-;-,;" _~~ ~~~ C~Ay , • ; 7 XjaTor.4llM-11 •'; /14 -1 L A. 0-1t14.0 '406 ii* - eepttik Aiwiltiir Oat las quie* itist;if = ,-__..qr ye. ~ '''Whilitrintee' wet& timiloi corkiiii . : Thief ) iiiiiifitiir itf 114 it* itoiit,'' ,- .• :. ' , . .. :,.- Anon* yeas'; ot I ifdit ilAttentht.' ' - • ' 1 ' l' Airhat ' esleirei 'go A ' ~...A,44.lltekni„,*s elle .14 . tee•-te • ' 'Whet hnieeliVe Ilia On Ileethieeilit is, ••., ' WhiClettile been IhedWa'afferitigii-- - ' L_Whit daltgera still beset the State, ''''Whilit. liksidAnd 'carnage, envy, hate - .Yl'o:fierce Rebellion's-path of woo, _ teutt,:;vivifylophide thei Dimons know; Jiftntloare nureptintpr, but keener still Musit.be the,fiend-litei thpl i ghUi that fill The cold ruifeeling, barb roue breast thafitier s 'd 'dumb manhood trent its rest, '.. 'Rotted The chain'd eagle from hie snare, And waked the lion-front hie lair; • , . , Did Pesti, ber dewy ,Wings tistend,„ Ez'alk her foe, debase her,. friend. „; ' , Rivers Of blood 'eartilllitintret ' • .2% ' ' For Ihisittie net'Of Madness-done; -:' • 'Thrones wity,tretitible; eitiPiretfill, - ' • Oblivion will not hide, this pall, Though war with. all its horrid train, • Its tears, its Woes, its blciod and pain, Still revels 'tniti,Ambiiion's slave!, And Sirens the earth with hostih(graves; , Yet o'er the grim took; of sear m • , OurldOoming fi elds ore beauteous for, ,IIP Evince the friaries of their worth, , By giving. Nations--Armies •birth; But atill'AeliclliOn's hydra head Liflii up its crest amid the dead, ~ Warm; its 'fiftblood from our veins, Purges Regent by, northern stains ; No murderer though vile he be, But will receive warm sympathy . From all his b . rethein of the trade, ' 'ThoUgh he be 16vveut, of the grade; Then bow can Treason's low estate ' Be classed tint with the' good and great, Since traitors glory in the name That alternates 'twist "fiend" and "shame," Humanity may weep and mourn— ''''',4 Fair Liberty may reveandsecorn— 4nle Union toemay rudely go 'nee 'Os the source of every woe. short—though traitors fain would be The god-like friends of Liberty, • Yet 'neath their cold professions dwell The entienom'd scorpion sting of hell; But ah ! the flag that freemen love Will glitter as the stars above ; And all its lustrous beauties show To every skulking data and foe, From Elbilo's consecrated plain, Baptized with many 'a crimson stain, The welcome shouts of victory Proclaim the valor of the free, And where Antietam'a placid stream Reflects the moon's effulgent beam, • There too, the starry banner waves Undimmed by time or hostile graves, The darkness of the sturmy night Evince some signs of. joyous light, The placid silvery streaks of gray Will ere long dapple into day, Then -Reason's sceptre In its might Will sway the realm of endless Right, And bleeding thousands wounded, sore, Will learn the art of war no more. 1 God speed the, day I —for Angels weep To see the wounds—the last long sleep, And hear the groWthe sigh, the sob, . That wakes the heart lOr its test throb. But pow, kind Petrone, we will leave These - scenes which only servo to grieve. ' And haste to finish these poor rhymes By:baking yeiti'Tor "tips" and "dimes ;" So tome along now one and all, And bring yourVcash" both great and small. ' The Bible says that well-spent pence Will surely come a long time hence, So never fear we'll pay the due, When trailers swear that they are true; When "crinoline" is t h rown a g ra f And midnight seems the heart ol day. CALENDAR FOR ;1863. t 73,. .41 - g S, g 0 1- 4 y E. January 12 19 26 11 18 25 February 1 Mareh 16 2.3 30 12 19 26 11 18 25 lii 13 20 27 12 19 26 August. la 23 BO 23eptember 6 13 _ 20 -Oct ;314r 12 19 26 . - 11 18 25 November 1 2 8 9 10 16 , .17 28 - 24 80 .10 22 29 •fflocember - - '7' • •14;15" '29 SQ. • 2,7, • ,Aolcuslip 0410114fff , . ..-• " • ' O4 .o.o34lo4socfi::`l:-; ' 'ROO" • • ; - rtitiM4ll-*ti*Eit ocr f . 1• 7 4 E) , • . • THE CARRIER 10 17 24 31 16 28 80 15 22 29 13 20 27 14 21 28 12 19 26 10 17 24 12 19 26 10 17 24 15 22 29 16 28 30 6 7 13 14 20 21 27 28 A". 3 4 10 11 17 18 24 25 12. 19 26 16 23 30 12 19 26 16 2$ 30 1 2 10 17 24 31 8 9 15 16 22. 23 29 -80 _ Ili 5 6 12 18 19 20 26 27 15 22 29 9 10 16 17 23..24 SO 111 12 19 26 15 22 29. 10 17 24 ,81 7 -8 14 15 21 22 2S 29 4-, 52 11 1 - 8 . `lB 7 -19 26.--26 It] 4 5 11 ' 18 19 25 16 2--8 0 10 16 17 .23 24 .80 61 . , . _ . , ~ . • • - .. . • - ' 4 " . •'•''' 4l4 ",,• •I , ' • ,, _ , A.`',.. , ••• ~,, ." ...,, i r . "- - .•'- '•-r , , - , -• .-•'..• '• :r •,-••• • , 1., ' 1 ' •'••••Ic .r 4±;,-16;,,-..M. -*,,1740--•'•• ~-- I `.:-=• •,' __•::,.-.•'--- - --- • i; - t ''''' •-'•- . •,••• sAusig i;,_... v.-..---,,-. 7 . Lam+ r 7----. ...., , - cw,r ~•,- • , z . •.•-• t;:,":_-..,....7..L.:41!•144,„--, , •••-•>7. , - - 14 7 44,- 41 ---- ', - Tie'4.- • -,,•• --- - - " - r - - - - • IikAJIIMiI" 11 • 1116110jaj ACV: VVRIP -;,0464:1511 IttE ltriON ' iiii*Oi 4 sp vt,iAkAat agihitlnce -' o_ bNi olii. enstotheisrarid flphlio)".generafly, that irkhots teased' 46,11,1aiikessith tihoii_at this ~ Best end of Main stteeti:WaYiieshorctiara., fortnerly occupied, , by Jacob Knotiff, where, be Ettirposte carrying on ihedillickstnithing its branches. work criltbirtkone idiorC.iiiitice and upon felt ! ' sonable term.' Mao Buggtes and wagons: built to or , • der. . : - • .10,11K.ULINE. [fah' .- - • • • .• . • , • - FURS:—Torty setts of Prette.Bable; .I!ven. trfettf *hies itione,esteitrprites. r • -• ` • I.WDEGHAFFe4MIsuens,'—. oppindte 'Washington !Unto.- - Dec. 13 • -LADIES • FifTBS-MINK SABLE. —We have 'three aettn of Fine Mink, Sable, three fine Mink, ,Mulfa. :We - ofer them at: lowest city rices, et , .UPDEGRAFFS', Practic . atMatte p ' re, Doc, IS • koppoeite Washington Remo. >a-PALL OF - 1862.- , -HATS, CAPS, Canes, umbrellas, Ladies Pore; BulfaloHobes, Gum Coats, Ginn Blankets, Gum Leggini, Marie 'Blan kets. Cotten, Woollen, and Buckskin' Olovelh Port. monies, Purees and Pocket Books. We have the best assorted and cheapest stock of the above articles to be found in the country.. UPDEGRAFFB', Practical Hatters, Dec. 12 ' • ' opposite Washington House. se-LADIES FURS—RUSS WI PITCH.. —Six setts fine Russian Fitch,six fine Fitch Muffs, at lowest city prices UPDEORAFFS', Hatters,' opposite Washington House. • Dec. 12 SeirBUFFALO ROBES.—We have two bales of assorted Buffalo Robes, from the common to the fine, UPDEGRAFFS', •Practical Hatters, Dec.l2 opposite Washington House. SErTAKE CARE OF THE SMALL NOTES.—We have the POSTAGE CURREN CY POCKET BOOK. With one of these Books you can handle the new currency without loss.— Also, a fine assortment of Purses, Pocket Books, Portmonttis, &c., from a DIME up, at UPDECIRAFFS', opposite Washington House. Dec. 12 Glorious News BUR IDE IN RICHMOND! AND JOSEPH PRICE Returned from Philadelphia with a new hill BM IiTTIRTIVE ma 1 FALL AND WINTER G OODS. Northwest Corner of the Diamond, Is now offering New and most desirable 1 - 71AT.1, AND WINTER GOODS, in French r German, English and American Fabrics, corn prising a general assortment of the latest styles a dapted to r ail and Winter. LADIES' WEAR : Rich Bres Silks. Plain and fancy Brocades, Plaids in great variety, French Merinos, Wool Delaines, Cashmeres, Satin at ripped Cashmeres Mougselluieees, Mohair Mixtures, Pr' ted MousseHaines, Persian Twills, Po lin, Dehegcs. Type a Flanne tlValreislow - Preire - ti - Gingturni:, lt'cot.h Uiughams, Lancaster du., Phi Embroideries, Lae s, "Gauntlets, Gloves, French worked Collars, Dimities, Cord Binding, Velvet Ribbon, &c., &c. in short, he has all iha novelties of the season. FALL AND WINTER .3111E-71E_AL_WIILAMIN9 Paris long broche Shawls, with sewed borders, Bey State Shawls. (latest styles) supurb Thibet Shawls, sewed border, rich printed Shawls with silk fringe, all of which are from the latest importa tions, and will he"sold at prices that will defy com petition, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Irish and Sc -Sheeting, pillow case and bolster Linens, fine, low priced Banteek Table Linens spot ted and Damask Table Cloths, g very size and grade; Napkins, Dogleg, and Huck Towlings, low 'priced Kitchen Toweling, Bolster, Pilhriv and 141oMing Muslin's; 3-4. 4.4, 6-4, or 10.4 wide, draped dimity Blankets, Marseilles and Allendale Quilts. acmizavota ciacw-a4, Such as heavy bra—Cotton, bleached, Muslin', Oimiburgs, Pickings, Stripped Drills, Apron Ducks, Kerseys, Denims, - Cotton Planets, , Prints &é. &c ., . , 4 441 1 Plack.and Fancy ", :Clotho - ond Cassimeres. of the newest styles, .Mixed Dooskins Sattinets, Union Cassitneres, Cashateretts, Joins, Cottonades Over coatings, Bilk SatinGllierino and Velvet:Nestlings, Eitra heavy ribkediDzitifirs Hosiery, Collars, Cravats, 4Sr.o. ' , CARPETING AND -FLOUR- OIL CLOTHS I 'Carpet, Englishingrains t (all Wool.) Hemp and 'Rag Oa ppoeGag,from'2s cents to - $l.OO 'per yard.— flour Oit,Plothe 24 0 4-4, 64,0nd of ;the newc4 designs, which he ofrart at great bar gains. . • ]SAT - AND - 1117GS , .•- iVogl,ctooo, Phan and 'Fancied Bordered, - in wren , marinty : • • • • . • ISM 11 . air stock haul! and complete, and will compare fat' sorably with,tuty, ',lVayneshtwo', both in ,price and, Auility• Ho'rittettchis thankt4o ids.frinada,and by fair deskOgiwid strict etteutiolir to buaincsilie h° ll l 0 0 M4t0foinilaac , 0 Of Ow same.. • - ' 1100,2111-144'' - 7. • . - .--,,,,.,..-!,,,i,-„, r y O / i M 01) itistrq oo 4,11000.3 ?Okla, a.a,4,4 . .. tit \ - .93tatjri , .Akitutti . o4.o.APlt atil 41t _.: '...:.,.'„ arts r . PAW?! ' _. . . ; . Black Silks, MEM Fancy dress Gimps. , i 4,,,.... - ... „. ,... ,.. 4 :. • , lii.l i : i : ~ .' 1 ~, , "..7. 1. " 6 ::-, ~,..„ ..i . . :: i 't,v ci itivtitoitk, Yin. 2 elig','. -thki l i o r, : -. ,-...; _. 16 'NkrAss6o VVaat - . tfi Euoi' ' .f . , '•• 4. ,', 12 tisiiistico i , : : 20 • Lena -; - ,''-'' 7 t11.6,116f4:311zi) - I 'I•ALLow 0::1;=-,•::, `j - ,. 1. 8 Tueovor Sono SOAP • • ,),'-- . 6 . .1 :,. lila, PA t AXSNRD 'BACON (11111010 y; *--.', JO , ' PARIp-INALImiII BACON (0itne4), ,, ,i;,5•. - .:"' , 41.. 1,11reNilw;I:It *-,-,' BACON (sho'ahle4 ) ••• - :'it •• -. oNilitylktitio • GAMEST NTORY ItE BURNSIDE IN PURSUIT. OF THE "Rebel Horde:" THE TRAITORS FLEEING FOR. TIIE "LAST BITCH." AMONG the other most startling intelligence of note is that J 0, S I .11 B R g4/I[ll a has just returned from the Eastern sties, with one of the most extensive, and nest selected stock of GOODS!! ever brought to this Borough, which he vvilksell at prices to suit the times, . . The community is cordially invited to cal/ and examine my stock. No trouble to show Goods.— To convince you of the great assortment I have in store, I wiil just enumerate a, few leading articles. .7E4 • • DnE-S. ' DBBDSci. Robe Cashmeres, Silk Plaid Mohair, . All Wool Detainee, • 11:k. Bombazines, French Marinoes of all colors. 'Silk, plain, hlk. and fancy,. • Plain and figured Defames, Ladies Collars and Collaretts, Plain and fancy Silk Velvet, Trimmings, Silk Bonnet Trimmings, Bonnet Ribbons ' 'Skating Caps and Coats, Ladies fancy and plain Nuhies, Blk. Crape Veils, Granadion Veils, Cheneille and Silk Head Nets, Siik Crochetts, Ladies Fancy Woollen hoods. Ladies pahnoral Skirts, Ladlos_kong and Square Shawls, (all colors), Opera Flannels, Plain barred and striped, - Ladies Congress Gaiters, . Ladies Moroco Boots, Ladies Gum and Buffalo Overshoes. WHITE GOODS. Bobinettsi" N a nsook, Jaconets plain and barred, Plain and fancy Swiss, Linen Pocket Handserchiefs & • 12P Ua LI 10' 'ta , tiM a Blk. and fancy Prints,' • 10,000 vds. of Muslin, bleached and unbleached in ,grt at variety. _ . Domestic. Gingheims, English and French iso. MEN'S WEAR. Melton Cloths, 111 k. French Clothe; blue and barred, do., Beaver Overcoatings, Seal Skins, Do. Waterproof do., Velvet Cord, blk, and drab. bents. Shawls, Flannel Shirtings BOOTS AND SHOES, (any sizes.) in great variety CARP ETINGS, Brussells Carpetings, All Wool 3 ply do. Hemp and Rag do. OIL CLOTHS, Table Cloths, diflhrent width, < 4 lit 011 Cloths, Heasy Floor do. and 2 Ards. wide. QUEENSWARE IN GREAT VARIETY. HARDWARE of everp-Jeseliption. ~~~~~~30~~0 Prime Rio Coffee, Prepared Javo do., Dandelion Essence,_ li7criatte 41.313.0.: sii•owzll. iriroe New dileans Molasses ! • Philo:l4lo4a Do. ' AU ize* Ce4ai ,T . ,40i 2 )„ • '"fiuskais; Churns,. • , ' - Matiaairs,' . - . • - • „ Huff Bushels do; Window Glass 8 by . , 10, .J04400-14, : 11)4B, Thei•Omlersigaeotendera his,-thanka Ca hise'friani!" 4ad eilataaiera foT'paatlayioioAd kindly :vile* a te o . l 444asme Af thaawsiii: 7 .ll4 *ma: W . Cult eg• AlOtior lautoa - STAit aiPidock liki*Oaling-a10 1 11 1 )40. Rat asial**?iii ST11.11)1;8: r- 4 .( I* .tiv.V) 'Oak; 143V311 'ILDORE( !,, ",,k ; : , . 7 * -4 ' 1' lit iqlr, 4 avo, saitszttlgOwi -AN WAYNESBORO ' Byr?sit t t t HAftli, (HAWS)" 10 " ( H Q II " 2 " TALLOW, 8 41 LARD* ' 00 1 00 00 00 184?"2.-. SECOND ARRIVAL. 4 ,~.~p MERSA UNEDICT & CO. 1 ta3rneglmie PeL. DEC. 12 iwIEIIIIIOIET FILL BD WINTMt 011011 SH 44 E are now receiving and offering to sell a new and FULL ASSORTHENT of arc3Dps Which we think we are pare to sell at as low terns° as any other house in or country. L -7►. 1~ i DRESS GOODS of all kinds Challies, Delaines, Bereges, Lovelies, SLEEVES, EMBROIDERIES. MEN'S FALL AND WINTER CID U) 6E3 a cottonaties, Cloths, Ken. Jeans ' • Cassimere, Fine Twee d Yes tings, Neck Ties, Hosiery, Cravats Summer Hats Handkerchiefs, Shoes, Slippersi A full assortment of Plain and Fancy CASSIME RES . QUEENSWARE A good supply of Queansware and Glassware of he latest style. , 'GROCERIES, Always on han d a heavy lot of prime Groceries, COFFEE, • SUGAR. SYRUP, JdOLASSES, SPICES. &c. • To which we respectfully call the attention of our customers and 'the public generally; and at the same time we return our thanks to customers and the community for their liberal patronage, rind will en deavor by fair dealing with all, to merit a continu ance of the "same. Please call and see. AMBERSON, BENEDICT & CO DRY FRUIT: ID ,--- at AMBERSON, BENEIDICT & CO*B PICKLES. A LOT OF Good Pickles, at AMBERSON, BENEDICT & CO'S fihitTliN FIXTIIIIIIB, OIL CURTAINS, AM BE IMO N, BENEpidr 4F. CO's A FULL ASSORTMENT PRINTS,..Ming at\GBIR cximaraine -- '!aa - r..4laa4' OF ALL Descufrnomi 'AkiliEttiONMENED;at& CO!i - DANDEmitoiceOrriiv, wunDmies umNE , COFFEEvi Auzitiiityx:..oertruitrr 4 CO'it DM Silks Cord do. Fig'd do. Lustros, Poplins, AND 15 ,11.111,, , (*„.......„ r 1 L., 4..Eri, ~1a,i.t.,;0_4:.0..,„,,,1tT,„....,„1„._,R.,;:411).,..,,,.,....:.,,,;_.,_,, , A .4 , ,'? ... 1 . , ". , ~ ,, 5, 1 04...11 , 4 ' V ...i , :t '. 4 .;;''..;k% we 1 , •' • ."' '''.'t ;•.V.,.7 . , Ll,e4-81"..:3::41`: t • .'...,;"' ''':- ' ~ ~ " A.Mik 'SEE✓. LARGE STOGIC . - ==M W. IL BROTHRTOVS. His customers and the pAiie generally are invited to call , and examine for themselves. HISAA)ODS HIS GOODS ARE OF THE Btu PALI TY. LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST BY •EXAMINING -MY STOcK ! A LARGE LOT OF HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Cedartiyare, aa - .1 ovain. o Milinrllllo - 117.11M50N., • • SHOE FINDINGS, OILS, PMITS ADD 6l}lB-111, CLOTS HOLLOW WARE, BfrO.. DT My stock is large and complete and at prices that will defy competition. , November 77, 1862: : PHOTOGRAPHIC PICT UllE ( . ALE : Y! Ht: undersigned has:fitted. up the morn over. Fourthman's Drug store, Main_Areet, Waynes boro', suitably for Photographing purposes, where , the citizens can be accoinmadated with all kinds of pictures from the price of 25 cents upward. Phot-, ()graphs at the regular CITY PRICIS For cards or full Size pictures, framed or on Old pictures copied or photographed at, may beieldr ed at reasonable prices. ' A fine stack of Fancy' and plain cases on hand.. Thii• public, 'and especially the ladies, are inest:rinipectralky