~:t ~r; ~~y yh '~"•' Mil= 11911 LATEST ARRIVAL ..• 1 , ' illi';111' 1 „......... t . , ..-,......... 4 . : Haridware ill .11 . ; : .1 1 i., 1, . , HAVING just returned from the nnitern Cities he would call the attention of Me cuaoiness and the public generaltile hid LARGE & SPLENDID LSSORTEENT DRY GOODS! Which will be FD at extremely Low Priem. Below you will find enumerdted a tew articles which will he fuOnd among his stock, to which he invites your attention FOR THE LADIES, Silica, all Wool Deliinea, 'Fancy u Alpacas, • boiribaiined, Plerin Girisitants, Grey 4, =-I~LSOr- tatlies' She*ls, • Fancy Prints, Extension Skim, italnoiral Skirts, . Undies Cottarsi Magic Ruining, , Linen Haralk'iii. Heleery, &c: MEWS Wpr Fancy Cassitneter, Plain " Cloths, t;roeb, Vestings, bat/luta._ Alilastscaxscaw Tweeds, shirt Fronti, Gents Collars, Heck Ties, Under Shirts, btaweri, Buck Gauntlett, DOMESTIC SHIRTING, _Furniture Cheek. Bed 'Vining, Cotton Fianna, Wool " Tande Diaper, - Baging, &e., &e. Queensware, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, Cedar Ware -. 5- 1-% ). 3)=3:ELP-UUffitiMe Of the very beat quality, such as Byrips, and New Orleans Molasses, Best Rio Coffee, Eaaperiiir Prepared Coffee, 11 tunmell's Beet Essence; Baker's No, 1 Choeolate, Raisin*, tofia6cd,' The stoic goods have been aurally selected and purchased at the my lowest figure. He is therefore entailed to accommodate all who tiny favor hits with a call. By strict attention to business and a desire to-please in every respect, he hopes to merit a etAtinuncre of patronage. No Tot. BLE TO gift:Mr tH:10DB; oUntry Produce taken in exchofige tor &oda at the higher' ninrk - et prices J. W. MILLER. Oet• 13 '62 H I S A YF 11, ARVIN I litritEtinaersigned respectfully announces to the - public *genmally that he is still at the old stand on Church Street, Wasnesbaro' , Pa..where itredtitititte* thtLitilinufacituing,ol Family • • 1 , -,.z eaua, aI4F-ba Veggies, Baroaches. Wagons, find every itiecies of vehicles usually made in inch establishments.— Wed Is wotrulited te' l bevomposed of the beat aim Moat durable Material; and none but the Most elperienred we:leech ire employee).— lie 'tuts nowun hand a Windier of Oarr,iages, Bug ,gies," dm., 4c ., which he will positiivity men at ,greatly reduced prices for cash, or dpett-a iltotl credit. By keeping a good Meek dt all Unlit. Mid holding iiimielf ready - to supply theAe ndinds_of the•people he hopes to retain and seen= si liberal share of patronage. Repairing, Trimming. and Painting done in the least Manner, and at the shortest notice. I.hinliar, Country Produce, ike., will be taken iii trichengi for work., JACOB ADAMS. M B. The Batiks at the Sim of 3.4 A. 8. Ad emit, are in the hands-of the Undersigned. Poisons 'showing theinselvea indebted dkhijticsted to make konamiate payment. J. A. , 1861. . , 117 eady-Vrade Mottlizig FOR FALL AND WINTER! FRESH SUPPLY'S RECEIVED MONTHLY! A• tt:ADAAtItt *could respeetf inform .his 4:Tattons add the public generally that he bee : returned froin'the Eastern ante with a general ass , iiitirintetit of ReadY4Ando FALL AND WINiBR -CLOTHING, Ainibitteing all the latest style* of Coati, Pauts,Vests, Shirts,. liellars, Isaspeladersi etc., etc., all of *bleb ire well Attila: Ttfe Oldie are cordial* in vited Air call an'd triangle) hilt goods, as,..be is deter. .7ifersiddedlo sell it *bolt profits." • continue to . wary on "She business Tailoring as teretetere. Perseus desiring gar. 4rients tut out or outdo . are Wetted to girt Wan a riteeited regiitrijr. 31-earitmikt-dutiseadizastabstat ,ta T. if . ..FILBERT, .I.lltAPha, Ike castantlY G*lfifor #e z ltio. ‘ , ll fittitrgment ; GOODS for nities Aare.' la 1111-14401, iihinyik on Sand. aWb; 1. 41411,01110.9-St • liAltlVek—au kind! for solo Lt. D. " gun of dui oeig l Rod Maids 1 NNW CUM .-"" I , 4 ;7 1 • SitblialtrthW*4Sliting And .5r 'Midi** • titiorde: t "ipn ticiw receiving atid ofterlfig -01 full assoilsneikt of , • Which I think I am prepared 'to sell on ea its iitiabte ; teimetls any other hotted in to'ooit at coun try., of all kinds. " Silks, Detail's, Alpn,eas, Printed- ChaHire, Gingham, Lawns, Fancy Prints, Lathes Shaysla, die. < , . _ MENS SPRING AND SUMMER. GOODS 'of all kinds.- Cloths; Caiisiraere, Fine. Tvlieds, Ken. Jeans, Col.loinidor, Vcsilaga, Halidkercheiti;, iNcek Ties, Hosiery. A All assortment of Plain and Fancy Cassia Met QUEENSWARE AND GLASSWARE. A large sleek of Sihich I am prepared to oiler as tow affrmy oth er retail store in the country. BOOTS AND 15110ESA for men's and taditi's *ear of uN sorts and sites. Also a large and well selected stock of DOMESTIC GOODS. !Oltenia, Tickirtgai lard a complete assortment of Notions. Looking GlasSes ' Hardware, Hats and Caps, Paints and Oils, Fresh Shad and Herring• by the barrel. It is-no use trying to enumerate. If you want anything in the Dry Goods line, just call and you Will end Mt ready to ttait on yet With pleasure • 10,000 CHESTNUT JOINT SHINGLES for Sale Country produce taken in exchange for goods at the highest market Rices. By etriet attention to business and a desire to please lit ciery respectj .1 hope to merit a on ttnuance of patronage. May 23.) COLLIFLO WEE dr. CLUGSTON. xr M. STONEit takes.fliia method of thank -1 s ing his customers, and informs the public that he has just returned from Philadelphia with the largest assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuf f s, Scarps, Perfaidary, Fruit, Confee tifisary, that has been brought to the place this season, Ithich he will sell cheap. He has on hand. with what he is receiving. makes his assortment of Patent Medicine greater in variety then any other establishment in the place. In a few weeks, he will publish his list of manufactured articles. He has on had new, his Cough Medicine, put up in six ounce bottles, price 25 cents, "no cure, ao pay." Its curativir"Mperties are now May appreciated, judging from its daily sales. May 9 'O2. MT. HOPE STORE. 11.5" • • 41,- nntlernigned would infirm his ciAtorners and the public generally that he has just re ceived from Philadelphia, a fun assortment of Spring •S' Summer Dry GoodN, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Shoes, Boors, Hats Caps, and all other articles u*unlly retailed by country merchants, rill of which will be sold as low as the same goods can he purchased elsewhere in the cothity. The public are invited to call and examine his stock. JOHN M. COOK. Mt. ' opc, ' pr► rd W. D. LEISER ANNOUNCES to hie friends and the public generally that lie is now in possession of all the lute and most improved instrutnents,and is well prepared to perform all DENTAL operations. Ile will-be,happy to wait upon those who may require The pervices' el an eipbrlenced Dentist. All opera tions upon the mouth and 'teeth' pkrformed in a scientific manner. Teeth inserted according to the latest improvements in the art, and at muderate rates. 01fire in his resiilenee on the South Corner of the Diamond. A prll I. '62 I rut TINEDLES TIIIMEII UP AND SPILLED OUP! ikv ft can' make a man? —l mean in appear- V once. with a coat fitting like a fashioti.plate pants and vest fit for a president. Who makes the fine gents you see in the city? The Tailor! —no mistake Arita it, Well, then we have just brought from the City, the neatest.' sleekest, finest, tanciest, dolliest, lot dl tANCY CASSIMERS,DLACK CASBIMEREB CLOTR AND VESTINGS, that ban his sten in this quarter. We will pledge outs solveilo !urn out good Firs Asti thint Fresb;sparkling goods always pleas e, _and we have them, .;.,,We have the latest Fashion Plates, and will leave nothing undone to please our friends and tha "rest of inankind." G. & J. BENDER. April 18 VCO Cal:ilia/St& • TITA"FiI ESB OR 0' SAVING FUND.—:This V V 130Ciety will pay the follow:lngrates of in terest per snetimott all jkons deposited in the hi otitutior4 For 3 Mouths, 2 per cent.; from .3 to 9 months.o Ter-coot.; from 3. -to ,18 mouths. 4 poi cent; a#4l over 18 munthc, 41 per cent. Fur a II hor ter: ; period than 3 mouttift,the terms wilpe madehowa by: the Trees Orin ' - ' ' . jOhne or tikicoentstuittld he hin.iled to the Trerii , urer Tdit., - ais the Boa& olt Directors meet hiit y aMedoesiliky, of eaehiiiiekiat 0 o'clock . . sty order of the Boot* ~ Done 17'33 ' 41.910.0.111hi1iat Treasuret. • riltHE':entamiThei Wang dispaseilif of hit; entire „Stook of Gale's Ap.: 11kt:tower. & Clug. eton.iiiiiiiies all peniatio'' 'to lira on Wiwi tlooki-tiviaaactlieir accounts y *tio inoirui thetirindebtettai.ke to'eliticiqohn kyotspky or Daniel thicker.- 'Tuts lloW bairria beritoftire. , ,Qktopico.Viilo4l.4lllo..;-- Violist* Wringer. - W? PUT ‘ O . Anent - Cloth Wringei , - th e .liig - Red Honi 17. ,-i D. a. Arnim. Airsit-filf 1 7inkafiiiiimMyt"" ly 1 V 024; • tenni a rpoimp from 25 vino le vii.eo at (eass23) Price* .‘ • •-• • ~••••••••••.....:.,,,:ic • _ • • •••'•' " LBW'S COLLIPLOWEL BR! GOODS, LADIES DRESS GOODS ClawciDeactatzrea9o3o DEM, M. -• - Tintar:o; • - •.1 iintiliblitik*er.l - AiTiiltbAkyini-- - : "Oottitto tfin:fine new store room „ . • 'Where thetigited--born,, thezeign' best Cook Stovei sotd cheep itiy Erwin ihe, Sung4T fliattool. J lit nireliisigfied informs ifte vitae' in iieneto -and especially iho'se of his 'cteitomere rovent'of .anything iri hfs-linii - pf business; Abet he hes emu.: ptettsCand is tioiv oeeriiiyinghis ti got! end extereti!ei tl'efiltirge4l establishment 'for the 'r , aii - . pltitabtUrea:nd Sale . „ OF TINWARE, effiEET-IRON itIitE;AND He is now prepared to sapply _any demand for his -cook Stoves, _general Househeeping.l(7cio'ds and Kitchen Ware, on such terms as mast gioo entire satisidetion: Val walaa - offered are of the hest and tnAst iinpinted kinda,aial having been tried!, aro acknoVidedged to be lilt that can be desired as good cookers and bakers, and die easily kept clean: ills own stsstrant`tnsitt WARE is all made with a view to the wants Of euttoMeis froin'tlio best mate rial and is warranted in incases to be good. lie also keeps a large assortment of fancy articles. ar Special attention is -given -to palting up SPOUTING, made of the best tin, for houses and barns, in which he has had a lung and extensive ex perience. Remember the sign of the Ilk Red built. Aug. 9, 1860 1). 11 RUSSELL. ANTIETAM MOT :EX& El EM:a €3:31 Eit3 a Vp HE subscriber, thankful for past patronage, still 11 solicits the same; and in addition to manutactu ring ali kinds of worked Matettal tat guilt:ling fiturpoties, such as SASH, DOORS, SHUTTERS, BLINDS, FLOORING, WINDOW FRAMES, DOOR FRAMES, FACING, MOULDINGS, &c., &c. • lam prepared to furnish all kinds of oaktimber Fr different purposes in bintding, such as .11) 1 CE, RAFTERS, LATH ;STUDDING , PAIL SCANTLING,. BOARDS, &c., All of which will be sawed to order, at short. noitce and upon reasonable terms. Also, sawing, by Mill and circular saws, of every description done; Framing, Stirtscing, Matching, Flooring, &c., &c. Fur turt'aer pattictitats apply to the subscriber,.at Factory two miles southeast of Waynesboro. L. P. 1.)1001). Jan. 17, 1861 FLOUR, FEED PROVISION STORE! ruITIE subscribers announce to the citizens of 1 Waynesboro' that they have opened a Flour Feed and litorlisidn Store in the room next door to Dr. Brotherton's Ace, *here they *lli all halts have ler safe FM, MI Milk RIMY, MILL BTUFFB OF ALL K1N153, SCREEN INGS, COIL', SHELLED AND IN THE EAR. OATS, POTATOES, . APPLES, VINEGAR; Alfa', Rye, Wheat. and - Barley by the bushel or in smaller quantities, and other- artiel •s usually kept in bucn I siabli.hmenis. All E'lour and 'Mill Stuff will he sold at MILL Pumas FOR THE CASH.. • The highest market prices wilt be paid lisr Wheat, /t . te al/Pi Cure to be delivered at the Mill of the MO. 'scribers. JOHN.WAIXEII, (Sept. 3.--t1) NEW OPENI J. A. FISH A NNOTINCES to his Waynesboro' friends and the public genmally that he has quite re. conly plkiLnishekknis stock:oi l :roods Ilkr Gentlemen's wear, winch embraces all the latest sly les of Cloths (French and American manufacture), Cassimeres, 'Vesting, most fashionabie F tyles, undershirts, limners, neck ties. handkerchief+, suspenders, gloves, &c. &c.— Persons from nesbero' and vicinity visiting IlagErieown are ievit .+I to give him a call as ho is prepared to sell all goods in his line at Low 1 2 et s ie for the irish. His Store is in the NEWLY FITTED ROOM, next door to 7 ivilegralfs', Hagerstown; Ithl. Oct. 24, 13% Important. to Farmers triiß subscriber takes this methba Of announcing I of the Farmers and others, that ho has on hand a lot of b W A RP BROOM CORN seed, along with some specimens of the corn. This is an• excellent. article of Broom Corn, and should be raised by ev ery ono. He has also a full assortment of fresh D.ings, Medicines, Chemicals, &c. J. F. KtinTZ. F. 8. lam selling Cranberries at 12 -cents po quart. „ Mar. 14 Smoke Stack for Sale. THE subscriber has a heavy Iron Smoke Stack 33 fret long and le inches in diameter, which be trill dispose of upon reasonable" te/11116 Post Of. face address, Quincy, Pa. Leo—tf JOHN L. METCALF. Ifteatime:a - Nora° & Cattle Powder it M. STONER having purchased of Mr 14It 'Mentzer, the recipe for making the above Ir-tamed Horse and Cattle Powder,for Pennsyl nia and Maryland, takes this method of informing the farmers, droversi &c., that he has on hand and intends keeping a good supply always on hand. Country merchants and otherskeeping such articles fcr sale, would do well to supply themselves with' quantity. He will sell it on commission or, for cash chat jan p.:- 4 0edele ttuen3ed to. Apr, 1,1862." - „ FOR WALE . 0R14:41 4 / 1 16:11 1 . 1 1 la te _Stove. Apply at PRICS'IS Mont :ANUS • - - r :357 - 4711118 largest lot ofiloop Skirts, irra r brought 4 Waynesboro'. east be NNW at 4 ' 'l4/ 14 .Y.X 8 ) " ! Algae' IF.)1011:want to see a take and wall selected stack Motiraimg goods eall 64_ iney234 Psios's , • , • ; • SSTEELShoveI', Spades, Ross. Perks, Rakes; hlstutli* .I.lragei ekc4 , dgc.ost Pricu'tbilt will deft coliapetAiuu. sail aw ros, yam/44141i, •,- , • AWE,. -_• • . 069717cief091141 4 bl,ll andlloy' i si heavy: lluuti 10a41:awes - Oct*- - • IS - • . . . . sisko-09-fiiii l6 ;o - t" Li dec22* ()17. Withso -pried ilt•clum. pan* aro unlipr L od at Assasusuit t & CIAZ ,• 7 , - F a • • ", 136';' • • • ; ' • ~* GEISEW GliAtryt.ROA, 4Eirf , 11 BAGGErk Latest I:22):p2‘eop:ed Thresher and Triple, F*earr ecb horse Pozciers; - Diiiiin.4gtheoki Roo , - or Belt, ,all,..fiirnitrlied Complete' ready kihe'fitt on Witgoits; lithe trrideringtted, desire to call the attention o Funnels lad Thresherinen of Franklingaitolinljoin ing conaties to it. This Machine has liven Irefore the pahlie fur Seven years, during which tone it hos gifen .general satisfaction, and the patentee having 'Wade some very important improvements which render it still more complete, bout for clend separating and cleaning,' and also' for Anse of draught and 'fast threshing. I take pleariure in re commending it to the publics knowing that it will , give the hest of satisfactilm. I iiiii-maruNcturing. three different sizes, togibliorrin - - No. f is 8 horse Power,witl threSh and clean erdm 200 to.poo htfahels per day. No. Y. is 5 to 0 horse power, wilt thresh and eiean from iso',tfo'3llo bushels per day No. is 4to 6 horse powerivill thresh and clean horn 100 to 200 fonthele per day. These Machines are warranted to do the above, and do it much better in every respect, than any other machine hr wan Grain- having much light filth in' it donned on this liliehine is worth from 2 t) 3 cents more per bush el than when cleaned on any other separator, or the common 'way of cleaning 013 hainj fans. Fur this reason there is not the eighth part of light matter in the grain as vi hen cleaned on the riddle principle. The blast acts trebly on all the grain as it Winos the shuee, whereas, when cleaned witt. riddle that ad- vantage is lost This machine does no: return the tailends as most of the separators du. By returning filthy tail ends alternately it is impossible to make inewbanta grain, Another important feature in this machine that others of the kind have nut, is the Self-acting Blast.ltejulator in the fan, which remedies all dif ficulties in bud cleaning; blowing grain in the chaff in high speed or irregular driving, which cannot be avoided in cleaning grain by horse power This Machine is also mole durable and less tedious to manage than any other separator and Ulearier,of the common machine with shaker. Orders to insure their being filled" until harvest should be sent in immediately. I ma fully prepared to make to order and on short notice Portable and Stationed , Stoves and Plow castings,also cast iron and wrought iron pipe for steam or water, and Brass castings of every description; in a word, I am prepared to do everything Usually done in a foundry and machine shop. Having sUpplied.myifelf Pith the latest im proved machinery, such as Lathed; liming, Planing and Drilling Machines, persons can rely on having their work done in the most satisfactory manner.- 1 am also prepared to manufiicture to order ma chinery for wood, such as Tonging and Graving machines for flooring, Surface, Tenout and Mould ing machines, ikc. c't I also o ff er to the public a new and valu able improvement in my steam engines, made within the last year, viz: fur the economizing of fuel, and the regulation of speed. which renders my new engines far superior to the old engines. Ali my machines are sold under warrantee. My hem s are all experienced workmen ih this lihe of business. and I use all good material, so that I am 'perfectly safe in warranting all my work, ram - rdso-prepared-to-do-repairing_in like manner, on the shortest notice. Orders Solieit eJ promptly attended frt. All orders sent in for repairing must be accompanied with the cash • For particulars and circulars descriptive of ma chine, address GEORGI F HICK, JOs. ELVEN Or DANIEL libarinni Proprietor of Territory and so- Hector of orders, Waynesboro Franklin Co. Pa. April 18—tf r HE undersigned baring opened a Watch and Jewelry Store, in• the new building ,011 the corner of the Diamond, and having recently ieturn• ed from l'hiladelf.hia, would inform the residents of Waynesboro' and the public generally, that he has now on hand a fine assortment of - Haying bad consillershle experience at Watch repairing, he is prepared to do all work promptly in the best manner and guarantee the performance An assortment of spectacles. and spectacle glasses always on hand. Jewelry repaired in the neatest O. 1 Carbon Oil—pure and non-explosive -11 'warranted to burn without emitting any smell if used in the of the latest styles and improvementsi--all sold Cusse son CABII stifle Bien of the 1110 RED HORN. -IL H. RUSSELL. T ,„ HE undersigned, baVing; becime Agent for. Wm. Knebe It Co's. (of lialtiniore), celebrated pianos-and at Corbett. 'Meedhaor de Co's. unser passalMelodeons, is prepared to furnish irfavOle nabs with the above named instruments at city pri ces. All instruments warranted by the nranufactu , era. Leeson' on the elkore instruments given in town or country. (may 23), • • • T. 1.. yvu is DIG, do you wont to:see the 'nice' assert moot of. Plain toot Panay C4fUtilllerig vnesbpro'. call at epr4 Paica'a --:- 4681114 wings to scm'? right dawn at Price's Store. - What for 1 . Why . td get some more of that New York Syrup—only .121 cents a quart at - - 'Patou'a II R. Na. 1 NemajOAtakka apr4 Yot want l'io - 03 Obe.#* Tobacco, calla 1 Wars VII RIME ocl4 , . Eliciotnett Ditu;.% ES at L & 7igoV4talibcper putout ott ni"9 • • Armen's. DEPRZR OAUCE •t rt/7111146AN ApititroAcwat ;., • nOV sb' • . KMITS7II - 4 Y llO Y waliting anything -Po: t •,•d ru g 4 - 3 6 1ine von* sup 4 c STEADS ENGINES, GRIST AND SAW MILL UDAIIING, SHAFTING AND PULLEYS, IRON BRIDEIIB, CAST IRON WATER WHEELS, IRON KETTLES, &c, NO HUMBUC! WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND r t.- SILVEIt-PLATED WAItE, CLOCKS„ &c &c =EI P. B.—Otd Silver taken in exchange lin. geode, Apr 4-Iyr. Cheap and Beautiful Light. CARBON OIL LAMPS, Apr. 4 Piaixas and ode ons. E „ 1 - Anik • .13 , 15'411491iA1titt*(tA:44,!...G0ii4„4 . 0 bil**het_coaLs3Airobtkotilli iti . " end; fro; the Continiiibil;:whie 4s - one of the * MAIO It takes, a 104 Effetof Mick itibern eid:;' ,- It is . One ot the NO& tinleiiig'and• •egottilkif Stoiree that:lite • eie; lieeti'dlfereal fouler It is a free critheingStete• ensili ketit,Cleinv: IShveys fisieho largo intortinerit oe44;*itul give better; b rgabakj rtie hent ;Intlilithr.:-ilo,,ise Ore $Y to rove d , iet lima call and see for vonrse yes. /*leo on hand seating States; Such as ' • 111111$111 11111 'COAL 'SINES for shop.i.-parlor, - till of. ivitFelt non Self Vety to* You,W,ill ahw and a large snisartideni bf RENIXW "cligsrAlaiiuzi‘ •, • • „ ifh Copper, Briss and - Sheet4ron ,Ware, which is all'af my own make; and.which battlMen proven cannot be found better in earpiece. Now remem ber 1-am bound to sell cheap,• so that ;stunt any: thing in My line, give me a call. My ribcril at the old place on'Mairt Street ender the Printing. Mee. • Mouse Spovithigt • dbYre at all times and of the beat debble Feeling very thankful for' the many past favors t hate received from the' pbblii. I Witold invite all to give me a call, for then yob can see for yourselv where to get bargains. - Old metal taken at Porindry Prices in exchanipt fin hew Stoves. W. A. TOTLE, Mar.2B Waynesboro{. ifllßBll ARRIVAL Cosiectionery. Fraft6 he., &c., &C. THE subscriber takes this method of announcing to the people that he has received at his 'Drug store,' a large end carefully selected stock of chemicals, Patent Midicincs, Paint] Oils. - bye Stuffs, window Glass, Putty, Tobit'cco, Snuff, and Segars, &c., which he is now •prepared to sell "ati cheap as the cheapest and will assure his custom ers that in regard to quality which is of the first im portance, his goods will compare With airy in the market. He has also s splendid assortment of Peefttmety, Soaps and doll kinds, consisting in part of the following, viz Bandolines, Pomades, Amber and Bears' Oil Colognes, Extracts for the Handkerchief, Lyon's Kathairon, littritet's Cocoaine, Harrison's Ladies' Soap, Honey Soap, Hotel soap, Diamond White Soap., CONFECTIONERY, rammes &o Cranberries, Raisins, rigs, Prunus, Currants, Dates, Citron, Oranges, Lemons, Nub of all kinds, and Candies of every variety. Kerosene Lamps, Lamp globes, and Brushes, Kerosene Oil. Camphine, Alcohol, Burning Fluid, and in fact anything and everything that is usually found in a drug store. Thankful for kind favors and patronage hereto. fore bestowal upon him, he solicits a continuance of the same. and hopes that be endeavoring to please, e may win - the - conli - dence-uf-the-peopl • Physicians' prescriptions ptaiuptly and carefully compounded at all hours. .1. P. KUI{TZ. nov .29, 186 U of kr/Hill. Dealer-in-all-lhe-variely of Drugs,Alledi eines, Yankee Notions. Per/umery, Liquors for medicinal puToses, Oils, 4"c., 4'c., WVOULD tender his thanks to the community and still soliPit the patranage of a generous public who want anything in his line. Inasmuch as ho has enlarged, his stock so as to be enabled to answer all calls or anything and everything Usual ly found in a Drug Store, and has a thorough ac quaintance with the business, he hopes to gain the confidence of the Community. He will pay par ticular attention' to filling physicians' Precriptions, and more,care atd precaution used in waiting up On children than adults. W. A. GROVE. Choke Wines and "Liquors for medicinal oml sacramental purposes, Patent Medicines are endless in variety, including all-that have been mode up to this date and some that are yet in embryo. Also White Lead, Zinc, Paint, Whiting and Varnishes for house building or inside work, besides all sizes of Masi. Commercial, Note, Fools Cap and better Paper always on hand, with a variety of Enveloped of different sizes ' and colors. Brushes, Combs, Pomade, Fancy Soap, Hair Oil; Colognes, Baleen. cez,,Flavering Extracts, and .namerousl'articles in theranki line on band add' offered for.sale, cheap er than ever - offered before- • Also , '* large *No . rtr . nent of Kerosene Oil Lamps, Chimneyi4 Shades' and Wicks; and Kerthrina Oil to fill them. A ',general assortment .of Fruits and Oonfectionatieso Tobaccu - and Cigars, Oct. .l I. - THE undersigned having leased the well-known Coachuiaking Establishment of Alex. Hamilton. on Ideciranies street. ,Waynesburg'.: respectfully an. flounce tit their friends and the public generally, that f f . the , purpose carrying on the business in' ail its b rhea, and are now prepared to manufacture to brd i ; ] tints air of --, • - " ". - ' - _„.... , CralrOageSt IllOggies t Baroucheal, . Z •w g 7 Wagons, 41r.,,, ' . 4 .4:,;0r thmiririe traiiteriai; and I :trfituperier worimidri. '"" • ' 1 . ; , .,,H4C.Korrumu and RETAIBISO of all 1 , kutdelitnie at, seistrivtdi:ratiris, props , ptly andita the r ustilifers of k lastoluers..r. • ~ •'.,• ... work et taken in exchange for, work slinsiket, privet., . , •-••- '' ,-' ', • ' a . wprson.. • diwriniartidia or Work in thrill:Jewish, makinglita4a .sciaapoctfully.inifiiird o•gist Aria a mill. :•;::.,!..:::..: '... • '--, ' iar:lC, .I•44IOIHUMIN. •,' :.. - - ti -111k.-HAXIEGIC, • Wane Loll st - ?times. Keats . * MS, MHZ REBEI FRESH DRUGS, Toilet Articles. L POUR MIA 101101 AB NESTE MO NEW FIRM! Coachmakin'gl %T.7frhArTf:l7, - ;,,: • , :~:,~ r ^y t~ ~~- ltr,4oltifik of three ADVEIC W** *lila evefy -- 0 0 4 year: inifitijoxii Worsts* tii6o.l*o. - ..04 1 ,10 1 .fiiikOMMoll4o. o4, `-T_ ",‘ NEW Est'AtibilaihttNT drlllll stitisitiber 'would intoitrt WAytiebbtird dtid th 6 public that fichaio coed Melia& thb-Shomitikhmt busiltemiti,44:,Besegtea. bf Kurtz's Hotel, Where. lit, tOt11;:i4 times be Ili iendineter tO c an4ispiet the tjtpst.remeikieWternok ; ' ,, • Oct 2 5 . : • TEM itsVWBll.4lolAkit Recommendalkno •fronjii • Valleie: • " Pineire'rov,"Ni Feb: 26th, 031 . • The trimiersiemeti arer happy-to testify that popile of the Fayettesille Adodeirtyi Pa: have .maintained a 6igfi 'margin* among the reckon graduates Of the' , Crillege of New' Jersey. - JOHN MACLEAN; ' Piesideni, of the trollegtri MMES. Ci • MOPP,A%r Proheatiii Of Greet G. MUSGRAVE 010EW rrofinsisor of, Witt. ' • JOHN T. DUFFIELD; Professor of Mathematic,' Dicijfacobs, 'at; Co's , Celebrated iinerlean Liniment: ",tt or Viaßeas t.' • 11 and Tws greatest and beet eitern remedy al ieetty,Oer o' feted to the roi'salti by F.. 1: Krutro Druggist. Waynesboro' And by Druggists in the county generally. - ilairPriee 25 cents per bottte. • December 13,.?60ty, XiO LitUOill% • NO 01)01r ZO I LICON i a PURE CARBURET_ OP 1•ROIC • STO'Vki PO LISH, • The cheapest article • in• the world. Unrivalled , in. &enemy : Permanently [Aston's. ~Titei only place to get leis-at BROnlEgrows. March 22. rundersigned having • recently taken the adi bte named 'peruse, formerly known as tho• "Globe Inn." takes pleasure in annOnincittg 16 his• friends aril' the public that he is prepared to receive' Mid entertain Guests in a style not to. be eitelledi by any country Hotel.- • The Jliiiistti beeni e thoroughly repaired im newly 'furnished with eve.. ry thlsg calculated to. Make his guesbil:-Chritfortable —the public moy rest assured. that they will at all' times find it in a condition suited tothe comfort anal convenience of the" traveler. Hir Bar ie always sirpt plied with the choicest Liquors; and his Table with , the best the markets• afford and aII other appliancett suitable and neceestary for the ticecinftnoilatitin of Man or beast. With faithful end ohliging servantito and his own personal attention andaupervision,ter will leave sto means maven& to merit public pa.- tronage. The proprietor assures those wlio•nnty favor hint' with their patronage that they shall ever meet at; his houses cordial reception, and that everything es••• sential to the convenience and happiness of hie ,- guests shall ho attended to. June 21, 1860 THE OLD MILLER AGAIN ! A S the HobeHim is no* on its last legs,. antis AL nearly over, we thonght right to announce to the public that we will grind errists of 20 bushels. or upwards either' for pay or Toll aPpartely,and that we have on hand all kinds of FEED, CORN ire ear or shelled, or in MEAL sifted or not. Also-- - , Oats by the bushel or in any way that it may be wanted','—also, Miellirtga; ShipsfulT and Bran, Corn in Cob Chopped at short notice. Maker by the too or bushel on hand. Still in the market for Wheat. We can always do up good wojk like ft was done at Island No. 10, and Pittsburg Landing. JOSEPH ELDEN. r iss M. RESSER idioms the 'Lilies or in Waynesboro' an I vicinity that she has re moved her-Millinery Store to the dwelling house on Main Street, adjoining tha residence of Mr. Jacob , Wolf, and has just received from the Eastern City ies a full assortment of • triti other articled nouilly kept by Milliners. The Ladies are requested to call and espailadtter attlelt April 1113 " Just . Received. . • 'AT BROTHF:II,TON'S," a Limos Lor or CAN fievoivin Pistols Golfe Pistol thrtridges, Shorpes PiiitolVartridges, Coke Pistol „Gape; Hick's U. B. Army Caps, Bulletranol Bullet Moulds, Pone Bowie Knives, Clipper Pistol Flasks ; Hazard's Electric PoWder French Gun Wadding. ofr:o., sc. Goods of this description h.tve become exceedinglf acarce. Persons wanting the only reliable. Pistol made, will do well to cal' immediately and purchase one of ' ,',Colts Patent ilmech•loading &strivers. , Sept. 26, '62. 6000 Rails for Sale. 1' HE subscriber has now , on • hand 15000 good cuesTrwr RAILts which he watt dispose of on reasonable terms. Also.--one iota ROAD WALUOIN. S. roiqr.r, Jan 3-11 • s. I MPUOVED SELF-SEALING. Anita VAN jthait Cap bo cloyed and opened by any Reese% for sale at the sign of die Big Red Mont. (Jnly 11 '62.) :. , D:.•s, Rc pt. &lot °ribose nice - 192ri may .2V • "Plume* V yicarint to see the largest assoquient siVer: late in triain,Call at spa • , Patch's nURE: unsidishen' it'd spieed)idet Vinegar r for side brtitoner. sign of Itiir 0441 e Mortar Prins :Wirt cents per quart. • gip, Vit irpt;OSOMY MEATS 13114 A: -be, hod chin -Ep a y23 , _ ; ; • Paw A LARGE iiissorynspk, of TINWARE u tclue aCti p fgn 6o of theca* tioe2 _ . . Rk,Ramszu- TarilWis for sale at. Part 4 IN • 1 7 1*Ivat • • , I.L 7 ''sVga • • • ' ~1 AWES &cur: i. 1-IFr.t* 1-117 t:l' -Ids! 4141kIVIA.Diviinnft*,00.11k Ntt* 'IWO( go I**Vik*** * Wake 7 ' 1 '71 11 at (tnay23y: Pinto TO MOE ,tiocrrq i ,*.N R. Fit! (iES). mar.2B Continental WAY Ngsuoito,,J.A. TO L.A,DIES I NEW MILLINERY .GOORSI Bonnets, Hats, Bonnet Trimmings, Flowers. •,y4m3 want Wien Syrup uasswin think, wick crystal animas sweet:is honey, it,: • , 8104 ' aiiiEl!!!l i 4 KURTZ QOBsl6lil
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers