313 V VOLUME XVI. 3PC:O3EIT'IC).4k3U. MT MOTHER'S MINIATURE. BY ISA L. JENKINS 'Falt ut . picture, far more dear to me n all the treasures earth can give Since she, my nil, hail' cease to be, For whom it was my life_to live. Here I behold that faded cheek, The calm, smooth brow and flowing hair, The lips that spoke in tones so meek. ' And breathed to heaven their fervent prayer, Oh, she who ceaseless vigils kept Above my path in faded years, And over my waywardness hat h wept- Now soars beyond this vale of tears. Yes, she winvought my heart to mould For brighter dunes and purer skies Now dwells where countless suns hath Unmurkeu by years or centuries. Yon maim, whose track the milky way, Whose light still glimmers on the wave. Through months hath 'cast its mellow ray Upon her tone and dreary grave. Thou - sweet momenta of the past, A priceless treasure now thou art; Through years to clime, while life stall last, I'll keep and wear thee next my heart. HAPPY LONG AGO. BY FRANCIS B. :MURTHA How Mt et it is to ponder In the twilight dud and grey, On the many joys end pleasures Now Mrever passed away, When the fancy built bright castles, And the heart was all aglow With fond visions of the future, In that happy long ago. Oh, the world, indeed, seems changed, As loved forms are brought to mind, For we'll never meet their like again, They were So good and kind • Itltmory clings unto that tune, Wherethe-heart-kimw-nor?of-Av , • • For all was very beautiful In that happy long ago. JOHN BECKWIN'S DREAM. Rough John ileckwin, a Mississippi ferry man, tied his boat to a post, and . plodded, wet and weary, to his title house• Having thrown himself, with an oath, into a chair be li:hted his pipe, and puffed the smote up the chimney, while he dried Ins feet at the fire. Presently his little daughter came in, lead ing her younger brother, and walking to her mother, said, with a grieved expression, "Mother, little bub swore; little hub can't have any wings when he dies to fly up to the good place.. Poor little hub!" and the little girl began to cry. But the boy looked up in his mother's face, and said, "But father swore too. Can't he have any wings when he dies?" The mother did not answer, for she feared the stern man who sat smoking his pipe by the fire. But the iron bad entered John Beckwin's soul. That night he dreamed; and as he stood before his cottage, lookihg at:the stars and moon, there was a sound of a trumpet above, that made the world tremble, au exceeding glory in the s ky, and from the midst of the glory a voice calling to the judg ment. And immediately the air was full of white souls, whose eyes turned upward with a steady gaze, while their hands were clasp ed over trier breasts. And the voice called again, Come ye blessed:: Then to the white souls were given wings full of stars shining like silver, which flashed back the glory from above, as they calmly floated up ward. While he stood wondering and terri -hod, he heard a sharp cry of pain at his side. There stood his litt.e• bob, with ragged and soil-stained coat, and hands stretched piteous up toward the flying host. 'Oh, my father!' exclaimed he, "why did you teach me to du . wrung The dear Lord bust now beckoned • me to Atonic, but I had no wings and no cloak of silver; and he looked grieved at me, and turned away. Oh, father! why did you teach me to do wrong?' There was a sound as of thunder—a crash . The muncipal law permits no disorder in of the universe--and the universe—aud the the street. Women breaking it are sent to okl man found himself in a long train of the Calaboose. That is the terrible corder. souls, with heads bowed; and tears running nothing more-nothhrg less—that arouses from their eyes, walking down a black, iron- England and provokes this debate. Lord arched way, where he could look-only before Palinerston takes advantage of it to have hint, at4see beyond the great train of weep- another fling at the Americans, and Gregory ing - ones an open gate from which came fire. aid Walsh are mad with delight. Lard But he heeded them not, for behind him he' Carnarvon also briugs • out Earl Bussell, and heard the patter of little feet, and ever and all the newspapers clap their hands wit) , ' I 1 . 1 4: I i •, 4. a yon, gen demo , . - child "Oh, father! why did you teach me to do 'wrong!". John Beekwiiiiwoke, and 'heard his little boy quietly breathing, cut beside him. He never swore again. What. Congress has Done. 'This Congress, ,writes Speaker Crow to a friend, may .Recui to .the country to move slowly, but no Cun,gress before it. has in the same time. at:iminplished so much flit.the fu ture greatness and glory of the republic-'- llere is the glorious record: 'The national ea:pital flee forevor2, SlaVerY - forever prohibited in'all The publ:e` domain set apart and conwra ,, Lel to'free homoti.andlree men: • ,1 " The- Pacific Railroad alithoriiel "The_ pplicy . :' al! g; a bid eiu4cipittiO4 Amu itirat44:besides'wp,r ' • •flio - ,(locgress thal'has .Cuacted' , th - ese mea sures of refornof ' Substati rogress '—has nothlog" , to roar,' 'either. 'f4 , ,the.;pcal-'' cousy sChismatics or the ` sc em aut arti'tife;stopti iu the #6l. Al atiit reiseliihe Ved:' .. , . 4 :..4 r 7 - 4 4 . „, , i ': 15: 14 . 7 - . "- :: ;r1•:'; : i. :• : ... ., ~,,. :-:' _; • • , • ' ' ' . . . . . • . _ ~ _ _ ..',.. 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' 'i .., e ..‘, ..,,T . ..: 1 .:. ~ , '''''..:,, .Z. • ; ...‘ t...): V .: ,' -. . . o ~., . , • •"2- , , ,- • •-..,, mi l k,. 4 - ti .. , ~ ~ ... • ~, , . .. 0 . , ~ 0 . • ~ . .1, . ~,.. 5.b.,, , ~,, . . - , , .. ~ .i. ' " ...,., ~• . . _ .. ~ . .... , , . . .. , • „ . • . ... . • . ... , . • • .. . ... . . • , . . ~ . . ,• , .. . . , . Mr. Train onEnglanir a Neutrality and Gen. Welnd room only for the following ex tract of one of Mr. Tiain's recent speeches: Neutildity: Mr. Train—Neutrality signifies weakness. All small minds hesitate. Lack of decision shows lack of poAr. Generals who win battles are not •neutral men. Neutrt.lity on the American rebellion is taking sides in dis guise. The-man who is soft on the Ameri can question is soft on•all questions. I des pise soft Americans as well as soft English men. It is impossible for an honest man to be neutral. He who is not for we is against me. The Indian Thug is remarkable for neu trality until his garotte is round your neck.— The Camanche chief is. a neutral to your face while his scalping knife sleeps in his belt.— Dumollard, the French murderer, was a neu tral before lie destroyed his victims. There is no half-way between a patriot and a traitor. The woman who permits the least familiari ty has already lost the foundation of her vir tue. Let her remain neutral in the presence of the libertine and she is lost. The young man counting his employer's;money must not be a neutral—if he does not wish to end jiis life upon the gallows. The coat I have made fits exactly the neutral bankers and leading Americans abroad—who are waiting for vic tories before hoisting Secession or Union flags. The garment is not out of place on England's back. Neutrality in England is treachery. Americans say, England, with all thy faults, we love thee still! Englishman say, America, with all 411 y virtues, we con tinue to hate thee, Strong men choose sides —weak men are always neutral; once an idi ot, always an idiot„ The world is packed with fools. Neutrality is_imbeeility. No man can serve two masters. He must either love the one and hate the other, or hate the one and love the Alter. Our Saviour was not ti neu tral. England for three .generations has eon Mutts o nienca. . e Ist unjust in little is unjust in much. The maxim comes froni au ancient and respectable au thority. 'Unjust in small, matters fbr half a century, England was just.ripe tbr being un just in great matters during our revolution.— Neutrality is disguise; assassins are neutral before they use the poignard. The tiger in the-jungle-is-a-neutral fore be plunges on •• victim. When you wish to destroy an nemy you first conceal your plan. Error id injustice are ueutpl - kftarcbecoming ar rogant and impudent. A love of fault-finding is no proof of wis dom.—Your criticism on General Butler's proclamation are as just as your pretended love for America is honest. Critics, says Wycherley, are like thieves, Who,.conglemnod to execution, choose the business of execu tioners. rather than be• hung. Your distor tion of the New Orleans proclamation is worthy of the people that were abolitionists when they thought by preaching that doct rine they could break up our Republic—and pro-slavery advocates when they believed we should preserve the Union. The proclama tion you have dishonestly translated. lit you mean to say that you believe Gen. Butler issued the order for immoral purposes? Do you really understand its wording to signify that unbridled Bemis:. was given to the Federal - army? The veay idea is contra ry to the instincts of our nature, insulting to the Americana people, and outraging Litt , senses of our race. You give the order a meaning never intended. It was unfortu nately worded, but the spirit of the order was a proper one. Ladies hold the . remedy. Let them remain indoors, let them behave like women, not like human tigresses. The terrible slaughter or our soldiers will some day lay heavy upon their consciences. Wo men who go out of °their way to insult Federal officers who have treated them with every courtesy, by pouring hot water out of their Willl,llMS when they pass, or throwing vitrol in' their faces ou„ the pave, or so Iltr unsexing themselves as to strike, an officer, ought not to object, when martial law is ordered, to proclamations that enforce civility where ruthless was so marked. —and you, gentlemen, echo the Sentiment Of the land. Do you remember a picture the Illustrate.] News during the Sepoy revo lution? I do—and three featurei'' were prominent--cantion—English officers; and 'o'epoy messengers bearing a flag of truce. The picture has another sidp—the muzlle o the gutis--md, Lid' their flag of truce tied around, they were blown towards the. camp from whence they clime. Did Mr, SoVard get up,in.his place in the Senate Chanther and protest agahist it in the name of humanity? The atrocitiei of, your soldiers in India were only equalled in their brutality by piena:Saltib himself:, When a 'Britillt officer . , enters . it Sepoy village and gives the,order to his regimenVo 'ravish the Sepoy woman, - and then level their houses to the-earth, humanity shudders for civilization Compared. with .such fiends . General Butler is a scholar, a gentleman map. Christian,— How'fOrgetful of . the iijhts of civilization Air Our Statesinen In remain : silent Without 'recording their 1613hp:160n' ' 'Seta I - England' Must feel preMl - of those Christian officers, and no wonder I,he isin ' ditmant at gutter. . Have yor.t fOrzietten'the':geige of Limerick?' Is it - tru'e'lliat ravrshed:4l4'wo tile a before t'ilierlitg• the' Orison' and - • A. Frixo.ll3raVe•i;i7:Blpaaper u Nerixtiiictl ifs W•coliticlos istark.a. WAYNESBORO', FRANICLIN coon -PENNSYLVANIA, FRIDAY MORNING, JU SPEECH BY Mr. TRAIN. Butler's Proclamation, - Got. Butler's l'roeltmurtion burning the town ? Do you remember the cold-blooded slaughter of the Mucdonalds of Glencoe, under the' same- dynasty? Verily, what u man was Lord Byron.? . 1 You are the best of cut-throats !—Do.not start! The phrase ie Shakspeare's, and not misapplied: • War's a brain-spattering—windpipe slitting art, • Unless her cause by right be sanctified. If you have'acted once a generous part, The world, not the worlirs water. will decide; And I shall 6e delighted to learn -------- • Save you and yours, have gained at ,Waterloo? Davoust in Hamburg—Junot in Lisbon— ..Malakoff in the Algerian caves—were guilty of acts—and Wellington at • St. Sebastian— worthy of Russia in Poland or Haynau iu Austria. Butler's offence is words— En- gland's was acts. Was Butler's motive good 'or bad? It is the motive, not the act, that blackens the crime. England is not the land to give America examples as to the treatment of women. America is a country where its youth. arc taught not to insult an old man or wouten,.. and a woman can go through the entire country, without being insulted. America is the land where educa tion and religion gives tone . to the morals of our people. How careful England is to find tliult with our Federal army. Have you seen any qtrestions on the Parli meutary papers asking d' the reports are true regarding atrocities of the Coefederate army? Has the Federal power no friend at Court to ask these questions of Lord Palmerston ?— is it truie that A'ava ,, es, led by Confederates scalped our wounded at Pea Ridge ? Is it true that Governor Sprague fguud some of his aids, who were killed at Bull Run, buried with their fitces downward ? is it true that Federal wounded on the ground at the battle of Winchester were bayonetted by Confeder ate colliers? Is it true that the ladies of a certain town iu Virginia invited one hun dred Federals to their houses to tea, and their brothers, who were in ambush, rushed in and put all to the sword ? • Surely America ought to have one friend bold enough in Parliament, wile , ' Gregory and the Premier are hurling their invectives rootill3t Aille-r-iew r te-i10tt1irt414341444. the skull of a Federal officer is a Lou ben for a Rebel lady !—that Madame Beaurgard, who VMS treated with so much politeness by Ceti. Butler, wears a cameo cut from the bone of a Federal Colonel !—that Rebel ladies wear rings and brooches made out of the skulls of our brave officers :—that the 'proper thing _for the-rebel gentlemen at Richmond-is-to have a spitt,on made out of a human head In conclusion, let me ask if England con rols-Ameriezes_ action ? If England pays our Federal officers ? If England must be consulted before we declare martial law ? was not aware that Abraham Lincoln was e lected President of the powerful American Republic by the bankrupt monarchies of Eu wile. {Cheers and applause.] Northern Men in a Southern 'Cli- mate. By some strange misconception, it has be come to be a general belief, that, if the war continues through the summer and fall, the Northern troops must inevitably be defeatel by disease, as they cannot contend with the miasma and malaria of the South, to which the Southern troops nre supposed to be thor oughly injured. Never was a greater mistake made. In the late Mexican war, it' was demonstrated beyond cavil that Northern troops sustained themselves in better, condition—so far as health was concerned—than (IA the South ern soldiers. In the famous Indian war, it Was satisfactorily proved that the•sickke , ;s and mortality ill the British army was less than half of that which depleted the oppos ing fprees. Thirty years two, Capt. Marryat complet ed a series of tables, by which lie showed, conclusively, that Britons could and did suc cessfully meet the climatic changes or the is land of Jamacia, and that the deaths, in the British army, did not equal, in proportion, the deaths among the native ishintlers. .Dr. Livingstone, whose travels into the very heart of Africa have made htin immor tal, also bears testimony to the hardihood or northern blood. ' During his first explora tion three natives in his retinue died to One European. In short, it cannot be„denied that persons of northern birth are more hardy, mid can more successfully avoid disease,- than can people born in a southern Clime. Even thus Ar we find that while sickness prevails to awalunnifig extent in the South ern army.; our Northern , troops are enjoying most' excellent health. " Putting health. against health. or !millets against bullets, we are -net atimicl to trust the • " h the-troy sof the Uniou. —Hoteseho/t/ Ju Wild. A True Patriot. The lion. Paid Dillingham the well known leader of the Democracy, of - Vermont, wa3 recently noisitiated by tt.Detnocratic State Convention fur Governor: Mr.. D. declined. upon the sole ground that at this time,,there can he but two parties, one for maintaining . the Government unconditionally, and the other fir overthrowing it. In the course of his letter of declination he says: " We west for the timelorget whether we be Rfpublicaits or Democrats. 'ln such a union there will be strength and efficiency, and if We differ hereafter, let it . be to settle the question,-who did . the most for his coun try. •43t;-us act together, act honestly, effi ciently,,and let. him wear, Me honors who' fairly.wins.them. I feel very,eonfident that a great number—l hope tranajority—of the.old partiesiri this State; feel - -and judge .as I deo:ind-thats they will rise above .party, , as. such, one,ismi.imqvisibbi; , ttow,ourt Arever. With Such I ineinito act. whether, thoir_nuat her bo , few or puny, tilrthiS• moierwiciielre hellion is'erushetl•out - ; and , wish 'that my a :Pinions attiLacis,' might , . be in R harm irty,„J liavi”folt.tialled•iipoli to decline - 'the turn ao lion - arable ten !ere 1 to inc.'? A LIVE YANKEE IN LONDON. BY GEO. W. BUNGAY. A live Yankee, from the Green Mountains of Vermont,. visited the city. of London.— While passing throligh one of the principal thoroughfares of trade and travel, his atten tion was suddenly . arrested by some -beauti ful specimens of writing paper, exposed for sale in a shop window. • Seeing the proprie7 for standing at the . door, the Yankee civilly, inquired what he did with "them nice bits of paper." -• - "We keep ' them to tie up gape seed in," said the cockney, snappishly. "0, ye, du—du ye ?" said Johnathan, while he looked as though he was inventing a trick with which he . intended to pay o ff the impertinent cockney in his own coiti:— Passing down the street a few steps, our.in cligriantYankee saw another merchant, who was not oily an Englishman, but a gentleman also. "I sasr, mister, can you' tell me what that Teller does for a livin' what keeps them ere nice bits of paper at the window." "Yes, sir; he's a small dealer in paper and a sort of scribe. He writes letters for those persons who desire his assistance." • • "I reckon he is a very small dealer, and that he is a pharisee as well as ascribe. Do ye think he'd write a letter for WQ if I pay him for it?" "Certainly h e will, and jump a t the chance. That is his principal occupation." The Yankee thrust • his hands (I might add arms)into his pocket ahnost up to his el bows, for he felt the sting in the waspish words uttered by the paper dealer, and walk ed back to the shop where he had been so rudely treated. "1 say, mister, they say as how you sell paper and 'write letters fur folks what can't write. „What will you t.the to write a letter to my sister Sully ?" I. shall charge you 5 shillings," replied the Englishman, softening his tone as his government does sinse it has heard of our great victories. I ye wria der" spell the words right, ai we do in Vermont?" inquired the Yankee. "To be sure I will. I understand my bu siness perfectly." • "Well I don't care if ye du; I guess you may write to sally." The Londoner procured pen, ink and pa per, and the Yinikee commenced - dictating after the following style: "'Dear sister Sally,' "Trev you got — that down. „y es. „ -. .. a "Rived hi London last'week.' — ffllev you got that down and spelt right?” "Yes—go on." "Thought I'd go into the country and take a ride.' "Got that down right?" "Yes, yes—go on; ` and don't detain we so." by‘.J pay ye five shillings, don't ' I, by and " ‘.‘ . l(es—yes—Lbut you need not detain me "That'a my business, and not ynurn." •\Vall the old mare she baulked.' "'Baulked is a hard word; can you spell baulked so that Sully will know what it means ?" “To be sure I can." "Wal I don't keer if you can.", "She wouldn't : go, so I licked her." "Well , ro on." " Licked r her, licked her, licked her. ' " "What's the use of saying it so ninny times?" "None of our I pay you five shillings--'licked her, licked her, licked her, licked her, licked her.'" "This page is full of 'licked her's." "Turn over then; 'licked her, licked her. She wouldn't go then, so I got out and. I kicked her, kicked her,. kicked her, kicked her.' " "You are not intending to say that as many times as you said licked her ?" None of your busineus. I pay yen fine shillings—kicked her, . kicked her. She wouldn't go then, so I sharpened . the end of the whip handle, and I pricked her, pricked her, pricked her.' " "I cannot see any sense in all thig.', Never you niin . d I pay you for what you do; 'licked her, kicked her, pricked, her, kicke 1 , her licked her._ She would not go then, so I got in and I " (here the Yankee - 11;110'a Airrupino• noise with his lips, which bids defiance to orthrngraphy.) "I cannot spell, that," said the English- "0 ; ye eau't ha? WO, ye spell that." "Need not write any more," said the cockney with a look• of astonishment. "No more, said . the Yankee perfectly composed. "Not a word to close with?" "Nary wo rd." "You will pay me for what I have wrirten?" "Not a rel. You , didn't write down all I told yon, tn." .rlVell, sir, what am Ito do with ail paper I !rive spidlei?" "Keep it folic cap gape seed in!! - T a. correspondent of the London Times, who - has . male •so 'many 'false predictions, May'now have hia paper fora sittrilar.purpose. X newspaper ' correppondelo: with 'llenerai Curtis's army at Forsyth, 111•Mouri,ogives the following account of a • man who deserves to be called an unconditional Unionist: "In -Carroll County a • man fOr'boldly , avowing Union-. sentimenis.l...- He defied his, tormentors end.?o,ioe,"would stick to„the' I.Tnion, fong'alteir. waSa . piecs . He wig told ttiliftlid - P'n s tod was'breken'• so 'finc..that a yieCa',.conttt 'tiot be . found., ‘,,Then,'• Said ',""r win k g , to the d h e the: stuilip it gone.' r -to Alie stuu? oxine -14 was xohmsed.: 18,:18.02. No Country and; No Plug. Occasionally, whilit -, passing through city with the Procession on Friday last, we Weald- 'observe ix house with the shutters_ closed, no Stara and Stripes about it , and in some instances, there was not a soul to be seen about - the premises! 'The sight of such a place 'would, cause us painful 'emotions; and lead us very naturally to invire, whether the occupants were , berett o of their country and no longer recognized any Flagon earth as • their own., Alt ! .there was a tune when these same individuals to whom we refer, were 'loud in their expressioni br leve and veneration for our good 013 Country; and its bright and beautiful flag,, but ala.,,,alas! where now are their acts-to prove.the sinceri ty of their professions? An Enemy to that country and that Flag has 'arisen in the land, and they; whose houses were undecorated and eldsed'on. Fri day last, the anniversary of Amerient Free dom.--gave him aid and coniforti , We . will not call them tories, nOr . truitors;l6se are harsh names; but it geihns so strange and unnatural that any . one who ayes and pro spe:l4 under our great and goad government, should mainfe.st such' little respect for the land of Washington and the Flag which was borne aloft to victory in the Revolutionary ' war and in the war of 1812, and also in the war with Mexico. We only wonder that such persons continue to live under a Government which they hate, and a flag which they no longer seem to recognize as their own.— Mari/laud Union. • Maxima for Youth. Those children that are best beloved , by their pirents, , should be most obedient to their parents; and then their love is well be stowed, and well returned. Whoever hates his hiiWer, or his sister, is a murderer; for. he Fill b. (me it ho hid_ an opportunity. Young people should take their good par ents for i ikeir best friends, and be advised "by them - 1111d nut by flatters, who wheedle them to make a prey of them. lose are neve:, y o come that are undutiful to their parents. Reverence your own mind; receive the nurture of instruction, that the man within you may grow and flourish. Young persons have need of strong reins they arc sometimes hard to be ruled, easy to draw aside, and apt to be deceived. No one can pursue solid learning and frivo lous pleasure at once The eye of the great God is upon you op d rei — mity may hang upon the conduct of your e au hour. Early religion lays the foundation of hap piness both in thee and eternity. Few boys arc born with talents that exec: but all are capable of living .well. Pie4y is not only the best, safeguard of youth, but also its brightest ornament. • The Homestead. Law. For many years, prominent members of Congress have urged the passage of a law, giving homes to those, who were willing to settle in the wilderness. clear and cultivate the land, for the mere amount of costs to the United States government. •The measure met with strong and decided opposition,'cs pecially upon the part of those who were un friendly to a high tariff, but at last this ben efit scheme has met with favor, and is now a law of the land. The following is a -synop sis of its provisions : All the lands owned by the Government are open to settltment under it in quantities mot exceeding 160 acres to each person. • Any person who is a citizen of the United States, or has declared his intention to be come Such, who is 21 years old, or the head of' a family; cr,has served in the military or naval service . of the United States during this Rebellion, can make the entry on pay ment of ten dollars and •fees of the' Register and Receiver of the Land Office. That is all the settler has to pay at any time. The act takes effect the first ,of January next, and requires a residence and cultiva- . tion of five years to perfect the tittle. Any person can enter under this net, land on which he has a pre-emption cla:m. TUE ' TALENT or SUCCEBI3.—Evory man must' patiently - abide 'his time. He must wait. Not in - listless idleness,- not in useless pastime, nor, in querulous defection, but -in constant, steady, cheerful endeavor,always Willing, fulfilling and" accomplish tig his task, 'that when the occasion comes he may be e qual to -the occasion.' 'The talent of success is nothing more than doing what yen can do well, without a thought of fame. If it comes at all, it :Will come because it is deserved, not 6 • it is sought-after. It is a very it . rect and troublesome ambition which cares much about fanie—about what the world --- says of usas to be always looking in - the 'face of others fur "approval—to be always anxious about the effect of what we do ,or say—to he always shouting to hear the echoes of our owe voices. • s - r SENSIBLY: DVME.-- .- e SO1" _Liman New-Mven, recently closed a Smithso nian lecture b'y, giving th o following. sensible advice4o-young men: if, therefore you wish fititiculear mind and strong muscles audmuiet neclre, C„.-end long life,, and power prolonged inidd age, permit me to say, Al ! thciugli I am net giving atemperance lecture, avoid-all drinks' 'above-- water and mild sions of that fluid, shun'. tobacco;: opium, i everything else that :disturbs the- normal state of the s.yStem - rrelktion !ultra' *does feed and tuild!",diluie'ediiiikliVof whioh water is , the hatie,ltrid . yon will need nothiugleyond ,iliese . :fltintiaeicepts-riftit,:klid doe moral, ifirtill'yOur - powarkleglie hit elute terentOevetiing at the re' • A venerablo'd 'wag y, t e , name-o - ace, II .irried - -': ( Ritit weit i lluot long.-singe; and , T;ir.christotel'his ifirct g a c ~ *;••••."Zi)- • • gill•COO 4t 4* Wear Evnitiont's PurY.-=-People -• there aro ho have mousy on handiand'yet they will -not igy little debts. .Nciw i ; by paying small `debtrinthidYis'kept moving iti 'gay, doing 'good all around; MinfidOmie is kept in good health; and enterprise is stimulated. Any man who is a "man ought to feel this, and dd his duty itilhe "premises' at Oboe. You owo a - debt 4- -. perhapsloug past due— for your newspaper or a job; pay it to-day like a man with an upright - scout, GO; do soinesgood thing, even though its merito so small as the payment of a debt. - If yon . viisli yourself well, dolt quickly. - FUGITIVE GOVERNORS.—Five rebel Gov ernors are ,now absent from their posts, wan dering up and doWn the country 'in.Senreh of 'employment Rector, of Arkansan 'Milton of Florida;'Moore, of Louisiana; Jackson, of Missouri, and rfarrisofTennessee. The gubernatorial fugitives were blatant seces sionists in the efrly. days of the rebellion, and every man of theta premise:4 to die in the last 'Our armies having frightenel them away from their posts, they have prob ably gone to find the last ditch. As eLtval 3ous men they must fulfill their promises. Take your Choice: - I ilwsys did intend To' take in me a wife' Single my life to spend Wo'd grieve my very life It much delighted me . To think °pin ( ' a bride Tolivefr tmwoman free I can't' be satiefieU Vs aura ft happy life 'Tie woman, is the thing To live without a wife Such troubles on uiliring A female to my mind The joy I can't express I ne'er expect to find So great in elngleaes A •kachelor to live I never, could agree. , My mind I freely give A married Map' to be. S.=-Read first each verse down •'separ ntely, then both verses as if they •litris•'but one.. , , How 114; I,lx.mp FranciS'was wag, and once when early peas were.on the side, he emptied the contents of,:hisainuff iox over them. "Francis! Francis?! sex .laitned a friend, t‘ what are you about?",,'"l like them that way," was the litlinvgi•;" 'He. aala • ! • had concluded, he. exclaimed: "You•di:Might it was, snuff; did .you: Nothing , bat black Pepper." Why can't a cook swallow her`tiPrbia?"Be• eau e it goes against her stomach,. • "A beautiful 'day ' ;Mt: Jetikitta; Squibbs. "Yes very. pleasant "blood day fur the race:" . . "Race? what race? asked Jenkins. "The human race !" shOitted Prentice accuses . the ,rel;el; at Memphis`of ungentlemanly conduct, unworthy, of,the "chivalry," in the folloWin,g style : "The leading rebels of Memphis 'have -long been bogging us to conic to their city, and have even offered a reward for our-delivery there, and yet now, when we are about to maka a visit to their place, they are all running away. Ili t nt this very ungentlemanly ?" On the 4th of .nareli,l.B6l, yhen Presi dent Lincoln was 'inangurated„ the goiein went Vessels; available service, wereotiltfour in nuwber, carryingqwentftive . guns..:, Our navy now • consists 4,264, vessels. of all sizes, carrying 2,557 guns, w,itlk an,avregale ton nage of 319,010 bons. - the nunaier'Of sea men now employed is 22;000: - ' • At a recent meeting of a parish, a straight laced and most exemplary deacon subMitted a report, in writing, orthe destitute widows and others who., stood in need-of assistance from the parisk... , , , parish.: ire "Are you., sure, ..deaeon," asked another solemn brother, "that you have embraced' all the widows?" • - He said ho•believed he had. . it is a fact which will hardly be' credited in this country, -that-of all the women mar ried in England in, the, year 1860, more than 60,000 were unable to write their" Own mimes. Throughout the' nation, id one inarriigi" in every . neither man nor woman-. could write, „- —I haVe heard people say kindness would not :do with' servants; reader, if-.unhappily you have ever thought so, dismiss.the,filso notion, for jt is base and- unture. , What kindness cannot do, anger can neVer achieve. A lady in Rophester Sent ti dreis to ti dyer with instructions to dye in sonie colors that would not run. ''he. patriotic dyer returned - the dress covered all over, with thu. ; colers,of the American Union., - FIE AINT ED ! EA.D.- lose are ..oar treasures, chatig,elesi and,shinnjng treasures. Let us look hopefully. - Not lost, bat , gone before. Lost only like start of the Indrairtg, that !lath faded into the light of:a ;brightpr heaven. Lost to the. earth, but rtot'to -•••••••• Thing are queerly `connected'. A :kite statiscian says ,if all our old maids should marry, the manufacturers of single bedsteads 'weal be utterly ruined. • _ The Albany Atr,us, 'a Denicsnatier paper, states that cif the 10,000 coloted"L'people New Orleans,: nearly ii,ooa are ".tnialattoes.---: Such an evidence of amalgainatiote . can •be found in no , " :gaily a man who, is proud M'be a;qoiiter iniater, has 'a wife hone who=is thn'yrtinle i nas t er; ; • • - 16re - y6iir son;Mat'eleniker. the eud g et=if yatiliiiar hint' Ivrea dainties. Nart.4l64 iollitoltii*Otrolukta gOttaMbir46ll-3tone.: ~ ;„ • A . lnan will. in) urei wileftsr more,to t“,t IFERI NetBERI7. . 1, , '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers