Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, November 21, 1862, Image 1
Esp. var. sittedr. VOLUME XVI. ITANZIS. . There Is no heart but bath its inner languish, There is no eye but loth with teats been wet. There is no aoice but bath been heard to languish O'er hours of darkness it can neer forget. There is no cheiki.however bright its roses, But wished hub beneath its hues are hid; No Ili thit in its dewy light reposes, But broken star beanie tremble , 'math its lid. There is no tip, bowe'er with laughter ringing, However'light and gay its words may be; But It bath trembled at some dark upepringing Of stern affection and deep Minty. We are all brothers in this land of dreaming. Yet hand meets hand, andeye to eye replies; Nor deem we that, beneath a brow all Naming,' The flower of life in broken beauty lies. • Oh! blessed light that gilds our night of sorrow, Oh ! balm of Gilead, for our healing found; We know that peace will come with the* to-mar, row, And that afflictions spring not from the ground. AUTUMN MUSINGS. 'Tis good when the rocks are calling, When the yearis about to die, When the painted leaves are falling, And the streams run moaning by, To muse on those who started With us on the race °Mile, But who shook ou hands and parted, Worn out with e cold world's strife. They drooped by the wayside weary, And gazed with looks forlorn, As the day grew' dark and dreary, And the thoughtless crowd rushed on, All heedless of their sorrow, Like the oceans restless tide; But when dawns life's glorious morrow, They'll stand by. their Maker's aide. Thus muse I; long and often, - As the year draws near the end; And my eyes with teardrops soften, As 1 think on many a friend., Wearied with life's rough journey, Sunk by the wayside worn; And waiting with quiet patience, For the dawn of the heavenly morn. MSC MitaIIICEAGIALN-3r. THE FARMER'S DAUGHTER. BY FINLEY JOHNSON It is a cold, dark, dreary, morning in the deptkof.winter; the keen north wind sweeps onward, and, as the pedestrians feel its sting they wrap their garments around them still closer, to protect them from the elements.— Though all is desolate without, yet to some within are sources of pleasures, and such is the case with old farmer Hardy, as he turns from the cheerless scene, and gazes upon the comforts of his own home. A large fire is burning in the old chimney place, whose lights up the faces ,of the portraits hanging upon the walls, and gives a glow to the ancient furniture in the room. Farmer Hardy is a man well to do in the world: Providence has blessed his crops, and his coffers are well filled with gold. and yet his heart is closed to the appeals 'of the poor. He is blessed with a lovely daughter —his only child, in whom is centered the whole of his affections. She is indeed beautiful, and as sho sits there in the old chamber, by the side of the roarin,g fire, one might fancy she was an "angel of light," wandering among the scenes of earth. Her heart is always open to the sufferings of the needy, and her hand always ready to assist their wants; and there is not one within range of the old farm house, but speaks the praise of Amelia Hardy. The old farmer is gazing upon her grate ful form with feelings of delight, as she sits by his side sewing, and, as he casts a mo mentary-glance at the-frost clustered window panes, be rubs his hands as -if exulting' in his comforts, and bxclaims "Tis batter cold, my child.'" "Yes, indeed," replied the daughter, but we feel it pot." "No, thank God I He has given us an the comforts of life." "Father," said the girl, "how taisecable must those be who have no home, no fire, no friends." The old man was about to reply perhaps, to give vent to some word of mere commis seration ; but at that time a shadow , passed the window and a knock was shortly heard at the door. The latter , being opened, a man clothed in rags entered. Misery was Aspired upon every feature of his face, and poverty could be seen in every flutter of his tattered garments. Want showed its ghastly form in his dim and lus treless eyes. Starvation audits train of hor rors - were plainly perceptible in his feeble steps, emaciated form, and trembling voice. If there was one thing that farmer Hardy detested above all others,.it has to'be annoy edty applications for assistance it mattered not -whether the supplicant was worthy Jr Thu new comer shivered with theeold, for his clothing was too thin to protect him from the icy Wind,and he gazed upon the foe with feelings of bitterness, for it recalled lo him the destitution of his owe time. •He 'turned to the old fennel,- who sat leaning back into a etuthioned Bair, and,la .tone ;of agony, thus entreated 'him, • assist a poor min ? I am. out .4,*ork, Bit.' I MO-not accustomed. to beg, IntiiiiiakiMaasad -want have driven- me to ' • ' . 'terhate.untlkingloryow" saidthefarmi; time stirring the blazing fire. V& - ' • .' • • . : 11108..cattwa,trite," persisted the mai • ::.‘ l l4l-,lbudlrare starving: I. can't, ltet:hfierircladlatitkort*liiif lie must die o f 1 / 114 /0 7 -4 • • . ..: - ~' ",,' --• 4...• '••-` . - ''' . ; . ,s- , 144;:i:e • ... - r,;•,•0 4- ,:= ...,• `)',',4••••••:•• , ';. ••• • .: , • -••- '' ' '' t 4 ... S;:f :', .. '. 4C :k . ..',...; Ct1,?0„ , -. '',; •- • ' ,': i ' ', . - . . , ~, • I n • . ' . ... • ..,.. s . , ~,,w,,,,,f,4,,,, 1.„.„ , ,,,..,;X:,,,i . ‘„,...„,g.,<,,,,.'1 „...,,V...4,i=. 41,4111 , Ati ' .' 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I. i f . r s t , ' e ' I • :t '' .3:-,. .--.: -,. •-'''' .. \ -r . •• . - .. • - • .1 ..,.• 1 , ' . ~i„ , ~ e . . , --.- ' .•,' %.'"' 1 : ' e „, . , . „ . - . •... :' , e i .e . •;‘,': 'l f ';- e .:,'.1 : , -- ': "..e. 4 , 1 - 7- -i-..--' i ll 'l' e s : ',. ; - st — i'- - e , "-- - •: ---• -'" ' . • ' 'e. ~'. ',,' cr , .„„ .. , The heart Of Amelia-aaa moved'- to cola ion at the poor mates voinplaint, she re led the refUsal of her father. Rising, Poor man, -I think father, I have Home 11 thhige whiehuaight be of service to sin," and she was about to go in search of them when the old man exclaimed. "Silence, girl I Be off, yen vagabond ! I never encourage beggars." "I am no beggar, sir," said the shivering Visitor. "I am not able to get work now, but when spring seta in, I shall obtain it, and until that tinie I must have aid or per ish "Leave my house I begone.! begone I" was the reply. The pour man departed with sorrow in 'his heart, to find a kinder soul than that of far mer Hardy. , "Father said the daughter, after he had gone, "we have plenty, and why not assist the poor ? That man• is worthy of assistance and we might have aided him and never missed it.' "I will have no beggars eneouraged at my hoitse," was farmer llardy's rejoinder. "If Jones is in want let him apply to the true tees of the alms house." _ . ,A.melwthd not answer. Her thoughts ere wandering to the desolate home of the . Aer man, and her mind was engaged in for ming plans for his relief. Henry Jones was ill-fitted far the trade of a beggar and the pressing wants of his fam ily alone urged them on. Leaving farmer Hardy's he once more braved scorn and con tempt; but all in vain. Weary and worn, he at last bent his stops homeward. The midnight tempest of despair was raging in his soul, and as he thought of his starving wife and children, tears of bitter agony cour sed down his cheeks. - Amelia Hardy, in the meantime was not idle. The old farmer, after a momenta si lence- lighted his pipe, and was soon envolved in a cloud of smoke. ,While thus engaged, his daughter stole softly from the room, to put in practical operation her plans of relief. She had recognized the man who had ap plied to her father for assistance, and was deeply hurt at his refusal. Calling the ser vant, she loaded him with all the necessaries of life. A basket was filled with bread and meat, tea and sugar, together with some old clothes, and thus, with this burden, they proceeded on their journey. It was two long miles before she reached her destina tion, and the eohl was most bitter. But what dared the noble girl ? She was on an errand of mercy and the warmth of the fires of charity which glowed within her heart; spread its genial influence throughout her frame. At last she reached the cottage of Henry Jones. But what a scene .)f misery met her eye—greater even than she anticipated ! The walls were damp and bare, nothing but a bed of straw, and a broken table, made up the furniture, and little hungry faces peep ing from every corner. As Amelia gazed upon this scene of woe, she wept, and- min gled her tears with those of the famished mother. But a light breaks upon the scene of dark ness—the "silver lining" is discerned be neath the black elo which solongh - a - ct hovered over them, nd hope's bright rain bow sp%nned the rk heavens. Like an an gel of mercy Am is took the basket, and as she raised the li , the children gathered a round her, and miles lit up the mother's face. Food w. given to the hungry, and tea and sugar and ether luxurious to the in valid. Soon a fire was kindled upon the hearth and as its flames rose upward, they reflected the beaming countenances of the now happy group. Overwhelmed with thanks, the kind messenger of help with drew. Long and anxiously Mrs Jones watched for the return of her husbatid, to welcome him back td the hing unknown luxuries of a comfortable meal, and a warm fireside.— Night came at :ast, and the absent one en tered. There was a strong gleam in his eye. and a wildness in his actions, but they saw it not. As he entered he gazed around him but he knew not what to make of the scene. "How came this food and fire in, our house?" he exclaimed. "God sent one of his angels," was the re ply., - • "Who is it, that has done this ?" he ask ed. "Miss Hardy, the friend of the poor. All you seehere we owe to her.", There were rejoicings in that house of poverty, and the prayers of ' two souls were wafted to the throne of God, for her whose noble heart scorned not the beggar, and who saw in - the pale emaciated forms a per or—' soniftcation of God's own image. _ Would to God that in thit world of ours were more of these angels earth, who fear no contamination. or disgrace in alleviating the stings of `poverty. AN ANGELIC :"SLAVS•CATOUER.,.— In •Genesis, 46th chapter, 9th verse, we read: "The angel of the Lord'said: Return to , thy mistress and submit to her bowl." —Chicago. Times. Ah, yes; Abraham, Elsopr's master, was a loyal man, and believed in, the , "enforce.: meat of tbl3 laws. The Book of Exodus, -on the other hand„tells ns that Moses, the scrvant of the Lord, abducted over 600,000 slaves from an obdurate and stiff necked old rebel, named Pharaoh, atter he had polluted him with. frogs, bit him with- vermin, . stung him with flies; coveted him: with boils, and pelted hiur with haillistcities; - and , *hen the. the old secessionist tried to chase than the oPened'thaßed Bea aii-told 'Oulu ta. siteaddla.—.Nashodie Union: . l e 1311.. Swett. says The tele bearer eel the tale hears : shout banged ' pp both twat-. er—the former - the tougli,' atul the at 37 4 attaily - Zirevatoroikpov t Zreu.tral Pc:lititmes WANFISBOIIO', FRANKLIN COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, FEID4Y NOVEMBRRII, i 862: - Whei.e's loonomy. We do, not see that -the war end war-taxa tion have produced much economy in expo ., • tvui-hr-one--directioni-at—leati . dies dress, if anything, a little .more extrava gantly than they did before.. Bilks have al most doubled in price. - - Pry goods generally have advanced from tenalifty per evnt.— But do ladies' dresses ihrbi in size propor -tionately ? Not.nt all. They grow _more voluminous. They expand. Crinoline spreads out still more in its amplitude, and with that spread comes more and more yards of mate real for tobes---robes of all kinds, common and exclusive. Is this economy ? For our part, we think that the women of our coun try exert a very great influence over the hab its of the nation. In the Bluth, they almost sustain the Rebellion by their influence, a gainst the Union, over their husbands, broth ers, lovers, and sons. In the North, the patriotism of the fair sex might- do more than it does in sustaining the cause of the Repub . - lie. But setting-that view of the subject aside, the ladies ought to set an example •of economy in war-times; for their example , would do much to make economy universal ; and unless economy become so it is painful to think how many families will be utterly ruined by the time our civil war is termina ted. Now is the time, if a proper economy ever graced a people, for establishing such a sys tem of retrenchment in private expenditure as, amid the pressure of these war-times, may be calculated to make a family's disburse ments square with its receipts. And let us remember that there are thousands of fami lies that would thus retrench were it. not for pride: They aro going down-hill, in a pecu niary sense, very rapidly. They feel it ; they know it. Retrenchment would rescue them ; but Pride says, "No I" "What will Mrs. So-and-so say Y" is the first exclamation. But, if Mrs. So-and-so would retrench, so would her treighbees; and Mrs. So-and so is just as anxious to retrench, if others set the example. Then give us the example, ladies Do it on the score of patriotism. Declaim against all kinds of private extravagance as a national evil during a war which demands of every loyal man every dollar he can afford to bestow on his country. Denounce eigh teen and twenty 'yard dresses as a waste of means unjustifiable at such' a crisis, and call on every woman to do her best by influence and action to render economy popular and prodigality otherwise. In this way the fair sex could indeed serve the Union. Will they do it ? We hope so•—N. Y. Mercury. Touching Incident. Who eau read the following without tears?, We copy from , tbell-ess :- several charitable ladies lately visited one of our military hospitals. Every refresh ment that could be furnished, they supplied.. Tee cream was handed round, and the poor invalids eagerly partook of In one cor ner of the room, however, the spoon and saucer had not been touched. • On the bed, by the little table-containing them, lily a young boy, his features pale, his eyelids drooping. .A lady gently tanning his fair forehead, softly whispered, "The.poor little fel wis aslee I we rousturit_disturh bint22-1 "No, ma'am, I'm not asleep,",he answered. It, was a silvery voice, full of sweetness, of innocence and boyhood. "Well, my little fellow," continued the lady, as she nearer drew, "are you not fond of ice cream ?" "Very much so," he replied. "Dido't you see me place this on your little table ?" reaching for the plate of cream. "Oh, yea." ho answered, tremulously, but I shut icy eyes and cried to myselV "Cried, my child 1 why. what made you cry, my dear ?,' • 2 "Oh, madam ! if you will pull the quilt down a little, you will see." The lady did so and found that he had no arms! Both of them he had lost in battle. Poor little fellow 1 the sympathy of silence and tears was all that could be bestowed up on his wounded spirit. The remembrance of his brother and sister, of father and moth er, of childish frolicks and playmates lotted of yore, was awakened to soothe the fancy of the little sufferer, and to wreathe his young brow with the still tender resignation to the will of GA. . Wao is OLD?—A wise man will never rust out. As long as he can ru:ve, and breathe, he will do something for himself; his neighbor, or for posterity. Almost to the last hour of his life WasKington was at work. So were Franklin, and Young, and Newton. The vigor of their lives never de cayed. No rust marred - filch spirits. It is a foolish idea to suppose that we must take and lie down and die because we , are old. Who is old? Not the man of energy ; not the day-laborer in science, art, or benevolence; but he only who suffers his energies to waste away and the springs of life to beeonie motionless; on whose hands the. hours, drag heavily, to whom all' hings wear the garb of gloom E=Z=l RAPIDITY of THOUGIIT.—Wo have in dreams no true perception of the lapse of time. The relation of space as, well as -of time are also annihilated, -so that while al moat an eternity is 'compressed into a mo ment, infinite apace is traversed more swiftly thin by real thoughts. A gentleman dreains that he has enlisted,. joined-=his regiment, deserted, was apprebended„ carried back, tried, condeMisird, -to he shot., and, at last led oat for execution. After all the usualirep- Aratiens, a gnu was flreri t 'he' ntrokerWith'the report, arid found that a noirie;.;* -- tlie• - • ads jortung room had at. thesarue moment proi daaed the dream anti awakened him. 'Seem'&thoughts - art,,bost ; -hula orair God 'fret tliotOt; tromeartas aeotiid The , trout. hoses Ith life for e, srcwro -many 'Men lose theirs for lees, ' A WORD OR - CORAL Ye are not Fatherless, . Tho' death bath bereft ye ; Nor'yet are ye Friendless, 4.e no' love ones hive left ye. In this wilderness world, 'There's'a Beacon slight; Per. those who are whirled,' Through sorrow's darletight. Theresa Father in heaven, aver looking below, On the specks which are driven, frerthe Ocean of Woe. There's Hope for the stricken, For the good there is Love. Though sorrows clotids thicken, There is light up above. Then pause notln sorrow, Shed no tears for the past; The sun of tomorrow, Will cheer you at last. The love which is given, By the Father of all, fs as true as the heavens, Which never can fall: One of CHIT readers in Ohio writes to the Drawer to relate an incident that happened Down East: "A good old lady who lived in one of the I rural districts of Maine, and who had never seen much of town life, was prevailed upon on one occasion to pay a visit to a relative who lived in a distant inland tt;own• of some importance. When Sunday came round the lady aecompanief her friends to church, where her simple notions were shocked 'at the wonderful display of what she called worldliness and pride. The minister himself did not escape her criticism. In the midst of the sermon, and while the old lady was cogitating upon things around her, a mischievous crow that had been tamed and taught to speak, flew in at one of the open windows, and' alight ing upon the back of a seat in front of one of the deacons, looked that functionary full in the face, and exclaimed, in a clear, au dible voice that sent a thrill of horror to the heart of the old lady, 'Curse you! curse you!' And before the deacon could .capture the fugitive it flew to another prothinent member of the church. The minister stop ped, and the congregation became disturbed. Every body was anxious to see the intruder captured and expelled from the place, and many were the , fruitless grabs made for the crow's legs ; but he eluded them all, and round and round he went, uttering .his im precations. At last he came across-our old lady, and she too shared the crow's ominous imprecations. The old lady rose up from her seat preparitory to its eva'uation, and confronting her black adversary with flash ine. eyes Ind uplifted fingers, exclaimed, in a ;harp, shrill voice that startled the audi ence, 'Oh ye needn't curse me, for I don't belong to this congregation!' and left the place in deep disgust."—Hurper's Maga zine. A QUESTION IN MATHEMATICS.—A young man, from the "vicinity of Mauch Chunk, was before Alderman Beitler, on Saturday after noon. His name is Henry Schneider. The complainant was a young lady, named Mary Trace. 'Miss Trace says that Mr. Schneider indtioed her to leave the path of rectitude *••• n one I •m a one horse wagoo.. Miss Trace offered to "make up" providing she could cease to bet Trace and become a Schneider. .Mr. Schneider eaid there was but one objection to this—he had a wifo already. Mr. &Imel da ultimately compromised matters with the lady by handing over $l5O in cash, and an order for $3O worth of groceries, to support an infant one year old. The question now is, if a small Trace costs $lBO, what woulu it cost Mr. Schneider for a whole set of Ilarness?—/Vorik American A HAPPY WOMAN.—Is she not the very sparkle and sunshine of life ? A woman who is happy beoauso•she can't help it—whose smiles even the coldest sprinkle of mis fortune cannot dampen. Men make a terri ble mistake when they marry for beauty, for talents, or for style. The sweetest wives are those who possess the magic secret of being contented under any circumstances" Rich or poor,-high or low, it makes no difference; the bright little fouutain of joy bubbles up just as musically in their hearts. Do they live in a log cabin, the fire that leaps up on its humble hearth becomes brighter than the gilded chandeliers in. an. Alladin palace.— Were the stioam of life so dark and unpro pitious that the sunshine of'a happy face fall ing on the turbid tide would not awaken an answering gleam. Why, these joyous tem pered people don't know. half the good they do. NUMBER Or SEEDS IS A BUSTIEL.-Timo thy seed numbers 41,828,300 grains to the bushel, and if sown on an acre of ground, as' recommended by some, would give about biz and onf half to the square • inch. Would not onehe better tbun six ? Clover, of me dium size. what - we here cull Eastern clover, numbers. about 17,400,900 to the bushel, and gives about two andAbree-fourth to the square inch on an acre. Rio Grande wheat, fair and plump, numbers about 5.58,880 the bushel, and gives about twelve and three fourths to- thesquare•foot., 113 e numbers 898,880, and: gives about, twenty ;And one half to the foot. • , , - The smalloAtaby is the. wo rld, perhaps, is now at Barautn.'s blesetun to, be entered in the baby show. Tholitdo fellow . is eight inenths' old, 'and ureighs,one ..pound.atid sev on ouneerone-.. ounce Jose-.than ho. weiglied when he was,one raonthold.. .Thee, child is *ell formed `to quite healthy,-but ita hind. and arm .up the elbow and ite.,,font and leg up to the knee can be passed through a man's finer. rieg. The, atbild,, le_ueoptupa ,nied by -ito father and mothat,, thair daughter fa, fine looking-girt ;Of eight s pats. Tho prize for. the smallest baby is 0,000. Losses - drisie iond • . te TiraYers ..bad ones to thiiriurses. ConattientiO4 , The foilowhag, is the , form of-the oath id ministered SW the questions pro sotinlied ivni rm .ry ut ie orl ea of coincientioas stlrupkes: ed, on the p STATE of PgriNSYLVANIA t - County, Before me, COmtnissionor to Superintend Drifting for said coudty,' —.personally ap peared who being duly did depose and say, that ho hid conscientious scruples to bear arms, ;believes it unlawful to do so , whether in,,, selttlefenee. Or cl . e fence of country, or'otberwise howsoelieri tbatthe scruples and belief above stated, have not bean formed lightly but , carefully, deliberately and conscientiously, and are now declared and professed not fur the purpose of etadiog tisemilitary service of his court try,in the present-exigi3noy,. but because he soleiranly and religiously Iwids and maintains them, and in his conscience believes that it is his bounden duty to' act in alwordance with them on all occasions,und antler all cir cumstances. 'Would you take• qp arms in defence• of your own life or the lives of your wife and children?' • Answer, 'No.' • , 'Would you stand by and. see your wife , and children murdered without taking up arms to defend thew ?' - Atiswer, 'Yes.' . . 'Would you stand by and see your father and mother murdered without taking up arms to defend theta, if in so doing you could prevent it ?' Answer, 'Yes.' ' . 'Would you allow your property to be ta ken from you.if you could prevent it, and if in so doing you eould.prevent it without im perilling your lifn and limb ?' Answer, qes.' . • A Ghost *Story. A lady, the. wife of a wealthy Merchant, died recently, aftt.i a protracted illness, and on the evening of her decease, her husband, desirous topass a solitary hour with the body, sent the nurse (who was Watching beside the corpse) out of the room. Before the expira tion of an hour, the bell . by which the de ceased had bren is the habit of summoning the nurse, rang violently, and the woman, fancying the unfortunate widower was taken ill, hurried into the room. ,He dismissed her angrily, at the same time protesting that he had not rung. Shatly afterward the bell was rung a second time, when the woman observed to one• of the, ser vants that she should not attend to the sum mons,-as the gentleman, might again repent having summoned her, and, dismiss her un graciously. "It cannot be my master who is ringing now," replied the servant, "for I have this moment left him in the drawing room," And when she was still speaking, the bel of the chamber of death rang a third time, and still more violently than before The nurse was literally afraid to obey the summons; nor was it till several of the tier vabks agreed to accompany her, that she could command sufficient courage. At length they ventured to_apen_the door,ezpeoting-. discover within sow terrible spectacle. All, however, was perfectly tranquil; the corpse extended upon the bed under the Holland sheet, which was evidently undis turbed. Such, however, was the agitation of the poor nurse that nothing would induce her to remain alone with the body; and one of the house maids accordingly agreed to be come her companion in the adjoining dres sing, room. They had not been there many minutes When the• bell again "sounded ; nor could there be any mistake oa the subject, for the bell wire passing round the dressing room was in' mote m, and the servants in the offi.• ces could see the vibration of the bell. The family butler accordingly determiued ,to support the courage of-the terrified women, by accompanying them back to the dressing room, in which they we're, to sit with the , door open, so as to command a view of the bod. The precautions effectually unraveled the' mystery. ' A string had been attached to the bellpull, to enable the sick lady to summon her attendants without changing her posi tion. which, string, still unmoved; hung down avow the. &er r aria a favorite kitten, that was often admitted into the rem to amuse the invalid, having entered the chamber unob' served, was playing with the stringyand coming entangled in pussy's feet had produ ced tl e. panip, that had caused the hearts of the maidens to tremble. , c:' Bat for tge courage of the butler,ftnd for this fortunate explanation, the family man sion. would have been classed among , the list. of haunted homes, and probably deserted, until it became dismantled and llama. To CURE THE CROUP.— h e foliowing is recommended by an exchange': "47 piece of fresh lard, as large as a butternut, -rubbed up with sugar, is the same way, that butter and sugar are prepared for the• drassing: of , puddingS, divided Into three parts r and given, at intervals of 20'minntes, will ,'reliere •aoy ease of °temp siltieh is not already '4l.lcitvect to progress to the fatal „point." . A.. ~ ..• TEXT.. S'OR- L 1 _ 014 E, TRATTOEII'-.-Atid Whotioeeier, witl ,notdb the law. ef thy and of the • Kibg, let jtidgiustit s : ho iiieeuted speedily upon film,:whether it 'unto.deativoa to :banishment; or. to. coma.' 'cation of goods-, or 1 - to imptisonmetit.i—fslit; ltectti is too_gool nierget to,:be worn is war. and aeieutifie men hirit de.eidedithat Soldiers-dressed in red are his - twelve times it" battle :mbar° dip* iw Ausiriiuk. gray are bit oaly • t • . ':"' ,tliat-swms thooca attire Keithid% bladdera _oaanot,stand thg - itkr , !prii.4".'d .adverse for .I.o",4earvirear , T/T,FOR TATi= , ‘lAli eld eettlere sinetuther Mr. 0. - , Who' filterthe •ofrtee • itilloatteetitfr at Crattego-4ltritig the adeneioritiotiee" lauend.:Van Buren. :One-tuortting. atanah., man called at, the general delivery. "Auy letter for Donets Driseell.?"' A search• in the D but ensued, and, a latter bearing the. desired inscription • was ,theta. ett"oreign,"saidlir..ll;. "tsitentylottr cents postage. to. pay."' . " . 94 - re;.and I can't read ; will - yer lioi or read it for me?" said 'Dennis. The obliging postmuarer, after Dennis tad. unsealid the letter, complied with the.recimiat and reedit - from date to alguature. • "Sure it's not for me," groaned Dennis, walking off- without it - • • lir. began fa think himself the victim of a sell. There was no help, 'for it at- that time, and there the matter rested. , Some „time. afterward Dennis again presen ted himself at the general delivery and gave his name. . "Foreign," said Mr. H, "twenty-four cents postage" Wil l . yer honor read. it for. me•; swre, I caul read;'• The wide• awake postmaster had a reason - a.: hle excuse ready for not complyitv taking care, however not to give offence, and retain ing the letter in his possession until Dennis paid the poitage. .As.soon as the Irishman handed over the money, Mr. H. gave, him ther,same letter that had been road on the former occasion. The transaction was thus ..doseti. without det riment to the revenue. -*gins Was passing up the street' With to. friend, wheuhe'observe% a dog that had been killed lying in the gutter. Xtuggins paused; gazed intently on the defunct ,animal, anti at last said, 'There is. another shipwreck "Shipwr ack ilhereis a . bark - that's* lost forever." Ilia companion giovitel 'and passed on. , • , 'lt is; said' that in Denmark carriage hor ses ere taught to step high by the sul;stitu tion of magnifying glasses foi blinkers.-- Theymistake every pebble-for a boulder, and, lift their legs accorchngly.. Who says so?, The road ambition. travels-, is - too narrow' for friendship, too crooked, for love, too rug ged for bonesty, and ,too dark for science.. The man lackainoral courage' who treats, when be should reueat. A .Crookett Nose is bad, for • every - Mani follows Ids nose. • . . • Put the strongest minded woman in a bon not shop, audit will immediately turn 'her head. • The Southern Confederacy . has a good stealer—Floyd—but we : have a tveniendoua Hooker who eau take him without trouble. ' Thesiek man, who pays a fee to the Doe.- tor, is often paying for a box-tieket. There's no use in your taking . a isay man to task. He won't perform it if yew da. If a wono4n does keep a secret, it is pret ty sate to be with-telling' effect. Whatever s made or done with the iwten tion of answering two parposes, will as a general rule, answer neither„of them well. , . MOst places of entertainment are suppor ted simply because they gitilo. us something to tilo and something to say.' • If you make a thing perfectly ,plain and simple to a Man, he will 4ive . you 'no credit —he will think he knew it before. 'You a dentist, Bob? I did. not know you were in that trade.' . 'Yes,' said gob. I follow no „Ober . ' busi ness but setting teeth—in beef; potatoes and. such. like:" ~, A Cleveland' papolitays that the people of that town arc using- 'mouse•traps ' old jack knives and shirtAuttons for small ehan-ge.. Some ppoOle's heart are shrunk in them• like nuteTyou ean'hear them rattle as they walk: . . To form an estimate of the beauty of a lonnet„ put a. face in it. When did "Emmons tuake , the rebelis sneeze ? When they came to the Hatch•ee. A young man who was' too modest to go to bed by a 'pettieoit lamp,' has been caught in the skirts of the city. A Western Girl, after giving her lover a hasty smack, exelaiuulti: "Dog my cats, if you haVult taketr:a little- rye; old. boss," ', None had been lo good, or so great, or• have raised themselves so high as to be a bowl. troublo. Out Lord was‘a man of sor row."' • • Death• is the only master Isla takes ,his serval:lto without inquiring into, their vious character. By preparing. for the worst we- - Offetrz se— ewe- the. best.. Why a man dead &unit liken pipee;. of field artillery ready for action?';• Because he's all. limbered up. tuan with a scolding Wife, when inquir- Odor respecting hits occupation, said he: kept. i 1 hot-house. "Lowell has ovor nineteen miles of girls. ondwiss!".l. , , "Who's hen iuoastirin ' em 4and,wise,' John nit his bee not knew 'which he. Smelt - Mbar feel, the •treath. of spring of the breath - of pretty girll .Ic * putter, NUMBER 34.