Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, February 27, 1863, Image 3
, .. ..,.,,.',. oi .: • ~ , its ifidwattica:isiving ;OM Olt.° of -Yea. j'~yj dant' stha - raiq leadi__ g from the OitO eture .... Jerf. on 4:4 leading .401, the Lti . Wayaraboto"Partt kii, ind Oliith' of LelQersbort. White " -has' beep, atiooket4tltog till r titaltorioisd Car. itateiri Will retire Doti business' and., offer to the Watiattioit 440 - Tdokilioalt rata 11th r4b Ithisakttilt *Midi trast; akic,Mortuoit, to 0110611YlkaMsalhritii inth Mt it he* Of this Blest gut. 180 MBCHB, IMO e-4 %taus, $b Cettigli Bedsteads -of veil our Ake*, 4 Chaste. 3 •Wisfs Baisods..ll. Tables ) 4 alaski, a Safer, 7Doughttsys. 9 Bora Tibles,'l 6 lita Table, $ Rout Btande, Vribi and Cradle*. robes, 9 sets of quilts, rt • St Rookibgaitairs, Ohtani, $ lieteing Chairs, B„. , room Ott** small Chsitl;, ,L 40411,2 Desks. itelAt'as 1 Hit Reek; V " .. " 1 BUGGY , falling top, 1 open lop Baggy, I lityring Wagon, I Sleigh Basket; and a great. quantity. of all' kinds of Tools consisting of Saws. Planes, Chisels, Braces 110 . Bits, Band &sews. Climbs, and clot of trim. nor and carnage makers Tools, 1 Arse-rate set of BLACKSMITH TOOLS, skeet 10,4/00 kik of Lniatter. Mr feet of• Walnut mig masoprr ' 600 feet of Veneering. tie° ltalurs.:lso Posts. 1 11""" \Nygren.' ; CbW Chain., Ibarrow., Sand hone, A s aid +a of erticlin'net necesiary to m 'on: ' • witrevit• to Continuum at 10 o'clock on laid a, When dile attendence and a credit of li months wi tab then on *II sums of and -urierds; purcha. theit notes with ed security,. Panels giving their Aoki end not ng within hltdays of maturity will be charged interest' Item the date of note. LEWIS L. MENTZER. Feb. Geo:lK leong, Auct. THE, subscriber intending-tO -discontinue -farm irigittill sett at Popo Hale. at 'his residence s pn the Pike loading from Waynesboro' to Hagers town, soul two miles from the foroier place, off Toasnag Tint tOrn Der or Msabe, 1880, the fol lowing personal iroperty, 2 WORK HORSES, lof which is a Mare heavy with foal; t pair ores , celled 'hIILTLES, broken to every kirid of farm ser vices g Colts rising three years old ; FOUR ,MICR COWS, it of which will be fresh by the day of Bale, 2 fine. young Bulls, 1 two yeari arid' the other 3 years old, 11 BB inn ERTL', among which are 5 young Steers; in *hitb lot me 2 asteallent blend. •Bevvic34good Hoed Wagon with Bed and Bows, I . Planyition• 11Psiggnivilla wqod' bed:. intptOrsi...McPM. Beeper, I Brit./06,110r* Grain DNB (Watibitigh‘o patent), 1 Spring Grain Rake: I Thrashing'. Ma• chine with Power and Shaker, 2 Basihear 2of which aie . three.hoiee Plo sit; 4' Double still '•1 - single Shovel Plows, 1 Corn Coverer, 2 , 'Harroww,' Roller, 2 pair, of Hay Ladders; 1 Wind Hill, t Jackscrew, R Sleighs; I for two horses, 1 pair of, Spreaders, 1 Fifth Chain, I Log . Chain, I Pick, Forks, Bakes, Double and Single Trees, also; one set of BLACKSMITH TOOLS , 9 sets of Breechbands, 4 sets t Gears, 4 sets aH Plow Gears, 5 Fly -nets. agon (Idle, Bridles, f :llfolters, Collars and Cow Chains, 1 I Kitchen etipboard, l Table, 1 !Inning Grinder ands great liytny