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We meet them in the lordly hall, Their stately father's pride, We meet them in the poor man's cot— He hath no wealth beside, Along the city's crowded street. They hurl the hoop or ball We find them 'neath the pauper's roof— The saddest sight of For there they win no father's love, No mother's tender care ; Their only friend the Gott above Who hears the orphan's prayer. But dressed in silk di draped in`rap,. In childish grief or glee, God bless the little children Wherever theq• may be. FUNERAL BYRN. How mildly on the wandering clonal • Tha•aaoset beam is cast 'Tie like the memory left behind' When loved ones breathe their last. And now, shove the dews of night+. The yellow star lippews i So faith springs in the hearts of those. Whose eyes are bathed in tears. But soon the morning's happier light he glory shall restore, And eyelids that are sealed in deal* Shall wake to close no more. 3KIMCOUX.IIALEL.M . V . . Try the Unruly Boy Again. Will you let your son attend Sunday-school ma'am ?" said a Sunday-school teacher to a mother who did not cherish the fear of God in her heart. "I don't care if' he does, for I am glad to get him out of the house, especially on Sun days. He is an unruly fellow, and if you can manage him I shall be glad, for I'm sure I can't." With this ungracions condemnation from his mother, the teacher took the boy. Bat the good man soon found that this boy was more than lie could manage. ,Though only ten years old, he soon became the plague of the class and the Arab of the *hole school, He was brimful of antics. Now he would pinch a litt:e fellow near him till he scream :ed with the offense stoat- ly deny it with a face as grave and °solemn es penitence. By and by when the teach er's heart was must earnest and his appeals sulst tender, this boy won d make a grimace so overpoweringly ludicrous as to set the whole class in a roar of laughter. Vainly did the teacher rebuke and entreat. Wick edness and mischief wore his delight, and he would not be restrained. Finding him so incurably disobedient, the teacher had him turned out of school. But when the deed was done he reflected : "I have turned that boy out of school. Into what have I turned him? "The streets.— To the care of a mother who has no control over him whatever. "Mai will 'become of him ? Ile will certainly be ruined • I can not, give him - up. • I will try him oyain.". Once more, then, the boy was taken into that teacher's class. But he had been,by no means improved 'by his" etpulsion, lie was as reckless, troublesome, ungovernable as be, fore. No school could 'tolerate such a pupil. What more could the teacher do? lle tried a new measure. He ,took the little re bel after school into a olass-room, and beg ged 'him to :kneel by ;hie aide: The" boy kneeled. The teacher prayed until the heart, "of the boy was touched. Then the teacher arose, and taking theland of his pupil, told hinr-boty 'Jesus 'loved his . eoul an& died' to save it., - Then the bey'sheart melted., ' The teat 'inured 'down .his cheeks, and between the intervals of his awn sobs and •liiir-leach vies ,rtnuarks, he said.: . ,' "I never knowthis before;l never - thought ottbst.beforo uoviir thoughtany .ene, lov ed-We.; I never - lbought thatit was -wicked, . anti =that.JB3llll saw pm:" , . '. That precious ,htilf , hour of prayer and personal instruction did 'the work.,, The young:rebel-was subdued. Ilia heart. Was , wirl'for -Christ: henceforth 'he became a viiit, Atillnetrionii, faithhll js - cholar: . ', The seeds' cf,a strong,,lundtky piety,,grew ,apace , within 'him. .... - -- • -''.' "- -- Yerklvlled, around ;- tied Oat 4 ,iirila. boy' becameigi:orighi pup, .nn ..oiScia=hiiitior in iba,tilinroh k h Christian sailoi; Its `.it ~:now mw a& :slarge pion:shoat Vasll.l6 'A Altiiiibu :toter traeti,..Bittles ands ligionshoek.l"; ?the ,rangPerWrAif-,bii -mother : aid 'family, and the iilsorn irioad lof liik :Torsiker..l.eacher. -- In a' 3frord, Etilihat•isuridusititaliiy, Which; when 01;.deii -byChii , :',ielfisitiihand.tiltiey; :I6llde him so intreatableciilaiiir tamed *OA., channels. .04.1:thriatian hotiviv,-*l:llt,inlisluest,,roT_ ,0154CAOWliali,A01,14 3 bi - kiii*:. ~ 4: .:".4014-4,l4li4AnanitiOri , bad.l ,ll o : ; ll 4 o it - thait , ::4: 11 #it:*4: 44/) o l4 . 4l R i ti weilld bt.0.03M11:1k4410. -111010,ginithatimar. iteett ., : , :co4l4 l oo,: - .l l r!Oqpielotypti , 3 14, li*,-'lloll4*litiorf , . A4l44 l oagur" - -31 1 e-is' ' 4lO '10; 1 :1 4, 1 4 ** 10 4.; - ,*:4 lo‘ q) oll 4 o f* itiale4lotii o Aik r .‘4 • iio 4l d *ill in- WAYNISBOWY, FRANKLIN COUNtr,PRViSTINANIA, 16RNIN DANDER 20 18611 dote him to ply again. Yee, brother With er, try the int/loath litdello*- S. $. ratchet - - . . The mother's work never as, .inless GOn r tft freer her by a Specie provzdenee, until ildren are old enough to *and and to act themselves on the stage of MOM FrOm the bivth of her'el d est to the ma wri. o the youngest she, must work,Uork, wor , watch, *each, by day mid by night, week in and' week out, for mouths i and years, following each other n long sue= cession. We , speak not of maternal work ; of the labor of the hands to supply the wants of the . physical native • the answering_ of, "What shall we eat, and what shall we drink, and wherewithal shall we be clothed ?" Money can accomplish all thif we have it, and if not, we will not sigh, nor fret, nor covet; for the heart-work, the solicitude of a good mother for a sirtnona and honorable character in her children, walks forth with a bolder, steadier step by the side of frugality and daily labor, than it is apt to do if sepa rated from them. It is a well known fact that almost all - the true greatness, the noble virtues, the hero ism which, the - world has seen ; have arisen from the lap of obscurity, poverty and toil. But the work to which we now refer is that which every mother, whether rich, or poor, whatever the viivantages or disadvantages of . her eireumstancea may be, is required "by the most sacred - and rigid - obligations-to-a chieve—the assiduous cultivation of the in. her nature, of that which makes the true man or woman, that which live forever and ever. • For this she must be always at her post, with never so much as a recess from her maternal care and solicitude, toiling on, breaking up the ground, sowing the seed, training the tender plant, enriching the soil, watering, nourishing, 'stimulating every good and pleasant growth, until the flowers begin to bloom and the fruit to ripen. Then comes a heyday of enjoyment, of rest and comfort ..9i. to the mother, in the golden tumn of her life, when, surrounded by a grow of affec tionate, dutiful, virtuous, and noble sons and daughters, she sits among them in beautiful - repose, her fhce radiant in the glow of her own head's ever basing love, and the smile of Heaven as a halo of Fight about her head —a spectacle to be admired and enviedof all. But this season of comfort, this "Indian Sum-, mer" of matereek Me, never, never comes to those who evade their responsibilities, for sake their trust, and leave their work for others to do, for the sake of personal ease, sensuous indulgence, or selfish gratification. The very thing they seek they lose by a lamentable and hopeless mistake, verify the words of our Lord, "Whosoever will save his life shall lose it; bat whosoever stalk lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it." An 1812 War. Story The following we believe has never been seen in print. Ogden Hoffman used to tell the story. He was in the great fight between the Constitution and Guerriere, and said that as the British ship came sailing down on them as they heard the sharp orders, when the guns • out-and-the-men-could-be-seen with their match-locks, an officer came in haste to Captain Isaac Hull and asked for or ders to fire. "Not yet," was- the quiet re sponse. As they came still nearer,and the Brit tish vessel poured in her fire, the first lieuten ant of the Constitution came on the poop and begged permission to _return the broadside, saying that the men could not be restrained much longer. "Not yet," was the indifferent reply. Still nearer the British ship came, and the American prisoners, who were in the ceekpit of the Onerriere, afterwards said that they began to believe that their own countrymen were afraid to measur3 their strength with that of the • enemy, anci this thought gave them more pain than the wounds which some of them were still 'suffering from. In a moment the Guer riere gallantly came forward, showing her bur platted sides; and as the swell carried her close to the verry muzzle of "Old Ironsides," Captain Huß, who was then keit* fat and dressed in full tights; bent himself twice to the deck, and with 'every muscle and vein trobbing with excitement, shouted out as he made another gyration. "Now, boys, pour it into them." That broidside settled their' opponents, and *hen thl smoke cleared a way, the Commodore's tights were to be seen -split from waisbaud to heel. Truly the Com modom had a 'sdul "too r' f*Ji his breeches Hoffman used to add than Hull, nothing dis. concerted, gave his orders' with boolnets - , and only changed his , tights' when the Brit ish commander's sword was, giVeh 'fip to him. Here is a - gem., from Longfolliiiv:-;—"Alas ;with reckless hand has torn •ouchalf the leaves from the books,, Of human . ' life to light-the ,fires .of _passion with from day to day, that man 'begins to see tbit the leaves which semein are few in -number, .faintly at first, and then clearly, that upon the earlier - pages_ of that book was written the story. of. ',happy' it:tools:ince, which he /Would imuread:agiun. Thin - eetne listless irrescilations Mid theinevitable insetiim . of delpiii,iar Oise-the Attu :ixtgolva,4o record up- - on the leaves that still 'remain a more noble history'than the. child's 'story. with ,whiCh the boakimgate", • • • 2 ?deny hearteltee away to seeret .atigui'sh fronyttakiridoess from thoac who are: their !ho shoildfhe their -dearest frieedj.rthes .14ini1;4410actipu- trete iheffi-weald. have Chaired' their, 'driejfirg, ligiritiiittudereitted as Stl . *ere, atooritakcia. Therefor thona 4o tie in.: To Iritil.tWyme fer;:their ., :selfare, eti*sfitlutt AR: LINO veil of-- the Ore-khitiAre,the.rithar..,,Y• "sek.illasassity nrewiropeopiar• xtrowutral *CAtilois avitelirieimpusragia, Nathaiiiel P. Banks it a noble ape men of the natural iirodnetiOns of New England that section of our common *tar. • which ora 50 -,ym Ir • 7 4 -01 • a'. a Arnold to Virginia's ' ashlngtrie r and which some orits own renegade sees 4ropose to eject and exchuie from our country in -order to coat link into her seati of power the alaveholdhig traitors. Cradled in poverty and obscirity, with a father not only poor in present goods but certain to remain so lull death, young -Banks worked his way , up from the lowest and worst-paid position n a cotton factory to be a first-rate mechanic, a lawyer, a statesman; becoming Speaker of the House in a State whose politics had ev er before been strongly averse to his owl]; then a ruling spirit in her Constitutional Conyention; next a Member of Congress; then speaker; and finally GovernOr of the proud State which proudly claimed hitti- as her son; holding that eminent position successive re-elections until he deelined- to bold it longer, renouncing public life in hon. orable poverty in order to earn by weal in • dustry a competence for his family ; but leaving a lucrative and agreeable privatetta tion when hie country summoned her'-bons to defend her in the tented field, and speedi ly winning, though wholly - inexperienced the trade of war, the reputation of a wise, brave and skillful commander—such is Qen. N. P. Books. And widely as political and other differences , now separate the American People,-we-have-retten tly—thet -no—man—who oven seemed to doubt his fitness to command, or class him among that unhappy numerous class of "augurs that won't bore. In fact the instinctive and universal confidence wherewith be is regarded, the general be lief that he will make good report of him self, aro, proofs to our mind of the correct ness of Public Opinion. He may or may not be soon heard 'from; he may be called to meet a tide of adverse fortune; but his coun try will never have reason to deplore her trust in him, while his friends will never be culled to blush for the coduct of Nathaniel P. Banks.—X Y. Tribune 'Have you heard of the great clock of St. Paul's, in Londun ? At niid-day, in _the roar of business, when carriages, and outs, and wagons, and omnibuses, go rolling through the streets, how many never hear the great clock strike, unless they live very near it.— But when the work of the day is over, and the roar of business has passed away—when men are gone to sleep, and silence. reigns in London—then at twelve, at one, at two, at three, at four, the sound of that clock may be heard for miles around. Twelve I One Two I Three I Four I How that clock is heard by many a sleepless man I That clock is just like the conscience of an impenitent mos. 'While he has health and strength, and goes on in the whirl of business. he will not hear his conscience. He drowns and si lences its voice by plunging into the world. He will not allow the inner man to speak to him. But the day- wild come when con science will be heard, whether he likes• it or not: The day will come when its voice will Sound inkis ears, and aierce him like a •word:—The-time-will-come-when-he-must-re tire from the world, and lie down on the sickbed, and look death in the face. And then the clock of conscience, the solemn clock, will sound in his heart, and irks has not repented, will bring wretchedness and misery to his soul. Old no, write it down in the tablets of your heart—without repent ance, no peace.—J. T. lisle. Anecdote of a Teacher-Soldier. The following anecdote of a teacher-sol dier was related by Prof. Wickersham-in-his lecture on "Awakening Mind." The kick dent narrated (mewed at the battle of Fair Oaks, and is as follows : A rebel battery, handled in a masterly manner, was mowing our men down, and it seemed impossible to drive it from its posi tion; The General, seeing this, rode up to the Captain of Lancaster county company. "Captain, 1 want some one who_ will go out between these two armies and shoot the offi cer in command of that ba.Cry." "Why General, it's certain death to attempt it I" "I know it, but you seelhat fire is deeimina ting our ranks. is there no man willing.• to sacrifice himself?" "I'll see;," replied the Captain, as he returned to his company.- "Boys, who of' you are willing' to go out is tween these armies, and shoot yonder of cer ?" A young man stepped - out of tl ranks--." I'll go." 11e went, seemingly certain death. - Crawling along, he ilism reached a slight elevation behind which .was partially sheltered. There was a eras; of his rifle „but the ball missed its mark.- Again—at4draitti=4 ; winifl of smoke I TI officer is seen tetbrew up bis arms. Hi gunners spring to catch him as be falls. The Watery is forced •to abandon its-pos. tion. The •bmTe soldier "earns unhiumed, "Aud," said-the Professor in a burst of .er thusisim, Would have smirched the arm, through but I would hive taken that lone; man 'by the band and - said to him,' It wi bravely done I'. ',lie was a teacher 'froul thi, co'uuty. I will give you his natue---GE94 .. . Swig% r.--Leucustek Exprsci. A.dutit no guest into youi soul that th faithful match-dug ite. your Ixnuou barks at. The xneanniit, lino we - ever knew Wee Ake lane Whopele a ingatithietle from Dui er finbi , in aweeten.lasjaaffee with. •.e.cao kaid.l,yike,jitsparsei to eater :the leirel3,:of sat* who trembles at'the ; of eieneeterifweeritary • s CiareilforilarWst taAe *ticiiiiittare,:apPrO*Vtko 'eniatiCiPatila 04 tikti Pluidlig; - . Wagstor-the bieL 12414. fnaehittoXy essekt. • Ga Bittiks. =12:212 St. Paul's Clook. =ME tt!" Oar 4/ . 1. dim! out . . with-three !op' One ilsg is User. o Gus r Stout hearts hi he And oh ought for tint bright ittg. strong iliaisted it wast•head high - ear how prowl it witiem.-brkige-tetirtof to er'ry eye. Tr is thew! our flag is therel we'll lull it with three load huszam! Our Bag is there! our Sag is there I behold the glop ions strip:land stink • That Sag has stood the battle's roar, th lbemen - stout, - with pitmen brave i Strong hands have sought that' est to low sad found a speedy watery; .grave ! That flag is known on ev'ry , shirrs, the standard of a pliant band, ' " • Alike unsimited in peace or war, it floats o'er Free. dour mbappy laud, o.lr 9xg, &c. The Parting Hour. The hour is coming-=and it is a fearful and solemn hour,' even to the wisest and the best—the hour is Coming when we must, bid adieu to the scenes that please ns, to the faini ly we love, to the friends we esteem. Wheth er we think or whether we think not, that Wel, which 4 warm and active with life, -- shall be cold and motionless with death: 7 .- The countenance must be pale, the eyes must be closed, the voice must be silenced, the senses must be destroyed, the whole appear ance mu. t be changed by the remorseless hand of our last enemy. We may banish the remembrance of the weakness of our hu man nature, but our reluctance to reflect up on it, and our attempts to drive it from us are in vain. We know that we are sentenc ed to die; and - though we sometimes succeed' in casting off for a season the conviction of this unwelcome truth, we can never entirely remove it —The reflection haunts us still; it lies down with us at night, it awakens with us in the morning. The irrevocable doom is passed upon us, and too well do we know it--'Dust thou art, and unto dust thou shalt return. MARREAGE IN' IJAPLAND.-It is death in Lapland to marry a maid without the consent of her parents or Mends. When a • young man has formed an aetaehment to a female. the fashion is to appoint their friends to meet, to behold the twu youtrg parties is run a race together. The maid. is allowed, in starting, the advantage of the third part of the race, so that it is impossible, except vol untarily,. that.she should be overtaken. If the maid outrun§ her suitor, the matter is ended; he must never have her, it being penal for thia man to renew the proposal of marriage} but if the maid has an affection for him, though at first she runs hard, to try the tru th of his love, she will, (without At lanta's golden balls to retard her speed.) pre- . tend some easuality, and make a voluntary halt before she comes to the mark or end of the race. Thus, none are compelled t, marry against their own wills; and this is she cause that in Lapland the married peo ple are richer in thei: contentment than in other lands, where so many forced matches make feigned love, and cause real unhappi ness. THEAB --- 5 -- 1 --------. IIITII DELtOnT.—The mis takes of frieuds, as well as the hatred of its enemies' have represented it as a day of gloom and austerity. A true Sabbath is just as gloomy as true :piety; just as gloomy as a heart can be, that Is at-peace with God and assured of heaved, thatlears the voice of a loving Father in every mercy, and sees His hand in all nis- works. It is true, that with all this experience or faith and joy; the Sabbath will mingle confessions of sin anifitean of repentance, wafflings of grief and prayers for daverance. But — the—Sabbath does not make sins or the smell& it only takes them to a compassionate Sltiour for relief, and the highest pitch of al! its ecata cy is just at that ''point where the sorrow is turned into joy. Would that a!! those who hate or dread the day, could have a fair experience of its spiritual delights. What unknown refreshment; -what wit:talons, what satisfaction it should bring:them I It should lie across their rough and shaded. pathway like a gleani of sunshite upon green pastures and still waters. Min would , find themselves iw,,a new world, if every- week mid roll it into this belt of boavehly Mau:. ii - ;year,innehnd 1;025,! bfile . 4 . lehigh wer sold 'fur $12,215080:' • The wilitheisiy_tedinte l 4l ; 4o7-7',7: well; la igh *men lte . - the ipe 04U:think chnoiiky',of,thei blue :sky and .i - nnishiee ~, f fillivenitit,inianklekooiroir.-. ' • Dr. iineitOte - Deiessitiis ipi,*(o34 , oibioro 44bioad aid Ow , 7;fttiziao,yeAlo**ohit)-- 'pima) "! "iud, • • dek tl there!' we'll hill it hessail deg he there ! behold the glor• MEI • - . ' ' Ekitteri Or Utter e s ms litieats " A Baty Annul 'fin the' Itattleallelti.' „ Belettopi; Tenn., Nov. 10. Let tnevelate to yell a 'touching little in.- , little strange. lE thought it strange when I witneissed-it, My contradee thought It 'pas sing Stringe,iif net frOildithil. - At the bat tle of the Ilatithie, when the conflict was . raging %moot; Upon advancing Midway*. U. tween thi contending, forces, we' found— What do-you think,. Not a masked battery --not an insidious trap inviting but to de stroy—not any terrible engine of death but a sweet little Eue eyed BABY, fresh from the womb of the. mother that'gatre it birth. Sweet little thing, as I saw it there huggii3g the cold earth, its only bed—the little - tear on its cheek. • - 'The: nature bade it weep, turned An iettAlrep sparkling in the morning beam; unalarmed, mid tficawful Confusion O . that fearful battle, with the tnis.silei.of death ing thick about it and' eretiiiing close upon its young eXistense. yet unburt,it seemed a wonderful verification of the Divine declara tion, 'Out•of the , mouths of babes and suck- Hags; I ordain wisdom.' That little 'child of war,' it lay 'in its miracul ous safety, seemd to say to me these wgpis of profound instruction : 'My helplessness and innocence appealed. to. God, and. he preserved me in the midst ofthis wrecking carnage.— if you will make your complaint to heaven ; God will preserve, your country.' Little child ot-deatiny,-bore 'Mid tholes)) of musketry, the thunder of caution and clash of arms, I will watch your course thro' life. and witness whether an existence so au spiciously begun will pass by the Masses un noticed,-and end without, leaving a name. 'damned to everlasting fated' Who would suppose that in the wild, nein battle of the Elstehio, where the battle field was strewn with the dead, and-the shrieks of the woun ded rent the heavens:irith agony, agreat ar my would pause in the thickedt of the con, filet to save harmless a helpless child I' Yet the brave FoUreteenth Illinois, that never yet has quailed in battle, did pause, and an officer of the regiment ordered 'our little ba , by' carried to headquartela and tenderally eared for. I remember of haviUg read somewhere. in Grecian. history, a story something like the one I have related. A little ehild was found on the battle-field, and by an infuriated 61- "diary trampled in the dust. After the but. tle the victorious General, in an address. to his Army, said: 'Rat for the blood of-a little child that mars it our victory would be emu'. plete Thank God the blood of no 'little child mars our victory: The next day after the battle 'our babe was brought before the Vourteenth and unanimously adopted 'Child of the Regiment Three or four days later, strange as it may seem, a poor, heart-stricken, poverty pinched mother came searching the battle-field in quest of her child. My dear—, .imagine if you can the wild exclamations of thanks giving that burst from that poor woman's heart, when informed that her child had been rescued, and with a mother's tenderness eared for. I saw the mother receive her child, heard her brief prayer for the soldiers -w . :1 • - 1 3 , I I .• • .• thouiand mett• followieg her and hers, she took away - 'Our little baby Little blue•eyed, laughing baby. • [Selected for the Record. From Gothe's Opinions. Our modern poets dilute their ink. Let no one fancy he is the coming'tnltn. Nothing is so atrocious as- fancy without taste. Absoluttractivity leads .to bankruptcy is strength. Whatever you ;cannot understand you cannot -ihalsesa. If you : would oieato something, you mot be something. Nothing is more terrible than active ign ance. What is my duty ? The demands of tbi len intenise to be eandid, but I cannot troisei to be imtiortial. ragratitude is a sign'of weakness, , 1 110 7" kuew a strung character ungratefed; 'rho-painting and pi:intuit* the. mdy is return to Autumnal°. .4 Water is not indicative of frogs{ b tfrogs indicakivs'of Great. , peseiOne are ioeureble le very . *wadies wake . tbeW- worse. 'bto• body etaiel.tO look atrr• taitibow sate liricququir of as hour. • , - . • '" - A man that is Igeoteet ar ibriqgn oleo, igooraoterhisOrklawg e. , , . Al) eloter tbOughte. , !live l!tie t oug t Fore; ; r4lll moit.tipto, ;hie* thew,Ogs flitted 'bi;,:iietitiii,4o4:Anq, M to gust thert, , 000. - step front Pivr. :hak. '- • • • itatthithelisliiirfii*i' hue; ii•purse ittidirer one out gold iu the ethiushot to". opat Anitt • • • AmerAt-,, , Apaii . Work `64liipatiW pup" dir tisitoniiiiiris- title,' "'A Vonsisies The Wag talout W 9 4 10 #i " aPvf 4 P 0 . 41 4 4 0 7 tl cluttitv,bre• SEN2I Mil When tiVheti, the', og*.. factiireod "kiu,aa tatid A ma Boston , lest *later to hid. wifelvistitting state, has since ootkohichiti to 4ilit Who wee die meet enfortiteett epeo4, Jonah, for he•got sacked •'•, 'The girls,use as weir de.fnc the Musket pati-4coluakttbent P. Oll . - • - Al* *him whoneVer inferieteffiritb-Q hatihiind's affairs arrived in town the °their An auctioneer, vexed with his andience said- "I am a mean fellow—mean agi' dirt=— and it home' in this company. LITTLE Bobby, - I'm going to• have a hooped dress, an oyster ahell bonnet, a pair of ear drops and a baby I" • Little Bob.—" The thander y.ott.is I. Well lam going to have a pait of raglit pasts, a shanghai coat, a shaved head, a crooked cane and a pistol. 'Si: feet in his boots?' exclaimed old Mrs. Thicktlnger. 'What ' the impertinence of this world ' come to, wonder ? Whg they might as well tell me that a man had six heads in a hat. The boy who was , told that the best cure for palpitation of.the heart was to.quie kiss ing the girls, said,"Plf that is the only rem,. dy, which can be-proposod, 1, for • one, say let'r palpitate." AN ODDITY —A friend of unimpeachable veracity informs us that there ; is a gentlt man in this town, who is over thirty years of age, is worth 88,000, has never hugged a woman, smoked a cigar, taken a chow of to ham, loaned an umbrella, nor tad inure• than one handkerchief. ' "I really can't sing; believe me sir," was the reply of a young lady to therequest of an empty fop. "I am rather incline& to believe, madam, " rejoined ho with a smirk, "that you are fishing for compliments " "No r sir r zol a i ethe lady; "I never fiiihs in small streams."' In an interior town in old .Connecticut lives an odd character named Ben Hayden. Ben has some good points, but he will ran. triu - e - w • .. • " , . . • pay. In the same town Wes Mr. Jacob Bond, who keeps the store - at the corner.— Ben had a score there: but to got his pay was o r e an Mr. B. was equal to. One day Ben . e his appearance with a bag and wheclbarr. . • "Mr. Band, I want to buy two bushels or corn and I want to pay you cash for it." "Very well," says B. ' 'And so. they both go up stairs, and B. puts up the, corn, and Ben takes it down, while B. stops to Clifier up his windows. , When he got down he saw old Ben some • distance fp:4:l7llr door making .for horue." "Hallo ' Ben I You sailkyoumanted t6.plig the cash for tibut•oprn.7 - , . Old Ben sat doWn . n one handle. of' his barrow, aud cookin . las head on ono side, 1 . ti o said : ..,4_ . . "That's all.tynxt,.Mr. 8., I do want to . pay you the cashfor the corn, but. I can!t." ,Xflieotory of the Hospitals. • 'The Sanitary Commission have establjah,... ,ed an office of 'information in regard to fa-- dents in the Hospitals of the 4istriiit of Columbia, and of Frederick city, Maryland.. By a reference to books, wliielbartieeireeted daily, an 'answer can, wider. ordinary-eiretti a-- sanceth. be given by return mail w--the fol lowing questions: : Ist. Is [giving" name and Yogi. meat at'present in the hospital► of the Dis. Wet or of Frederick city 2d. If so what is hisprcipernddress - Bd. What is the mine 'of the Surgeon . or Chaplain of the hospital! 4th. If not in the lumpital at present, has he recently ; bees in the hospital!. sth. If so, Aid he die in the haspital, .and. t what date? 6th. It recently discharged fruit hortßita; was he . discharged fro?n service ' ' 7th.).lnot,yhat were his orders onlCar,`-' ing- The commission is prepared also to, furii;' mom 'Specific information as to the er• clition of any. patient in the District hospitals within twenty-fotir hours after a request to do so, from an officer of:UoY ita norm* reading sociAies. • The office of the Directory °Om. daily from 8 o'olciek aidissible *rot liises - attiq hour of filo eight -fhe timber of patients in these hospitals ilkabcat APO, -If found tolse pranticahle; thAuty, here undertakes locally by the 111;Ituillinina win extend to include ell, Alt* giienSl4o 114als lathe ,iantntry. - • clinypD. LAW OL3IFISAto,. apical lftitatt.o ifitAktri Ntiteritar 4 tikAfg.. • • • - - .: • mama ..,'•f t; - ,...44.00 . • :* . At 6 X, , ,eif.*z*istr-Affe : 1 1 44444. - 04' .%, "4•,;"' 66 air •,: • /'j~ .isti:ThtO*o;aitit; day; ' She is'an—old maid. Why is a man who• walks a great deal like the evil one, Because he is a destroyer oteotes"(sottis.)s . Stuilybs wants to , know if doctors hy look ing bt the tongue of`a wagon can tell whet ails it. A fastidious lady who was greatly shook - el) the other day, on reading that , male- apd fe- Male strawberries arerftegnently retina osse \ !:l ping the same bed. ..x; ~>~: c.;+~: gottiktiti y ulw. gok . _
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers