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Lairgii;;.::,:;-;?; ',:.: ,i , -".•!''''''': ' ,t.,:s ',:',i';•,',!, 7 ,4,1,.. / . , , ,r ... , „,, , .; - i -•.• " ..: • ~ ,- , , , . ''' [.' •'e • ' ''. '' • • ' ' -• : -,, s id. - 1 61 - 0 - • • •••. -- se• - " - . Essig -, .'42. , at ,),.10_u'efocie,' illi - the - : Real :Eutata of ‘' ' - • - , '-' v • - ,, , , 4% - - ' ' ''' -' • ."'" ''' 'l. .""" ?' 't . - L' ' '' ' . I ,' „:•' ' ' " !,' f. ' „',r , ' .3', lEI PI :- , ',. . .'' , • • riALL.Juirti.,, JUNI Willi% said de` not: talien,iii, • the apptaieeinent, , the 7, . _,„ _.. . ...,,,,,,, , ,d,-.; „,, -4, '' • ' •,.. . •:i ~ , .A ~ a., .; ...i. ....,.,..,,,,„' --.. " ...' ~- ...,• , 5 : -..-.. ', , - ... '"' ,- ''' , ? , ' . ' s 1 ' . . - .::' 4 '.',, ; 'l l , • ' ,, ;..'4';',:: ~:- . 1..., . <,- . ; ' `-- - .:."*.f ''*`'Z ., lli;:,.% . • ' litaectirl' ' . atie ', . ' 'Oetile' 4 Ili" conoisiinit or, , ...'4...,, .. •'. ' . • '..,,'', ~ , 4,, .• ,' . • 4 ' ,',.:- ~-,--.:,•.:::•,,':,..',- . 3# . - PuRvART 4.1 Witte untiilitely the, , ..• : , 4 .:: , • -.....• 1, - .111011, - • ,4, 4:' . 4.. ::. • ~...„4 ~..,.. . ' "''''''' - ,'',-' .:,',;..4. - ‘;','2 ,',,', ;•, ,, „;,: 5 .4., -, •',' , ~ - ~. - . ~ '. . . . " - MANSION -FARM- , ' : .. - ,- ~.-.- 1 . .. .'. ligat .. .., .. QUEENSWARE - AND.-CEDARWAREI' '-:,:,:,-- —..- , .,i- ,--,- -.:- .---.-,}; ~,,,, . . of the deiosed, adjoiniitt the Borough. of-,Witynes.; ' 'TS , . . - lIRST AR,RIVAL -' ' - , t . ''' LARGE STOC K -, , , ~. • . ~. ... - • ' ' ' - -- - ' • :- . : • LADIESvAND-difILDRENitiRDESiIit • d bounded layla dab He ri.Gllbert -Walk. Northwest eiiiiiii . lof th e - Diamond; b°r° '' -an • • lag dab r 0 ~, . . _. , : ..., . or,' Bowie; *tiller rind , other's..eontatatagJ -.' - - , . • ' ' „ . ; ..• - A - TING jest telsened frdm the Eititom Cities 4-4 4 - - - -'. • ' --;••• '.- ' - ':- • • , 4,'-44„..!... • Is now offerirrrNew and most desirable ' - 120 --i'kerittg 8, •. .•:' .. ~ „ _. ,: „ . - • . . ~. , , _ , .... . . _.. . _ he would call the attention of his cu s tomers , , ~ „ • --',,,;;;;„„„;' 4 _ and the public generally - its his________. .., •-. , ' t ;•' • . DOD *-1--AitH)-4114441ti411613 , ;10 Tou,;,...:o6'remii, ImA-is_ ' is -1." R _, —. kwo and linter - lean Pabriee; cont;.. 4 a general assortment of toe latest styles ti ted to Fall and . Winter. • . • LADIES'' WEAR : ich Brew Siike. Black Silks, lain andfancy Brocades, Plaidi in great variety, . rench Merinos; Wool De!aides, . —ash meres, Satin stripped Cashmeres, Moussellait.eis, Lavelle; Mohair Miiteres, Thibot Cloths ; Printed Monstellaines, v PersiarrTwills, Poplin,. . Debegee, Opera Flannelsoll colors, French Ginghame, - Scotch Ging-hams % • Lancaster do., Plaids. . .. . Embroideries, Laces,Gauntlets. . Kid Gloves; ' French work'ed . Collars, Dimities, , .. Fancy dress Gimps. Gold Binding, . " .Velvet Ribbon, Stc., die. in short, he has all the novelties of the season. FALL AND WINTER poirmairAlL - vavir:imile Paris long broche Shawls, with sewed borders, Buy State Sbawhi. (latest ,Styleg.)" supurb Thibet Shawls, *awed Voider' rich prinfeil Shawls with t.ilk fringe, all ot which ' are from the latest imports tii ns, and will be sold at prices that will 'defy com petition, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS , Mali and Scotch Sheeting, pillow case and bolster Linens, fine, low priced Damask Table Linens spot ted mid Lambe& Table Cloths, "t very - size and grade; Napkins, Loyles, and Huck Towlingo, low priced KW.btu Toweling, Bolster , Pillow and Sheeting MMarklins, 3-4, 4-4, 6-4, or 10.4 wide, draped dimity s, Marbeillcs and Allendale Quilts. GIC/uaavact cactoLo4, Such as heavy bro. Cotton, bleached Osnaburgs, Ticking, Stripped Drills, . Apron Ducks, Kerseys, Denims, Cotton Planets, Prints, dcc., MEN'S WEAR. Black and rano' Cloths and Cassimeres, of the newest styles, Mixed Doeskins Sattinets, Uniipn Ca 'tames Cashmeretta, Jeans,Cottonities, Over coatings, ilk Satin, Merino ad Velvet Vesungs, Extra heavy ribbed Drawers and Sbirits, Hosiery, Collars, Cravats, &c. . CARPETING AND FLOUR OIL CLOTHS] Carpet, English Ingrains, (all wool,) Hemp and Hag Carpeting, from 25 cents to $lOO per yard.— Flour Oil Cloths 24, 4-4, 64 and 8-4) ivide, all of the newest designs, which he offers at great bar gains, MATS AND RUGS, Wool, Coco, Plain and Fancied Bordered, in grea variety. IMMIES NM OlinSif i 1 , His stock is full and complete, and will compftreffa vorably with any in Waynesboro', both in pries and quality. He returns his thanks - to — hielriends; - and by fair dealing and strict attention to business he hopes to merit a continuance of the same. Nov. 21, '62 JUTS. PRICE. LA DIES do you wish to see a new a splendid assortment of Dress Goods call at Nov 21. • LADIES do you want a nice Balmoral Skirt CA at (Nov. 21.) Paion's Afull assortment of Hoods, Nubia; and Skating Jackets to be found at PLIICION. Nov 21. THE largest stock of I-ICMp:Skirt s in Waynesboro' at (Nov 21) . PHICEI3. a HUNG MEN to cell and see our nice stock of yplain and fancy Paasimeres at 1 1 0 R a nice 'Gents Shawl Ball at 11 1 N0v.2.1.• ---' CITILL some more of "those" nice Syrup at / Nov 21. Pam's. ~~s ~ ~ FOR SAL.E. THE subscriber as Agent for . the heirs of Jacob ShOckey, deed, late :of • Washington township, will-sell at Public Sale ON SATURDAY -Tag 2 1 TR DAY OF DROMMARR DeXt; in the town of Waynes boro,' at 1 o'clock on said day. all that farm of Ja cob Shockey, dec'd, adjoining genjamin Welsh and others, on the read leading from Mr. Geo. Besore's Mill to the gate on the Mountain, containing 130 AMES, more or less. ' Tha improvements are a Log House, BMX BARN, SPRING HOUSE, a never &R -ing spring:passing through it, a fine • • YOUNG ORCHAR . sod:other ftuit on thefarin t . and a 'fine. Stream': of water flows through it. about _Ninety Acres' cleared land with sufficient good Meailows. The balance ie covered with timber. a Persons wishing to vieWsaid farm Will please call on the subscriber who lives in eight - of it. Terms made'known on day of sale by . ANov.2l—ts.) ' ISAACIEIFIOCKEY. • Just Recafired. - • "AT BROTITERTON'R,":4,'LintiniirI os Colts Revolving Pistols ' • - • -COW! Pistol Cartridges, -Sharrs Pistol Cartridges, , ' Colts Pistol Caps, Hick's U. S. Army. cups, • Bullititund -Bullet !Could', Tine :Bowie Knives, •-• Clepper Pistdi:Plasks ' -" 114essuPe•Blentric Po * wder .. - :- . l 3 tecy.h Gun Wadding,6tebi Gotde s otthie!leter,ioeti bave,fieeeme..exceedingly . '- - Pereihreerantinit the -only - rdiabk Nato( ir.*o"//‘iiti!itttiestittlnidinie Revolver's. • „ , riffosvGAß, eUR011);:,11A MS. • Plain,:orni,; 1 0, 1 1', 8 0', 2 1495P5. , ' ' on nialte". ' .1 PURPART SD, a BRICK HOUSE, STOREROOM;arid:otheFbnit4iiige.on lot of, ground located in a pleasant part of the Borough aforesaid. PUBPART 4TH, an excellent Let-Of -Ground incrobiliefely behind parpaita 2 and Et, fronting on West Street, containing ' and well adapted to being divided into build' g lots PUPART STH a lot of MOtTNTAIN LAND in Washington ioivhshili, bounded by lands of Welsh, linghea, !Snider and' Foreman's heirs, set with chesnut arm other trees and containing PURPART 81'11; being the larger portion of the situated in' Antrim Township, I i,miles from Shady Grove and bounded .by lands of Melchi Snively, Wm. Sur*, Sites, Gillawand others, containing • AtEIMEW EZCRESt AND 8 PERCHES of limestone kind, with Stone House, Bank Burn • and other buildings, a., large Orchard and, a cansideruble . body of ;superior timber. PURPART 7TH, Being the remaining the "NIGH FARM" and adjacent to land o ' Stover, Wilson, H en:whirl/et and others, without 'uildings, containing SS ACRES, part un3er cultivation and tho other covered nit!) exeolient timber. The opptolunity -- here offered fol purchasing. is . well Worth the attention of any persons wishing either to buy good homes• or to secure -safe and sub stantial investments for their hinds in real estate:7- Purparffirst, whether in soil or improveniera is one 'uf the most deirable farms of the size in this region, and is in almost„.perfect 'order.. A commodious trick House, brick barn and other buildings, (all en tirely new) Spring, Pump, good fencing fertile soil end convenient_to_town,_to_mills and turnpikes form some of its advantages. The town property is also valuable, the one being newly. built- and well suited' for merehandizihg or other business, while the other is valuable for building purposes, and limy be divi ded into lots to suit purchasers.' The purports in Antrim Township are good with abundance °clime stone and portions covered with large and tall tim ber. Any persons wishing, to see the properties will be shown over them by the parties therm residing, or by the undersigned on Saturday of each week which ho spends in Waynesboro'. Terms made known on the day of sale by DAVID GILBERT, Administrator. (Oct 31:_—_te.) HO FOR THE CONTINENTAL REST-AU- RANT 40 OYSTEitS FOR 25 CENTS. T") OLL in, tumble in, get in, run in, lay in, jamp in, any way at all so you get in old Joe's Bachelors Hall. OW Jae ia the place to get your money back; sure. . Cnov. 14—tf.] JOS. FUNK. Notice to Tresspassers. THE undersigfd hereby notify the pUblic not to tresspass upon their premises 'by hunting, — stealing - or otherwise, as they are deterinined to en force the law in future against all persons so offen ding SUSAN MENTZER, (Nov. 14-3 w.) FANNY MENTZER, JACOB DITCH GEORGE DOSSERT, ' - SOLOMON HARBAIJGII. P awes. 3E1MX.10311.13.. ei AM E to the premises of the subscriber, residing jet Buena Vista Springs, about the first of Oc toper last, a Mul6 Heifer, black and whitespotted, supposed to be_ about one year old, The owner is 'requested to prove property, pay charges and take her away. ,";D. H. FUNK. no•'. 24-3 w. SEtri"ll...4l:3r AME to the premises of the.subscriber residing ‘..). near Bear's Factory. about the first of October, a-&ne llrirnlie Bull with white -- to - supposed be about eighteen months old. the twiner is reques ted to prove property, paY charges end tillt%ltirn rr Way. / 44. V. B. 6111,8 . • Ptuan'e. ..e-_ Pritoes, COPPER KETTLES. BRASS KETTLES IRON KETTLES, at the sign of the Big Red Horn.' (July 11 '62) D.B. Ressm. 1E:11"S 'Stamm, Arctic Wrappers, and other kjcomfortable urine for cold t• ether at flet4 BERomes. -A, Lrshades.of Shetland Wool et (may 23) OCATSUP BOTTLES For sale at the Store of W. H. BROTHVIITON p 5 CURTAIN Fixtures at - Mar 28 AMBSII.ON. kIiNCDIET & CoA ,AVMS if you want to purchase At nice Parasol call at ' (may 23) • - PRIOR'S ri I}l F.' latest style of silk, Dusters and Lace poiuts at (may 23) l i atca's DUKE and unadulterated spiced cider Vinegar for sale by.,lltoncr, sign of the Golden h Mortar Price ontyl4 cents per quart. Jan. 26= 14' yon want Ao see Syrup "eirer.so thick, as creal j_ crystal and-as sweet as honey, call at • apr4 vcoNomr MEb3 be had• cheap may 2 Paios'y LARC/E ossortmeot of TINWARE at the 'skin of the Dig Red Horn'. • •- dec2o'oo . --"- D. B. Itivistm. _ fri Or Toys for gale at , Dsc2o '6O - I s you Want a nice-Shaker. call at tipr4, • lr Alli Sand j Ortil 470.0. N. aavalba had , nay ,29 fpgt - EdRAP — FO I I Ego f: RS, • C t!Olitip'l,f4l for sale by ' •Ay • E. s:11A0X-tra.'"RiTt IF you want' a cheap' pair 12 , F you want ea purchase a nice Hoop Skirt from "7:81+ to *.llO tiatl st'; " Farces' ~F+k. \ l~ il]r~~iul4tuiJecsfat gvucli al tib:Snirif '7'7 ALCJR3tIi3, "NIGH FARM," • Come one, come all, Both great and small, And roll the ball In old Joe's Bachelor's nov. 14,-3wa biome!. fl tipped shirts at 111111 MUSK BMW & CO Viraiinesborce GOODS!! E are nniv receiving and o fferiag toad! a new la and FULL ASSORTMENT of • JAEN/ D IBBIJS Which we think we are prepared to sell at as low terms as any other houie in t own or country. DRESS : GOODS of ebonies, D elaines, B eregei, Lavabo, EMBROIDnitIES. 'MEWS FALL AND-WINTER • al 0 CD . Cottonadcs, Cloths, Ken. Jeans, Cassimere, Fine Tweeds, Ves tinge, Neck Ties, Hosiery, Cravats • Summer Hats Handkerchiefs, Shoes Slippers A full assortment of Plain and Shoes, • —CASSIME RES. .- QUEENSWARE. A goad supply of Queensware and Glassware of the latest style. • Always on hand a heavy lot of prime' Grocetles, COFFEE, SURAR, . SYRUP, • MOLASSES, SPICES, &c. To which we respectfully call the attention of our customers and the public generally; and at the same timerwe return our thanks to customers and the community for their liberal patronage, and will en deavor by fair dealing with all, to merit a continu ance of the same. Please call and see. AMBERSON, BENEDICT & CO DRY FRUIT: M. 1 .1 :nal ta•X Iri Eq----1 Pauses A LOT OF Goods, Pickles, et - A MBERSON, BENEDICT' & CO's CURTIIV OM. CURTAINS, A. FULL ASSORTMEAT PRINTS, INESIAS, iIAGIIIIIIB Rusata's P;ace's Lyataavae - c a aCiao OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS • Hprt~'lt: ~' -'- .?,:;.•:,; ' !cars i ZIA.1171114i0);;VOPZ1313. :: Akirimmurarii6 l 4 • • ,• ESCEN._ CE• OF :COFFEE . , .‘ AMIE ii 8,924, BENEDICT •& CO.''.l" Gaiters Pswes B saoia's.. 4 ` -. OOT. 24 , I''aiTlll32llM7 FILL AND CATER SLEEVES, GROCERI-E - AMBERtION, BENEWICT dr:CO'S PICKLES. FIXTURES, 4 AND A MBE RSO N, BENtIDICT and , xiai E~Eso~i; ivi~nic r do's . 3E*4I.I4IVb=UIEN- W. BROTHEITOYS. Hifi customers and the public generally are invited to call and examine for thetuselfes. HIS_COODS HIS GOODS ARE OF THE BEST QUALI TY, •Bl'k Bi lke Cord do. Fig'd do. Lustres, • Poplins, BY EXAMINING MY STOCK 1 HARDWARP, CUTLERY, Cedarevare, 1141.01i3;; Alara avacali. LSii7'T'OZTEt9• IS, BITS ill GLASS--OIL CLOTHS HOLLOW WARE, &O. rir ry stock is large and complete and at *c_es_that_wiiLdet,T_cquirtetitio , November 7, , 1892. "VARIETY STORE." jBEAVER announces to his customers oml e the public, that ha has just returned from the Bastian markets with another hne assortment of new coods„consi ing of Fall and Winter Hats and Cops, (all sorts an tzes), Boots and Shope for men and boys, with a Comp eta' assortment of 'shoes for ladies were; Clocks, 'Flunks ' Segors,Tobacco, and all articles usually kept in a first-class variety store. The public are cordially invited toga and examine his new stock. N. B. Boots and shoes manufactured to order, when desired, at reasonable rates and upon short notice.- , (Oct. 24, ?62,) • Oysters-1 Oysters!! tiIHE undersigned iuform&the public that he has k opened a Restaurant in.. the Basement of F. Bowden's Hotel, which has been handsomely-fitted up, and• is how prepared to . furnish: Oysters,' Ate. bolOgria Sausage: (Meese,- Eggs, shit all -articles usually voki la first. c lass • Resta urn ot , Every, Sr. tide is new anti cleanliness in all things 'wilt be oh served: The public, are; invited to give-him avid. (Oct. 31— tf.) E. W. WA BHA BAUGH . THE subscriber informs.the public that he his rm foi sale green apples* tfie - S. Atso-terottecond.hando template MOM. , (Noy. 7-1 E) ' ALEX; 'H'AM'ILTON. . - Pay' Your Tztar..eiesd paiiicins . "MAI; iiton • themselves halebted, flr "t3tate, arid, Cotinty Tax,Sor,i)af.itsay;lB6t; are notified to inOte,payment tri.the'-anderaTitted en or4legne- the. lai , Aity-ordan. uaryineit; as after that dailkinir eetiiiestra be addetLby 'o„riler'of the (Nov. 7-3 w). STOVER..' 111:121101XL.ALIC 33/e)C3iNt AYE", rionrlbe . Way ..n0; raet . t . Ttaraclig the 4th inst., a Black ` 'th whii'c breast. Aflihertt, regard Sala ttn. for muck itiforuitotion ar will trail to tlia"rl/6 'said !clog. • . ts,tp• ' ' AL - ",' • LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST A LARGE LOT OF SHOE FINDINGS; ANOTHER ARRIVAL AT THII Apples for Sale. LARGE & SPLENDID ASSORTEENT 'DRY;;GIODS-1' yWhich will' be sol „ d. ot extremely tow Tribes. Below you will find imuther..ted a few, articles which will be found nmong his Stock, to which he invites your attention : FOR THE LADIES, -ALSO:- La - tlies• Fancy Prints, . , Extension Skirts, Balmoral Skirts, Ladies Collars, .11 1 legie Main, Linen Handklm • Misery, &c. MEWS WEAR. Fancy Vassimeree, - Plain , Oaths, Italian Oath, Veadrigs, tiatineta, 4,13.69ci:D8G , Q; Tweeds, Jeans, Shirt Fronts; Gents Collars, Neck Ties, Under Shirts, Drawers Buck Gloves, 4 Gauntlets, DOMESTIC SHIRTING, Furniture Cheek,• Bed Ticking, Cotton Flannel,' Wool " • , - Talkie Diaper, Fowling. Baging, dtc., drc., Otteeliswate, "Hai dware, Boots andrShoes, • . Cedar ware. coalaamcal uathtitzim s , or ;firth - my - lithe very besfiffility, such as Syrups, and New Orleans Medan* Beat Rio Coffee, Superior Prepated Coffee; Hummell's • Best Essences Baker's No. 1 Chocolate, Raisins; To baceo, Rice. &c., &c. The above goods have been carfully selected and purchased at-the very lowest figure. •He is therefore enabled to accommodate all whii may lavor him with a call. By strict attention"to business hnd a. desire to please in every respect, be hms to merit NO TROL LE TO',SHOW, GOODS, Country Pioduce taken in michango fir goods nt the highest market prices ' J. W. MILLER* Oct. 13 '0 THIS WAY! CHNIGE ERG! T • HE undersigned' respectfully announces to the public generally that he is still at the old stand on Church Street, Waynesboro', Pa., where he continues the manufacturing of Family - caaaralataa Buggies, Barouches,- Wagonsi, and every 'species of vehicles' usually-made irra ich-estahlishr, Ills work is warranted to - be compcised of the best Neu most durable material; and none but the most experienced - workmen 'are employed.— He has novv ten hand a number of Carriages, Bug gies, 4c., &c. which ho wilt', positively sell at greatly - reduce? prices for cash, or upon a short credit. ' By keeping a good stuck at all times, and always holding hiinself really to supply the de- mands of the people he hopes to retain and secure a liberal share of patronage. Repairing, Trimming. and Painting done in the best manner, and at the shortest notice. Lumber, Country Produce, &c., will be 'taken in exchange for work. JACOB ADAMS. N. B. The Books of the firm of J. & A. S. Ad ams, are in the Winds of the undersigned. Persons knowing themselves indebted are requested to make' immediate payment. - JOt. Noe 1. 1861. , , Ready-Made Clothing FOR_ TALL AND WINTEK: ESH SUPPLYS REOEI V ED MONTHLY! S. ADAMS -Would -respect( Aly ) nforrit his a ; patrons anti the.pnblie generally that he has returned from the gostern Cities with a general as sortment ofiteady-Made ' . . TALL AND INTER ,CLOTAING, embracing, altihe lateststylof Coats; rania,Vests; Shirts, Po Vecties, busimodeTs; "Or; ate, all'of which are ins& The; public aaeceiditilly iu yited to call and emonitie his goo ds , as he deter termined to sail at shtirt.proetts. ' • Ka -will Continue' to Carry, on the' liniiiess or TaPoring al beretelorek . - Persona meats cat Out ot, made to . .giYo bpi a call. .Lateat fashions- received • ' PPM 4tithkenDritateifildkating3FAMEAL ir...11. , V11,111111111r • 411‘ apt,. • ,"! - oirkkkii,- - "--- . 124 " h Ras unistaiiWAi: auk a fag cwOrhneng = .000 . P8 ,for ' _„ 114 rirLateit Oity,Yashiorwalwaya an hand. A - R Wa.***o7 , Pu• • zaitoiaIAWAChketaiAPIAMMUITMCC. iktiltUtitlA,P.GASteac. 7 s,44l-, , kja k baut, . 7 ditio t tittisEl44;74tigrrelt - t4IIV-Ititig-itetl4 Peachier, pariiiirtill , ....:unisuir " " • M4344,1A •• s' , ..1"; jc‘ 14.1 it • A:ksaatstia, thessmot , - • • all Wcol Del tines, Fancy " Alpacas, Vombazihei, • Plain Uinghams, Plain Flannels,• Urey GEO. STOVER. IiANKFUL for kintl tni;ors and - patronage Iteie la torero besioWed open' him, again apjtears before the public to . selkit a.oontinuauhe of the same.-"-- Ile, having just returned from the eastern cities with fine2a and well selected stock of now - • • SPRING AND sinummit 41.r-Emezioiniomf, • Which he intends selling at very low rates, w . ter! ho knows he can do to the satisfaction of ' all who will callnnd'examinti Below you will Bud enumerated .a few articles which will be found sitnOng his stock to Whit:lt he calls your attention. FOR THE LADIES He has a large assortinent of Dress Goods consisting in part of , Printed and Plain Delaines, 1111, Fig'd and cad Silks, Plaid Mohair, bilk Warp Mohair, - Bereges, 14Icilonn Cloth, Laiellas, , , , French and domeatic'Clinghaine . Pongee Miztore, Cloth for Ladies, Wrappings, Gloves, HOsiery, in great variety. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, Broad Cloths, Black and FerICY Cassitncres, Union Cassimeres. - Duck Linens, , , Cottunades ' Summer Coatings, Tweeds, Velvet Cord, ' ' Marsailles, . , . Silk Vesting, . , .. ~ , . , Volvatine Vestingti, of all kinds; in fact a full assortment of goods for Gentle men wear. Also a large and well selecitillStOck of DOMESTIC : qooDC Muslin, Tickin; ; and a complete a assortment of Notions. It's no use trying to enumerate. ~ If you want anything at all in the Dry. Goods. iron , just call in and you will 'hal him ready to'ivaii on you with pleasure. To persons having country Pwiliice to sell, they whliind it to their advantage to bring it to Sto. verlrait he always gives the highest Mailietprice. give him a call, and he will sell you goods as uftesip as they can be purchased elseivh'ere. April 0412 ' • VALUABLE FARM FOR 8 k LE. Ti"subscriber intending' to -remove 'to othni' parts offers at Private Sale,. his val . ualde little Farm, situated in Washington township, Franklin' county, Pa., adjoining lands of B. Bear, D: Fox and' others t .n.4113t '2lo._43lElt_' imMis of Cost quality Limestone Land, in wood order. The improvements are; A . TWO STORY. BRICK HOUSE and lucre Back BuililinEfnewißank Barn; Wash House and other' , out-buildings; Therein al so a well and large cistern with • pump' Convenient to the buildingS, and a large Orchard of excellent fruit on the premises wjth cherry, ;plum'. peaches, pear and other fruit, all of the'beit quality. Thoso wishing to purchase will do well to•call and examine, for thenvieves• HENRY U. LESIJER. (Sep.s tf.) " • Defence of Arniantedon.-'-' „ A BOOK FORTHE'TINLES:.v.:.,..; RlSia_eclurowledgett_trlterri.i-- Joatkable of hunian ; _PrOttctiOitn-thathile-ekeze been' 6ffered to the Ainerica#-people: The style is chaste and • truly elognenr Theshhjecf treated o f is of the Tait inspiri 1:411fo United States in Prophecy. Fore .1141.- , J KURTZ: Novl• Tiniethei sale. THE subscriber has now for sale,4o hualiels of ." prime TIMOTHY-SEED which ho Will dig poss of st fair prices. Persons in want of seed' fee fell sowing are requested to give him a call dance one mile northwest of Waynesboro' mat "OEM. E. PRICE• F you want a good'pair of Homo Madii Morocco Boots, WARRANTRD NOT TO RIP OR 4AR, cal . ! at apr.4 , Pato.* Hoods/ Hoods ! ! Moods !! ! Jll3r received Ater Eigiress, direct from the man ufactures another large•invoii; of Shakers. (Jura . JOPTA ERrIRR. BEST COOK. STOVE; . 1 in the market to be had at 6 . 6 siga,atthe Big Rei Horn. • D B. Roseau. F "WHEEL GREASE." you want noon Wheel Grease, buy it nt• • apt2l • BROTHOR,TON'a 1) A KEE:I7OID FORKS, of all kinds, for sale at (J upp 13.) H. STorisousipits,, TIEPPER and Cornander;ground FIX unwound nor' 29' - • at- . .guirrz's. you 'want; a pietty Summer Iti,ltnor,al calf at, :upr4 • • , ",411uoies.. I r YOU *ant a .41e% allaiis 6/shag:silk gall at , . O O7H-: Hat, Hair; oath and- Plait Brtiatt • — not received and forsaliirvery lbw , by- M., M c 1570NER. . , '-' . " . May 13.. '-- - - - ‘ADIEIS, Wyatt *aro. to 800 a nitilial ut tion ." :0,. DRESB Pcii?D S i;:ialill'at A 4... oli '.:— , - - .. . ataP let /clots want the cheapost,and !Oat style of Alit :•,11.114 at Ao r 4 . , ' • •••;,;',Paras'a. E yW wart to Been large earovtment of fihswk call et r- • . fapra 11,111.1dsH jteipt at - Mar jaaoa,, liantaatit*.6)* - . 11E4D racinstata - 401..deactiptiata . :I' at'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers