Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, October 17, 1862, Image 2

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    , VILLAGt
Friday, 1862.
Forger flay! thnt
►Ware breathes the foe but dla helbre us,
With Freedom's nod hene:ath our feet.
And Freedom's banner , streaming o'er us?
TAR no . * SuPre."-31 r. VKAVER has
just received another supply of new goods,
iceluding the latest etyles-of Hats and Cnps;
also boots, shoes and varieties norally.—
Atilvertions4uex •ce .
New Goods. —3l emsra. AMBERS ON, BENE
DICT s Co. nre uow receiving their first sup
ply of uew untl winter gouda. Their ad
vertiseinent will appear next week.
Real Estate /or Sar.—Wo direct special
attention to the sales of valuable real estate
in Washington county, advertised iu taday's
raper. Afro to the valuable farm coffered fur
sale by Mr. I)A1II•:L MYERS.
Washington Tutenghip Offitial.—We givo
below the result of the election held in this
place on Tuesday. -The majerity ti. tho U
nion State ticket is 42.
11 ,r(lila,. General,
lhomaa K Cochran. Union,
lE2ll43'`Rtilker, Iternacrat,
William S. U,
James ,t).' Barr, 1),
Edward .3.lePherson, U,
A. H. Coffruth s 1),
State Senator,
ER tar e 1 E. Duffield, Ti,
William 31atherry, D,
John Rowe, IT,
Jonathan Jacoby, D,
W. Sellers,' (T,
Vni. Horton, D,
Wm. W. -Pnikto.n.
D. McKinsprl_
J. Ihirvev U,
Samuel 'lima, T),
Jeremiah Burke, Inrierewl ent,
District Atrantry,
Jeremiah Cook, 11,
Wm. S. Stenger, 1),
john Downe, , , 13,
Josiah .Fickes, I),
Dirortor the Poor,
Benjamin F. Nca& V,
'Samuel Sechrist, P.
David B. Martin, 1".1',
Daniel Gehvii,
Ontov Surrernr,
Emanuel Kuhn, V,
Jaeob Cock, D,
John S. Flickinger,' r,
James Crawford
Tire Ele • ction in th e State.—Duly partial
returns of tiro election in this State wore re 7
ceired up to the time of our going' to preps,
Enough is known, however, to render the
triumph of the Union won complete. The
majority for the State ticket will not fall
lunch short of fifty-thonsonfl.
saraer. Gal- A. McCall hat, been defeat
ed in the Se . venth Congressional District by
John M. Broomall, Union cnndi date. Thad
ens Stevens has been re-elected by about
8,006 majority. We expect to give the re
sult in the State for Congress and the Legis
. halve in ow uezt.
The PTO in Maryland.—The draft will
fall heavily upon some counties in Maryland.
Calvert county has not tent a single volun
teer to the field, Charles but one, Montgom
ery but seven, Prince George's two, and St.
Marrs four.
Gat, Hooker„--Contrary to general ex
„.,--,pectations, the old hero,. Gen. - Hooker, will
he unable to take command of his army
corps for some time yet*. The General can
not rest on his wounded foot, Boit invariably
causes inflamatiom He is now in Wash
ington and, travels on two crutches.
Sustaitted.—lt appears that the people of
this State, the Keystone of the Federal Arch,
here after all, sanctioned at the ballot box
the emancipation proclamation of President
The stale cry about the "Nigger"
and the "war tax" wouldn't do.
l7ie Result in Franklin County,..—We have
not been able to gather anything reliable as
io the result of the election in this county.
The,officiarvote will be furnished in our next
Wanted at this Offies.—A couple of eordb
Syrteijak General
A Wiwi biyt
!Associate • Judge,
,41aitoi- - ,
1 - Paritio Rebel iettni:-- , Ontridatritorning
' last about two,. thottaand R. to'.l.outittiry ore: -
sell the river ' heo eleOtpring, iti ',Vashi ng•
ton eenati, ~
Ml 7 4ithi'lr ''
' i'' : 'll
!tinier eunnuand Of (Rif Stuart. It appears,
nays the Ilagerstawniferaid and Torah, tistlt
they forded. the river at Rinsell's ford, cross
ed (he - turnpike ail Viii lOW's; just 'about
a half Maur after several : thousand
i troops passed up the road, and dashed into
Pennsylvania through Blaies valley, reach
ing.Mercersburg about midday. As they
trout along they seized all the horses they
could lay their hernia on, ankiteSiereershaig
took from the 'stores clothing,-boots and
/ iihthis, and whatever they wanted. At four
o'clock they left Mercersburg and proceeded
to Chambers burg by wily - of St. Thomas and
the Fittaburgturupike. seizing horses wher
ever they ' could find them, _and reaching
Chambereburg about 8 o'clock in the even
•ing. They sent in a flag of truce asking a
surrender of the town, which was done by
the eitizt n 4, as' there was, no force ther4to
resist, thom• They remained in Charnbers
-burg, from eight o'clock in the evening until
'eight o'clock ' the next morning. Before
leaving they fired the'Rail Road Depot and
the warehouses of Wunderlich and Need,
ii of which were destroyed, together with
the dwelling of Col. Lull, several locomotives
ours .and other Railroad property. From
. they went in the direction
of Gettysburg, but when they got within a
few miles of that town they turned and went
to Emmittsburg,—and from thence passed
through Woodsborough, Liberty, N ew Mar
ket and Urbana, and reached the river at
the mouth of the Mouoeacy, where they
crossed into Virginia with all their booty,
including some eight hundred horses and
mules. Gen. Pleasonton's forces, which
started from Hagerstown on Saturday,morn
ing, arrived at* the crossing just, as they had
finished anti engaged their artillery. They
are said to have been led through Wash
ington & Franklin .counties by Hugh Logan
a native of the latter county.
What it
_Must Conte To.--The quicker we
fully realize the proposition that this is, and
trust he, a war of subjugation, the better
will it be for us. We are to subjugate the
rebels, says the Springfield Republican,- or
the rebels are to subjugate us,_ We have no
c owe in t c matier. Whatever may be our
- theory of the war - and the - . re-establishment
of the Union, we must not tbr a moment, be
deceived by the fallacy that the rebels are
fighting simply for independence. The pea :
pie of the South may have this in mind alone.
Just such ideas as will best unite them and
best inspire their fighting qualities will be
furnished to them by their leaders; but those
leaders are after dominion ; and they intend
to become the overshadowing, all controlling
political power on this continent. They in
tend nothing short of the subjugation of the
North. They lave everywhere a.sumed the
offensive, and they intend to pass on to con
quest, and on northern soil to dictate the
terms on which this Union is to be recon
Let us, then, abandon this fallacy that the
Sonth is only fighting for its independence.
It has simply appealed to the sword from
the ballot box. to regain the political ascen
dency which it had lost. Of course, if the
North thoroughly understands this, there is
nothing for it to do_ but to fight it out. If
it becomes necessary for all the men to go to
the battle field, then all must go. The whole
North must be transformed into a camp, or
move en Infuse upon the conspirators and
their hordes and wipe them out. We have
been humiliated ; we 'have been insulted ;
but never can we submit to the dishonor of
southern domination, and become tho tools
of a slaveholding oiprohy.
The Rebel Raid.—We learn tbat - tlie Reb
el Cavalry arrested Dr. D. 0. BLAIR. in
Mercersburg with several other citizens of
that place. The Doctor is said to have been
taken as far as the Sugarloaf Mountain, in
Frederick County, where he succeeded in
making, his eibape and has since arrived at
home. In passing from Fairfield to Emmitts
burg the Rebels fell upon a company of
Home Guards drilling, capturing five or six
of them. Mr. SANVOSD SHBODER, son •in
law of Dr, WALKER, of this place, was met
by them on'the road between Fairfield and
Emmittsburg and also captured. Mr. S. had
his little son in the buggy with him, but
succeeded in getting him released at Em
mittsburg. The Doctor with others follow
ed them to the river. He informs us that
Mr. Ski odor. with the other prisoners were
taken over the river,
A Traitor runniv over with Wrath.--A
Rebel sheet, the Biohinond Enquirer, in an
editorial upon 'the Ilmancipatiatt Proclama
tion thus speaks af 'President Lincoln
((What shall we call him ? Coward, assns.
sin, savage, the murderer otwotnen and , ba
bies, and the falde destroyer of his own d
' elu
ded allies ? Shall we eoneider these as all
embodied in the word- lend P and shall we
call hiirr that I* Lincoln the fiend I Let his
tory-take 'hold of him, and let the civilized
world thug its scorpion lash upon hint-{" .
A letter 'from' Bolivar. Heights, says
tit on .the 4th init- smile 'soldiers on picket
ty were vialtedhy two young ladies; who
ritt4;thom to their house to have sores re
ialitifintii," and •sortie =twenty of the men
lowid -them home , ;
r - while boineseated at
table ; ,the house was surrounded. by a
irty. of rebel cavalry and all were made
Poll of Honor
Mtister 801 l of OW: L. 41:
if Com!,Sby.- The 'priptain °' ft • bets,:l3lits.
morttinefdt -Catuty•AittirnonS,• Harrisburg,
With enefigh'nferl to',flllup his company.
comausaioNED OFFICERS.
Capirein:=—L. B. KURTZ. •
• ist Lierat;,.-DAN-I-EL-SNIVELY, •
2fid Lieut —JOHN STONER.
0. Serficantr—Wst. R..KREPS
Quartounster—ll. POLSOROVE
cp7"o'. SerEctrit—DAN;EL Gynt.
2nd Sergeant—Thomas Metcalf
ter-Stiveuritz.'i , Heriry Cl. Bonebrealt- '
4th " Joseph Flory .
sth " E. S. Shank
6th " Jacob Potter •
7th •" , Samuel Gonder
Bth " David Royer
Ist Corporal—John Mickley
2nd " John I.llwick
3d " John Shockey '
4th l e 4 Wm. Shockey
sth " Arnold Rodgers
6th " Jacob Nichodernus
7th "' Geo. F. Foreman
Bth " Wm Simmons
Henry Burger Geo. Swisher.
John H. Barnes William Stull
Emanuel Burkett Benjamin Snowberger
Daniel Crouse Samuel Stoops
William Cooper William Spaulding
Ferdinand Cook ,Jno. Walters
Benjamin Dull Peter Wolf
Jas. 1). Fitz Jacob Cordel
Geo. Fitz Jno.. Kriner
Ruben Fitz Lewis Lisenger •
John Fits Geo. B. Frit*.
Francis E. Hovis Jas. J. Richards
Thomas Haddel Jno. Rodgers
'William Haugh William Swisher
Thomas Lee John Laley
John MinAart Joe,. Trone
Abraham Mowery Isaac Cordel •
•Daniel Miller W. S. Hollenberger
Samuel W. McKee David Jones
Jas. W. Miner James Kelly
Jas. 0. Mars Henry Little _
Jno. Nichndemus William Mooney
William Penuel Samuel Bishop
Peter Pass • Jas. Bishop
Samuel Rock . Alfred Cover
J. J. Robinson Geo. A. Strasbaugh
Christian Shatzer John Strasbaugh
s Jus. S. Sponsler Jno. J. Andrews
William Sheldon John Coleman
Abraham Shockey Geo. Koberstein
Jas. McShiny •
rir We are permitted to publish the fol
lowing letter received by Mr. II F. DAws,of
this place, announcing the death of his son :
F.eptember 6 , 1862.
- Ma. / HENRY F. DAtit Si r-:—lt
becomes my painful infotin you of
the death of your son, GEO. F. DAVIS. He
had been suffering fbr some time, from a com
plication of disorders, and although th.surel
by the physician, but a few days ago, that
he was convalescent, I was therefore the
more pained when I hoard of his demise.—
You may rest assured that every attention
war given him, forte was a favorite, not on
ly with the officers, but with the privates,
whose respect and admiration; he obtained
by his manliness, his courage and urbanity;
so that his comrades had determined to send
his body borne, and PaileJ to do so because
of their inability to procure a metalic coffin.
While under my command your son never
disobeyed an order, and, in all things, acted
like a man and a patriot ; and hence I mourn
his death. I shall see that he is decently
intered. His effects I will transmit to you.
I must say again, your sou was generally be
loved, because kindness and good-will were
such prominent traits in his - character, that
to know him, was to love him.
Yours respectfully,
it. B. WARD,
Captain CoMp. D, 11 Pa.,_Cavalry.
IterA Frederick eorrespOndent of the Bal
timore American, adverting to the Rebel raid
into this State, says :
On the road to Mercersburg the rebel cav
alry seized Mr. Raby, a farmer living in the
neighborhood. He was on horseback, and
attempted to avoid them,
but was — overtaken
and required to give up his horse. He pro
tested vigorously, and for this not only lost
his horse, but was kept prisoneWor two days.
At Mercersburg they also arrested Dr. D. 0.
Blair, and carried him with them to the riv
er. From this latter gentleman I learn
many partieulani of their movements.
When they first entered Mercersburg the
citizens were in doubt whether they were Fed
orals or Rebels. Dr. Blair asked one of the
offi,mirs where they were from, and received
the reply that "he was from the State that
you Yankees and Abolitionists hate the
worst, South Carolina." Soon after Dr.
Blair recognized among them Captain Logan,
formerly of this State, and addressed him by
name. Logan replied with a volley of abuse,
and attacked the Doctor with a bowie knife,
to avoid which he ran through the hotel.
They had previously demanded the key of
his stable, and for refusing to give it up, and
perhaps through the influence of Logan, be
was made a prisoner.
After an hour's stay at MercerslArg,
principally occupied in seizing horses and
drinking whiskey, they moved on to Chain
bersburg, entering that place about datk on
Friday evening.
• What President Linea& S l ays.—.-Mr, Lin
coln said to an ardent, friend of his who went
to see him after his recent visit to General
McClellan: "Have patierme-npationee--pa
tience. I have had to, wait when it seemed
as if I could not: It is ' your Jura now,
And I believe . you, will be 'rewarded in the
end if you patiently hope, for the future."`
He could communicate na facts, yet was
evident enough that Mr. Lincoln had a
strong mildew* that our army would aeon
achieve further victories,
13141'/)%14, MIitIDER of A 'WfVE." , -TIIOMBB
Ryclet, a laborer in Ntwark, N., J., ow re
turninoe his home ,op Saturday evening,
and Ilot finding "his supper ready for him )
kicked itia wife so seyercly aft to produce an
internal hemorrage, •(roux which ahe
about, an bout.
Wanted tot this offiee—JfaNifir
Partiotilaii of the Fight.
Capture of Rebel Artillerganil prisoners.
LOUISVILLE, Oct. 12.— „
Nuads of Reaeral
meni , under Gelbriel..Miller, cap
tured two pieces of artilery asd one hundred
and fifty rebels yesterday, at Versailles.
. - A portion-de General 'Dumont's command
drove the enemy - on' sattrrday` night *Om
Lawrenceburg towards Nicholasville, woun
ding several and capturing sixteen prisoners.
The Federal loss was nothing.
The Maysville Eagle says that a despatch
was recieved by'John C, Breckinridge's wife
to meet him on Monday -last at Dan Ville.
Further particulars of Wednesday's fight
a Perryvill state that the Federal forces
iv re 16,000, and the rebel 'force sixty two
r ()intents, the aggregate being unknown.
T , e Federal loss was from 500 to 600 killed
. d 2,300 wounded, and 440 prisoners. The
latter were pawned by the rebel General
The rebel loss' was 1,300 killed, including
one general, name unknown, and 14 colonels
and lieutenant colonels. This number of
killed is admittel by the rebel medical direc
tor of Gen Cheatham'Fr division.
A despatch from a member of the Ist
Wisconsin says that regiment lost 58 killed
and 124 wounde4.. Among the wounded are
Major Mitchel :Ad - Capt. Green.
Despatches recieved at headquarters state
that Colonel Lytle's wound is very slight.
lie has been paroled, and will arrive to-mor
row. .
This evening it is reported that Woolford's
cavalry captured over one hundred rebel wa
gons, one thousand prisoners, and one battery,
on Friday, between Ferryville.and Harrods-
General Dumont is at Frankfort
Marshall, it is said, left Lexington on
Sunday last, with his whole force of two
thousand infantry and four hundred and
fifty cavalry. It is believed that Marsh tll
and the rebels driven from Versailles are at
N ieholasville. '
Dr. Head, the Medical Director has
been required to prepare for the reception
of 3,000 of the wounded at Perryville.
Kirby Smith left Lawrenceburg with his
whole company on Friday, and effected a
junction wi•h Bragg on Friday afternoon.
Our forces was massed on Friday, "-between
Perryville and Harrodsburg. They are re
ported to have formed in line of battle about
six miles from Perryville.
At Perryville the rebels were so crippled on
Wednesday that thy could not carry seven
one hundred and six thousand rounds of
their own ammunition. They _buried , their
dead, and the wounded were cared for.
In a skirmish, on Thursday, „near Law
renceburg, between the 19th Regulars and
the Ist- Ohio Cavalry. against 0-lonel Scott's
rebel, cavalry, Colonel Scott was wounded,
and is now a prisoner at Bardstown. One
hundred and thirty rebel prisoners, inclu
ding ten lieutenants arrived to-night.
LouisvlLLE, October 12.—Special to the
New York herald]—Despaidles from Leb
anon say that a great battle was fought yes
terday between llarrodsburg and Danville,
and that it was heavier than that of Wednes
da The Union troops have captured.l6o rebel
wagons and 1,000
The rebels are retreating to Camp Pick
Doubtful rumors say that Bragg and
Cheatham were killed in Weduesda'y battle.
The Escape of Stuart's Cavalry.
FREDERICK, Mn, Oct. 13.—The escape of
the rebel cavalry_ aiross the Potomac is fully
confirmed. After being driven from Nolan 's
Ferry, they -divided, and crossed the river
in small bodies at different points.
Two farmers, taken prisoners at Mercers
burg, Pa.,and paroled at the river, arrived
here to day. They report that General
Stuart and Hampton were both — with the
expedition. The cavalry consisted of detach
ments from Virginia and South Carolina
regiments. They seized no horses in Mary
land, but swept the parts of Pennsylvania
through which they passed, of every horse
worth taking. Mr. Clark, the newspaper
express man, was - captured, but escaped after
they had crossed the river.
CARLISLE, October 13:--The excitement
created here, by the late tebe: r aid - into this
State, is subsiding. TheK trains on the
Cumberland Valley Railroad have resumed'
their regular trips.
A large cavalry force left Hager‘town
yesterday iu persuit of the rebels.
There was a fight last night at Knoxville,
Maryland, which is on the Potomac, five or
six miles east of Harper's Ferry. It is
reported that a number of the rebels were
captured in endeavoring to cross- the river
at that point.
The Rebel Raid—What Stuart In
tended to do.
The Washington Star of Monday even
ina.° has the following :
A man who arrived here / this - morning
from near Conrad's Ferry, states that he Was
in the presence of Gen. Stuart a few minutes
before he crossed the river with his marau
ding force, in his retreat from his late foray
into Pennsylvania. Gon. Stnart informed
him, in a sarcastic manner, that he had 'fool
ed the whole party.'
Ho regretted that he had not accomplished
what was intended when he , started, as he
was expected to reach Frederick,Md., destroy
the Government stores at that point, and
then destroy the Midge over Manococy river;
but that, aA things taken into consideration
he "had carried out his progmonne with
much success. _
Stuart's men and horses looked extremely /
exhausted, but the former were in high glee,
and from the looks of the clothing on their
persons, and that which they had tied on
their extra (stolen) hems, (which numbered
about 1000,) they expected and said that
the change would b,e very acceptable, espec
ially the shoes and hoots, of, which they had
a 'large quantity.
Gen. Stuart sent complimeuta to a
number a United BMA officers with whom
he was acquainted in old times. Cool, de
cider; lyl „,
Why is a ho like a kit 4? It has a crown
Why is a drunken man like a • Windmill ?
Jfis head turas round.
PrOtalblieAiiny of the ltOrnao.
:Further Partientars' About Stuart's Raid—it ,
Why l;fror.,7l7orcet,Pl4 - 11TOt PoOtirs 4E".
31on* Evonisig,S)ct 1.8 , : 1801=i , 414 , ne"tva,
Of the'Sticceies of &mite& isatalty mid into
Pennsylvania, and, in , the rear orthis_army t
hai occasioned tio unnecessary excitement
awuug the troops. .
When takeninto 'consideration that
the river is made fordable by the low stage
of water at so many points, and that the
Army of the' Potomac has aline of' pickets
extending from Cumberland to Washington,
a distance' of one hundted and fifty miles it
will be seen that it is an easy matter for a
large ,rebel force of to pettettateit:
The moment the:faict - of the rebels,having
crossed the riverat McCoy's Ferry became
known, every exertion was made to prevent
their escape, which was deemed 'necessary.
Orders were sent to the different comman
ders to move and occupy the positions as.
signed them.
Unfortunately, at this particular time, a
majority of the cavalry force was absent, on
important duty, at tea great a distance to be
of any use in following Stuart. On an im
portant occasion -of this kind, infantry not
being able to make a lengthy march, are of
no practical use, except in guarding fords
near at hand.
When Stuart crossed at McCoy's Ferry,
he had fresh horses,-they having beeen sent
to that point in advance. His movements af
ter crossing the Potomac were rapid. He
marched his force ninety-two miles in twen
ty-four hours. To accomplish this he had
the fresh-horses taken from the citizens of
From the time Pleasanton, commanding a
brigade of cavalry and one battery, left the
cawp, until he came up with the rebels at
the Mouth of the, 'lonoca,cy, at 9 o'eloak
yesterday morning, he marched seventy-eight
miles, within twenty-four hours, without a
change of' horses or rest.
At that point, while attempting to cross
into 111..41A - it, the rebels were repulsed and
#ine of them taken prisoners. The total loss
on our side was one man wounded.
Stuart, finding himself unahle to. cross
here, moved three miles further down the
river, to White's Ford, where he made good
his escape. Pleasanton, while pursuing him,
lost the use of his guns, the horses giving out.
It is believed that the marches, ;'both
the rebel cavalry and our own, were the
must extraordinary on record.
The - War in Mississippi.
The Result of the Victory—Gen. I?osecrans
Rewired front pursuit.
CINCINNATI, October 12.—A special de
spatch to the Commercial, frotu Corinth,
says that Genera: Grant recalled I
osecrans row t e pursuit of the rebels on
the '9th inst. lie returned on the I.oth, and
reports the enemy dispersed and so demoral
ized as to be incapable of further mischief
General Rosa:vans ,had inteuded following
them up to prevent another concentration,
beleiveing. that now is the time to destroy
The rebels abandoned and spiked even
guns, three caissons were destruye , a'ud
most of their 'ammunition and baggage
trains were captured. Our victory is Mee&
testably one of the clearest of the war. The
enthusiasm of the army for lloseerans is
boundless. Altogether . we have. 2,000 pris
oners, including neatly 100 officers; besides
the wounded about 1,000 rebels were killed.
Our loss was 350 killed and 1,200 wounded.
Accurate reports cannot be given until the
victorious army return from Corinth,.
Ohio had iieven regiments and two batte
ries in the battle.
General Oglesby's wound is better, but
still dangerous. Coronet Smith and Gilbert
are improving.
The President's Visit to the Confederate
IVOunded at AS'harpsburg.
The Washington correspondent of the
Cincinnati Cipnercial, who was with fres
ieent Lincoln in his late visit to the army ou
the Upper Potomac, relates the following as
strictly true:—
After leaving Gen. Richardson the party
passed a house in which Was a large number
of Confederate wounded. By request of the
President, the pirrty alighted and entered
the building. Mr. Lincoln, after looking,
remarked to the woundelCk%federates that
if they had no objection he would' be pleased
to take them by the hand. He said the
solemn obligations which we owe to our
country and pdsterity compel the prosecution
of this war, and it followed that many were
our enemies through uncontrollable circum
stances, and he bore them no malice, and
could take them by the hand with sympathy
and good feeling . After a short silence the
Confderates came forward, and each silently
but fervently shook the hand of the Pres
ident. Mr. Lincoln and General McClellan
then walked forward by , the aide of these
who were wounded too severely to. be able.
to arise, and bid them be of good cher,
< I
assuring them that every possible care sh uld
be bestowed upon them to .ameliorate their
condition. It was a moving scene, and le e
'was not, a dry eye in the building, eitEer
among the Nationals or Confederates. Both
the President and Gen. McClellan were kind
in their remarks and treatment of the rebel
sufferers during their remarkable interview.
that on Tuesday last, Mr. Geo. Smith, re
siding neat Bird Hill, fourth Election Dis
trict, was found : hanging dead, in his barn.
A. Jury of Inquest was summoned by N.
Gorsuch, Esq., who rendered a verdict that
the deceased came to his death by hanging
himself, The docersed was always regarded
as a clover, inoffensive man, and was about
60 years of age. We have heard no cause
assigned for the 'act. Westminster (141.),
- ,
XesileEt csr Ir_aerttekres.
Llsr of letters rem.tining in the Post Otfice at
Waynesboro', Pa.. Octottez. tat, 18112;
Lewis Burns, Eliz ; ibeth Bonet, Jeremiah Beeson,
Susan t3ril, Abraham _Bushey. F i dwin -Clark (2),
Jos. Davis, W, Fitzwater, J. M. Fisher, G. H. Gran.
dy, Gatharian 'Heenan°, Dr. J. J. Henshaw, Sunni
el harbaugh. Joseph Kusnel, Lauri M, beefor, (/),
W. 1.. Latidiu, H. F. Lehman, Jacob D I Leaner,
Chriviark Leshez, !Mathias Minehart,latnes M.1144:-
\ticker, Wm, McPoy Overmyer, W. A. INV°, Nan.
cy Reese, Pauline Alvah, Remy Socha.
Persons calling for any of the abuie letters will
please say they were advertised, .
you wait the cheapest tin.d laW4l style of Hitt
.Gall at Alta
. Plumes.
IF you. ant to sae a large atutortinent elliawis
4, sell at Capri, Pares's
, - . on Tinußipono.
01 1 -Aill'l tit
•• , •
BY T. 9. B.
the ri g ht morn the bullies sound,
'Raneoht upon toe breeze around,
AB' ninilre seemed alive that day,
Tril sky like some resplendeut sea,
As squadrons forming far and near.
Bright sabres gleaming in the air
While flashed the cannon's fitful gleam.
As rattling musketry' then rolled
Mc .:Lettts like n'ehinfitinmi.ild
Paine dashing down the lino.
Full fifty thousand men advance
With steady step anti"-weir trained &ante,
Front eyes bloodeshot *kb eoliths! , burned
In rays.of focal fire full turned,
One motitentitrangelY still they stood
A eight to wring but tears of blood,
Then wildly rushing suddenly
To cannon's mouth no fear to die,
Amid their roar dead pulses leip
And in a single heap
The agony of years.
Up, up, they rush and !midi): Cheer,
Oh ! who could stand rimy idly near,
Fare, ire, the orderquickly came
True every atarkseteit to his ajm , '
Like snplings bending in a gate,
The Reuel sipladronsimemed to (wail.
While Hooker at iliS column's head
Itode boldly en and took the-lead,
And Mansfield with his silvery hair
Now streaming out upon the air
Cheered, on hia brave. commaraL
The sun rolled down and very soon
Rose stained in blood the meson moon
A low, low moan, a slight twig aline!.
A drip of blood could now be heard,
The wailing winds did rise and fall
And darkness gathered like a pall,
The stars came out and (inc by ono
Looked down upon a bottle won
As now there lay upon the ground
Ten thousand Rebels scattered round
H elf) bj grim cleathis embrace,
I Straw Hata all colors am/ styles, for Men and
'Boys, Children's Fancy Straws; great variety, corn-.
mon straws, &c., We have just returned from the.
Eastern Cites and believe•we have the most com
plete, best selected, and cheapest stock of FASIL,
lONA BL.E. FIATS for Men, Boys and Children.,
to be found outside of the Cities.
UPDEURA FFS, Hat Makers,
Opposite Washington House,
• 4 H agennown , Md.
ZBefore "Busting" we have visited the,
Eastern Cities, and just returned with a MILLION
SrRA W HATS, more or less, rather less however
than more,and an Oval Koportion of Eastern made-
FELT EATS, all of which we intend to sell fo
1... - CASI - 1 at "busting" rates. I/ you would save.
money buy at the Fountain Head, OPOEGRAFF'S
where hats are realty 'mule by busting hands, in &
bursting factory, and a bursting, scale, and sold at.
such prices as will "bust" all those whip tail to buy.
UPI) GRAFFS, flat Makere,
Uppodite Wubhingion HOUge,
Ilageraituw.i), Md.
ditiun to our usual stock of honte-made and WOOL.
.HATS, we have just added titteett,eutiect kLieteta.
made FELT HATS, comprising all the styles, pop.
ular in the trade. These goods have hem purchas-_
ed from the largest and best eastern lactories for
cash, and at the 881/IC rote.; as the largest city job
bers, and we ase now prepared to oiler Litton to
country then:haute at as low prices as city jobbers.,
LiPIAiGHAFFri, Hatters.
Opposite Washington House.
Hagerstown, Md.
ge 6 .3lerehants, Remember that-we have,
'ust added a first class WHOLE6ALE DEPAR'I'-
XIENT to our Stock, and will sell you in small lots,
and sizes, as you, antsy wan t, - atty of the popular :
styles of the day, and always at us low prices an,
city jobbers. >✓l'UEf;H,.lF'!'S, Hat Maaers
Sign of the Red Hat,
Hagerstown, Ai J..
120„„." 13,USTE1).."—Dom,'t be alarmed,,
friends, we've gut enough of money to keep the
stuff[, anti tommue sotting,ainhustert" prices until.
:Alter hervest,,ut the HAY' Sl'Oftli,
Oilyosite Washingten House,
Hagerstown, Md.
* - 4x.The last run of sh - awl sometimes prove,
the link st, just, so with, our last rum a bigger stock,,
a betier stock, and. a chsapen stuck than can be,
produced elsewhere, may be found. at all tou es,,or.
until we "bust.," at
UPDEGR,.4,FFS, Hatters,
ign of the Red Hat,
Hagerstown. Md.
wrixlm ALranci.-wa.,
On the 25th alt, in Greencastle, by the,
Rev. E. Breidenbaugh, Mr. John A. ,11:trtin,
to Miss Mary Little, buth of Waynesboro..
On the 2d iust. at the same place, by the:
name, Mr. David Stoops of Quincy town-.
ship, to Miss Caroline...Furman, of Waynes
On the ith inst., by the same, at the resi
dence of the bride's father, Mr. Jacob:
Stover to Miss Marg a Lesher, both of An
trim township.
k v,,, rib I-laiJ
From the American of Tuesday last.
FLO UK—Sales comprised 100 bbls. How.
and Street Family at,68;„400 bbls. fair and
good Extra do. at 67.121®7.25; 11)0 bbls.
fair Howard Street Super at" 66.25 and 100
bbls. Ohio Extra at ST per
. bbl. In the un
• state of the-market our quotations
are nominal, viz: Howard Street super at.
66.25@6.37i ; Shipping Extra do. at 67121 ;
Retailing Extra do. 67.23; Family do, at 68'.
GRAIN.--Sales comprised 3,000 bushels
inferior and ordinary.white Wheat at 140(
150 cts; 2,000 bushels fair to good sound
do. at 155@165 ots., and 1,500 bushels
prime to strictly choice do. at1.70®115 cts
1,000 bushels good and prime. ,Peinisylvania'
red at 1400.143 cts., 3,000 bushels ordinary
and fair Southern do. at 1420145.(04* - and
2,500 bushels good to strictly ihoice -do: at
1460150 cts. per bushel, sales at the litter
figure being only moderate. Prime Corn
was scarce, the small samples offering being
only in fair order. Sales of 800-.! bushels
damaged and common white at 67@68 cts. ;
500 bushels fair and good do. at 73@74 cts.,
and 100 bushels choice yellow do. at 741. ets.
per bushel. Sales of Oats were confined to
1,600 bushels faii to very prime- - new Mary-
land at 38(E443 cts., measure. Old Penavl
vaaia we quote al‘ 6 . 13®135 eta., weight. ,
-•----• • .
Moods i Woods!! lioods!tt
USl' received er Expreas, direct front thernarr
ulac tures Another large invoice of Shakers,
(Jura "A - dovIAB Bosons.
I AIME MON ki.e.ell,Es, a t
der2o '641 ;
L . _ w
F you, wanks good chew.-of Tobacco, callat
- Pamela' _
apr.4 .
L A DIES. if you want to sea a, tilernmortsabee
of 4uk444 tit - tiOus, eitt' at Plume*