Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, September 12, 1862, Image 4
a. NV', MIL ' l :7 - Pmt LATESTARRIVAL Y?1'~~' T• fi!IIH HIP StIIMER MOO DS liardware t GRoassauls. QUEENSWADE CEDARWARE „.• —O-- A VING pot reipmed from the Eastern Cm* he would cell the attention of hie oitomeri an the pUblic generally to his ; TAR & SPLRNDID A S SORTMENT ll' GO.OD_SI 'hich will be sold at extremely °l.oxe Nees., Below you will fed enumerated a tend articles which will be found amen his stock s % wkith be Pviles )014 attention: roa•T= &Arnms, • pH lines, Alpacas, eripted Mathes, rnbasines, Gingham', Poplins, (lies' Shawl., Gingham', Broca.] ra.llq9 Lawn"( • Brame*: 1.1.RP(11.0.14. MEN'S WEAR.. n ncy Coctt itnerce, Voir; " • 4.71,,th5. -I{~linn Cloth, Vestings, • Mary (.; rrrastiienot d r a./1= cD cmit Deni ms, Tweed'', Jong% Linen. I. 4 hirt Pronto, Fhirt Collars. !took Ties INA quetnsware t Hardware„ c..4,ge:2.3E>c1-UIMAULIZIM a , 04 the very bra quality. surh as Syrups, anti Porto Rico Molasses;, Beat Rio Coffee. Superior PreptuCcLeofteck, klumwell'a Beet Essincek chocolate; Raisins, Tobacco, Rice. &c., &c. The shove goAds have beep carfully NVlceted and' purchased at the wry lowest ggure. lie is theretine enabled to accommodate all who may favor him with a call. By strict ettentitm to business and a desire to please in every respect, he hopes to merit a continuator , of patronage. NOT. 01, lILE TO SliOW GOODS, Country .P • luce token in exchange for gorel 6 st the highest marks es J. W. MILLE A pril 1 8 '62 MT. HOP ORE. .;zr,;. 4 .gyi;sw cmcD rmos. TEE undersigned would ing+rm, his customers and the public generally that he has just re ceived from Philapelehia a full assortment of Spring do s9l4. l l l lAer Dry Gooda... Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Shoes, Boots, Hats Cape, and all other articles usually retailed by country merchants, all of which will be sold as low as the same Roods can be purchased elsewhere in the county. The public .are invited to call and examine bis stook. JOHN M. coQN. Mt. Hopp,, Aprial BL Vi.. I L LOW AI'OPXCES to his friends and the, public generally that, be is now in possession of all ,the late and most improved instrigimentsoind is well prepared to perform P.EN'EAL operations. .IXe will he hsw tp wait , Upon those who. may require _the arnica,. of,m7 experienced Dentist.. All opera tions, upon the mouth and teeth performed „,to a aciesi4p fanner. Teeth, inserted according to the 4VA total. 3prxelmelltok*. the art, and at, moderate . Office in his. vaidimcs *MA4 I 4 III O.° 1 / 4 °21 ?" , of the Dimond: ARC . 14 'o_ 3_IICI.OF . TROIBLES . IIIOBII if 1.N4 SPIRO KV. ''. ATTAID tan make a truinl—l mean in appear. Vwap. with a coat fitting Wiest; fiehioh-plate pants auk vest It fors .praitilent. Who makes the frne gentii7ou nein the . city 3 The Tailor! —no mistake about, it, Welli - tben we have just brought frora, the Viky,, tote rtestest, sleekeeyinest, fanciest, Tulhast, lot.og • Ff . A 7 CYCl i keakle 4.R13. MAC K C A EOM E UsIA PLQ;raki t IgI3rZSTINGS, thetaan be, seen in this gy2tin*We - itill pledge oun selves to turn .ova, Ttp - 40, CirtarEntwt.-- Frarh, oparklingsoods alarartluse, and Weivave them, We heatttwlatast lowiWn - Matra, and will liawrinetlog undonttigtewit7loni:*de and the L. LIED!PER. - Apr. 4 1-8. - , , • • Citima lo Autglonit t sl e ;,. :. - • 4 ;/ - .'s• , - ." eg Ncr .;",, dr ; - , . Marla - Ammanni o Alig 'ifi-.e4-:' A !vs if ' deal t You- rasy %volt to iiiii,o4 l **. l lo 4l "teliio l 94 23) ' . • alpes -411 S *tad 4tylesd:t3' K JJ.o . opze i pofeggo Poiftti. -•— glitech ' siflrottodolutra -sp tor 0 0 /11 4 . r n, ii :-.,-;,lfor sole by Stoner, 44 of 4t- e• tcabkr iiiitAysyff,eentipv• coati. • 41.#0,, 'Xt . -"alt)... ',oo„4l4* - Ijotiaok .', ..- ' .-. i AP.l:kr•PriNied - Peaches, pant4o4 qaftif I - ,, ;ad at - '- Automat, Biarsauer. kV...:f,f, -= rOaa , W tee Syrup Now ea thiek,ap *A. 1 tryatal,atat:tui.iwiat, ap floaily,,aall at 41P,0,.. • : ' r'iumit, . ~ B 1 •Cp , R E ~ • tatito - yootoeinsoltvisda you. *Otte' Whetti hi, lutiy:yogr'llltmisi ind TIMM*: I would Rhymer; I mum „toir*. 4.00 unto the fine new store room ' • Where the Biged Rarn, the eignis; There's - Oil) hest k Stoves rind Tin•wate, . All sold cheap by B. Russell." 1 1 (hi) Me. Sang of Satnathit. . ••••• • • -, • Va. ItE peulersigned Informs the public in genets and eapecielly thole of hls customers in want of atiAlling ill his lint , of business,. that • he' ltes- cow plizted and fellow oceutlyingitis Pew Ind extrusive• ly enlarged establishment for the . , VlaritlfacitUre and Sale OF TINWARE,- SHEEI4RODI WARE. tom , . ... • ' iirOVES. . '', • • 'lie is noiritepared to sopplyinntdenriria for hi s Cook Store,. general iimPektepatir - gooda end Kitchen such teat as 114 et glYe entire satisfotirm. offered are of the best and mast Improved kiKpla,und having been tried ate acknowledged to be SIT 010 cap he depicted es gotel coollem and bakers, and rn easily kept eleaq• His own natitirscTUßXD wane is all made !kith view to the wants of customers from the best mato rial and is wayranted in all cases to be good. He also keeps a large assortment 4ffanetarticles. lertfpecial attention is given• to putting up NPI)UTING; made of the best tin, for houses and barns, in which he has bad a long and extensive ex perience. Remember the sign of the Rig Red Horn. 't'tg• 8. 1860 H. B gustirix, nr subscriber, thankful fir past patronage, still solicitathe same; anal -in_ addition to Manufactu ring all kinds of worked Material for Building Purposes, such as SASH, DOORS, SHUTTERS, BLINDS. FI,QO,RING• WIN DOW FRAIVIVS, DOOR FT %ME'S, FACING, 1114171,111NG5, &c. 1 4ini prepared to furnish alt kinds of ouktiiulter for different purposes in building, such as .1011JV.,"RArrEA8, 14111, STUDIAG 'TAIL All of which will be sawed to order, at short noitee and upon reasonable terms. Alva, sawing, by mill and circular saws,of every description done t Framing, trittrfsciog, 'Matching, Flooring, ko., &c. For iunNer pirticulars apply to the subscriber, at Factory ttio wiles southeast of Waynesboro. L. F . dau. tB6l Cedar 10:4rg,.. rRE subscr iber takes this method of announcing jof the Farmeta anal others, that lie has on hand a, tot of DWARF BROOM CORN seed, along with some specimens of the corn. This is an excetleikt article of 'Broom Com, and shopld ha raised by el ery. one. He has also t 4 full assortment of fresh Dugs, Medicines,•Ohenaicals, J. F KURTZ. em selling Cranbeiries at 12} cents pe luso, Mar. 14 Light I Lights! I rpHE cheapest Light in use can be had at H SIWIEHOUSE'S Hardware Store Nov I K Hazard's Electric Pow4erel American Sporting Powder, Amgricati Sporting Powder, '.- Hazard'n Du, ck Hazard's. Duck Powder,. Hazard's Misting Powder, Hazard's Blasting Powder; The bee Powder made,. The hero Powder made. The only place you can get it. ts,nt, apr26 • BROTHEIZTO.N'S. 6 . 6 A t Brotherton's Hardware ;or Salo, T ,E suhsorilmr bps_ a helm Iron. Smoke! SAaelr, kel t long and 16_,diamptor-..vgbieh, he sdll diaposs of urn reasonable term*. 'Rost Of. floe address, Qqincy, Ida , .- Dec2o—tf 1 0 ,- zomyg4r, ("LAU at l‘lieettatton's" and get it 'packer) of ki “Uarburet efliii,' it, is the best palish in the uteri]. -1 1F 1 * - - - VI tria4alist iholdonantz. . . , _, Pliatanehtly hist:nut. •The only pica to buy the genuine apr2s, - IlyiltErliEßTON'S VOR BALE 0* FOR agrCtz-T - Stove. 410 slfictiOWs• StAte °ctn. • I,IIIIIE ' ft t ED 'HAMA, Hain ea; 7 fancy. ror Sale cheap at PirASNL. (maul 1.) JD of pqp -kifts ever , rouglat Warlf4PßA AV twist= q. ‘, (may 23) _ yoti want to noes aka aqd we - *se . Mp . antiaz souls call, at may 11.3.) Fames. p•z • • an. Uaitlandef. itto4P4 4 % unreel - 4 - aov SO •at . - Keargia. 7 74 : 4.*Lg0t1Y, au,kulfm sllo(4l4ealfatt. Alyea. reales tryou volt Alga! plain. or. fancy, 'ilk; call at ' • art • . — taitit'a= (i.:T}4.l l at,a r airat Taottli mit NAM 8iu0.4 natraceeted- &Adler ask very tow, • by Al 18 T EL May rzE M kftovel.f, arks* 'How Fe*, Rp Ices; :414_4.40., et. prices * e t will defy contiPeOW',"l44l IMO UM (Pr, YoUl*Yee, at. apin • .C 7, Beersortwee 1 1-iIiKIIWAXO-K - la •• 4 in VACIROW: m tia ' *Ube sigir of the Woe ittsin , • - U. Rasisu. 4,1 . TaltwoorTL eff-spie aPtha l S t°4 " 4, 14.144414 t" vim wow) ANTIETAM FACTORY AND 3 - ta a Era 33a 6g3 INGS, SCANTLING, UOARDS, &c., SAgre, 9 % • Grain Cradles, Grain, Scythes, Qpi ScY OM. 14 ' Scythe Sharpene!... Wooden Forks, Nay Forks, Grain Forks, Fork Handles, Onathes, Rakes, Ate., &e. Corm!! Clips? , CIODAP !:!!.• June - AO CANS, a; the sigh of the Big Red Horn .4 dee.24l D. B. Rtntsatt. gi3TOVE•CLEMING MADE EASY." EILOAC kinds. for, sale by, L D.D. IMPSEJaU t ale of, tle "Bit Iffd :.• • . -Morch./.1 . N OnfriT -04. P• Ner Nrar s itOn 4 .0 11 1 - ilnit ' • -4 * ( 010009 71i ' & CLUOSTOI: we ire newlistiolro4rig ts new and ststMlnlent of I . 4 DRY GOODS, Which we think we ate propatett to sell oo al res. Womble terms as *Or Whet bona its• to Iva or coup t ry. A flail sascatmest of LMES DRESS GOODS , or ill kindr. • Silks, Detains acas, Printed ChoHim Gingham,. Lawns, Ai Mp m Prints, Wiry Shawls, dm • MENS SPRING ANP SUMMER GOODS of ell kinds. Cloths, Csmimere, riiie Tweeds Nen. Jeans, Cottonades, Vesting., Handkerchiefs, Neck Ties, Heler . A full assortment ,of Plain and rant" Leteimgtek — • quamisWAß4 AND GL&SSWAREI A large Meek of -Clo24 . ll,cpcpg,actio6:3o • , Which we are prepared to offer as low as any oth er retail store in the conatry. BOOTS AND SHOES, for men'. and 14afikez wear of anemia end sizes. Alen a large egd well selected stock of DOMESTIC GOODS. Muslin., Ticking., and a complete assortment, of Notions. Woking Glam., Hardware, Hats and Caps, Pain and Oils, rreih Shad and Hewing by the barrel. It is no use trying to enumerate. 4: you want anything in the Dry to line, just call and you will Mid us ready to wait on you with pleasure In,ooo CHESTNIrr JOINT SHINGLES for Sale Country produce taken in exchange for good. at the highest market price.. • By strict attention to buskness and et, tlexiot please in every ma ect, we hope to merit a con ttnuance of put nage. May 23) 1,11r1.0 WEE & CI;UGSTON: T IS WAYt MITE untleraigned respectfully ann^ the p,Ubtkc generally that he is still at the old stand on CbAirck Street, Wayneatioro', Pa., where he continnes the manufacturing uf Family taUFZIGISTIR,-) 4 • Buggies, Barouches, Wagons, and every species of vehicles uqually made in such establishinenta:— Ills wcrk is warranted to be composed of the the most experienced workmen are •inployed.— He has now on hand a number of Carriages, Bug. glee, &c., which he will positively sell at greatly reduced prices for cash, or upon a short ekedit. By keeping a good stock at all times, and always hoylilug h,imeelf ready to, supply the dg. mands of the people he kopek to retttio aus! secure a liberal share of patronage. Repairing, Trimming, and Pointing done in the best manner, and at the shortest notice. • , I.uutPer, GounAry Produce, &c., will be taken in eitch,a,nge for work. .I,A,VOU ADAMS. N.. 8. The Books of the firm of J. & A. S. Ad ams, are in the hands of the undersigned. Persons knowing themselves indebted are requested. to make immediate payment. J. A. Nov' pefence of Armoggedeft, rimis is acknowledged to be one of the most re. workable of human productions that has ever Morn offered to the American people. The style is *ate arkd truly eloquent. The subject treated of is cif the most inspiring:. "The United btates in Prophecy. For sale by - Atm& t 44 igto c4 7 l3faAtfor !We a-frkg tvitortMeni N GOODS for G i entionivea wan, Or Latest City Fashions. always. on hatule A a 2 , 2 Waynesboro', ra. WV.4fieAIItaiIaCAZZIAV.42XX2VVIirtVWX liTAYIE4BpitiX SANI,N.6 PUNW—This 11 tappets , will ppy the following rates of in. terest per antium,on all sums deposited in the In stitution. For 3 months, 2 per cent.; from 3 to 6 months, 3 . per cent.; from 9 to 18 months, 4 per 4.410nd over 18 Inonthe4l,_per_clutt.__Eor ehorter , period t i lmo 3. montps the terms will be made liown by the "Ktolkoltr.ei• Notes for discoontshould be handed to tin T r * „. . 1 um op Tutze.da.y„ as. the laparA, Di rgulariy on 'Wednesday of imeh seek, at 9,o'clock. A.M. By order, of the Board,. June 17 •811:• JNO.PitlidPiii Treasurer, NotAce-0-44Tew rirm 4RE subscriber having disposed of his entire stock of Goods to 14 ‘ essrs.Collillower do Cluj. stun, notifies all 'persons indebted to him onshore *mks to settle their , accostula, with, and pay the a toeupt of their indebtedness to either..los P. study Uspitil,Bripkur. The new firm will continue the business as heilthafore. , lir e t AWN& Quincyarin. 31 MS. biglittSeeli H O OO 3 4 Cattle Peataer. . _ Aerl- 74, STONIIIR • hieing purchased of Mr ~Mentor, the recipe _ for making the above t tewed ktomoiod (Attbe Polgderloy,geepliy)vk. 44 1 and Aluretuilp Wick 04. atilihost of igoviint cgn fientßal, drovers, &A.. &het iikbse Q 0 baud and intmlasbeting a goOd seso7. Om.s on hand. Country nipmhants and ot,itpm . imch articles ter. Wit. VOW. 4 teell,tetutß with a IFEOPitle Rn Willsell it tut toniinieetnikor, for cash cheep. Ordere win be putigtmdlt sligglied ko,. Jan. 31. Pasges Apr., 1,1862. Rea.dy-MAdte Caing FOE FALL AND WINTDIP FRE B / 1 . - 1311RPLK8 MPELVED:MONTHLYE A &AXIOM wpnl4 'respect:l'4ly infinite,* ,t 1 fit as cedilla public gaterilly that lie Its. ret fipm,the Eastern citici with s.gcnerAl velment of, Ready.ll4 ads. • f,A,LL AND WINTOII., CLOTHINO. eailmacing all thelatertatylea of CatAlaxPripliNglalh, MA& collars, Ipcties. ISMitOptuivny etc., etc.. all of 'thicken well rode. The public era cordially in. sited-to calLaod,,ekairgne biui goods, ar. tIAS il.dewr. lirrhinfalPAßkat.liwriiPfli" tie w 4 WOnlif) AUL Carq `"t", of TailOok i . brow . 41144 gal* inmto cAt• oat, ar amil ttP are Weitid;ll) give biPs a. Lasso , l44o4..ieetliii;smilarkp • kt *Ala ai, lkonsov,assec AL • 'vide of - tirtispci, 0,91; at, (may 23), Pin's NM KO I A was, 'OR THE TIMES. T. J. FILBERT, DRAP4R, Toy Qa,pita,listso ..............__ . . ~,&,,,,,,,,- - - -•-- • - -,• - ~,,.-,.., ~_' ~." poloat aor . ," , nallti „„...,,,:,..7.:._.-„,-.. •AN L., • •:-: , r,,- ,::- . 's , , j MACHINE „SITOP.I ppienwe 'PATEINT• SELPMEOULATINE ,ORAIN SEPARATOR, Or k E,APIER ' • AND RAWER - • - AND • Tgi „Latest itorroveci areahee .20 2lripte iffectr.- etl Horse NO" thAtiO9 eiti‘er biz Gear or Reit, all funiiithed Canfolete ready to be put on wo gew s. - 1, the Argferaigned, desire to cell the attention Q. Farmers ,and Thrleheataoo Vtwoltling and adjoin ing counties to it. This Machine %4 been, befor;) the public for sevenyears, during which time ft has given general satisfaction, and the patentee having made some very important improvements which:tender it still more cbrepletir, both for'clead separating stud oleimina, mitt glt t u far ease of draught and fast threshing,. I tab l e piestutre in re commeniliwg it to the public, knowing that it will give tho hest of satisfaction. lam mernsActuting lime different eiges as. folJoater No. f is 2. horse iower,will thresh and clean from 200 to 6.00 Wads per day. • No 2 is A to 6 horse power, will thresh and clean from 15D to 800 tufe 'els per day No. 3 is 4 to 6 Llower, will thresh end clean Irom LOU, to 290 h per day. • Tbcse Itlnetanee'are wartanted to do, the above. end do it much better in every respect than any other machine in use. Brain 'having much light 'filth'iti it cleaned Nelda Machine is worth hum 2 t-e 3 cents more per bush el then when cleaned on any other separator, or the common way of cleaning on hand fans. For this meet! there is not the eighth part ollight matter in the grain, isa.u(heu, cleaned on the riddle principle.. The blast acts freely on all the pain, as it leaves, the ahues, whereas, when cleaned witl, riddle that ad. oantige is lest Ttni mfichine does not return the tailends as moo of the sepliwors do. By returning-filthy tail ends alternately it is impossible to emke gkerehailtas grain, Another impudent feature in this machine that others of the kind have not, is the Selfsacting Blast Beg ulatur in the fan, which remedies all ilif lienlties in bad cleaning, blowing grain in the chair in high speed or itregetlar driving, whjcb, cannot be avoided in cleaning grain by horse power This Machine is also more. durable and less tediona to manage that any. other Oeparator and Gloaner,or the common machine with ahakcr. Orders to insure their Wing fated u,ntij, harvest should be sent in immediately. 1 tun lully prepared to make to order and on short notice Portable and Stationed GRIST AND SAW 1101.1.1,1, GEARINQ, SHAFTING AND PULLEYS, IRON BRIDGES, CAST IRON WATER WHEELS, IRON KETTLES, &c, ..Sywes aryl Plow castings,also cast iron and wrought iron, pipe far steam or water. and,. Wass castings of evecg description; in a word, sax prepared to do everything usually dorm in a foundry and machine -shop. Having supplied myself with the latest im proved machinery. such, l A nthek, Boring. Planing and brilling Machines, pemmican rely on having their work done in the most .satisfactory manner.— ' I am also prepared to, manufacture to order ma• chinery for wood. Bach as Tonging and (:roving machines for flooring., Surface, Tenon! and Mould. big inachinea, •Stc. • I also offer to the public a new and valu able improvement in my steam engines, made within the last year, viz: for the economizing of fuel, and the regulation of speed, which renders my. new engines fu superior to the old engines. AU my machines are sold under warrantee. My hate awe all ; earrieked workinen in this line of business. and I ure all good in,n,ter,iAl, eo.t.h,at I aw, perfectly wife in warranting all•my work. f, enroll° prepared to do repairing in workman• Bite naunce, on, the shortest notice. Orders solicit ed and promptly attended to. All orders sent in for repairing must be accompanied with thR cikelt For particulars and circulars .descriptiv,e of ma.t. chine, address GEORGI. FRICK, Or aims:, GN1 . F1211.. ?/40010,0r Or Terrkozx and sot liVtAr ogimlcrs; Wavnesboro' Franklin Co. Pa. April 18—tf NO HUIVIBIJO I - . . Tu Vuluriieted Inning, opened a , Watch and Jewelry Store, io, this new building on, the corner of the Diamond, and having recent i ly ed from Philadelphia, would inform the residents of W aynesboro' and the public generally, that he has now on band a fine assortment of ATCH,ES., JEWELRY, SILVER AND r . WANE R-PLATE WAWA, Hewing hail considerable experience at Watch. repairing, be it prepared to. do all work. promptly tlip beet wpnio; a l PArAutee the poKfaxmlirme of it, ' An assortment or speetaelos, and spectacle. glasses always on band. Jewelry, repaired in the neatest- Ma - . P. $.--Odd Wirer, teken, in ezchanacb r gotsla, Ape4.—lyr, cheap►, and Botagtifid Light.. O. 1 Carbon 011—pure anti, non-explosive— warranted to burn without otnitting any, smell tied iq ~%AAtl3dill: 011 LAMPS, of the latest styles otel insprozompn.K-4•211 Culut toikeetot - at the sign tit the_ #1. 6 . 4E4 /PAM Ayr. t . P. 71.11. RUSSEIA. iroitster,*lNaeO the nice* assort went of •]?tam and. Fancy Cassimnre is Waynesboro'. calla. *pro, - ramea .„. . fastXtecei-Nefit • • :4t 4 11/I,olltEirrON'S" an assortment of Pruning Shears, Rruning Koivei,• • _ Pruning now era Cbyet, , , Pruning Flaws. 141Ading. K. l 3l7Psi, For NO ;bop." . . April 4 1 ;( - 30 - 2 - e7- 01114 1 1. riiiiii - iu - . cow at . ~ Breyn's 4 . t f.c.b .t, 12*. . ;a , ,• Res puulid at, Kum's., • - iii:illir rg if de 7l fii 41. e n4a 4 at 04123) Ram% Ii a, I,ll,Elra<ialaaackca II at ; ...._ era+ , -,- . ' ' 1 / 1 02's. I ABA [''ON. Kgriltisii. NZEigaiEliiiE3 IAMES, yowoppt. to SOS I Oka lIISOrtMOI , 1 4 or 1if44031100118. coil at Panes - ' 4 • Affloo,witat.lo luso itseu k gineug 9( fibin4 call at,- fapri ~ • Paige's • •Jli: 8. M jitt you,wAtit • atop pair, 4P, Coa&g. c.Otet apr4 OLOOKB. &c &c . , .•. *n . l ff -4 ‘k - ~,,..i - - I ,t , Irst,iiiink*.ilati uliVolotjagyvt .p i, , 'tile dioletieett shut watt 'aoyt,th t a 'h, howl, even Anal& it bait Prince: :. -, , • , So all yot that want a' goo 4 Oailtlas Stove' that 'born. Obeli cast or wood: call it , . . , L 1.6 one's's* for•the Centhwintal, which is one of the best- stoves in market, and by far the cheapest. It tikes at long stick of , timid and 111.00 , 41 ml with'ftre brick to burn coal. is orie of the best bating mod ;molting Stover that has ever been offered for sole! it is a ilne ,Cooking Stove Mid is easily kept clean. t always byre o lane assortment on hand, and will give better bargains than any other house in the conntry. 00 to prove that ray name Is not Gen. Idregg call and see for ycnirselves, • Also on hand ,Heating Stoves, such as 1111 BM it COAL STUR for shop or• parlor, ell of which L will mil very lois You will also find a large assoryneut of WA 4 Z3SZt IWriADOXIZEI e with Copper„ Brass suit litheet44on Ware, which is all of my own makes and , which bps been proven cannot be found better lg. any place. Now remenp bcr. Z am bound to sell cheep. so all.that want any thing in my line, ghtlipte a call. My shop is still at thee.old place on Min Street, under, the Printing Office: House Spouting!! dune at all times and of - tlitt best double tin. - - Feeling very thankful. for the many past favors I have received from the Public, I would invite all to give tag a call, for then you can see for yourselves where h d_4ll ) l ,la, Yerains. 01 etal taken at 4`oundx7, erten in exchange Cog new Stove.. Mar.2B ARRIVAL MS, MICE, PEER Confectionery ) Fruit'', &c., &c., &C. l; subscriber takes this method of Atomuncing 1 to the people that he: hatrreceived at his .Drug store,' a large end carefully selected stock of rwran DRUGS, Chemicals, Ritent Midicince. Paints Oils. liYe window Glass, Putty, 'll,linceo„ Snot!, anal tiegars, drc., which he is now prepared to sell as cheap as the cheapest and will atomise Wit custom; eta that in regard to quality which is of rho first iin- Pwialice, isiegomis will co:twice with any in the market. Me hoe also a splendid assorerneat ni PerftAmin v. Soap, and • . Toilet Article& otall kin IN , consistin 111;0 „ Pomades, Amber atyl Bears' Oil Colognes, • Extracts for the Ihinilkerchier, Lyon's Kathsiron, . itamet's Coconino. Morrison's I.wlise Soap. Limn Son p• -• Rot 1, soap. Diamond White Sow. CONFECTIONAUrr,FittriTa -Tr% Cranberries, Braising, Figs, Prunes, Currants. Dates Citron, Oranges, Lemons, Nuts of all kinds, and dandies of every variety. ' Kerosene Lamps, Lamp globes, and Brushes, Kerosene Oil. Camphine, Alcohol, Burning Fluid, and in fact any thing and everything that is usually lima in a drug store... . _ • Thankfej fur kind foyers anit. patronago hereto. fore bestow. , l upon him, tie solicits a continuance of the same. and. hopes that by endonicoring to, please, hp may, win thit conliden,ce og she. poop's. Physicianb' prescriptions promptly and cascOily compounded at all boars. J.. r• Mot .2.9. 1,84 P P. FOURTIRIAN, • . , Dealer in all . thetvariety o ,4 Aruga. Mecca chiefs, Yankee Notions, Perfumery, Liquors for Inedicinal purposes. Oils, 4t+l W end stillo e C co a ln g al en u e n ro it u y s public who want anything in hie lino.. Irmsratich as he has enlarged Ins stock,sq,as , to be.enablnd to - • • 11-calls-for-anytilinverything-u I,x found in, a ppm Store, and" has a thorough ac. quaintance with the bariiibeas,, he hvft to gain the confidence of the Community. Hp will pay par ticular attention to filling physicianie Precnptions, and more care and precaution, 410. in, waiting up on chldrau thwad.u,lnt.. mi BRIST Choice Wirles. anal Livers. for- medicinal mid sacrament d, purposes, Patent 1110,licingsAre , endless' irkv.nriety, ipetesihilkitli , that., haste, been, suede up to this. ditto ttMli some that, are yet in. embryo. Also White Lead, Whiting and Varnishes for house building or.' inside work, besides. all, sizes of Ohm. Commercial, Nme„Fnols.Cap. and hotter Paper always. on hand; with a, variety of Envelopes of different sizes and colors. Bruebei, Combs, comp i le, Fancy faosp, Hair • Oil; Colognes, Essen• etts, giacoring Extracts; ancl numerous articles in the Fancy line op, hand end, Offered for sale, cheap. er than ever otfered. before AJsu.a.large assortment of Kerosene Oil Lampe, ChimpemShaslesard Wicks, and Kerosene Oil to an. them. , A' general ass:Nr.*4 of Fruits awl Confectionaries, Tobasco,,aml Cigars. Oct. hl. . , NEW-PI RAIL . . .111114"unflentigripa hay* leatied.the well-knewn • Co atliguaking.taiablitUttlotof Alex, linmilton. Illeciumius.atreet k Waynesbnu)::.nterictfully an nounce to &haip4isoult anfl thet pul , 4 gentoollY.. that they rival% carrying, ott•the buisineaa, in. all it* btauchekand .antuoly, wrgarod to inanufacture to miler all. kinds of. Varriaggs,.illuksigeOlarioliches, Slung Wagons, &c. tke., of e best material, and made, oy superior work en. Ii,I4APKAKITHING REPAIRING of all kinde,done at reasonable rates, promptly awl to the satisfaction of customers. • • COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in exclieage for work et market prices. ; • - - • or Per ilearilis aztiolei or warkiri the Coach- Lut k .. ll aire re'VeOluPY. Hwitftd. ta,lo - 70 `. .", 141 ' • MPRItisOiN„ ; • - • Mar. t4EO.'D, HAWKER. sip) ottker comforsable.o l 4 l lo. Or_ 44_ tris i ttior at (1(44 •• " • ~• Raiaits'a. ILI '0 at, it owl 25 beat* fotri atvr.t.i N flit) ranting ,any can be euPPlielL „ g)14,18.4h0rk BIS - 0011,31). 4 • • loikitti H . • -}, \ • 04114111ki lariat W. 'MOYLE. Waynesboro'. , highest rash vices paid fur wheat, rye. oata, awl oats. DA Era sNINCL.I7, Febl4-0 WM. IL FUNK. Co's, Celebrated American Liniment a • mop ItiParkitoffifoliiillP;l:F 7 C a ' art of the lux tn the "thug • • $1.60 if paid in advaata,or arithia direertnatitio.4llll.o2 alter the e6Phitiatt "r Ws* maths but Withip_the BIR ADVT,II3PmENTa•-'''wou "P"it'ul'aism" done $1; for every subsequent. lasettion, 26 gents. CrPataat ‘triedidtite, and caw city, alivaatioca - menu to be paid iestit•anitually,in etleetiee.2 TO TRU 111013140 k NEW, ESTABLISHMENT` sOsmater voila inform the elittetti of J. Wayneshoro' and the public that he has come- mended the Shoemaking htudnem hallo 81114M8i11. .of Kuits's Hotel, where he will at all, times be in. nullities, to accOmmielatti• Owe eihafinay give a call, • • BOOTS Ana SHOES!" mak•to order, on short, notice, of the beet Material,. &adapt% the mos t reason able tends. • • Oct 26. ~• 11108. ORINOMANy FAYETTDVILLI3 .BEISUSART. pecanialendaticnyijzi, lfriticeton, 0,1114 9 00 01. The undersigned sm. henny to,teitl6 nEthe rayettevalle Academy, Pa. bare maintained, bigh standing among thertecent'gradustei-of the,. .College of, New Jamey. JOHN, MA ME A N, Posident of illiA•0011011,0 JAMES.O. hturrAT , ' Peotessorattilteek. (I. AWS.UItA, VS OlUElt, Etqfvoiar,of Latin. JOHN. OUVEMI.D,. Platonism et Mathematics. FLOUR,. FEED, PROVISION temonE H E so borriberit = *wild' infiirm, the 'citizensof, Iftrayneshea, (hit they bitye Opened a Floar,. Feed awl Pontigian Store In Abe tram fortuarly Oe•' cupied by Joseph Price, oopamite the - reaidence of Jahn Hell, where they will at. all times have fare iLOIII, 'MAILS V, MII.I, sTUFF OF AI.L KINDS. suits tiNiNao s , CoIIN, SILL LL~t AND. IN.,rgg.g.tjt, 043 1 14.1k0r TAY , ik3S, DAVON. ANS LAU VA N4G,iftt, Al BO , 11 re, Whaaennil Barley tiy: the'buotiel or in. smaller quantitiee, and taller• afield utuilly Icopk, such Ail Pllllif and Mill Wu% will bo mkt at Mikt k MUCH.' rdit ()Asa. 11111 E greatest and best ext r ernal.remedy ever 0.. J. tenni- to.the public. For sale by F. J. Kruize o . Druggist. Waynesboro am i d by Druggists in the co u ty. gen orally . L-V" Price 2 , 5 cents pc r . bot LI kr. December • NO LA OWL - • . Au ODUP- DIZOWS, PURK OR_OURET„OS!. inos STOVI POLIgH, The cheapest article lit the world. Unrivalled in Economy. Permanently LuAtrous. The only place to get it is at DRO ria It PUN'S. March 22. • • . • 031tirkatxt.3,1 Hotel, ,) A it NElBllolio', THE, undersigned having. recently taken hove named House, formerly known as the ••fflolte " taikna PlPaittra in. announcing to his. friends tuul.the public that he is, prepared to receive, and entertain Guerra:Ws style nett to. be eicelledt by any country Nowt* The Ibuuse lutving been. thoroughly kepi:44l,4ml! nnwly fern/sheik with eve s ry thing calculatedi to, woke lagni,* Com:or:tab le. —the public may: teat assured that they Wilt ttt alb times. find it in.n corallgostsuited en the cornftrt and conwimence ofj t¢rp trauele4; Hiis, liar is alWays sup-. plied with the chpieettiluhpumn, and hiel'able with the best the nuirkete.aStrd„ anti all. other appliances, suitable and necessary for the 'accomm4dation - of man or beast. With, faitthful,and obliging servants, Anti his own personal attention arasupervision, ho. will leave no means upsparetb to : merit puhlic pa-. tronage. Thp proptintot assures those whO,totty favor him, with their patronage Unit, they shall ever meet at his house 3 cordial pedel!tion, and that everything es.. sential to the convenaelicu ea* hiveisess of his, guests shall, be.attendati ;o f • June *l, 1860 : L. B. KURTZ IMPORTANT. , ARE again reminded of his recent tour to the- Eastern Cititos, and of the reception of his fine stick of Casinkeires 'and Vest.. bags. A,ll of the MOST. ASK( ON, IDLE STYLES. Hie stock of FRENCH, CLOTHO 'end CA8 , 41.. Azitna he calls particular atlentiou , 'to, as the. beet in teem, AJse,.ona.ef tine berCiesentmente ro& Farvinuiplet, Giooet in, town--all re.uly for their in-. ertection . and; Ware's., 0,1 kin:lly aelte It call trim ally peremut. tlesirieue.of buying Wei& its. his line, at ez tremely , • . • t;ai;hsxr PE4-aaacsst aEats:sa ['Leh() NEWLY PITTED ROOH, meat door to. Eixiegralso, Hagerstown, Md. [Jan. 3. 1861.] • ma itßaks, fokßales '11:11,E %Ascribes- Imo now. on - ( 4 71 , 4;81•P1UT Ii AILS•• w,tuck it Int INasonahlo Irmo. • A.hio--Oi W-101011,. L, Jan 3,4 , '• A N.OT lok ofittipact nice sh . may 2,3). I.EXINIXEmI , Midemd goodi - Oct • F ycnk leant, to.ser the 'soon. Jam pet ita Unto, call at aprlp. II Et you lir Int to purchase &air. .3ti to $2.00 call at Eapri, _ __— • -- .11RGE assortment orTix roan of tha 13ig Ited liprn. ' , fe,20,•60. D. Orto.Ycforsala ao Dec2o '6O . F yowswan; isite.Sbakor, can IPA ' AI)LES-and • I llet4 lEi r lifiN eaChiltail $1 ‘,.)0 nue 29 ctt The beat ip uie Puit imelt,bl I 1.11 reSti-gack,ml at Mai Dig!) • r•.Wit0E4;91t4'.1%.*..': IF you. want - OfilT,, , V,pm sf i. apl2s IF you wa►t; threltimipest .4nd k Call at. ' AZ*