liffillnEIMM=MCNO ,41 4 71 - - ; • rs • •,. • LATtkAARTW • •" ti --‘ Hardware,. gritOcropues,. ; io CEDARWAREI --moo lj AVING just returned from. the Eastern Cities he would call " the attention of his customers an the public generally to his LARGE S; SPLENDID- ASSORTEENT DRY COUDBI• Which will be sold at extremely Low Prices. Below you will find enumerated a few articles w ich will be found among his stock, to which ho invitee your attention : FOR THE LADIES, Bilks ' all Wcol Del lines, Fancy " - Alpacas, - bombazines, Plain Gingham, Plain Flannels, Grey t. -ALSO:- Ladies' Shawls, Fancy Prints, ,Extension Skim, Fa'meal Skirts, Ladies Collars, Magic Ruffling, Linen Handkls. Halscry, &c. MEN'S WEAR. Fancy Cassinteres, Plain " Clothe, Italian Cloth, Vesting*, Latinate, ‘lE.llsztmetraz Tweeds, Jeans, Shirt Fronts, Gonts Cellars, Neck Ties, tinder Shirts, Drawers. back Gloves. Gauntitts, DOMESTIC SHIRTING, Furniture, Check, bed Ticking, Cotton Flannel, Wool 'ralbleDiapei., Tea/jog Begin& &c., &e. Queensware, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, Ced 04.:MaTU3 Of the very beat quality. such as 83 nips, and New Orleans Best Rio Cedgp, Superior Prepared CI }Jimmiell's Hest Est„. Baker's No. I Chotolate, • Tobacco, Rice, rte' hiseibove goods have been eiref l ay aeleeKl parchased at the very lowest figure. He is therefore enabled to accommodate all who may favor him with a call. By strict attention to business and a desire to please in every respect, he hopes to nlerit, continuance of patronage. 'NO TIMLBLE TO SHOW GOODS, C. , ntry Produce taken it; exchange for goods at • ighest market prices 1. W. MILLER• 0et.13 '62 ENAGE ME HE undersigned respectfully announcer to the public generally that .he is ,still at the old stand on Church Street, Waynesboro' , Pa., where he"coptinues.the manufacturing of Family Buggies, Barouches, Wagons, and every species of vehtcles,usually made in such establishments, His work hi warranted~ to be composed of the *best and most durable '.nritorial, and none but the most experienced worktiten are employed.— He has new on hand . aliutuberw( Carriages, Bug gies, dtc., &c., which he - will positively sell at greatly reduced prices• for cub, or 'won a short credit. By keeping a good stock at aliens. and always holding himself ready to supply "the de mends of the people he hopes to retain and secure a liberal share of patronage. . Repairing, Trimming. and Painting done in the 'best manner, and at the shortest notice. Lumber, Cannily Produce, &c., will be taken in exchange for work. JACOB ADAMS. N. B. The Books of thi-firm of J. & A.S. Ad ams, are in the hands of the undersigned. Persons knowing themselves indebted are requested to make , immediate payment. J. A. Nov' 1. , 18131. • Ready-Made Clothing I FOR FALL AND WINTER! FILM SITAPLYB RECEIVED MONTHLY! AS. ADAMS would respect' ally inform Lis . patrons and the public _generally .that Le has returned from the Eastern aim with,a general sa• women& of Ready-Made FALL AND WINTER CLOT4IINGA, embramng ail the latest,styles of Coates tiontoeats, shirts, Vollars,'Necties, Suspenders, etc., etc., all bf whirl am well' made. The ,puhlic.are 'cordially in 4ited:•to call and exaniiiie.bisgoods, as he is•delp ierssiue4,lq,aelliatibos profits. .ile mill - continue, to cony on dtbe 'business , af Tailoring as hsiiritofork s , :basins desiring ;gar meats cutmut roatle.upAme itmited..-44 1 ,10! iglu S . received:regularlyi .Uct2s. • i t A. 1.1111121 I tnteritittin •;-, ;,, ,- ... _,",- k 160 RII E ; 1 : . I.6ittoittngyforsaafa. t. ''7 . ,;Ottarislor'Genlemei w • ' , driosol4• ol l:FashOr 4 ii" a tV i i . •. I n/ 1 04 1 d1' • ••, Waynesboro ; PiG. , -:;.*., , . • ' 10901MIIMISINININIMBWMIRIUM: L' At q LI, ikuido rlo l MA by, AO of she 011§F fled 7! 111 7S1 , . I ain no*,`ier4vini and "afrakfai,kojadl a new and, fall'al4.t.me4tpf , , „ Which t AMA, ion. prepaied. to sell ott its lea sonable istins,sit any other Aguas tn, town or coon .. A full si*Otioeitt of MOM 114 • el a I I •11 1 i • . _ of all kinda., Z • I= pacing, Prin Wm/kn:oh Lawns, Fancy Prints, Ladies Shawls, &c. MENS SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS of all kinds. Cloths, Casitimere, Finn - Tiveeds, Ken. Jeans Cot tonades, Postings , Handkercheifs, Neck Ties,'Hosery. A full inniortnient Of Plain and Fancy Cassimeres" • QUEENS WARE AND GLASSWARE. A largo stock of Which I am prepared to offer as low as any Oh. ei retail store in the country. BOOTS AND SHOES. for men's and Ladle's wear of all sorts and sizes. Also a large and well selected stock of-, DOMESTIC GOODS. Meshes, Tlekings, and a complete 'assortment of Notions. Looking Glasses, Hardware, Hata and. Caps, Paints and Oils, Fresh Shad and Herring by the barrel. It is no use trying to enumerate. If you wont anything in titer Dry Goods line, just call and you will find us ready .to wait on you with pleasure 10,000 CHESTNUT JOINT SHINGLES for Sale Country produce taken in excharige for goods at the highest market prices. Hy strict attention to business and a desire to please in every respect, I hope to Merit a con tenuance of patronage. May 234 Cf::OW.II.'I,OW ER & CLUGSTON. Fulii n .vAvAr•Mnr - ‘ Ili qb l -lip nr-l - is = 1 At M. STONER takes this method of thank- In •is his customers,.and informs - the public that he has just returned from Philadelphia with thlargest assortment of Drags, Medicines, Paints, Oil , Dye Stuffs, Soaps, Perfumery, Fruit, Confee tie Ty, &c., &c., that has been brought to the ) ,1 place this season, which he will sell .eheap. He has on hand, with what he is receiving. makes his assortment of Patent Medicine greater' in variety than auy other establishment in . the place. In a few weeks, he will publish his list of manufactured articles. He has on had now, his Cough Medicine, put up in six-ounce bottles, price 26 cents, ono cure, :to pay." Its curative . properties are now fully appreciated, judging from its daily stiles. May 9 '62. MT. HOPE STORE. ~~~~r~cizl ~.~c:~~~r~rsl~~ Hardware, Queensware, Shoes, Boors, pa, and all other articles usually retailed ntry merchants, all of which will be sold as low as the sense goods can be purchased elsewhere in the county. The public are invited to call and examine his stock. JOHN M. COOK. Mt. Hope, April 18 ANNOTINCES to his friends and the public generally that he is now in possession of all the late and most:improved instruments,and is•well prepared to perform all DENTAL - operations. He will be happy to wait upon thosevho may require the services clan experienced Dentist. All opera tions upon tha.„mouth and teeth performed in a scientific manner. Teeth inserted acconling, to the latest improvements in the art, and at moderate rates. Office in his residenee on the South Corner of A p►d I 1, '62 A PECK OP TROEBIAtS TURNED EP IND- SPIGLOD 01111 Wflo can make a manl-1 amen in appear ance, with a coat fitting like a fashioh-plate pants and vest fit for a president. Who makes the fine gents you see in the. city? The Tailed —no mistake about it, Well, then we have just biotigit from the City, theneatest, sleekest, finest, Sauciest, !oiliest, lot of FANCY CASSIMERS, BLACK CASSIMERES CLOTHS AND VESTINGS, that can he seen in this quarter. We will pledge ono 'whits to nun out good Fns Atin Cus&P bum.— Fresh, sparkling goods always please, and we have than;,, We have the latest Fashion Plates ' and Will leave nothing undone to please our friends and the .rest nitpankind." ‘, &1. BENDER. April.9B To apitalists. - i 1-‘7 Ari E 0 liO' *SAYING PUSD.—Thin V V 1300 sill, pay_ thelollotrlng rates of in terest pa' ' alltlithettrill sinnsdeposited in the 'ln. stitution: 'or 11 'months, 9 per cent.; from '3, to 6 months, t-, per cent.; from' 9' to a menthe.4Per cent; lira over,lB'moriths; ;44 per cent.. w ill -Jr.. shorter .iieriod 'thin a months the terms will be dude hewn by the Treasurer. ~ Notesfordbesnats horrid be banded in. the Tress arertia.Vnesday, as the Bond olDireeters meet rgularoon Wednesday ornieb week,st 9 fetlock A.M. il ' By order - attre Board,.'s. ' - Jpatt 11'69 • . JNO.P/IttINT - Treasurer. . , 3 2sTothie,- 6 01 1 0vir, Lima. THE In lloll Wher baiting of las entire Btoik of Goode libleoset. Volfilinveir 41. Oar 'mon s ,notides W peroonslielebbel 44' bins on More Bookipio settle their accounts' with nini - pay-the mount oftheicindebtedneie sOnither.robn tinnti Gar banidlS4cker. The mew Inn wilt continue die Anginasss,beretofore. A. B. MOAN. guiney,lan. al, ISO. ringer. 'w4ltitgatfriChitedo Cloth Wail:. ,42 , e- ,ll *-4 1 4 , 4*****,.tho Bed RPM vi • • • - • D. B. Boma,. Mold tottAilkihnedglitt.. r./1,"42.) Mils coMOIVOL ®®zrS®ssa AIMS, at 'arraigned - inform his eustontera the public generally that be hee.just re m Philadelphia a full assortment. of • g sir Summer Dry Goods, evri, s ain t 'au sS. "31 Illt.oo '3l (40420) " ~fii , -L.• 0 R A! ;:.'i -•.% . •.. • —' x -.' t tl ,l-.,..,,,--:',is :i,-z `..t.,. - - • •'!'.... j-,•,..-r•.=;..b.v.,-. •• ij** ll o*—He il t, . , Aig . 10 ",,M.:",' , . „:...• leilit* Yitlar,',..,,, !I!! ',”9,7 62 ,,t7 -'••: daliiildniril'iVoniditll,ol..l.ti!" ' •Irit.- , ,' .1.-i: ikbpt t hellioi ne a p idtdd wow Wh . l Big Rid Ha* 00 Mid is; " l'h" " N thd tOok9ook Stoves aitd"Tiii4iiiiii, - Ali iddd 404,4- D: D. RdsirolK!,„. ,„;,.., . % ..., : ~. . )fkion& the Song of ilingontiiii..: 4.HE iiitaetiliiietti4otitia. thd'Oblia iiiiineit eautosimeislti y.hodo Of hii cuitoniont In wait of anything hi hid hoe of bniioesi,-, that 'ho 'had coi*. pletOd. and It no,iroccupiltig blii nem end ostensive ly Onfiried,eitiblbdimentloilho, " •: • , • litinurapture and Sale .. ~ .. OF TIN ‘V ARC BlitET:112014 ',WARE. AND , viripreparea-tarappl. •• • ••• : Cook Stores, general . liotiseklepie Goode arid Kitchen Ware, on such terms as must give enure faction. . , , Irina avlmaa offered'are of the beat and mastlinproved kinOkand haring been tried ore acknoWledged to be all that can be desired es good Cookera and bakers, and aro easily kept clean. liis•own SIANMOTIYaIIa Walla is all made with a view to the, wanted customers tom the best mate rial and is warranted in all cases to be good. Ne also keips a large assortment of fancy articles. rit.peciat' attention is given to putting up SPOUTING, Lamle of the best tin, for houses and barns, in• which he long and extensive ex perience. Remember the sign of the Big Bid Horn. ,Aug. 9, 1860 D. li RUSSELL. ANTIETIM FACTORY ISX:t Et Eta Eta ENS 2 `SHE subscriber, tbankfhl for put patronage, still qi solicits the same; and in addition to manstitetu ,ing all kinds of worked Material ter fluilaing Puipeaea, • such ae SASH, DOORS, SHUTTERS, BLINDS, FLOORING, WINDOW FRAMES, DOOR • FRAMES, FACING, MOULDINGS, &c., lam prepared to furnish all kinds of oaktimber for different purposes in budding, such as JO I CE, RAFTERS; LATH. STUDDING , PAIL INGS, SCANTLING, BOARDS', &C., All of which will be sawed to order, at short notice and upon reasonable terms. Also, sawing, by mill and circular saws, of every description done; Framing, Surfacini4Matching, Flooring, &c. For further peril reapply to the subscriber, at. Factory two mile • southeast of Waynesboro. D. F. GOOD. Jan. 17, 1861 LOUR, FEED PROVISION STORE THE subscribers annolifice to the citizens of Waynesboro' that they have opened a Flour Feed and Provision Store in the room next door to Dr. arotherton's office, where they will at all times have for sale Mill, COII. Elk - i. I, MILL STUFFS OF ALT. KINDS, SCREEN, INGS, CORN, SHELLED AND IN THE 'EAR.- OATS, POTATOES, APPLES, VINEGAR; Also, Rye, Wheat. and Barley by the bushe! or in Rainer quantities, and other articles usually kept in sucn establishments. All Flour and Mill eta will be sold at Alta, Pewee run nut Caen. - . - The highest market prices wilt be paid for Wheat. Rye and Corn to be delivered at the Mill of the sub scribers. JOHN WALTER, (Sept. 3.—tf.) JOS. ELDEN, J. A. F iSH E R A NNOUNCES to .his Waynesboro' friends AL and the. public generally that he has vile re cently replAn imbed% is stock of goods for Gentlemen's wear, which embraces all the latest at, les of Cloths (French and Ametiesp manufacture). . Cason lees, Vesting*, most fashionable styles, undershirts, drawers, neck ties, handkerchiefs, suspends* gloves, &c. Persons trorn Waynesboro and vicinity visiting Hagerstown are invited to give him a call as ho is prepared to sell all goods in hisilne at Xacovir 1: 11. 0113 for the cash. His Store-isin-the-NE-W-LY-FITTED ROOM, next door to Updegraffs', Hagerstown, Md. Oct. 24, '62. Important to Farmers THE subscriber takes this method of announcing cif the Farmers and others, that he has on hand a kit of DWARF BROOM CORN seed. along with some specimens of the corn. This is an excellent article of Broom Corn, and should be raised by cr. emnne. Bel has m a full assortment of fresh Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, &c. KURTZ. P. B. lam selling Cranberries at 121 cents pe quit. Mar. 14 Smoke Stack for Sale. • THE subscriber.has a heavy, Iron Smoke Stack 33, feet long and 16 inches in diameter. which he will dispose of uponieasonable terms. Post Of fice address, Quincy, Pa. - • Dec26--tf ' JOEY L. METCALF. Zdentser's Horse. & Cattle. Powder . , ,• STONER havinrpurcbased- of Mr 131.*Mentsorithe reci p e for Anaking the above far-famed Iforsetu&CattlePowder.for Pennsylva nia and Maryland, takes this method of informing the farmers.ilrovers,&c., that hs has on hand and intends keeping a good supply always on hand. Country merchants and otherakeepingsuch articles for sale, would do well to supply themselves with% quantity. He will sell it on commission or for dash cheap. Orden will be punctually - auimded to. Jan. 81. Apr. 1, 1862. • TI, OR SALE . 04 FOR 'RENT.—A Template r Stove: ihreply 'at PRICE'S Sion Ortlß - - ' •• ri/N4 1470/14 -CURED HAMS. Plain find 1 Away. Final& champed Ousytit4. • 11l • - , lease* lot of Hoop ISltirta aver Woos*: to VrePeabannalka be anti at' . • " t d: - ' Polies IF you want ip,ses a lice and weltApalsood idock jof Mogsniog 4,4! - 1:44f, awn) Pitios's tiowei• CI TEEL , ea 004._ r °cis, Rakes; a„ZMaaauwilliii.4 - 414 1 - aticZat prieat that will' dory wapetitlati.. and I:9t,,yo . itiowlawkat aprl - liawritawrou'ir", • altd.Ouro buoy, Soots and Shoeitat " 04A , • -o xpisoines.„ tillb.CANT:r. of the his Rod Hato 4.e56 P. B. Russet. , 010 sr MEM STOVES. Tt ~i~f~ 4„ii:!:„,,„,,',., -,. - ..• , ..,4:4.....ii,„,t_ ..,, tr ..„46..ri,,.„.. ~.....„._f:„„ n'o 4 , ' '• I F ' • ... „•., ",,,,,,.';;;:,, ~ 34 t ,. ‘ . 41,1i:":.r,": 17 , 44 , -',„ ,•. , ;-,,,•,,-1,,...,2, , ,, , ,, , ,,.,, , , , , t , ,,::•:„.7.,,,w - nrt~ l'~~~ VW ON s• ., bEtilgirti GRAIN • - • • Asit • • rieresher -4 - Trap& atlmprovea arc -ea"- 'ecl Horse Powers, Driving either , by Gear or Belt, 'furnished Complete _ ready tort i ors Wagont. ,„ 1, the undersignedi' sire to call the attention:o Farmers nod Threishenneii.of Viankling,indatoin ing cosiiiiiiis to it: This how.beeti-befere the public for seven years, doting which time it has given general - satisfactionv ,and the patentee having shade some - Wiry - important improvements which render it Ytill more complete, both for dead separating arid . 41eablng, end alio • for• ease of draught and fast threiting. .1 takepleasiure in re. commending it to the public, know ing that-it will give tho best of satisfaction: iem braonfecturing three different sines, aim folloivw • , " No. 1 is 8 horse Porier,will *teeth ithil - clean from 200 to 600 bushels per day. - • No. 2 is b 10 , 0 horse power, Will thresh and-clew from 150 to 300 buihels per day No. 3 is 4 to &Worse power, will thresh and Clean him 101110 200' h.sshelei .. per day, Their) Idacinties fi w re arranted to do the above, and de it inucti"better in every respect sihan any other machine in use. Grain having - much light- filth in it cies:radon this Machine is worth from 2 is 3 cents•more per bush el than when. cleaned on any older 'separator. or the common Way of cleaning on hand fans. Foe this venison thrie is not the eighth part of light matter in the grain as when cleaned on the riddle prinCiple. The blast acts freely on all the grain as it leaves the shnes, wherras, when cleaned wiel. riddle thaaad , - vantage is lost This machine does not return the tailends as most of the separators do. By returning filthy tail ends alternately it is impossible %make merchanta grain,• Another important feature in this machine that others of the kind have not, is the Self-acting Blast Regulator in the fan, which remedies all dif ficulties in bad cleaning, blowing grain in the chaff in high speed or irregular driving, which. cannot be avoided in cleaning grain by horse power This Machine is also more durable and less tedious to manage than any other Separator and taeaner,or e common machine with shakes. Orders to insure their being Shed unfit harvest should be sent in immediately. I om fully prgared to make to order and on shod notice Portable and Stationed • STEAM ENGINES, G.RIST AND. SAW MILL, GEARING, SHAFTING AND PULLEYS, IRON BRIDGES, CAST IRON WATER WHEELS, IRON KETTLES, dro, Stoves and Plow castings i also cast iron _end wrought iron pipe for steam or water, and Brass castings of every description; in a word, I am prepared' to do everything usually done in'a foundry and machine „shop. Having supplied myself with tip, latest im proved machinery, leech as Lathes, Boring, Pinning and Drilling Machines', persons can rely on having their work done in the most satisfactory manner.— t'am also prepared to manufacture to order ma chinery for wood, such as Tonging and Groving machines for flooring, Surface, Tenout and Mould ing machines, &c. 1 - also offer to the public a new and valu able improvement in my steam engines, made within the last year, viz: for the economizing of fuel, and the regulation of speed. which venders my new enginesrfar superior to the old engines. . All my machines are sold under warrantee. My hands are all experienced worlunen in this line of business, and I use all good material, so that I am perfectly safe in warranting all my troth. lam also epared to do repairing iffilrorktaan. I 'rET17737117111 ITV 177 in WTI TlTaill On) n 7-2.1011 9.1 ed and promptly attended to. All orders sent in for repairing must he accompanied with the cash . For particulars and circulars descriptive of ma chine, address . GEORGE FRICK, Or Duna. GRIMM. Proprietor of Territory and 80. Hector of orders, Waynesboro' Franklin Co. Pa. April 18—If • NO HUMBUG ! MHE undersigned having opened a Watch and Jewelry Store, in the new building on the corner of the Dia:nand, and having recently return• ed from Philadelphia, would inform the residents of Waynethone and the public generally, that he has now on hand a fine assortment of WATCHES,IEWELItif, SILVER AND y_ SILVER-PLATED WARE, ( 1 , 1 4 t • CLOCKS,. dtc• de Having had coneiderable experience at Watch repairing, he is prepared to do all work promptly in the beat manner and guarantee the s performance of it, An assortment of spectacles, an& spectacle glasses always an hand. Jewelry repaired in the neatest manner. • W. A. GROVE. P. B.—Old Silver taken in exchange for goods, Apr.4-Iyr. . Cheap and Beandital Light. 0.1 Carbon Oil—pure and non•explosive— warranted to burn withouternitting any entail ri used in the ' - CARBON OIL LAMPS, of the latest styles and improvements;—all dOld CAW rot CAM tethe sign of the ' 'BIG RED HORN. • Apr. 4 • L. 8. RUSSELL: Planes and Melodeons. 'rile undersigned, having become Agent for Knabe & Co's. (of lialtimare).eelebrated pianos and of Gerhart, Needham & Co's. ;unsur passed Melodeons, is prepared to furnish individ- . *tale -witti.the above named instrument's' city pri ces. MI instruMents warranted by the manufactu . 'moans on the above instruments given in town or country. (may 29) ' SsyOUNG, do yin; want to sett tbe nicer assert ment of Plain - and Fancy Cassimere .is nesborp% call at , , 0 , apr4 Paum's • , 4 Hulot wings to roar ;' right down at Price's lkj , Store.' What for.) Why to' get - some more of that PUTS Yarn Syrnp r -enty i 24 cents s , bunt at ' • PASO VS 11: 4 1CIR Na 1 ew Orleaat . Waimea call at JU apt • Pane& IF yon what s Olt! "th ew a(Tobacc4 - aillit sla4 a- '•Parca's TbRIME Ooffee,l3avirs;Tessaitd,o4 Me at' Oct 4 Miaow& KN' INOS at, Ili and 2 5 7 ,can!. per pound at fu": 29 !' • guns's. L W I XR )04 VOA • • , 117 -.LVT ERA AI ' 31:•1 !- .110 "'iP; - , view .- t r T ' . . • • IMI 3 IM I mow t ;..:. , 1130711-91 and - atig , of =the' beet iteertriAttleht4t,ltitilit#,Oi 4he . It tette* ilottelakof proville4 with ato tiriek to Vire with is One oI the beet•baking - end imteltltts 'ere; bebb ii)ttered.lor eele. flOe I "ifirejie t oil littirflotia Will liiit-imteibitreitne: emit thy other; holt*, eonntryw• lito to tiniiena3l...isiupo teloot One. Witte con iteld lee' for iortrielves. m gIIAL MIA for-shit ;.parlor; of, , whieh I , will !wit way low. -Yon, Will uliyo find i Mtge sopr.emeot,a , FalLWr.:Nsiar.clizzasm e with copper, ;Brass lied Skeet•lnin Were, Which is all of my own make, and ivbiehlios,_been praven cannot be foand better iit any place : • Now reuilenor, ber I am bound to sell Cheap, so all that *sat any thing in myline, give'rae i4a% My 'bop is still at the old place on Main Street, Under the Printing Officio. • . HoUlle• , • done et all times and• of the best double tin. Feeling very thankfullor the man past favors I have received from the,poblie, I wou l d invite all to give me a cell,. for then.yon crur. see foe yourselesi where to get bargains. Old metal taken at loosindry Prices m eanhange for new Stoves. - W. A. THITI.E.. Mar.2B , . • Waynesboro'. PREH AIRIVAL. MS, lICINt maw Confectionery, rrulti, dtic., &co. MINE subscriber takes. throtaiethod of annotincing T to the people that he his received at his 'Drug wore,' a large tiad easefully. selected stock.of EMUS 'MUGS, Chemicals Patent Wilkins's, Paints Oils , Dye Stuffs, window Otins;Prittj, tobacco, Snuff, and Segars, dre., which he is hose prepared to Sill as cheap es the . ehetipesk , ana • will assure his ctistomi ere that in regard tnqualitY Which itkif the first fin:- portents, his goods wilt coutpaier with any in the market. He has aim a splendid assortment of Eerlatnety, Soaps Ind • Toilet Articles. of all kinds, con/Whig. in put of the following via Bandolines. Pomades, Amber end Bears' Olt . Colognes, Extracts for the Illandkatchisei. Lyme. Katitairol4, Barnet'. Cocoainik • Baiiiison's Ladies'' Soap, Honey Soap, Hotel wag, Diamond• White Soap. CONFECTIONERY, FRUITS dko. Cranberries, Raisins, Figs, Prunes,, Currant', Dates, Citron, Oranges, Lemons, Nuts of all kinds, and Candies of every variety: - Kerosene Lamps,Lamp globes, and Brushes, Kerosene Oil, Camp hine, Alcohol, Burning Fluid, and in fact anything and everything that is usually foumlin a drug store. Thankful for kind fevers and- patronage hereto. fore bestowed , upon him, he solicits a continuance of the same. and hopes that bi endeavoring to please, he may wn t el con dente o t , e people. ' Physicians' prescriptions promptly and carefully compounded at all hours. • J. F. KURTZ. nov .29, 1800. P. INHATIVAN, Dealer in all the variety of Drugs. MO. tines, Yankee Notions, Perfumery, Liquors for medicinal • purposes, Oils, • - ¢c., ten er m an a moo, thirtommunity and still solbilt the petranage , of a generous public who want anything in his line. Inasmuch as he has enlarged his stock so as to be enabled to answer's,' calls or anything,and everything.usualk ly Sound in a. Drug Store, and has a thorough as quaintance with the business, he hopes. to gain the confidence of the Community. He will pay par. ticular attention to filling physicians' Precriptions and moreeare and precaution_ used in waiting up, on children than adults. 111111101111110111 i EC DUGS:- Choice Wines and Liquor* for medicinal dna sacramental purposes, Patent Medicines are endless in variety, including all that have been mode up to this date and some that are yet in embryo. , Also White Lead, Zinc, Paint, Whiting and Varnishes for house building or inside work. besides all Macs 'of Mass. Commercial. Note, Fools Cap and Lintel Paper'slways on hind. with a variety of Envelopes of different sizes and colors. Brushes, Combs, Pomade, Fancy. Soap, Hair Oil; Colognes, Essen. ces, Flavoring Extracts, and namerous articles in the Fancy line on hand and offered for sale, cheap er than ever oared before Also a large assortment of Kerosene Oil Lampe, Chimneys, Shade* . and Wicks, and Kerosene Oil to fill them. A general assortment of Fruits and Confectionaries, Tobacco and Cigars. Oct. 1 1.. NE FIR 31.1 Ociachinakingi rrlikAE undersigned having leased the well-known Cosehmaking Establishment of Ales. Hamilton. on - Mechanics street, Waynesboro' respectfigly an. trounce to.theii friends end the public geiterldly.that they purpose carrying 'on the business in all branches, and am now, prepared to treutufeeture to order an kinds of Carriages,lllaggies:lBLsrouobes, erns 1114 &opt; Ow. 411g4% . 10'10 best malarial. and node of iltrikworinea., . • - • BLACK /01171111Nli aad REPAIRING - 0 all at •bla• illet4 a promptly amltia the aatideallatatemak wpwrintvitoDucalsksa- in salallapirafoa `work alsaarkat rico* • t • - larl w arawiadaaki allmlialeakotiaorlilailiaCasOlks *Um' Jibe. ',fa - Art:o4 laaitol /4A MVO . %lira it ' • citOßl/ISO " . An; , (AO.' WUR. • • - NEW Ei r , tt*tria i tr 111111 E suhaleriher ***of Waynesboro' andifea. ir!eneed.the Sheeiaskilichutift*NOWJ medt of Kitties, kie s, Hoteheiii he *VAC* ite•be i6' sEeoriehoih4 thitiOfhh Matigive;hhie Hoots- AND smite! 06 shoii iaike;aritat isit etidii moll reskisrt 0 8 ni4.tING AN. ' , ' -•,. an Rana Oct ftk:f r4 . 41.444 , i4 Recommerufattiarie frinir the Faitiffy Of Niseetote . • College. N., J. Paini.ros, N. S., Feb. 28th, 11161.•., nisderligned are happy to testify , that Onto) Fayetteville Academy, Pa. have maintained a high handing among the recent gradualeskof the. - College of Nen Scure.Y. . • JOkiN MACLEAN,. . • • President of the College* • ' JAMES C. MOFFATi Ptolemaic& Ore*. IisiUSGRANE, GIGEII,. • MAN T. DUFFIELD'. • mar .23• , Professor of Mathentatieli, Dr. Jaribba, Reirhattelt &Co's Celebrated Amerleall Manand • or as a THE greatest and best eiteinil remedy evir . bred to the public., For isle by F. t it.. Krutses Druggist. Waynesboro' and' by, Druggists in tlia‘' county gonosily: lar:Price 25 centsper.Jiottle Decembiir NO- LABOR: .' - • ~'- ,_ '. • -" NO 01.100' DIZOWiI . Plillll ea.itZUßl3* O'r iiithloi STOVE POLISH, The cheapest article :in the world. Unrivalled. in. Economy. Reiniiinently., buttons. .The only. piece to get it ii at - .• . BROTHERTON'S• March 22. , .. . ig Continental Hotel, P_ 2l . WAVNESBORO?4, PA. ' • - --- - •,„ —,-..,.. 'THE. undersigned having seeeritty takait*, ~f -,, . . hove named Rime, formerly known- iiii, • ,-" "(Jobe Inn." takew, pleasure in announcing' to hi, friends and the priblic that he is. prepared to receive, - and entertainaoesnrimaratyle•not to. be eitelleth by, any. couutry .Hotel.. The House having been. • tlionoughly repairediandinewly_fcienisheirwitb eve:. ry thibg calculated to- make bii4uesti comfortable- —the public may rest-assured that they Will at all , times find it in a condition suited- to.the,boinfort and. convenience of the traveler..' His Baia always sup— pliedmith the choicest Liqquors, and his Table with, t , the best the markets afibilliiiitol all other appliances. suitable and necessary for the accommodatiori of ' man or beast. ' Withlaithful and obliging servants, and his own personal attention and aupervisionilte will leave no.neestia tuypilied. to. merit, public pa— tronags.." - . - -•-. . . The proprietor assures those whe'may•flivor hiris. with their patronage that they. shall'iVer ineet ati his house a. cordial.yeeeption. awl thateiVeiything es. , sential to. the• convenience- and. happiness of hie. guests shall be atteauled. tor, June 21, 1880 Jiust "AT BRotnEilTON'S,"lw natkiit Colts Revolving Pistols, Colts Pistol tartsidges,- Sharpen Pistol Cartridgesi Colts Pistol Caps, • Hick's U. $ Army 'Caper, - Bullets and Bullet Moulds,. Fine Bowie Knives t ' - Copper Pistol.Flaaks, • Hazard's Electric Powder s French Gun Wadding, &C., &c. Goods of this description have become exceedingly( scarce. Persons wanting the only o . 4atibk Pistol! . ..... one of qlolts Patent BreecEr-loading Revolvers. Sept. 26, '62. - • . . . THE. OLD MILLER AGAIN ! AS the Rebellion is no* on its last legs, and nearly over, we thought right to announce to the public that we will grind drists of •20 -bushels or upwards either. for pay. or Toll separtely,rind that we have on hand all kinds of FEED, CORN in ear or shelled, or, in MEAL sifted or not. Alia-- Oats. by the bushel or in any way that it mai, bet-- Shipstoff and Bran,.Corn in Cob Chopped at short notice. Plaster by the ton. or bUshel on hand. Still in the market for Wheat« We can always do up good work like it was'done ; at Island No. /0, end - Pittsburg Landing. •" • • JOHN WALTER. AprlS • JOSEPH ELDEN. TO THE LADIESI NEW ItiILIANERT GOODS! mM. G REIMER informs the ' tidies or Waynesboro' an 1 vicinity. that oho his re moved her Millinery Store' to the derailing hOn4e on Main Street, adjoining the residence of Mr. Jacob Wolf, and has just recentediriMa this Eastern Oily lea a fall assortment of • Bonnets. Hats, Bonnet Trim:atop, and other articlee usually kept by Milliners. The Ladies are requested W call and elates We tier stock 5000 Rails foi Sale. HE sulnariber has now on , hand, 5000 good CHESTNUT RAILS whilt , 'moat dispose of on reasonable terms. Also-•.one= good ROAD WAGON. L. S. FORNEiri Lana—tf IMPROVAD SELP-SEALING FitILTIr CANT A that cash* closed stet, opened !by , * si,ty purer let site et the sign of the pqr,Reidiforn. , )- (July 1).:412.) ' ' . _ B. B. Ream. -., A - NOTHEIt lot ot those nice Shakers •t may in) • •Pms's QtLENDID Embroiderer - goods at 1:7 Oct ; ' , lllisoast i Ps. IF ytt want to see the largest assodinnt of Oa, pet. is town, call at apr4 rapes Er-you want to purchase a nice. Hoopetriet - froir .31f to $340 carat [apt^ • Patoe's , A LARGE amortmorst of TINWARE It Abe gin of the Big Red Horn., a • - dee%) WI • • • 6.:8.' illorigi%;- IN, Toys fat .at • . 141441044 , J. Dec2o '6O TIP ion" waac trice Shakers cill,dt 1. at" • • Patois r Tii DIES *A hilisea' liiinie(7l. — gittotat j 0(44 Ohboitieion 11,13L011 as b. had at 1 Li.,.now 29 , :-.. • .• . • -•:,• ..:' '' 1 .'4... --,----,- - ' r figLEGRA.P. .i. The beO6mkaiiii•Faseht,49— i t•c-,: ':, Acmg ~ -;'• :' ..'1):•-':.'044.1100Mkit ;,,, IT Yott wiii4 a 4 °1 1 44 *9 10 111 06 ,: =. via et •• ';':' .- • :‘' 4 :''' ''' '' . '‘',, )il outitilentintiorq:iy.' It, iit, tOtti ' , .•• ' ' • Ok' ' : Mt .'~.., r'~n~Y. IMil B. D: KURTZ Flowers. =MN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers