'.'''‘ V: IvlittiEll;',;' _LATEST ARRIVAL 1!)41N(is - AD-S1,11HMER.. lardwa.re, GRocEnits, QUEENSIVARE AND CEDARWItREI - CAVING t just returned from the Enstern•Cities _ c-woukl-call—the,ettention-of-his-custinner. awl the public :generally to his LARGE &' SPLENDID -ASSORTMENT DRY GOVDE! Which will be sold at extremely Low Prices. Below you will find enumerated a lew article. which will be found among his stock,' to which he invites your attention: FOR THE LADIES, Silks, Del tines, Alpacas, Printed (Malik's, Bombazines, Ginghnins, —ALSO: l.nciirs' Sh a wig, Plaid Clinghains, 13 rocadcs, Fancy Prints, Lawns, . Braige6, Linen Handk'fs. MEN'S WEAR. ncy C assimeres, Plain •• Cloths, Italian Cloth, Vestings, • Marsail'es, Grenatliens; .4fa6m.:3Lts , = Denims, Tweeds, Linen, Shirt Fronts, Shirt Neck 'Fie:,, &c (Ince nsware, lardira • , Boots and Shoes,. Cedar Ware. 01 the very best qualify, such as Syrups, and Porto Rico Molasses; licit Rio Cofliv, Superior PrE•pnted Coffee, Best Essence; N o . I Chocolate, Raisins, Tobaccq, Rice. &c., &c The above goods have been carfully selected and purchased at the very lowest figure. He is therefore enabled to accommodate all who may favor him with a call. By strict attention to business and a desire to please in evogy respect, he hopes to merit a continuance of patronage. NO TROLHLE TO SHOW GOODS, • CountryPro.hice taken in exchange far goods at the highest market prices J. W. MILLER• A prillB '62 REMOVAL. ALE 3 CENTS PER GLASS. THE subscriber informs his customers that he has remoVed,.his_ Restaurant to the house •ot Mrs. Blair, next door to Beaver's Variety Store, where he will have for sale Oysters, Eggs, Ham, Cheese, &c. Also Wasbabaugh's and Ludwig's Ale at :3 cents per glass. JOb. FUNK. AprillB MT. HOPE STORE. T HE undernigred would inform his customers - and the public generally that he has just-re ceived from Philadelphia a full nstiortment of Spring dr Seiminer Dry Goods, groceries, Hardware, Queenswnre, Shoes, Boots, Hats Caps, and all other articles usually retailed by country merchants, all of which will he Hold as low as the same goods can he pUrchased elsewhere in the county. The public arminvited to call and exisinine his Stoelt• JOHN M. COOK. Mt.llope, April 18 DR. IL D. LECHLER ANNOUNCES to his friends and the public generally that Ito is now in possession,of all the late and most improved instrumentsond is well inquired to perlorm all ,DENTAL operations. He will be happy to whit upon those who may require the serves 171 an experienced Dentist. All opera lions upon the mouth and teeth pettbrmed in a scientific manner. Teeth inserted according; to the latest improvements in the art, and at moderate ra VB. Office in his -residence on the South Corner of the 'Diamond. April 11, '62 I PECK OF TURKS HEM UP •AND SPILLED OUT! WNO can make a man?—l menn in appear ance, with a coat fitting like s fitshiuh-plate vents and vest tit fur u president. Who makes the line gents you seem the city? The Taifoil:— no mistake about it, . Well, then we have just brought from the City, the neatest, sleekest, finest, fanciest, boniest, I t of FANCY eASSIMpne, BLACK CASSIMERES CLOTHS ANDINESTINGS, ' that Catille ' seen in thin quarter. We will pledge our.. 'elves to turn out good _Firs AND eIIEAP sints.— Fresli,sporkling goods always please.; and Inc have them, •We' hove the latest Fushion Plates, aud•Will leave nothing undone la : please our friends-and tha "rest ,of mankind." ti. & J. BENDER. April .1.13 -.ado" JVIW tnd unadulterated spiced cider Vinegso A L • for sale by ,itnoner, ingb of the aoldeu Menai o r i fte ,,,i n ofil rents pe..evert., Jar,. 24 " A IJlttet if you swant do purchase a uicu Taraaol ist (iaa, 23) Plllol9s ii,nais"of ulEirgt (m.iy2a) - Palaces L rilhides ul S i,tknd Wuor at (tipty23) • atilt? 4,1 E D • 'should .yo m ott et me, should you wonder, A hire' to buy-your Okßov, end Tinware; . I would answer, I wollid 'tell You— ; 4.G0 'unto the new-store toont • ' • Where the Big RA Horn, the sign is; There's the best Cook Sto'ves and Tin-ware, All sold cheap by ll.„B. Russell." [Froiri the Sang of Iliatoallea. qt HE undcritigned hifinins the public in genera and especially those Ofilis customers in went of anything in his lino of business, that he- 'tweet*. pitted and is node `occupying his new and extensive ly enlarged establishment for the Manufacture and Sale OF TINWARE, SHEET-IRON WARE, AND He is now s prepared to supply illy .demand.for his Cook Stoves. general Housekeeping la and ,tchen._, jYtrre,sn_lw.ltna as must give entire satisfaction. Taca avaciaa olfexed are of the best and meat improved , haying been tried are acknowledged to bf con be desired. as good cockers and bakers, and are easily kept clean. His own MAKUFACTURED WARE is all made with view to the wants of customers from the best mate rial and is warranted in all cases to be good. He also keeps a large assortment of fancy articles. 10", Special attention is. given to putting up SPOUTING, made of the best tin, for houses and barns, in which he has had a long ami.extensive ex perience. Remember the sign of the Bio. Red Born. Aug. 9, 1860 11. B RUSSELL. ANTIETAM TICTOIII I • AND • • ZS, 8 • E subscriber, thankful for'past patronage, stil solicits the same; and in addition to manufactu ling all kinds of worlod Material for Building Purposes, such as SASH, DOORS, SHUTTERS, BLINDS, FLOORING, WINDOW FRAM ES, DOOR • FRAMES, FACING, MOULDINGS, &c., &c. I am prepared to furnish all kinds of oaktimhe ror dilierent purposes in building, such as .10 ICE, RAFTERS; LATH, STUDDING, PAIL INGS, SCANTLING, BOARDS, &c., All of which will be sawed to order, at short notice and upon reasonable terms. Also, sawing, by . mill and circular saws, of every description done; Framing, Surfacing, Matching, Flooring, &c., &c. For further particulars apply to the subscriber, at Factory two miles southeast of Waynesboro. D. F. GOOD. , Jan. 17, 1861 • NI. 1 5 •IL.Mr' T T. 'A' 1'• 1'•l NEWMILLINERY GOODS! A uss C. RESSER informs the Ladies of j Waynesboro' an! vicinity that she has to moved-her Millinery .. ? Store to the dwelling Lowe ou Main Streut, adjoining th... 1 residence of Mr. Jacob Wolf, and has just received from the Eastern Cit. tee a full assortment of • Bonnets. Hats, Bonnet Trimmings, :u.l other articles usually kept by Milliners. The Ladies are requested to call and examine her stuck April l 1'6:4 THE OLD MILLER AGIIN ! 4 S the BebelßA is now on its last legs, and . 4 .1 L nearly over, we thought right to announce to the public that we will grind Gribts of 20 bushels or upwards either for pay or Toll separtely,and that we have on hand all kinds of FEED, CORN in ear or shelled, or ir. MEAL sifted or"not. Also— Oats by the bushel or in any way that it may be wanted;—also, Midlings, Shipstufl'and Bran, Corn in Cob Chopped at short notice. Plaster by the ton or Bushel on hand. Still in the market for Wheat. We can always do up good work like it was done ut Island No. 10, and Finsburg Landing. JOHN WA LTER, AprlB JOSEPH ELI)EN. Timothy Seed for Sale. THE subscriber has now for sale 40 bushels of ■ prime TIMOTHY SEED which he will dis puss of at fair prices. Persons in want of seed fur WI sowing are requested to give hint a call ina2 BENJ. E. PRICE• Important . 43 Farmers frill E subscriber takes this method of announcing I of the Fanners and others, that he has'on hand a lot of DWARF BROOMOCIIN seed, along with some specimens of the corn. This is an excellent article of Broom Corn, and should be raised by ev ery one. lie has also a full assortment of fresh Daugs, Medicines, Chemicals, &c. J. F. KURTZ. P. S. I any selling Cranberries at 121 cents pc quart. Mar. 14 Light I Lights! rilifE cheapest Light it use can be had at II STONE/lOUSIVS Hardware Store Nnv 1 Smoke:Stack for Sale. rilllE subscriber lvis a heavy Iron'Smolie Stack I 33 feet long and 16 inches in diameter, which he will dispose of 'upon reasonable terms. Post Of fice address, Quincy, Pa. Dec2o—tf JOHN L. METCALF. r ERO6ENE LAMPS.