Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, September 26, 1862, Image 3
PUBLIC SUE • . • PP AiA 1:11L- ..L:l7Ea BY authority and pursuance 'of an order of "alert granted 'y the Orphans' , Court of Frank lin County, Pa., to avid Gilbert, administrable of John Gilbert Br., to - of said county", deceased, there will be'offered at Public Bale, in 'the Borough of Waynesboro'' ON SAVUROAF, ma DAY OF OC TOB6I mare, at 10 o'clOck, all 'the Real Estate of said deceased not taken at the appraisement, the *me consisting of, • PURPART let being until lately the ' MANSION FARM of the deceased, adjoining the Borough of Waynce hom', and bounded by lands of H enry Gilbert; %V Bcaore, Snider and others', coritatning . , 120 ACRES AND M . ) PERCHES] with floe improvetnenta there on made. PURPART 3D, a BRIG► HOUSE, STOREROOM and other buildings on lot of ground located in a pleasant part of the Borough aforesaid. ' PURPART 4TH, an excellent Lot of Graurid immediately behind purports 2 and 3, fronting on West Street, containing 358 rinoixEs and well adapted to being divided into building, ata PUPART 6TH a lot of MOUNTAIN LAND in Washington' township; bounded by )nmk of Welsh, Hughes, snider, and Foreman's heirs; set with Chesnut and other trees and contalnink • -77 .a.gitanns. PURPAIIT 6TH, being the larger portion of the "NIGH FARM," situated in.Antrim Township, L miles from Shady Grove and bounded. by lands *of Me!chi Snivety, Win. StoveroSites, Gillen and others, containing AILSEIDO 2111A1C.11ER-F..0151P Anil) 8 PERCHES of limestone land,. with Stone House, Bank Barn and other buildings, a huge Orchard and a considerable body of superior timber. PURPART 7TH, Being the remaining part of the "NIGH FA RM" and adjacent to land of Stover, 14. ilson, Henneberger and others, without buildings, containing SS A.CRES,- part under cultivation and the other covered with excellent timber. • The opportunity here offered for purchasing is Well worth the attention of any persons wishing either to buy good homes or to secure safe and sub stantial investments for their funds in real estate.— Purpart first, whether hi soil Or improvement is one of the roost 4leirable farms of the size in this region, and is in almost perfect order. A commodious Brick House, trick barn and other buildings, (all en tirely new) spring, Pump, good fencing tertile soil sun convenient to town, to mills andiurninkes ham some of its ailvanta! es. The town property is also valuable • •• .! • esayt-lnkilt--tfrue • for mereliandizihg or other business, while the other is valuable for building purposes, and may be divi• tied into lots to suit purchasers. The purports in Antrim Township are good with abundance of lime stone and portions covered with large and tall tim ber. Any persons wishing to see the properties will be shown over them by the parties theron residing, or by the undersigned on Saturday of each week which bo spends in Waynesboro'. Terms made known on the day of sale by DAVID GILBERT, (Aug 29—Is) Administrator. Cluimbershing Repontory and TraturcHpt, copy. PUBLIC SALE MOUNTAIN LAND. virtne and in pursuance of an order of sale 1 . 3 granted by the Orphans' Court of Franklin County, Pa t ., to E. S. 'Froze!, acting 'Executor of Tobias Funk, deceased, will be offered at Public Male, in the Borough of Waynesbdro', on SATURDAY 781 C 4711 or OUTODICR NUT, A TRACT OF MOUNTAIN LAND not taken akthe appraisement, situated in Wash ington township, bound( d by lands of 'Wm. Logue and others, containing about 21431 AL.IIICIEit_IIIE.SI9, well vet in Chesnut and ot"her_ timber—easy of ac cess as it joins the Mountain Gate House. The above property will be shown by the subscri ber to persons who may desire to view it. Sale to commence at 1 &clock on said day when the . terms will he made known by E, S. THOXEL, ' • Acting Executor. (Sep s—ts) PUBLIC SALE • REAL EST-M 1 THE undersigned Executors of the last will and testament of David Knepper, will offei at pub• lic sale, On THURSDAY THE Ifirti DAY Or Arromat, 1562, the following tract of land, late the property of-aaid deed. ailmited in Quincy township, Frank. lin County, Pa.; tiojoining lands of David Wertz, Wm. Mull; .Gaon Knerrperi -John Kprney., Alex Hamilton nod othera; containing 103 ACRES and some 'Perches, neatlneasureosith a ruin STO. 121 BRICK DWELLING HOUSE and Back Building,.aiid a stoir ind a half Basement, Spring House; Smokelfeuse and Bake Ifonse, and south Shop, A • STONE AND' 'FRAME BANK BARN, WagorShed, Corti Crib, Hag Stable and other,improvetnenta thereon erected, • elikr , itt ottring etiteVeitemewifer the yard: The lam it in high cultivation. Said Bract of laitd is under good fencing there being. one thousand panel of post and •rail fence.- :There or a 'fine - 1f01714711 ORCHARD of choice frith T AW? preniiies; peirapl4ma,:riesch. ea iiridAithe'frugt,"'niost, choice. varieties. The tittle Antietam creek runs abont one hunched, yardafeam the Om ,thragellie tatirt , atippiying es abundance otwater. ' ' „ • - i eratMaiaiahing4o ° 4lew ttie - iiiapeits , . before the day 'diode can Call upon either.of the undersigned, one living on the farm close to quinoy along the la4blic"road•that leads to:Fitrikaidwri. Sabt' Otri rnetwe'it 10 o'clock on said day when the terms will be made known by . ' • • ' GEORGE KNEPPER;Jr.' GEOIiGE,KX.EPPEI.I, Sr.; I Executors, (Sep , s—:tri) R SALE. HE subscistsix will ,al...esitliiPidgito ,in• front j.of sibbetegi Hoff!, isn.Bs.ittiipiir nig .2,7314,ir pP Oprzsonsug, !VA, his • „ BRICK HOUSE and Jot tif ground," 'situated' on Mai Srteet; oppenilte' the reeidence. of Trotel. The hottAci ie . `a tWo ettiT Brick Buikliiig "rah lloomikn i oli ; I t `vied fie-, patr,,withca choice variety of fruit-on theicie a tolbd: cistern At Cheekier.. 'bale, ,to eon:unseal. at. o'clock on sold .4tay when the terms will be noble known. twit*,iiizot sold ouAsilGrjay It will tifensile offeredelkl? suit foi One yeai,fruin the Ist of Apr Plea: ' ' HUM' El IC: •- • • REEDOMtNIJRSERV."- - e -P . R"' Mit '.GARDENS.. liIME subscriber tarifa little; ibis fail, at iris - ' -Nursery and Ptah Gardens, adjoining G. Dell's I. (formerly B. Mentzer's.) all UM new, vari ties..of .- . • • AILIIM3II - 311110 NW 1 2 attd,B 'yea's* old fnon-the bud. '1 Sa nitres of ;the fruit can be seen at the proprietor's house. Th a following are some of the best varieties, viz : - Prince Red Rare Ripe,. ,Scott's-Nonpariel, • Yellow Rap Ripe. ' Iliolridge Favorite, Temples Latt white large,Roae Flowering reach, Honest John, . - Yellow Hewett, - Old Mixon free, Extra Early Yorlt,-' ", cling,. : Early white clip, Lemon cling; u. purple, Orange free,_ . • " Strawburg, F . • George the our , th, Snow peach, Royal George, B hod cling,. , ~• Bergen - yellow. . Block cling; CraWfara Lett, Red Cheek Malocetan, - Crawford early, Grose Mignone, A Iberia yellow, . Grand Admiral. Morris white, Hftwanls Large, ~ 16,000 Strawberry Plants for sale, viz : Bove) , Seedling, Alb..y Seedling, lowa, Pe aptly, Boston pine, - Triumphs triton& ISM voy 'superior,' ' Early' Scarlet, Crimson Cone, August and fieptember.ia the time to plant your Strawberry-betla it you avant a crop next year. Gooseberry. , and Current. libughten Bcedlidg, - 13onlowhen Red. Cherry Current, ' White, • . • • , fled Butch .White. ffitrapts. Catena. Clinton, Isabella, •Atadarius, Freedom Seedlings, new.varitiem Basp►bierry', mad Blackberry. 'trinities Orange', Yellow Antwerp, '- Hudson Brier, Lawton Blackberry. Red an twerp, Thornless Raspberry spew variety, GIANT ASPAREUBASS RHUBARB—.Victoria, Prince Allied and toni ng. Pima, Cherry. Apple. Pear, Apricot. ROES— Prairie %%se, (been of the Prairie, Baltimore Belle, &c. Garden seeds and flower seeds tor sale in the fall. There is a great many verities not named. Ail-orders punctually attended to. Any person 4-perel.,_ wanting. .r?travvbt:rry beds laid out and planted eon have it done up in hive order by calling on the proprietor. Address - S. MENTZETt. - Freedom Nursery and Fruit Gardena. Leitershorg, Washington Co., Md. , Aug. 22, '62-3m. WAYNESBORO' CLASSICAL &, COMMERCIAL aravinava% VV. T. BARNITZ, A. M., Principal Classical and Scientifm Departnierit. A. M. PRIMMER. Principal Commercial Department, nail Professor of Penmanship; Pcm.draviing„ dc. 'l'. L. BUDD, Principal of Musical, Department. This Institution offers inducements to young Men and Ladies, desiring to prepare themselves for :caching , or to enter our higher Colleges, to pursue n thorough Classicali. Scientific, o r Commercial Course,—such as are olrered by no similar lnstita. twit in this quarter of git: State.. Thorough Practical unsfruclion, with Lecturer in each of the departitenh i, on a system pursued in no other school of like character, will insure rapid and effretent progress. The Musical Department is under the direction of an experienced, practical and Classical Musician. TERMS. Corn. Eng. Branches liekronitter of 11 week.; $4.00 Higher IA " nlt 6 6 . 0 0 4i 46 With Latin, - • - - 8.00 Greek, French, German; (each) - - 3,00 Commercial Department Thorough Commercial COurse, including Single and Double Entry Book-keeping, Practical Pen manship, (time unlimited) $15.00 Penmanship, (thorough course) -- 2.00 , Magical. Department. Vocal, in clig., per quarter of 11 weeks each $l.OO Jnsttumeutal, Piano, Melodeon, Flute and t.O tar 5 00 Boarding at a tow rata can he had in tevvetable families iu the town . . For fuither partieu tuts ad dress Plincipais. (August 22—tf) —4laierTll—, A NEW HAT, CAP AND V1,11.131MY STIIE One door Weseof Trifle's Tiner Shop THE subscriber respectfully informs the people that he has just returned from the Eastern Ci ties with a fine assortment of IE3 Ak. 'IC' ..ftV . CAPS, Umbrellas, 'Path Cloth and 'iliaekning Brushes, Rubber Combs, Hair pins, Whisps, Guitar strings and Stationary, and is prepared Wiwi! at the Lowest Prices. The-beet Eitorieti of li;offee, Dairy Salt; Stove ludigo. Soap, pepper Sauce, French Mus tard; ground end'utiground Spices of all kinds. To bacco, Cigar's, Pipes ana Caildieet. Ragins, Preens, Vets, and a fine airbortinent or Candice mole of .;reani. . JEEEMIAH MUER. 0 iify 0 '82.1 . : TTB' aulderiber tigers:Mei earvicea to the -public so an Auctioneer:- Be . has hod seine experience at the beldame; and respectfully - abatis/I a 'eall from those who -may 4seresher - beve wales to cry; •ea he , to confident that he 011, : , giye gefterst Residence at the Anticiant Junction. _ (July 25 3m. MARTIN FUNK. REmovailt . OLD JOE. rowetfully•,infilnes his , nuilierous customers and the - public:generally y thaz he hat removed his flestauranfto the basement of Kurtz's Hotel, !there he is at an'times ,prepared to furnish Ohalitnersburg and &ea lug le, Q . lterori Tripe, Pigs Yeet , Bologna Sausage , E ggs, ac„ Ate: He heor t aisu a forthe_ax, otrunodation of ousioriiners. :JOidEPH PUNK. July 18—tf. - . - 101,00100,,ile THE. subscriber , h as ;flow for sale ,40 bushels of prie , TIMOTLIY,kkiEECI. „which ho.crill possit fair prices, , I fterseus, la want, of seed for fall sowing are requested to give : him a call Iteid:r ,dutise cuse sulle isorthsted,s4.Way li otiobego'„,,. . , • . mad , • ,ENJ: E. itßalE.4., UH ! fur wings ta_sair," right down at Pricer • Stoie. 'Whet foe! Why le, get some mop , , ot Omit Near :York tigiup —only ' 12} cent* a buart at • • , ..• • • : Puton's ' 66 : t 111.0 the • , • , , • • - .-Graiti Cradles, , Gram tick lea • • • Grille Sickles, , - • - tinim GraisiVtltlmo.. • Of suptfriorAuttlityttiprlsalochonp.• , . Flood* IHoods I t Hoodel T UST received, Oeifitprisi;diree: fro ' the men= tifsetuieti atiotliet!lregth invoico 'of-Shakers': ' (Judi '6.4 , .Joftpt It Keautd • •---,- • ---, , ..... 1... 0 : : : 1 4' , ..: . .... - ..,,,,r,•._,. , : , ',,! • ••• '1 7?. 77: :-:'!': : - 2 . (. „1 , . ,!:;41 . ~ 470 : 4114,45r303 4 0 ~E. •, _ _...-: :-.,,.....-.:. , 1 4,, . - ~..„....L .i.. ~.... _. -,, .., . 1 VOA YIV&/349/t0 . ,, Sept. 1 1662 • Byrom f id- .NAOURD Wool, SO EGG(' . 9 17IWAPHRD " 2(4 I(.4up ' " ' 1 :• , I I: (Sioißii .Stith• TALLOW : ' !' . 'Er , flaciy(l3 . SHED ' , i ,00 SOAP • 4a6 FLANHNED 100 BACON lhillOi4).-. , .10 PeliED NAME'S ' 00 BACON (idol - ~. 6 1 , -UNPLUND " 00 BACON (ehbu dots) , 6 ' .111Ltto Apri4e,' 00 RIONIONO TAKEN BY THE UNION FORCES TOGETHER WITH THE' ' • " WHOI;.EREBEL • ARMY I "1111101 MEOWS MAR" This Vidor!! wasgained.with. very little Loss on Our Part; and yet another, JOSIAH BESOIE hos just returned from the Eastern, Cities, and . is new opening the most ostensive stock of SUMMER GOODS ever brought to Wayneithbra'; Which he *VC kill cheaper than any other house this side of Richmond. Consisting of everything usitulty found in a well conducted establishment. . _ The community is invited to call . and hamine my stock which I will take great pleasure in show ing' to all who may favor me - With a call. To' con vince you I have a splendid Buick I Will Cnnumeiate a few of the leading artieles now in store, all of which I will sell at greatly reduced prices. • • FOR THE LADIES DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. Including the latest novelties in Summer Dress Goods, to which 1-respectfully invite. the attention of the ladies. The choisest Collars,l The finest qualities, The largest stock, The best assortment, ever exhibited in Waynesboro' , and at unpreceden ted U:30:01Qr. UP ac,flaxs)o3 Superior extra heavy Blk. Silk, Blk., Brown, Blue and Lilack Foulards, Pikes (light grounds? Bouquets of Chintz, Collars, Satin plaid and . prin • _ argu ilise, Value ia Plaid, Silk and Shepherds Plaid, Silk Lustres, striped - Himalayas, Blk. Persia, 111 k. Grenadine,-Blk. and fancy Barage , Anglaise Braze, Argla's High colored Challies, Jackonets and Or gandies, G r inane grund, French Brilliants, French Ullintz.of the latest styles,' ,;;,„ "ek Lawns, Pop lins, Moh airs, striped dq., L;:}! inin all collors TOURISI'S D'ASSS ti.olß-Su LIIIi~T styles and shades Summer c for ladies wrapings. Sacgues. Mantillas, new and elegant styles, Shawls, French werked Collars, Under Sleeves and in sets, Embroidered ind trem stitched Handkerchiefs, Kid GloiMs, Silk and Lyle Gauntlets. Cord and Tassles, Head nets, BI Its Bel ling of all descriptions. MMHG MG MiLLIMY 6001 Such es 131 k. llontliniines, 111 k. Paresiles,Prilar and Poplins, Barages, Dueolls, Ginghariis, Prints', 131 k. Eng: Crapes, from 2.4 to 7-4 'Mile, 131 k, Kids, Cauntlets,.Crape Collars, &c. My line of Millenary Goods is complete. T.RIMMINCIS • Such as Bugle Gimps and Laces. all willt6;llelt Ribbons, narrow Silk. thaws; Dress Cords, Fringes &c. Spool Silks and all Colors of Shetleud morn, Zephyr worbted, &c. . PRINTS AN J) DOMESTIC GOODS!! embracing all the most favorite Brands such as Merima es, Sprague, Pacific, Cochieen, Manchester, Dumtels„kinerican and English Prints. BLEACHED GOODS. Harrison Mills, Cheater Hill, New Market, Lonsdale, Conewngo, Great Lake, Mayflower, . La wranes, Belmont, Waltham, Hill Mani'. Co. and oth..r brands. . BROWN COTTONS. Pacific Sheetings Portsmouth " Shawmut " Appleton " Plymouth " GINGHAMS AND FURNITURE CHECKS. In which I ant proptred to offlr great bargains ALSO 2:1 and 4-4 cheeks, .I. l ,teki l iza Dennims. Blue Drills, Moreens. Dainasks, tihirting, Stripes,, Nkinkeons, Corset detnie,Ckacli & GENTS WEAR.' • ITALIAN. CLOTHS, • , Blk. and fancy CluOm, .1 • Tweeds, 1 4 0 - = 4, - ' 4 Ca■kimerar JPSIIII, Silk mixed do, Merino db.' ' • ' Cashniereittis . ' Marseilles Va 1999. ereneoielli n„ . :„ „ , , . 0 . Cravata..,, • Collars,. . GROCERIES. • A •LaYge and well selected stock, in Whieh I itm rewired. to ofrg: gycat. Moments, to , purctnis. ()dimwit; „your ow n interest and extotige,. toy .k r heft* purchasing. QUEENSWARE China, - Giassand. Stonenwiit. at the latettt atylea altvaysnp., hand ,al, defy, aa in pe tit ton. • • *, The subserther tundra his thanks to Itia;frientla fur petit' anti . jinikuniftte, tt . ! reniteelthly 'intitinitAtice 'or.the .sittse- Don Ottrget the place, Corner of Main taw) Church Streets, where the S PA ICS A )1 U, STRIPEN , Con4ry Prutlucc taken in<caeltattge Cut gttotisittt . therbithest market (131P3r23) 'l6SlAl4 ' llEsOgti ; ii anulton Dahlias of al A mogkeag Shoetings, Merchontte • " Ikl ell ford a oantOn ' 11awniut • bit)ege, 1862. SECOND AltitIVAL. 4 ,0 1111BERSD11, -BENEDICT &10. Waynesboro' Pa: • . 2 Ott. Allig-11E0110117- SPRING In SEINER t11111S!! • . 4 E are mow receiving and offering . to sell a new and FULL ASSOR'FiIE NT 'uf 1 - 8 y gyms W hich we think we are papered to , sell of as low terms GS a fly other house ill ,towil or •countrq. u4k.da,mumw....9 DRESS GOODS of o II kinds ChoNiro, 1) el:linos, 0 ertges, I.avellas, c,c)mixJA:pa.ei, EIIIIROIDERI • MS , • SPRING AND SUMMER. _(... CD CI) LID E- -- a ' Cottoriadesi ,- Cloths, Ken—leans, • ' - , Casisiorre, F foe Tweeds, , Ves flogs, Neck Ti{is, .. _. . . ' litisiery; Cravats . Sommer .Hate Ilii nil koretiefs, - Shoes, Slippers A full assArtm ont of Plain and Fancy CASSIMERES; QUENSWARE: A good supply of Queenswa - re and Glass Ware of to latest style. GROCERIES, . . Alwafs on hand a heavy lot of prime Groceries, COI TEE, SVGA R, SYRUP, - :MOLASSES, . . • • ' SPICES, &C. To which we respectfully call.the attention of our customers nil the public generally; null at - the same time we return our thanks to custonfers ttnd the community foi'their hlieral;and will rh• deavor by "ftiftlealing with all, to merit a continu ance of the same. Please cnll antbsSe. AMI3ERSON, BENEDICT & CO DRY FAUIT: tg , P234..cz2 4143, • AN D .Z31.:..*•1P]1E431 at AMBV,Ri3O/11, BENEIDICT &•CO'9 _ #l3.' A• , •• L'O T -o i.0.0.5)4,.. Pickles, Mi • - ' 71180 N; BE'NEDICV&I /;O'S (WHIN FIXTRIES, OIL,. CURTAINS,- at mou it SON, tiENppicl% (;(r,s, • ' A FIALL ASStIIIMMIEIIIT • . t 63 i.!' fiIINIV - -11115L1N5,,;.41A611,91S , ..„.. • • mz•dt‘xzwzmn% ArAPDwaoll • .;" 1 , , OFFE4', ac . A. 141.1 RSON ENV.I)IOI:,§I,. C JBlr Grocer es imEINAL.s. - mllitut r • LADIES' AND tHIMEN,SIIIOE,SiA,C, GEO::STOVER. HANKFUL for kind favors and patronage have tofore bestowed upon him, again appeara,betiive the public to solicit a continuance of• the sarrie.'— •He• having just returned"-prom the easterircities With .fine a and well selected stock or new 1,.. SPUINfir AND SUMETEIC . . Which . he intends selling at ' v er y low ratea, whicy he hnows-he can to-the satisfaction of Oil wh.) will call And' Ottinjne, his stock. , •• '• 2 . - edurbeented •a - .few artielee which will be friund among his stock to which bte calls your attention. • • "Int THE LADIts He has n large aesortment of Dress goods consisttkag In part of ChetLiles, -, • . Printed Mid Plain' Delaintrei; ~, ~. - , •.,.. 1311 i, Fig'd and - liofd Silks, • 'laid Mohair ' ' • Silk Warp Mohair, ' •, . • , klereges - , J • . Me ' dona ,Cloth, ' Lavellas, french antl - donieslie diniharn - s Poplana; ' ' . Pongee Mixture; • . • .Cloth for , Ladies, Wrappings, ' • Chives, • • • Hosiery, in great variety. . , • 1111 sirke Cord do. Fig'd do. Lustresi Poplins, .- Broad Clothe, Black and Fancy Cassirperes, Union ea•azimeres, I►uck Linens, Cotton:idea, • .. , , " Twee,l4, . ''-'- Velvet Cord, - . Marsailtes, . . Silk Vesting, • • V elvatine Yestings, -of nit • kinds; in fact a full aasortment of goods for Gen, men wear. Also a large and well selected siockel DOMESTIC GOODS , Mush Tick;- tin„ Ticking; and a iiiimplete a assortmerit of Notions. It's no use _trying to enumerate. yobs-vwant-auything at alb-in the Dry Oce - el.4'-iiai.e„ just call in and you will find him ready to ufaif o on You with pleasure. . • ; To persona having emintry Produce to seß,,fheY will find it to their advantage to bring it Cl' sto-1 ver's,as he always gives the highest inirket price.- 03' .give hitn'a call, anti ho_wilLsellyolLgoßde ap, elnutp` as they can lie ptireliaied elstwhere. April 1862 . NEWi:GOODSI-!1 AT 1111111Eill'S littßallig.StE Baud, Tenon, Web and Compass Saws, Augers, Auger Bills,. Gimlet .and Dowell Bins; • Socket Chisels, Firmer Chisels, Mortising Chisels. Pruning Sawaomil C2,hisels combined, Pruning saw 4, Plastering Trowels, Pointing and Garden Tr.iweli, Double and Single Hitt Axes, f{atchets, and Dra ea • lung Knivi r; Whitewash Brushes, Shoe, store and Iforse Brushes,, Scrubbing Brushes, Croth; T,,otli, and Paint }trusties; fable Oil ,Clinlis, Floor .1)11 Clo Pis- Carriage Oil Cloths; Spokes; r.cHoe,,, Shafts, Pefesysprings and axles; Blaek-simith lowa, Anvils, Vices, lino( Km a, and !Lisps; Tubs, liticgets, Ullucrig; Hope, Baskets, rocons , and Wash Boards; 'Walters, Trays,'Oaridle ricks • 'SlVulreis Cuiree Canisters; Ctittlery,.Pocket .fhettlery, Priming Knives, Pr u nuin Shears „Silver-plated Ward, Table arid Tea Siarierer;;Salt Shovels, Jrcirks, ant/ Indies; A Biala Table and 'Ara Oprions, • Imre spoons, g airniell ..Sirrions; T race (;Ifriias, Chains, Infw Chains, Butt „Chains, Sporting'Pow.. der; Blast'ip,g-Powder., fißri aL ;Bladkint, Rhferfflack ing; Lead Pencils, (i'illrett"s tAteel l'one,.• Writing. i'llievr; Flour Seiveti, Meal SuriVea,:linwrir Salvos and Wire Cloth; f;onliing Sts,vesi Nine Plattri''Stfriiiti I ioal Stoves; Carriage Lining, Carriags Lage,erani; Carriage Trimming; tolgether With age and carefully selected sti.rettof Canintt and iir Mifelitlirii /lard ware. A ll.vrho idexiire to buyebeap ars inyitirif to call :and 'examine my Kuroda befilve Ilzrerla B t9f elsewhere, sal I nun uluiii.reilifigiur In Hell a3'heifu , UrAlalo 11 0 tWigibutandinur:. the:offveirecre of .socriti:4 . inias (gOOd B. This subscriber, would. hero take occ.ujiojk to return his sinceru thanks to Om public foe firmer fawns and bopesiby,fair,elea)ing and, .dbeakgfriodif to Merit a continuance:)f the.menie. , e, opt2s wit . H; BROTIrgt PO N- . ,'1 - W. AM'S Patent Oklflrliffdiis4l4: IS A for 'Rio ot:14 sign pt the , . Bit,' , 1 411413141 fly 41. 13. Itueskr.r o .,... Agent •for)Vrillilcan ay' 11 . ter' PR1.07/ 1 S'Ea-sp . Atmsul' f itiidce'an ba:cJaaed.and opentai for lialv'it'llt:qtigieof tia;'Big Hed I *ti t . :Only 11%9.) D. tJ. Borsiza: - ezce at • (004. Bastlyietat • ____ ~._. . I F l- 3FOo wanVo good *lir' of Ildn6 Mitde Morocpi 'IV Boole,' , Wmtirst: i'SD Sill TO kW V*: Timil,..callia. -4114 , 1 •'• . ' : 'Panes. EttIIVOMY hi ts a.Blll, P . ' , be I . 9tit , cheap . , i y 2.3 ;•,, • _ ,A, . - ',. • PRzot's ' VAIN (5,12:4).M.e.,01 the•, he nxake (June la) • " STO 1191.14111'5. Li.i)S; B ChS, for gal 16 4 - (June 13.) .'„ ' ft . . Eirixsitiontiklki;,! I RAJ. AND I.3tAßl.E'3erl'l4ES;;;Air T heit 'at (Jutir 134 if. Mai :ken] . " ' " rr a Mar '!E4 Hi 'Aft ram , • W - H - Kkag",O I WAS LA . L tk,10 , 46%441, lily ; VOLI 3.' '" " sii .11.‘ WWI 13 (16y 'i. 11101fry,0141 t. .0 , 14:4:,1 i ~.; .• Li 'or -., r ,. . II - ~... . . .o . 3qi i . t ,i -4 j titel:11.?0--ANW.F,4 . 3 . Ity4lf-,nit i11.44 , 1 . ,, , t fr4.3gh ' oti iii. - ItYj •`" *.kl; SrulKotti 1 • 1 i SPRING44IIIIIIIMtc , CMS, es:t am dulpirsmw GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, Iron ailif Steel, ; Shovels and Spades, Hoes and - Hakes, • Spides end Murks, , Nails, Brads and Spikes, Locks, Hinges and Screws, Latches, Staples ,and Oils, paints, G 11151.1 and Varnishes, Mill, Crnas•cu( and Circular saws, littitiiitga'tiittlfggisoll . : - We are now receiving and iiitiang to sell a new and . 411 assortment of , 44' 4 " r: • 1.11 •' 'I:4IS Which we ace 'prepireo to.sell ,ea rea sonable triine as any other house, in ton or (toting A fugortinent of dia, LADIES'DRESS_GOODS Alpacas of all Silk s ; 4 121elains;: Alpacs- lo,itit)teil Piiiiii;" Laldiei BI awlb, &c... • • IVIENS.SPRING ANA SUMMED GOODS. • '•" • • of. t ali ; kinds. Clcuhs," Casiiinere, fine I weeda Catorkudes,,Yust,ingt, Handkerchiefs, Ptivek TieS, , Hose'ry. A full sesortiriOni of Rut! Fußcy Gassimpres. • 7 • --QX CENOWARR,A N D IiLASWARE. uinek of twhiA tee/aiti offer - as to* ,aey' store4n the country. . AND suozs. for rnen's and Laiiie's wear of all sorts and Blies. Aldo a large and Well selected stock of • • . DOMESTIC GOODS. Mug Tickings, and a, complete assortment ,of Notious.Looking Glasses, ligulware, Hats and Cipa,'Pai ' nts and Oils, Fiesll bind and 'Herring by tjae•batrel. It is rio dse hying: to enumerate. It' you wept anything in the Dry Goods line, just call dad you wilt find ua -.ready to wait on yew'With pleasure 10,000 CHESTNUT JOINT SHINGLES' for Sale Country produce taken, in eachange forgoeis at the highest inarke i t prices. By ova attention to business and a ,desire to .please in every respect, we hope to merit a con ttnuatice df patftittifter ' ' • ' ay.:23 1;‘01,1,f1.1. WWI' & CLUGErfoN. THIS WAY! CHEM BEE 1. THE undersigned respectfully announces to the public generally •that he is still at th8„old stand on Church Street,•Waynesboro', f'a., where he.continues the manuilieturtng of Family - 4 4 1 - ,irraca. 4 . 44 0 - 4 Buggies ' Barouches, Wagons, and every species of,vehicles male, in such establishments.— His week is warranted' to be composed of th Veit anti most durable initniial and nor, i.,14 The most experienced workmen are.. employed;. lie has now on hatid ti,number of Carriages, &c., &c., which he, .will .pasitiimly eel' at greatly reduced priced far "wish, or upon a litart. credit: By keePilig a good stock at all times, and always holding hpnsell ready to eupply, the de nds-lrf people he hopes to retain and secure at liheral share of. patronage. • , Repairing; Trimming, and Painting done in the hest manner, and at the shortest - notice. ;t Lninher, Country Produce, &c„ will be taken in exchange for work,. JACOB ADAMS.. :•? N. B. The Bunke' oft- the firm of J. & A. B. Ad orns, are - in the hands of the undersigned. Persons 'knowing thernselves indebted-are,etimieted to make ,iti'imetiiite payment.:. , 4. . itinL, 11,eibuce_ , of Ariatagr,edoli. AIJOOK FOR TIMEs , . erliftS'is . aeknowle'dged to lie one of tlie.most re markable of innnatr, productions that nett ever been virered to the American people.: The style IA . oiiiste and truly eloquent.. The subject treatetl is of the . inorn inspiring: "The United :Btates in Prlikieqy: ,Por bale by J F. kUK 1%. :..-,:: -:-..,---,:-.- - -:-- ~,- - -- .-------77 - ---7 --- :- . FeeiMtV4itilKeZkkintatrZZOZMMX - gr. J.FILBERT x tci 1 14 • LiitAPER, N • •g • Hasconelanflp for sale a fall alsaiimeid - 1 ...5 lii - , GOODS for Gentlemen's ware. 34 tre' Latest City Fashions alwaya on hand. X N• rt WayneslWro', Pa., N „lAA:4 .1. 4.O.OI444.4.IIAZXWAV.WiAPP.MA; To Capita lists. . . W ESTIORO''SAVDtG FUND.—LTItis A V Soeiety well pay the following rates of In terest per atm/thou all sutns deposited inthe In stitution. For 3 tnonths, 2' per cent.; (rain 3 to 6 lnitirttis, - 3 . per ,cent.; from 9 to 18 mouths, 4 per cent; : antl, over 18'months, 4f per FOtit.-, Far a 'ahcirter period than 3 mentos the terms will be 'node kewit by' the Treasurer. .IYotes for (I iscou tskQuld be handed . to t he.. Tresa um'. 'etestlay ,as the -1;1 - Gard of Directors mrct r'gritarlk'tiri Wed deed:v . (4 orich itt"etrk;at 9 o'clock. A.M. "-i , , B:y • i f Jutre Pr JNO Pl-111,11!S Treasuror, N'otjce--Newl fir. ins '[7Hll. fulls triJicy having,.ilispprerl of, his err? irs Stock of Goods to Messrs. Collittowat *,pfug.. varrii v ntrrifies all .persunea irirlabterl ; to'hinun More, hooks to nettic their accounts, with -anti, pay tho a niOunt nf their intlebfeJfiess to either John Study nalaniet Ijrickeri... - Tile now Aria will continue the Wiliness as horstofore. A. K. Al (JJ` , PII., .14,usncy;..tarv. 31, 11362. ": „ ._ ~._ .IVreiritzer's Horso . & Cattiti;r - oHOilig ,F .* ii ivi e ,.- tz S e T t y t A h l e E r l e l ei h t :v f i ci n r g; a u i r n h_as . l i t of Mr dok. ectw 001 *4 Oittre f 040,04 tiiiiiiiiva• uiti;atittl 'Nitteyhintl, taltee:ilsiiigtitECoelt,f radio:ling the failnere, deft:woos, ttei;thatglerluttF tlir,lunid and fritep . ilir keppinifii,gok suittilY itliikraysl4 haud. Vountry rnerchance and others keeietag such" articles ter, spio, would do , well,to supply theinsekes Wit ititittity - , , iii will sell i i 3On,cotataiisli:oor-f OA okiatp, - ,.: Cl i rtlero 011,P.o,:pup"cettiOli i4t4ide tf , 0 7 -.lull!, ;Il -.-, • - :,,: . ' ' , , I Ail. 1 , ladt. ..0 ,; Ready4eade "'Clothing PAPEr-AL9:l 4,7 oTmet . ' F fiESit IiZCEIV'Etr t;1! . 4rfl. , _. ..,A...,... wouldwouldrespecifilly ftkfohn liiif • , ritniiati /ilia:the public 11,0tirrh try ' that hei hat' uned from the Flistord cities with a '.gert.drali4s '64irtment of Reatry44liidel ' ' .. ' ' ' ',.".' -' . , • •.1.1 FALL AND WINTER CLOTIIVA-Gif "embracing all the latest styles of Costs, Pan tsiT,ests, shirt", Necties; suspenderv, etroeit., ail of vviuett areyvell try tlf. und'usstaine L as 4(3U:t ie:mined to;.selb at ehltt-prt?Ktm : o'l6 of Tato - wig lierrtuture.. Persirifs - dssirikt "Ora titinitti.ctit'euttor:nkisAri'isik•trit'inviserllo givBti fit:,. 1i) Laints roceivbrirTilarlye!'s. altades..uf "Slutla , JAd if '": • 1 2,.;,;ca rr i v 43 2 youi .; , ; - kill:0i !ile-lie.tahark. co. t helo Note .W kwYtkillitre. /1 " ' 'Ls.