Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, September 12, 1862, Image 2

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. -
Friday t . sep.t, 10,1802.
Forever bat- that 'sinitaited sheet !
Where breathes the the but- falbehefele cok
With Freedores soil beneath our feet,
Awl Freedom'sbannerstreaming - o'er OR? .
PRP We are requesteed to state that • •the
Waynesboro' ( - I:.t 'steal and Commercial In
atitute, will be opened a s 'n on Monday.
Arms to be Returnal.--persons I di o m•
arms wore given out by Capt. Kurts,,are re
quel4ed to deliver them at his, Hotel
No - folly evening, the 22d inst.
No Paper Last , Week—The occupation
y;- - -ef,flagerstown, last week, by, the rebel ar.
my, and the excitement occasioned here in
Consequence, induced us to suspend publica
tion. Our readers will of course pardon this
omission ns it was impossible for us to put
the paper cat under e circumstances.
Death of a. S.ohlirr.—We regret to learn
That 31r.- GEo. DAVIS, of Col. Harlan's Cav
alry, died in the hospital at Camp Robinson,
Suffolk, Vu., on Friday . the sth instant.-
31r. -1) was a native of this place, and was
much esteemed by all who knew him. He
enlisted about a year ago in the Company 're
cruited by Captain Stetzel in TChambersburg.
His death causes almost universal sorrow
here. •
Another ,Soblier follen.—Our communi
ty is called on to mourn the loss of another
citizen and soldier. WILSON PILKINOTON,
of the 12th Regiment P. R., Col. Tigart, it
appears was wounded on the mountain, near
Boonsboro' on Sunday list, from the:effects
of which he died on Monday. Mr. P. en
tired the Fervicesonie 15 or 16 months since,
being among the first to - volunteer from our
town, and passed unscathed through all the
battles in front , of ' .ti
gallant young soldier, and a printer by pro
fession, haring served his apprenticeship in
this c „office. Thomas G. Pilkington, father
of time de - ceased, with another son; were, , a -
mongst those who recently left our county
as volunteers. We deeply sympathise , with
his afflicted parents and ffiends:
A Great Battle---Glorioun .11iirs
ing Tuesday and Wednesday heavy , and al
most ineessant,eannonading had been heard
South of this place, As we go to press it
is reported that the Rebel army under Gen.
Lee has surrendered to Gen. McClellan with
a loss of 85,000 in killed and wounded.—
The battle is said to have been fought about
sexen or eight miles from Hagerstown, in the
neighborhood of Sharpsburg. •Ws give this
as among the most reliable reports in cireit-
Wien awl hope that it may prove correct in
e main.
Narsherl Lasc.—On Monday morning last
'our town was placed under Marshal Law,
.JOHN W. COON having been appointed by
tiov. Curtin Provost Marshal. The sale of
liquors has been .suspended until further or
ders, and a guard stationed at all the Tds
leading Into town. Quite a number of ar
rests have been made, dome supposed to be
deserters from our army, and others from
the Rebel army. The office - of the Marshall
is under the Tor. n Hall.
Another eomparry. 7 -- - Capt. L D. KURTZ
"left this place.foiChambersburg,-ou Wednes
day, with se"venty-five or eighty volunteers,
where they are to be organized and eri6ip.
ped. A finer body of men has ut no time,
perhaps, left our county for the war. They
were picked men and will enter the service
as "Mounted Riflemen." The (luster Roll
, of this company will appear moon as we can ,
;get it complete.
The Indiana are increasing their fright
ful excesses in the neighborhood of Forts
ltidgely and -Abercrombie, and General POpe,"
just assigned to command the Northwest De.
postmen; will have the widest opportunities
for the display of hispeculioi genius.
NobThExamrk.,---3.lra Shorh, of thisplace,
wbolsa witiots,.informea,' , :tbe enrolling mitt
shad that she - bad alrea4ylfrint sons in the tril
ion row—that she luuLimotlier yet at loine,
and if : it . .wae , nocesiary , he Should go too.
And .sliould that; not be auteient 'she hatl
two daughters,'-who with herseY; would be'
willing to shoulder theirinutiktitsratiMr than.
see,this glorious Union= desirtiyeil ;by-rebel
bands:- 7S'tUY: ' ' .``
Extrain*pary laduceine t ;
(14 - oiii , eitird,tiecitter announces that a very
• yitinng laity'of that, oily, offers toiass
f bodied , good lonictogyoutwunto who
will enlist. improving ow this4dea, the ern-- ;
for orii 'Wheeling paper spggestrthat vomit:
°I ( htir 'l O ' O 4Y4 rosYlkiWed- Yount*iwoger
,to marry suoh ofthe,younrmentis enliat:
aftor:they Mara "from the war.
.1101ron...Aiiico s _Kendall iecentbr ,purilut
sed :ofdtopos, , for: digributiog ju .the various
...6103,1tf :the tTecrikie44lFii as
,this Anutto-4,ankidvoltatekogop.....-,
the AWRiliu-/-
iteiebtOW4 4 >tho, oll *oo4ge
Dispatch tor tbai' — aidOk htbular - iitatenkent
ehewing the nutibur of fUthject to
militarl duty, *h4 tia:latliter in service,
from each &Wet in the (windy of Franklin;
so returned by the Assistant. beputy
Antrim, 668
N. Ward, 334
Chtindi s pt. W ar d. 310
dry Run, ' 114
*noel, Sillily spring, 26'
6 q cord, 99
Gaillard 3 97
.lireen, 434
hainiltan. 218
Letterkenny, 329
Lunnon, 193
Metal, 158
( Merceriburg, - 114
120 n 4fY , rownadip, 31 4
. Peters, 313
Quirnry, 443
:14.Thomas, 246
Southampton, 268
Wash'n, C Wayneabone, 96
Townultip• 359
Warren 86
5557 1923 6780 1153
The whole Millibar to be drafted, it will
be seen, is 1153, the same being based upon
draft of 36 per cent. of the wilitary popu
Aholaionioin.— An exchange says, is it
not rather late at this hour, for the Northern
sympathiser's to ,endeavor to make capital
out of the cry of "abolitionist" in regard to
every one who is not a lover of slavery?
Thocountry has heard this cry too long to
be decieved - by party leaders; and ,partieular
ly by those who still cling to the waning
fortunes of the Itreekinridge dynasty.
The secessionists of the South and their
allies of the North, call all abolitionists who
do not believe in their faith and doctrine on
the subject of slavery. Let us see; we be
lieve from their action's, that the southern
ers are greater Abolitionists than we of the
noil.„ hey are fora (ishing free speech
thought and action. They would abolish
free schools and free labor. They would
abolish the ballot box and take it out of the
power of the "common people" to vote.
They would abolish a free _ government.
They would abolish .the Stars and Stripes.
They would abolish the great ideas for with
our tbrefathers fough•. They would abolish
the world's beacon light of Freedom. They
must •'rule or ruin." _
IVeic Counterfeit.--A new counterfeit ten
dollar note on the bank of Montgomery coun
ty, Pennsylvania, ig now being circulated :
Vignette, goddess of liberty, reclining; por
trait each side of vignette; on right end,
nude and female readers, 'lo' above; on left
• . Ave; imitation of genu
C."—Has it ever'oecurred to onr rea
ders how much significant meaning there is
in these well known initials of the Southern
Confederacy? Here is a decade of 'examples:
• 1. It originated in South Carolina. •
2. It commenced on State Capital.
8. It contains a Suffering' Community.
4. Its success has a Slim Chance.
Z. Intervention bring s -it Small Comfort,
6. Its loaders invent Shameless Calumnies
7. Ite people exibit Surprising Credulity
8. It has initiated a Suicidal Conflict
9. Its women are Saucy Creatures.
10. Its history will be Scorn and Contempt
•What Rhode Island has Done.—Rhodo
Island has • population of 20,000 liable to
military duty, and she now has 12,000 in
the field. Can a miptry, with such a pea
plc; be whipped ? •
The LittlestoWn Railroad was sold at pub_
lie outcry on Thursday last-- . -zi portion of the
first mortgage- bondholders and others be
coining the : purchasers, at' slB,soo—.Star.
Drafted men get only $ll a month, and no
bounty. Our patriotic young men will cave
Uncle Sam millions of dollars by waiting a
few daysionger. • ' •
air• The lion. John C. Knox, of Philadel
phia, has been appointed, by the President,
.Judge Advocate General of th e army corps
Gommanded by
. Gen. Wool, Gen Wool's
military, jurjsdiction includes Philadelphia
and the eastern part of Pennsylvania.
Sifir,Major , f4tend Pope, at his own re
cilmstbas, yea from the command
ot,tbe Army ,• has been
assigned 4U-the coinnuad of;-the Department
of the' North west. -
Wwsi 00w. GA.lfitE WOULD Do.—Gov.
:Gamble; ofilissouri, in a speech, at a war
.meeting in , St. Louis on the
.2.lst alt., placed.
the rank! oftkose who are
vor-ordsiving ths , vebtils to speedy ,ttestrua
tion. -41esaitl F • e--: would exterminate' the
,gu • s fast im they were taken; he would
.ui firto wealthy Seimsaionists . pay the' ex
penses Of the - war in Missoiri, sad he would
drive' the non-combatants down to Dixie.
Wie,^SePt• 6.—A telegram re
eeirml by .Govereer Salomon, from 'Secretary
ghketolt ' 11 1 00 nj artaottnees.thit Qeo.
Popes 2 ,in tote.
. AftheN,OtWeatera Depart-.
Meat., • Torten' r :Will a located at
.iiMokaat.s49il 0 01 - . 1 4414:'
of.this State Witri*Ch'en! . _tit-Morrow::
: 4 7
MU = ;it #.p....1.
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aspturi of 1.00 AnstsidtiCitAiiitt Sulurfstence
- • ' IiALTIMOttE, Sept. 14.
The reported infointation with regard to
atteek on the Northern Centrai •IL R . is,un.
founded.' •
Cannonading at Harper's Ferry all .day
ceased nt fear o'clock. We have not .heard
the result.
'Gen. Burnside passed thrdugh Frederick
early on Saturday morning, and :the whole
army,pushed on after the enemy by every
The people turned out to welcome Burn
side with the wildest - enthusiasm, men , wo
men and children; and wlieti Gen. McClellan
came the people blockaded up the streets so
that it was difficult for him to reach his
The scene' is described as. most grand,
waving flags and handkerehieD, and even
women screamed Words of welcome at the
top of their voices.
The advance guard entered Frederick on
Friday evening at five o'clock, and had a
skirmish on the street with Stewart's caval
ry; several, were kilkid and wounded on botti
sides, and Col. Moore, of the loyal Virginia
cavalry was captured by the rebels and car
ried off, but Was afterward rescued.
The relit& did not destroy any of' the
turnpike bridges over the Monocacy, but left
nothing but pieces standing of the splendid
iron railroad bridge. --
A rebel train of one hundred ammunition
and subsistence wagons was captured by Gen.
Franklin, about one hundred and fifty pris
oners had been sent into Frederick.
_lLd ACME' ME Kit •
FREDERICK, Sept. 13.—Frederick is ours.
The first of our troops entered the east end
of the town at four o'clock yesterday after
noon. Half an helir later a cavalry force
under Gen. Pleasonton entered the city by
way of the Market street turnpike. BALTIMORE, Sept. 11
The Main body of the rebel forces °vacua- The following proclamation was issued by
ted the city on Thursday. • A few cavalry the rebel Bradley T. Johnson at Frederick,
from the command , of Gen. Stewart and the ozi the•day he took possession of that place,
, ' •
.1, I • IT . II I
.... . . . .
.. . _ ..
troops when the latter entered, but the ene:
lay was speedily repulsed. Our loss wastwo
killed and six wounded, while the rebels suf
fered at least to that extent.
The reception of our forces was of a most
enthusiastic character, '
The entire city was overjoyed and the peo
ple turned out en masse Co welcome our for
All along the streets through which our
forces passed flags were waved from the
house tops and windows, and the side walkti
were lined with spectators, including a full
representation of ladies.
The rebel forces are repfesented to be a
bout 125,004 strong. '
The citizens of Frederick have suffered
much from rebel incursions including the
loss of domestic supplies.
The enemy were in a starving and ragged
condition—many of them being without
shoes. • They confidently expected that at
least 50,01.10 men weld flock to them in
Frederick county. '
drackSon was here, together with Longstreet
and Hill. They left Frederick with v.e in
tention, it is reported of going to Pennsyl
vania, but subsequent events seem to indicate
that they will endeavor to ret-cat into Vir
ginia by way of Williamsport. .
This morning an en%meta is going on
o it ,
at the . foot of the mov ins on the road to
Sandy Hook between reJels consisting of two
thousand cavalry and three batteries. A
portion of the enemy Went to Hagerstown
while Jackson took the left hand
road toward Harper's Ferry. The rebels
left four hundred and fifty of their sick in
Frederick. About forty prisoners were ta
ken last night and this morning between this
0 , y and the mountains. .
' IL .211L'ArlE5irjr..
WAsHINGToN .Sep l4.
By a Ppecial wee/tenger to the Aegoeintril Preps.
On our way hither this morning froilt Urba
na, after crossing the Monocacy, Gen. Medd
lan and staff passed through Sumner's corps,
who opened 'heir ranks for that purpose.
The enthustaSm with which he was received
by. the veteran troops is beyond description.
- Before the rebels left Frederick they sack
ed and destroyed the union newspaper offices.
The ladies here were forced to hide the!i.
American flags about their persons to prevent
the rebels from carrying them off.
In the artillery duel `yesterday which lasted
till one o'clock, between Gen. Pleaionton
and the rearguard of the rebels, we had three
horses killed and , two - men wounded.
The rebels fearful Of • being surrounded by
m t *3
'infantry' fell back three miles boy° <a ,'
mountains to' Middletown, ftvini wh* ce
, ...
they were driven in the_ a ft ernoon: • ur
troops hold thetown during the night and
Sunday morning: .• -
• There is noprobabilit -
_at our troops will
an remain inactive. Th e'', o no= o f
invasion in P . ennsevansu., The . tr o ops are
in excellent spirits at their• reception by the
people of this state. .The sick and wounded
B/bels left here have been paroled. • , - _ .
- Arrival of 100 - Prisoners. .
. . , .. . ~
Fitzhugh of FrOnklin county amongg
Over , i sixt,y Ammunition Wagons caytur;
, • .
. ... , .. .
sElecialliF the -Harrisburg TICLICGRAPU. ,
. - . .4.IIIAMBEH.SBUILO, Sept, 10.
The ears have retarne4 from Greencastlo
with over one. hundred 'prisoners. . .
.. .
Fitzhugh, rrom.irraukliu county; is among
them. - 4)ur:peopie were ' for 'hanging hills,
but Col. McClure:saved his- neck.
Over sixty- wagons, are, j.uso entering Abe
tewn, which. were euMured front.tke rebels
whiJe tetriating.' The.Ao4 - 003
tnunitiosisini equipinests. - • •• • _-: .- 7 0; ,13.7 r
71M0 Exte*ted,4—Govr. has s;eten
.iled- the ,tone fqr drSPing from the I,sih•to
the 25t,hof:S.pteMiier:
Qt N. Ittfiti)=-K
WA NOTON, Sept, i
Sept. 14 ,, ; 9.40 P. M.
a;seftte -ffingagetnetitrAte- .; convoof
Generils hooker find' lireba , bave omillpid the.
heighti ci - utlinanding .'l . l - IttgettitoliCiciad.
The troOps':bilhaved . liniguifiketitlyr They
never-Ought bettenj.:,..-..:
Gen. Franklitthas, been . engaged on the
extremerd‘ not: knoU. the result es
eelit that the hying indieUte.s progress on his
part. The aUtion eontinued- till after dark
and terminated leairing us in possession of
the entire; crest. It has buena 'ghiiiiotig- vic
tory. I cannot tell whethAthe enemy will
retreat during the night olliilippeat in increa
sed force in the morning. , regret to add
that the gallant and able general Reno is
killed. " 0." B. McCLELLAN,
• Major General.
September 15, 8 A. M.
To H. W. litleck Comminder-in-UhiPf:
I. have just learned from Gen. Hooker in
the.advance, who states that the information
is perfectly reliable that the enemy is making
for the river in a perfeet panic, and Gen.
Lee last night gh'ted publicly that he must
admit they had boon shockingly whipped.
I am hurrying everything forward to en
deavor to press their retreat to the utmost.
(Signed) G. H. McCIAILLAN:
Sept, 15th, 10 A. M.
To H. W, tinllerk Ceneral-in Chief:
Information has this moment been reepiv- ,
ad completely confirming the rout and/de
moralization of the rebel army. Ilen Leo
is reported wounded and Gen. Gland killed.
General Hooker alone.bas over 1,000 more
prisoners, 700 baying been in Frederick.—
lt stated that Gen. Lee gives his loss at
15,000. 'We are following as rapidly as the
men can move.
Mak& G,eitral
A Rebel Prielamation.
After sixteen months of oppression more
gallaig than the Austrian tyranny, the victo
rious army of the South brings freedom to
your doors. Its standard now waves from
the Potomac to Mason and Dixon's Line.
The men of Maryland, who during the last
. keg months , have been crushed' under the
heel of this terrible despotism, now have the
opportunity for working out their own re
-. emption, tar which they have so long wait
-, 1,- and suffered and hoped.
The Government of the Confederate States
is pledged by the unanini , us vote of its Con
gress, by the distinct declaration of its Pres
ident, the soldier and statesmen DaVis. never
to cease this war until Maryland has the op
portunity to decide for herself her own fitte,
untr.sumielled and free from Federal bayonets.
The people of the South, with unanimity
Unparalleled, have given their hearts to our
native State, and hundreds of thousandsff
her sons have sworn with arms in their hanIIR
that y shall be free.
Y must now do your part. We have the
is here for you. lam authorized immedi
ately to muster in for the war commuies and
regiments. The companies of- one =hundred
Dien each. The regiments of ten companies.
(lonic all who wish to strike for their libeities
and homes. Let each man provide himself,
with a stout pair of shoes, a good blanket and
a tin cup---Jackson's men have no baggage.
Oflicersaroin Frederick to receive recruits,
and all companies formed will be armed as
soon as mustered in. 1:; at owe! ,
Remember the coils of Fort McHenry!
Remember the dungeons of Fort Lafayette
and Fort 'Warren: the insutts to your wives
and daughters, the arrests, the midnight
searches of your houses!
Remember these, your wrongs, and rise at
once in arms and strike tiir liberty -and right.
Colonel C. S . . A.
September 8, 1862.
—The Montreal Gazette,while inclired to
disparage the Union cause, concedes to the
superiority of drafted soldiers. It says:—"A
draft-will mainly fall upon the Agricultural
classes, upon men irjored to flitiguelind ex
posure, and able, from their general strength,
to stand far more hard work than the resi
dents of cities. Yet it may be urged that
men forced into service, as these men will be,
will not fight with the courage of the men
who voluntarily came forward to put down
the South.- ,This may apply - iii some eases,
to persons residing in the Border States ;
whoses proclivities are decided Secessionists.
But it should also be remembered that in no
country mheri4a conseri: ''''has taken place
have . conscripts failed ;splay fqrtitude
and courage. What was the Old Guard at.
Waterloo, when it refuse 4 to surrender, and
died with the historic words upon its lips,
"La Clorde marirt MOPS ells-tae se rrtrul Pu
What but a body of conscripts? , What were
the Russians who fought - in the ' Crimea with
'adoggedness and determination 'Which. almost
paled the deeds' of the moot courageous and
hardy , troops in modern - times, hut conscripts
,People may say what kthey deductall
:they may on the sesore.:of unwilling gees , hitt
we cannot close - inn , eyes to the fact that the
Aria master will have' : splendid material to
wo/c , on in , the neWleiy.
- JEFF. DAVIS, iu;his ,message to the retie
Congress, is very severe-' upon the Yankees
:for wan terfeitiiitr his Confederate shinplasters
;and . boasts ,;thaf none, office Southerners are
'meatienonghin'engage :in this, businiiiii ;lint
the Rielimoiiii.papars' proved-that Jeff. -Nea r
by eglantine:Mg the execution, of atuan who
has been convicted of ciamierfoitiagkouted
crate Treasury notes. Treason and lying arc
14'Yo I3:iltim3iO2pliiOrs
intently no relinrt of the nrtikewthisl week.
. Nzii:roas.oo-nt€l tkbyA'
haft:" Viiii*lti-be , tiltday,ii#Oiatiby the'.
het.lolo;AlitS3lbe 411fiefli;itact.eantlet flit het
'qu©t of the first otil that there
.01114'draitjug h4lt It that - ei4ter.
:ultra!? forthe bi4gaitir of tho 1:446
11 state.
:preirentive against thenesuiumer depredators
on woollen Cloths; and also an agreeable per
fOrall Hilda of clothing, may be. made
of eaqual parts of cloves, nutmeg,niace, and.
eitinanion all &Mind and mixed thoriinghly,
and sprinkled of the garments when pack
ed wrap. - •
im.SPRrNa 'FASHIONS, 1862=-
I? 1! -- 1-IA-T$ ,
• CAPS, &c.
"'Straw Hats all colors and styles, for Men and
Boys, Children's Fancy Straws, great variety, coma
mon Straviii, dm, Wu have just 'returned from the
Eastern Cites and believe we have the most com
plete, hest selected, and s bea*t stock of FASH.
LONA 01. E HATS far Men, Hoye and Children,
to be found outside of the Cities.
UPDEU RA FPS, Hat Makers.,
Opposite Washington House,
sp TO' Hagerstown, Md.
va-Before "Busting" we have visited the
Eastern Cities, add jußt returned with a MILLION
STRA W HATS, more or Jess, rather less however
then more.end• an equal poportion of Eastern made
MLA` HATS, all of which we intend to sell for
Igi''CASH at 'busting" rates. it you would save
money bus at the Fotnitain Heami, UPOEURAFF'S
where hats are really made by busting hands, in a
bursting lechery, and a bursting scale, and sold at
such prices as will •bust" all those who tail to buy
at the Fountain Head.
Opposite Washington House,
.H gersturvi., Md.
dition to uur usual stock of bomb-mode and WOOL
HATS, we have just added fifteen cases of Eastern
made I.l:ix HATE, comprising all the styles pop.
ular in the pude. These goods have been purehas.
ed from the largest and bed eastern litanies fur
c a s h, and at th. same rates us the largest city
bows, and we are now prepared to offer them to
country' merchants at as low prices as city jobbers.
l'OEUlt A nrl9, flatters.
Opposite Washington House.
'Haiger.wwn, Md.
n :Merchants, remember that we have
'list added a first: class WH 0 VESA LH EPA lel'.
mENT to our Stock, and will sell you in small lots
and sizes, s you may want, any in the popular
styles of the day, and always at us low prices as
city jobbers. ' IUPDEIIIt.terS, Hat Makers
Sign of the Red Hat,
. Ea." BUSTED.P-4-I)ou't b e alarmed,
friends, we've gut erough of money to keep the
stock, and emanate selling at ••busted" prices until
:titer haf Veal at the — HAT STOICH,_
opposite 'atiliingten House,
apr2ll • fluszerstuau,
wa,,The last ram of shall sometimes prove
the thirst, just tio with our tart run, a bigger stock,
lICUIT'SLOCk s and a cheaper - stock than Call be
proilufed elsewhere, nity be.tound at all tunes, or
until wie•bust," at
bags el - the lied list,
Hagerstown, ALL
On the, ult., by the Rev. J. F. Oiler,
at his residence in Quincy, Mr. •Wellinr
Stoop, of Quiticy township, to Miss Sera
phim: Ifonokan, of Frederick county Mi.
Near this place, on the 9th inst., Barbara
Funk, daughter of flenry.and Mary Resort),
aged 11 years, 6 months and 9 days.
Near this place, on the Ist inst.,. Sarah
Alice ' daughter of Jeremiah and Sarah Hess,
aged 11 years. 9 months and 12 days. Also
on. the 6 inst., Frederick a fiess, aged 5
yeats 5 months and 1 day.
At Camp Robison, near Suffolk, Va., on
the sth
,inst„ Mr. (lea. Davis, of this place,
aged 19 years, 6 months and 5 days.
In Quincy, on the 15th inst., Daniel IL,
son of Dr. john and Catharine Newcomer,
aged 5 years, 5 months and 17 days.
The deceased was an unusually bright and
promising child. whose sweetness of dispo
sition and affectionate spirit, endeared hint
to all who knew him, and, had he lived to
manhood, would doubtless have been ti source
of consolationtital i,4 l&asure to his ;Able!
parents and nut .ms friends.
Ile seemed to have. been conscious of his
approaching end, and also of a rest in hea
ven, among his last words wore the follow
ing want to be an angel."
• !wont to join the Angel song
And be on Angel too,
My 14.4 y on I.tirtlt will not be long,
My dearest friends.adjeu.
`Dear father will you meet me. there?
1:11 'shout In sett you come, .
Anil her dear, dry up that tear,
We'll meet ragain, at home.
In yen bright world where Jesus reigni' ---
And Angels sweetly sing;
For ine a beav'enly rest reintins,
My awl is on the wing. •
Adieu, vnin world, my race is run,
My 'lamp but dimly bu. 114
My do hits teaelitd iiuF setting sun,
My 11. At to duet. returns.
Once more adieu, away. tivroy,„.7
My soul is on the wing, •
To that bright world of heav e nly Jay
Where Angola sweetly sing.
in Quincy, on the '27th ult., *Whim Alp
erk, son of Jacob }'..and Elizabeth' Ql , ter, a
ged 4 yearS, 11 mouths and 7 Jays.
Our Willie *it> dear has left us,
Oh why hest ho left us so soon,
Our Saviour musealso have Lied him, •
• Or he would not have taken him Wire.
He riteelia in the valley an ist,veet, .
Hut big spirit fine token i ts 11:014
So Isis form is hul Oust 'ocalkour fiat
While he is on angel of light,
T HE subset:filer hoe:Willi If tointike to other
.pans adTors ot Pi:ivati. Sate. his voluohle
F ar m, & t w o ,' Worbitivoit township, frunkliti
county, l's niljoitiing lands of S. pot, U. lox a n d
alms, three macs' tosthwest of Wuyt:'caboro'; cinm
/srif ~ .L~..t7~?..17~iii
br That ghality Liineetene'T.and, goad order. Thu
improvements um A TrliVO- -. Sl'ttifY BRICK
14101 ANS andlsis l:l:4 , k noW.Banit Baia,
Washthouiwand-otUer'eUt•bulhtinge,; !Ails al.
ea a well and large euderit ()nal' euilyenient
to; the huildingit, atut . a•laiiii 'Orchard ,ar: e*llent
:'.11130 On th e an ivw.
pn -with 'ebony, Onus.- poochcir,
pear and, ether - fruit, all of the bot'quality•
wighitig w pur4bdise will it 1U au& elnunine
got theawelvea. ;. LL tit:it.
(sq. 5--tf.)
/ Mr
;li t /Iv:: , ',' 2
i '
,„ "_,,,,,_.0,,,,,-„--..,=:„._,,,- :•.,
DT' vitldo:of ottlor of the Orpkitte Court of
.11111Washinutori CoUnty. the ilitheoritters:Exectitore
of the wattle of Chtietien Strito, dec'J., will sell nt,
relate oaf°, at tholo,te ,traidenee, -ilia -dsiered,,
treduesday thtri • iit th Sipientiti; 18.92;:
• thp • roll Ow ilig real istate to wit :77-
NO. 1: '
r•• .tai►. ARIL 100
on the Antietam Creek, near teitensinirg/ Said
Merchant Mill is built' of Stone and Frame. three
stories high, cantata twzrun of butra,and- one pair
of choppers, with Plaster mill aid granary attached.
Said mill is in gootl.onieri.and hae• "as 4lioti run , of
country custonetta any mill 'in the 'vont ty. Tho
house for the miller of said mill le new, built of
Brick. tab storks high.
lite Farm attaciied , to igjil Mill bontsins
best quality of Antietam hind, in•a high state of cul
tivation. • There is on said fault a large
and STONE BANK BARN: Wagon Shed, Car
riage House. Stimka, House, with . other necessary
out-buildings, with a welr afr ood-grater _at the door
of the house. The farm is under good fencing and
bus a Ine orchard upon it. Said farm adjoins. the
lani.HlNif the_ heirs of Joseph Oabhy and others. .
NO. I.—Adjoining said null property - a farm
moro or less. On sal I farm is a new —IIRICK
HOUSE, two stories high, and, new flank Barn
!RR!' Wagon Shed attached, suit other- necessary
out-buildings, under &gel fenci n g. unit hit an. O N
chord, with a well of good Water near the house.—
The said Arm is in a high iiiato of Cultivation, mail
adjoins the lands of tho heirs of Joseph Uahby
t.Se leiterid.urt Turupik.e.
NO. 3.—A tract of land on 'the southeasla t ie of
Iteiterrburg, containing about-
under giant, fi.oceioi.
INO. 4.—Mouniain Lot of
CHESTNUT rentlitißl
containing 10 ACRES AND 28 PERCHES, ad
joining lands of Daniel Odic, Algaliain und
reOsse•thlrd of ttn• purchaser money to be pith/
in hand or on the ret,fieution ssfsalea•the hit nice in, •
tan, (vial dillltllll payments wilh'interest front day
"1 al , the purchaser giving his' notes with appray.
chase , matey 'goo . .nJ euiriciont &Me will he ins&
tit the purchaser orpurchaorro by the urelersigual
I_4'lltle to couunence nt o'clock oft sail day.
l3►'Th• prop. Illy , will be rionvu to persons desk
big, to see it by the unilersiencd.
growirur crop, and (he crop to be put out
*Liss CJI to, be reserved. . ,• • - •
IT'Possessiott will het given 04 April Ist 18113 4
and the rents accruing on theluill will he also tesers
ved up to said Ist of April. mr
MtI.I.ER, ) p
Sept. G— t+. • •
• . OF
llYvirtne and in iin/u once of an order of 0:110
granted by the Orphon,i' Coign of Franklin
County, Pa., to E. S. Trugri, ogling Execatar of
T o bi n ,, Punk, deeengeol, will be ofli.reol at - Politico'
84k. in die Borough of lA'aynomboro', OD :. 4 ATUaLeY -
1 1 11047.1 i UY 00 fOOlOl eirxr, A RAC l' OF
not Liken at the niiprnisement, RituMegt in Wash.
idigton toeviohip, !Jewell d by lands of W m.leirdo
nnJ otbr•nt. containing nbout
113 C _AL.4IIC - .lol.lggfiiite
vw3 set in IG'llemut 2nd other timber—easy, of no
eess ne it joins the Mountain Gate House.
The above properly will he shown b) the su - barri•
bee 1n persona who may desire to slew it. Sale,
coto e •nee. lit 1 Welork on said day when the
11•11111 s will be mole known by
(Sep :►—ta)
01? -
rrtHE undersigned Executont of the Inst. will and
J., teptainent of David Knepper, will offerat
lie stile, uu Ttitisti.kv 7uit {brit • DAY . 06' Ilcruaica,
tt.62,. the fithokittg irart of land, lute the' proportit
ul xuid.Jedd situiteil in ttaiiiiey township, Frank..
lin County, Pi., adjoining hinds of David Wertz,
A VVnt. (jet). Kitellpes, John Forney,: :lieu.
'llitiiiiton,afill others, ,eoutaining
and sonic Perches, neat mcasare;with a tam , STO.
HY BUICK 11WEI.1.1.1“ HOUSE and Back
Building. and a story and a half Basement, Spring
House, Smoke House and Bake Home, and Black
BARN, Wagon Shml. Corn Crib, Hog Stable and
other improvements thereon erected, also a spring
of never foiling war is the yard. The ruin 14 in
high eultivatiiitt. SAW tract of land is under good
fencing thou twing nne thsiusand panel of port and
rail fence. There is a line • - • '
01 choice fruit on the pre:plaint, pears plum 4. peach.
us and ether fruit, most choke varieties. l'be little
, Anti t im creek runs about woe bututroil .yards front'
the b.,ru thriaigh •hu faint supplying au tibunilance
of water.
• Persons visiting to view the pr sperty„ before the'
day can end upon either of the untientignetl, ,
one living on the, farm close te , Quincy Amu%lip, that Irads to Funkstewn. .tidlii•to - notto , ': •
mence at 10 o'cluek on said day when the,ternti will
o •
inattu known by
(:3,,rp 5 )
. ...
fll lIE iitiiiiiviiher will soli sit ,Publii: 841 in. feciii,i
- I_ ul Sibbett's liutel.`un ISA:twat/a init 27iulhilr
ur euvrawill, 4862. hi*. •' ' , .
040 lot of grouni. oituated.on:.MailOiroot r opposite.
the residence of ki 3 . 1,4!4‘.11. the liotou to ts. two
&tory Utiillt BuddingAt:Lomat:lth all iii : gua i vt - re.
pair, with a ehoitai voiiett..Olfruitoti Chit tgt.etgood
cuaerik utthu _ll,•ala iotiint4uiti• o ' clock
on said day 'whoa 14 , tetitios_will,*uiradesktiowit.,
fEirittha *Nitro ptdkftY 'IN* . (41 1 44'44
it will then ho 4lti?r,ettfoi teat f0tt , , , 004 y00k, , ft014.4411t
let:of Sprit ~
(sep. 5 • la.) • • •
Acting Executor.