Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, October 31, 1862, Image 3
~'~ 5; MILLI t• LATST ARRIVAL OF ILL Oil EITIII 0 TO 3 Hardware, GROCERIES ! QUEENSWARE AND. CEDARWARE I HAVING just returned from the Eastern Cities he ,w ould call the attention of his customers and th e public generally to his ^ , LARGE iikfilitiptkils-AASGRTMENT DRY GOODS! Which will be sold 'at extremely Low Below you will find enumerated a few 'articles which w ill be found among his stock, to which he nvites your attention: 'OR THE LADIES, Silka, all Wool Del sines, Fancy Alpacas, bombazines, Plain Ginghams, Plain Flannels, Grey ‘. -ALSO: - Ladies' Shawls, Fancy Prints, Extension Skim, Balmoral Skirts, Ladies Collars, Magic Ruffiting, Linen Handklii. Helsery, acc. MEWS WEAR. Fancy Cassimeres, Plain •• Cloths, Italian Cloth, Vestings, • !Satinets, Tweeds, Jeans, Shirt Fronts, Gents Collars, Neck vr les, Under Shirts, Drawers, Buck Gloves, " Gauntlets, DOMESTIC SHIRTING, Furniture Check, Bed Ticking, Cott on Flannel, Woul " Talble Diaper, ' 'Fowling &c., dtc. • Queensware, . Hardware, Boots' and Shoes, Cedar Ware. CM432.9DCMZ1E1U 3 J 2 Z 23 9 Of the very hest quality, such as • Syrups, a,nd New Orleans Molasses, Best Rio Coffee, Superior Prepared Coffee, 11 mutell's Best Essence; Baker's No.l Chocolate, Rai s, Toba cejK Rice. &c., ;etc. The above goods have been carfully selected and purchased at the vcry lowest figure. He is therefore enabled to accommodate' all who may favor him with a call. By strict attention to business and a desire to please in every respect, he hopes to merit a continuance of patronage. NO TROL DIX TO SHOW GOODS, Country Produce taken in exchange for goods at the -highest market prices J. W. MILLER• 00.13 '62 PlißMg SLAI. DESIRABLE REAL ESTATE. — u — IEVY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of 1111 Washington County, the subscribers Executors . of the estate of Christian Strite, dec'd., will sell at public sale, at the late residence of the deceased, near Leitcrsburg, On Friday the 7th Day of November, 1862. the following real estate to wit : NO. 1— A MERCHANT MU F ® A R 1111dIE on the Antietam Creek.' near Leitershurg. Said Merchant Mill is built of Stone and Frame, three stories high, contains two run of burrs and one pair of choppers, with plaster mill ard.grannry nttachsd: Said mill ii in good order, and has as good run of country custom as any mill in the county. The house forthe miller of said mill is new, built of Brick. two stories high. • The Farm attached to said Mill contains SIXTY-EIGHT ACRES, MORE OR LESS, be l oquality of Antietam land, in a high state of cul tivation. There is on said farm a large 1111 1111101 an STONE BANr.BARN. Wagon Shedd, Car riage House. Smoke House, with other necessary out-buildings, with a well of.rood waternt the door of the house. The form is under good fencing and has a fine orchard upon it. Said form .adjoins the lands of the heirs of Joseph Gabby and others. NO. 2.—Adjoining said mill property -a farm containing FIFTY-FOUR- ACRES,. -- more or,less, On said farm is a new BRICK .HOUSB, two stories high; and :new :Bank Barn with Wagon Shed • attached, -and other necessary opt•bujldinge, under good fencing, and •his an or chard, with a well of good Writer near the house. , -- The-said firm' is in a •high slate of cultivation, and stboins-the lauds ef-the heirs-of Joseph Gabby • and the leiterebing Turnpike. ' ' ' trect'of land on the southeast side of, • Leiterstourg, containing about . FIVE AcIPOPI, under,g9od fenceing. NO. 4.---Mo main 1:of of . C 1035 3 2 2117 T. c ontaining 10 .deft,Et 4011) 28,Poitows. j o iningiliudeof:DAsieli,tiehi, Mishears ebeniu=suid TERMS OF r ar ei t Ini of the purchase imJim)y to hsitti.,of2atiOnilitinispfo#L,the ! we. in !lista atildilthbVil Ply "WWI int4trest flrolo dip rb'iMiluirehisist . ring MOWN ephioyi. idliecuriri:andOrl / chisetinniet tdod 'and idiliefiedt deeda:Will be Ifltide' ta:,theilirchatir "Or.p4iihisen ,by!-, the • mask, to coinnieneetd Ib o'cleck' on said doiy. ‘l3l"Tho pmpertrwill,be shown' to persons desir ing to see it by thenbilersigned. • • • - • Oir*The growing Crop, and the crop to lurptitriut his fall to be .reserved. 12r Noweirsion will he giren on April let Ill~~y and the tints accruing on the 'mi 11 Will-inKalso: reser ved up to said Ist of April. . - 40FIN MIL JOHN. ISTRITE, $ "" Oct. 17—to. PUBLIC SALE VALUABLE TOWN PiIOPERTY. Y virtue of an Order of the Honorable Orphan's' .Jl_ll Quart for Washington county and by Ike di rection, contained in. the last Will and 'Avian:tont -of John Dyer, the nndersigued, his Executor, will offer at public sate, On Tuescla'y the 11th of Novem b er, 1862. in front of the premises, that valuable real estate known as the "Southern and Western HOTEL," situated on the corner of West Washington and Jonathan Streets. in Hagerstown, anti now in the occupancy of William E. Doyle, as is Hotel, and partly by R. H. Wise as a Grocery Store. This well known and long established house has an extensive run of, business, is in good order, and always commands a large rental. From its location in frorit of the Court House, and near all the public institutions of the town, and from its susceptibility of improvement it is regarded as perhaps the best and most valuable piece of property in the own. As a Tavern i: has always had the best country custom in this place, with perhaps the largest transient busi ness. One of the rooms is rented for a Grocery Store doing a large business. • . _ Win the rear of this property is a large and well arranged BRICK STABLE, • lately erected, and has all the requirement of a first. rate Hotel. 67'7 BE TERMS OF SALE ARE t—One-thtl of the purchase fininey to be paid on the ratification of the sale by Me Court, the residue in two equal annual payments with incerost from the Ist day of April next, and for the deferred payments the pur chaser to give notes with security approved by the Executor, each note to bear interest from the first of April, 1863, and on payment of the whole purchase_ money a deed will be executed. Possession to be given ou the first day of April nextl. .?'For further particulars enquire of W. E. Doyle, the present tenant, or of the undersigned. (Oct B—ts.) ABRAHAM eiTRITE, Executor. TRUSTEE'S SALE EEGAL Snj[rTE -o- THERE will be sold at Public Sale, on the prem hies, in Quincy township, ON TUESDAY THE 4TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1862, the following Real Estate, Tate the Estate of Nancy Myers, deed, viz: A Tract of- Land containing • - 164 ACRES AND 85 PERCH}, and allowance, aljoining lands of Samuel 'Beam, Henry Besore,. Levi San ders and Robert Mcllvany, on which are erected ,a large two Story Stone DWELLING 110 M, Stone Darn, Stone Spring House, three Tenant Houses and other buildings. About 100 Acres are clear and under good cultiva-ion. The farm is well watered in all the fields except one, There is a fine YOUNG ORCHARD growing on the premises. The road from Chem bersburg to Waynesboro' passes the door, and the dwelling is but three miles from the latter place.— The Land is of the best Lime Stone quality. There is a running and never-failing fountain in the Spring "louse.. TERMS OF SALE : One-third ofpnrchase money to be;paid down on Confirmation of sale ; the remainder to be paid in three equ annual payments, beartng interest from date of on&mation. First payment, ist April, 1864; se ond, Ist April, 1N65; third, Ist April, 1856. DANIEL M E. 128, • Trualee. (Oct. 17—15.) ANOTHER ARRIVAL "VARIETY STORE." JBEA VER announces to his customers and • the pub!ic, that, ha has just returned from the Bastian markets with another fine assortment of new goods, comisiding of Fall and Winter Hats and Caps, (all sorts and sizes), Boots and Shoes for men and boys, with a complete assortment o f shoes for ladies ware; Clocks, 'flunks, Segars, Tobacco, and all articles usually kept in a first•cluss variety store. The public are cordially invited to call and examine his new stock. N. B. Boots and shoiiii inanuflictured to order when desired, at: reasonable rates and upon 'short notice. (Oct. 24, '62,) NEW OPEN _ENG J., A. FISH :R A?INGE] LACES to hag Waynesboro' frt.. and the public genera ly that-he has quite nr cently replenished his stock of goods for Gentiemen's ware, which' embraces all the Woo: et, lea of Cloths (French and American ,manufacture). Cassimeres, Vestings, - most fashionabie styles, undershirts, drawers, neck ties, handkerchiefs, suspenders,. gloves, • &C. &c.— Persons lrom W aynesboro' and vicinity visiting Hagerstownaro invited to give him a tail- as prepared to sell all goods in, his line at ' PZ.-ioa,e~ for the cash. Hie Store is in the NEWLY FITTED ROOM, next door to Updegraire, lidgerstown, Md. Oct. 24, '62. 1 41 11101112111171r1tiC111204. 131E1130M:5 iinUivinethrmselves indebted to the subscriber will ,Cillti 011 • Ws;..e. VpiIIICGAN at oyneshoro', or the subscriber in camp at .oham beriburg, and sett le their accounts at once without further notice.. ' ' '!.- r:- - '. B. 8. TROXEL. •- • -Oct. 24-3 w. •• r .. z . . , Thiitiee. tiFitietogpiumserit,, .., ..,... rpm undenigne ditembrita,itit( . 4llsvpublic not 4, iutisupase , spottriletic2.4agtuaew . by,.huuting stealioitisorntbeersisiii'atthey are determined to eat (wee AIWA. against all persons so aired. s al ding., ...--.:.----,-- - • - ~' -- - .1014N--(Mlit. Oat. 241 7" 4 4,A;..! - ::: '-,„ J OHN ZODZ; . . , _ - , 'Old °I I,A t*footbkit filing for ail() r ether at ' ammo AT THE raStikAr-s#B4)-it E. - • 1T.10182 o4i;:l6"Wortiito woot. . ao BEimi - It Usweehso 4 0 20 Waif) - ' 7 ClLovitis Bsso TALLOW 8 • TIIIOTRY SIDIE 00 SOAP 4RB PLANERS!) 100 BACON (hEIIII4 .; PARED PEACHES 00 Bacon (4 141 4' , trEPARRD a 00 BAcoN (0411 1 04 •-6 Dmicp,Aotri •• 00 RICHMOND TA NkN BY THE UNION FORCES TOGETHER 1‘ WITH THE WHOLE REBEL ARMY t "MO ?EMU ME" This Victory was gained with very little Loss on Our Part; ~ebiq yet another, JOSIAH MORE him jug returned from the Eastern Cities, and is now opening the moat extensive stock of SUMMER GOODS ever brought to Waynesboro', which he will sell cheaper than any other house this side of Richmond. Consisting of everything usually found in a well conducted establishment. • The community is invited to call and examine my stock which I will take great pleasure in show ing to all who may favor me.with a call. - To con vince you I have-a splendid stuck I will ennumenite a few of the leading articles now in store, all of which I will sell at greatly reduced prices. FOR THE LADIES DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. Including the latest novelties in Summer Dress Goode, to which I respectfully invite the attention of the ladies. The choisest Collars, "The finest qualities, I The largest stock, The beet assortment, ever exhibited in Waynesboro', and at unpreceden ted Uaczrwzr EPrrflapa)m Superior extra heavy Blk. Silk, Blk., Brown, Blue and Mack Foulards, Pikes (light grounds,] Bouquets of Chintz; Collars, Satin plaid and prin• Marguiliso, Valncia Plaid, Silk and Shepherds Plaid, Silk_Lustres, st rived Himalayas, Blk. Persia, Blk-. Grenadine, Blk. and fancy Barage , A nglaise Braze, AY;gla's High colored Challies, Jackonets and Or gandies, Gr issaile grlunel, French Brilliants, French Chintz of the latest styles, Cambrick Lawns, Pop lins, Moh airs, striped do., Lavellas in all collars TOURISTS [inss Manchester, Pacific and Hamilton Detains °Pall styles and shades ' 011-7:1X1-12 3.453 L• O.ICitiLEI for ladies wrapings. Sacques. Mantillas, new and elegant styles, Shawls, French worked Collars, 'Under Sledves and in sets, Embroidered and Hem .siiteheti, Handkerchiefs, Kid Gloves, Silk sad Lyle Gauntlets, Cord and Tessles, Head-Jicts, B. Its Bel ting of 'all descriptions. HUB IND EIRE GES. Sikh as Blk. Bombazines, Blk. Parcailes, Folar and Poplins, Baragcs, Ducal's, Challies, Ginghams, Prints, Mk. Eng. Crapes, from 2-4 to 7-4 wide, 111 k, Kids, Gauntlets„Crape Collars, &c. My line of Millenary Goods is complete. TRIMMINGS - Such as Bugle Gimps and Laces, all widths, Belt Ribbons, narrow Silk Gimps, _Dress_C_ords,Flringm &c. Spool Silks and all Colors of Shetland Yarn, Zephyr worsted, &c. PRINTS AND DOMESTIC GOODS!! embracing all the most favorite Brands such as Merima es,.Sprague, Pacific, Onehieco, Manchester, Dunne is, American and English ri nts. . BLEACHED GOODS. larrikon "Mills, , Chester Hill, New Market, Lons.lale, Commute, Great Lake, Mayflower, Lawrenee, Belmont, Waltham, Hill Manf. Co. and other brands. II 11l jiIIA*I I E. 1.01 Nil ILO k Pacific Sheetinge Portsmouth " Shavvmut " Appleton " Plymouth " GINGHAMS AND FURNITURE CHECKS. Ia which lam prepared to otror great bargains, ALSO 2 4 and 4-4 checks, Tickinqs Dennims, Blue Drills, Moreens. Damasks, Shirting Stripes, Nankeens, Corset Jenne, Crach & Huch Toy!hugs, GENTS WEAR. ITALIAN CLOTHS; Blk. and fancy Clutha, " " " Cassimeres Silk mixed do. Merino do. CEtshmeretts Marsailes Valencies Grenedirms Hosiery ' Cravats Collars, &o. GROCERIES. A, large and wet/selected stock; in e tvtlichmit prepared to 4(4 great inducements to purcbmiers. Consult youcosgisttez6t. ana.swainilsc'Aily stock before purchasing,. _ QU.EENS.IYA4f4: Glass,and,Sionesstaire • of the latest Sty lea" alwayeli;6 • band 'zit prices, that defy competition., • - ,the subscriber tendenehis thanks to liii friend*. end 'enirtomeri loupes!. favor* aiid , patronage, and respeefully,solicits s continuance of the manse.-- Donk-forget the, place, Corner of Main and' Churrh Streets, where the 8rA1g3,141) :•hetHlksEhl' Cenntry produce taltenin exchange Air gnats the highest , market • price. • „calnit4) A moskeag Shectings, Merchants !, Medford' Canton 4 Shawmut " Tweeds, Jeans Linens. • :diet : •,,txtrirEits 0 orf#3)loT, , ,ac cr), • vvA BUTTER Eoos, BaanN,,(l.l.l' , • (Simi • . " (stiontnetti) . T4itow. . LARD, • 1862. FIRST ARRIVAL. AMBERSON, BENEDICT & CO Waynesboro' Pa. OCT. 24 w • lETll)ikr FILL IND CATER CrOOllH cv"TY/E ore now receiving and o &ring to sell a new 1414 and FULL ASSORTVIE NT of ..NEV DM( EIBSS Which we think wo are preparod to sell at as low terms as any other h ouse in town or country. aZLl...i 5 a - 2:o° DRESS GOODS of all kinds Challies, D elaines, - • B ereges, Lavellas, CCOLZa.ELMILEI, SLEEVES, EMBItOIDERIES• 'MEN'S FALL AND WINTER CU , CD CD Cloths, Cass inter°, Yes eV, Hosiery, Cettonades, Ken. Jeans, Fine Tweeds, Neck Ties, Cravats Sums gg r Hats . Handkerchiefs, Shoesliiipers A full assortment of Plain and Fancy CASSIME RES. QUEENSWARE. A good supply of Queensware and Glassware of the latest style. GROCERIES, Always on ham] a heavy lot of prime Groceries, COFFEE, SI IGAR, SYRUP, MOLysES, SPICES, &c. To which we 'respectfully call The attention of our euvnoiners end the public generally; and at the same time we return our thanks to customers and tbe community fin their liberal patronage, and will en deavor by . f dr dealing with all, to merit a continu ance of the s.itne. Please call and see. AM BERSON, BENEDICT & Co DRY FRUIT: r 4. •IN rwall .1.111-:`Drit:l at AMBERSON, BENEIDICT & CO'S PICKLEt. A LOT OF Pickles, Good- AMBERSON, BENEDICT 3r, CO'S CHM FIXTURES; OIL CURTAINS, AMBERSON, BENEDICT & CO'S A IFATLL.4.'SSORTMENT PRINTS, MUSLIM, MGM CiCiZILT:3I"44,'Cib.:4-3,' ? . OF Af.L DP39IOIIONS at ' AMBERSON,BENEDICI . dc COY& ~'BLMT7R'!Si DANDELION OOSTEEL MUMMELL'iI ISCENCE 'OF - COFFEE, Rt .tAliir;ii.dt.)S, timiu (X b. .._... 7 .,,. a „.... .. ~ $ , , % ~,,,„...,,,,,.• ,•,,:r v .., .. g , :„.,,,... ..i, ..„,.,,,..,,.........., , , . ~. .., i . . Viih•~ iiSSEMIE.I . .... _ 16 *Pitts 10 • 4 0- 4/ ' • 1- ;:ap.o`4:sollei,- :',: illEUSVAt''..lllllllllti,':.;: : : LADIES' AND CHILOPEITSPIOES, &c; GEO. STOVER, - , `THANKFUL for kind favors:6d patronage hete t," Wore bestowed upon him, again appears betine the public To 'solicit a continuance of the He having just returned :rota the eastern cities with fine a and well selected stook of new SPRING AND SIJAMED, Which he intends,selling at very low rates, whicn he knows he can do to 'the satisfaction of all Mir will call and examine his stock. Below you will find enumerated a few articles which will be found among his stock to which he calls youi attention. • FOn. THE LADIE S He has a large assortment of Dress Goods consisting in part of die Wes, Printed and Plain Detainee, 13I'k, Fig'tl and Cord Silks, Plaid Mohair, Silk Warp Mohair, liercgcs, QQ Medan* Cloth, Lavellas, French and domestic Giughams Poplins, Pongee Miiture, Cloth for Ladies, Wrappings, Gloves, • Hosiery, in great variety. Bl'k Silks Cord do. Fig!d do. Lustres, Poplins, Broad Black and Fancy Cassimeres, Union Cassimeres, Duck Linens, Cottonades, Summer Coatings, - Tweeds, , - Velvet Cord, Marseilles, Silk Vesting, Velvatine Vestings, of all kinds; in fact a full assortment of goods for Gentle men wear. Also a large and well selected stock of DOM ESTie GOODS, Muslin, Ticking; and a complete a assortment of Notions. It's no use trying to enumerate. It you want anything at all in the Dry Goods line, just call in and you will fold him re.tdy to wait on you,with pleasure. To persons having country Produce to sell, they will find it to their advantage to bring it to Sto• ver's,as he always gives the highest market price. So give him a call, and he will sell you good.; as cheap as they can be purchased elsewhere. Aprl 1 1862 NUELMISOE3 Nr.i vi ng .s h T is o c N us E to ß n . , o ta r, ke a s n t d li is i ymi for t i h n o 4 tr t o h f e t p h u a t n d t . that he has just returned ' tn,na Philadelphia with the largest assortment of Drugs, Medicines ' Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, soaps, Perfumery, Fruit, Confec tioaary, 4Ste., d &c., that has been brought to 'the place this season, which he will sell cheap. He has on hand. with what he is receiving. makes his assortment of Patent Medicine greater in variety than any other establishment in the place. In a few weeks, he will publish his list of manufactured articles. He has on had now, his Cough •Medicine, put up in six ounce bottles, price 25 cents, "no cure, so pay." Its curative properties are now fully appreciated, judging from its daily sales. May 9 '62. FOR SALE,. • eri HE subscriber intending to 'remove to other pnrts offers nt Private Sale, his valuable little Farm, situated in Washington township, Franklin county, Pu ;adjoining lands of S. Bear, D. Fox and others, three miles northwest of Waynesboro', con. wining 150 M of Ilia quality Limestone Land, in good order. The improtements are, A TWO STORY BRICK HOUSE and hare Back Building now, Bank Barn, Wash House and other out-buildiiigs. There is al so a well and largo cistern with pump convenient to the buildings, and a large Orchard of excellent fruit on the premises with cherry; plum. peaches, pear and othi•r fruit, all of the best quality. Those wishing to purchase will do well to call and examine for thenisevas. • ,HENRY C. LBSHER. oe,P• s— tf.) • FLOUR, FEED AND PROVE. 4 IOIT STORE I . _ THE subscribers announce to the citizens of Waynesboro' that they have opened a Flour Feed and Provision Store in the'rooin' next door to Dr. Brothertert's office, where they will tit all iinitis have for sale • 113M111,7,' M ILLSTUF FS OF ALL KINDS, SCR E EN :SHELLED ' AND IN THE EAR.. OATS, POTATOES,, APPLES, VINEGAR ; ' . Also,Rye, Wheat, and Barley ,14 the'bushet or in , smaler quantities, and other articles 'usually , kept in-sucrt establishments. All'Flour and Mill Stun' will be Mold at MILL hacks ?OR ,TRZ 011116 The highest market pricessvili hevaid tor,Whost, ,Rye and Cora to be delivered st.the.Mill of the sub. scribers. JOHN WAITER, (Sept. S.--tf). - JOS ELDEN' - way br Tam. LL persons i n let ts• s for st.leheol Tax in Weak ti.ingtna tovvmsap, for Lite year,l662,are requci•. ted to make inatainikute payment, :}'R"" (Oct, 21.i--3t) JOSEPH PUNK, Cu/kctor& 414' , . . i 1H 1 fur wings to .sor," right down at Price's ILL Store. .IViiat for 1 -Why to get soma more of that. ear, Vors,Syrup•—only, :12i' cents :l - ' „, boot st • ~ - • . • . Putot4. ?ti): .•o--- ea:1) 41CD KIIIMN 9 GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, ij [Tao (0, ‘.IU VALUABLE FARZ eve - Orleans Holum% call at- • . • . _ ~,,,,,.. „....,,,,,, ‘7 .-,....,-,.... :,:e.::: ,- ,,,... 7 "."-n-i5ityrr.., 7 0,,,,-,..• : , . ; • . '''',;,4,' z. , 1 14 ° . ' • • 1 1, ) . 1,1 i. - -5 , d',A 1,,, : i ';',- ~i: - 11 1 ''• l . , e jr, ro I ~. ~f M., -, ..... -'' ~ ',L '- E - .., 1 -,l- r i''-,' ' - _','':. i :i ., - - - ';-. .--.-•i'.-..L*--. 4.l''l' - Leaded WI , f . .e.' = I •- -- ---- -- - ;;,..., •,'- f-,., ~ r, -..:.• .„?....,.,,;,•„ , - -'•-• kr c , ;.,..f. • ,• CI ~,, ;•.' • c,..., -,f 4b....! , : -?,,,, ~ • ,4, ‘!". ; ••.' .:$ 37: 1 ! :.* ! v . •' • ' - 'i .• ;',.! ,' :.," . ,' , r . , - .: • _: .--, , arrived ,thitf , weeki • insitined up to our strati, milli Itircvd=oii'!, ye elk gorii‘fil of creation !—the most delightful stock of fleecy goods straight into •oirr''doirr, tirat' brightened our countenre .• First, doubtless• to folenau the' AL.IICIIIIIOBEIMINg • 1 came 'shower of Silky believe,' B alzirines, El ! ty tinted Lawns, Chintzes,' Modenatii, Mozamliiquest.• Poplins, Challies , &c.; of mit ry 'hue of, the Rainbow,, stars, that will inake the old look young, anti the young like fiatiii :'thee followed a bra:l%l stream of IN ontreens; Tx ble-dia pets, Calleues, ,cienaburges; hermit h' whit „ came dying like birds of beauty, Road-Dresses, Sleeves and Wirth in sett 4, Shakers, Hosiery, Suit- Umbrollas--heauties—gaun dots, and all those dear little tick-tucks which tmtko thu Wok so charm ; above it a dark sheet of MOURNING GOODS. n eirtani variety. 131 k. Grenadines, Byndore Bero. ges, Wool Del.alnes, Challieti, Lawns, lialz trines, Crape Despanges, Eng. Crape, Eng. and American Prints, plain and figured, ling. and F'iertelt Crap., Veils, Mourning Collars, Gloves, Hosiery, &c -- everythingto render the mourner.heautiful in her sorrow. After these streams ceased to flaw then) was another explosion and in arise . pouring for the GENTLEMEN,, Bales of Silky iiroail-cliiths, Parisians, Cat,siiners Mark and fancy, double and singled milled ,iu su perb styles, fancy as a sunbeam.--with the: accom paniments, 'splendid Vest :Silk, Marseilles plain, biiiliant, and beautiful Neck -tics, unimpeachable Shirt-breasts and Collars everything to set the Gent fit for a picture; and make him presentable even at the Calk it of the Nation. Genbt. 'oak in null see, EceitilLis believing. All over the Frtverneiq lay byes, which when opened displayed thiwe 'good suhil.subztautial wares, our noble, industrial's, MOTHERS like so much to soc ; hoc - tem they , ' must h Ivo thorn to make the boys trowsers, and the girls cires.;es : here they are - strung as buck skin. coned, woolen, mixed, jeans, goods of new styles, cheap and dura ble, cotton stripes, drillings, calicoes of late styfes, ticking, sheeting', in fact all that our young hien Is require who are starling on their matrimonial jour ney through life. Well, tin se nods were hardly stowed away, when here came trudging along Our Poor, 011 Et'aino7.3.ross oasis! loaded heavy,—oh rary—tvitb• litoperies, gunens ware. and Hog:lieads of that Minions Loaf-sugar, rups, and 6ugar-1101.110 m3lasses, tioplie,ick and barrens of sugars of every grade. Sh td, aek era, Herring, fresh front the briny wave, !adieus cheese rum New England, brooms, spices,—and a splendid lot of StilliA UUUIiL),—and sweet MC eut,-!-and V;ttikee .Notions, togt.ther with 4t full as sortment of HATS AD SIIOES! Leghorn, chip, film fur and wool Hats, gents. and hooters and 'dme, cheap, distractingly cheap.-- Now all these affairs startlingly, and touchingly set forth are for sale and Exhibition at the store of the undersignedoirlio, with many thanks \fa') past encourage tt ment and patroage, remains Respectfully your chit. servant (may 23) JOSEPH P 1110414 HO! FOR QUINCY. Second Arrival of Spring and Summer Goods. LEWIS COLLROWER. am now receiving and offering to sell a- new and full assortment of DRY GOODS. Which I think I am prepared to tlell on as rea sonable terms as any other hoods in-Aown or coun try. - A full assortment of LADIES. DRESS. ,GOODS of all kinds. '• Silks, Detains, Airlifts, Printtul Challis, Girsghtuns, Lawns, Fancy Prints, Ladies Shawls, Sic. MENS SPRING AND SUMMER. GOODS of all kinds. Cloths, Cassimere, Fine- Tweed 4; Ken. Jeani,, Cottonades, Vestings, fiantlke rcheifi, Neck Ties, Misery. A full assortment of Plain and Fancy Cassimeres . • QUEENSWARE AND GLASSWARE, . . A large . slock of Whie . h I am_pii2pared to offer as loni 'as any oth• er ntail stars in the country. BOOTS- AND SHOES. for men's and Liaiie's, wear of ;ill sorts and sizes. Also a large and well selected stock of " DOMESTIC GOODS. Mut;lins, Tickings, and a complete assortment of Notions. Looking Glasses, Hardware,. _Hats. and Capo;Painta and Oils, rsh Shad and Herrin; by the barrel. it is nou.e'.trying ,to 'enumerate. If you want anything if the Dry. Goods linc,'just call and you will fund as Teddy t 0 wait' Oil . yuu With pleasure. .•, 10,000' CHESTNUT Jotx,ir;SHINGLES for Sale Country produce taken hr forgoodt ,•/ at the highest market prices. ' By strict attention to business and - a desire, ,to Tleaso• • M‘'... o ,verr respect,boPO to :merit ,a , bon.. unuanen of pateonage. • Nay WER & CLUGSTON. HoOdsi.! 2 Hoods!! 2; LIST. received per Express, direct from the man ') utitcturesienother lar g e invoice of •ehakers. • ( (Jur,' • • 2a4%. JoPtAit ARUI MOS ji,ET'rLES ai I ypnwinra 06f chow" of Tobacco; 11. kt I n"' ' • - 40rE 8 ; if you'ltaat to see:- a nice assortment of lIRESSIOOI.I3, call at April 4 • TF you Wanat:l t the apis:l .aiatgateat style or Hat _Leal! at Patoil'a. • - F you want to seo . alttrise'luiaorttitetit of Siiawts I Call at - ratti4 . • Fatce*S' LIALIONOMY URA Al, bet tad leap . ..nalaY 2B • &eat aniTCOVVINIAMPIO.63IIg4I6,II.IItst ' ! • W.A l . l l (ki at ( 111 4 - , Russeteek— Plocs'g