Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, September 12, 1862, Image 3
PIIEIITC SAU RIAL ISTLITL DT authority and in pursuance of an order Al sate, granted v the Orphans' Court of Frank lin 'COUitty,•Pii.; to David Gilbert, administrator of John Gilbert Sr.„ late of said county, deceased, there will be offered at Public Sale, in the Borough of Waynesboro', mi SATURDAY Tilt 11T4 MAY OR 00- DORIC I NKXT, at 10 O'clock, all the Real Estate of 'kohl d. ceased not taken at•ihe appraisement, the ame consisting of, . • PURPA .ist bring until lately, the - -, • MANSION. FARM of the deceased, adjoining Ahe MiTiiiigh of Wfl fiR nn.t hnuniteil by hints of Henry Mitten., er, Besgire, Snider end others, ed - nuitning - • 120 Aet 14..." 8 AND 40 PERCHES, with fine improvements there on made. PURPART 3D,4; BRICK HOUSE, STOREROOM and other buildings on lot of ground lo ated in a pleasant part of the Horough.atoresaid. NAPA RT 4TH, nn excellent Lot of ground immediately behind pUrparts 2 and 3, fronting on West street, containing 158 PERCHES and Well adopted to jring divided into building lots PIIPART fiTH,lot of MOUNTAIN LAND in Washington township, hounded by lands of Welsh, Hughes, Snider and Foreman's heirs, set with cheimut and other trees and containing 77' 23C,3EILMVA. PURPA HT 6TH, tieing the . larger portion of the "NIGH FARM," situated in Antrim Township, q miles from Shady Grove and bounded by lands of Meichi Shively, Wm. Stover, Sites, Gillan and others, containing AilElo43o AND S PERCHES of limestone land, with stone Blouse, Bank Barn and other buildings, a. large Orchard and a considerable hotly of superior-timber. PURPART 7 111. Being the remaining part of F the "NIGH . 4 Kl 4" and adjacent to land of Stover, Henneberger and others, without buildings, containing ss ACRES, part under cultivation and the other covered with excellent timber. l'he opportunity here offered for purchasing is well worth the attention of any persons wishing either to buy good homes or to secure 4:ife 21141 sub stantial investment• 'tor th . eir funds. in real estate.— Furor' first, whether in soil or improvement is one of the most deirable farms of the size in this region, it sarfect Order. A commoiliotti • Brick !louse, trick - barn and other buildings. CIO en tirely new) Bpring, Pump, eood fencing fertile soil aid convenient to town, to mills and turnpikes form some of its advantages. The town property is also valuable, the one being newly built and well suited for merchandizilig or .other business, while the other is valuable for building purposes; and may be divi. d into lots to suit purchasers. The purports in Antrim Township are good with pbundance of lime tdone and Nahum covered with large and tall tim ber. Any, persons wishing to see the properties will be shown over them,by the parties theron residing, or by The undersiened on Saturday of each week which ho ,pends in Wayneshoro% • - Terms made known on the day of sale by DAVID GILBERT, (Aug 29—ta.) Administrator. Clinnibersburg Repository and Transcript, copy. "PIALEILAU REAL ESTATE. V E undersigned, Executors of the last Will I and Testament of Jonathan Foreman, late of ashington Township, deed, will offer st-. Public Sale, on the premises, ox FRIDAY TRH 26711 DAY OF SEPTHIIBER, 1862, the following tract of land, late the property of said dec' , situated partly in Quincy land partly in Wash' ton townships, 2 miles north Or Waynesboro', n se road leading to Chambers burg, and one e from Snow Hill, adjoining lands of John Price scab Price, Levi Sanders 'and oth ers, coma,' g ••••• • 160 ACRES s. ml three perches. nest measure. with a TWO I'ORY EATH 11-BOA RDED DWELLING HOUSE and a Stone Beek Building withtkil l !!;ii the kitch en, O STNE BANK ISA RN, Twi non Sheds Corn Craw, and other improvement* thereon. erec t. d. Said tract of sand has a good body of Timber, pod a fine Orchard on it. The Little Antietam runs through the farm supplying an abundance of water. Persona wishing to view the property before the ilav of sale can call on either of the undendgned, living 4t 12uincv township. Sale to commence at 1 o'clowk, P, M., pn said day when the terms will be made known by, (Wa.22-14) Renositary and Transcript, ChamborAwrg ; Her ald and 'lurch. Ilagerstuwn, copy, mark cost I cost bilis to thug, (Arms. ~'AKut FOR SALE. r HE subscriber being desirous of moving to the Well, offers at Private Sale the valuable and d e airableTstrin, situated in Quincy township; Frank lin county, Pa., adjoining lands of S. Whiguri, M. John .Volietilierger and others, containing .21k-41.111E1010.05i; of first quality LIMESTONE LAND, about 40 Acre!' aims:covered - with-g4oil Timlier..and about 30 • Arta - am' bottom or Meadow land, .on the little An-. Celan] Cr ek. The improvements consist am large W EATEIERBOARDED and. STONE DWEL LING HOUSE, , iwo Tenant Houses, a large Stone 'Bank Darn, Carriage! house. Wagon 81wd and C or n Crib attacht'd,,twe*Aury Stolle Wiadi House, a good and never failing Spring, of Water near the door, good Orchard of Grafted Fruit. Terms made easy. (A uz.29 —3l. DANIEL W. ROY:ER C1AL1AN733 616 . , J.TRAY.r.p•fnins the premises of the mubserther poometime during the fore part of the mummer 4 yotrinut Colvre,,(red halfwit). A liberal reward will 143 iNaid fur itteh taforotation ai wilt lend to thew re covery. • , 111:1VRY W. FUNK. (Aug. 28.--3ur ) • DISSOLVTION. • 1100171 0 E is Ferebygiven that the copartnership 111 heretofore existing between the undersigned in -the merehautile bushiest!, waidipolved. by mutual consent oti4liB Wu, inst. The business - will he Outd.irtewinti -in whose pos. session.thefAlookwofigisti-lirm h o ve-treen haw for Irv , ,t,;1.11.1•LF1.41i1;..a1l 4r, Clatair•STUbi• ~.w....... Th e unite_relsprit,rciuctut;tiiiiiiliiioks to the publir fnr eloicits putlifliimioii • -' - 01.3:4'4:k0kL ..coPPEK.AtiIt . - • altttstsArrr3.t&s - , •- _ - e ":4114 4 N KE:Cri,es, - he si&n of thy 13 , 4 llittl 1!orn. JO 11 iti.2.) :Lk H. ,Ityrova, 1 ,- 0104 NHOH AEI, PFoU rZ JOHN Eseculara FItEEDOM NURSERY . -I FRUIT HE subscriber offers for Bale, We fell) at hit N unary CIA 'Welt Ganlene, adjoining G. Hell's ill, (formerly D. • Mentzer's. ) all • the new Sari• 4i013 „„..„. • • ` .. 1 2 and 9 years old from the bud.'llamplerot the fruit can be seen at the ' proprietor's house. „'The folloWing are some of the best varieties, Az: Prince Red Rare Ripe, Scott's Nonpariel, . • None"? Item Ripe. • Colridge Favorite* Temples Latt white large,Rose riowering Pesch, Honest John, - Yellow Hewett.• Old Mixon free.' • Extra Early York, 46 d 4 c li ng ., Early White'cling, Lemon cling, " purple, Orange free, ' Strawburg, George the Fourth, Snow peach, Royal George, •• • Blooding, i• liergrn yellow, Black cling, . - (;rawtord loot,' Red Cheek Malocetan, Criwfard early. Grose Migitone. • Alberge yellow, ' Grand Admiral: Morris white,' %monis Large, 15,000 Strawberry Planta for sals viz : Albany Refilling, lowa, Peal Boston pine, 'Trio li e d'ganJ, MeA voy superior, arlet, Crimson Cone, AugUst and Septemlwr is the time to plant your Strawberry beds it you want a crop next year. Giool<eberi•y and Current. linughten t§ceilling, , Gottilownen lied. Cherry Current, ' ‘s White, ReJ Dutch White. • Grapes. Cataha, Clinton, • Isabella, Madarius, rreetkon Beedlingtt, new varities. ltaspberry and Blackberry. Brinkles Orange, Yellow Antwerp, ' Hudson Ilris•r, f Lawton Blackberry. Red an twerp, Thornless Raspberry a-new variety, GIANT AsPA REGRAsS. RHUBARB—Victoria, Prince Albert and Leni. us; Plums, Cherry. Apple. Pear„A prima. ROSES— Prairie se, Breen of the Prairie. Baltimore Belle, &e. Garden seeds and . flower seeds tor sale in the fall. There is a greet many vitrifies not named. All orders punctually attended to. Any person or persons wanting strawberry beds laid out and planted eau lutes it doiie up in nice order, by calling on the proprietor. Address S. MENTZER. • Freedom Nursery and Fruit Gardens. Leitersburg, Washington Co., Md. Aug. 22, '62-3m. WAYNESBORO' CLASSICAL & COMER.CI44 Matt rikava. TEACHERS. W. T. BA RN ITZ. A. M Principal Classical and Scientifil Department. A. M. TRIMMER. Principal Commercial . Department, and Professor of Penmanship, Pen-drawing, &c. T. L. BUDD, Principal of Musical Department. fr This Institution 'offers inducements to young Men and Ladies, desiring to prepare themsehes for :caching or to enter our higher Colleges, to pursue a thonnigh I:Lash:al, Scientific, o r Commercial Course,—such as are ialh) no similar Instil& lion in this quarter of the ate. Thorough practical in&traction. with Lectures in each of the departments, on a system pursued in no other school of like, character, win insure rapid and efficient progress.- The Musical Department is under the direction of an experienced, practical and Classical Musician. TERMS. COM. Eng. Bram:hes per qu7trter of II weeks $4.00 Higher 44 64 46 64 It 6 . 01)• •6 do If %% 7 th igt tin, - - 8.00 Greek, French, German, (each) - - 3,50 Commerbial Department Thorough Commercial Course, including Single and lieuHe Entry [intik-keeping. Practical Pen nianAip, (time unlimited) $15.00 Penriiain..luir, (tliomugli course) - . . .. Musical Department. Vocal, in cans., per quarter of 111 weeks each $l.OO ingti untental:Pla no, hleloilcon. Flute null Guts:H.s nit Boar,:ing at a luw rnte eau be hail in respectable famillea in the teem. For further 'tartlet' lora ad. dress hincipahr. Ougu4t 17 - acrwiritoipmm-m—=, A NEW HAT, CAP AND 11121FrYSTIIE One door Wes( of Trifle's Titter Shop. rrillE subscriber respectfully informs N the people that he has jurt returne.l from the Eastern El tics with n tine assortment of 31181LL9111,271P 4 AN CAPS, Thnlin.lina, Tooth Cloth nisi Liiiiekning Brushes, Rubber Combs. Hair pins, Whey, Guitar .l rings and Stationary, nail is prektre.l fu lit the I.ouroa Prices. The best gssence of Col Tee, Dairy Salt, Stove POhill, 1111ligil. S./ tip, I'rpp•r Sauce, French, Mus t oil, ground cool unground Sitio% of ail Isionls. To bacco, Cigars, Pipe* and Candi. s. ({axing, Pruens, Nuts; cud a Anti asst,runent ill' Candies made 01 ;ream. E:AlI H nBllE:ft. (July 25 '62 ) Auetioneerin-g. TamNuliscriber of him to the public 1111Auctitnierr. Be has had some ezp. rinse or the business, and respectfully solicits a call from those who may hereafter have sales to cry, as he is confident that he can give ceneral aaustaction.— Rmidence at the Antietam /unction. (July 25 3m) - MARTIN FUNK. - REMOVEDAGA IN. • ()LI) JOE respectfully informs his numerous eustonters and the public generally, that he hoe remained his Restaurant to the basement of Kiirtz's Hotel, where he is at sill times prepared to furnish Cliamaershurg-snd Reading Ala, Oysters, Tripe, Pigs Feet, liolovia Sausage, Eggs, ditc.. Sic. •He has also a Billiard Toide up for rho accommodation 0 1 cu.d.nners. JOSEPH FUNIC. July IB—tf. TimottifSee4l for THE muNticriher has now fur sale 40 bushels of prime TIMOTHY' SEED which lie will dis pose of it fair prices. :Nrsons in want (if seed for full sowing are requested to give him a Mill Resi dence one mile northwest of.Waynrsberui ma 2 BEN.I. E. PRICE- 4.6! far wings In soar," right down at .Priet's U Scare.. What fur 1 W . by to . get: 'maw more or taut New York: Syrup--only 12i cents a bu art ut PuiCs's • • cinates. • - • Drain Sickle*, • " —• , • • - Grain, Scp,Gies. - ' Or supiii4 foi iute cheap. 2 7. : 111 14". -, • -- - "Moods! IMOodst: itoods!!! JUST received per. Expressi direct ftoin the min etitertieusi.amitlier 14(ze iiivuice 01 slc.ikers. (Jur, 'll3' , Jurtiu deexti. • PRICIff 131+r , - • atk , „ 1 . ; - _ , - ' iirklirN/481:4aii; Sept I. 1862 Eforiim • 10 Wiiiiko Wont. 30 BOON —.— • 8 Ukwaseinto• 46 :. • 20 Lain ' -', • ' • 7 CLOVIM SEND ..rkt.l,o* - TimoTny•ftst• .-: ' , 00. so+p - . _ • 4no .. FLAXEISID .1 00 thcoN (harna) , • •,,10 , Nail) .P6ACII6S 00 BACON (BiW1) ' II:- ,uipmexp i , . 00 BACON (shimlders) 8 ,, BRUNO Ailt•LIN '`, 00 RICHMOND_ TAM BY THE MN - FORCES TOGETHER WITH THE HOLE REBEL' ARMY ! 11101 111130111 RELEASED." This Victory was gained with very little Loss on Our Part; and yet another, JOSIAH BESORE has justreturneil from the Enstern Cities, and is now opening the most extensive stock of SUMMER GOODS ever brought to Waynesboro', which he will sell cheaper than any other house this side of Richmond. Consisting of everything usually timid in a well conducted —establishment. The community is invited to call and examine my stock which 4 will take great pleasure in show ing to all who may favor me witb - s• call. To con- vince you I have a splendid stoeUvvill ennuinerate a few of the leading articles store, all of 'which I will sell at greatly reducid prices. FOR THE LADIES DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. Including the latest novelties in Summer Dress Goads, to which 1 respectfully invite the attention of the ladies. The ehni o ors,l'he finest qualities, The tam . . t l t stock, The best amsottilient, ever exit! cited in Waynesboro', and at unprecoden ted Superior ettra heavy 111 k. Silk, Dlk , Brown, Blue and black Foulards, Piketi r (light grounds.) Bouquets of Chintz, Collars, Satin plaid and grin Marguilise, Valne ia . Plaid, Silk and e.diephenls Plaid, Silk Lustres,striped Hinvilicysi4 4 l34k. Persia, 131 k. Grenadine, 131 k. and fancy Darage , Anglaise Braze, A rgla's Hitthsoloreil Chxllies,Jacknnots and Or gandies, Orrissidle gr mud, French Brillia sits, French Chintz of the latest 1-tyles, Cambria La was i Pop lins, Mob airs, striped do., Lavellas in all collors TOURISTS Llj t Manchester, Pacific and Hamilton De!nine of all styles and shades Eilvuxiximeor Clic:4Uß - for ladies wrapings. Sacques. Mantillas, new and elegant styles, .Sliawls, French worked -Collars, Under Sleeves and in sets, Embroidered and Hem stitched Handkerchiefs, Kid ilbiveS; - Silk , and Lylr Gauntlets, Cord and 'rasales, II end-nets,, B. Its Bel ting of all descriptions. MORE D MILLI Y GOODS. .Such no Blk. Bombazines, 111 k. Parcailes, Mar and 'Poplins, Varng.:s, LOucalls, Challies, Ginglinms, Prints, Blk. Eng. Crapes, from 2-4 to 7.4 wide, Blk, nits, tinuntlets.tOrnpe Collars, &c. My line of Millenary Cools is complete. TRIMMINGS Su,•l: as Bugle Gimps and Lar;es, till widths, Belt Ribbons, narrow - Silk that pa, Dress Cords, Fringes &c. Spool Silks and all Coloni of Shetlend Yarn, Zephyr worsted, &c. P N AND DOMESTI FOOD embracing nil the rant favorite . Aferiun a est, Sprague, Paciiits . Ctschieco, Dunne hi, American and Pri BLEACHED COO:DS. Hnr;ison Mills, Chester llill, New Market, Lansdale, CiineWaeo, Great Lake, Mayflower, Liwreitee, Belmont, %Veldt:tin. Hill NI:till:Co. and other brawls. - BROWN COTTONS. Pnci fic Sheeting» Portsmouth Sim wilt u t •' A ppletolt •• Plymouth " GINGHAMS AND FURNITURE CHECKS; which minted to otri , groat bargains, ... ALSO 2 1 rind 4-1 cheeks, Tichings Da:mints, Blue Drills, Mnreens • I)am:inks, Shirting Stripes, Nankeens, Corset Jear!l4, eraCh & Huch Towlungs, GENTS WEAR. ITALIAN CLOTHS, 131 k. and fancy Clutha, -" caasioierce Silk mixed do. Merino - ' -- do. .C.llB43:4l9 l r_e_tia lidarsailes Valencies Grenediens • Hosiery Cravats- • Collars, &a: . . . .. S . : .. , . ,-- 0 ,40.4:,. . . ...At,: A largo anti well soiectolatack; in which 1- Atm prryareti to race , grrat isoluceinenta to purr ra, Coloitilt your ow u ipterrst J itul exandue . below _purchasing. . ... . , ~ .. • -,- _ ... , P* - , 6, -- iIEEN S N V A 1. 4 - 1 *. ~ ChbrOti - Vajoss mid .Stoneirvare. of theiniest stylPs ativtreys on hand': sit' prints that Jety c.untpeti• tun e • _ ljeetere Isis thinks" aunt Ceetoiners lor I;4Pt 'l7l , iPt.;l: 11 1i r liasldil • sisu, and ..respreittpy-eutieitot.-a-eontinu.uutn- 41 We Nieuwe— hite.-totgitt the' ptter,-4314npr uOtain:ittet (;hitrrit dtPtCl4.loll33:,,that. Jt§.NY itl flout.. Comitry larthilluototation iu tlx•cligangill.iiipeits yt she highest•anarket Lunty,tit•Si JO;f1.111 I,3C'!ORE. Tv/ E aro now receiving an.l o ffering to sell a new Il r aiband FULL ASSOirr 11,E NT of NEM DT/ IaDDS A good supply of Queensware and Glaisw.tre of the lutest style. A innskeag Sheet ings, Nterchatit4 • 1 Medford •' C;11 It./1) 41 Sit awinut Id Tweeds, 'deans • Linens, vid - . - gpRE G E Kl, ;. ,7 c et•tr ;:tAt -- "AITY ~sEtirotterif WitilltESWOßDiSoptl9, Itorrna HAMM, (111rAMS) :((ints) —(SuouLn!,fts) TAoLowi • SECOND ARRIVAL. ~-..A-. ABBRSON, BBNEDICT & CO 'Waynesboro' Pa. MAY 28. kk .. Liz l,_, SPRING AND SD= GUI S!! W hich wo think we are• prepared to sell at as 13w terms as a ny other house ia town•or country. 0 Ul-4,- - -‘ UDia-A'l9 DRESS GOODS of all kinds ChaHies, D elaines, li ereges, , Lovell:As, SLEEVES, EM BROIDERI ES. MEN'S SPRING AND SUMMER Cat. CO CD f:f) i 3 9 c„tonades. Clothe, tr K en . Jeans, C ass imere, •Fine Tweeds, Ves tinge, Neck Ties; • , Hosiery. • Cravats Sutnmer Hats He nil kerchief.% _ Shoes, ltglipperl2,, A full assortment of Plain and Fancy UASSIM„E RES . QIIEENSWARE GROCERIES, Always_ on hand a heavy lot of prime Groceries, COFFEE, SUGA R, SYRUP, MOLA SSE SI, SPICES. &c. • To which we respectfully call the attention of our customers and the public generally; and at the bn me time we return our thanks to customers and the community for their liberallontronage,--and-wilt-en , cleaver by Air dealing with all, to merit a'continn. :ince of the same. Please calf and see. • hMUERSON, BENEDICT & CO DRY FRUIT: 11: , P5,1E4,,a2U:1L21 , -M .E~~p]L]C9~ at AMBERSON. PENEIDICT & C S PICKLES. A LOT IF Good Pickles, at AMBERSON,-BENEDIOT & 00'0 CURTIII pg,.:_,cyTrmNsi AM 11E10'30N, BENEDICT 4r, Cells A FVI.I, ASS4IIpRTMENT PRINTS, 11111SIAINS, GROH§ aDa2,-(vtaco . ' urprori),-)T4 or ASA. D E*l It I P 1110,s A F:Rsnri; un-Nuuttir & I: 3 '4!LZBIVI3E3Tt. P iS 1)#.NDZILII011 1 corr i Ep. lUO,n MEL 14.'4 nt At 0 pasox, tie NEDI 6' ""'';O: .., TYIEVEHEM2I 10 cents' 8 44 19 i• • .6 is • B. 8 44 7..4; Loadoil "0 ' , „lfftfel) •SyMq4l; , -. • :,, ' , ' - ,I, . • . . _ . _ . :, ... ..... • ~., anived from Philadelphia this reek, , steamed up to our sgare, rind threar=--oh ! ye fail. itertion .of creation !--the Most delightful stock of feecy plods straight into our door,' that ever • brightened our counters., First, doubtless to please the came a shower of Silky Debeges, Thilzarines, Sky- tinted Lawns, Chintzes, Modems, Mezambigues, Himalaya's,' Poplins, Challies,Acc., of evi ry hue of the Rainbow, glistening like ' surd, that will make the old look young, and the young like- Genii : then followed a broad stream of Nankeens; 114u4lins, Calked's, osnahurges, beneaM which came flying like liras - of beauty, Head-Dresses, Sleeves and Collars in setts, Shakers, Hosiery, Sun- Umbrellas—beauties—gauntlets, and all those dear little tick-tacks which make the ladies look so charm ing; above it a dark sheet of n elegant variety. Blk. GrenadineS, Byadore Dere gess Wool DeLaines, Cho!lies, Lawns, Balzarines, Crape DeTanges, Eng. Crape, Eng. and American Prints, plain 'and figured, Eng. and French Crape Veils, Mourning Collars. Gloves, Hosiery, &c everything to render the mourner beautiful in her sorrow. After these streams ceased to flow there was another explosion and in canto pouring fur the Bales of Silky Broad-cloths, Parisians, Cassimers Black and fancy, double and singled milled, in su perb styles, fancy as a sutibeann—with the accom paniments, splendid Postings, Silk, Marseilles plain, brilliant, and beautiful Neck-ties , unimpeachable Shirt•brensts and Collis everything to set the Gent fit fur a picture, and make hint presentable even at the Capitol of the Nation. So Gents. lo ik iu and ace, teeing is believing. All over the pavement lay boxes, which when opened displayed those good, solid, sub,tatitia I wares, I lir noble, ind ustrious Itrk Silks Cord do. Fig'd do. Lustres, Poplins, like so mach to SIT because they must h:tve them to make the boys trow•sers, and the girls dresses: here they are strong as buck-skin. cotter). woolen. mixed, jeans, goods of in w styles, cheap and dura ble, cotton stripes, drillings. calicoes of late sty lee, tieking, sbeetings, in fackplijhat our young 'friends price-wher-ere-startiog-61PCheir 14.4 r w • • ney through life. Well, tin se goods were hardly stowed away; when here came trudging along Our Poor, 011 Rhinoo - Oro3ses sos! loaded heavy,—oh very—with Groceries, .Queens• ware, and Hogsheads of that delicious Imaf-sugar Syrups, and Sugar-house In - Russel, hogsheads and barrells of sugars of every grade. Shad, •,llackersl Herring, fresh from' the briny wave, lucious cheese from New England, bah rms. nd a splendid lot of SUGA R CURED H.lllS,—and sweet Ha coo—anti Yankee Notions, together with a full as sortment of ' • - Leghorn, chip, fine fur and wool Hats. gents end la dies hooters and 411 , CF, deep, dihtractingly cheap.-- Now all these affairs startlingly, and touchingly set furth are for snle and Exhibition et the Wive of the undersigned, who, with ninny thanks fur pant encouragement and patroriago, remains Respectfully your 0(1 t. serve n t (may 23) JOSEPH PRICE IV.IIMIIi7Iir aaact M1N,t.111.93EX M. STONER takes this method of thank os customers. au informs the public At o •tng l • that he has just returned trout Philadelphia with the largest assortment of Drugs. Medieirics, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Soaps, Peril - it - nary tio - iary, &c., &c., that has been brought to the place this season, which 'ho will sell cheap . . -He has on hand, with what ho is receiving. makes his assortment of Patent Medicine, greater in variety than any other establishment in the place. In a few weeks, he will publish. hi; list of manufactured articles. He has on. had" now, his Cough. Medicine, put up in six ounce bottles, price 25 Cents, "no cure, an pay." Its curttive properties are now _fully_appreciatel_judgingiromits_rfaily_sales May 9 '62. "VARIETY STORE." r BESVER, in connection with hill Variety / • Store, has commenced the manufacturing of Of rOTS and SHOES in all its various branches.— Having employed Jerrmish C' as farepian, he is prepared to prodUce the findlructatest and most durable work made anywhero;''' = AU are invited to call. A large stuck of Hats find Caps, (including all kinds of ' , winner Hats for men and - boys) Eastern manufat tumd Shoes and Boots of the iv t ! make, on Mimi; Clacks, Trunks, Segura, Tobacco. &c., &c. Von get the very hest KEIMSENE there May - tf. J. BEAVER. ! - - Pianos andillelodeons. FIRE -andersigmul. having become Agent for w.uh KinibeLit co's• (nr &Initial:wk.). kelt:bract pianos anaOf Gerhart, Meedham & Cu's. unsur l.passed,Melodeons, is prepared to furnish individ uals with the above named instruments at, city •A II butraments, Warranted by 'the ru.lllufactii , I.ptsvp! on qie nbove instruments given town or country. (inayi:j) . T. 1.. BULL. TIE . OLD -_=MILLER AIN ! A. 15 the Eekelli .n-is now on its fait.; legs,, and nearly over; we thought "right to announce to the public that wo will grind Dru.ts pt 20. bushels Or upwards citht for pay or Toll separfetY,and that we have on hand all kinds of "FEED, CORN in ear_er. Dialled. or it: MEAL eiftedlor nut. - Outs by , e bua.hcl Or in any: way that it may be waura,i;- 0 Ai idlings. IShipstu tr and- Bram Corn in Doh phoppe at short notice.' 'Plaster by the ton or btedieten half r: Market lor 111 Wu curl ahvapt do up good work like' it Wild 4ltsiir at Itlatul No. 10, und Fittsburg - Landing.J - ;' , ' 11)11Y w Aprll3' NIA/ • I ii:fi"PER - KIIIE — Cat ri,v. Ft+ . . , LTIIKRAN'_ it - Ls 4 ei; i;;;:WKL; ;1: 7, -- („Joinel3) aOLT Sros A a LA I, I • Ct r rpluat, 4.53 414, .(.luue 13,) STti Ni I 1:11A1J1.1; SOY riled; - 441 1.40 8 ruN.Litu. MOURNING GOODS. 20THERS HITS IND SHOES LIM all MORE UW GOODS MMEIIIMM!! ',.., , :!•-• '..,,,, -; f , : r . ' :' : ;- ~, f ,..„.„.,.:,..,. or-,.,....,,,:::;.„.-::;,•:,, : .., ‘, `'-!. ' '', 4 ' . .." . ...:, ''' '' - ' , ''':' ... :. . 2 "T"' ""`ti'• • '%" ' ;1 ,- ' ' ' 4 SPRINGII.IIIMIN i ' .. Il lir ':'... D OS. -', , . . '' ' ' . Givoceries, . MEd 'MAN LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOE : &c. GEO. STOVER, lIANK SUL for kind favors and patronage Itere tofore.(tcstoweil upon him, again appears before the patine to solicit, a continuance of the same.— He having just returned from the.eastern cities with fine a and well selected stock of new' SPUING AND SIThLIEIt t• 4-31 •D. -I.___-7111 Which he intends'ielling at very low rotes, wider! he knows he can do to the satisfaction of all wit., will call and examine his stock. Below you will find enumerated a fevi articles which will be found among his stuck to which he calls your attention. FOR-THE L ADZE% Fe htor a large assorlment of Dress Goods consisting n part of ChiaHies ' Printed and Plain Detainee, • , lirk, Fig'd and Col'd Silks, Plaid Mohair, Silk Warp Mohair, llereges, Afetiona Cloth, Lavyllito, French and domestic Gingfronix • Poplins, Prnigeo Mixture, Ith •• Wrappings, Cloves, - Hosiery, inyroatvoriety. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, Broad Cloths, Black anti Fancy Cassitneres, Union Cassiineres, Duck Linens, Summer Coatings, Tweeds, • Velvet Cord, • NI a rsa Silk Vesting, Velvatine Vesting's, of all kinds; in Net a full •tsi)rtniont of g , O Id for fled. men wear. Also a !Argo and well selected stuck of DOMESTIC GOODS , Ticking; and a complete a assortment of Notions. Ws no use trying to enumerate. If you Want anything at-all in the Dry Goods just call in and you will and"ltitti ready to wait on •you with pleasure. To persons having country Produce to ,ill, they will find it to their advantage to bring it to St I. ver's,as he always gives the highest market price. So give him a call, and he will sell you goods as cheap as they can be purchased 'elsewhere. April 1802 - ,• NEW GOODS! AT EMS RUdlicillE Iron andSti.el, -- Shovels and Spades, Hoes and Rakes, . Spades and Forks, Nails Brads and Spikes, Locks;Hinges and Screws, Latches, Staples and Bolts,- . Oils. paints, Glass and Varnishes, M ill. Cross-cut and Circular Sews, Hand, Tenon, Web and go pass Saws, • Augers,Auger Hilts, Gimlet and Dowell,Bitts, Chisels, Firmer Chisels, Mortisink Chisel.. Pruning Saws,and :.;'hisels combined, Pruning S,AW.3, Plastering Trowels, Pointing and Garden Trowels, Double and Single Bitt Axes, Hatchets, and Draw ing Knivt White.wash Brushes, Shoe, Semi . ; an I Horse Brushes, Scrubbing Brualtes, Cloth, Tooth. .and Paint* Brushes; ruble Oil Cloths, FliVit`oll Cloths, Carriage Oil Cloths; Spokes, Pollees, Hubs, Shafts, Peles, Springs and axles; l iih• lows Anvils, V ices, Hoof Knkestanstitaspso.'adis Dueseta, Churns; Rope, Basketa,Broomand Wash Boards; Waiters, Trays, Carlini Sticks Slimier; Coffee Canisters; Table entdery, Pocket Cuttlery, Pruning Knives, Pr u ning Shears, Silver-plated Table and Tea Spoons, Salt Shovels, Forks, and Ladles, Albata Table anti Tea Spoons; Iron Spoons, Tinned Spoons; Trace Chains. Halter Chains, Cow Chains, Butt Chains, Sporting POW der; Blasting Powder, Shot, Gun Wadding; Ar , noliPs Writing 'Fluid, Shoe Blacking, Steve Black ing; Lead Pencils, Dillon'. Steel Pens, 'Writing Paper. Flour Seives, Meal Sillies, Sugar Seives Wire Cloth; took ing &Osta, .Nine Plato Saves, Coal Stoves; Carriage Lining.. Carriage - Lace, and Carriage Triinining; together with a large and 'carefully selected stock of Cabitie.t rind 'Saddlery Hardware. All who desire to buy cheap are invited • to call and examine ins goods before , purchasing elsewhere,' mil am deter tttttttttt to sell as cheap of goods: The subscriber would. hero taltirUdelitiOn t•co return his sincere thanks to the public Air-fanner favors and hopes, by fair dealing and cheap good*, to inerit4 cominuancel'of the same. apr2s WM. H. Bitonsmffrox _ TO THE Wi.DIES NEW MILLINERY GOODS!, 851 . M. , O. RESSEIt informs the. Ladita of Waynesboro' en I vicinity that ihe his re moved her *Winery Store to the dwelling bowie on Main fittrei t, itil . jo* g the rosidenco of Mr: lacos Wolf,. and has just received from the -Eastern Cit. ice a full awortaient of . Bonnets. Hats, Bonnet . Trimmings i Flowers. and other articles usu.:a — Hi kept Tho tottlieA, ere requestell to' callmid oxen:tine fiCr' stock Akrill 1'64 • - , • ' . clotticiringer we l.trri4A,All6 fitent :Cloth Wringer j.• • ler elite tit thesign of ilia - Big Red,Horn D. B. RuskEhi, (July 1I u 2;) ' Icy A gent for Frrtklian ecnity, m pito v EL) 5iii.e 737 :E.1,14;1444,,Fki11f taii3 ,that can 1 h closed mitt ..iiirnrvi• by any pErson, t o r dale nt, tilt! Sign yr the-I-lig lied dons. • k4u:y 11 ) , • ••F3 . ki . Ittuast.4: K unTa'a VrXi s atlit, (Vlll'lol4 rayruy. for SO rts. prr gn (UM - Basoar, a.' I F yauNyanta goo,' pus of VoUte Made Alotatioe • . 4 ..14.,.0...,:,Vi411,19 , 0116U NUT To Ant, apr4 --- • , , „Pamirs, 11 .4 A t(Ai 0 ;ITN* * be, had cheap 1 41a:112J. ' PAT%