Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, October 17, 1862, Image 3
PDBLOg SLUE DESIRABLE REAL ESTATE. BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Washington County, the subscribers Executors of the estate of Christian Strite, deed.. will sell at public sale, at the late residence of the deceased, near Leitereburg, On-Friday the 711& Day of November, 1862. the following real estate to Wit :- 110.1 A MERCHANT MILL ' • • AND. g • AIL OW :Mir on the Antietam Creek, near Leitersburg. Said Merchant Mill is tthilt of Stone and Frame, three stories high, contains two run of burrs and one pair of choppers, with plaster mill a,.d granary attached. Said mill is in good order, and has as good run of country custom as, any mill• in the county. The house.for the miller of said mill is new, built of Brick, two stories high. The Farm attached to said Mill contains SIXTY-EIGHT ACRES, MORE OR LESS, Lest quality of Antietam land, in a high state of cul tivation. l'here is on said farm a large 111161 MA Slll ling en STONE BANK BARN, Wagon Shed, Cared riage House, Sinoko House; with other necessary out-buildings, with a well of good water at the door of the house. The farm is under good fencing and has a fine orchard upon it. Said farm adjoins the lands of the heirs of Joseph Gabby and others., NO. !Z.—Adjoining said mill property a farm containing FIFTY-FOUR ACRES, ,nor? or less. On Nail farm is a new BRICK .HOLCSE, two stories high, and new Bank Barn with. Wagon Shed attached, and other necessary ont- uililings, under good fencing, and has an 'or chard, with n well of good water near the house.— Thu said farm is in a high siate of cultivation, and adjoins the lands of the heirs of Joseph Gabby and the Leitersburg Turnpike. NO. 3.—A tract of land on the southeast side o f Leitorshurg, containing about FIVE ACRES, under good fenoeing. NO. 4.—Mo_ntain Lot of CHESTNUT TIMBER, cnntaining 10 ACRES 4 4A71 28 PERCHES, ad joining lands of Daniel Uehr, Abraham Shank and others. TERMS OF SALE. .17"One-thlrd of the purchase money to be paid in hand or WI the ratification of sale, the balance in two equal animal payments with interest from day of sal, , the purchaser giving his notes with approv ed security, and on the payment of the whole pur chase money good and sufficient deeds will be made to the purchaser or purchasers by the undersigned ' cc EIS WStle to commence at 10 o'clock on said day. _ cir The property will be shown to persons desk-, ing to see it by the undersigned. . C-.7""flie growing crop, and the crop to be put out this fall to be reserved. i2rPosses•tinn will be given on April Ist 18113, and the rents accruing on the mill will be also reser ved up to said Ist ut April. JOHN MILLER,? " JOHN STRITE, 5 Oct. 17—ta PUBLIC SALE VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY. BY virtue of an order of the Vonorable Orphans' Court Mr Washington county , and by the di rections contained in the last Will and Testament of John Bye;, the underbigued, his Executor, will offer at public side, On Tucsitoii the ilth of Xovember, 1862. in front'of the premises, that valuable real estate known as the "Southern and Western HOTEL," situated on the corner of West Washington and Jonathan Street?, in Hagerstown, arid 110 W in the partly by IL H. Wise as a Grocery Store. This well known and long established house has un extensive run of business, is in good order, and always commands a large rental. From its location in front of the Court House, and near all the public institutions of the town, and from as susceptibility of improvement it is regarded as perhaps the best and Most valuable piece of property in the town. -As a Tavern i: has always had the best country en-t•otn in this place, with perhaps the largest transient busi bes. Cue of the WOWS is rented for a Grocery Store doing a large business. -Win the rear of this property is a large and well arranged BRICK STABL lately erected, and has all the requirements of a first rate Hole% rir 2 HE, TERMS OF SALE ARE: —0 ne-t hird of the purchase money to he paid on the ratification of the sale by the Court.. the residue in two equal annual payments with interest from the Ist day .of Auril next, and Or the deferred payments the pu. chaser to give notes with security approved by the Executor, each note to bear interest from the first of April, 1863, and on payment of the whole purchase money a deed will be executed. Possesidon to be given ou the first day of April next. OrFor further particulars enquire of W. E. Doyle, the present tenant, or of the undersigned. (Oct B—ts.) , ABRAHAM :SMITE,. Executor. TRUSTEE'S SALE nEa ErEATEI -0— THERE will be.sold at-Public Sale,on the prem. ises, in 'Quincy township, ON TUESDAY TIM 4TII DAY OF NOVEMSEtt, 1862, the following .Estate, late the Estate of Nancy Myer*, viz,: A I'ract of Land c %Wining 160 ACRES AND 85 PEROHEES, and allowance, a [joining lands of Samuel Bean), Henry Donor., Levi San ders and Hobert Moth/any, on which aro emoted a large two Story Stone • DIVELLING .11011 SE, stone Barn, .:-Stone Spring House, three Tenant Ifeuseliand other Whiling& About 190 Acres are clear and under good*cultiva-ion, The farm is well watered in all the fields except one, These fine YOUNG ORCHARD growing on -the premises. The road , front .Cham: Wdyne'shore' passes the door. and , thal dwelling is. three miles from the. latter ~ plece.--; , 1 The Land is of the best limo Stone quality. There; usyer•fuiling.fountniu itlitur§priers . ••• TERMS :OF SALE: Ose-titint of pnrnlagie stoney to be i vid :annr.n otel, and 0, 08 'CI ConfbrnatiOn of sale; the reMainiler to be' paid it three equal annual payments, bearing lateral from date Of confirmation. First payhtent. let April, 1864; eiieond, let ft pri1,.18651-thinl; Jot April,lB96. DANIEL, Mister. 17- 7 0.) PUBLIC SALE BV authority invested in me by O. C. Walker, I will sell at public sale, on the premises, On SAT. lIRDAY TrIR 25TH DAY OF 00TOB112, 1862, at 10 o'-. clock, A. M., the ICMILLEN TIRM uow the property of S,A). Walker, situated on the public roan leading from Fountain Dale to Fairfield one mile from the former and three miles from the latter place,. CUMIN 2 HIES, 200 of which are under cultivation, adjoining lands teSsmuel Board, Mercer, Shroder and Musselmsn. The improvements are a large Stone Bank Barn, Log House and other outbuildings, together with 2 large APPLE ORCHARDS. Two Springs of never-failing water in the ynrd.— The terms will be made known on the day of sale which will be easy. Any person wishing to view said farm will be shown over it by Nathan Ander son who resides on the farm of the undersigned at Fountain Dale. An indisputable title will bcgiveri. (Oct 10 —ta.) SANFORD SHRODER [Attorney for S. C. Walker, CONTINENTAL RESTAURANT 1 OYSTERS FOR 121-2 C'ENTS! rpHE subscriber tenders his thanks to his patrons fur past patronage, and informs them that he is now in full blast. Always on hand OYSTERS, ALE, BOLOGNA SA USAUE, EGGS, &c. He has also, a fine BILLIARD FABLE for the ac modation of his customers. Roll in boys, old Joe's is the place 13 get your money back, sure. Tit n Come one, come all • Both great and small, Ir • And roll the Billiard Ball In old Joe's Bachelor's Hall. JOS. FUNK N. B. Oysters furnished at 18i cents ye pint ')ot. tf. J. PAY UP I PAY THE Books and accounts of DANIEL SNIDELY have been placed in my hands fur settlement, all persons knowing themselves to he indebted to him are requested and settle their accounts Those having occounts against the said Sniveiy, arc also requested to present them for payment. Oct. 10-3 w. DANILL 'tau: • Barbering. THE undersigned has opened a Barber Shop in the room above Walter & Elden's Flour and Feed Store, and is now prepared to shave, cut and real mir fll go b give him a trial. COMMISOIONERS TO AWARD Damages: f 11. HE undersigned have been appointed by A. G. Curtin, Governor (At the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Commissioners for Fra..klin County to award Damages !sustained by citizens of 'said County •by the impressment of Horses, W agens, &c For the discharge of this duty they will meet in. WAYNESBORO ' , on 'l'hursday, October 16, GREENUASTLh4 on Friday, October .7, MEROEICSBURG, un,Saturday, October IS, and during the whole of the following week, in CIiA:MBERSIIIjIiO. Persons who have sustained Damages will please attend the sitting of the Commissioners at'thc times and places named, prepared with the necessary evt • Oct 10 —1 w p IJr S. trq LEO /11HE subscriber will sell at Public Sale, at the residence of Philip Summers, in Quincy two. about one mile and a half from Quincy, on the road lending to Fankstown, ON TVOiSDAY Ttts 21sT DAY it, licrotniit, the, lollowing personal property to wit: FOUR HEAD OF GOOD IT I "i SIA I , : S , FIVE IVIII.CH COWS, S head of Young Cattle, 3 Breeding 44 ows, 18 Shoats, 4 Cotswell Sheep. 1 Goat; 1 iloir-inch tread Road Wagon, 1 two-inch Plnntatinn WA VII, lane horse Wagon. Wood lied, I pair Hay Ladders, 1 Wheel Fan, I new Spring Rake, 2 . GRAIN DRILLS, (one new) 1 two-horse and 2 three-horse Barshenr Plows, 2 doulde and 2 single shovel Plows, 1 Har row, 2 tripple anal 1 double trees, a lot. of Nititzle - lives, 2 sets breechliands, 2 s , •ts Iront gears, several acts Plow Gearv, tdy-nete. halters, anal halter chins, 1 six-horse chain, forks rakes, and murky oilier arts. cles not 'meccas:4y to mention W6 a le to commence at 10 o'clock on said day, when a n credit of ten months will he given• on ul I sum• of $5 and upwards. N. 13, Also a lot of CORN BY THE, BARREL, on which a credit of ninety days will be given. (Oct. 10.—ts.) GEO. SUM MFRS, Sr, Gee. V. MOIL AUCI. Clothes liVrin;ver. W. PUTN 'S Patent Ch Wringer JL - • for sale at the sign `431 the Big Red Horn by Agent for Frnklian county I• MPROVED SELF-SEA LING FRU! l' CANS Ltitat can be closed and opened by • any *lnrson, tor dale at the sign of the Big Red Horn, (July l I '62.) D. B. RUSSELL. i N excellent article ul Syrup fur 50 cn.. per ga A at (Oct 4 13 ESOII E'S— . F you want a good pair of Ileum Made Mot . 7)cre e Boas, WA.IOLANTXD NOT TO HIP Olt TICAII, Call al apr 4 Nimes. I F you want a cheap pair of Utingreas Gaiters call at apr4 - • Pitrik's 'l'o FARMERS. TEEL Shovels, Spades, Hoes, Forks, Rakeh: , 13Manure Drags, &c., &c., at prices that will defy competition. l.iull and see for yourselves. at • awl I BROTHICIIIIWB • irraHE HEST COOK STOVE J. in the market to be had at the sign of the Bic H*o Horn• - 1) It. Russmm.% WHEEL UREASE." F you.want emu Wheel tirtuuse, buy it at apr2ls BKOTZULItTOW;I3 A EN and Soy's heavy ilouts bhues at lii 9(3.4 _ Babette's. kAKEIS AND 'FORKS, of idi kinds, lor sale ut 1 . 11( / (June 13.) 144 Serusitaiuusies: 1 JII.EPPER and Corriandar, ground_ec unground nov 39 - - • at_Eitrwra's.- . ___ -ir - Fyou want it pretty Summer, Balmoral call at L , alai , • Plactes F' you- want a slice plain or fancy silk call-at • 1 , , art . - Palcu's ' I 41.0111, flat,-Hair,. Tooth and Nail Bruali ‘.../juatreceived and for sale v.ery tow by 4., 'M STOSER. - . - ' ' May 13.- EitititSEN ENI.P.d.—A kinds for Ata lu by. 4 - ,11?3.k.;,Li..,, sign of the "Big , Red burn.".hlarc.b LJ LUTHER FISHER IL 0. GEHI? SAMUEL REISHER. 1). U. Humid., (July l 1 '62.) P,OSTP9Npp PUBLIC SALE. Totanbscriber will sell at Public Sale in front ,ortlibbotes Hotel, On blesunklar Tlin 18m Pair OF °maim, 1862. hie • 7.) :j Ce) 't 4 al: and lot of irrolind, shocked on Main Street, opposite the residence of-Ei E. Troia'. The house is a two story Brick Buittlingent, all, in good re. pair, with a clfW3varietyfrifttf on the lot, a good cistern at the doer. _Bale to commence at 1 o'clock on said ilaY when the terms will - be made known. 14'11 the above property is not sold on said day it will theti-he offored for root fir one year from the Ist of April 1863. ' 10S. HOOVER, (Oct: LOUR, , AN 'D PROVISION STORE 1 THE oubscribers afttiounce to the citizens of Waynishoro' thnt they have opened a Flour Feed and Provision Store in the room next door to Lr.•Brothertuu's office, where they will at all times have for sale Mil CIE MEAL, HOMINY, MILL STUFFS OF ALT. KINDS, SCREEN INGS, CORN, SHELLED AND IN THE EAR. OATS, POTATOES, APPLES, VINEGAR; Also, Rye, Wheat, and 'Barley by the bushed or in smaller quantities, and other articll3 usually kept in sucn ,stablishments. AU Flour and Mill Stull' will be sold at MILL PRICp FOR. ME Casa. The highest market 'wires wil l be paid for Wheat, Rye and Corn to be delivered at the Mill of the sub scribers. JOHN WALTER, (Sept. 3.—t:) JOS ELDEN. PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE. THE undersigned Executors of the best will and tefitainent of David Knepper, will offer at pub lic sale, on THURSDAY ME 16TH DAY OF Ceronsa, 1862, the following tract of land, late the property of said dec'd.situAted in Quincy township, Frank. lin County, Pa., adjoining lands of David Wertz, Wm. Stull, Ueo. Knepper, John Forney, Alex Hamilton and others, containing 103 ACRES and some Perches, neat measure, with a two STO RY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE and Back Building, and a story and a half Basement, Spring House, Smoke House and Bake H ouse, and Black smith Shop, A STONE AND FRAME BANK BARN, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, Hog Stable and other improvements thereon erected, also a spring of never failing water in the yard. The farm i. in high cultivation. Said tract of land is untlei'•-good fekcing there being one thousand panel of post and rairience. There is a line TOtING ORCHARD - art, Otto • • es and other fruit, must choice varieties. The little Anti. tam creek runs about one hundred yards from the barn through Ike farm supplying an abundance of water. Persons wishing to view the property before the day of sale can call upon either of the undersigned, one living on the firm close to Quincy along the phblic road that leads to Funkstown. • Sale to cont inence at 10 o'clock on said day when the terms will be made known by , GEORGE' KNEPPER, Jr. GEORGE KNEPPER, Sr. (Sep s—ta.) - Executors. FREEDOM NURSERY FRUIT GARDENS. rinit: subscriber offers for sale, this fall, at hiti Nursery and Fruit Gardens,nljoining G. Bell's Mill, (furincily B. Mentzer's. ) all the new ',qui ties of 311: 7 .:1 _AMC, 11. I 2, and 3 years old from the bud. Samples of the fruit can be seen at the proprietor's house. The following are some of the best varieties, ‘izl, Prince Red Rare Ripe, Scott's Nonpnriel, Yellow Rare Ripe. ; Colridge Paaonte, Templer-Lett white large,Rose F lowering Peach, Honest John, Yellow Hewett, Old Mixon Tree, Extra Early York, Lemon cling, .. purple, Waage free, " 6tr.iwburg,, George the Fourth, Snow peach, Royal George, BI•od cling, Bergen yellow, black cling, , • Crawford Latt, Red Cheek Malocetan, Ur iwtord early, • Grose Migatime, A therge yellow, - Gran , : Admiral. Morris white, }towards Large, 15,099 Strawberry Planta tor sale, srr : Hovey Seedling, Albany Seedling, lowa, Pea.rody, Boston pine, 'ritimphe it'gand, NleAvoy superior, Eatly Scarlet, Crimson Cane, A tigliFt and Syptellther io the time to plant your Strawberry both 11 you want u crop next yea*. Gooseberry and Current. Houghton Seedling, Goedownen Red. Cherry Current.lVittte, 5 Si Red Dutch White. Virapes. Cataba, Clinton, Isabella, Madarius, Freedom Seedlings, new verities. Ratspber•ry oval Blackberry. Brinkles Orange, Yellow Antwerp, Hudson Brier. Lawton Waal:terry. Red an twerp, • Thornless Raspberry a new variety, GIANT ASPA REURASS. RHUBARB— Victoria, Prince Allied. and Leni• us. Philos, Cherry. Apple, Pear, Apricot. ROSES— Prairie R se, Green of the• Prairie, Baltimore Belle, &c. Garden seeds and flawtiv seeds for sale in the fall. There is a gre•rl many verifies not named.• AU orders punctually attended to. • Any person nr persons wanting strawberry beds laid. out and planted can have it done up in *glee order by calling on toe proprietor. Address S. MINTZER. Freedom Nursery and Fruit Gardens. Leitersburg, Washington Co., Md. Aug. 22, '62-3w. Just lioceived. "AT 11120TH ERTON'S," A LARGE: i,or ow • Colts R..volving• Pistols Colts Pistol Cartridges. bliarpes Pi.Gll tnrtridges, Colts Pistol Caps, klis k's U. 5. Army Caps, Bullets and Bullet Moulds, _ . lone Bowie 'Knives, - Copper Pistol Flasks, Hazard's Electric POwder, Frond' Gun 'Wedding, etc., "Ste. Gootlsof this .Irseription navc become exceedingl,y scarce. Persons . wantiug the only reliaCk Ytßol ,utede, will du well to tali tounedi.ttelv end j.nrehuee une of "Cults estsitt Ureeenhuting, Ittrolyogs. • X 6, f'•'2' . COPPER RETII4/3.5. DICABaI KE I . 11,E$ r -WON ETTL;AS, at the sign of the Big Rud, How.. (.161y 11 '62) - • U.H. lioagat.L. Afreoh,nrriviti, of CarpetOto twin. .745 , tt :1.1)1/ ( tuaytj) 44q FRlZ=t=2ll rAtteg cuttnerry J, • sms6Rl3 , , , , • •- - , .WAVIVRSBORO . Om 17, I 88 MIME ' ' 10 - ' WAsnib Woo,; • • ao EaGA , - .8, UNivmmeto 1, , 20 Leon 7l' CLOVER BOND, TALLOW 8 TIMOTHY BUD • • 00 SOAP SRO FLAXSEED ' 1 00 11AcoN (hams) _. 10 PARED PEACHES 00 BACON 411100 _ , 6I JDNPARED " ' 00 BACON (AlloalAcre) 6 DRIED APPLES RICHMOND TAKEN BY THE UNION FORCES TOGETHER WITH THE WHOLE REBEL ARMY ! "UNION REHM REAM." This Victory was gained with very little Loss on Our Part; and yet another, JOSIAH BESORfi has jest returned from the Eastern Cities, and is now opening the most extensive stock of SUMMER GOODS ever brought to Waynesboro', which he will sell cheaper than any other house this side of Richmond. Cousisting of everything usually found in a well conducted establishment. The community is invited to call and examine my stock which 1 will take great pleasure in show ing to all who may favor me with a call. To con vince you 1 have a splendid stock,l will ennutnerate a few of the leading articles now in store, all of which I will sell at greatly reduced prices. FOR THE'EA_DIES DRESS GOODS 'DEPARTMENT. Inchtiling the latest m‘veities in Summer Dress Goods, to which 1-resiidtfully invite the attention of the holies. The choicest Collars,The finest qualities, I The largest stock, Tbe best assortment, ever exhibited in Waynesboro', and at unpreceden ted Uica)%!:QP. UDzr.laa,as)Eit.3 Superior extra heavy 131 k. Silk, 131 k., Brown, Blue and Lilack Foulards, Pikes (liidit grounds,3 Bouquets of Chintz, Cellars, Satin plaid and prin• Marguilise, Valnc in Plaid, Silk.and Shepherds Plaid, Silk Lustres,striped Himalayas, 111 k. Persia, 131 k. Grenadine, Blk. and fancy Barage ;Anglaise Braze, Aright's High colored Challies, Jackonets and Or- gandies, Orissaile gr mod , French Brilliants, French Chintz of the latest styles, Cambrick witx, Pop. line, Moh airs, striped do., Lavellas in all collars TOURISTS MESS rmusu Manchester, Pacific and Hamilton Delains of all sty les and shades . _ igiurcummeta•}tligeo for ladies wrapings. Samples. Mantillas, new and elegant styles, Shawls, French worked Collars, Under Sleeves and in - sets, Embroidered and Hem stitched Handkerchiefs, Kid Gloves, Silk and kyle. ! Gauntlets, Cord and 'f tissles, Head-nets, &Its Bel- ting of all descriptions. MOllllllll6 AND MILLINERY OGNIS Such as 131 k. Bombazines, Blk. Parcailes, Folar and Poplins, Baragcs, Deceits, Mollies, '-Ginghams, Punts, 111 k. Eng. Crapes, from 2-4 to 7.4 wide, Blk, Kids, Gauntlets, Crape Collars, &c. My line of Millenary Goods irreomplete. TRIMMINGS Such as Bugle Gimps and Laces, all widths, Belt, Ribbons, narrow Silk Comps, Dress Cords, Fringeit &c. Spool Silks and all Colors of Shetland Yarn, Zephyr worsted, &c. PRINTS AND DOMESTIC • , 1 I - I embracing all the most favorite Brands such as Menmacs,'Sprague, Pacific, l'ochicco, Manchester, Dunne's, American and English Prints. BLEACHED GOODS. Harrison Mills, Chester Hill, New Market, Lonsda le, Uonewago, Great Lake, Mayflower, Lawrenee, Belmont, Waltham, Hill Maul. Co. and other brands., BROWN COTTONS. Pacific Sheeting Awaken Sheeting'', Porhonouth " Merchants Shawmut " Medford 44 Appleton " Canton t Plymouth " ~ Shawmut " GINGHAMS AND FURNITURE CHECKS. In which I am prepared to °Mir great barga ins, ALSO • 2.4 and 4-4 checks, Tickings Denniini. Blue Drills, Moreens Durisks, Shirting Stripes, Nankeens, Curvet .leans, Crach & Huch Tuvelings. GENTS WEAR. ITALIAN CLOTHS, Ilk, and fancy Cloths, " 6. " Cassintere• Silk mixed dog. Merino dn. CaslAnieretts Marsailes Valencies Grenediena Hosiery Cravats Collars, &c. GROCERIES. A largeWnd well selected Stock,. hl wh left •I • ern prepared tO offer great hid uceownta to 'purchasers, Consult your own interest and exu•uioe toy stock before purchasing. QUEENS WARE China,- GIIISS n*ut Sionewire, of the latest 'styles alviays on hand HI prices that defy cottipeti• Inn • , ~riketubseriber tenders, his thanks to -his trienos anti rustonarso tor past. favors - anti patronage, and respecfuhy solicitS s cuntiny,tnee of 'the saute.— Dun't lurget thet . place Corner of Main soil Clonclt Streets, where the 5f.‘118 . .-iN,IY: _float, Coinith, product; taken in czeitaoge for goods 'll,t the -higheat' market prim,. 41 "- ' . Q 114) :44 , 4 OS/Aff LIE6ORE• 1 0 .8 1 coftittptEn wEt*Ly. AmBNPSON, - BElNEtaar & CO. WAYNESBORO; Oct. 3, Burma ' ' 10 cents Enos, 8 el BACON, (11Aita) • -10 " " (Stuns) . • Astnautantns) •0 •' TA.LI;OW, ' 8 4, Linn, • t • 't SECOND, ARRIVAL. IMBEILSON, iBEUDICT &. CO. Waynesboro' Pa. - IVlalErllloll[7- SPRING AND SUMMER 0001 S!! Vrrjt E are now receiving and o (Tering to sell a new lE i g and FULL. ASSOK l'l , lEl NT of [NM 'Dm rigtilS Which we think we are prepared to. sell at na low terms as any other house in town or country. DRESS GOODS of all kinds D elaineo, li pregos, L ayellos, EMBROLDERIES. MEN'S SPRING ANI) SUMM ER C.CL1. 1 2 03 a Coltonades, Cloths, Ken. Jeans, Llassiniere, Fine Tweeds, Vestiogs, Neck Tiea, . • , Cravat ! , Stannic r }id la Handkerchiefs, a Shoes-, blippei a A full assortment of Plain and Funcy CASSINIE RES: • QUEEKSWARE A goad supply og Queenawara • and Gla ssivare of tho latest style. • IMae,A.&i,h.a2 ■ ■ .i‘lways s on hand a heavy lot of prima Groceries, COFFEE, SUGAR, SYRUP, MOLASSES, • SPICES, &c. To which we respectfully call the attention of our customers inil.the public generally; and at the hams time we return our thanks to customers arid the community Liu their liberal patronage, and will en deavor by fair dealing with all, to merit a cont in it. alien of the same. Please call and see. AIdIiERSON, BEN Eutur at CO DRY FRUIT: LPZ:23.CMIIIIZZUtI - 111 tinal :Ea WO fI at A MBEItsON, DFLXLEJDLCT & CO'S PICKLES. A LOT OF Good Pickles, Tweeds, Jeans Limns, nt AMBER:4ON, B ENZ L)ICP dr. elO'S WWI FIXTURES, OIL CURTAINS, at ' . AMBERSON, BENEDICT &- CO'S A Frl4l. ASSORTMENT PRINTS, EMS, GIAGII aiDataita4 C0rD,53,4 OF M.l. D ESCRIP MONS. at AM BERSOX, DRNEDILIF . 4 (W.'S. I: I 49.ZaNCELIEt..49I DAND.Eutorreorran, st. AMLIERSON, LtENEDICT & COV. 1862. o ' MAY 23. T ~ '~ T+~ CsCoLiTa.4l.lll.6l, nummExivs, ESCENCE OF COFFEE, . i '4llllM UPLOSIONc ._ . .70.E?\AEADEINLA 2 Lush/ Kr( wi rah SUMMER ' • -7 ' ... '' -F, l •f ' ''' .:' , '.' . ...,, , • „ .:. . .. art ived.froin Philadelphia thin week, itaatiied to our figure, and threw—oh ! ye fair,portion dif' creation !—the moat delightfill stook 01't:way gootio straight into our' door, that ever brightened our counters. First, doubtless to,Elease the 311.-...4.111_1131EAC3122 came a Shower of Silky Debeges, Bah trines, ',''sky tinted Lawns, .Chintzes, lfludenas, Mozambiques- , Himalayas, Poplins, (Zanies, &c., of awry hue of the 'Rainbow, glistening like stare.' that will make the old look young,.and the young like Genii : then followed a broad stream of N ankeens; Muslims, 'Fa- Calicoes, osnaburges; beneath wkich came flying, like birds of• beauty, Head-Dresses, Sleeves and Collars in setts, Shakers, Hosiery, Sun- Umbrellas—beauties--gauntlets, and all those-dear little tick-tacks which make the ladies look so charm ing; above it a dark shout of MOURN G GOODS. n elegant variety, Blk. Grenadines, Byntlore Bore ges, Wool Debilities, CliaHies, Lawns, Butz trines, Crape Despangee, Eng. Crepe, Eng. and American Prints, plain and figured, Eng. and French Crape Veils, Mourning Collars, Gloves, Hosiery, se-- eve•rvthirrg to render the mourner beautiful in her sorrow. - After these streams ceased to flow there was another explosion and in came pouring for the GENTLEMEN Bales of Silky Broad-cloths, Parisians. enessi ners Black and fancy, double and singled milled, in su perb styles, fancy us a the aCCO/11- !myth!' ents, splendid Vesting:, Silk, Marseilles plain, brilliant, and beautiful Neek-ties , uaiinpeaeliable Shirt-breasts and Coitus everything to sot the GLint tit fur a picture, and make him presentable even at the eapit .1 of the Nation. So Gents. look in and see, teeing is believing. All over the paveineutjay 'Sixes, which when opener displayed those gaud solid, sub.tantial wares, our noble, industrious, prk Silks Cold do. Fig'd do. Lustres, Poplins. like so much to see ; because they must h lye them to make the boys trowsers, and the girls dresses: here they are strong as buck-skirt. cotton, woolen, mixed, jeatts,'goods-of new styles, cheap and dum ble, cotton stripes, drillings, calicoes of lute styles, ticking, sheetings, in fact all tha our young friends require who arc starting on their matrinwitial jour ney through life. eit, tlitse - • jiy s _ t od away, when • e , goo s were are here came trudging dung Our Poor, Old RhinDo3rossess3s! loaded heavy,—oh verr/—witb Groceries, QUCVIIS.- ware. and Hug:lie.ids of that ll...lleums Loar-sug tr. Syrups, and Sugirdionse molasses, hag. reads and barrens of sugars of every grade. :Skid, Mackeral Herring, fresh tioni the hiiny wave, !nylon; elreer.o rem New England, brooms, vices,—allti LI splendid Int 41i SUG Alt CUM': b HA vIS,--and sweet Mt con--and Y.auksu Notions, together with a fug ad surtineklir ut Leghorn, chip, fine fur and wool Hats, gents and In dies buotera and .hoes, cheap, distractingly cheap. Now all these alfitra atarilingly, and touchingly set birth iirb ter t4llll' and Exhibition at the Sion) of the undermigne.l, who; with many thanks fur psi encoUcig enrol and patronage, win MIA 3riair oh, It: se rva (rnay23) ' JOSEPIrPHICI3 HO! FOR QUIIVON: Second Arrival of Spring and Summer Goads. LEWIS COLLROWER. I am now receiving rand otTering *soli a_noW end towortutent Which I think I a n prepared to sell on no ren sotinblo terms no nny other house in town or coun- try. A full assortment of LADIES DRESS GOODS of rill kinds. Silks, Detains,. Alpacas, Priatpl thallies, Gingham's, Lawns, Fancy Print. 4, Ladies Shawls, Ste.- MENS SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS of all kinds. Cloths, Cassintere; Fine Tweeds, Ken. Jeans, Cottonades, Verdings, Handkerelteifs, Neck Ties. Hosery. A full assortment of Plain and Fancy Cassimerea. - • 4WEENSIVARE AND GLASSWARE, A. largo stock of • Which I ain prepared topifer sa low as any oat. er store in the country. BOOTS ALND SHOES. for norjew and Latiieh wear of nll sorb; and sizes. , Also a huge well sclecteil,st tick of ' DOM STIO GOODS.. pi MUsliiis, l'ickings, and a complete assortment of Notions Looking (, Hardware, Hats and Caps,.L'aisitis twit Oils,. Fresh Shad and Herring' by. the barrel. It is nu use trying to enumerate. If, yea want anything, in the Dry Goods line, just call oo d you wilt had us ready to wait on you with, pleasure • lti,ooo CHESTNUT .POINT SHINGLES fur Sale Country produce taken in exchange for goods. At the 11.41 tent market prices. • Hy strict attention to bu,dness and a desire to please every iespeet,„'l hope to merit a colia ut • lee . . putroti.Age. May 23) COLLIMGWE.R & CLEGSTON. MORE NEW GOODS AT TIER "VARIETY. STORE." JBEAVER, in connection with his Variety ...Stow, has commenced the manufacturing of fiffiuTS and SHOES in. all its various branches.-- Having employed Jeremiah Cooper as foreman, he is prepared to•producethe finest, neatest awl /forsy durable work made any.whinte, • AA are 11Iva:A to call A large stuck of Buts and Cape r . (including—Mt kinds ka :%'tilumer ,tiata for men and boys,) 'Eastern. manufactured and !toots Of the boil iitidte, on hand; Clocks, Trunks,Segars, Tobaeco,, &c.,Yu lklict vary beet. AILOSEPIE there Alay9— tf. J. BEAVER. EcoNomy,EbS . be had cheap 2.4 , Pazos, MOTHERS lIITS AND SHOES! CM , lricocz•zaErdemos6Q.