—±AII kinds for saki by IV 1). 13. RUSSELL, E. ign of 1110 "Big Red • ' March 11 TO F'AIC;LI RS. ---.116-F„1-,--S1 10 e 4 a ,a, Hoes, Fork-, •-, Manure Dra , rs, &c., &c., at prices that will 4cfy comp' titloti. Call and ace for yourselves, at apr I lisuruclenes. Tkli 13EST U(JUI VE in the tllartiOt to he had at the sign of the Big He I Horn. 1) B. Russma.. For sale tit the Store of W. 11. BitoyuituToN Scps T AIRTEIRON KETTLESnt decto pm, RUssICI.OB. you want a gool chow of Tobacco, collat. pr 4 PUCE'S f ADIES, if you want to soo a nico twaortmcnt 1 ... 4 of DItE6S 4itit3llS, call at PILICE . 4 - Apiil4 „ , F yuu waut to Se o a large ussurtuent of Cillawie I call at rapr4 Pluca's 1F you ivaut'a cheap pair 01 Congress Gaiters, call et apr4, Palca'a. r . •• WHEEL GliF,A.skl." IF you want GOOD Wheel Grease, buy it at - op 25 BIWTHEUTON'S IM you want the cheapest and latest style rhf Hut Alan at -Apr4 TToys for sale at Doc2U 410 ' • J . . • r you want a nice Shaker; call at „": • aPri , AJAES cud Miaaes''llotiope4 - akkta at • I I I Jel4 ' ' ' ' ' 4 CITRON catt-ttellati nuv 29 - Pit !Cie's. STOVES. . Flowers. ilussiLiir fi t 'WtTett rithetoke.l2&thak Akiloon ,4 , • • AND , ./ ,, aciriorg /Pitt subscriber.respectfully , informs his custom " era and tho ' pflilic `Oiter`altv that he has re cently replenished his stock of Fruit and Confec tionaries, and has now the finest assortment of • CA.IVI) 1 Et S . ~-.over brought to Waynesboro', with NUTS;: RAISINS, PRUNES, PIGS, SWEET VERY GARS, TOI34aCQ, *?'! ! e4 etc. • 0 St S E R. a Ho haft also an.hand at all times the finest Oysters the market will afford, whili will he Served up to cm:Um - tiers Fried, Roasted or Stewed. • ALE AND ',CIDER! he is likewise prepared to furnish both Washa -houghis-and-Ludwig4-ALA-anti—a-suporior-ortiC of Scotch Ale anu Urab 'Apple eider, with n prim article of Bologna Sausage, :Boiled :E gg s, and all other articles usually kept in first cuss Restaurants A genuine article of Vinegar always for sale. . NtivS L. S. FISHER. THIS WAY! OEM MHZ 1 TH E undersigned respectfully announces to the • public generally that, he is still at the old stand on Church Street, Wayneaboro' , Pa., where he continues tho, mimufacturing of Family ur i ttat i (IA Buggies, Barouches, Wagons, and every species of vehicles usually made in such estublishinents.— His work is warranted to be composed of 'the best ann most thimble material, and none but the most expetieneed workmen are employed.— He has now on hand a number of Carriages, Bug gies, &c., &e., which he will positively sell at greatly reduced price : s for cash, or upon a short credit. By keeping a good stock at all times, and alwilys holding himself ready to supply the de mands of the people he hopes to return and secure a liberal share of patronage. • Repairing, Trimming, and Painting done in the Best manner, and at the shortest notice. Lumber, Country Produce, &c., will be taken. in exchange lbr work. JACOB A DANIS. N. B. The Books of the firm old. & A. S. Ad ams, are in the hands of the undersigned. Persons knowing themselves indebted ,tire requested to make immediate payment. !Nov' 1, 1861. De&ore of Aritia-ggedon. A BOOK FO!THE TIMES f HIS is acknowledged to be"one of the most re markahle of human productions that has ever been ollbred to the American people. The style is chaste and truly eloquent. The subject treated of is of the most inspiring: "The United Statrs in Kk'ZZAN. MICAZ?,I?"it'iI"?."47VAZIIZZ:N.k,K Pt T. J. FILBERT; 14 g l ii DRAPER, x A '- sHa constantly for sale a full assortment 0f, x 4 ., ,N GOODS for Gentlemen's ware. ni UP Latest City Fashions always on laantLl,Nl g 4 Waynesboro', Pa. -a, N•J1Z0.,•01.14:0411.4.44W , ..C.41,4Y.W.,4g5 1 414.407;/.143.g N To Capitalists. `%TA YN ESBOIIO' SAVING FUND.—Thi s V Society will pay the following rates of in terest per annum,on all stuns deposited in the stitution. Foi :3 months, 2 Or cent.; from :3 to q months, :3 per cent.; from 9 to 18 mouths, 4 per cent; and over 18 months, 41 per cent. For a shorter period than 3 months the terms will be made kown by the Treasurer. Notes for discountshould befiandod to the Tres urcr on Tuesday, as the Board of Directors meet rgularly on Wednesday of each week,at 9 o'clock A.M. By order df the Board, June 47'58 Jl\lo. PHILIPS Treasurer, Noticer—New Firm. THE subscriber having disposed of Iris entire stock of Goods to A11'2313114. Colliflower St ding notifies all persons indebted to him on Store Books to settle their accounts with and pay the a mount of their indebtedttess to either John I'. btudy or Daniel Bricker. The new firm will continue the business as heretofore. A. S. MON N. Quincy, Jan. 31, 1862. Mentzer's Horse & Cattle Powder Air M. STONER having purchased of Mr ill s Mentzer, the recipe for making the above far-famed Horse and Cattle Poweitr.r,for Pennsylva nia and Maryland, takes this method of ruii ng the farmers, drovers, &c., that he has on hand and intends keeping a good supply always on hand. Country merchants and others keeping such articles fcr sale, would do well to supply themselves with a quantity. He will sell it on commission or fur cash cheap.. Orders Will be punctually attended to. mun. 31. Apr. I, 1862. Ready-Made Clothing I FOR FALL AND WINTEIa FRESH SUPPLYS RECEIVED MONTHLY! AADAMS would respect( dly inform his • patrons and the public generally that he has returned from the Eastern cities with a general as• sortment of Ready-Made FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, embracing 01l the latest styles of Coats, Pan ts,Vests, Shil to, Collars, Necties, Suspenders, etc•, etc., all of which are well made. The publioarc cordially in vited to call and examine his goods, as he is deter termined to sell at short profits. of Tailoring as heretofore. Persons desiring gar ments cut out or made up aro invited to give him a call. Latest fashions received regularly.' Oct2s. "STOVE CLEANING MADE EASE." cALtrat."Urotlie.tou'a" and get a package of "Carburet of Iron.' It. is the hist polish in the wort I. Unrivalled in economy, PerinaliBntly lustrous. The only place to buy the genuine article is at apr2s BRO MERTON'S fr EI:EbRAPH - FifiliTYTH CU,TTEIts;,: Tlie best in WM For sale by ' ' • E. S. 'IIIOX Agt '11111:S1f Mackerel at Mar 28. 41 magma. Disaarner AtCo's, fIE A CI - MO.—Dried Peaches, paredland-unarp ed at Aslant:sox, DaSSDIOT dc:Co's. tII.OTH, Hat, Hair, Tooth and Nail Brasile jjust received and for sale very low by M. M STONER.. , . May 13. ri7lllE latest style atittlt Austors-a nil Lace Points Aat (may 2:) ' -• • PRICE'S i0.0'1w44.40 , ..ip . oyrui,“,iier." - .oo' CW. "I. crystal and as sa!aet as ttoney.,, call at spr4 - Pnices IF youwll4, ice plain orlapcy , a r yk, call at apr4 4 , , .;; vo.V4 , - Pitnaes „want a (Welty Sumniciltalpotal call at upt4 . Pit WOO' tiwilic t $l. MACHINE SINN ~114P,1141111T.: , T,(Wg0r,g01115. , , GEISER'S PATENT SE LP-REGULATENG , GRAIN 'SEPARATOR, -CLEANER AND BAGGER' „ • Latest IMP r.O.neil Thresher' and Triple Gear d-.10--rse-1 - 'cneersi-Drietny't:ither - bri - Ge - ar , or Belt, all l'arnished Complete • ready to be. put on Wagons. . 1, the undersigned, desire to call' the attention o Farmers and Threshermen :Of Fre nkling and adjoiN ing counties to it. This Machine has been before the public for seven years; during which time it has given general satisfaction, and the patentee having made some very important improvements which render it still more complete, both for dead separating and ' cleanin\ind also for 'ease of draught and fast threshing. I take pleasure in re commending it to the public, knowing that it will give tho best of satisfaction. lam manufacturing three different sizes, as follows: . No. lis 8 horse Power,will thresh and clean from 200 to 500 bushiils per day. No. 2 is 5 to 6 horsepower, will thresh and clean from 150 to 300 bushels per . day • No. 3 is 4 to 6 horse power, will thresh and clean from lOU to 200 I...shele per day. These Machines are Warranted to do the above, and do it much better in every respect than any other machine in use. • Chain having much light filth in it cleanedqlkthis Machine is worth 3 cents more perTush el than when cleaned on any other separator, or the common way of cleaning on hand fans. For this reasdn•there is not the' eighth part of light matter in the grain as when cleaned on the riddle principle. The blast acts freely on all the grain as it leaves the shues, whertas, when cleaned will. riddle that ad vantage is lost This machine ddes not return the tailentls as most of the separators do. By returning filthy tail ends alternately - it is impossible to make merchanta groin,- Another important feature in this machihe that others of the kind have not, is the Self-acting Blast Regulator in the fan, which remedies all dif ficulties in bad cleaning, blowing giaindn the chair in high speed or irregular driving, whidß , cannot be avoided in cleaning grain by horse power This Machine is also more thimble and less tedious to manage than nny.other Separator and Cleautr,or the common machine with shaker. Ordeis to insure their being filled until harvest should be sent in immediately. I am lully prepared to make to„order and on short notice Portable and Stationed ADZ ENGINES, causT AND SAW MII.I. DEARING, SHAFTING AND PULLEYS, IRON BRIDGES, CAST IRON WATER WHEELS, IRON KETTLES. &c, Stoves and Plowcastings,also cast iron and wrought iron pipe for steam or water, and 13rass castings of every description; in a word, I am prepared to do everything usually done in a foundry and machine shop. Having supplied myself with the latest im proved machinery as Lathes, Doting, Planing and Drilling Macliffies, persons call rely on havin g their work done in the' must satisilictory manner.— I am also prepared to manufteturo to order ma chinery for wood, such as Tonging and Droving machines for flooring, Surface, Tenon! and Mould ing machines, &c. 1 also offer to the public a new and • valu able. improvement in my • steam engines, made within the last year, vie: fur the economizing- of fuel, and the regulation of speed, which renders my new engines far superior to the old engines. All my.maebines are sold under warientee. My hams are all experienced workmen in this line of business, and I use all good material, so that I am pert . ectly sare in warranting all my work. I am also prepared to do repairing in workman• like enannex, on the shortest notice. Orders solicit ed and promptly attended to. All orders sent in for repairing must he accompanied with, the cash For particulars' and circulars descriptive of ma chine, address GEORGE I° K, Or DANIEL OMER, Proprietor of Territory and so- Rector ef orders, Waynesboro' Franklin Co. Pa. April 18—if NO HUNIBUC I ,HE undersigned having opened a Watch and Jewelry Store, in the new building on the corner of the Maiming), ati'd having recently return• ed from Philadelphia, would inform the residents of Wayneshoro' and the public generally, that he has now on hand a tine assortment of WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND; SILVER-PLATEL! WARE, Having had consiAerable experience at Watch 'repairing, he is prepared to do all work promptly in the best manner and guarantee the performance OF it, An assortment of speetacleii, and lipectaelo glasses always on hand. Jewelry repaired in the neatest nut nner. , W. A. GROVE. , P. B.—Old Silver taken in exchange fur. gouda, Apr.4—.lyr. r SP. .FIXILMNOX3r, OFFERS his services to the pubicgenerally.— Operations of every description in. the dental line performed in thu best Manner and upon reason able tenni , . " A. S. A Qflice on Main Street,, thrbe doors East of the Diamond. A pvt. Cheap and Beautiful Light. NOw . ..l.,ca:iti.b.donto°biut — rnßrukinttntctiinuilivhoys'svnei — ell rf used in the • • • ' • CARBON OIL LAMPS, of the latest styles and improvergontd,•--all sold Ctutst• You CASH ut tho sign of the ..111G.RED HORN. • Apr. 4 • - L. B. RUSSELL. • Just Received: At "BROTHERYONM" an natio:intent of ' - • deruningttheara; • f . Pruning Knives , ' " Pruning aw and ' - ' Pruning S.Lwa, Thidding Knives;' ' For sale cAotip . APril4"• .• •• . 1 Coilb'o,Sugars.-Teas uud 04 COW at ,044 • • .v. Okkoliefi PMM Ed kit Ilfr r.'6'ci!titd pc.i.pouoid at :77— • nor 291- " " frebb arrivia utrrot eait W el r ige. fN U A , $l.OO at (may:s:l) t)111WS WAlNEslicilto' CLOCKS,; &c &c DENTIST, 4 ,!'lL' - .:‘. r Ti-...-„ ~ II ::111114::111111CifiEt1 intitt . Contep,tlquely, „ FrAlts; aubserilier trilikrktliisitiethatt aintatint;fitgo to the people that h a has received atlia+Ding lato ... COefiiii,r.iilleetettittdertir Vllll6ll -DAtrds, . ••• Chemierile,' - Patent' Midicinea, Paints Dye Stuffs, wintlowl.itairs;' Putt* Tobacto; Snuff, and Segars, tirc.','Which he is now prepared to yell its cheap as the chespest.:filil„ will assure his custom ers that in regard to quality which, is of the first im portance; his goods Will compare with any in the market. He him also a splendid assortment of fiestumety. Soaps and • - t-ILrt of all kinds; consiiiiittr in part of the following, Dandolincs. - Pomades; ' Amber and Dears' Oil - Colognes, -ti Bxtracts for the Handkerchief, •Lyon's_ Kathairst, ' Burnet's Coconino, Harrison's Ladies' Soap, Honey Soap, Hotel soap, • Diamond White Soap. CONFECTIONERY, FRUITS &c., Cranberries, Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Currants, Dates, Citron, Oranges, Lemons, Nuts of all kinds; and Candies of every variety. Kerosene Lamps,Lamp globes, and Brushes, Kerosene Oil. Camp hine, Alcohol, Burning Fluid, and in fact anything and everything that is usually found in a drug store. Thankful fur kind fevers and patronage hereto. fore bestowo.l upon him, he solicits a continuance of the same., and hopes diat b,v_endeavoring to please, he may win the confidence of the people. Phydicians' prescriptions priiinidly 'and carefully compounded at all hours. • .KURTZ. nov .29, 1880 THE WAR OF 1776. THE name "Continental" sounds, .more.dear to the American heart, than any of the Royal blood, even should it be a Prince: w • 130 all you that want a good Cooking Stove that burns either soul or wood, call at 'vlo X7O TECITLES and ask fur the Continental, Which is one of the best. stoves in market, and by fat the cheapest. _lt takes a long stick of wood and is provided with fire brick to burn coal. It is cone of the best baking and cooking Stows that. has ever been offered for sale. It is a line Cooking Stove and is easily kept Henn. W HyEl rave a Inge assor men On tam , ant WI give better bargains than anv other house in the country. So to prove that my name is not Hem Bragg call and see for yourselves. Also on hand Heating Stoves, such as ME PLATE AM COAL for shop or parlor, all of which I will sell very low You will also find a large assortment tf wifh L'opper, Brass mid Sheet-Iron Ware, is Welt is all of toy own make, and Which has been proven h, cannot be fitund better hi any place. Now remem ber I am bound to sell cheap. so all that want tinv thing in toy line, give me a , call. My shop is still at the old place on Main Street, under the Printing Office. 'louse Spouting! done nt nil times and of the best double tin Feeling. very thankful for the many past favors I , have received from the public, I would invite an to r give me a call, for then you can see for yourselves a where to get bargains. 1 Old metal taken at Foundry Prices, in exchange t for new Stoves. W. A: THYME, r Mar. 29 Way Ilesboa. o UOURTIIMAN, ( .10 Dealer in all the variety of Drugs, Medi cines. Yankee Notions. Perfumery, Liquors for medicinal purpbses. Oils, ; tS-c. 9 VVTOULD tender his thanks to the community. V V and still soli•it the patranage of it-generous public who want anything in .his line. Inasmuch as he has enlarged Ins strk so as to he enabled to answer all calls for anything and everything towel in a Drug Store, and has a thorough ac quaintance with the business', he hopes to gain the confidence ut the Ummiihnity. He will pay par ticular attention ti) filling physicians' Precriptions, and. mere cam anal precaution used , in waiting up on chldren than adults. EN Sill NESE Mg Choice Wines and Liquors for medicinal an sacramental purposes, Patent Medicines arc endle in variety, including all that have been mode up this date and some that are yet in einbryo. Al White Lead, Zinc, Paint. Whiting and Varnish for house building or inside work, besides all six of Wass. - Commercial. Note, Fools Cap and Paper always on hand, with a variety of Envelop of different 'sizes and colors. Brushes, Comb Pomade, Fancy Soap, Hair Oil; Colognes, Esse ecs, Flavoring- Extracts, and namerous articles die Fancy line on hand and cirered for sale, oho° er than ever offered before Also a large, assortment of Kerosene Oil Lam ';hiiiineys, Shad wd. Wicks ad Koro-- 01, laid, and Itortmeno fill them. A general assortment of Faits Confectionaries, Tubaccu atld (igacs., Oct. 11. NEW FIRM! Coachmakingri MILE undersigned having leased the well-kn Coachniaking lista blislunent of Alex. Haim '. on Mechanics street, Waynesboro'. respectful' i flounce to theirfriensis And the public generally, t they purpose carrying on the blisinesii in 'al to branches,,and are new prepared to inattufactu order all kinds of " , P Carriages, Buggies, Baruuel Sping Wagons, &c..&.4 of Me best material al. wade ay superior workmen: BLACKSMITHING and REPAIRING :o 1 kinds dune at reasonable rates, promptly and satisfactitirr of 'customers. COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in exchan work at market prices.. far Pomona deiiiring articles 00114.14:11z 4 t.w making line, are respeetielly.insited to, give..t. call. i.. IC;fitORIUSO,L GEO. 11. HA WIC. j I".s blicimtiar Arcti. I.* ruppent, 01, Ijconifortable fixitis fur cold r lather utr - - nem . , 1 - 4 1 U5 . .. at. and:l_l , s cents yes u. O c 4 ; ! t, . . A Kt ri itliODY wanfittg' anything wthe ;A can be *uppin' . hint =MEI - tatty - itteffitik , Itatr 10 9 4 1 :V 4 Atntil* W i,‘ 1 , , L iffit*—sl.6oV e isid Vit tr i itiht thteelihitiths--42-0 thb ofthiee months but within th yeah , A DVE EtTISEME blTS.—Tett Mies, three' ihsbre tionsitt; for direly sithaequent hiseititnti tb amts. [a" Patent medicine, • and othdr Cl* tu l 4r thie " ments to he 'mid TO 'TitirrOIIZZOI NEW Egri'A.l3lA64-14:E1!IT rrHE subscriber would ritifOrni the citizens of ' Wayin3sborb' and the public that he has cont inence(' the,Shoeineklint business in the Basement of Kurta's Hotel, where he' tvill at all times be in readiness to accommodate 'those who may give him a c011..' ' AND;I3IIOEISt made to order, on short of the 'beat' material; undupon the tartha: . • • FAYETTEVILLE SEMINARY. Recommendations from the "Faculty of ' Princeton College. N. J. Pmetrox.N.j., Feb. 28th; 1881. The undersigned are happy, to testify that pupils of the Fayetteville Academy, Pa. have maintained• a high standing among the recent graduates of the College of New Jersey. , , JOHN MACLEAN, President of the .Cellegs. JAMES C. MOFFAT , - • • _Professor of Greek: ' G. MUSGRAVE GRIM Professor of Latin. JOHN I'. DUFFIELD,. Professor of Mathematics. mar.2B FLOUR, FEED, PROVISION STORE IHE subscribers would Inform the.,citizens of Waynesboro', that they have opened a Flour, Feed slid Previiiiorr Stdiailh'"the "rticim fdriniirlY - oc • copied by Joseph' Price, Opiidaite •the residence of John Well, where they will, at all times have for sale FLOH, CJIIII MEAL IDCIIMEAT }l3llll HOMINY, MILL. STUFF OF A LL . KINDS, SUREENINGS, CORN, SHELLED AND IN THE EAR, OATS, PO . TAToEs, BACON AND LARD, VINEGAR; Also, R re, Wheat and Barley by the bt st's! or in smaller quantities, and other articles usually kept in such establialunents. All Flour and Mill kituff will be sold at Mira, Patchs roe thasne- Ths, highest .cash prices paid liar wheat, rye., corn and oats. II9NIEL SNIVELY, Fel'l4—tf WM. N. FUNK. D J ir t Harbaugh & Cogs belebrated Ailericau Linimeni - or Man and Beast." T" greatest and best external remedy ever o lered to the public.' Ear sale by F. J., Krutze Druggist. Waynesboro' and by Druggists in the ebunty generally. IMF'Price 25 cents per bottle. Decrmber 13, '6o ly NO LABOR. • NO ODOF CARDURET qF IRON !. STOVE POLISH, cheapest article in Iho world. Unrivalled enninny. Permanently Inistious. The only Inc to get it is at' BROTHER CON'S. arch 2:3, • so -Ain enta,l7:liroferl"P • WAYNESBORO', A. lIE Undersigned having recently taken the a bove named House, furinerly known as the be Inn " takes 'demure in announcing to hir ids and the public that he is prepared toleCnive entertain Guests in a style not to be excelled any country lintel. 'Elie Maus° having been roughly repaired and newly furnished with eve. thing calculated to make his guests comfUrtable he public may rest assured that they will'at all os tiliti it in B condition suited to the comfort and m iveenee of the traveler. His Barr is always sup ed with the choicest Liquors, and his TaLle with • best the markets alfml, and all other appliances , italic and neeeaaary—for the accorainoclation of !an or least: With hithful and obliging servants (I his own personal niterabot and supervision, he ill leave no wails unaltered to merit public. 'm enage. . , . The proprietor assures those who , may favor him ith their patronage that ley shall over meet at a !muse a cordial rec •ption, and' that everything es. imal to the soaves' ad happiness of his tests shall tie attended to. June 21, 18t10 BIPORTANE A. FISHER I RF. again reminded of his recent •tour to the ttestorn Cafes, and of the reception of his fine Cl9.pig, Oass3ancres and Vest- MI of the NfosT F‘iSiIIONABLE STYLES. • His stock of FIiE.V.:II C 1. 0 .1118 and CAS'4I - cells particular attention to, as tho lisst in town. Also, one af Vie best assortments of FUILNISIIING Goon+ in town—all ready for their in spection and bensfit, and kindly asks a call from all persons desirious of buying Goods ill. his lido, at ex tremely U>widgp.is+sm. a In the NEWLY FITTED RODVI, next door to Updegratre, Ifilgennown,lllJ. [Jim. 3. 18611 BACK AGAIN. r, public geuerally, that ho has removed his Barber ahup to the Basement of Alr...Kurtz's Hotel, formerly occupied by him. as a Bather) 1041, %Otero he will S'lmve, Cut, and press Hair as heretoforo. (live him a call.. Nov. 22—tf. MD Rails far Sale." . • I 111 E subscriber has now on. hand 5000 g l ood I CO Ez:ITIN LT RAILS which.. be will dispose 11 on ressou.Able terms. Also—pne good ROAD '. WAGON. „.,, _ L . 8. FORNEY , .1.1n3 if ~- .., ,_ , ~,.„ . , I\lo /:11r:it tot ut 'hose niCa *lauker* at • InaV 23) —. • •lld I /el you mutt to see 'thtit.otge4listottAtie pets iur town, it IF you want,to. pure tiaoa ,ttire 4oiojr(Sititt from 1 , 2 3110, 414.01ratill'at 116. aastirtmetli ',if 'II.IIAVARr the :aidn'Ot-trie; Dig Red Hopi. ' , , tiar2ti , .!fitr' " RtuumLL. UTII R.1:11 Aim .inactut T,',, ;. 9tav 29 . Pt:MUM-UR A LIELS or, Ott suu (J u no 13) - - atl.S, .11 E I.L+, for ti a— rotik-the:tirri'7-- (Juno 13.) •:'„Ef.7,Strooltooos's. R\ Ss 1N D, CliADt4l, ';'ifievrivitztr,. of ho lr beat 1:10 . (lOnitt 34:::'111444.011 joust?* _____ _ TOPPER SAUCE g I nt!°:"4.9 DIXON'S L. 13 KURTZ stock of wigs. MMEI at Wattaligei. 'Marra a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers