Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, November 07, 1862, Image 2

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Firkin, No*. t s 1462.
%Iv lote vs,
With }Wedeln's soil beneath our feet,
'And 'Freedom's banner streaming o'er or
Lasi.-:-Several keys were - lost op West
Street on Saturday last. The Seder will Con.
isra4vor upon a lady by leaving them at
this office.
Our Advertising Colunms.—The readsr
will please bear with the crowded state of
our advertising columns for a few weeks
when we will be enabled to furnish oar usu
al amount of reading matter.
Hardware, Ottikry, etc—Persons in want
of any article in the . hardware line of busi
ness are referred to the advertisment of our
enterprising young friend, W. H. BROTHER
ION, in to-day's paper. He hes now a com
plete assortment of goods, embracing all ar
ticles usually sold by hardware dealers.
New Paper.--We have received the first
number of the "Maryland Free Presa," a
new paper, anti-administratiun, published in
Hagerstown, by A. G. BOYD, Esq., several
years ago editor and proprietor of the "Ha
gerstown News." . The Free Press isoespec
table io site and is edited with ability; but
our old friend, judging from the tone of his
editoria's, is not going to do the Rebel cause
any harm •
Rebel dible.—We live now not in ordina
ry but extraorciinary titnss. The Govern
ment is engaged in a • war to preserve the
Constitution as banded down to us by our
illustrious forefathers, and with it, the unity
°fill the States, and that man is a villain
and traitor, of the blackest and moat damna
ble dye, who, at such a time, for party, or
other purposes, wields his pen, or hie influ
ence otherwise against those lawfully in au
thority over us. It is not a partisan contest
being waged, but a etruggle for nationailife
There never was, we presume,. an adminis
- tratioa since the inauguration of George
Washington as President of the United
States thet did not err in some particulars,
and should ;Ibrahain Lincoln and his advi-
sen, with an accumulation of responsibilities
such es has never been borne by any previ
ous administration, err, should it be the part of
loyaltilv wail over such error and if possi
ble iii'Oify it ten-fold, and thus weakon the
power employed to suppress this thrice ac
oursed,rebellion. And yet this is what car
tain new pars in the loyal States are seek
ing to a omplißh, and at the same time are
stiekling* nice points in the Constitution.
There is just about as much sincerity in the
professions of such persons as there were in
the pleadings of that arch-traitor Breckin
ridge, in behalf of the Constitution, (which
he had sworn to support,) when he was
leagued with traitors for its overthrow.—
Such journals are virtual aids of Jeff. Davis
in the cause of treason, and those who pub
lish them deserve the halter,
. The Ansilies of Drajlect Men.--The fam
ilies 'of the deafted men should be the care
of those who remain at home, and our duty
to them should be liberally and generously
performed. Many persona have been draft
who-canilly afford to leave their homes and
families, and some of these have seen in
deep distress ever since they have learned
their fate. There are many distressing cases
of poor laborers with large families, and
some with sickly wives and afflicted children
who will now probably he lift in a destitute
condition, some with scarcely sufficient means
to drive off hunger and cold. With these
we sympathise, and commend them to the
ire of their benevolent and patriotic neigh
bors, among whom none will, (we feel seen
red,) be more ready and prompt to respond
tOsthis call of duty than the "conscientious"
class, upon whom so much unmerited abuse
has bout viird. lt is a duty resting upon
those who are permitted to remain here,
which no one possessing the least generosity,
humanity or patriotism can well omit or over
look. Let Organisations be immediately
formed everywhere for the relief of the fain
flies of drew! soldiers. It is time that a
mOvement,was made in this direction.
A'sanmer Gorc—Anothergracions summer
season has depertcd;- , _ end the cold, chill
voices - Of Autumn orLyhaord aroupd the door
way._ How fleet Karl IMin his itatatepi.
Bo* - significant his Work. Great is the har
vest with which he has clothed the earth,
old Oat the harvest of, hymen
. life, which
dqii i the (0140 ti
hyshtii.l, vine 4011.
cent of Paper
The tax lair will set people to thinking
and asking (potions, "Why am I called
n-for-this-bsof-turiarnings Y"
will be asked by litoul**, who have wet
stopped Were to ifienrte . ban the cause of
the lan The investigation cannot fail to
open their eyes. They ,will learn' .some 0 10
portant facts I eretofore'clonetaledftem them.
Attioug other things, they will'ettlillatilirist, f
that-the country is'ebgaged is putting down
a slaveholder's`rebellioni aid the job Is env
dog the nation a million thllarna day. Sec
ond : in the progress of their investigations
they will discover that there is a set of men
in the North who take sides With those trot'
tors, and Spend their time 'stud breath' itt
fending them and coining and pedling excuses
for them, in abusing and 'slandering every
earnest loyal man, and in giling the - traitors
all the aid and comfort in their paiver.—
Third: they will observe • that these , rebel
sympathisers strenuously oppose all measures
having For their object a redtiotion of Fed
eral taxes by confiscating`the property of the
guilty leaders of the rebellion. They Want
to save the pockets of the nrohtraitore, and
confiscate the hard earnings of the Union
men to defray the expense of putting down
the rebellion. , And the tax payers will make
another discovery—that the rebels have
newspaper organs in this oountry.devoted to
secession interests, and doing nil in their
power to shield the traitors from punishment,
their property from' confiscation, and their
rebellion from a speedy • suppression.—Mii
Expense of Living.—Flour has raised
considerably in . price Within a. short time,
domestic goods have increased enormously
in price, in consequence of the scarcity of
cotton; while the cost of all imported goods
has advanced in consequence of the dearness
of gold, and the high rates of exchange on
Europe. Sewell the increased cost of liv
ing and the heavy taxes to support the Gov
ernment, heavier incomes will be necessary
to maintain families•comfortably, and econo
my will be more than over necessary. This
condition of things is caused, of course, eith
er directly or indirectly by the war. The
only cure for it is to give a more cordial and
hearty support than ever to the Government
in its efforts to put-down the Rebellion, and
to aid in every possible way to prosecute
the war in the most vigorous manner. Every
goad and loyal citizen will cheerfully make
any additional pecuniary sacrifice in his pow
er to maintain the Union and to aid the Gov
ernment in crushing out treason ; he who re
fuses this aid or bestows it churlishly, and
only upon compulsion, is half a traitor, or at
best, more devoted to his dollar; than ho is
to the priceless blessings of freedom and a
good Government.
te'President Lincoln, says the Afiltonian,
though elected by a strict party organisation,
as all our Presidents-have been for many
years, ceased to be the member of a party
when he became the he — of the nation. He
has recognised all loyal m n as possessing e
qual claims upon his administration, and has
eleiated to the highest places of trust men of
all parties disposed to lend their aid to put
down this wicked rebellion, threatening the
destruction of the government. He has
given the highest evidence of patriotism by
breaking down:party walls, by calling political
opponents into his Cabinet, and choosing
commanding Generals and officers of every
grade n the civil an d military service,
without . •rd to their political proclivities.
Even his -nemies Must do him the justice
to say that .. in'object has been to secure
honest, capab . • d loyal men, without re
gard to their ~ • • lay. mnitiment.A. What
other President, sin • e days Of Washing
ton,-haa been so truly liberal and patriotic f
The Election.—Elections were held on
Monday in New York,• Marmachusetts,
sonri, Illinois, Wisconsin and - Deleware.—
But partial returns of these elections have
been received. Now York ie set down as
giving Seymour (Dem ,) a small majority
Tor Governor,: but the returns yet to
. be re
**rived marablicge. the result. A majority
of Union Congressmen is, however, believed
to be elected. New Jersey has -One
democratic, whilst Massachusetts,• Illinois,
Wisconsin and Delaware, have given major
ities for the Union ticket; and elected s 'ma
jority of Union Congressmen. The returns
from Missouri are so meagre that it is im
possible to judge which won. We' expect
to give•the result' of this elections WIN
definitely,in our 'next lime. -1"
Death oj a e ngrat. to learn
distil?. Gm. S. Stima , slsp), a member of
Coniiitay D, 14th Penns. Vols.,
formerly of thio.pisse, died of pleutily, at
Skirpsburg, on Sunday morning: last.
, were taken td his home in
tm on Dlotidai and,iotersocksrith
tors. , 14:. S wad - sged;il . _yeats;
' 22 dayi.
to be Mot.— The Peisifieet bat
St. Augustine, eondimeing
W: hunt, of dompso 1#13 . •
tieris " 1 ,1!'? 1 ,:
the eainkio i!ithoot
vion to, owiloi , hishiropolrbery.
iyliiiiia Ili' : ''- :',-;';',, :`i.',':-,,, ,
`-,;,-, ' -/,..:' (Ai , :; $ , :, -, K.,,, ,, w . :• - ; : s ikie:.
.: , •,,,,,,!. ,", i. , ~. ,,, ,, , ,, ,.- .p :', -. r.o,vvi '
d i
• ::',. 2,200' . 1,704 1
' 1;079 2,9291
4,550 10,404
---:-2,486- ,, --" :-, , -l i Bo4 l
6,0;24 1,761-
Beaveti ,
Berke ,
Bucks -
ev r ja i r
Clarion -
Clinton , • •
Cumberland -
Dauphin• •
Erie • •
2.770 "
1.685 ;
! 1887
' •• '1,,898
!; 'too.
'1,15r •
I,o B s
049 0 5 -
n 2471
2,772 '
- - 275 ' '
Jefferson 1,412 • • 1,488
Juniata • 1;094 1,548
Lancaster • 11 , 4 71 •' ` ' 6,532
2.551 1,058
Lebanon .- • 4.
, 8,04 5 2,218
Lycoluktig , 2,6G3 3,521
blefteeti . 130. , 038
Mercer 8,421• 3 , 049
Mifflin ' , 1,411 i ' 1,370
Munroe ' ' 456:: . ' 2,118
Montgomery , ' ' '5,118 . ''6,765
Montour ' 765 'l, 239
Northamtton 1,969 4A60
Northumberland 2 085 ' ' ''' .8 068
, _ _ ,
Perry • 1,917 1,959
Philadelphia 36,124 88,828
Pike ' 135 . 767
Potter 1,108 826
Schuylkill 5,481 7,075
Snyder ' 1,592 1,253
Somerset 2,475 - 1,415
Sullivan 279 13118
Susquehanna ' 8,945 2,749
Tioga 2,792 . 806
Union 1,580 .1,155
Venango 2,565 2,497
Warren W 1
a , 888 ' 1,.413
Washington , 3;734 , 4,163
Wayne ' 1,819 2,76 U
Westmoreland 3,673 5,040
Wyoming 1,154 1,345
York . - 4,814 ' 7,396
Total 215,506 218,981
Add Vorest, Congress , 59
*-Below 'we give a summary of the
votes taken among the volunteers, as far as
they have reached us :
Union, Dem.
Alleghany Co. Vols. '521 . 74
Perry " " 116 20
Dauphin " " 151 72
Adams " " 167 maj.
Franklin " " 143 maj.
Blair " 41 82 28
Huntingdon" . " 84 - 4
123 d Regiment 202 29
*The following is the result of the vo
ting in some of the lowa regiments :
Union. Dem
12th Regiment. lO9 - 14
14th , i 115 29
Bth , " 88 14
10th " 287 70
11th , "835 '7O
17th " • 175 42
2nd Battery , 35 6
Two carnpantes of Town boys
' in the .21st Missouri 48 • •
New recruits in the lot CaVal
ry now at . . St. Louis 135 16
Unjon mnjbrity
cos. The rebeli, running short of men, pro
pose to take Negroes into their Army as
teamsters and the like, thus releasing . many
white men who can go into•the rank'as sol
diers. rn Georgia, it is said, the Rebels . are
arming,iheir Negroes. It Is certain
/ Ate
Rebels are determined to use the Negroes
against us as far as they can. '
Breclionridgers will, of course, say this is
right. They also !my it is not right for the
Government of the Union to use the same
means. In other wordit, it igiriglA' , l.hat
Union.soldiers shil! ba shot , -by Negroes, or
whiteswliose,former .positiona as} teamsters
the Negroes are fillieg; but it is not right to
have Negroes ariiikraUal to'shoot 'Rebels,
and Stop the War! Tliakis,:tbey love Rebeli
and Slavery more than they love. our ,own
.Soldiers or the Union. - •
-*NV ,
NEPA late number of the . Richmond Elam.
iner expresses its delight at . the -.Pentisitra-
Uia, Ohlo and ledians . electionsi, because it
'thinks the result a sign 'that the nnity,of the
North is brokeajast that the' indePendenee
of the South will • follow. :, it says the late
po.itaiii,.eve 1 . op a
,are , more encouraging
to ; tbete then-the :recent military • successes
they claim - to have achieved:- • • '
• 'llei,„The iiehmond
,papers 'peak of hay
lug 11 few friend's in.the . ,Npith.: They name
Ex-Presidint Phase,' •Thoinssa.'_'seyinehr,
- Of Coati' 11,aratio 'Beyiaiire'et Per
%041)4;001, Vat'
hOdigh4iiih tat ohici; aud , Francis Hashes of
Perinsybrimaa. ,„., • (
, .
GaferOci! : 4CWaoti 1
, 4 * - 4.P° 111-
ted;the ths4agii
iiiiist that Swa t •
2.016 .
.t 1 - 86
4 ; 870,
- 2,167
; 2,952
720 1,009
2,400 0 1,828
8 , ,89111. , 1,496
2,806 • 4,750
5 5 768- - -81-389
215,588 219,040
Arreit ki!n
• • •
'liege: we: puhlisylk i -..trtittle
,Rev. I. 4T. 8217414401,4 Sin
find a letter in 6 4oifohatiiiji h"
'gentleman, in whigh 7 itSelladOihat
innocent of the charge of betraYing 'Captiin
pahner-into-the : lMmls-of 7 the—traitom—and
also a letter from the, Lutheran niinlster` of
411o6ifilitildp',:retry:toutity,‘,:iitC.: ,The
latter - rea ds es -611iiits:•••.•
"rig j'ebel:#d on,,chattibpfsburg was'
utede / 001.idar 4: ; eyfehjeg i ,i , the ;'o,th. , insfi.
Now, Iter:,,Stine was 'at Now
'PenTentttity; trotirthe Itit - tty the:
Inst.. selling, religious books in the , court
house of the place..,' On Friday.the 10th, inst.
.at ten Or elevanio'cloch A, M.', ho left -New
Bloomfield in the; stage to bring home his
family. not true that he ‘!arrived.. ,. at
Newport; his residence, - onva visit to his wife.
Wlien he left New Bloomfield, on tho4oth,
he went to Shippensbnrg, where ; ltiitilfe
and children were 611,0 visit to relate; and
returned with Ihenl-7.t0 his mothei•in , law's,
'in ..tagkeoti.townahip . 4 where the sheriffiound
-and arrested He ham no chiurof eon
-gregations' -for the reason that it is. only a
few tnonthesince he returned from Nova
Scotia, where he preached for three or four
.years.. Ju the Philadelphia. inquirer of the
27th lust: „Iti it; stated' that, the people here
were on the point of mobbing •hiw at the
tinted his arrest. Now Mr, Bditor,there
is not the shadow of truth in all this. The
people here couid scarcely think -it possible
that Bev. Stine should,. bes arrested; they
were- amazed / anti sympathized' with :him
deeply, knowing that be was always loyal
,and sincerely , devoted to the Union, and bit
terly opposed to the cause of the rebels. No
man in Perry county, or anywhere else, that
k noire. 'him , and his • sentiments on, the rebel
lion, will;" can ;believe him to be onything
but a sound Union, man, and-au: uncumpro
mising enemy to Secessionism. .We have
known him for Rix or eight' years, and are
sure he is willing, at any time, to give his
life for the. Union. • For the sake of„ truth,
and to vindicate, an innocent and truly loyal
man and minister of the gospel, we feel con
strained to make these statements. We
know him / and can bear testimony • to his
irreproachable character as a citizen and
minister, as well as to his unfeigned loyalty,
to tinsynion. Our impression here is / that
a mistairwas made—that the wrong man
was arrested.
"'Yours, &o. ,
U D. , a FOURT,
" Pastor of Christ's Lutheran Church,
" New Bloomfield, Pa. , Oct. 27, 1862."
Militia.--The Drafted Militia of Franklin,
Cumberland , and Fulton counties, to" the
number of some Ato, are now in Camp Mc-
Clure, a short distance South of this place.
The location is beautiful, near excellent wa
ter, and with fine grounds surrounding on
which to exercise or drill a large body.
The camp is now under the control of Col-
Ge.). B.Weistliog, a gentleman ,who, judging
from the recent Orders he has issued for the
government of the command, seems to un
derstand the responsible duties of Oct po
There aro camps now established at York,
Gettysburg, (Thumbersburg, and in tither
counties along the border at their respective
county seats; but from a_ statement we have
seen it appears th at they are only temporary,
and for the purpose, mainly, of collecting the
drafted men at convenient points for the
purpose of organization. The State Govern
ment has no power to continue theni lenger
than is necessary to accomplish this object.
—oltombersburg Dispatch.
The Price of Newspapers.— , Printing
terials of all kinds have very materially ad
vanced since the commeneement of the war-
On some articles of prithe necessity' to the
printer, the advance is 'fully equal to thirty
per centv In addition to this, the Govern
ment taxes them three per cent, on the pa
per they use, thret3 per cent, upon their ad-
Vertisements, and three per cent, Upon their
income,. if' they are' fortunate enough to, have
any. In view'of these facts we notice that
some of our contemporaries are uhout to
raise the price of their issues. '
Reblog of Texas and probably
cter Southern States tiro shipping their
slaves to Cuba, where they are readily sold
ta the planters. The steamer Blanche is
said to have bOOU'in:thi'ti badness under the
British flag. ' '
I TILE EXPP.NSE OP 1.117.1N0.-11 breaks
',largely into a five :dollar note, to' buy a day's
marketing. , You have to pa y $25 for apair
of pants; s3o' for a Pair of --'Roots; s2o' for a
;gallon of brandy ; $2O for a tiarria of flour;
$65 for one . hUndred. pounds of bacon ; .$1
per pound for, butter.; $0 pei-barrel for Inca,
and a mniilar sealei of piicesfor every' 'thing
else, which yott are riorapeUed'io buy..
ly, it costs.a man sorpothing . .to livo now, and
yet we hoar of no one starving.,,' .But there
is a vast deal oi'shart eri4ing in every lira
ale; and It 'is I),Tthia means alone thitt those
who formerly,hred Cianfortably are, able 'to
live at all.— Peters4444.4press:
A sportsman in the neighborhood' of , the
woecl of .Clairmarais,(Somme), shot an • un
usual large risen a short time since, having
Around one of its , legs a small 'ken ring, on
•which were &Igo:wen the words;'. "Born at
Coutrai. in 1772. 11 ' . .! This fact is w.COikfirtna
iiori of the opinion ' of certain naturalists,
alit ravens live for,a 'century upw a r ds.
- ,9en. Banks Texan: Brinntstgon.
BOSTON, Nov. 40.--0 is re . ported that Gen.
Banks-will, invre eightnegunenie
Ahusettc infantry, three batteries, A nd a reg
iment of eavalry i nce part the ,icgpa bted
Tezna expedition. The -4).et *goetentein
included : A theabore They qpect tri*ife
for New. York on Frichiy. ; .,,Oc4.s,Rativllo!
return, to Nov York to morrow;
Inviiltuliiilt- t -midaisht. , Gen;
Xtuokikarlol4l4,;4o***4ol. p. 4 1 )4.. -5 0
gold of Ann,polis,ad:, prevtoliely,sou.
w.lll (e:moitow.
4,1:,:06,00. — 44.,.::-. , ..sti, .0:0 0 .4 0 .,,t t,.,,s P
'J • f .', :4
*'ll4 . 4titikit, 1018 . 1 , , it P fit c00ar,,?5,,,,
.. , , „, . ,,,,, ,,.. ,,,, aFstiftwitifb - i'i biti#o,d CI- '
defiant - Pleaaaptei . . , Yeilordity
.came up
with the rebel cavalry auk' inilltery at VW:,
- liuro - a,bouit 11 o'clock. - The fight, whin
'iiiiiiiiiidiietla iffingflilth-aitilleT'laitilt
about Ilvikbotirc, When the 'ermny .; retreated
tolliii`on, a'striell town three tulles beyond.
OurlOss was 1 kill d and 14 wounded. !The,
rebel force, consist d, o f a portion of General
ca.valiyian otO , battery. Five •or
the rebels are known to have 'been killed.
' 'ThirtnottlineGenr...4lcasanton renewed,
the:attack : at 13..teelocliii lank ,10 lie
was. reinfurcod by a brigade of infantry.' 'At
1 o'clock tho rebJeix full book trent Union,
and our troopeoecupied the' town. Our loss
np to &o'clock. tolay, was I killed `and 4
wounded. ,During-Ahe kotiapli caisson
was exploded by one Of our shells. The li
bel loss is not •known.. ' , •
The firing ,in that direotion was very heavy
,from 8 o'clock till dark, but the mina has
nut been asecraieed. •
Gen. McClellan visited' the. front this af
A. heavy dust was,obSeried to-day at Ash
by's' nap. In what direction the rebel
troops are,moving is not known, the distance
being two great.
Another part Of our army took possession
of Snicker's Gap to-day. •
Three brigades of rebel infantry Were at
last adviceii,advanoing up the west side of
the mountain in two columns. IfeaVy fir
ing followed, but the results are hot yet
Snicker's Gap in our Poesession— the Enemy
attempt to Retake, it, but are ile_pulsed.
November 2,10'x. M.
,r 0 Zioellency . the President ;
1 ,Ilayf); received adesPateh from Gen.
McClellan, dated at Snicker's Gap, 6 P. M.,
gating that he has full possession of the
• When General Haticock ,arriied there it
was held by the enemy's cavalry, who were
at once driven out.
A column of from 6,000 to., 6;000 rebel
infantry advaaceu to retake it, Gut were dis
persed by the fire of our rifled guns.
The position is a strong one from either
It is said that Jackson and A. P. Hill are
in the valley, opposite. `
General Pleasonton had driven the ene
my's cavalry several miles beyond Union at
three o'clock P. M., exploding one of their
caissons, and capturing Aso of their wounded,
left behipd. •; -
R. B. MAROY,Ghief of Staff.
BlidoSlF/ELD, Va.-•
Monday Evening, Nov. 8, P. M.
Tho advance of the Army of the Potomac
up the valley, on the left side of the Blue
Ridge, is being pushed for Ward with all de
Gen. Pleansanton occupied Upperville this
afternoon, after a spirited engagement with
the enemy for about four hours. We had
none killed, but several wounded. The ene
my left three of their desa upon the field.
-44perville is four miles from Ashby's Gap
Which the rt,bele•are endeavoring to hold.'
Our troops now hold all the gaps up to
Ashby's, with every prospect oflaving that
There was some force of. the enemy to
day in front of Snicker's Gap, on the loft
bank of the Shenandoah, to dispute our pas
sage at , that point.
The rumor of the invasion of Maryland,
by the way of Downsville, is not believed at
these headquarters. The last reports -from
the rear state that the army is ready and
prepared to fight a general battle at any time
and place where the enemy may see proper
to meet them. It is in better condition than
it has ever been, with the exception of a
want Of more cavalry.
The War in the Southwest.
The ['Yap/um of Mobile Confirmed.
Cairo, Nov. 3—Advices from Holly Springs
o Wednesday say that largo reinforcements
rom Louisiana are pouring in there.
There has been no movement of' rebel
troops from, that place, except' Villipigne's
brigade tolieridian.
The people .of Hernando are said to be
moving their slaio and other property into
the interior. '
The Grenada (Miss.) Appeat says Judge
John 0. Campbell has been appointed Aga's
tant Secretary of Wtr of Confederate
States, vice Professor Bled esigned. ' •
The Federal forces at Is No. 10 have
,cocupied the Tennessee shore and are
now cot struiting a fort undlr the protection
of a Federal gunboat..
A dispatch. from Jatlitson, Tennessee, da
ted the 2d says that news was recrivedut
General Grant's hesiltinarters yesterday from
the South, via.ntienai confirming 'the' 04-
tura of, 'Mobile,
.Ar'rtv al of the PrizA Steamer
Death o f General' Mitchel. :
" New York,' Nov: prize' steamer,
froni Port Roxal,' with 'data to theist iust.
arrived this evening: - She was capturee by
the.gunbliat Flag end:hark Restless, while
trying to run the blockide . of Charleston.
Her captain, two engiceettqand thirmearmen
were captured - With her. - She is loaded' with
arms . and'unnittnition. 'The rest of her crew
aro' aboard Yiteeiner Florida, which" Saile d.
oa the Ist inst. for this port. -
' • The prize 'steamer Scotia. is repairing . at
Hilten. Head, and Will sail in a few - days for
New York.
,She is•aha' 3 loaded with powdi3r
and atemanition.` • ' • -
-. General Mitchell diedat Beaufort on the
30th ult. of yellow fiver which is -prevail
ing there. , • • "
- • Lynch Lam in Maryland.
BALTIMORZ, Nov. 3.—The-4nrericart luui
a letter from Dutton, Caroline county, Mary:
laud, giving an'aeeount of the _lynching of a
negro mho. under - arreet .for haven out-
ringed andmardered a littleigirl, the- *lash
'eta Edgar Plummer.. : • .
-= Oa Elaturday . .!nightia large aniti-Of lat
ched poophr ouzo sisimiownrourrododod - tbe
fOreod 'operOita r aoarrri 'and teok :i,ttd
Own** out arid Wan 'hiza.,. Aural
dilipended=lifteeri:butletb peiforated;his bodi.
Hamm thentialien.. dcrirovarisat.' his.- throat
Ina out brat* infuriated-it*aintAtin. body
dragged threugh: the tdreata-: it wsiociodly ,
taken te Sri (*icor the tape eNureli,:ithare
it Nas eat. to pituies and buret.' ,- •
_, ; ~
ftßb~teeir►iiri,.;G."pptui~kl 'al at
1' atiooo,ooo.
_ __1 1 04,1404; . 2.,tiotttoili dates
2! tirtuuo hoe beeni.itietveld.
to! ! hoed , stounetki, , , the 'Anglitik ,
roi.vrertilialpturOd on -the 87th "
AO : 4ind'iiikoii to Port Royal,. The .tiro.
teantere----w, rich—their—eotriratat
Another liiiitieti .
was run nandlltat4dittlfoYeticT i ''' ' ;
It WiLl4' reporte& at:',Port Rapt : thlit
rebel rain irati Coniii4-down the._river front
A court martial' with% Btige, .'Glen.
Hartoook was, proaident,,haa).
Owen, 60th Pennsylvania Volunteers, - gu ilty
of the Cliarge et.",ettadttot preittaialitl to gibed
order atutmilitary and unbeeom-,..
ing tiff Ofifear and,n gehtletnan,."';•/The court
sentenetathirit (Col. Ortiiti):te btritlianiiesett
from lho,,eery ice CortlitiVnitea Saki:
..),.. 1, , 4: ; . 1 • -:,,
On 'the sth in'st;, - at:the riaidefice .0f W.
Amberson, •by tho. Rev. T.. Beatty,
Mr. ThonZ : a9 S. Cunningham and Miss Es.
the,. A. ' WallaCe, hoth of this Oise:
For their kindness and liiirridity towards
us in , the distribution of the "good 'things"
we tender the above parties our thanks, and
wish, them as mush of this world's . prosperi.
ty and happiness as is usually; allotted to the
most favored Mortals. ' •
At. Waynesboro' Hotoi r on, tbs. 28d nit.,
by Rev.C. H. Savidge, Jno. Shilling, to
Misti Barbara ' George, both of Washing.
ton County, Maryland.
1 1 .4 34MZEd
At the residence of Nr..Daniel,Newcomer,
near this place ' oh the 8d inst., Miss , Susan
Murphey, aged years, 2' months and 11
Near this place 'on' the 28d ult., Afarp
Jane, daughter of Jacob and Susan Mentzer,
aged 4 years and 80 days.
nod 006 lours our darlitW'one.
Death has, again been in our midst,:
• . He removed from us alitely pet,
And tilled our hearts with sorrow.
Farewell little Mary, take thy rest,
Free from pin and rare and sorrow,
Where trouble heivq• &meth
' And pains eannut he. tett.
From, the American of, ritegmy . ass.
FLOUR—The inquiry for all descriptions
of Flout' oh 'Change today was limited and
the market ruled , rather dull. Transactions
reported comprised 200 bbls. good noward
Street Extra at 87.75 and 250 lib's, Super 66.87/ per bbl. ' Since writing the a
bove we hear of Hales of 2,000 bhls:- Ohio
Extra at $7.621 500 bblii. do, at $7.50, and
300 bbls. Howard Street Super at 06 871
per bbl. We now quote as follows: How
ard Street Super at 87.87/@7- ; Shipping
Extra "do. at 87.15; Retailing Extra do. at
$7.871; Family ,de, $8.50.
GKAtN Sales oiiretprieod 6;00 bushels
common to geed sound white at, 160®1811
cents ; 3'ooo bushels mini° to choice do. at
185®195 eta. ; 4,000 blade's common to
prime Pennsylvania red at 1420:048 eta.,
and 6,000 bushels Southern do. at 147@i1513
eta. per bushel; Sound Corn was in fair re
quests for shiptnent, while ditmaged and
common lots were quite neglected. Sales of
3,000 bushels inferior to.Cair white at 68®
76 eta. ; 1;500 bushels good and primp do.
sat 7778 eta., and 4,000 bushels comer)
to .prime at.74.)@,75 eta., only a small
lot bring i ng iheiiitter figure. Oats 'Contin
ue heavy . Sales of 1,000 bushels geed no 4
Maryland at 63 , eta., weight; 700 bushels
prime new Pennsylvania at 65 eta.,, Weight,.
And 2,500. bushels ordinary o p.m°. new
Maryland at 37®40 ets. per bushol, , measure.
Of Rye 200 bushels prime Pennsylvania
brought 100 eta., and 300 bushels common
to fair Maryland 88E01 cts. per bushel. v,f.
SOF:DR.—We quote -new eleverseel
66.12/00.25, Timothy at $2".2064.50 and
Flaxseed at $1.90@2 per, bushel.
Apples for Sale.
THE subscriber informs the pgiolia that he bag
now for sale green apples by the,bushel. ,
P. 8; Also two second.handed terilifate stoves.
. - (Nov. 7 ff .) ' , ALEX. 11AMILTEJN. -
_ _....
Pew: M".crel.z•eiramme.o3o.
.. . . . .
AillLL persons in Washingten towns hip knowing
themselves indebted for State and County
Fax for the ' , vat 1862; afeitotified to make payment
to the undersigned on or before the Ist' day of Jan
next, a after that it ay 12 per cent. extra will
be added by rifer of the,County 'l'reaaerar.•
-(Nov. 7 w.) , EMANUEL STOVER,.
' ' ' . Constabk.
Asa riCOCina
TRAYEDIfrom she subscriber, in Waynesbon;',
,on Tuesday the 4th - inst.-, a Black dog with
white breast. A liberal- reward 'will be 'paid.
such information as wilt :lead to
_the -mayor/ of
said dog „ ' ISAAC FOX
100 Y aithority and in pursuance, of, an ordeti of
1L.3 sale, granted • the CrOhans CourtofFeglk
lin County, Pa, to David Gilbert, ad:niobium. " of
John Gilbert Br., late of said county, decease ) Were'offeredat Public Sate,
.in the - BetrobW of
Way neithort4 he iNsauttsa4 rni 22a oax - otrAor
iltßirt '62-at 10 viekmk, 'sit the' ReatZotese
said deceased not taken at the appratt
ame consisting of, •
PURPAUT dlt being until lately the
of tbe.deceasad;,adjoiniag the:ile!rougb of, Waynes
boro', aa4 bounded try lands ofHeary - GRbeaOlalk
er, ficaore,:dnider, nud ache* containing - - '
120 ACILE - a
AND AO PERWlSB r ii . ii4ihmkiailiroisiAllilothero
on nand& , •
MUM H1M 1 .15 1 4
BToßElfilMl44;ottaerbitil • anbter voltaiTh
bested in s pleasiatiori ' akcasis4.
PiMPARr ati,Ast 4 exceikiik CiC:fhini*
tiebind puplish!,2:,sodA,Aontilract
'9Vliktitreet; _
~ • .
ind •:biorpoo t
Puemq. writ •
13. 11../k44:,