Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, October 31, 1862, Image 2
VILLA - a , 7,,ATOR Vgisae.lr2ol6:UlliZlCA 00; ErMal, Oct. 31, L 863, Forever . Where . With Freedom's soil beneath odr feet, . And Freedom's banner streaming o'er Jeanie official vote for Auditor Geueral - has bcou received from all but three small coun ties. blr. 81euier'S majority is 2,282' which will be increased about 180 by the other three counties. This is a pretty close run. If the 'army vote were counted Mr. Cochran would be elected. • • Sadler! Vote.--In the 123 d Pennsylvania regiment polls were opened on the last • elec tion day, and there wore 202 Union votes to 31 Democratic. In the 125th regiment, now on Maryland Heights, there was also an election, and 187 votes were cast for the Union candidates and 27, for the Democratic. Pollsre also opened in the 126th Penn sylvania regiment, and the- Ilnioc ticket re ceived, in the eight companies from Frank lin County, which are enabraced in that reg iment, 206 votes and the Democratic 67. The lowa regiments that were in that State 'on the late eleet'on day, votes 4,590 . t0r the Republican ticket and 1,145 for the Demo cratic. Ev4mi.•s of the Governm'ent.—Tbere is a certain class of persona in this and perhaps every community throughout the loyal States who have no sympathy for the Government in this war for the Union, but who do not wish to be 61assed as among those who sympathize ; .with the traitors; Accordill to their own declarations they are thorough Union men, but their actions belie their professions.— The class to which we refer are zealous and untiring in their efforts to embarrass the Federal authorities, and if possible, prejudice the unthinking masses against our present worthy Chief Magistrate, by a most scandal ous system of misrepresentation. Every act of the administration from the commence vent of the war has been seized -hold of by these sympathizers with treason, and every device that the ingenuity of man could in vent to pervert the truth has been resorted to, to thus aid the cause of Jeff Davis.— With many of them the war tax just now proves to be a great (•eye-sore," and then the draft too is a "bore," but the greatest boog nboo of all is the •'Nigger." They can - not tinder any eireathatances refer to. the war without patting "Faniho" in. It is either a "Black Republican war," an ."Abolition war," or "a war to free the niggers." Sometimes the negroes are going to overrun all the free States and make beggars out of every poor man; woman and child. Next may be heard the ;try of Negro equality," The result must be aeet minility between the races unless old ieis putout of office and Breck haridge, Vallandighatn, or somebody else put in his place. So it matters little what the President or Congress may do to restore the Union, this class will still have it that the war is to free the negroes. No better evi dence of a sympathzer with the traitors is re quired than such declarations falling from the lips of any man, and yet these same par ties claim to be loyal. They want io give the rebellion.what aid they cart and at tbo same time avert the diigraceful appellation of TRAITOR, which must mark their Dames North and South as certainly as it has done tbat of Arnold. It will not do for mach per sons to seek to cover over their peifidy and treachery by clamoring about the negro, the unconstitutionality of the Presidents acts, eta. if they are not,for the Goirernment in this life or death struggle they must be a gainst it, and hence can in uo wise be re garded as loyal. •1 Newspaper Office Demolished—The office of the Carlisle Volunteer was attacked on Friday evening last, by about 100 citizens ana soldiers tif the Anderson Troop, 'and eompletely demolished. It was provoked by s. most malignant and scurrilous article against the President, the army, and loyal tren generally. One of the sentences in the article was, i;They have, in the face of his throats and persecutions, dashed their clench ed fists in his very *yes, and branded him and his _truckling, thieving, rotten Abolition with theieal ,of their condemnation.. Come out of that agar, Abraham Lincoln!" , The Drafted Militia.-- The Harrisburg Imimpondent of the Phila. Inquirer, says, that the State authorities have determined io place the drafted militia' of the border counties iu camp along the border as follows:. —three regiments from. Franklin, Fulton and -Cumberland counties, in camp at Chambers -104-ione regiment from Adria county,in eampltt Gettysburg.; two legit/antic:from York county, in camp at Telt, and -regi ments from, the other border 'Counties, in camp at Amt. respective county sestet. Ott is understood that the. escape of Stawart's Cavalry from Pennsylvania is to 'homed° ',the - subject of a' court of inquiry; when the .eitlduot of flutter*, PJetiqgl#46iii IWO,* %Ad ethers, will be inveetig4. An Achim etp, th***l the ' * '`t *ay of: r the head . organizing victory. Never have we seen so hunch harnmny, and energy in the Govern inept lenge& leaf cif enmities and quarrel, amen our- ,, statesmen. In the pert.on of the Administration ihe'Re .„ - preisehiti a tilted front to the - 44 he llion, and thiehe tebehs arebiagininkto feel. We see indications of alarm in the Sentheru newspaPers: They know the-rnightifrepar ations that are taking plackixinong the 'peo ple 'of the North, and. the .stupendous _exer tions that are being made to accomplish their overthrow. "An invasion is designed," says the Richmond Dispatch, "to which all we have sern of invasion is mere child's play.— We speak it-not for the purpose of crea ting unnecessary alarm;--but warn our peo ple of what they have to . exPect, and to pre pare them for the occasion!"_ This warning is the knell of Southern hopes. The rebels have made a gallant . re sistance, but their gallantry is the reckless ness of despair. We are uniting, concentra ting, strengthening; and on the result of the months now coming this war will depend.-- , The President has placed the Republic on the advance ground of liberal. sentiment, and our battle* are not merely for the Union, but for liberty and Union. The inspiration of this thought is to our cause more than an ar my of warriors. Hereafter we are to know nothing but war, that peace may come, and we look for peace to come quickly. We are about to hurl a united, vigorous North upon a feeble and exhausted South. We are on the advance everywhere—in the army and navy and in public sentiment. The deco_ eh?, which the people show to the Adminis tration, and the respect which . its enemies pay to it in exhibiting a constant anxiety to be regarded as its frieuds, show that Abra ham Lincoln truly represents The popular', will, and leads th • ~•ople in this holy' cru sade. He cotti" and the heart and mind 'of the nation obey. Activity, energy, power, and a mighty cause to marshal our hosts; this is our position now, and out of this we look for speedy victories and a spee dy peace: Godey'a Lady's Book.—We have receiv ed the November number of this popular pe riodical and can assure our laic y readers that it - is a literary "gem." "Heavenly Consola tion" is a beautiful steel-plate engraving. It also contains a colored Fashion Plate con taining six figures, with a variety of patterns making in all eighty-three engravings. As the time is now at hand forgetting up clubs for the Lady's Book we give the rates as follows :—One copy one year, $3; two copies one year, $5; three copies one year, $6; four copies one year 87; five copies one year, and an extra copy to the person sending the club, $10; Eight copies one year, and an extra copy to the person sending the club, $l5; &even copies one year, and an Extra copy to the person-sending-the - club,, - $2O: Address (postage paid) L. A. GoDEY, 323 Chestnut Street, Phila, Petersm! s Magazine.-- The November num ber of Peterson's Magazine is on our table, filled with the .choicest reading and hand somely embellished. It contains a superb steelplatf engraving entitled "A Happy Puss," with the latest fashions and a host of other engravings, embracing all of the latest and most fashionable patterns. The publish er- announces that the magazine in 1863 will contain 1000 printed pages; froin 25 to 80 steel plates, 12 to 14 colored patterns, and 900 wood engravings—all for two dollars a year. Terms in dvanee :—One copy for one year, $2,; three ies for one year, $5; five copies for one year, 7.50 ; eight copies tor one year, $10; twelve copies for one year, $l5; sixteen copies for one year, $2O. An extra copy will be sent to the person getting up a club, three, five, eight or more copies making a club. Address CHAS. J. PETEtIoN, 303 Chesnut Street, Phila. Whir iota Right—The Ali&onion asks - the que.stion, who was right when. Gon. Carr on warmly urged the arming of a 'million of men to subdue this rebellion, while his ene mies ridiculed the idea. The Maconionefur ther adds, that it appears now that rho Gen eral had farther insight of this rebellion than any other one man at the time. lek„The Anderson Cavalry have been ordered from Carlisle to probablrto join Beel, and are to leave in a. few day* They will be furnished with horses at Louisville. iii:The election in California has' resulted in s splendid victory of the - Union There Are 40 'Senators and 80 Assemblymen. The Union men _ have 36 in the Senate, the s e , > lutists 4• In .the Assembly the Union men 75,. the fleilessionists 51 , Thirty-EfgAgs:congreas.- 7 1ho delegation in the, Thirty-Eighth Congress from Penn stand Twelca4epukliCans, Tea 'Democrats, and Two War Dedioorats. Stir 1 e Democratic majority on joint, ballot 14 Ake logialature this winter, will only . . be one. ' - , 46,„Three mama of now fell . at Owemat' 414„ - iSaturday f aight . htet. A severe storm .of *had and, raixt , raesailed2ill ;through-the aUrth ou thaltitlkhifi Uthiee-itad dour , sfiare hew, Borough' e L onstable.--Jolis H. FfEs.a has been app9iub34-13y. the Court.l_3grgy,)l Con stable,of this place in thiphiSi.of Jos. bisiii- Or,4etSisoil.. --- • - of $3 . .130 from D. E pßio, Mt. Mortla, 111, and 51.60 frotri JAMES - IlAtron, Bascom, Ohio;for .subscription. to Retocl since our last issue.' - • - • New Goods.—Mr STOVER requests us to announce to his onstomets that he has re ceived his first supply; of new fall and winter goods. His advertisement, will appear in our next issue. Coming.—Jos. PRICE will open his first supply•of new 'fall anl winter goods next week. /He is now in Philadelphia making . his purchases, Another Restaurant. , --E. W, WASHA BAUGH has opened a Restaurant in the Base ment of F. Bowden's Hotel., See advertise ment in another column. Real Estate Sale.—We direct special at tention to the Real Estate sale advertised by DAVID G ILBERT in to-days paper. Sale of Personal Propert; residing on the Marsh Rai persona' property for sale umn. See advertisement. The Voice of a Traitor--The Lancaster intellifiencer, calls DANIEL S. DICKINSON, of New York, a good Union man, and a life long Democrat, "THAT OLD roLiricAL HAR- Thanksgiving.—Gov. Bradford of Mari land has issued his Proclamation appointing Thanksgiving day for Thursday the 27th of November. Special Notice.—We would inform those indebted. to us for subscription and adver tising that we stand greatly in need of what they owe us, and trust they will make it eon— venient•to settle their accounts speedily.— Those who have not paid us anything for a- , number of years we cannot possibly longer indulge. Their names, with the amount of arrearages; Will be published in a few weeks. Printing Office for Sale.—Any one wish ing to purchase a Printing Office in a pleas ant county town in central Pennsylvania can hear of a good opportunity by inquiring at this office. The paper is in its 19th volume, and the office is in good condition, It is a neutral paper, but could perhaps be sustained as a political Journal, if such a change would be desired. ger We regret to state that Perry A. Rice, G. G. Rupley and little Daniel Shafer of this place, James Grove of Baltimore, all of whom were captured by the rebels in this place, and Mr. Winger, of Clay Lick Hall—all, so far as known, still remain in the custody of the rebels, and have probably been sent to Richmond to' beheld as hostages. We wish we could hope better things, but from want of intelligence from them, and theirmtrac ted stay, no other inference can he drawn.— Mercersburg Good lit tent. Explosion of a Shell—Billing of one man and Wounding of another.—Two young men, Daniel McFherren and Adam Wolff, living in the vicinity of New Franklin, this county, were trying to open a percussion shell, last Sunday, when it exploded, killing McPlier ren, and wounding Wolff in the thigh and left hand. He is doing well. MePherren's left hand was blown entirely off, but the fa. tal wound was in the abdomen. He lived a bout eight hours after the accident. • The shell was brought from the battle-field of An tietam. The deceased was aged 20 years, 5 mos. and 2 days.—Dispatch. A Fall.—Mr.Cyrus Enepper, of Quincy township, on last Tuesday evening, fell off the Waynesboro' Omnibus, on the wheel of that machine, and was considerably injured. His right ear was nearly cut off, and side and leg was bruised. Ho was taken to Fore man's hotel. Dr Grubb was called in, who did all in hiapowe k r to relieve the sufferer. We were much surprised to learn from the Dispatch; that he was injured "so severe ly as to produce death in aboue ten minutes." On last Thursday, two days after the acci dent, we saw him, when he was taken home by his friends. He - was then living, and seemed to be improving... 7 Greencastle' Pilot. Profanity in the'..firsty.—The'fallowing order has been' issued by General Howard fOr the suppreasiiin of profuse swearing in bis division "The General commanding this Division has noticed, with extreme -pain, on the part of the officers and men, the constant and very general use of Profane Oaths. He need not remind any thinking gum of the vulgari ty and meanness of this practice, nor speak of it as a positive violation of God's law, but will simply appeal to the good sense And, bet ter feelings of the members of his command, am:hap them, by all they hold dear, to ab stain from, insulting Him who're protection they need.—.l3, emutnand - of -Gen. t i owsrd ,. • . - • Sera r 133412-11710 0012Viet4d at • New Ha den, kit waek;da's 'common under ad Oldikluela;*,`'Whioh aiiplina Only to females 4dvanev-- 7 :01e prim, of Produce, OM 114.11MtiOt THE POTOMAC; Genera/ Nove6o# NSIDE .6449 HARPER'S 'Penni, Oot 26, 6'P., M.=4 am happy to be' able to inform you that the ad . V#9,91:.9, 1* 14P,ArgiNtt i tlt .14,9•14M9fP.'11,,e,..n -ted thldiiititilitigointr "- liVirreasod. - ti;: - De lieve 0 1 0 bg , f9TWAIA9 I I - - 001VO4"Ptffe' meat will be getierarit iv thd..-- , Attii:e tini,- iaikiii„ii=thw-Po*Oiii - .. exit iiiiii•-; - - '..-----. -,- ' , - At, daylight', thigin ing - the.catalry . force. tore Of Glibefat,rieasanttni, "ith„ifoiir t lii9VOli , !6f. artillery, crossed the new - ponttieit bridge at Melia, lite t: ei i les - eatt 'arll44llVir'Vel'il; and proceeded direct Aoliatettsville i iti , Lou-. don county i , At Lovettsville .our.cavalry, entered -ab out .. eight o'clock in the morning, and a few pick ets stationed therO.flol.hotore them An . the direction of Lecsbarg. The people- of this loyal town, especially the,ladies, received, our troops with,great enthusiasm, and the stars and stripes were thrown.out in all parts of the town. Many of their fugitive husbands and sons returned with the cavalry; and the demostratiou was most .earnest and unmis takable. Without stopping, except to leave pickets and a,guard, General Pleasanton moved on in the direction of 'Waterford, expecting to reach Leesburg early in the afternoon.— There was, at du+ last accounts, a small force of rebel infantry. , and cavalry at • Leesburg, and there may possibly have been • a fight there; unle i ss they retreated on hearing of his approach. Shortly after the cavalry advance had crossed; General Burnside with his second army corps commenced crossing at the same point, and during the whole day the bridge was constantly under the tread of the ad vancing column. They proceeded in light marching order, though an immense train of wagons %% ere waiting to follow them. - It was the intention of General - Burnside to rest f',,r the night at (Lovettsville, and move forward on Monday morning—in what direction was not known. The troops were in fine spirits, notwithstanding the bad weath er, and cheered most lustily as they reached the Virginia shore. The troops ou Bolivar Heights are also under marching orders, and it is thought will be in motion to-morrow. It is reported that the enemy have already retired from our front, withdrawing their pickets yesterday, apparently aware of our early advance. We have also tidings from the upper line of the Potomac, showing that active move ments are also on foot there. The rebels are said to have evacuated Martinsburg on Saturday. • Kooxs, s his col- RETREAT of the REBEL ARMY Lee's Eillire Army Retreating. HARPER'S FERRY, Oet.-27.- News received here to-day, from General Pleasanton's advance, .confirms the previous reports, that the rebels are retreating rapidly up the valley. Winchester was evacuated to-day, it is thought, and Strasburg will not be held with any large force. The entirerebel army of Northern Vir ginia is said to lave s been divided into two bodies under Jacicsof ougstreet. . Jackson's column is moving directly to Staunton, where it is said winter quarters for a large force have been improvised. Longstrect moves to Gordonsville, it is thought. Gen. Burnside moved South to-day, and is now on his way to Winchester, meeting no enemy, but his cavalry have brought in' a considerable number of stragglers. A large force is now employed on both the Baltimore arid Ohio and Winchester Railroads, and both will be in running order during the coining month. Our forces_wilLeccupy Winchester dur ing the present week. lt,is believed that Gen. Burnside will come up with the rear-guard of Longstreet, and that a fight will ensue, and' Gen. Slocum's corp d'armee has been sent forward to sup port him. The entire Army of the Potomac will move across the river as soon as transportation for supplies can be secured. It is a source of congratulation to the offi cers in charge of the ,Quartermaster's De partment that our troops are coiutcrtably clothed and fed during this season of con stant and severe campaigning, and every one will agree with me that our troops have no cause to murmur when they see, what I have seen, rebel soldiers captured with spurs made fast to shoeless heels, and all in rags and tat ters. From the Army of the Potomao. HEADQUARTERS ARMY OF THE POTOMAC • Tuesday eveniog, October 28. The advance, under Gen Pleasontou, yes terday encountered the enemy, with cavalry and artillery, at Snicker's Gap. He lost one man and five horses by the explosion of a shell, To=day his scouts were pushed out in the direction of Aldie and Middleburg. He reports Gen. Hill's rebel command at Upperville. • - ' A long train of wagons was seen to-day between Bunker Hill and Winchester, which is good evidence that the rebels still remain there. The - War in Tennessee CHICAGO, October 27.—A special despatch from Memphis, dated the 25th inst.,' says: Aireport prevails here-that a fovea ova thous and cavalry has stationed itself nine miles from here, on the Memphis' arid Chariest° Railroad, and taken'possession of the line, establishing their headquartets in the-vieini ty of Noneant. This is supposed to,:be the advance of a large force having designs upon this city, Gen:loe Johnston is said to be in charge of a tarp artily 'at Little, Atock.. firAißo, October 26.—A Union &me, num. boring two , hundred, with one piece, of artil lery; ationed at Waverly, Tenne..lsee,.:,twou ty southwest of Fort : Doneison, 'were attacked by it' party, of 800 . . rebels ' on-Thurs day last. The latter were completely routed, , with a „loss of 24 killed and 25 captured, and a large autaber wounded. ~Our loan was,2 killed:and 2 wounded,: ,• • _ ON of a/ Result as CincmAn, 0 .1 310 4. r 2 %7Th!) . 1 40.4 I 'o'7 l tone of. the State election give a Democratic, 'tnajorityfor supretie Jtlgecf 8740. nip Democratio'vote has ittereasad 84,p00 • over last year rend the Exiles vote decreased .28,, 000, - Alto t9Ml,vote af.thgiState hiss f allen . WI 78;000 eine° the Presidential election. - - ac - 44 eel • a . ( Nr 'I 4 0 ;;`,tweit •:catroor p To Major :General Halteck r pmenil ' Our arms are entirely stifeeigul against North} st Arkansaa. • • • KettiaelPfahiFiliVihriWnlititir e . nomtood.,sitik*jtidge, sent Oen. Blunt, with the first westward, and Moved towa'rd's Huntsville wit* thereat. ef his - forces !, den. • Blunt,. by ' i maltin. a hard"- night's mareh,.-rode , ati - AVE the rebel • force . at Maysville, neat the nertlilYest corner of Ar klintimi, at Tii'iflobleA7'M' - .,''"oll'lliettitititt: The enemy .were Under cover,' and .estireated. at time 5,000. t 047,000 strong. • The engagement, lasted about an hour, and resulted in .the total rout of the enemy, with the loss•of all his artillery, a battery of six- , pounders, , a large number of. horses, and a portion of their transportation, Camp, and garrison equipage. . Our cavalry and light-Itorritiers were still in pursuit of the scattered forces when the messenger left. Our loss was small. then: Schofield pursued the rebels through Maysville and beyond Huntsville.' Coming close upon him the enemy fled precipitately beyond the Boston Mountain, • All the organized rebel - forces of the West have thus been driveti back to the, .valley , of the Arkansas river, and the army of the frontier has gallantly and successfully accom plished its mission. . S. R: CURTIS, Majoi.General Commanding. Rebel Guerillas Encountered'. Thirty, Wag, ons Captured. LOUISVILLE, October 29.—Colonel Ed ward McCook, Acting Brigadier General, with 500 cavalry, left Crab Orchard on Thurs day morning, and encountered several bands of Morgan's and - Seott's rebel cavalry at Point Lick and Big Rill, killing four or five and taking their telegraph operator and his instruments and thirty-three other prisoners. Also; thirty wagons partly loaded. The remainder of the rebels went towards Mount Vernon. Col. McCook had two hor ses shot under . him. At Richmond our for ces captured 200 sick and wounded rebels, whom they paroled. All of the reports of disobedience of orders by Generals McCook or Rosseau, or of their having been arrested, are absolutely false. CAmo, Oct. 25.—A fire at Blairville, Ky. last night, destroyed th. 3 principal aotel of the place, a livery stable, and ; two • dwellings, The fire is supposed to have been the work of an incendiary. The contrabands here number from eight hundred to one thousand, and are suffering intensely. They are in want of the iieJessa ry clothing and bedding. Two of them are reported, by the attending physicians, _as having died last night from exposure. 'T hey are nearly all women and children, and many of them are sick. UNITED STATES SOLDIERS Ff UNG BY TUE REBELS.—A young man, named Johnson who lived at Martinsburg, was hung to an apple tree at Winchester last week. He joined Ashby's Cavalry at the time of the John Brown 1.1.11(.1, but when Virginia seceded he left and enlisted in a Maryland regiment. In one of the late skirmishes he was taken prisoner, and a messenger was sent to Jack son to inform him that a spy had been cup- Lured, and inquire what disposition should be made of hiry. Jackson sent back word to hang him, which eas accordingly done with out any trial beimg granted, and in the uni form of a United States soldier. It is to be hoped that the Commanding General will take the matter in hand, and, if the facts as stated aro found correct, demand of the reb el military authorities an explanation. THE SOUTH ARMING THEIR NEGROES.- A Washington special dispatch to• the New York Times, gives the following: Wo haie intelligence from the South, through a source entitled to eredit, that the rebels have really ventured .upon the dan gerous policy of arming their uegroes. In Atlanta, Ga. , Montgomery, Ala. , and other cities, it is said that negro regiments have already been organized' and supplied with weapons; and a recent North Carolina news paper states that about eight thousand black soldiers, officacd by whites, have peen sent Flom camps of instruction to garrison fortifi cations and important towns.. A Union refugee from Winchester writes to his friends in Baltimore, that the destitu tion of the Rebel army is most extreme, the soldiers begging from door to door, and re fused by friend and foe. Calico is selling in Winchester at $1.50 per yard; muslin $1; potatoes s3®s per bushel, and scarce ; ap ples $2 per bushel; flour $l5 per barrel; matches $1 per box, and other things in proportion. , COTTON IN ILLINOI§.-lt is estimated that Illinois will produce 20,000 - bales Of cotton this year, and the crop is now lather ing!- The State could grow 500,000 bales proAtably. 1314 March..—Gen. army, in which is Col. Stumbangh's 77th, Pennsylvania Regi ment, on the retreatto Louisville, marched three hundred and ninety-one miles' in twen ty-nine days. ri',E3C3E" 11114P13,1121. .‘ In B,aseem, Seneca county, Ohio, on. thii 29th-of Septeinbor ,of cimsutption, 'Mr. Lewis .M. Haugh:formerly of this vicinity, aged 22 years, 2 Inopth&ao 11 days. ~ At Greenwood Furnace, :Iltuitinidon Co.; Pa., on the 27th inst., Annie W., infant daughtee_of John, and. Catharine Withers, aired 2 months and 26.dayS. MILAL3EqECIOIGS. rroin tho '447;i:ericali of -2'F.e.silay FLOUR.—The inquiry for all descriptions of Flour today wao.tuttremelylimited and uo transactions reported on 'Ohtutge. , The mar ket: olOsed , quite,dol and unsettled, and Suotations:ere', nominal, !is ,flOard B!.'Feek uper. at 86.871(6T ;Shipping: Extitt - d_o. .41.74 A; getniling, at $7471; Vaitt.- ilydeiet..4.s o . ' G i ft4f,N,, , Stutie' gooll,)Ohela of Grain 'yereiiecoived at the Oori, via;7B,ooo bushels -Wheat; 'and 9,50Q-tltak..Olois, , . l'hikiBq4iyjijor Wheat wall only moderate; and the giorket A-peed ' - ' .- -ditiLii . :l , "`" lits.... itur. ~, rl4 org, Jdf steady, ,this ankh of liehig very ' lighk - saes 100_ htudiele „ordintli: 1.601g112 ,6ente i ~ bw.,.. /Otly prime do. ,ai-.17 , onsbelelair to prime Penn sylvania red at ,1600p5S eetita,, and 8,000 bushels Sonthern,,do. fit /581@1.50-. Cents per inillitelvaoortiitturAisikad-Ainier Sales of, 2;50,0 bushels: dilution: to plima white atlfogli 7 iiiiiii4-1 - 64 atl66r Mg i jai fair and . prime yelloW at74®76 cents ' per bioihiil; , Oats '''were OM — did' unchanged: Sales of 4,000 busholeffiiiimittmto oiee,:new 4 Maryland and Peritisylvtlida iii 42 444inits, measure.:-- .No -A.Ye'at, ..14;10tr.k9t..., ~,,,e elli9,te nominally at, - 95@i1120.,„mMty "ilic,:Maryhtiir and Pennsylvania. -_- • 'r'-- .4 - - - SEEDS.t- . 7Bales on 'ehauge, *Ate quote rei;te versee4"itt 40.1.21@)0,..gkrlitgiAbylifl2.37/ @2.50,9o€l:l:o per pushel. - Tunde HE rsignedinforma, the public !hit ha - has opened a Restaurant in the Basement of, F . Bowden's Hotel, which has been handsornelifitted, up, and is now prepared to furnish Oysters, Ale: ;bologna Sausage, Cheese,. Eggs, tikd 'dß 'catkin' -usually sold inn first class Restaurant- Every se tide is new and cleanliness in all things will be oh. served'. The public are invited to-give him a call. (Oct. al— ff.) E. W. WASHABAUGH, _ PUBLIC S ALE. undersigned will Public Sale at Isla I residence on Marsh Run, on Farosir Novas. rum The 14rit, 1862, the following personal property to Wit : 2 FAT HOGS, 2 C losetH idlers, (Jones' patent) Grain Separator and Horse Power, (Daybolf's pa tient;) cart, 1 Spring Wagon, 1 patient Fod der Cutter, 1 Turnhig Cathe, 1 Boring Machine with augers complete, 1 wheelbarrow,2 bog Chains,. Boomer's Patient; also household and Mechem Fuizniture, consisting of Beds and Bet,lng,!l reau, 1 Corner Cupbodrd,2 Side do.i 1 Sale, 2 sets. Chairs,' large Eighty-day Clock, 1 Doughtray, Patent Washing Machine, I TEN-PLATE, 1 COOK AND I Sink, I Copper and 1 Iron Kettle, Barrels, Tuba Tinware, Earthen and Queenswaret also Corir the Barrel. Potatoes by the bushel, a lot of Widen. Truck consisting of Cabbage, Beets, &c., aria 'ea& i 01.19 other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS OF SA LE z--Six months credit will s bo given on all sums of $5 and upwards, the purcha sers giving their notes with approved security; ;all. sums under $5, cash. Sale to commence at 10 o'- clock, A. M. WILLIAM KOONS. Y authority and in pursuance of an order cf ID sale, granted y the Orphans' Court of Frank lin County., Pa., to David Gilbert% administrator• of John When St., late of said county, deceased, them will be ofFered at Public Sale, in the - -Borough of Waynesboro', ox SA:runner THO Mao DAY OF Nov manna '62. at 10 o'clock, all' the Real Estate of • said deceased not taken at the appraisement, the amo consisting of, PURF'AUT Ist, being until lately the MANSION FARM of the decease 4 adjoining• the Borough of W ny. bore', and bounded by lands of Henry Gilbert. W er, Besure, Snider and others, containing AND 40. PERCIAES, with fine improvements they o on made. , BRICK HOUSE, STOREROOM and other buildings on lot of ground located in a pleasant part o► the Borough aforesaid. PURPARI' ATH, an excellent Lot of Ground immediately behind purports 2 and 3, fronting on, West Street, containing 158 PERCHES and well adopted to being divided into building lots. PUP,AR I', 51'H a lot of in Washington township, bounded by lands of Welsh, Hughes, Snider and Foreman's heirs, sett with chesnut and other trees and containing. ; 7 'N .A.CI3ELMIELL ITHPAIII being the larger portion of the, "NIGH,FARM situated in Antrim Township. 14 miles from Shady Grove and Wounded by lands of Metchi Snively,. Wm. Stover, Sites, Gillan and others, containing AL1E.4130 411L.41CMICAIESSit AND B,PEROHES of limeetone lnnd, with Stone House, Bank Barn and other buildings„, a large Orchard and a considerable body of superior timber,. PURPART 17TH, Being.the : remaining part of the "NIGH FARM" and adjacent to land of Stover. Wilson, Henneberger and others, without buildings, containing SS ACRES,- part un.ler cultivation and the other covered with excellent timber. The opportunity - here offered for purchasing is well worth the attention of any persons wishing either to buy good homes or to secure safe and sub stantial/invesunenta for their tunds in real estate.— Purport first, whether in soil or improvement is one of the most deirable farms of the size in this region, and is in almoSt perfect order. A commodious Brick House, brick barn and °Him-buildings, (all en.. tirely new) spring, Pump, good fencing- fertile soil and convenient to town; to mills and-turnpikes form some of its advantages. Thi town property is also valuable, the tine being newly"' built and well suited for nierchandiiihg er other business, while the other is valuable for building purposes, and may be divi. &al into lots to suit purchasens. The purparts in Antrim Tuvrnship are good with abundance of lime stone and portions covered with large and tall Um.. bar. - Any - persons wishing to see the properties will be shorn over diem by the parties tbereu residing. or by, the undersigned es aaturday of each week winch ha spends in Waynesboro'. Terms madieknown en the day of sale by ;DAVILYUILLIERT, Administrator. Atietioneering. firreg gitbscribeti offurs his samosa to the public • j as un Auctioneer. He has bait some espeneuce at the buiinoweitil respectfully *Maim a call hum those who may hereafter have sales,. to cry, 'ea he is confident that hey,oan give_gencrae Satisfaction.— Helidence at the Antietam Junction.' " „ • (July 25 Sna) , P,A.T - VPI Tir TJig 'Boo ks uecoin:Us. Of • •LANuiidiitiillll - hu" , been plaCcii mmy . baud* for ietUumult.: alipersuul.k . uo,wing OquuluNtio to 60 *deb* w• , rt3yested ect cal( Neut.; thtitt, ticcuithlav trhalii l 4o34 05060141* aid Stiitity,:**: , übiu *iuiiird;'HPpieseut'Ou4loipiYin'elst • Out. 10-3 w, - PAN 1 L Trant,;;, ~, [ , li •^S', . , Oysters 1 !Ilysters 11 3 MILO COWS, I FRUIT DRIER, TWO PARLOR STOVES, Oct. 31—ts. PUBLIC SALE 120 ACRES PURPART :ID, a MOUNTAIN LAND (Oct 3 t—ta.) btAirrirc rultac.