other article too"terdious to mention. sale to commence at 9 o'clock on. said day, when a. credit of 10 months will be given on ' all *urns exceeding $5 by purchasers giving their notes with approved security. DA/ Feb. 20—ts. luntary assign' Jacob B.tioed finam his said trust, was presented, ai d whereas, the said Court did then and there order notice to credi tors-and others to-be published in the Waynesboro' Record, for three week,. to appear, before the Judge of the said Court, at Chambersburg, aforesaid, on the lOth'day a Mamba nest, and show cause, if any they have,why the said Jacob 8. Good should not •be discharged Dom his aforesaid trust, according to the prayer of said petition,. now this is to notify all creditors. and others having any-interest in'tho E. sum of the aid• Abraham Bits: to , appear before the Sedges of the Court of Common Pleas, at Cham hamburg, on Tuesday the 10th day of March;rier amtinake objection; it any they have 'to& tuaki,' to - theldiseharge of the said JaCob 8. DOW,' assignee sa'afigesaid, and be thereafter forever discharged. 'By the" Coert, • ' A. D. CAUFMAN, Pre. Areli.2o4-63w.) . Feb, 2'63. WirMAIIE 'WNW WMI ILla g tutdeniguedl would rapectfogy. announce to their Mende, pdtrnes awe the public. that .rnev• have just returned fruit the Eastern. where They have "purtiuurnia of of superior REA. PiaIADE CLOTHING, eutbracing.all tter latest . Ward , COATS, VESTS, PANTS, SHIRTS; ' • COLLARS,, Amy-snuffs . . - NEVIWIES, bt.J.SPENDERB, . And ettaiything qpiontli plpagia:in aSynt;cliasCynti-• spins tnne ; . •• • . I=lllll Amor...ammap ~ b 'ata!fagi4aq4 a adiaamacapaaalo,, *Man titoritiatztike, (.ems of American roliko.), • to r viltg gPOOI% - ilid EGR E KB - pl. ATE U du -• WatOr and Guard cNitio. sod all. other Wickskept inJowelty Stow 1 /1. 14ratiity • siralLIWGICis cowing! on t i aau,s lattetUt.:tikila!t And cutting gmatt tits 61. goodisitait iittAWtoThito. . Ono's 10 the clock, IMO tiiiitylitie i t al..' • g.. 4, 141tOrt' 'AfXI/415'*'‘Uil GioriowitNettors; BERME IN NM! JOSEPH PRICE Asti:nod . l . l.ll4iJladelithin vMht new ITTISTRI PALL AND WINTER !OBS. Northwest Corner of .the Dismona, "b aowTeriai New arid'moat' desirable "VALI. AND WINTER GOODS, In French, r (lemin, English end American Fobtles,.soin• arising *Amend assotttnen!, of the latest styles s. dapted to Fall and Winter., • LADIES' WEAR: Rieli Rini BMW Blaik Oilki, • Plain *When, Wong" Plaids in greatvetlety, Frelltklifetifloge2' eWeel Dektihei, o k ahmeteg --- -• Satin snippedCailimete s Moussellsings, elks, • • Mohair hinttures, Thiket Clothst Printed Mensielprigeii, , Persian, wills,. • . ' • - Debeges, ' Owe Flannels,ill deices, French Ghtgitems, Bcotcb Ginghems,t. . Laneaster d 0.,. Plaida. , Embroideries, , • Loess, .. , Ganntleta, Kid Glovei . ' ' French worked Collars, Utmitiee • '.. ' Fancy dress Gimps. Cord Rind ng, ' Velvet Ribbon, die., dto. in short, 1 • hes ell the novelties dills emote. • VIDIVIN ' Paris lift broths. klhatorle, with sewed borders, BO Skits lehewli,Alateit styles) apart, Thibet Shawls, sewed,bordOt, rich primed klbawls with silk Gingee all o width-ere hold the latest importa tions, and will be sold at prices that will defy cam petition, , ' • • LIHIOI Irish end Scotch Sheeting, pillow calm and bolster Linens, fine, law prices) Damask Table Linens -spot let! and Damask Table Cloths, every size and grade* Napkins, Doyley, aitd Huck Towlings, low priced Kitchen Toweling, Bolster, Pillow and Sheeting Muslin., 3-4, 44, 6-4, or 10.4 wide, draped dimity Blankets, Marseille. and Allendale Quilts. acataavicf, (aCIOLO,;) Mush es heavy ben. Cotton, bleached Muffins, Ornaburga, 'rietttngs._ • • • ' Stripped•Litilla; • Aprourlitekta. - , Kersey*. : • nimrr e Wien Planets . .. Teinti;&e., die. • 1~ ~~~• ~T~ L! ; 1 Black and Fancy VI 4 end esseinseres. ,of the mimeo . litzles,Al4., , Doesitins filattinets, Union taiss imeien, 1.111 , tie, leans, Cottonades, Over costings,, limit Siitip,Merino and Velvet Vestings, Etinilierivy ribbed. limiters - hid ' Maria, Hosiery, alais, Cravats, t drii,! '• - • • " ••'•' - •c , . .„ , .CARPETING AND FLOUR. OIL. CLOTH Carpet. R o ll l 4.446Pains, 0 . 0 weol.) iten4 and Rag Carpeting, from 2 cents to $l.OO per yard.— Flour Oil Clothii 24, 4-4, 6-4 and 8.4 wide. all of the nenest iteSigna, Which he offers at gre • 'gains. • MATS , AND RUGS, Wool. Coco, Plain and Fancied Bordered; in grey variety. • GEMS ill MOSHE His Mack is falliitij (Vallee:to, and will compare fa= vorably with any la Waynesboro', both in price and quality. He returitalhisthenks to his friends, and by fair dealing arid strict attention to business he hopes to merit a r virulence of the same. Nov, 21 '62. . JOis. PRIOR EWCOMER, Mong, A uct. LED. • lmmon Pleas, e2lst of Jan- lgehT P ar Cam WHEREMS, Letters of Administration on the 'Estate of,Onatseise Goon; late of Washing ton township, deceased, Wive been granted' to the subscriber residing br Quincy township; all persons indebted to the Said Estate, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the Estate of raid dccedan, will make known the same, withou • delay ,to (lan. 23.-8 w) HENRY GOOD, Adorer. D, assignee 1 1P17737.110 SALE. IrHE subscriber-will aeU •at at•die residence, 2 m Iles smith of Waynesboro' near Isamuel . Printes mill, on ,WIDNIIIIDAY Ton- 47)1 Mr or MARes:4B.63ithe following personal prop " arty, viz:. , WORK HORSES, woos they aro St ts, .two "thiee lean of 'also 2 Woolf/flails; CIO 'ii eartalp.' among' them ate &,Milch Cows the banana! 'Goat cattle ;'9.. Head of Hoge, & Bows . with Pigs; 2 ' Wagoni, 1 *wadi nen, witnited ; I One.honie anon, 2 pair of Ray Carriages, 2 'Wiwi! Drills, one ; ireisii; 1 *Ong Rake. new, 1 Revolving Rake; 2 threeibinse and 2 ivrabotne•Plotra, Harrow., l double and 2 single shovel hors, • .11. .11111.311M211A1PiglEt — IlEit. (McCormick's make); triblii, double and single Trees. lifib,Clutin end; 9preaden. 1 Thrashing Ma chine end horiseilaiMir;-1 Wheat ran; 2 pair Breech hands; 4 vets tient-oms; oasts• plow Goars.6 Mow sena; 6 Brailes, lOC of Collars, 4 'Fly•nets, * Lines, 2 pair of But Chains, lot ()Makes and Cow Chain. Forks and Rakes, lot of Corn by the Barrel, Clover snd Timotbi Hay by the Ton, iota( Wiliam Boards (dry.) , l Crain,Cnulle, new,•2 &pees and Swabs; -BLAc• • t • Ksmit . i4•-TooLa 1001 many ether within not necessary to mention. • Wails to 'commence at It **Mock op acid day, whet% a credit Of e satoube will be given on all, sums of 416. and upwards,' purchasers givtna their notes with approved seestity- —JOHN STONER,. vioNukr.otaiv.4, .11 ) LAKOlirdi AUCt• • Toakixiormt irloolt,ipagty to•esid huh Drawing.knivei Ur' fur trii cents 'elicit, - • . 4 '.0en± . : 111 2 6 01.....' • 1 1R N- ....,....... I is, 10.4 Yew • !I• ,, spok 4. ..' • ' • :'.." r •. l ' . MtithiltttaielittT . • . '.. '' , ~ 0 * ' • • ~, ~ ~ '''' %t l. l Walt litestisilitialra. : . • - ' • AY2eelloß6. tab 31 £893,,_ burrito'' I ! • la WAallEll WO . Ol . St !dog: .7 " .".i , ''', 7 137 Ablivi,iiinpa' 1 •, .- 30 Also ' , 1 . r ' ,i• -• 11L0055,43110 r, i r I s TizaoW - l g" . Tiitciisy Oils ' :06 0 8 0?&P...=' i 440 niatuplo 1-00 1 1 81(104111iiiO3)-t -- ,10 PkAIID Paints' . to „, 1 14:333 tilitosy,!' - --, ~,:, 07 ,1440Aup it 60 ! l I WPICW* I OI.i ' ' 6' Masa AOrsts 00,'• ~. ......_, ~ GRIiiiiIST VICTORY !Rebel Horde I" THE TRAITORS FLEEING .....,•.•. . "LAST - B ITC A .14 32 0 :0 triti , their must itartlinginkt)ligfina ci JOSIMAtISO E, 'has justretnrned from' the Eastern Cities, viiith one of the most extensive, and oat eller stock of . glIOIS!! over brought to thief Borough, -which he will mei) at prices to suit the timeil;' The corn nity. cordially Invited to, call and examine my k. No-trouble to show Goods.— To convince yo .f the _great assortment I have in store, I siiiiju t i numerate a few leading articles. V' max i6lffiNi • - • • •• DBE ss ago D s a Rohe Cashmeres, Silk Plaid Mohair, All Wool De!eines, . • Blk. Bombazines, ' • French 'Marinoem omit colon. Silk, plain, bik. and fancy, ° ' Plain and figured Detainee. Ladies Collars. and Coßaratta, ?lain and fancy Silk Velvet, • 'Pritomingi, • . Silk Bonnet Trimming's, • Bonnet•Ribbcins, • • •• • Skating Cape and Costs, • • . • . . Ladies fancy and:philn Blia Craw Veils, • Grariadien • Clienieille and - Silk 11,6411t!e, Silk-Crochetis, Ladino Fancy Woollen hands. • Ladies Balmoral Skirts, • • • Ladles bong and Siguare,Shav,ls a (all colors) • topers • Flannel", • Plain barred and striped,, , Ladies COngress Gaiters, Ladies Muroco Boot., ' - Ladies Gunt and Buffalo Overshoes. Blk. and fancy Prints, 10,000 vas. of Muslins, bleached and unbleached in great variety. Domestic Gingham, English and French do. Melton Cloth?, . .. Ink. French Clothe; Mae and barred, do., Beaver Overeoatinga, . ' Beal Atinsi • Do. 'Waterproof do., Velvet Con], blk; end drab, • Gents. flhawle, • Flannel tikirtinga . - (any suer~) in great variety. CARPETINGS, Tible Cllltbsi diForent Hea4y Floor do. .1, li t , and S xrdo. wide. QUEI. NS. ARE IN GREAT VARIETY, • BARDTff.AILE .sitery prime Rio Coffee, rriopared viaAto do., Dandelion wvinriale arezia. Viirczrars. Prime New Orleans Molasses, Union do. rbila:lelphis Du. ,CEUARWARE All taw Colas, 'Tubs, - Distekets, . •• ~ . . • . • • Churns, • . • , . , • ' • - Teck•Meastirei . •, t, . , . . • Half Ilsoheht de: -• Window glare' 8 by 10; te4g. 1044, 11--18, &e, . . Thertutdersigned' tender's his thltiuito his friend s anti customer. for Palo favors. and' kindly - 10lie.ksit coatitniance of the same. Bosun' to call and ex.. amine my, oteck.hefore purchasing eisewhess., RA: moisten the,STAttli .. I \N p. l3TltiVEs. I . (Kinitf :624 '1.051%11 di:Sf34o.! IittOiNIMTON ' a r ag!INII Cif at ' Pales's. TNE WNW IN PURSUIT OF THE FOR VIE EC=IMM WHITE GOODS. Robinette, Piansook, Amami* plain and batted Plain and fancy Swine Linen Pocket Handle:chiefs, &e. ite . LP 222. II lig REP 03 a MEWS WM. ' . BOOTS AND SHOES, Bmasells Carpetinp, • All 'Wool 3 ply do. • Girdling, Romp awl Rag do. L x r• 1,-, OIL CLOTH - . tEOBIE[IES. 'l,3t f ur • t ••. , 14' ttr •~Ci liteTtti vg.En(iiy ° OC , , 'rt AtifirtisOCM. & co , •, 2 ' o4:friAktockie . IP. 21 k • Barnes •16 cents 15 .. 04 H , , • .„. •je • U AC°SO(44IBO .10 " • CAIDXI ) 41 • Imiovtioasut) •• '6. et TALLayr,,„:„. , l4‘ ' Lottiv,,t 4 . 4 I ,t if • LMBERSON, BENET -& CO Zrere now receiving and offering:to sal a new andrll4. difEttiOftrilE NT of Mg •UN mons .Which vie think we are prepered'to sell et as low tams as any, other house in town or country. DRESS GOODS 41' Or nil kinds De'sines, • Bereges, SLEEVES, • • Ift 0 I D N . . KEN !..0 PALI, AND WINTER s. CO CD UZI Cottonades, • "Clothe, • ;Ken. Jeans, Usseinvere, Finis Tweeds, • , Ves,tingl, Neck Ties; liasiery, • Alrevatc „ . . ' , Mos Handkerchiefs, Oboes, Slippers A full assortment of Plain end — Fancy • - CASSINIE RES. •• QUEENSWAR A good supply of Queeneware and Glassware of the latest style. Always on hand a heavy lot of Jaime Groceries, COFFEE, SUVA R , SYRUP,. To which we respectfully call the attention of our customers and the public generally; and at the some time we return our thanks to customers and the community for their liberal patronage, mid wilt en- Ileavor by fair dealing with all;, to. Merit a continu ance of the same.' Please call and see. DRY FRUIT-4:. ALIP9IEa'3II,. ' 11MaliN, at AMBEKSON, EMNSIDICT 4r, Ogg. P K LI . S ••• • ' es pod - `.Pic i!ri, wAtimitioiv; Eltaiir 011 Cloths, CIRTMI .:OIL CURTAINS, A FVLI, ASSOMICIENT PRIM MAINS; •GISCILIN .' f , f'i'' . '= sizid• i - ''.‘ - ' '—.,,. itl(altallacti.'d44. DikleM l l4o**W ll o* .• • . 4 ' • - ESCEICE Si it; stUtitigY3, itiNklDttXP 0011%; _ . sEcuim ,•••ar.•••• 01:10.miimt Wayneiborce P DEC. , 19 • •••* H / -141b11111E4 7 2; twk.IND EIo . AZ.MLIIMIMP G0?..L.A.R.~, GROCERIES, AMBERSON, 13,ENEDICTA CO tPm.4l,a3rgatvaim "AM1341190N; pEls!;l . llCl' . 4 . CO's. - OF . ALL - DESCRIPTIO.,fS Aitual*cpr t npNpD;Ci dc CO'S. r.Jr.: lit sr, va : ; 1 : 1:/ , • F;i1 0 , rpt‘,.:11,, , =,.. . , • :',T, l "*"'.'til"." , ' 4.. • '4l 1 . - • r • CalitE AND SEE, c. " , 5 . !',".4111i PTA 7-f • . 13ch . - Jr;-?•: • ' - • - • t • t•nO,G l ir i firre• i. t;;;.:311.11k.4111: I ! , /liTUOW, .) 9-14 • ' ''o./e.Ka•.4.,P: • 7 ' - • ' • , ,,:1; • j EINEEM 1. . I 4. . 7 %7 • .I , i` 4... 1 ••• • y•'- 4'. • , 4'4 f•P • His' customers and tfie public generally are to:calridid'eitantini fortileinselves: HIS GOODS ARE OF THE BEST OJAI!- " -TY. Bl'k Bilks Cord 410. Fig'd do. Mattes, Poplins, awes, CUTLERY, ) Cedarware, ai WICISII4 OILS; HMI oli, RUHR . CLOTH i) *J HOLLOW WARE lk.O. • . tieNy . Stock and, octopi* and at prices that wid defy competition, ~ Navetnkr 7,1804. SPICES. &c. `PHOTOGRAPRIC • PICTURE GALERYI HLr T undersigned has fitted up .. .,tbe,. ram over 'Fburthman's Drug store. Main street, Waynes: horn',, suitably for Photograpliing purposes, where the citizens can be accommodated with all kinds of •pictures (rem the• price of 25 .cents arra+ Phot ographs at the regular i; .. , • , • - lif For cards or . full size pictures,,fratne4r,en nerd,-- ;Old Plains copied or photographed aD May bedesii ed at rinuionahle prices.- ,A fine saickasf•Fancy and plain cases on ; hand. The public,, Out especially. the totiee,sire most respectfully invited to , call and see specimens. , A. B. isico.4 UA.1441) . ,/?. 28-kf. • t • - sehlterlher 'realised - 40y aaii4ances to his cuatorners.and thn . . that he; bas famed 014; Blacksniith Shop at the 'east end of Mein anent. Wayneatorti t :PlU,Rittileiri . ,Ormapie4 by Jaceb Knotdr, Where : he'? intriitams.. earrytrat oa she Blielismithiiig business in• all intim:inches, ,•.• All stink Win tar done at short notieir ' - itlttf , tOott tenable, terms.'' Also ilyggtei and gimbal Wagons - Isaa-liw• or. ifer. ' - -•• " ' JOHN MINE... MT. NODE. STORE. rirtHkunderAgned!;orildittinfam:bis , cwtomere and the public • paists' Ily thatiie!, !whist m oulted frikin issiortaisat Qi . , . • . Spring dr Somme: Dry thongs,. Groceries. iliwese,,.Queeaseaie, *Shoes; 4 ltriatao Hats Carpe t , ea. !Aber ettieleituanally •retaled by country metchirisii. id! Of aligh.willfiejeltl es. br,w tie the sgawgqiids be purchinsid him:There in Ake coujay. Tbe pantie- are invshakta; 41.1;au4 eatenahat bus stock: 1it• 1 41 .1 4,A .111 TAtms, ts*k4 uit: Etnt- KlSNllo,4,4,4lTrilati rlsl/010.7":-.4eir tit .4. - 0 -•4•• , , • • ;I'.l I • ; , • I 4 lr ROTIIORTIA'g ... • I . .e'r•=r`;''. I 1.. ~~r I HIS COODS LOOK . . BY. %TAWN./NG M.T.,STOCK I A LAM '1 , 07: OP SHOE FINDING /So BAIZE Ara; A TT t • Van 2—tf.l I " t-';".:4, • • , ' • , :.i. v•'.~::i;.r ' . vni; , „. 41§ri'oiceries, 1 . 1 10, : ::tiNg...cmtoppilpios,&c; O,, , STOVEt .„ A " . • • VaIIANKYLII: for kind lavers and pationage hero. pforabestewid upon him, again 'Appears befom the pnblie to solicit a continuance of the same.-- Ile hieing just returned trorn,the eastern- cities with fine a end' well 'selected stock of new FALL. AND wi.wres -1~0~.7r~r~ • 'WWI% he intends raging- at very liiirpoes. whi c h he knows tin can do to the .'satiefustlow tit all who will eat and e4aptype - his stock. e tow„yofil..7,ol,AMkenlptowto,..a fow article/I *lr wills found among his 'iltoik ,which he calla jour'ittet4iin“. t • • 7.. FOR THE'LADIE3 He hare a large assortnient of Dross goods consisting in prirfrnf • '- 1 !Amities ' ~; ^ • - Printod and; Plain Dainties, • BM ; Fig'd and Cord Silks; . • Plaid Mohair , - • tfitk 'Warp . Mohair, .•• , ' Modaprs ' French and doniticliiiiighanie • Poplins, . . Pongee Mixturp, • Cloth foi Ladies, • •Wriipings, Glove* • „ Hosiery, in groat variety, , GENTI T IENEWS WEAR, Broad Clotho; Black and Fancy Coalmen's, Union Cavimeres, . Duck linens, • • Cottoncules, • 13111i41* • Tweeds, •• • • Velvet Curd s , • • Marseilles, . . milk Vesting, Veliatine Vesting+, ' of all kinds: . in ftiet,a Aill,ainottnent of goods for Centle rilin A-A leo' Ft" laritijkaisit 44:111 selected stuck of 'DOM . ESTiO'GOOpt, Marl i; tiekinty foul .pi compleUr 'assortment Notions. It's no use trying to enumerate. I yen Want anythinOit, nil - in 1.11 i) Dry Pooh lin e pet call, ire attOoti will l ffed him fealty to wilt on you with pleasure: . • • To persons hating country - Preclude to sell, they wily find it to" IN& advents& to 7 brlag • it to Sto— der'siashe:alickya gives* higliostino,ket price. So give him a calf, and he will sell you goods as cheap as they can be purchased elsewhere. Aprll 1962' -ANOTHER ARRIVAL r• AT - THE . • •-• "VARIETY **ORE," JJr.BEA VER announces to his Customers and the public, that ha has just returned from the Eastern markets with another Bite" assortment of new roods, consisting of Fall - and Winter Hats and I.:mm;(0 sorts and sizes). Boat and dimes for men and boy* with a contplete sesortment of °shoes for ladies ware; Clocks, Tiunks; Segars,Tobacoo, and it all articles usually ept,in kfirst.class variety store. The pnblic,sre cordially invited to call and examine his new stock. N. B. Boots end shoes manufactured to order, whendesired, at reasona* rates 'itiltd;tipotit short notice -•• • ' ; (Oct. $l,. 430#4.104.1---HotWo liE modusigned having, recently taken trer a. Love named House, forinerly known its the "Mobs Inn," takes pleraurs in announcing to his Triends and the pnblic that he is prepared • to receive and entertain Gueinalit a style not' te'be excelled by any country Hotel. The. House having been thoroughly repaired and, newly furnished with eve. ry thing' calculated to make his gueibi comfortable —the public may rest - assured •that they will at all 'times Merit ins contlitibtasuited n;the,coitifint and tenvrinietteitligthe ttiveler. His Barisal - ways sup plied with the choicest *.ignora,„ and iths•Table with the hest the Markets atfOrd,actti tilt other l ippliences suitableend necesitary fur the accommodation of man or beastd . -, With faithful:mei servants with his own personal - attention' and supervision, he will leave no means auspered - to' merit'publie• pw teenage. • • . 4 The proprietor assume those who map firror him with' titan patronage that they &all ever Meet at his houses cordial ametkaiiin;neiX thidirkerythirig es. amnia)* . the' convenience amiti'•hapPittess - Of his guests shill be attended to., • ";June 2101360. • ' 2:. 13. KI7TITZ • 4.11EK-Ami.,kak • • odursiL EAT IlL•;11..:1111T ECTFULLY inviteiattetit ion to' bin largo dni!and.wwefully , selecte&stock -of goothi just 're covietk ,front-yptinstielphia.. and. *liar. comprises 'averythingniusily.kept in ifirdtiaro Stores. I fa/tiptop/wed to sell- air prices that will DEFY UtIatVVVITION. t ,, %/all and , ace' Ostik'Aft-' 66 41- . - 4 Brads:lasi :Brooms i. thoptiblic-th'at egaiu aiiitmenced , the: inaitufainore ' brooms.' PtifittuoluiViiit Wools - Morn ant it mmufictiiiiictfid6 , &bow; moll di> yet heal: , a thatittr eta - Ads : fitOtiori. ordiiyitt %oar C 44 fti.e3Wotvg , barn brooilm , l2l, ; itioguititfialishea , thelouint:oo3. l[w(socte-Lev.* ' - ',' r; '',•-;