invited to call awl see specimens. A. B. AIcCIAUSIAIS D.. Nov. 28—tf., OPPOSITION , TO - OLDJOE 40 Oysters - tor' 2 Oemits I r FIHE subscriherinferms tho public An* he , has openitl'a licstiinraut hr tho rbolisibrite,rly . oc cupied by ta.S. Fisher, one dour west:, oik? Trit Tin Store,..wherts the public can be . aceOmodated with Oltalnts, fried, waited 'ant stewedt — ALE, BOLOGNA - SAIMAA& - • Fifiteen good °Yam for 10 conti;,:foi4Onsie Oysters, suctras us lold.at Shoinburg's, -for Sire cts. 0v.48--tf.)• • ' • • A. FM/lila: • - , SLED IFOB. SALK 'MOE surbacrOerluat a' laysedaahleillatt,facfour of s ifs - horses, which he -4411 disiiwao of up4a rosonable earma. FUNK: , —Poe. • , • . :1 1 111R - 41C107311PIE1C;IINNI• ALl4. , :perk!iita,:koovrtog ilounsetves bt judebi • au to 1110' Outtrizigpe4 by, note Or, otheividael are taquestad, , to:crill :and make painataloo,or botosr the Arai ihty or:Xprit , alaciatb,, , Aara BP,RELIIIAN; • 200 UATISVP 1101"I'L3;8 Tait ale at t4tol34tre-0f. , 1 W. H. 1380111E111021 rye 064 sit4ltiasee' Hooped skirts at ' • - - •'• • ', • • • „: tigeosielmi f), riti,,...o.ootmta.mhaixfo ' 0'1; =ll Broad Cloths, Black and Fancy Cassiineres, . Union Cassimetes, Duck Linens, • Cottonades - - Summer boatings,. . Twisetle, Velvet' Cord, - Marsailles, • .Silk Vesting, ' Velvittine` ,Testinlif of all kinds; in fact n full aeaotment of goals for•?eentle men wear. Also a largerand well selected stock af Mut lin, Ticking; and a conifilete a assortment of 'Notions. It's no use trying" to enumerate. If you want anything at all, in the Dry Goods line, Just call.in and-you will find him ready to wait on you with. pleasure. - To personi having country Produce 'to.seil; they will find it to their advantage, to bring• it to. Sto— ver'stas he alvrayirgiveri the highest market price. So. give him a call, and he will sell you gOods as cheap as they cup be pUrchased elsewhere. Aprll 1862 •••% - "VARIETY. STORE." the public, that hs has just returned front tbs.:. Elastemmarkets with another fine assortment • of new goods, consisting of Fall and Winter Hats and-. Cops, (all sorts and sizes), Boots and Shoes for men' and boys, with a complete assortment of shoes for ladies ware; Clocks, 'flunks Sigars,Tobacco, and all articles usually kept ' pt in a first-class variety store., The'public are cordially invited to call and examine his now stock. N. B. Boots and shops manufactured ti osden , , when desired, at reasonable rates - and upon short notice. . Oct. 24, '62,) Oysters 1 0 ters I 17 - THE undersigned informs the ptiblic that/0W.4 opened a Restaurant' in ths Baseifent;, Orr., 'Bowden's Hotel, which has been haddsomely" fitted up, and is nova prepared to 'furnish Oysters, Alo. Bologna Sausage, Cheese, Eggs, slid all articles usually sold in a-first classAitaurant Every ar ticle is new and cleanliness in all things, will he ob.- served. The public areAvited to give him a call. (Oct. 314- . „tf.). . WAS if AB .‘ UGH . BarbetingVßarlopringi riber iliftirins'the citizens of Waynes. boro,l4lnt:iricinity that h has fitted-up the ,room tienit.door to Dr. Brother en's Offtia; up suing as a•Barber Shop, and is prepared to shave, c-ut'ar4. dretis hair in the best style. He asks a trial. (Dec.l2--tf) SAMUEL lf. MATFIEW' - r, Timothy. Seed fia* 'THE subscriber, has now for sale 4d - bushels of prime TIMOTHY SEED - which be will dial. pees of at fair prices. Persons in - want of seed for'" fall . sowing are requested to give him a Calf . Resi dence one mile northwest of Waynesboro' mat • BENJ. E. PRIbE• liMIET_Ailk_l 4 l3N73llr3llM 323 i , . A N'ltEiprentice• to the Shoemaking business that - AL can come well recommended, will Gra 4,84" natio by applying' at the Office of theOrtt.tAan &nom). * • (NovAfa:—tf.) LADZES. if you want to see a nice amatuten _ of DRESS GOODS, call at •• Apil4 • COPPER KETTLES, :(;• • BRASS KETTLES IRON KETTLES, at thezign the Big Rea Horn." - (July 11 '62) : - D. B. Russ= Share's, Arctic Wrappers, att4'othei kjcomfortable fixing for cold rtather at 004 Baton's. A LL shades of Shethtod Wool at (zuly23) Apples Ow Soll'O. ~.. ~, , HE subaCrtbet inrorniUlheimbl*. ~ tha.t - he' .now Coo solo *greere-optifes.bFthu - bnedlot..,, ~ ,'',„ '. S. Apiii two iicontl-huiodrdlen.th[to. 40(7,VV4... ,. i :v.7-.., , tf.) . , ~A.N.X., , 71.1011f.111iift, -. ---..--- ..,.., 'DIES do you ~,wis,ll,ls, siee'n,` now -'lBplettouw.. .1.4 Umorttnent of Dui** lahildanalt.si,.. *.• - -,,.• 114.041. •. ,: 77 - ',• ‘•,,, ',rsilis4;l'. full asloirdment oillotxbh Nubitot)m4 13katia, Jacketev*ap.foulul, ak, - • rupta oica - 10kt.3( Odirk AvAto.u4P, , - lArUtureiiikti A " •";M:' ki :Mat 28 4 1 02 2 0‘ 7 :Wffilli .1 1 14 1 ro so. ___ • 5 7. • ~ ' • • - 1,4"., ' . "...'-of.: r '', 1 . -. '' '::' ' . ' '.,.., ill t ' , F ~... , ,•,':, -,. , j , ,-..,.,...!,',*,1!3,1 , • , .. , , ::'.:i.:';•P,Fv•ti..,--,'-' , , ,, t , V t'''' ! ~ c , •,- • -- , •,, , ki....,".'..: - 'n. ~..,•.:1 ~,,,, ~:, c Aft,;„ rri , 'P'•'4 - :' , . v'''w., : ?:' -:'• '' - 'd' ,•;•,-, •V: •: 2 ., ','-, i 7 '.' , . ':. 111 Il I'. ; ;;.-. ,2,;tv.;-• . .41 ~, 1 I 1 . . , .. .. ....-*,, " ' H ai j ili • ' 't "i :" '' ' ..' ''...,,-";,:•,1 , •4 ' • ' ; ,i -11, vivo• owlet- aI " 'Ai Ifißing a .6 " 'LADIES' ANetllllollol4Boo - ES &C 0 V= I . , • &q , y: STOV -. E .WliANKFULfor!tind . ttivora and patronage het'O' tofore bestOried upon• ' hint, again, apPears,beforO the public to uolicit '4 continuance,of the same.— He having just returned from the eastern cities with fine a end welt selented stock of new- Air) Which he *ntetis sel ing at very low rates, which ho knows he can do to the satisfaction of all will Will call and examine his stock. • .Below you •will find enumerated a few articles which will be found among his stock to which ho calls your attention. ~. :1 .T ..T , He has a large assortment of Dress Goods consisting in part oft i . Challies,) Printed and Plain Detainee, ;:• Bl'k, Fig'd and Cord Silks, Plaid ~ Mohair' Silk Warp Mohair, , Bereges, /Idedona Cloth, • Layettes, French and domtic Oingha ma • Poplins, Pongee Mixture, • Cloth for Ladies, Wrapings, Gloves, . • • Hosiery, in groat varifty.• .••• GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, DOMESTIC GOODS, ANOTHER ARRIVAL AT THE BEAVER announces to his customers and r, ' >. Pataa , Plawee