the. President, in
proclaiming emancipation is -only 'detaching
these loyal men from the rebels and bringing
them over to our aide, • and by that means
aids' in putting down the rrebellion.r 'Sup
pose the rebel* were usingn great many ox
en, by which they successfully I carried on
their 'operations, against us, and. the Pres&
dent found out. some means by which, he
could detach the oxen from them and make
them fiery iceablo to him in putting down the
rebellion, would yon refuse' filth ton the
plea that you were only fighting , for oxen ?
The soldier admitted at once , the.. argil ,
meat and said, ivhy don't some one show it
in its true light?' rWe have. been , 'told we
Watt fighting for the -pigging', --and no one
intitnated'thir ,, eoritraryi- , intimated that
was-the way the N. Y. Herald and , papers
or that class represented the matter, not be
cause, thei did not know, but because it was
for their interest to 'deceive. ,
. Chimney Corner.
• •
The old' Chimney corner I It is endeared
ta 'the heart from the earliest recollections.
What dreatia haie been dreamed there'!
What stories told! what bright hours passed!
It was si place to thinkin, a place to Weep
. in, to laugh in,'and much the cosiest place
in the house . 'rest in: It was there where
dear old grandmamma used . tiiiitat her knit.
ding, warming her poor aid -rhettinatie back
against' the Wait well; where . grandpa Used
to fall' elicit) 'over 'his neiutpaper; where
mamma used to place how spinningsvheel, and
papa` tided eit that& too; and read' 'in the
great arnieliair
It was' tbikre whereieu 'Used' to read fairy
taloa iii J yOur childhood ? folded all•ao 'snag
Varni; and cozy, t itir great warm lap;
While the wind 'of a winter's night was whist:
liog 'without. YOur_,tilia
favorite plan - WO
never sciiitieet ea Iheten • there,und"the
stories' yon recd by' the'sitting-itkUti fireside
were never 'half so fascinating as thole' read'
'in tbe,ckip i ry . corner. " ,
- If yilitiveriiid,
4.ywn were Merry, , You, with your_•_brothers
•aid Sisters; 'nestled have i a tderry
Mei Even OW anit.thabouser dog: 'loved
the: old , chimney cornet 1:' !: •
• Look beak Ice th weld 'houseolobere :every
room', everyUeoltis so fall - of ipletwant root.-
leetiepeL—t h e sittitig-rtiom; where
were solaatir happy tateetingsplYatir owe
cliamberlVith , its little' indow,' "Where ' , the
end tame' peeping! in at' Morn ft , ' Mother's ,
rootn;'itil; 'sacred , With; her presence.; J. But
after theihrighteet iinethories'elatter -
bent'thatehiainey , eoister.: - :: Yon tO 'be
faltiediajtio faithfakeht Macs, agsin,'as you,
were inbehilittfeedv and! have' irgOod ord • over
alrithatialaide bitortinves. , ;*
If it'dedotai~s oe - *.• 'The bright faces that
eltiaterietherie;df yotie. wilt never comeback.
again:lltfiekited kliegs are , thellovod: walls,
aMiit~the'iithat thesAitthen , fire-i never
&tikes thematittrin any morewl•- , Butatillquem.
eipsi ts: upj sdnie-xof gtheu holieit-' and I most
beautiful beittieit'of herastVingl
chimney toittiet Wlliosioii-Recoode*L;-‘ll
ton, /Into - bur ii" aoos
Of tx , ;;Ktioiiiii*heted 7 ftijoitien °gots
of ti isootiAN ivory 'ElgiiiidisPici eat Ima ,
ii` li toka: foilititirives - ofliol4
witeers."l l o4 . l)kraiktlie' iitfeein ititte
and' tiro; iiisitrig
widcivio; ofig'hitletilf
othii tiw e e, tlOpplyoof
;•• ; , 1 [c.1). 3
. T.:4.4„;;• , Y:
.tio/bodiedAlo: !how**
*nit ttio 4.2 4 .6pifithipepoggp - uvt yrot ; a
; As antrz--12..1•412 o f , :1
AN Viethgni* 4.„
91i o 111" ittrvihiz Itari Ivl.l
Ale the I.lllbote Seeeteildely , i the i hgelipm
ingspef3eir.wee,delleoedgalle* 0t1tY,4,49?4
merit pretiiiiionwanit 'lleterlabfilmt+9l3
the present war, buituene thetihOeticilf#lllll
wore Of time , nateitel elsequee", NHL *kept
patriotism.] - J
bin ,Funiaose tot bhjeet teleit/iiigAol 3 4o l .„
tions'lthlehmere•,tieirtg ,, iatMeee4i,t,4o.! Voqi
tim e ;, Mid ‘aiseei aft ek4ote . ; etpen4.o apprer.4-
atione tor The evippere , ef Abe i Sctilte, 94/Mk
wente ~ He said ,',141+, .11i
..1116'Spetker—I eatilsit bony, seat Ho 4 0 gi
ger andtkeetsaph boyer•
wen ares•trifliag with mtbeybeet i iptereSe, tof
the ocrantty,„' Theyieholear.have,whiele (girl
to ges off their. heath, fOr their. 14 4 :41 3 .0,4?
I say that there to% triliforshed secession
ists at heart in this Senate. Their actions
prove ' it.) Their gibes :and elarightert find
cheers here' nightly,,whith theitepeakees get
up in this hall and xleuoturee the•wariansithe
Administration, prove it. •, ,r f i f; i
I eau sgr,here tie :hinges awl notytell these
traitors what I think•Of them. IlAnd :while
so telling then), I am,rirapotisible •for •Wlaell
say. I stied,ntionanyown ,bottonicif I- ten
ready to meet any Dada on this floor i iia smy
inalbtlelri Crawls pin's point to the? mouth er
is cannoni ;aperif this,oharge l agairistAWeae
traitorsr" i[Terruendois applause.: front-Abe
alleries.] , ; rI arit3en, old mans of sixty r ffve.--
I came to Illinois , a ,poor• boy.,ll.4,,tnade it
little iromething for 'myself,:and , : family. , . I
pay 83,000 a gear in taxes I tun williegte
pay 88,000, aye ~ $12,000, [great, eheeriggo
the old gentleman bringing down his fistilip
on his desk with a •blow:; that ; would ;knock
down a bullock, and causing, the• inkstand to
bounce halfidezen inches itilthe air 4 aye, -I
am willing to pay my whole' fortune,..; and
give my•life to save my condi,' from , / these
traitors-that are seeking •to destroy , ite--7,
[Tremendous 'cheering and applause, which c
the Speaker could not subdue.] (
Mr.Spoaker, you must please, excuse me. '
I could' not sit longer •in my seat, and:l calm
ly listen to lhelle ;traitors. - , My heart • that
feels for my conhtry,"Woula not• let me. , illy
heart, that cries out for the ayes, dour brave
volunteers in the field; that • these &titers at
home are destroying sky thousands, would,
not let me. Yes, these villains and traitors
and seeessionistsAn , this Senate, [striking his
clenched fists ,on the,desk wpilt lb btow that
made the house ringfagain] are itiling -XV
neighbors'boys .now , fightisig l in, the &id ol --
1 dare to tell de ns these traitonl, re, their
faces, and that lamlespposibie for what ~ I
say to.ono mid all. of them. [Ctheers.3 ~ ' Let
them-come son, right here, I am •sixty r ffve
years old, and I have made-up my; ,mind ; . to
risk,my life righkherei on this; floor for ; my
001Intry , ) , )1 ‘% - ~ I f
_'ij ' I '
These meesineered etColonel Mault, n,dflY
or two ago,, `,I-Ici ii, a little man, but I,Ant,s,'
large, mau l . lam ready to meet any of there,
in place of Colonel Mack. ~,I sun Jingo e
tweet for them,,aud I hold, myself ready, fer ,
them now, andukany , r , time. • [Cheers ; , l'rom,
the galleries.]
Mr. Speaker, these traitors on this floor •
shottki ,be; previded with, hempen rogaillt
They deserve them•,, They deserie,hanging,
.L say. [Raising, his voice and violin - 4 stri
king the desk.] , The country .would be bet-i
ter off to swing -them up. Igo for• hanging
them, and I dere to tell them so, right, here'
30 theiritrnitwone hieget..sPu,l tors 01 1 0414 h;
hung, It would, be:4,110 salvation of 401
country tohang theme ,:For, that ,wasps, .I
kvOuld,rejohre in it,' [Tremendous eheeringy]
I said •I paid three thourand &glare A•yesr
taxes. Ido net nay it•tofireg•ei , i 3-1 lt , - is
my duty ; yes, Mr. Speckster, , lay riveege to
do it. But some of the traitors ' here, who;
are working night awklity to t get their mis
erablen little biiis And clai rou gh the
Legiehiture to ha moniiY • brit' *Stilt packets
of the people; are hilking,aboirrhig ‘; taxes.
They are hypocrite, as • well Eas tars! , .1
heard some, of them talking" oat ugh taxes
la this way who do net pay ve i dellitra tip
silpilort the Goverahreht: • "Filinottfinisithent
iie hypocrite (es )0011-eatittitors; - - [takeout.]
The 1 reason tbatt they zfratopd Aor tot I*.
fraid of high taxes iathat thq dp,e,t, went
fe vote money tor the rtiefAift ifie ~SOldietS.
They' want also toiitidiarriss th6rUissiitairieiii
and atop the Waif , They wassiitoidd thou
cossiooiste to eenquetbol4C,blas IP AP. P4K,
2716 '0 Pare abc 4 taies 11bf,f; , , 11 ; P i C a Me
men, anyhow. 'They
. o'4
. 1;:, taw's at all, and
tinter did, and trevir - fitipe 'to, -'iitileietliey
can•'-unistgelte plunder the" Government:
[Cheers.] ~Thitis auoxeuse, Alt V21411b..
[Here the Speaker called for order in the
galteriesel ~-; .ft . ••• .'.. •11 : , li I .
. Mr. Speakeromimeme., • I .feel for anrsis
countryam.this hour of idangens;' Ic..feekdoe 1
her iron the tip" , of my.ases te the wade - of
my hair- 'This,'" the readow 11 , ape& ;as I
do.n•l cannot helpit.4:, I 'Woe bora ;Ao t. tell
these men to their tenth what they sere, ond.
what the people, the-true loyal people, think
of , •them:" i[Tratuen&uil cheeriaghe
SPhakee , ripped •upots slur desk is unison
With therapphiuse, tipicrentirtto atop it; bar
really-to fied-atitevolifitu4 *SILL.' Wald :la
by mil - Basked; cheek imd '• tasking eye J that
hie 4u:tart:Wee with , tharbrave" and •floyalvit
gentleman.] .hr.::! lk, ',l:a---,. t ' c t.) t.:4
Mr. Speaker,-1-Imvereaid-nry-eak I am
noiteillkilkw lthitLiS the; cinty iipMerkfaive
madea - 1 Alidilitl6 utiticuidet that it% demotion
coVbe Oilled 'el speech! '. 1 .4 I iiidiald•itiotosit= ;WO
any longer, Mad .1 lee vakia.lootitetaili tea*
traitozework opt their selfiak schemes' to Ale
igioy if4talot! "Ilityllifeinyiadigiiito,
LeirdiemigiAb . Stiff eitl flake thaqiiikinettieliki
rani readyio isinicip all I:
~ eau
peat it, I am ready to meet these traWkiithel
any form thalt•mat ek'histe l ftrarupin's peint
hiThitlaaiith ce4tWiiiituit ''' te r ' t .' ;,,,.
titi 00 j! W . ) I , a .a U..% , '1,5. .14307 . 751 tkittl.tilb
'`.' bar .-,, 27 ( ,N. .to .to ,An-stfii*
7:11:1r01;011 4 y 18 irtelbOtil a bons*, itutlia,
haL l i l tr e _,AgM r i i , 4411 41 ( .4itiii. 1 11 41 4$
liar \'-'lo4cor4k#• Nr 4 ijal r . i ,It , 1. , . _
9, ..., 11 ;Adoi l bxelf!s• r „ 4.'-.)-3;iiiiir.,t:.4 :001
.. es
ta Foto duff 01 J ilii•Ja ri.v...a silf lb 0.75 1 1,
~ - a emotion
im ..—,..A. • ! i ri• f -fC t ' ihs t,
The Wes •,,t ,a ' ki4rifer, lei
ibunigiitK i llif f: 4 l . lro44lB64 l 4flifir.fatbovrnit
tggifeeiihartallootsigilmmelhation ltneglin, gaol
ingiriefeotheirnftio lAN P i - PA* 6 OM*
intp the lavd es t it i flgre, oictptug ,
,and m,
s ,1 . or Boos, Evil .bllflatliiiiti Mee% the
, h *NW liiituirtsillaal ititiiini4if.• tate
titithitrehisfinfy, intatta'al tteettfloo.alrffit.4
Oanatirogelnal!til44Po 4 ,9!9r i ftrlt
haiipmse4 : po trintrontemnatteit.ot 0 '
rehelliCiP,lni, fiave *Ata 2 ifte trove&
%bane; itint 'oiettir ot ' bliffetilf 4141fithll,
their nyttipethyr *ilk uthe.) &Stith, atill.marl
With eationgagdAtweexieg,l4l9o) ti/Alijellfg; ,
nd apckouppormit tim,,governmient all t h e,
way t fi rougl. Stark the Aitigtfolf; kill& ;
iiiweit r 1 oti 4 Alit3 41,43 bea fitV4l,o` '7.fif
` 4 l " elr A trAtderiesarbapottateßremt. c day
that ;,hio gatialregterlAVA torl-4414 1 1 4 ,3rP,97
Autionmtimes v 9CA°
~ will resent pie IF,-
:iletiebm.Let 414 indlinfitiiie'`.inliirtieinla '
ly,,,thiltrati**l tfifyitho tint@ tiller; bar - ref
bastardy ii ilvarr i ensigarr , of isllefttmer, , -vsfV , it ,
will be so hereafter. , , The tory father of to.,
iiiiii*iit thamtnribe disgriieetto-illeirtoos
ierityrandttheirohrildrdale c ob' , p isig,pa
Afitligesili f tsc9 A O / 11 111 4 "P r il l, gV.l4 l
erapipn,, e words o ills eye I' pitelifid - by
them 044 ilthWtitteffrdiiin4fberthily
hafit Win ttionttoetiVißtheNtrentdry - ofliiving
rwiteessespenitztoaßbot, Agi Anlettani, I ,,Tbe ,
fielfgßePt. ol. Itkelirl,PAC3- IS t eretlegMs' ,
the, pt s havp beenpmbi4mejLin, prnitiir's,
Ink; sea 4311 ecaiiii &ilk kr' waiiiries*.sitirit
then! Mot* >the gfeitatellitteaPothistegp
A 11ttfr.19,1,77 e_ Art, Re i rpotna 17, ea
ing of Othew many rllib IL
will retiuire of
good ideia viha% atarOliotimfdollara4r*illitdtl,
but we, very mychAoulilt• wbetheL ostA.par r
son ln,a,thousald has p. eorreetinea of., the
ledr itistaineel . iflybri todkild Avg Pekati hoti
long it Auld ocieupy Pim to [put Alown:e
million, dots ~gitli a .P.Pa449 1 3"fl 544et!,0SPa
, per, be wilisenerally ten
,you sOmerthing so
far Mut' the ftie l i 'Wbe 140,4161 d: 'Y
halt its/th4efore% 145414, foti.tro - haveiried
.the'eiperiment more , thawi oade„thak itaAr, 11
, oceuPY ar,kViPell yeamaa-,t71, 0, AV%-;n?Rl?
than twe wrkp,, s upp,osir i ighlin to work ,bana.t
hours, (that ii,'sis;) robes aptly, d`6in 'notli
tit* bee iiiittinedots thillthipef oY dip iiiA ;
his petrin.itdc, 7.llsid wil) givokotne seudstre;
some, idak of ,Po,l,l.tif,Y•f&miltgliOCLaßt
tamed in a minion- Let any one try it, Eli
bia 4iiteli on thitiltile;'''eles' thel
polka.. alit Work fot' teti
-then add and multiplyi-aginiedigaturd t16;,..T
,The Ofook ottr4te,
"I ( -
The Bible 'd'eseribeitle years of man, to
be threescore and ten, or fourscore :oyears":
-Now, life iayery unceitpib , ark we,,ro,fty,,not
'live a'siggle fifty 1424;6;13.10 if 4ie u 'ailide
'the fdhiddinie Ida* ettiti 4 old %inf. OfCliko
twehre parts, like ,tha dial `'of the f i miacho
swAi allow 0 1 1° 61 f!17 6 1Y, fgrA l eXPTl: fi ge
ure. When slips r aven .. years old; then
it' ti one 1 4V014:ioli tifilitesr *firth fieisfifies
affertrieen yet" it Milk , bellow olds:*
whengail twetity-obaldikreFriE.willhobtObbEett
o'clock, sh o lo4i it :14E. , GA:oogrutt lifffe
14S life. this,ierviner we may, a wityp
'knthe tiMeoriiitt nificll66o4 . at
( the (flock may porliiruk>reinhi r d hedifil2
'What hour-you andaishallsibyheoßlyianothi
4 0 Oka, to whoa; AU shins Si:*,/kR ( 1! 1 ”4t.
~I, know net what O'cl,tit' ma
teader,:biatkilow ver . rW6ll,:What
itia*lthinYsBlll slid thifitTihttitur fa('
asithinildnr.:worid vellieh:rhitliestbo 31
.have. negicolalkit is hi1i#4.0q.49'.-glt7:o9gl
it. , Look about*, lariVo7 entrAaArni
and noW then ask yEmrselifit what
II• :-torerio :-;1.1S1 "es
a member of the Misstittri Benatc;in uspftech,
on theletlt:ttre4ifonthi4dtity '
tkuestratiglyetitifunk kW:abhorred:it .
War, Plir4 l k-1414 s9.slke wfln, ll #l 6 :net
only. anned'fais hatiiiagamsi l , bit traitors
iir thepiwek pi tike
&keit ishignsii-ocEthialitiale a tiehr,4hci
werdcof tressoo,in :she hint v)f Jayitkemetti.4
Q Tula Inrwior Fetillst 1 -14t ,41 1
it 64 ind the Itebelam
Who gi6
footottid wintr lbw iroWldcsiiiii
down to their nathneftett, - andlet them- abide
With Ptileir' fathet,"' thhinidcir•if" fraitotl
- MANY lao.s IN TEIN:FIig.-.4i;bea
everjou nee ,a go! with a whole Jot of sweet
, Halts, (says' a linmorous writer;) it's even a
Chan:wilt stkel , etsvtnitiiind"to:'
..egi.'it,Ooknookoff, and:. before shit brings
'any of 'em to the right, weldin' heat, the:seal
is gone and the - ilre is' out'
, - Thou she, may
hioteqlkid any blow;
Op4l:diSt e ttit.the datlM.ol' &lift; iihe; cad
blow uSAniat::4l4PTer ono nolOnOn looking
gario anger of, duo :but . I „dot't long -to
wlatipei weeeirtroti'detiiilittrer
yOn)tata ti .
rei'yoli-iniir - e too ilia y~ ' irbnfa'iti
the fire; somer,offenal Wig getn.ataievteold;
and t'othervnes btunt'so they., bill
be-14 good iti aasoisA-o EU.
VIM Mir*
.. ~
..i.. lOW'OM'afirrrilert.LlVlliti
holiettiosiallPlarigisand ire 0/411rWrokr-pei;
ifflatir -1 -:;.*? 41 1 Eq%.": ;kg" Attilit llomoillber's
word o f waroorg wilmill 4 ,oryiri . 4 Ti m ph,gc
are randy broken. TO; do ismnorl at as
alPither 4874trid:aiagtcM1101#11-Lewin
Wag liiiiii tal - rum_ 10rk3...! growinp i
OW' thif lifillairiti
WNW arifinity re- - ,
woks *lli Oleg UMW lortiaßoiliiiiv
DM NNW& o*,YolirthityWiltdamaki
of winter' lobbi t Wm / too* #l4.
spirit of bit; ri. Ire walks in tie - rigid
..„t 4 l t t _firliglitir ai tlirlalaghilY
Af m'fu'lm i , elkTra`a!k . laißtirlulMPl
Tad?Ef9l l Joglikilo l ,, 4 , !';: .ri-aiittyq a1,,a20
' Tf itli #VI, 1. a
tA 4 n %
oil i
, -.A( 14 .
I P ra A l 1 A rS tl M 1. (1
t i t ;Nl* 1. Wtitt ,
it ;
avk 'ild7cM r
ate . NO
top.lo. — fiffsitok i toylur
rank ,oplts,,7a # l3 l B ?AM'
litua /JAM. ' 'bit .iteritiri2 it Iv e
yeeteekbi 0 Illift4 l thertidea imilfo4-
About noon 0111tr , iii t h tletma,
* gtrnli OW- , ' ing, oesitt*Meeetlag,el tapatifentef
itimeimitybtflts 4l 4# 4l- .2bAlkoikil4l tliftik:9W
et the bars, ttuieaddrested him :
vt in e u e p me ,l . f .-Aot,•yvoi
tffeljo,r, repliotthe wikvigort Pt
. 4 ...
VOOVii* his rap? rpm has inot I th.
" 4frif
titer ivhhetevieweeerThcatirreon. 1e f ^4'l
The enewee.efitheihigkilifevueezpielo4l::
'Yuba Dam !'
thfhwia*w4 li+Mitiffig v ;lMN 9: I WPAGAI
thougta.4e 1 1,094 rttlen. :„,
Nehat'did ickaay . aikat
IN iftP l44 B l6 ol 4 ir
Alitsv -s 2 :1 , " 2C1 '
7„4Whittijilaco4 4•04f8f1A.-
did' "si lig fly
elevated tone of voice. .TA
, 'Looklate l' yelled:the instpl'hopipsaa, I
liked feli politeirifitstilkfilethilf iiiitlrhy
itrtbendStedoretliod mammal' ,, t t ,• 1, ,1 of
~-,• /rho stranger s hetratinitillitikiele 11011000
lind,,raplied.with...th4hvoipLetty 8011ntidef i :
e re4nOss'tlio itittliehr &at ? '- „
- In - ri tainAtteitipiti,Niiiiiiiiiilts tifo
"ai rash! of ethe riglityrtaPjtetieSefUhisltiefie
,anfi advanced, Ate the 4 1 4141k4t 'faith , - ei!t- eil
r eigg'?" a °lV4o.P.Mi t t i k'TclP,e! e 0 ,1 0 , 11 ,1 "
rose and Senna a pniture or , - enema! and
ed e fi l i sf i ct : •. n tufa .0,..... 1- i , twvr, . l, , ii ~ ~, T
1 ' Airiivei WithinftiFySiti eifflitittr , ThOtiipten
said : ~,‘,,,)::-,. via .-,,.-- , :•Ilivi .. b-k
'I ask'you for the-last time. What place
iothis ??.. ,:,-,.. ~, ~t.
. l'uttii.. his hands
,tt hp mouth his. moo =
seat rifilad: I ''' „ I. ' ' r ,' .
-e,tyloo t e,g a ijipie•.- 1 , - 7 - •,,v il ,iv;l4 , '.
'.” Theliesterananto thwy:Weret - :"rtt her tibia
Xh9wilee 7 ,, 41 .1rAtnY,.4i i then ; t 4 Ph. 40 0 1.4
then At wiks . uog ct i i ili,,that ip,., he th, were dtwp.
IViCy raintm 1,-roatitioii,'& tieiontie.
7,filstrmivietuiwired,osiiiiiiid "Itd 444310-
4011tIkah:*nedgbtrzei. , ttiilu fit ,theriatett
$1991.4614 i1f.0 4 14.4141kki1-: .i. t' looke4,likeer
prize-fight betwmp4.7,?,pugilia '9,centipetles.
Fititiv troth Oiled' Off tie batik andi in
- frPt ' %VA, Re4altfifineled liiiiiii: - ` 4 "Thit t y
esteit diet opium NI tallteilV l loollll4,
14.10 00 4kiktfitPrOr ~Br 1,110111054i$
i#out„tflo sapie tkr., t ,,th?nwo3 six#so4o
ip the kik:, nionatO4l -- hd - war-litiiteed,
Mid iriaditiratilia, lief& Viiiiiie the kid
out of one of his eyes. ,nt;ff.," :.,:4 rilir ro .
iliwitetitnethe , ,hetiere47l9l4l9e fOit the
town, that is, to
~sayz ;he„ .o poplar , 1191,, ilte
tfiie r e bails' Were liept,l6 Strad n B ho j use` in
Ale inbnitilf; biro% Mk /little Halal lei
lout five years of age MIS playing. 00-- ,
'What place is tbisp4ilissy I' he asked.
, 'Aft IjOffghOwirighitOltd , at thq, Owed ,
rat figurehioli„the xtrangetont, tierea.kod , it
liWifith&iiire. ° " iilliW %kited" ttet . 4oer
illiditsfflidtaffhea,, 'Ail kienleilt;n'tkolii;
Ihvin !If; ! 3701 ':f t*: ft' t,'.. , :11.411;i7-) oa .).i.I 6
1 All99 (l 4PritlPPl l ll l 4lkolll4giiig
hie 49)811,1weeli fr ilis NirßOL,Akrlf
itiii;oopialr i fort file Oigor ails, Vorttd AVel l ,
ISlnfieleirsanlfheilen tuft itte °b' lf TAlies
aroksttoitlings Areatsatinottetleiettentiftltra I
47 4 74.7 6 fir01if 4ketzlibt..• i.;•,, - a - - dirt.. aursr:s.
gliWbvagnori , i — piMileitifaii*andinha
'Whew therapenciuntregsfadigiftejf zial.
Kove , andAdorn t.h.l9493w:auft Alteligixobit
aronnd it, "(kezlirp to ssfeet . .. paying,tkeir
&Min' a pietnitifls to sivailii3, ll , as much
oPead-inoaeg pnaeceamddirilis Inn - dishing
P 4 AFAIrY 0r.ANif.4 11 44,11, *Ow* pay
/ng !hem aprentfuni to, sprsd, Oeg.,fiese
ienv - Pbni liens/ I =tVai ia 4in those' pt on's
whettrtirti "attention
and make giemowdlipisny.'?kss - stslit • s
oe oapAin romarall bclVertaiso (ha
friend's crepal.el, wheneorer ~,
'wag iii'de7ipet, riot*
Ulf WOW 4kb - tilt !VP' ( X, rt 7.11-
Ulf I Ird,kogankiltyl, ara , ,:altver
nalir this, I* imahad. ..Tau
caii do' itPiaisiiimi hair; litialiood
vi ult:trot* ilanaiblit a ntinirgic - lirai)
Theo 7. 4 414.1.4 c
)/ 0 0 1 of ,a;
,a wit d=Burp,"be swgetly;uivai~,al, not,, jilfe
4o all Muhl &raw ,4 - 4.: 74 ' t
~a :P di `Lour = filer cif politrr
`‘, ;
Inge* gimul alwAyat..4,64. in
.wiefis,,ps if lieirOc . ,oqast F 4E4 4 4 . bin
iirariling !hair. •
~4 4 11asty•peop4sek hibideasillikat the heart-of
a A glfpo of portv--all friptit ra vs• - - - •
s.. ..• • • • •
t t . Ar s ,
kdittetbre thapakotrAlaiike.m lffa'r sir
'` 101L'' <1414%1 '')
"P ": " L i rtfiVei t t'A a ir 4 4 "hel
040 1. -„
aW 11, 0 ) n o e n d
4 • • 161 01140 Ca 4 11
Oremrarst ffitilidahips 414
are geaerailir,A* wca;i-ukt,
Ski& :
' 11141 44W trAe..... " *:0 1 T 14
0 4 t 4
4 311 L .. , 4114 1 111 0 . 0e1taii.
z't 7 00 mm Ilitioilimoog iiC LlVlS!blYttr...l:v .