Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, July 18, 1862, Image 3
; ... - 1 . t, , ;7 • • • Altroliteßkeol44 1:Oat 110118.. Th; . ..4iales;irired-Witii . italvet moss, -•;:cij.. Andlbe toes! 024 tha window web, Andit*te)roblis iringing beroreepar eont Aiilliterlit‘td bee ntin Witte : larch. • . A i r.'otclme.t,e r ore iLe d00r, ." Aril a iiitjthi a opi.otteinier green ; And abed or mourning violets Wedged niesig" in between, ... • Tames . p ath that leads to the meadow gate, Mid the meadow bespangled over with flowers, And the tattle stand in the shady brook . • Through the sultry noontide hound. . . The lilacs toss their conical bloom, Covering the ground with their*purple tinged stars: And the sheep map down the hill in Hocks And blest as they teach the bars. The phlox flings its clouds' of odor aarby. And the read breasted humming bird hums a- • roan Jaring the stock and flying array, • While the pinks leaves fall to the ground. The apple trees are clothed in a cloud of white, Tinged here and there with a streak of red, And the hrodk flashes aml shimmers in the genial light While the pebbles repoSe on its bed. Under a (group of locust tress That stands like sentinels. taiLand grim, The spniig gushes out from a mossy stump. The drinking wage I,a. gusty Around the spring,so mossy and clear The violets lurk, a modest race, But the wind:Will' tosses the leaves aside Fully reveals their bidding place. The, wild gape hangs_ in festoons ?mend the spring • Luring the wasp and the broivwcoated bee; ele While the red bird whistles and flutters all day • Among the boughs of the maple tree. The q,cckhd trout glhl through the cremes that tloae a• . On the surface so glamor and clear, And . lhe broon•cvsted mocking•bird mimics the tune h i oi the other songsters far and near. " "MA Mill." Further 'cool Richmond Baltimore, July 15. _The American has the following additional news brought by' Mr. Aiery, who escaped , from Richmond, last Tuesday There is m uch sickness in Richmond a mong the citizens. principally typhoid.fever. There ire also sick 'and wounded soldiers in )almost every house. Ourinformant was on the battle-field of Friday, the 27th, and represents it to,• have presented a scene of the most shocking char acter,' The Federals had ,carried all their wounded to the Savage Station hospital whilst the battle progressed, and not more than twelve of their dead were tinted on the field, The rebel dead were . to the nuniber of nearly one thousand, who still lay as kthey had fallvirrtwo days aFte. the Littler—t the approaches to . the Federal works, ttrich were stormed, the dead bodies were Men:4ly piled upon each other. . Mr. Aiery made his escape along with three other Union men, and reached the ro. tumae on Friday evening- having walked six ty miles, avoiding both t he Federal and Teb el pickets.. Having secured a boat, he w s laride . i n Charles county, 'where he_found_the_people_as_rauk_reliel_zet—ilause— he left behind in Richmond. A V). c, lady sin her hundedth year lost her daughter, who had attained the good old,age cf &). The mother's grief was great; and to a friend who came to condole with her, she remarked, "Oh dearlOhdear! I knew should never be able to raise that child !" THE REASON WEIY.—The reason the Southern women' are so bitter, in thi re bellion, against the peopel s oa the Nortl is, that the Southern men prefer the Norden' women to them, and they are, afraid, ifthe war ceases, they will all have to dieold maids. All of the Rebel prisoners confined in he forts in New York harbor have been smut.° Fort I)eleware, below Philadelphia, fin. efe keeping, fro in which, place they will be en veyed south for exchange when the .proler arrangements have been pdrfected. .SPRING FASIII0 4 )1S, 1852- 1 SILK HATS, • FELT HATS , RATS, . CA.l' 8 , rirl`irraW Hats all colors and styled. fur Men ad Boys, Children's Fahey Straws, great variety, cm. mon Straws, &c.. We have just returneu Iron) le Eastern Cites and believe we have thC moat plow, best solvate'', and • heapest stook of - FAS!. it IN A B IoE HATS for Melt. Boyd and 10 1 1111drtl, to be found outside of the UPUE6 RUTS, Hat Makers, Opposite Washington House, agerstown, Md. terßefore "Busting' we hare visited t Eastern Cities, and just remrued with a M 11.1.10. STRA W HATS, more or less, rither Ira. howcv than more,and an equal iimpertiou of Eastern mad FELT HATS. all of which we iiiten Ito sell fo WC:ASH at "busting" rates. I/-you w,.uld sa 4r. money buy at the Fountain Head. UPDEGHA Fr" where hats are really made lty busting hands, in bursting factory, and a bursting scale, and sold a t such prices as will "hunt" all those who tail to , buyl pl Ike Fountain Head. UPIJEGRArrs, Hit :Makers, Opposite W4hitigion House, Hagerstuw Md. TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS.-In ad diuon to our usual / stock ut lonaMmade and WOOL kiATS,-we hare ,iirst added littera cases of Eastern made k ELT Al ATel..contirrising ill the sty les . pop. ulsr tti the trade. 'rheas griuds'have.liiteninuchas. rd from the largest ainitolirst* eastern laatnies far cash, and at the some rats. , as the hugest city job bers, and we arespow, livered to offer them to country merchants at as lOW as city jobbers. vrzi, *Mem, Orisiwite lyashingion noine• . Eagerstow,n. Std. • aftNerebauts, remember that we bbatie' just unwed a. Linn cLwa WM4III4E+SA LE UEFA la. aiENT.twourbinck,lnu4 sill sell pm in email law and cam. wry `went. any .d. the popular ,rnyles.uf -the day. and Slimy' at us low prices as city jabbers. 15P.D.F.101:11 . 13. Hat Makers - - . Visa of the fled Huh • ..Hasennown, Md. I,‘"BUSTED."-linet &i` alarmed; friends, we've atii erunikaf m" buried" . 44 1? th e stnek.sud continue Wiling at:"burnarow:er uuul miler harm4,..itibe •11ATAITIKE, Opposite. Washington Howe, .„ • Alipagro . klaserataani,..*l. ?Ate lastribs ;ofrad souietiumkrive ihelinsit.‘jaallos wit,tioiuri - .last run. a bigkir 4 4iSk,' a atisek bi? iu5i11e64 ,4 , 614 10 4 :V" 1111 1 ;?#. 1141 at all " i or • • ) Man' 4l l* Kid Hit, . z. jir traltitstinVio, Aid:.:, 1 141100 10213110111. tlaia plitte on the 4th inst:; Geo". ge, , e. : aged 7 , yearn, lk months and 6 iu .on the . 6th of July, Mr. Mallet( It TriA, in the 15th year of hii ag I . n Antrim township, on ,Tuly the 11th, Mr. John Hods, aged 79 . years, 5 months and 9 days. From the Ameircan of Taestlag last. FLOUR.---Transactions r urt ed on !Change to-day comprised i,200 bbli. Ohio Extra at 0.37/ and 1,000 bbls. Howard St. do. at 85 - .50 per bbl:, all taken for export.— Thereareity of freight at present TesAricts operations in.thii market. Retailing brands Wilt 1 descriptions of Flour sett sluwly at-eu quotations which we continue— - Howard St. Super $5.121®5.25,. and _Shipping Ext 5.3 ®2.50, and Re tailing Extra at $5.621®6. 0, Family $6.00 ®6.50. GRAIN.—The first new Wheat of the season, 140 bushels very prinie,,was received on 'Change this morning by Mr. If J. Cox, and was purchased by Messrs. Jas HOoper & Sons, millers, at-183 eta. per bushel. Sales of Wheat included 600 bushels ordinary and fair new white at 136®115 — its. 1,000 bush els good and prime do- at 150®155 eta. 2,- 000 bushels Taw and good old do. at 130( 140 eta. 600 bushels ordinary Pennsylvania red at 120 eta. and 600 bushels prime South ern do. at 126 eta. per bushel at which 'range of prices we quote at the close. The supply of good dry Corn was extremely light. Sales were reported of 4,000 bushels good and prime white at 58®60 ets. and 1,500 bush els yellow do. at 54(256 ets. per bushel, the market closing inactive. Oats were in de mand, and prime parse's brought an advance of 1 dent on previous prices. Sales included 2,500 bushels inferior, fair and prime Mary land at 33®40 eta. 250 bushels very choice Cecil county do: at 42 cts. 1,500 bushels prime Pennsylvania at 41 ets. and 600 bush els Virginia do. at 88 eta. Rye was dull at 72®73 ets. per build for good and prime Pennsylvania. REMOVED AGAIN. OLD JOE respectfully informs his numerous customers and the public generally, that he has removed his Restaurant to the basement of Kurtes Hotel, ivhere he is nt all times prepared to furnish Chamsershurrg and Reading Ale, Oysters, Tripe, Pigs Feet, Bologna Sausage, Eggs, &c, &e. He has also a Billiard . Table up for the accommodation of customers. JOSEPH FUNK. • July 18—t1 at thy aign et ihp Big lied Horn (July 11 '62) Clothes Wringer. 11 W. PUTN A M'S Patent Cloth Wringer, • for sale at the sign of the Big. Red Horn by 1). H. -Itursata., Agent for Franklin-county. (luly 11 '62.) I Id PIi.OVED SELF-SEALING FIWIT CAN d Itliat ran he clonal and opened by any p.rson, -for-ealt-at-the-sign-ofthe-Big-Red-Hurn (July n '62) " Hazard's Electric Powder." American Sporting Powder, American Sporting Powder, Hazard's Duck Powder, Hazard's Duck Powder. Hazard's Binning Powder, Hazard's Blasting Powder, The beet Powder made, The hest Powder made. 'llw only place you can get it is at apr26 BROTHERTON'S. MORE NEW GOODS "VARIETY STORE." BEA VER, in connection with his Variety Store, his commenced the manufacturing of Bt itrf'S alla SHOES in all its various branches.— Haring employed Jcre►niah Cooper as foreman, lie prcpared to produce the finest, neatest and most durable work made anywhere. All are invited to call. A large stock of Hats anJ Caps, (including all kinds of summer Hato fot MPH and boy 6.) 11.41 Eastern manufactured Shoes and Hoots of the I e t make, on hand; Clocks. Trunks. Messrs. Toll:tee° JO., Ate. You get tin. very best KEHOSENEtIterc 31a39 - tf. J. HEAVER. 10 icrATii* 1;612 cis je = [Ona Jr , ___,:. , c . a r e 33 .11\ M. STONER takes this method of thank- G ong his customers. slid informs the public that he has just returned from Philadelphia with the largest assiprtinent of Drugs. Medicisres, Paints. Oils, bye Stuffs, Soaps, Perfulivary, ;Fruit, Coact.- tio.nry, &c., dec.. that has been brought to the !dace this season, which lie will sell cheap. He has ou hand. with what he is receiving. makes his svaintimmt of patent •Medicine greater in variety than any other establishment in the place. In a few weeks, hr will publish his list of manufactured articles. He has ou had now, his Cough Medicine, put up in six ounce butt les, price 25 cents, "no cure, mi pay." Its curative properties are now idly appreciated, judging from its daily miles. tt .Miiy 9 '62. Pianos and Melodeons. 3F11: undersigned, hating become Agent for Wan. Knob* , Or Celt (of Halum , celebrated ' nos are. in or art. ee tam dr. reed Melodeons, is impart-Al to curnigh d with the above named instrument/oat rity pri i 'All instruments warranted by the manuraetu- mane on the above instruments given in town I uuntry. (may 23) T. 1.. UUDD. • “At Brothertonim." Grain Cradles!. (lraits Grain Sick Ira. Grain Sickles: Grain scythes Grain rs thew; Of superior gush . sole -cheap. (June 27 '*.2.) 4010iCE TO BUILDERS. IiJIR Hoard of School Dirertorts, of Washinstdo 'District. will meet st the %%Miler's School house Saturday the 26th of July, at which time they ri•reive Proposals for rebuilding the school house Mont Zero.' • or specifications apply 4, J. 8. aromas. . By order.of the Board. D. P. GORDON, Seery. eiariloods ! i..Hoodsi ! 040 received per frgpress. direct from the man : facture.. another Wis . insdes; sillibrkess. I June ' 11 'O2) - 1.0•1410 WPM& 4:S suit Boy hoary dilute and tibues et 0.1.4 ~• Humes. • 14ti'.il rixturer at Mar 2 1 1 A lope Swisnter if 11.4 - ,Nexcelfnt art.sOlo 1, ,, t114; p ci„r et.. iwr gat: .1111 (I) ,1 ",'L • il Koko tit • - . , COPPER KETTLES, BRASS KW!' I'LES BMA. , D. B. ReSsELL. 1). B. Itraesm. AT TII E PRIW CURkENi' 3081A2t1311601tE • WAYNI'SHORO'. Suiy 111 1062, BUTTER 10 WAINSD WOOL . SO EGGS 8 AINWANII6O ks 20 LARD 7 CLOAK BRAD TALLOW OO 8 TIMOTHY BpeD Boar A 4a6 FLAMED 100 BACON (ham.) .. 10 PATIO NACHOS 00 BACON (AKIO 6 UNPARICIA. " 00 BACON (alto2klers) 8 limo APPL6II - 00 RICHMOND TARN BY THE UNION FORCES TOGETHER WITH THE WHOLE REBEL. ARMY _j I ;i i This Victory was gained with very lithe I Loss on Our Part, and yet anothe , J 011 111 - B I S _OR has just returned from the Eastern Cities, and is now opening the most extensive st k of 11 1? , SUMMER G ODS ever brought to Waynesboro', which he will sell cheaper than any other house this side of Richmond. Consisting of everything usually found in a well conducted establishment. The community ia invited to - call and eximine my stock which I will take great pleasure in show ing to all who may favor me with a call. To con vince you I have a splendid stock I will ennumerate a few of the leading articles pow in store, all of which I will sell - at greatly reduced prices. FOR THE LADIES • DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. Including the 12test novelties in - Bummer Dress Goods, to which I respectfully invite the attention, of the ladies. The choisestThe finest qualities, I The largest stoc The best assortinent, ever exhibited in Waynesburo', and at unpreceden ted • Liaccir:sgr LPtraasiaiosn Superior extra heavy Blk. Silk, Blk Brown. Blue and Mack Foulards, Pikes (light grounds.% Bouquets of Chintz, Collars, Malin plaid and prin - Marguilise, Value ia Plaid, Silk and shepherds Silk Lustre', striped Himalayas, Blk. Persia, Blk. Grenadine, Blk. and fancy Mirage , Anglaise Braze, Aegla's High colored Challies, Jackonets and Or gandies. Grissaile gr mud, French If rilliznts, French Chintz of the latest styles, Cumbrick Lawn:, Pop lins. Mob airs,gstriped do., lamellae in all collo= TOG RISTTS Manchester, Pacific and Hamilton Delains of all styles and shades Omer Cacwthow for ladies wrapings. Sacques. Mantillas, new and elegant styles, Shawls, French worked Collar. Under Sleeves and in sets, Embroider •- • - em stitched Handkerchiefs, Kid Gloves, Silk and Lyle Gauntlets. Cord and 'resales, Hesd•nets, It Its Del *nrof-all-liescriptions 1010110 !ID MILL OY 00111. Such as Blk. Bombazines. Blk. Parcailes, Folar and Poplins, Barages, Ducalis. Chalk., Gingham.. Prints, Blk. Eng. Ciapes, from 2-4 to 7.4 wide, Mk, Kids, Gauntleta, A tlrapc • &c. My line of Millenary Goods is complete. - TRIMMINGS Such as Bugle Gimps and Laces, all widths, Belt Ribbons, narrow Silk amps, ' Dress Cords, Fringes &c. rcronl Silks and all Colors of Shetland Yarn, Zephyr Anted, &c, PRINTS AND DOMESTIC GOODS!! embracing all the moot favorite Brands such as M edam es, Npragur, Pacific. leachireo, Mimeheater, Dunne Is, American and Flogliah Prints. ' BLEACHED GOODS. Harrison Mills, Cheater Hill, New Market, Lon...lale, Conewago, Great Lake, Mayflower, I.3wrener. ltelistont, Vl' . althnot. Hill Maar. Co. nod other brands. BROWN COTTONS. Pacific Sheeting' • Amnikeag Sheeting', 'Dartmouth " Shawnstit " • Wilford Appleton " Canton Plymouth '' Shawmut " GINGHAM& AND FUR)IITURE CHECKS, In phich I an t morel! t o tsfr.r vett hargain4, • ALSO • 2.4 and 44 cheeks. Tiekietz4 Dentoimot. Blow trills, Moment. Damasks, Igteirting Strit►rs, Nankeens, Corset JCIPP, Crach & Huch Tow GENTS WEAR. !TALI kN CLOTH?. 4 4r . ley Clotho, " Cassimmes Silk mixed do. Merino do. Cashmeretts Marsailes • Valencies Grenediens Hosiery Cravats. Collars, &c. GROa,RIES. A lame snit welt seleeteil stock, in wtivit '1 sin priutred to alter great inducements to pu.etuteers. Consult your Own interest and cantina 1i y stock before putelassing. QUEENS WARE China, Glans and 'Stoneware. of the latest styles Arrays on hand at prices that defy c.onspetition. The subscriber tenders his thanks to, his friends spa customer% for past favors sod patioisarr, and' respeefolly solicits continuance of the snow.— Doket forget the piaci.. Uorner of Slain Isis I I.lhnrch threes. where the biTAItNt AND ' ISTRIPEB a na t. listintr7 toothier taken its csettat,ge for voi. s r, the highest inarloi - (leas) 2:1 ) " Jilsl.lll olf440111:. A veil supply of Queenswaro a,ntl Lila smote of the latest style. Always on h.41 1 a, heavy lot of prime Groceries, • COFFEE, SI:GAR, SYRUP, MOLASSES, • SPICES. &e. which we respectfully call the attention of our eau° tiers the public generally; and at the eaine tint. we 'return our thanks to cuAtomer4 and the community for their liberal patronaLte, and will en• deavor by ftir Jealina , with all, to merit a eolith'''. twee of the same. Plesaie call and see.. AM BERSON, BENEDICT & CO 1116.n.tsailU A LOT•OF it, • J rano A FULL ASSORTMENT PAINTS, 11111SIANS, GLIGIII MS 1(t1 a.Dais4}4, at A MBERSON NEDIC Sc CO's: . • , A c itle - ZIT Si' • • CORREOTEDVEEKLY • ,101' ANCSIIIRSONp ," ainnacii, a CO; WAYNESBORO, July 111 • I - Durrett 10 cents &OR. B If BACON, (11AIII010 a • (slDts) 6 ill (inskunftli) Is TALLOW, . ihrARD, 18ft2. SECOND ARRIVAL. AUER ON, BURNT & - CO 'W'ay hove Pa. MAY 23. NIIWRMiIIiALT SPRING AI D SUMIWY CIOISH "crY/E are now receiving tn.! o flaring to sell a new 4 1 1 V and FULL ASSORT HE NT of • .LNE9,7 Dpi ,03,1)Ds Which we think we aro prepared to sell at es low terms as any other house in town or country. :20./A.UIDELLIBABIo DRESS GOODS of sill kinds • ChsMoo, D Ii ereget, Lavellas, SLEEVES, EMBROIDERIES. MEWS SPRING AND STJMMF,Ii Ca CD CID YID ERE) a Cotton des, Cloths, Ken. Jeans, CAM imPre, Fine '!'weedy, Vestings, Neck Tim Hosiery, Criv.,ts. Mummer Hats Htinilkorchiefs, •Shoes, Slippers A full asiontment of Plain and Fancy' CASSIMERES. QUEENSWARE. GROCERIES, DRY FRUIT: U;CMI-4M:3 e. ANtI3ERSoN. BEIVEIDICT &.CO'S PICKLES. rrylem els j A MBERSONIBENEDICT & CO'S CURTIIN FIXTURES, , OIL CURTAINS, AMBER:3ON, 13ENEDIC1' & 0013 _ and Or DUSORIPIIONS DANDZILION COPPEIII, • uunkiEws ESCENCE OF COFFEE, AAIDERSIYN, 1111:C EDICT & C'O'S THE - .MEAPIEJLAB 1 0 1 , Loaded' with fresh BUMMER anivcd from PhiladelPhili this week, steamed up to our s ure; and threw—oh !ye fair portion of creation j—the most delightftil stock of fleecy goods straight into our door, that ever brightened o .1 counters. First, doubtless to, please the , Ar.-A e• • I came a shower lir Silky Debeges, Baliwines, Sky. tinted Lawns, Chintzes, Modenas, Mozambiques. Himalayas Poplins, Challies, &c., of ev, ry hue of the Rainb ow, - glistening like stars, that will make the old look young, and.the 4 young like. Genii : then followed a broad stream of'Nankeens; Melding, 'Pa ble-dinpers, Calicoes, osnaburges, beneath which came flying like birds of beauty, Head-Dresses, Sleeves and Collars in s!ts, Shakers, Hosiery, Sun- Umbrellak—beauties—gauntlets, and all those dear little "tick-tacks which make the ladies look so charm- Mg; above it a dark sheet of n elegant variety, 81k. Grenadines,, Byndore Bare gee, Wool DeLainos, ebonies, Lawns, Balzarines, Crape Despanges, Eng. Crape, Eng. and American Prints, plain 'anttfigured, Eng. anji French Crape Veils, Mourning Collars. Gloves, Hosiery, ac everything to render the mourner beautiful in her sorrow. After these streams ceased to flow there was another explosion and in came pouring for the Bales o (*Silky Broadcloths, Parisians, Cassimers Black and fancy, double and singled milled, in su perb styles, fancy as a sunbeam—with the accom paniments, splendid Vestings, bilk , Manmilles plain, brilliant, and behutiful Neck-ties uniinpeachahle Shirt-breasts arid Collars. everything to set the Gent Gt for a picture, and make him presentable even at the Capit•d of the Nation. So Gents. look in and see, seeing is believing. All over the pavement lay boxes, which when open I displayed those good. solid, substantial wares, o r noble, ind ustrious like so much to see ; because they must hive them to make the boys trowsers, and the girls dresses : here they are strong as buckskin. cotton, woolen. mixed, jeans, goods of new styles, cheap and thim ble, cotton stripes, drillings, calicoes of late styles, ticking, sheetings, in fact all th,►t our young friends require who are starting on their, matrimonial jour ugh liii Bl'k Bilk. Cord do. Fig'd • do. Lunn% Poplins, Well, Ilium goods were hardly stowed away, when here came trudging along Our Poor, Old Rhinocerossesses! loaded heavy ~-ok very—with Giocerire, Queens ware, and Hogsheads of that delicious Lonf.sugar, Syrup, and Sugar-hullo!, molasses, hogsheads and barrens of sugars of every grade. Shad, Mackerel. Herring, fresh from the briny wave, Incious cheese 'from New ,England,brootns.spices,—and a splendid lot of SUGAR CURED HAMS,—and sweet Ba con--and Yankee Notions, together with a full -as: sortinent of Leghorn, chip, fine fur and wool Haul, gents and la• dies boot. cs and rhyme, cheap, diAmetingly cheap.— Now all these shun startlingly, and touchingly set tomb are for sale and Exhibition at the store of the undersigned, who, With many thanks fur past encouragement and patronage, minable Respectfully your obilt. servant (may 23) JOSEPH PRICE HOt FOR QUINCY. Second Arrival of spring and Summer Goode, COLLROVER & CLIIIISTON. We are now receiving and off ming to sell a new and ha assortment of DRY GOODS. Which we think we ire prepucel to sell on as rea sonab•le terms as any other house in town or coun try. • A full assortment LADIES DRESS GOODS of nll kinds. Silk's, 'Detains, Alpacas, Printed Mollies, Gingham', Lawns, Fancy Print,, Ladies Shawls, &c. MENS SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS of all kinds. Cloths e Cassiinere, Fine Tweeds Ken. Jean*, Cot tonatles, Vest jugs,handkerchief", Neck Ties. Misery. A full assortment of Plain and Fancy Cassimares • QUEFASIVARE AND GLASSWARE, A large stock of 4'.l3slCZilCZtaioraz`a(ll3o23o Much we are prepared t.► offer ailo*tia any oth er mail store in the country. BOOTS AND SHOES. for man's and Ladle's wow of all sorts and sit •s., Also a large and well selected stork of DOMESTIC GOODS; Muslim, Tickings. ;nil a complete assortotnnt. • .Ntl I..oting—Uraewa,-111-a-pileaie,—l-Lot-s--ikh4 _Caps, Paints and Oils, PITA Shad and Herring 1(y the barrel. It is no use trOng to enumerate. It you want anything in the Dry Omits - , line, just call 811(1 you will find us re4dy to wuit on yuu with pleasure . • , 111,000 CDESTI% II r JOINT SIIINDIMS f ir S.aln Country produce taken in exchange fur goods ,tt the highest market prices. By strict attention to business and a desire to 11.firage in every ftilWet, we hope to merit a Ohl (Mao nve of plitrosi.igif May 23) COI:I,IFLOWER & C1(1:0STON. ! fur stings to smur." right Ulf siore. What fur? inore or that Sew Puri: Syrup uart ut II tAS FORKS, of all lot. ally at (June 13) H. SToNtstiourot'o. I A itliGANti. at the mgt. at the Ihg Red Hum Rusata.t. obit SAW.: OR FOR itoxr—.‘ Tewpiai, r wove. apply alPit-RarS Store— Oct IS 1 NCIESOM ,Mk ISS SHAD to be hail cheap of jut:t)..l 11A E Nl:ti llt GIN HE: LO tt:l3lri. Maio :Oti.t Cmcy. For Kele chump at Foto; a 4,may2 t.) . . , ._-_ _ . _ _,--, -_ ' I 'l4 e Limn, lot or Hoop Rkiro _two! broit;!it to, Witytiosbaro'. CJIII 110 Srell et. (10,02:11-PHICeil. r you W.ust. Io goo a ooze 'OW Woo releeted pada Lid" 11irpn11nir ge)41.41 C oil :it -- 1114Y24.) Pitider4 'ea 'moor „grown{ & unintiund now :411 at -KUUTZ.S. MOURNING GOODS. HITS BD SHOES ! iy got some 'only 121 cents a ruION'S HT GOODS, Grocer•ies, MEHL MIK on-siteribt- GEO. STOVER, HANKFUL for kind favors and patronage herr. tofore bestowed upon him, again appears before the puhlie to solicit a continuance of the same.- lie having just returned horn the eastern e'ties wi a fineand well selected stock of new OPINING AND Which he intends selling at very low rates, whicti he knows he can do to' the satisfaction of all Wild will call and examine his stock. Below you will find enumerated a few, articles which will be found among his stock to which ho calls your attention. FOR THE LADIES He has a large assortment of Dress Goods consisting in part of ebonies, Printed and Plain Moines, Fig'd and (lord Silk,,. Plaid Mohair, Silk Warp Mohair, • Beregea, Melon to Cloth, 'Arenas, French and domestic Ginahims, Poplins, • Pongee Mixture, Cloth for Ladies, Vl'rappings, • Groves, Hosiery, in great variety.• GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, Broad Cloths, Black and Fancy Cassimeres, Union Cassitncres, Duck bin ns • ottonades, Summer Coatings, Tweeds, Velvet Corti, • hiarsailles, • Bilk Vesting, Velvatine Vestings, of all kinds; in feet s full assortment 4 g-inda (len• men wear. Also a dirge and well selected stock of DOMESTIC GOODS • Ticking; and a complete a assortment of Notions. It's no Use trying to enumerate. If you want anything at all in %the Dry Goods line. just call in and you will lied him ready to wait un you with pleasure. To persons having country Produce to.sell, they will find it to their advantage to bring it to Stu ver's,as he always gives the highest mirket price. give hid] a call, and he will sell you good's as cheap ., as they can be purchased elsewhere. - . Aprll 1862 • NEW:GOODS 1., iT HEMS HAMM Iron. and Steel, Shovels an ades, Hoes and Rake . Spades and Forks, * Nails, Brads and Spikes, Locks, Hinges ,and Screws, Latches, Staples and Bolts, Oils, paints, Glass and Varnishes, . Mill, Cross-cut and Circular Haws, Hand, Tenon, Web and Compass Saws, Augers, Auger . Bitts. Gimlet and Dowell !Hits, Socket Chisels, Firmer Chisels, Mortising, Chisels, Pruning Saws.and :-Ihisids combined. Pinning saws. Plastering Trowele r Pointing and Garden ?n a vels; Double and tingle Mitt Axes, Hatchets, and Draw ing Kniv: r; White.wash Brushes, Shoe, Stain and Horse Brushes, Scrubbing. Brushes, Cloth, and Paint Brushes'Table Oil Cloths, Floor *Oil Cloi!'s, Carriage Oil Cloths; Spokes, Pelloes, Hubs. Z.tle,ift.s, Pyles. Springs and axles; Black-smith lir& lows, Vices, Huol Knives. an I Rusits; 'rub**, • Buesets, Churns; Rope, Baskets,Brooms•ankWaSh4 Boards; Waiters, yrays, Candle Stitiks Golii.e Canisters;.Tablo Cuttlery, 'Pocket CiattferY,' P g Knives, _P r u 'ling ?Shears, Silver-plO4 Wore, Table and 'Tea Spoons, Salt Shovels, Forks, and Ladles, Albata Table and Tea Spoons, Iron :spoons, Tinned Spoons; 'Trace Chains, - H ilt :r Chains, Cow Chains, Hutt Chains, Sp irting-POW. der; • Blasting Powder, Shot, Gua Wadding; :Ar nold's Writing Flui.lelhoe.l.ll . saing, tigtove• Mack rug; Lend Pencils, Gillett's, Steel Pens, Writing. Paper; Flour Svives, Meal Saves. ir Sefires an I Wire Cloth; Cooking Stoves, Nine PLR& Stoves, Coal Stoceir; Carriage Lining, C irriage Ltce; an Carriage Trimming; together wita • a„larga carefully selected stunt of Cabinet an I Saddlery - Hardware. All who desire to Soy the aro . invite I to call and examine nivr goods b..f)ro pufehasing clsetvliete, ns J am determined to sell as eke-Iv:As, . UAW, hutwithst Indtn t tildatiValletl if goods. The subscriber w rul I here take 0z.:11:A.4 to return his sitiecre thanks to the 'intim tbr favors and hopes, by tiiir dealing and cheap g "it t Brotherfon's Hiirdwire • - Store." c•elles, •••,.. lhain S •ylke;;. Gras:: S ',hes, Sri tau ch,rpeuerr, ' Wooden rums, Hay Forks, • tir.Ana Forks, Fork Hind • itimuirs, Rakes, &•.,&e CUICAP! CHEM.!! CHRAP!!! June 6 '1;:: Itl!M=iiiil IPHE utilersivold agar t utters liititsolf iv the , oho' Republican Uonventunitif this count: t eotolikinio for the Silent:flay. 11.tvisag; reeeir : !,l. next to :he highest ,noiobe; of votes last time. h.' t.ectfully,,,timks the , f.youot oCthose io e to his troninutton, end if no itinutod anti electe.: lto ple.lgt;S himself ,to & l etting., iris titities imousiititess - fI..IIZVEY GORDO.N.a 2 nehli td Ala fp you %•,.11Aut II tton:l pair of liotgo hi.p.W . ti.t.. , :•,0 I_, itufils, wAuttArri:l, NOT TO ow on Tr... 1%, I.l:vi.:e liiii4, • .. . , - • , ,- ' .1',,v,!, . rum:, do von ty.tut Iti . we the ment of Pliin tint Piney C yg.'4l'lllr, 4C •IYMISII la. {tin at • arl I' :r• . - - Milt 04! 01104.11.5.J1 4.4,j• .t. 40,1 et a 44 nalvaL SPRING & Sib) IR Sheriffalty.-