Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, November 21, 1862, Image 2

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    . 7;
triiilli4; Itov. Aeli IsSit tii :,, ~
Forever floe. bren,
With Freettoin'e beneath tier feet,
And Pteettem's• beYtner etreaniing o'er net
Farm for call the attention , of
our readers to• the valuable real eitate miter
by ISAAC SHOCK Enti Esq,, aniotlitt
iietaP'n'ed.- - -Mr. A. 13.• Mo ciAMArYD',.iIiSY
upietiire Mani' ittui returned to' thhs place.
atrd is no* fitting up the rooN3 over Foltrt6-
titan's IJ&g Store for the purpose of taking
Phetogrephi. Mae is a gOott operator
Advertiseinent nest week •
tkanksgiving.-- - aThie eolveS tiiis place
*ill be , Closed oi3TlPtirSday ree'itiThanlrsgiv
itYg, add NEWine'sFi suspended geborally
we preslimto. The churches of course will
be open. for religious services is the 'Trent
Frotifotions.—* e' are pfeaself to leaf& that
Ti.OXEL, of this plaee, Capt. of COtrit•
parry A; Penna. Militia, has been promoted
to' th'e responsible position . of Lieut. Colour l;
TETAI, BARNITZ . , from' first trY Cap
tain; W3i. , .M.txwEr..i,; from' , se•einnl fired
LiOat., SAINIVEL• 110EFLICII, fruutt (Yrd , e'rly
ktergeant to Second Lieut..
Our Busin'ess.—Mwing to' the intretrsed
price of prin • fg paper and other altieles
Which' mak up the eipences of it printing
office; we- a ei compelled to' Mgt' More prompt
fArylnent oft the pa'c't of prettirW: Wt• do
net sir to' increase the _price of snbscrip
tion, Mid hence make this appeal for prompt
rap " We WOKE that patrons will bear
this in Mid& The sift required for a year's
anbacription is small, but to us •
& OW; it is' Pero', and if promptly paid
over spill &VW its tcl ad &food withcrot
any kro'reitiv of pines. •
There are quite' a mrrnber of fartroles *ha
are largely in arrears for subscription at this
time: To continue the paper these of nth
/Mier is mit of the cpiestiott. Unless pay
tdetit Wade IMtWeen the first day of De
oeraber rind the first day of January their
names will be dropped and added Er our list'
of "blaA Alre Ole
cry of' .4rabolition
isti' is stiff. 'CCaTC - itll.6.6ehoed by those
hostile to' the administration. of Myrahairt
All Who do mot joiii iii Mit cry
and thils manifest their sympathy hit the
relief eats' ardi i o m'attdr What their politics
Way fefifferly hate been, denotinced as An
chAffthiisis t It Ras become a Iffitord
Sidi men, *omen, and even Urchins on the
street corners. This class do not wish to
have it appear that they openly sympathize
. tarts in Is un ro y cm:sale a
gainst the govefnment, and hence bawl Ab
cililioriisi as a pretext for their tory proclivi
ties. This appears to be the6r wateh word
add is used for no other pilrpose than to
mislead the loyal a VI their real motives.—
Anxions to relieve' jeffersott bans and his
guilt accomplices of the terrible resposibil
ities which this war intiolves they seek to
piste the bitrden upon the shoulders. of o
ther by shouting Abolitionist ! That they
are id sympathy With the traitors is evinced
by them in this and many other ways. Irt
no one Way is it more clearly exhibited than
n their abase of - the Administratien=The
ohi arch-traitor.himseWeould not ask any
thing mote at the hands du, northern dough
face and traitor, grtd when Alley ants assail
our rulers they do his bidding as effectually
as do those who are fighting in ths•rebel 1 1
tanks. Beware then, of that individual who
is eontintially denotincing the loyal as Abo
litionists, for he is a foe to. liberty and aS
witch your enemy as though ho held an of
fice in rebel South Carolina and carried upon
his person the genuine lire-gray-backs.
been proposed in the
Rebel Congress ; offering twenty dollars to
negro who should kill n White Ilniort
soldier How; wrong it is—zhoW horrible to
injure our "southern bfethren" in the en
&fever to suppress this *elflike ! That E
ntandipdtion Proelaniatiotl of the President
*lll cause an Uprising to the: slates,.tind oh I
lost( terrible a thing it would be if thy here
to ont their masters', throats to 'keep their
masters rfoui °dun% thti,throats df odr sol
Voikt6rfiitet Airested:—A mid bathed
ADAM Bisons', was arrested at the tarn
Adams county; on the
kb init.; by Shdriff Blindt of • th:s county,
And committed to the Chamberobiiig ptison
the same night. Thfro Were found on his
Person 14310 counterfeit 45 hot& ott. this
ClianaiWsibiirg bank, and 5200 botinterliit
notes an he Bank of. Penn Townehip.
lie was, no d t; on .a disttibh.ting Ont. •
Scarkt Beier;—=lt this time this disease
is very prevalent:v*teg •theehip*.nf our
titre aviarei,glioorhona. ' sknumbeiar eases
.111:fr:rited fitul withal the lust few ea's:
strnetall. Bit% With silt his knoiwledge of
science he' would , tiot have the
_confidence . or
courage (or. 01%tater else'
. you may be . piens
ed to . terra it). to cross upon the - first loco
tWollivd passing over. This, and other peen
liatitiel3'of Mind which he namett, our infer
mitnt Ehought indicated mehtttl and physical
characteristiallitichunfitted hisw fOr snc
cessful getters' in the' field, notwithstanding
his owledge - of thwart of War. Thse'reSnit We
think has denionstrated the' trial of tl'e pre
diction.. As the' head, dr a. department hay
ing thwebutirot of forts and the defences of
the nation, Oen. McClellan would have no ,
sulpetior. 1k has not tufted out a Napoleon
itr tfie gehl as Ms friends at first claimed he
would be.
How it is .4(intatecr.—ln the north, , the
rebel sympathisers denounce the Presiden's
emancipation proclamation, as' being utterly
impracticable: Tn the south ; the' fighting
retrets receive' it as the greatest eldnlnity that
,antld Wan , t 1 cense' of treason, the Mo
ment the fetlnte ntinies get is footing in The
&temw strada; to pat the entancipation peliay
into pittertitall operation. This is the only
point on which. the sympathhiers in• the loyal
states differ with their friends and allies in
the somh. The Richmond Examiner of
October fiattr.• Tema* to thesitbject, says
"Thehe calamities threatened in the cap
tufre of. our ports' are grave enough. One
graver, honlever i nfiq amore terrible than all
these ; is to (come if the enemy elet get hold
is the cotton states, for putting into o
: - •Ipte ton so mine.
kIXo*. ifos 11434 t; Rik a fetter itiritier# dot
the 25th of Ctutober i says that inkterest,
of imtittetionk i roast permitted to stand in
the way of the paramount duty of restoring
the Union; that those who areiaarms against
the Constitution can claim no rights tinder
it, and that if the rebellious states do not
submit before the first of .January, they will
have voluntarily brought upon themselves
the abolition of slavery: These are rotted
ivieNts i and they mark the provreis of . r3ght
opinions among southern Mod, Oho are to
ly and unconditionally for the Union
Required to' take the Oath.—lliferchanta
and Dealer's of every kind who receive goods
front the .14.1tortern cities are re - gaited to take
the Oath of Allegiarteet to the Government
orate U. States before the goods are for-
Warcted. This regtAation , requires some hard
swearing among the Secesh, bait toiler the
inspiration of the' pocket they manage to
• ETT -444 1 -t • .
A tear' of The German Refortn
ed Chureit will celebrate" tite year 1863, as
the' third centennial celebration of the adop
tion of the Heidelberg Catechism as the rule
of its faith next to and its explanatory to the
Word of Clod, it having beep adoptedin the
year 1563 ; three hundred years age,. 'rho
entire year, we believe, is to be observed ae
a year of Jubilee.—Dispateh.
Sore Thront pitblishing tfie
reelpe for sore throat in our last issue we
shotild have omitted milk for grown persons.
triTcurbe used only in that administered to
small children, and only in case 'the brandy
and horseradish proves , too strong for the
stelt is iforthy of noticd that President
Lincoln's State, (Illinois) has •furnished
trleive thousand final beyond her pieta un
dor the draft. This is a noble State, reflect
ing credit upon herself and upon the noble
man she has" furnished for Chief Magistrate
ofAhe Nation.
, .
Scott's Reply lo Bnchonan.--"Gen. Seat
replies, to Buchanan's last letter; and is anx
ious to 'know, as Btlehunan_holds himself re
spousilik for. the acts of his .Cabinet, wheth
er Floyd removed the:many arms from the
North to the South, with his consent. The
old General is a clincher, .
Naerieti,, The lion. Editard BicPherson,
present member of Congress froiu this dis
trict, was married ill Gettysburg on the 12th
inst., to , Miss Annie D. Carsrford, eldest
datighte! ofJoliti Orawford s. Esq., of that
,Request.l. - -Thti 14tatft gttpdrititeftdftftt
rdireate that the Nato; the various chur
ches' throttghout the ..tift , 3 dftlieer a Ber
ard ou popular e .cation i the firat..l3ubbath
iti Diteettiber.
1 Mi- The reino*alpf rd
with arprobstmo Fi'hose
wilq9b.jOet to it ilietecaro
barn stripe. •• •-.' .‘,
At Providence B.. 1„, on Sunday, a salute
d one hundredigiiie Was ; flied in honOr ;of
the elevatiowef. tie* Thitiskte to Ali ',coal
mead of the' army Of' the Potomac: Gear.;
Burnside is a native of dint State. 0
. ,
•-• •
, -. 4(riPtO
Potot*lc or anieec~—'Four'
to tldoaiice Itiztlergipqwer,. .174ok
er, as Right, Centre !
Life, imiut
'ftet Fig Orttsitieltinil.,cit....
HisidigilAitTEll,l3 (Id Altl%fir .t4,' THE
'PbtQM.A.43f, ,
fOliOviing• Otdei
1~E241 4 ' i as OF THE oivai
NaAit WAttßikriOtr,. NO." .
titN:EltAfi .911:DEA No.• 18i
I - Pa-4;f - The tigailizatiow - of e.: portion, of
this army into, thTce - ,gential - '. l divisions is
hereby announced:
l'ltreo grand divisions will be formed sad
-commanded as follows
tre — Stretchirawd - 1. in' ops nt
the right grand division ; and will be com
mended by.. IflajUr,Geiferal. 141 Simmer.
The First and Sixth Corps veal 'form the
left grand and will be' commanded
by Alijor •Geentul W. R Franklin.
The Third and Fifth Corps wEI form the
centre grand division, and Will ,be coalman
deg by Major General Joseph Hooker. •
The Eleventh Corps, with men other
troops as may hereafter be assigned to it, will
constitute a reserve' force under the com
mand of Major General F. Sigel.
Assignments of cavalry and farther details
will be announced in future orders:
Second. In accordance with" instructions
from the War Department, the commanders
of these grand divisions will have power to
I decide such 'questions relating,ta the. interior
numagemeut of Choi?' commands as ere now
forwarded to these heanquarters for fund se
Major General Sigel will ettersise all the
powtrs in respect to his command above as
signed, as the commander of a grand divis
' ion. Those Ctige.s which can only be decided
the departments at Washington, they
wil • rward directly to -those departments,
%%hive+ . ' rence to these headquarters.
All matters relating to the movements of
troops, together with returns, reports f &e. ;
.will be forwarded to these headquarters as
Mint • The.oonn of those graved
divisions will retain with , them their repee
five' staffs:
Fourth. 'Vie scitlior offlicers of the ad i 3d,
5111. ski 6th corps will take commani of
these corps ; acrd will forward to these head
quarters a list of reconmeudatioevr of officers
to fill their•atafls. •
Brig. Gem S. Wi A. A. G.,
is appointed lospeetar•Genaral (._the_Adjir—
an enera s eepartaverit in 011ie arta7.—
.Liaagt. Cot hitt:4. A. Hardee' ? A D. C. Aet
inig Adjutant Gewera Assistant
Inapettor General in the same department.
Sixth. The 'heads of the various stall' Ale
partments at these headquarters, other than
the Adjutant General's Department, will re
main as heretofore until further orders. '
,'eventh. Lieutenant Colonel Riehmaid,
A. A. General, Is announced as A. A. Gen
eral at these headquarters.
Eighth. All orders conflicting with this are'
hereby rescinded..
By command of Major General Am:aside :
66 - O f eaia dingy Advancetig—WasliitYg-
ton Nov. 18.—It is understood here that our
army has occupied Fredericksburg, and will
inobe. south without delay;
I believe that this movement must hate
taken the'Abel's by surprise, as they undoubt
edly expected a direct approach to Gordons
ville, which they had prepared to -tiefend
desperately at the Rapidan.
According to what they must noW is e
Burnside's programme to be, they must has
ten to meet hire—at the crossing of the two
trilroads—the-Fredericksburg and Hi - Minion - ft '
and the Central Railroad, in Hanover coun
ty, about twenty miles from Richmond ; if
not before he reaches that point.
Gen • Burnside will move directly Upon
Richmond ; and Sigel's army will move off
shortly in a direction where this general eau
bring his great abilities to bear in behalf of
his country once more.
There is a great buoyancy of spirits here
to-night, and the elution' folks• are specula:
ting about taking Richmond in a few weeks.
We shall certainly accomplish the task, if
the Weather remains tolerable a month long
Carob:pi for thellortler.—We have heard
a rumor, but whether_true or_ not we cannot
say, that, it is the purpose of the authorities
to place a cavalry force along of near the
border during the approaching winter, to
prevent rebel 'raids of horse thieves through
our Southern tiers of counties. Owing to
out proximity to the field of conflict s -such a
precaution would be very proper, and if an
attack of the enemy in force 'should be at
tempted, speedy information would at once
be given.--,. Di.spatch.
Important to Drafted Men—Substitutes to'
be Furnished Immediately.
ITAnntsttutto, Nov. 15.—The fbllowing
order has been received, by Governor Curtin,,
from the Secretary of War :
7'o ltis Excellency A'. G. :Cartin, Governor
of Pennsylvania.:, •
Sir: Drafted men who have been mustered
into the service mayTurnisli substitutes with
in ten days from this time, or at any . time
Withitt,tcW days of the time of muster, pro
vided no additional etptinse shall thereby be
occasioned to the Government in transporta
tion, subsistence, or clothing. -
By, Odef of the Secretary of War
anal& and,A t A. G.
t 000,000 to $80,000, -
000,ot colidterfeit Con mite' ' money is in
circulation in the Sotit
A eireitler•htuebeen'•*. eel" hst the rebel
government to • the. ..ivepapers, - .forbidding
, the pub1ic:1%6,74 of the -ernancipapiph*Oeht-
The geiddeicsit, .Wabkington. have; for
some time been eingtiged in cutting ciniin and
removing - I'min the capitol garden .811 -the
ailanthUe treee. • -‘ '
, A Knizinitaly at Frederick, I‘l•L i sitymi 90
tiflealbelotiging„to the - home' guard, when
the rebel's entered the place, bit , throwing
them into a well.
;;Viinday iir =4 and .Nay`
keli+eral °rant hafOitiiiiimneeirestAktif*
vbffeivanae of the' -sb{} ,ib
tidal navy :
tIECItTi ArANailliti'. •
• , W - AI3IIIR4TON f Nov. , .14:104641 3 1
They President eomerreittiderApOihiefog . the
army and navy;_deskres , Mil. 046ies , tlie or
derly obseriqunsi Of,thiAtikbatik 14 , i* ';offr
ears and men theiaklitary and riOral ser-
' The: iraptirtaneer,foiimpti, tnl. bettSti. Of the
preScillied Weekly ir6tr, Ake' 'naiad rights' of
.Clrristian sdldiers sailors.. a becoming
defereuCe to the best'senttinent of a` Christian
people, and a drier regard -far the .Divine
Will, deftnd that Sunday labor - inithearnlY
and navy be reduced to tlfe rneaSure of strtet
I -ees t aieir
the national forces should not suffer, nor the
cant3e . they defend be imperilled by -the prof
anation of the dif*id • borne .the Most
High, At this'd nToflinblic distress,- adopt
ing the words of iiiiiisifington, in 1.77.6, "'Men
may find enough to do- in the service of Gad
and tlieit,country without abaat doniug.them
selves to vice and immorality."
The first General Order lisned by the
Father of his Country, after the Declaration
of Independ ence, indicates the spirit ort
which our institutions were . founded and
should ever be defendec/:,
'• the - General dopes owl treats that every
Officer and Malt will endeavor to' act as be
comes a Christian soldier' defendiny the decti;
est rights and liberties ofhis covntry."
The War' Vl'eattrn Virginia.
We Yi - SterdaY conversed with a gentleman
of this city Who has recently made the trip
•mu Wheeling to Bulltown,, Summerville•
y, and other points, with a view of
finding someliedy supposed to- be lost and ta
king some "views afoot!' The couniry ira •
Versed by oar informant is described as bear
ing evidence of recent visit from the Wreck
of matter and crush of worlds.
What few natives remain in the eountry
are in an utterly destitute condition. They
Imre nothing to eat but flitch• and eorn pone.
The corn out of which tholptie 2 is Made is
cracked between a big log and al grindstone
ier what the natives cull a hand , mill f anrd the
grains are broken in not more than three
pieces. The Whole country is infested with
horse thieves, all of whom seem to be doing
a good business.
It was understood tennmig . tbe.soldierls tkat
Gen. Cox's army, or a portion of it, was
moved_to_wird_Cumberland_o_cbLew_Creek, _
We have the best reasons for believing
that the apprehension of 0 raid 111 SteMeltalt
Jaehson on Unnyherbtal and New Creek is
without real fbandation. A. -highly intelli
gent gentleman, with every facilty of obtain %
ing correct information, and who made it
a part of his business to do so, has just come
through from Baltimbre to Hancock. He
has satisfied himself' from evidence obtained
along the route that Jackson's main army is
stationed at Stephenson's depot, four miles
northeast of Winchester, on the Winchester
and.Potomae Railroad. His men are desti
tute of tents, and it is believed he cannot
possibly, in their present sitvatioo f evert en
tertain Seth en enterprise as the Movement
apprehended. He certainly could not per.
form it unless the weather should remain re
markably mild, and would hardly risk such
a contingency.— Wheeling ( Va.o litielligen
Members of Me Ciedan's &al Arrested.
TRENTON, N. J., Nov. 14.—Lieu-Col. A.
V. Coltman and J. C. Duane, of the engin
eer corps, both belonging to Gen - . McClel
lan's staff, were sent to Washington this
morning tinder arrest, It is said that the
order was remittal by a United States officer
in is r eity, and - that - the persons ment - Wed
repaired at once to Washington, to place
thetnselves at the disposal of the authorities.
A rumor prevails that other members of the
staff will be put under arrest,
,The charges
are unknown:
ilfissouri i'iges for Pntaiter:prilloyt,
ST• Louts, Nov. 1.-4 t has been ascer
tained that our Lekislative ticket (emancipa
tion according to the President's proclama
tion) has succeeded beyond our expectations.
There *ill be a Majority of ton meinbern in
ilivor of emancipation on a joint ballot in our
nett Legislature. The people here demand
immediate action in the matter, and we aro
all prentd that i►lissouri is the banner State,
being the first Border State in line.
liragg is reported to have said 'after his
retreat from Perryville, "I believe t can out
march the Federal troops, but Lord! how
they do fight!"
Brooms sell in Eielimond, tit twenty-seven
dollars and sonic coats pcv-doxen.
The drafted men of this State are not to
go into old regiinents, ....._
Meeting of Congren.-- , -Congress assembles
Monday a week, the first day of December.
*MEI= .410CATA.R...
At Mt. Carmel, Ill. s on the 12th inst., by
the J. C. Thornton, Geo. W, Besore,
Esq., formerly of Waynesboro', to Miss Ju
lia Cequa - ' of the former place.
On The 31st ult., at the Waynesboro' Ho
tel, by Rev. W. E. Krebs, Mr. Henry Mina
own. to Miss ,fierlina Rohr.
On the l lth inst., by the same, Mr. Da
vid U. Myers of Antrim Township, to Miss
Mary C./Leckrone ) of Washington,
-On the 15th instant„ in Chambersburg,
Mr. Jacob kelinfr, - in the 65th year of his
age., •
~.tketherry'Grove, Sabbath_ evening , the
9th inst. ) John,Atifttnt son of Col. J. H. and
Sarah J. Clayton, aged-14 months and 6
days. •
'bweei baba / he glanced inni s our wean° ace •
A r einiple of gni-misery,
Then turned away, Ina languished eye:
• •- To drop a !earOcivin i Ond diet
Osiettt balle t he listened 'for a while to hear
• te . put mortat griefs,, then turned his cur • _
To angel's hnrps and sotiss,S,nd cried ' • [died'
• join their Ottes celestial, unOsyshed and
In this piaci' , on the` I6th inrit William
.lAtery CWituse, , agid intli
tok ittid
4the,sinowtholi in tts - tiottittf
Swnit Willie passed tititiy,••
Into thellark end silent tomb
1 14‘11 * 7 41- .1 ' , 3'; ," rii
ih,, , , , ; '', s , t , t i o . w o n t. ;
:• 4 " !, `• ; ' r . '
! WCOOtAtoUij'SgetliAlibiliAN 44 1 3,', -., - •
l . - Bak! Cale di` '!''' -
,:"4 -„
" 13 titiiopoiliiAteiiierr 1,, ioeff,` , ; b. 4,
•-•„,, 4 ~ .:_,,-,4liig biaft'et„ - V...„P:',.•;;L::
44 4 40fiti*"iivAti4sT ...histipAhiiiii,
Othrtboyvr' eitifrofihreotrind traf*;. - aft-Iteaktil-ry
age ye ar, ibotithe add :rit -
erLovely bete hi brief thieiarr. .
', -- — shoit - odd haitywai thS. day ;:
, Ending'. moon thy Journey here,
. ' Teti atlitteieT no more to beef. : -
- Pillared Imo Siloiotrei trent, -
80 , eetli ilsep o and softly nit ;.
gban fisaiore
The boiled bale vie•noii'deidore: s
Oh" thit'lltitilitit y'iti/l(cnit Itehry,4ocAiri
aied.l phi; 2.. months and- 24,clayi •
Near, this place; on , the-13th lost,' Cath,-
fine Susanolaughter of Israel
. L0%4110111
ess r aged-4-51: :• : s : '
Near thisphicey ott the' Bth. inst.,. Darnel,.
son. of Abrft. and Catharine Stiowberget, ; n
years, 3 months: and - days
geI:SPRING FASHIoNS r 1862- 7
CAPS ; &e,
lOrStraar ffabr Colors and styles, for Men anti
Boys, Children's Fancy Straws., great variety, com
mon Straws, &C., We have just ten:erne& from the
Eastern Cites:and belieie 'oft have tire - roost com
plete, best selected, and cheapest stock of PAM.
lONABLE BATS far Mew,. Heys• and Children-,
to be found outside of the. Cities.
Opposite Washington House,
Hagerstoi , n, Md.
itfir.Before "Busting" we have visited the
Eastern Cities, and just returned wittra MILLION
STRAW HATS, more or less, rather less however
than more,end an equal proportion of Eastern made
FELT HATS - , ail• of which Yoe intend to sell for
UrCASH at abtnitinerateta Tlyou , would save
money buy at the FountairrHend UPDEGRAFF'S
where hats are realty made by b usting hands, in a
bursting haitory, and s bursting scale, vo, sold , at
such prices as will "bust" all those vvhti foil to bal.
at the Fountain Head.
Opposite Washington Hauge
Hagerstoirn, NS&
dition to our usual stock of home-Made and WOOL
HATS, we hare just added. fifteen cases of Eastern
made FELT RATS; eomprisircg all the styles pop.
ular in the trade,. These goods have been purchas
ed from the largesto and best eastern factories for
crier,. and at the sante "rates as the largest city job
bers, and we are note prepared to offer them to
country merchants at as low, prices as city jobbers.
Opposite Washington HOuse.
Hagerstown; 144..
m * Mevelvants ; reThelllbe, ihtg Ire have
'test ailed a first class WHOLESALE DEPART
MENT to our Stock, and will sell you in small lots
and sizes, as you may want, any of the popular
styles of the day, and, always at as low prices as
city jobbers. UPDEORA IFS, Hut Makers
Sign of the Red Hat,
Hagerstown, Md.
gm." BUSTED."—Don't b e alermeily
friends, we've got enough of money to keep the
stock, and continuo soiling at "busted" prices until
after harvest,. at the HAT WrOlt.E.r.
Opposite Wushingteri Hotree;.
apr2s% Hagerstown, Mal,
1m..77te kW run of shad sometimes prole ,
the finest, just so with our last run, a bigger stock,
a better stock, and a cheaper stock than can be
produced elsewhere, may be fownd.ali• all tirnes,-or
until we "bust," at •
Sign of the Rid Hat,
Hagerstown, Md.
.Frogs the American of' Tuesday last
ELOUII.--.The demand for all descrip
tions of Flour to-day was extremely limited
and we have only to note a sale of 100 bbls.
choke Howard Street Extra for retailing at
$7.75 per • bbl, The market closed quite
-dulland-depressed-and-quotations-are — nomi=
nal, via : Howard Street Super at $6.75®
6 87/; Shipping Extra do. at 7.50; Retail..
lug Extra do. at $7.621®7.75; Family do.
at $8.26@8.50..
GRAIN,--The inquiry for Wheat was
moderate, owing in some measure to the • un
settled weather. and prices showed a decline,
in both, descriptions, of 8 cts. per bushel.
Sales comprised some 6,000 bushels common
to prime white at prices rang ing from 160
to 188 eta., only a small lot bringing the lat
ter price ; bushels eotnmon to prime
Seuthern to red at 144®150 ets. ; and 2,000
VushelS PetinsylVania do, at 142®148 cts.
"per bushel, White corn was steady and in
fair request; yellow ruled a shade easier.
Sales of 4,500 bushels common to prime • old
white at 700_075 cts., and 1,500 bushels yel
low do. at 68®72 eta, per bushel., New
white sold in small lots at 60®63 ets., accor.
ding to quality. Oats were more active, and
closed firmer. Sales of 800 bushels very
prime old Pennsylvania at 60 ets., weight;
1,200 bushels good do. It 64 ets., weight;
and 2,0J0 bushels fair and good new Mary
land at 60®61 cts., weight, No 'sales of
Rye - rep,ortcd. Maryland may be quoted at
90®98 cts,, and Pennsylvania at 98®103
eta. per bushel.
Notice - to Taxpayers.
AM. persons knowing themselves indebted for
County and State Tax for the year ts 62, are
Hereby notified to make payment to the undersign
rd on or before the 20th at December next, other.
,wise 12 per cent. will be 'added. thereto.
'(Nov. 21-3 w) JOHN H. HERR, rot'.
Notice to Tresyopamibiers.
THE Male/signed hereby notify the public not
to tresspms upon their premises . hi, hunting,
stealing or otherwise, as they are determined, to en
force the law in future against all persons so °tren
ding. - ~ .
Aux. Gonttos, lien., , ennts,_ &turns/or.
110 V 2 L SAsorgr, H. n
Eget'irt.AELM".. MitC6ll,llsllll.
( - lAMB to the premises of the subscriber, near
k .. ) Waterloo, on the 7th inst., a Bay Mare, blind
of both eyes. with white forehead,. The owner is
quested to prove poperty, pay charges and take'
her away.
(Nov. 21-3 w) JACOB HEARTMAN.
alr IL . :EL 1r •
("lAMB to , . the premises of. the subscriber near
MonteWiy.Springsobont the,7th of October, a
.red muley Hoffer, about three years old. No mark.
Tho ownerla.,requested to , prove property, pay
charges and take her away.
Nov: . HENRY GOB' bo N.
Arit“MD — X:l l PLEsi
,Sate by ili! . -biitake, ' . l.l" PIPPINS. M
RABow . ad ,
..;• . . VANUEVER.. ' •
CAIITHOUSE,, • ..,, •
~. „ 1101IPS, ,- . .
•-...... •
*. Nov 21 . 21 .-- U.) Tt HO VI AS W L AiKII7:
~ .
• tot
. 4, . 1..1 ••
4 . 10, A 2,14110 6 Rim.
ikvir - ,
,P`', . 1 4 4 4f1022'1.`
,18 tlO ,
twig - , 12 I LlNitilititsi • OA.
4 C! *
istii 1t
BAOpti (s.hdalchtti*)•.;,:jy.lll`i,,,:k
cam joToR ,
MIIINSIIIt IN tiaittilit OF
"Rebel Itorde r
A MONO the &hint• most otariling;•intellig ence old
note is - that -
has jastretarned from. the Eastern Cities, with
of the most eitensive, riMl nest selected 'etockof •
ever broughr total's Voracrelle,wEich. he will sell at
prices to suit the times, .
Tbe community is cordially invited to call ands
examine my stock. No trouble. to show Goods.—
To convince you ottlre groat assortment. I have in,
store, I wiil just enngrerste a kw:leading articles..
- • •
AM:Mir •
Din - Esis rottrius.f,44,
Robe Cashmeres,.
Silk Plaid , Mohair - ,
Aft Wool De!trine%
BM.. Bombazines,
French Matinoes of all colbm.
Silk, plain, blk. and fancy; '
Plain. and figured Delainee,
Ladies Collars-and Collaretts,
Plain and Jitney Silk. Velvet;
Silk Bonnet Trimmings,
Rennet Ribbons,
Skating Caps and Coats,
Ladies fancy and plain ATAbielso
11.1 k ., Crape. Veiltry.: ••• • •
fikanadien Veils,
Choneille and Silk Head Ice' . ,
bilk-oi:tenet to t .
Ladies Fancy Woollen hoods.
Ladies Ehrlmoral Skirts,.
Ladltis Long and Square Shawl% colors)i.
Opera Flannels,
Plains barred and' striped
• Ladies Obngrese Gaiter%
Ladies Moroeci Boots.
Ladies- t;utteand Buffalo Overshoes.‘__,
UP 13 S:2 WA.;
Bile. nn - d tarieffronts,.
10,000 yds. of Mathias, Witched and unblentlie4,e ,
it) great *Any.
Melton Clothe,
' Ink. French Cloths; blue and barred, (12.,
Deavergverceating; -,
'SO gkins, ~
Do. Waterproof do., „„ -- •
Velvet Cord, blk, and drab.
Gente. , Bhaorle,
Flannel Shirting/I
(any aizes,) , irt great variety.
Brussells' Carpotings,
All Wool 3 ply do. '
Girthing; Hemp and Ras do.
01,14 CLOTHS;
Table Clothe, different width,
Heim) , Floor de.
• 1, If, and 2 yrde. wide.
of - every description.
Prime Rio Golfe°,
Prepared Savo do,
Dandelion do.,
'Hammel's Essence,
174;71sitek an.ct 3ERZ"Clrtirri,
19 - 111C3
Prime New Orle ans Molasses, .
• nion db.,• •
All sizes Cethis !rubs)
'Churns •
. Window Glass B;by 10, 10.12, 1044, 11.111;
The unilersigaedtenders,his
and customers tbr pasvilivorsOiniVkinillir`iialicits a -,
continuance of the, same. 'Be Susi' pi call' and. el '
amine my stock before purchasing' etpewliete;. se:
Member the STARS 4PiD:4TRIPEtic
(Nov. 21.'62. ) , .
A N excellent artialioi" , byrap roc
11,.. at ' (Oct 4 ' - , Binklue4:l '
WTI zit*/
_TncarerSllD ob'
/ 11 40. 100 , 0 0.
IT ,4RID~ i ~ - 00'
idit TEEM
Boirinettit i .
Nanannk, •
- ,
Jaconeto•pfain antlAtrred ,
Plain and lair xgwiss,*.
Linen Packer kantbserchief4, Ste. chef.
Domestic' Gingtomis,
English-. tint French. do:
Stair 011 Cloths,