PIMP sato of French Eilai4i:lo*riiiiktrilkiiiaititik2liien,' ty-four Aitittss Icijy ~ • U#DEORAFFEO; Nottoto. opposite WashiOg".:rp". Dec. 13 ice-LADIES 1ft4.11 - 11N . SABLE. —We base thretritette . 01 Fine "Ma,. Sable. 'three fine Mink' Muffs. We offer then) at lowest City prices,Art ' frattehi.;' Dec'. is - . . , • OF 480 9 ilAit iertiA.LL i ...- . , CAPS, Caiiee,•Uriihrella!i, Ladies Fors, - Buffalo Robee, Gum Costs, Gun% Blankets, Gum Leggins, Horse Blan kets. Cotten, Woollen, and Buckirkin Gloves, Port. monsies, Parses Anil Pocket Books. We base the best assorted and cheapest stock of the above articles to be found-in the country. - , . . r ' UPDBOBA PPS', Practical Hatters, Dee. 12 opposite Washington House. DarLittlES tURSitin3SI'FITCII. ►-Six setts iine'llussian Phch; six fine Fitch Muni, nt lowest 'city prices* • ..... '• • • --••r , • g erg, opposite Washingitin Rouge. Dec. 12 gerLADIES merican, German and French Fun, twenty.fiiur ',sirs of extra Cuffs, twenty.four extra Muffs, Fur Trimmings, Ends, &c. Having purchased direct, from the manufacturer in large quantities, with our knowledge in the Fur business, we natter ourselves we have the lergeet and best stock of Ladies Furs in the County, mast the lowest prices. UPDEGRAFFS', Practical Hatters, Dec. 12 opposite Washington Hot*. IternUFFALO ROBER:—We have two hales of morted Buffalo Robes, from the common to the fine, i:PPEGRAFFS', Practice! Hatters, Dei. 12 opposite Washington House. itarTAKE.CA.RE 01? THE SMALL NOTES.—We have the POSTAGE CURREN CY POCKET BOOK. With one of these !Woks you can handle the new currency 'wiihout loss.— Also, a fine assortment of Purses, Pocket Books, Purtruonais, &c., from a DIM E up, at DEBBAFFS', opposite Washington House. Dec. 12 aim 533111 *MCP WEB. Near this place, on the 24th ult., Isaac Rodgers, aged 11 years. Ou the 16th ult., Ann'E. A leoagers, aged 2 years 8 ninths and 27 days. At.Lintlen Lirove, Waslijugton county, Md on the 17th inst., I , n David , iutan tson of Albert and Annie M. isighaut, aged 2 years, 2 months and 29 days. In Leiterel4urg, on the zOth ult., Isaiah Poe. Esti., aged 29 years, 9 mouths and 13 days. In Leitersburg, on the 21st ult., Mr. lien ry _Barnhart, aged about 40 years. Near Leitersburg, on the 2nd inst., Mar garet, wife of Charles Wagaman, aged 28 years, 2 months and. 9 days. Near this place, on the 20th ult., Eliza beth, :wed 1 year, 1. month and 6 days, on the 39th alt., , Mary Ann, aged 3 years and 8 months, rand on . the 3d inst., freilerido, aged f 8 years, and 9 months, children of Abraham and Catharine Snowberger. Near this'placec on the 30th ult., Sarah .11., daughter of John W. and Sarah Bone break aged 2 years, 2 mouths and 16 days. A soft swcet harp is tun'd on high, A spirit mallet its tone ; All spotless pure and beautiful, Iletbre the holy throne. No blight of yearn is on her brow, No sadness, care, nor -stain; For Paradise has early called, Its bright one home again. We IClt she was too fair for earth, For ever, 'mid her play, There 'stole from those young earnest oyes, A sweet and soul-like ray. ' A radienee from the "spirit land," Around her cradle smird t Drawing all hearts with magic spell, To that lovely child. There's darkness oer that happy hearth, Whose sunny light hath fled ; And aching hearts are mourning there, Their first and gentde dead. The innocent the beautiful, Blooming in life's young hours; One season's sun scarce kiss'd t re pa e t e fragrant flower. The Father weeps his worshipp'd one, No human love could save ,The broken-hearted Mother's tears, Rain o'er her idol's grave; Whose lisping tongue forever mute, ' Will never breathe her name; Whose infant hands with loving (meta W ill never clasp tier's again. All sympathy is thine dear Wends, Yet turn thy gaze afar; WI ere beams al glory's trembling light, A sweet 'Wading star And smile to think thine is the lot, To give unsullied, free; .A young pure spirit back to God, ' To plead with him for thee. few short years and ye shall meet, Where ties no more are riven ; And thy Dove of promise, passed before, titian welcome thee to heaven. A FRIEND , WC 8.1 2 1„35C,.1M TO. From the American of Tuesday la;s FLU 111{..—The market was very quiet this morning, and transactions on 'Change were unimportant ; later in the day 300 Weis. good Ohio Cut Ex.tr.4 changed hands at SO 62i, per bbl. Prices generally are with out quota b le change, via : Howard Street bupet at $6.624® 6 - .75; Shipping Extra do. at 67.25(7.37i ; Retailing Extra do. at $7.50; Family do. at $B. (}RAIN.--Wheat was dull ,and lower.—. Sales comprised 1,200 bahels common to fair sound white at 1.55@)165 eta. ; 2,000 bushelgood to prime do at 170(§175 ets.; 2,500 ushels ordinary to choice Pennsyl vania re at .1.40g147 ets., and 2,000 bush els fair to prime Southern do, at 115(9148 eta. per bushel. Corn' was in' good demand, and dry samples of new brought an advance of 3(94 ets. ; old was scarce and generally held for higher prices. Sales reported of .5,000 bushels good •and priuie - new white at‘.74(§ 75 eta. ;13MM bushels good iiild do - . at 77(9 78 -, ets..; 3,000 binihels fair to good new yel low-at 7.1®75 ets., and .4,000' bushels old 416. at 76(978 eta. - per bushel. Qats were in -, fiteady request at better figures. Sales of 6,000 bushels ohoice New Yeti: State at, 72 'eta., measure ;4,000 bushels new Pennsyl vanikat 40(9 , 4:4; ets. measige, and 2,000 ,bushels do. tit 67®a eta., weight. ' Rye 'is :dad ,at,',90®93 ets. for -Maryland, and at. 96 :(998 s eta. fokrennsylvania. ' • . • SEEDS,- We quote fair 'to primeVltiver 'seed,,at $6.2516.874 per. hushel, and T timo hy at $(92. •p,er bushel. • ...,..1:90 ~. . lO . , „ .;- itaktbakeiiig Irtagoeliscrileir informe;the cithienemf Wayinee -&-loretineVeihinity:shitt he, his tee% time neo - $1oor0: 1 / 6 Brothertuies,Offv*, up ateke $ 0 30 3 4 0 0: 13 .01v a is.i Pa li'red , . lo ,elonees.cut and tie bee q t aike &Wel: ,01110. ):" ei.LMUML IL. ATHZ Arch.; RINKCIM c ; !TEKtit l ie O ;4314464ii1‘,,irt* *refid . iif;tOr .6 )4;4'; ' -Vg; ~ • ( ac,;' totticit; arloeititig.' , A7oo. - 1' =Si BURNSIDB IN KUM I AND- JosEPH- PRICE Reiuined ftomPhiladelptiia with 'kite* MI -LEM ATTiIiGTIVI STOCK, GOODS. Northwest Corner of the Diamond. Is now offering. New and most desirable F A►. I, AND WINTER GOODS, in French. German, English and American Fabrics, corn Prising a general assortment of the latest Btylee a dapted to Fall and Winter. . • LADIES' WEAR : Rich Brass Silks. Black Bilks, Plain and fancy Brocaderi, - Piaids in great variety, Fnotelt Marines, Wool Delaines, CatO.mares, Satin stripped Cashmeres, Mow's,.Hail es, I.avallu, Mohair Mistures, Thibet Cloths ; Printed MoubseHaines, Persian Twills, Poplin, Dehegt•s. Opera Flannels.all Franco Gingham., Scoters" Ging hams, Lancaster do., Plaids. ' Etnh oideries, Laces, Gauntlets, hid Gloves, French worked Collars, Dimities,Fancy dress (limps. Curd Binding, Velvet Ribbon, &c., &c. in.short, he has all the novelties of the Season. FALL AND WINTER NNENAEK.2iLisav Paris long broche Shawls, with sewed borders, Bay State "Shawls. (latest styles.) supurb Thil Shawls, sewed border, rich printed Shawls — with silk fringe, all of which are from the latest importa-, lions, end will be sold at prices that will defy com petition, • HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Irish and Scotch Sheeting, pillow case end holster Linens,. fine, low priced Lainnsk Table Linens spot ted nail Damask Tableknoths, very size and grade:. Napkins, boyles, and Huck 1: 1 4 1 12gs, low priced Kitchen Toweling, Bolster, and Sheeting Muslinst.3-4. 4.4, 6-4, or 10-4 wide, draped dimity Blankets, Marseilles and Allendale Quilts. soualla4 ttaciaa? Such as heavy bro. Cotton, bleached Musli', Osnaburgs, - 'Tickings, Stripped Drills, Apron Ducks, Kerseys, Denims, Cotton Planers, Prints, &C., &c., 110 0 31 3-F+ll Black and Fancy Cloths and Cassimeres, of the newest styles, Mixed Doeskins Sattinets, Union Cassimeres, Casliateretts, Jeans, Cottonades, Over coatings, Silk Satin, Merino and Velvet Vestings, extra heavy ribbed Drawers and Shirits, Hosiery, Collars, Cravats, &c. CARPETING AND FLOUR OIL CLOTHS ! Carpet, English Ingrnins, wool,) Hemp and Rag Carpeting, from 25 cents to ',l r i o a • , 4-4, 6-4 and 8-4 wide, all, of the newest designs, which he olf•rs at great bar gains. MATS AND-RUGS-__ Wool. Coco, Plain and Fancied 'Bordered, in gres variety. - GROCERIES 11131SW1/1, His stock is full and complete, and will conspire fi vorably 'with any in Waynesboro', both in price and quality. ) He returns his thanks to. his friends, and by fair dealing end strict attention to business he hopes to merit a continuance of the same. Nov. 21, '62 JO S. PRICE. LAUIE:a do you wish to see a new a splendid assortment of Lrest• Goods call at Nov 21 Pura:',. Afull assortment of Hoods, Nubian and Skating Jackets to ou found at Paws' 4. NOV. 21. THE largest atockofililop - Skirts in Waynesboro at (Nov 2') • Pules's. ATOUNG MEN call and see our nice stock of i plain and fancy Caraimeres at Nov. 21 - NOR a nice Grnts Shawl call at Nov. 21 Pam . 4 's, . _____BUENA. VISTA HOUSE () lt RENT,. HE subscriber will offer for rent, for three Years, on the premises, or F 213 Ar MK 26TH !)AV OF DEMMER., at . (MODAL, at pUirtie outcry the RBI VISTA PROPERTY, shunted on the south Mountain, the house to ho partly furnished it desired. A near Frame Stable sufficiently large to stable Sixteen heed .of heroes, has recently been erected., with a Weir. Pool and ShOwer -Ba th. ANY C. FUNK. Dec. 13.:--3w. GALERY! ►r fig undersigned has fitted up the room over • Fourthman s Drug : Store, Main i•treet, Wayne* bore', suitably for -Photogi:sphing 'purpotes, where the citizen i ran be seaman:twister! with all kinds of pictures from the price of 25 cents upw.tiril. Phot ographs at the'regular, • . C I .Pt ICES For cards or full sine pictured, fr.ttnettl or on card,— pictures copied or plagotroplied tnaY tededir• ed at reastinable-prices. , A fine itock 'of Fancy and plain.casos on ltond. - ..:Fito arul , capeciolly the !illicit, areAnust respeafully invited tti call and see specimens. 3io(JAUSI;SIIR), - ,. Nov. 2R—tf 113111011LAIr • = a - - . . • - -4 ! I D ' 6 u e t n o i t V he is P t7B m p ie ir i nfr e e r , th e , eliUt il ' lN jht lir ber si *- of i l./ . in e l ! 'to .r last, s Maley if eifer. black and. white(ipottel c supposed loin aboutaneYear old, The " 'owner j, requested ; i4"prove property, pay charge. and tabs, her away. .- - . ' j.i. if. FUNS. !, , 'llO.-44, aw ; -- -',- ,, ,,, , ,,,,,,,,,t,,, , ‘,. • ...i i4 3.7i •,:•,:•:`..-,' ;,..•;-.:'.... '-'-•..; -' :••:' , Wit.13114 4- 41 1 . 8 o,x E. , : ~., . ,..,.„,...4.,....,,- k...: , 2 , , , , i , : .... : - , .,. , , ; ., -.,- ' ."•-• 'f:WAVitil4/lOkti' , :tij . . 662 attiyie '-:. ~, 16 IxucVl7 ()pt. on. Eau., , ' ,: ~ .12 liztifitiliiii)," t,,.. lll trait) _-, - - , ' '• 7 Otateti 2aiit* ,-.,,.., 1 TALLOW' ' ' ' 4 a'11147117 j $1111) - 26 - AV..7- -- 7:•:A71-.:,- - . - „ , , - , - :, - , —, 11)6 --- - ,FLieggigp .13,1166 ii (lialiiy .‘...-; 16 . .- - PAftsp PNACIitB llActoll,(9iuei,,) •:- ',,,•••• 11. L Alst4RxD " HAvolv (iitioilltle.ii),' •::6` 7 ' th±itiliAirtise, . . .. .. . _ GREATEST TiCTORY 71E Wi,1131 ;.flitammi "Rebel YliOrde THE TRAITORS FLEEING "LAST DITCH." A mo i N9 t tpe t other most Wirtling iutellig no. JOSIAH BER,ORE has jun returned from the Eastern Cities, with one of the moat extensive, and nest seleeted stuck of GOODS!! ever brought to this Boroue:h, which he will sell at prices to suit the times. TI e community is cordially invited to call and examine my stock NO trouble to show Goods.— convinee you of the great assortment I have in store, I wiil just enumerate a few leading articles. 1 1 VW I* I * inEss ,tiaDDsu Rohe Cashmeres, Silk Plaid Mohair, All Wool De!sines, ink. Bombazines, • French Mirinnes of all colors. - Silk, plain, Wk. and fancy, Plain and figured - Detaints, Ladies Collars and Collaretts, Plain and fancy Silk Velvet, Trimmings, Silk Bonnet Trimmings, Bonnet Ribbons, Skatinu Caps and Coats, Ladies fancy and plain MAW, Blk. Crape Veils, Granadien Cheneille and Silk Head Nets, Silk Crochets, Ladies Fancy Woollen hoods. Balmoral Skirts, Ladles Long and Square Shawls, (all colors), Opera Flannels, Plain barred and striped, . Ladies Congress Gaiters, • Ladies Moroco Boots, Ladies Gum and Buffalo Overshoes. WHITE GOODS. • Blk. arid fancy Prints, 10,000 vile• of hluslins, bleached and unbleached in gn at variety. ' Domestic filinahams, English and French do. MEN'S WEAR, Melton llotha, Blk. French Clotho; blue and barred, do., Beaver Overcoating% Seal Skins, ' Do Waterprool do., Velvet Cord, blk, and drab. Gents. Shawlo, • Flannel Shirtings BOOTS AND SHOES, (any sizes.) in great variety. CARPETINGS, Brum , lts Carpetinga, All Wool 3 ply do. Ginning, I . lemp - end Rag do. Pitzcs's _ OIL CLOTHS, Table Cloths, different width, HellAy Floor do. ~ 1 and 2 yrda. wide. QUEENSWARE IN GREAT VARIETY. HARDWARE of every description. Prime Rio Coffee, ' Prepared Jaya do n Dandelion do., Hummas Essence, exaraelL33l•oo7733, MMICTiIiUr-..211L,,1M.M5g Prime Now Orleans Molasses, Union, d Philnetriptda Do. CEPA3WARE, All sizes Ccdal Tubs, .11tiekets; Ghertut. • ' retik . Half-Ilushent Av. Wintliittailass 8 by 10, 10. 12. 1 04 41.1 1 ; 1 0 .; Acc The' unaa'N' igneil. tetillere his th, n kain his friemht And' customers for past levina,Su 1 kindly solicits a continuance of the satne-.lls sure to , ,calt• seta ex.' amine my stock beforejitirclatutinif elsewhere. Ile - member the ISTAII.S .INP - kNuv: 21.'62) 4tlU44j I.sErti3lllL FOR T LIE Bobinetta, . iv ansook, Jaconeta plain and barred Plain and fancy Swiss, Linen Pocke• Haniaerchiefs, &c Stair Oil Cloths, Oh 00 01) 1.862 . . " SECOND ARRIVAL. IMBER&ON, BENEDICT & CO Waynesboro' Pa. FALL BD WINTER once of HOBS!! [Trk E ore now reeeteinz and o !Tering to sell a new Yie and FULL ASSORTVIE NT of ' EEV MY ©BIDS Which we think lam are prepared to sell at as low terms as any other house in town pr country. UQA - \-.TJUZ2I 3 i) DRESS GOODS of all kinds ChnHies, Delaines, Hereges, Lavellas, CPCOXJL.A.WI.I9, E B I-I) E,EI. ES. • MEN'S FALL AND WINTER sZ2- CD CD 'OD EZ3 . Cottonatles, Cloths, Ken. Jeans, Cassimere,. Fine Tweeds, Vesting, Neck Ties, Hosiery, Cravats Summer lints Handkerchief., . Shoes, Slippers A full assortment of Plain and Fancy - CASSINI EHES. QUEENSWARE. • A good supply a of Queenawaro and Glassware of the latest style. GROCERIES, Always on hand a Ipavy lot of prime Groccriei, COFFEE, SUGAR, SYRUP, MOLASSES,. SPICES, &c. To which we respectfully call the attention, of our customers and thepublic generally; and at the tame 2 time we return our thanks to custo e and the community for their liberal patronage, hn will en. deavor by fur dealing with all, to merit continu ance of the same. Please mill and see AM BERSON, BENEDI T & CO DRY FRUIT: EPI.W.CD3-Z-SUOM Ft. 6111•• ;Nal • VII at AMBERSON, pENEttndy & CUS PICKLES. A LOT OF Good Pickles, AMBERSON, BENEDICT 6t CO'S EMI FIXTURES, OIL CURTAINS, A FULL ASSORrMENT r4Acrs,.,AudA ; s 2 : vi,ciFfili braMITI:I4 a 3.444,40 OF AU. DSSCRIPTIONS ' AMBERSON. BENEDICT Ac. CO'S, ~?.Al:aM?s7R'~i DA20)1 3 / 4 0:4-- COVT.EML • . ISCENCE OF „COFFEE ! kito:l...uusitt 07; istslur 61. DEC. 12 TINVJETIENT SLEEVES, AMBERSON, BENEDIC'T. & CO'S IIIJ UMELL'S W. H. IROTIIIIRTOrg. His customers and the public generally are invited to call and examine for ourselves. HIS GOODS HIS GOODS ARE OF THE BEST QUALI TY. 1111 !Silks Cord do. Fig'd do. Lostrea, Poplins, BY EXAMINING MY STOCK ! 11A111111111 1 , CUTLERY, Cedarseare, TR - 0 N A ra4 aVaaat,;o SHOE FiNDING.Si Pilil Bii GLASS--0111 - Cililli .HOLLOW 7v," rinry stock is largo aril complete and at prices that will defy competition. _ November 7, Hitt. FOR SALE. MHE subscriber as Agent for the heirs of Jacob Shockey, dec'd, late of Washington township, will sell at Public Sale ON SATURDAY TAR 21 1 TH DAY or DRUM M. next, in the town of Wayne*. boro.' it 1 o'clock on said day, all that farm of Ja. , cob Shocker, doc'd, adjoining Benjamin , Welsh and others, on the road leading from Mr. Geo. Bosom . " Mill to the gate on the Mountain, containing_ . more or km The improvements are a Log Mouse, it,a serer BRICK _BAIRN, SPRLN 0(18E, a tail ing spring psalm throng ane : , .. N and other fruit on the farm, , and , a fine 'atream of water flows through it. about Ninety Acres, cleated land with sufficient goix' Meadows..'llia. balance ie Covered with timber. • Pensins wishing to view said farm ease calk on the subscriber whei lives hi sight "of it. : Terms nando known on day of sale by - . (Nov. 21—ts.) ' ISAAC stiocq.y. eat:, OPPOSITION TO OV) JOE ! 40 Oysters tor: 26 Cesst44 r HE auhieriber informs - the pubht thiit oponed,olteiitairant itilho room forme* oC. copied by 1...3 .Fishes: ono door west of „Tritlifii, Tin Stop.. where the public, can ha, aceoinoqatedi with OY:Srits, frioil. , reasted an.l stearod;'• , IIt)I.OUSA,,SACSAGE. EGG , :Fifitean good °yokes for 181 coma. Forty stale Oystem,euch as are sold at Shainhurea. for 25 cts. • (Nov. .N. A. - PICKIIOPAPPLES PINS, - - • VAZIVEV CA RTHOUS4,' - • • ROOTS, (.N..v. TH 0 ' • • :;;7 2 1 4 ;r:r7"7,:, -74;7 , 7..7 • 49..N$ ".I.'N't°' . ; B .:o4; . . -??.-' 4;',',,?-'7 L; f ~y 1L& LARGE STOOK LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST A LARGE` -LOT OF VALUABLX FA aa 130 ACRES, YOUNG ORCHARD =MN ... ~,,, Iv .:'',fr: ' ; „uf" ~^ l, lit,;# 4 Z) • 1 ' ~., : 4 0 , • : , 0", A '' ..i - ', • ' ,1*.',,.•";#•,:441 VI .; I. . ••• ..if , -•• ..' '''' ' •-• ,' , 0 °1 ' . "`: • :!••• • '•;•'.:•;•.''''''•_,^ i4e4•p...,;;;;;;•?!;i::,••••1 .. 1, 6* 1 . - i 1 ' ; ...4,77 t: 1 `: : '''..;.*: • , 'J Z. , ,-;; . 11,-i.;;:t:'= -- ' i- ' c,.- : -- ' . .. 4 -. Tf--,:;:, . --, •; t : -- ' ' ''',t ; ...; !: . ;. : : , ‘ -,-,, ! .. ' ,.:-!',: ,.::;. 1 . 7 :, ::,,- ;'::77., 4 -t.',::`.-ii i i ii l l c 5: '-' i.' -.-,cseftiNtl47suiwt ,•;•-••••,,,,-,.., • :.• , ~,..‘,...„,,„.„.„-:,-,-,-,., J . , • , . _,, s- i ~ ~, _,,,,, _; ,., (.1 . 1 ,, ,;,: , ;;,,: -. ;,:!, • ,, - , - : , , , c;:, , ,,- ; :,.... , ,i i . - -,-,:i,„ , ". : ' ~,,,. ..-... , i ....,.:-...e- _ • • , eva- '-'- 11 ...,--,,,.,,.... ~..,Groc, r 0 0. , .; . , . 111MISE‘ - -1171 -- ' 11; LADIES!ANIICHIMENTs'SOOESt . ==== - -:-GEef.'.SMER. , S . ? 11AN KtUt forklift! levers and4paironage here '. • tante beeinWelPupon him,'egain appears before ~, the public, to solicit a , contbicanee of the eanie.— He having just rehinied Mom the eaetaiin cities With fine a atur.viell selected sideic of new' ,-, '''• '. - • kritinra AND SOSISIEI4 16 riKVICD3III3OMS.3 Which he, atemiteelling at very law tatesovhk4 he:knows he eatt,tto to the satisfaction of elf Who and 'examine his sto c k. "Below you will find enumerate', a few artieles which will be fauna anicnig his stock to winch ho calls your attention. ~~ ~ + ~ ./ He has a large assortment of Dress Goods consisting in part of Manias' - . Printed and Plain Hairlines, - DM, Filed and Cord Silks, Plaid Silk Warp ' Mohair, llereges, Modena Cloth, French and domticfilingha ms -Poplins, Pongee Mixture, Chith for Ladies, Wrapings, • Gloves, Hosiery, in great variety. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, Broad Cloths ' Black and Fancy CAssimoreni, ' Union Cassimeree, • Duck Linens, Cottonadem' Bummer Coatings, Tweeds, Velvet Cord, Bilk Vesting, ' . - ,Velvatine Vestinga, of all kinds; in flint a full eisofinentt of goods fu men Apar. Also a largerand well selected stock of vSe: DOMESTIC GdODS, Muslin, Ticking; and a complete a 'assortment of Notions. It's no use trying to enumerate. If you want anything at all in the Dry Goods lino, just call in And you will find him ready to you with pleasure. • To parsons having. Country Produce to will find it to their tidvantage to bring it to Sro— ver's,as he always gives the highest market price. -So give him a call, and ho will sell you goods as cheap as they can he purchased elsewhere. April 1862 ANOTHEIFARRIVAL AT ,Tro: "VARIETY STORE." BEAVER announces to his customers sn•l • •• 1. las jus• -re urnet rot - Otto Eastern markets with another fine• eseeninient of new ponds, consisting of Fell and Winter Hahn an 1 Cape, (all Ports and sizes), Boots and Shoes for mon and boys, with a complete assartment of shoes for ladies ware; Clocks, Trunks, Segars,T6hacco, and all articles usually hept in a first-class variety store. The public aro cordially invited to ilietldandexamino his new stock. - , - N. 13. Boots - and — shoes manufa - eturecl to order, when desired, at reasonable rates and upriti short notice.' (Oct. 24, '62,) Oysters I Oysters 1 . - rrinE undersigned Wardle the public that he 60 I opened a Restaurant in • the Basement: of ' , F. , Bowden's Hotel, which haibeen,tiandsonsay fitted' up, and is univ prepared to fuinisk.-ejsters,, ISologna Sausage, Cheese, Eggsr. : l4.4, all articled usually .told In a first class Restigrant Every tide is new and cleanliness in all thine will be served. The public aro invited togivwhiln n call. (Oct. 31— tf.) • WASHA B A UGH. Weave ,o* . A rmaggedon. BOOK FOR THE TIMES. THIS is rteicncitsledged to be one of the nniel.re irtarliable of human productions that has ever been ofreind to the American people. The 'style isr, chaste and truly eloquent. The subject treated, o,f isof the most inspiring: "The United Stites in Prophecy. For sale by .1 F. KURrZ. Novt Timothy Seed for Sale. VIBE subscribe has now for sale-43 - bushels of I prime TIMOTHY SEED which he will dis pose of at fair prices. Paeans in want of seed for fall sowing are requested to give him a ~caU Resi deuce oue mile northwest of Waynesboro' BENJ . E. PRIED' I;OPPER,IiETTLES.• - BRASS: KETTLES IRON KETTLES, at the sign of the Big Red Horn. (July 1 t '62) EN'l"6 Shaw is, Arctic Wrappers, anal other Ur comfortable fisias for cold F.: ether at Ort4 ' Eason's.' AA LL shades of Shetland Wool at ~,01 11 .Y2 3) , - • Apples for Sale.. pHE subscriber informs the. public that he has now for,sale green apples by' thc !malls!. • Y. S.. Also two second-handed ten•plate stoves. (Nov. 7 1 ,-If.) ALEX. HAMILTON . ItYRATSUP nbitilEs - - aQ Tok sale at the Store of W. H. Baormitacrt Sept) 110410411 S 2 Aloud's 21' lloousil 12, UST. zecflived per Express, direct front the man tifacitires. another large invujea dhaliers. ' '62' • Jona!! littiaßßl. Ttit. LiZST 'Oult SlO V ti. - • *the market to be, had at the alga of the, aig itei iittn- • .. 1) it. liUtitALL. c r." ---- "t.e. EL GREASE:" . i Koff, Want uoulk - iifishel., Grease, buy it at u . r 2's • . ' - '.,.,;.',:',.• „ • .13aontearotea • . t Li ic 7 r(i'" It'—fltd) fUS .VtfrP r , 01 q.S . • Mu). ",. D. B. RErtu;ELL. Peaces
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