VILLAGE. RE O _ li7ir4Llr4ll: SE OM - July 111, Pgreyer tort that.statidard sheet! • Where breathes the fee Nit fillkholore 09, With Freedom's soil benestkour feet, Usenet streaming o' r nal ittielrhncontribution by '“.lladge, will np pear in our next, issue. .The 4th of July in Wirllne+yro' .—Aceor ding to previous notice business was su en• ded in this place, on Friday. last. rranga. meats bad been perfected for a e cbmtiou, and the Union citizens generally assembled on the Diamond a little after 11 9'dock, and marched to the grove of Mr. Gm. BESORE, near town, preceded by the Fayetteville Band, Messrs. JOSIATI BESORE,4IOIO ADAM s and W. H. BROTTIERrON acting as marshals, where a stand had been erecteirAMd seats ' prepared for the ladies..._4fter an appropri ate prayer by the Be*. Mr. SAVIDOE, of the M. E. Church, the Declaration' of rndepcn- deuce was read by A. 31. TRINI,IEIi i Esq., which was followed by a stirring and patriot ic address from Prof. W. T. BARN/TS. The address •of Mr. B. was eloquent and appro priate for the times, and elicited raptures of applause. At the conclusion of his remarks an adjournment for a couple of hours was agreed upon, some returning to town, brit the majority remaining to take their dinners in the grove, an abundance of provision hav ing-been-provided for the occasion. Dinner over, M. S. NEwcommt, Esq., of this vicinity, entertained the audience for over half an hour in an address equally ap propriate to the times and the day celebrated. Ills remarks although entirely extempore, breathed the true spirit of patriotism, Wild were rapturously applauded. If there were any Rebel sympathisers present they must have felt keenly the force of his remarks. Mr. tress cone u es , t e ' er. Mr. SA) vinoE was called for and responded in a short but excellent address, after which the parties formed in proccession and returned to town, and thus ended the celebration, the proceedings all passing off pleasantly, end IMMM without any interruption. We must add in conclusion that the _Fay- Band Cottteted very largely to the interest of the occasion. The part per formed by them was highly creditable. Much larger towns than Fayetteville might be justly proud of such a band of musicians. The Exhiliiiiinz.—The second Exhibition — bf the Waynesboro' Classical and Commer cial Institute, was given in the Town Hall, en Friday and Saturday evenings last. There wets. a very general turnout of the citizens; "the Hall on both occasions being filled. The atidienee was delighted with the exercises, the pupils Requiting themselves in a manner creditable to the Principals of the Institute, Messrs. BARNITS and TRIMMER. The young ladies participating in the exer eises bore themselves very becomingly, and "presented a very handsome appearance on the capacious stage elevating them to full view. On Friday evening the Rev. Mr. SAVIDGE presided and conducted the exercises, after an appropriate prayer, in his usual dignified,, manner. The English Salutatory wasAde livered • by John Russell, and a Latin 'Salu tatory was read by Miss M. R. Coon. The Declaration of Independence was handsome- ly read by Miss Ginnie Stcoehouse, which was followed, by "Fee Oration," by Mr. Flory,. of Ringgold. Messrs.' M. and S. 13euebrakt, A. Rescue, li. Stonehonse, J. H. Peters, C. F. Speck, delivered speeches of a patriotic and popular character, and in a man ner to elicit the apple . ':e of the audience.— Appropriate and beautiful poems were reci: ted with fine effect by the Misses Forney, Deatrich, Walker, Kurtz, Coon, - Pilkington; Miss Kate Harbaugh read a happily compo sed essay. The Fayetteville band were en gaged for the4occasion. which, with the ex cellent vocal music of the scholars under the charge of Dr. T: L. Budd, a Prince in the .f - realins of ,Music, - rendered the Exhibition delightfully agreeable. The exercises closed ivith Is -beautiful and elegan4 address on the History and influence of Music, by Dr: T. L. Bum. On-Satinia y evening—a ,new programme was presented to the large and. appreciative audionce•that crowded the Ball. Elegant .and patriotic:%poems ;were recited by the Minor - Bowden, Stonehouse, , Russell, San s dere, Hollinberger ; ably written essays were read ' :by' the 'Misses Snively, 'Belton :and , Flory, and the Bolles Letters Amer, a pa. pei*,:tie st—en waareed ty lltiss .Ver. , ney Editress. ' . atriotio speethes an. the Rebellion; nd udrOlarhicets, were deliv ered- in :fine fal 4 e _," , M . ,eeeis,.,. :A.. 7 r l : l i kens ..a ii C_____ 1 :Plory ) .l3onet6llef. itutlith•Aordeo s Sanders, 'Speck, Destrich end lirstatevash• • - - ,Xiaf: - .-E4Stmi then , delivered iii' addreits ‘6 2 ':lz iiiiikitibi* Yid.._ 000) .sv ie h LuvaiL — briteniuttlo ,with Inarkert:‘ ;attontion, not.- ---nri," r '' &item''' . ding..the _feet :that the were • retracted to alateVont... ~ .liaare 'glad to learn , that thello gentlemen have se far been iibeiall , 4 314tirkgedt and that:4ol'e:itttirritikes. .4101 hitittition of perp - mitenee ?ii4dat', It ' ( :eelitirily af. fends .the town, aa4:ol4iiiir'faiii' eihieatiorial adianirgefi; therefU be liberally sustia nett by, the . publie. Institu'int will open again for the admission of students on the first of i'eptetnitej, Recruiting.—Gto: W.,lrAtii.tit, of this place, returned froT / Ilarrisburg .yestorday with orders to recruit volunteers for the war. Mr. W. was one'of the the first ,i n in the county to. volunteer in defence of the Capiz tai 'lit the ontbreaka the Rebellion, and we trust that the good Union citizen. : our town and country will co-operate with hun in recruiting' a cotnpany. A Lowey Of $25 with one months wages in advance, will be paid to each recruit as soon as sworn into i t sere Men Men recruited now will. re quire o rendezvous at Harrisburg . for a few weeks. , harvest.—The farmers in this section are now engaged in harvesting the wheat crop. We understand the grain is in bad condition for reaping, about one third of it having been knocked down by the heavy rains which we had several weeks since, but notwithstan ding this is the case, it is said to be well fil led. The yield of wheat in Washington and Quincy townships, the present season, wil we think we can safely assert, exceed it quantity that of any season for many years. , This we believe is true of the county gen erally. The War Tdx.—Pennsylvania has-proMpt ly paid in full to the U. S. Government the proportion of her: war tax, and in doing so, has saved nearly $300,000 to the State.— This fact shows conclusively 'the internal prosperity of the Commonwealth, and the immense resources which she has at her command. With over a 115,000 men in the field, says the Telegraph, with some of our most active and enterprising men direct- ly engaged in the war, with the genius and talent of our people, as it were, leading in the same direction, our credit remains unim paired, and our financial ability is the same as when peace blessed every man with hope and gave to industry an energy that seemed almost invincible. We ate pleased to find a coppy of The 'Vil lage Record upon our table, published by W. Blair at Waynesboro,' this County. We rather like the free and independentyine of this Paper in regard to our National troubles, LW it is an open and uncompromising enemy of Secessionism, in every form that hydra headed monster hos seen proper to assume. Long may it wave after toryism is buried in he-oblivion-of— rir The above complimentary notice we copy from the Concord Pioneer, a spicy lit tle Shf.wt, published monthly at Concord, in this county, by DAVID GOSORIT, at 25 cents per annum. Of course the Secesh sympa thising negro-shriekers,hereabouts, after read ing the above, will vote the Pioneer a Black Republican or Abolition sheet. For Sick and Wouaded - Sediers.—We have been requested to state that some of the ladies in this place, are now engaged in getting up a box of provision for the sick and-wounied soldiers at Frederick, Md. A lady in attendance there writes to a friend here that they are much in want of this kind of hospital supplies. Articles will be thank fully received at the residence of Mr. Henry Smith up to Tuesday evening next. Down at Last—The old log dwelling house on Main street, opposite the Conti nental Hotel, purchased from Mrs. ANN MA RIA BLAIR by Dr. 13ROTRERTON, was re moved on Wednesday last by Mr. ANDREW WILSON. It was one of the oldest buildings in the town, erected there perhaps 75 or 80 years ago. We understand the Doctor de signs putting up on the same ground a hand some dwelling. 1l Gov. Ilraaford, of Maryland, has issu ed a proclamatiOn urging the prompt res, pease of that State to the call of the Presi dent for additional troops. The following is an extract:— Men of Maryland, I look to you with con fidence to be among the foremost in respond ing to this call. There.are reasons why you should be. You are, as it were, the natural body guard of the Capital of the nation. If this diabolical, rebellion ever makes another forward movement, its first step will be upon your soil. In your very midst thereltirks a corn arativel small but • / I mai: plotting, determined, treasonable elemeot, watching the first opportunity to pilot the rebellious lost into your midst, and to give up to the desolations of far your present peaceful firesides. Though such a probabil ity may be remote, it behooves you to be ready for all coutingencieS, 'imd prepared by an ample and organ ized force for the open Rebel and the secret traitor. .Arrested.—Two men, named Joshua Lane and Lee Hurley, were arrested in Hagers town on Saturday morning last, for passing ,Coliaterfeit $5 noteu - sof the , Chambersburg Bank, and committed to Al to answer at ourt. 4 ,+)fn 'MA Easton ~Ziged.—lt is now confirmed that this brave offiecT, wellinoirm to many !of our citizen!: was killed _whilst gallantly •workleglia famous battery in one 4-the :re cent engagements in Iront of Richmond. ISrThe Demi:rarefies-State Convention as-. semblell et Karrisbiugvm ,the 4th of July. They itetninstesklnasto- • Blenhev,' of • Union county, fci,Altditor -414utere1i and:Jarnee P. Barr, of Allegheny .county l for Surveyor 'Corral • The, War., - -Ity JONI 'a :and s hes, reeived in this kern, stiYa 'bia Pl 4-, Ont . -M0:310%n everyti;he:e the etietny buck nedid veneing „las linet. - Reinfoiriemeats are now being fei'ivarded io them as fast as possible. Burnside is marching to his relief, and in a few honis Pope will be moving Southward with an invincible army of one hundred thousand men. The crisis of the Rebellion is upon us, and the peopleand the Govern ment aVe fully aware of the greet emergency. That they will be equal to it no sane man Richmond depends . Upon the iein forceinents of McClellan. 'When he moves will lead forward an artily of-five thousand veterans, when it will full i cer ' itly and the. rebel hosts will be destroy ed. The strategy of MeClellen is . every- . id) developing and when it is consumma ted t e rebellion will have passed away.— Thit rebellion which. was likened unto a .by ytt=headed monster at first, is now found I have but one head, and that is at Rich tu ad. It would have had all its heads now, bu or him who said, "I will make a flank movement and attack the enemy in hisstrong but vital part, and I will strike with all my might I" 'We , at first would bare strangled the secession serpent with the coils of an immense boa constrictor of Federal troops; but Clellan saw the fallacy of this by the ai.oiv e teachings of Napoleon, who said, Fever attempt to surround an enemy, or h • will break through your lines, and your most promising plans will bring forth disas ter." We shall soon hear of a great Union success. In a few hours three, of our ablest commanders will be thundering at three gates of Richmond. The bugle has sounded for the advance of the army Cif the Potomac, and the rebel capital is a doomed city. I===lll MEN \VITO ARE ASKED TO YOll, UNTKER at this juncture of the struggle for the Union, says the Telegraph, are summon ed at a period wien the opportunity for dis tinction is most propitious, and when they can discharge a great patriotic duty without being asked to endurell —- "iiy of the hardships of the camp or the perils of the field. We do not mean to be' understood as declaring that no more battles be fought. Such sser-tionsweuld~be - . - - as an inducement, would be urging men to volunteer under the terms of false pretence. What we mean is, that the war will nod dare not last more than six months. If do not establish our power and reassert and put_in_foree - the-national authority in the rebel states in six months, this conflict with traitors will be ended by the interposition — of the governments of the world. We must end the war in six months, or it will be end ed for us by the civilized nations of the world Such a conflict will not be permitted to be prolonged, and "however we may now boast of our strength, and however we would be able, if united, to fight the -world, the loyal men of this nation cannot contend with reb el traitors. pay attention to secret sympathis em with treason, and at the same time repel foreign invasion and interference. Hence those now asked to volunteer, will not be re quired many months in the field or the, gar rison. They will end the war, crush the re bellion, restore peace and re-establish the au thority of the government in the time sate and thus win Tor theniselves imperishable honors, The men volunteering understand these facts, and hence there are thousands of brave spirits all over the state .of Pearl= Sylvaniawho • will respond to the present summons, for the very purpose of sharing in the brilliant conclusion of this bloody con spiracy. OWThe Washington Star of Monday says: A distinguished general officer of the army of the potornae was in Washington this morning on his way to!visit his family north of this city. His opportunities for learn ing the extent of the damage received by the 'enemy in the recent seven days' battles were, from the nature of his position in the service, perhaps better then of any other Union officer. He estimates their loss in killed and wounded, and otherwise rendered hors de combat, at the immense' number of 75,000 men, or, in other words, that their c l loss s quite half tkeir whole army in and about iehmond. The . eceive flags of truce from Gen. MCCLELLAN ca ry ing inquiries relative to the fate of Union 4 - _ ... 'trees believed to be wounded and prisoners in their hands—thus evincing a great disinclination to permit General MCCLELLAN to obtain any inkling, however obscure, of their real condition since the ter mination of the battle. "John C. Heenan is cutting quite a swell in England. He is with Howes Ameri can. Circus, at a salary of $5OO per week. He gives exhibitions ia the ring of the art of self-defense with Linsey, the "Lancashire Samson.' • Mr. naives bas• recently pur chased the'Duchess Of Kent state carriage „ at'm cost of five hundred ,guineas, to-convey the renowned John - to - and from his hotel to the circus.' Four chargers and two liveried ,footanen are attached to the turnout. . 4 16.750rn the statements of Dr. Oliver, a refugee from llichnroad, it appears that, the army of the Potomac measured swords with no less than two hundred and fifty thousand rebels in the recent sanguinary battles near Richmond. "StoneWar.Jaekson, Dr. _ Oli ver says, is well, and at present' in the rebel Addreoi . of Gen. ritoOlglan to his- Aritty, on the 4th alely. HEAD:WART/40 TIE ARMY tile PoTomatb, t 4:* aitit) ,neiti HAttlitsiiri'Sl Ltrunivo, July 4th, 1882; Soldiers of Me Arm* of the Potonulei— , Your achievements of theist ten days hive illustrated the valor and endurance of the "American soldier.. Attacked by superior forces and without hope of reiitforceutents, you have intuOdededin ehafigilig your base 'of operittions, by a ilaitk nieveinent, always regarded as the most hazaidoits of military Oxpedienta. :Yeti hare- saved all `your,ma. teriaf, all yen* trahis ' aid all your mins, ex cept a few, -lost in b attle, ..taking in return guns and whirs from, the enemy. Upon your march 'you have been assailed day after day with desperate fury by men of the same race and nation, skillfully massed and led. • Under every Oisadvantage of numhers, and necessarily of position, , also, you have in every conflict beaten back Our foes with enormous slaughter. Your conduct ranks you among the cele brated armies of history. No one will question that each of you arty always with pride say, "I belong to the army •of the Potomac." You have reached this new base complete in orga nization and unimpaired in spirit. Th enemy may at any time attack you.— We are ,prepared for them I have personal ly your lines. Let them come, and we will convert their repulse into a final defeat. Your Government is strengthening you with the resources of a great people. On this our nation's birthday we declare to our foes, who are rebels against the best interests of mankind, that this army shall enter the capital of the so-called Confederacy that our 'National Constitution shall prevail and that the Union, which can alone insure internal peace and external security to each State, must and shall be preserved, cost *hat it may in time, treasure, or blood. G. IL. McCLBLLAN, Maj-G en. Commanding. PROCLAMATION GOV. CURT.T.N. The Call for. Troopsi HARRISBURG', July 4—The following proc lamation was issued by the Governor to-day: Pennsylvania, ss: In the name and by the authority of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Andrew J. .Curtin, Governor of the said Commonwealth, A PROCLAMATION. More men are required for the suppression of the rebellion. Our regiments in the field are to be recruited to their original strenght, td in nriiiitiqn now regiment. one to . _ formed. Pennsylvania has hitherto ,lone her duty to the country. Her freemen are again called on to volunteer in her defence, that the blood of her sons, who have already fallen, may not have been shed In vain, and that we may hand down to our posterity the blessings of Uhion, and civil and political liberty, which we derived from our fathers. le-number-of-men-now-required, and the regulations for enlistments. n ill be made known forthwith in general orders. Mean while, the men of Pennsylvania will bold themselves in readiness for a prompt compli ance with the necessary demand upon their gallant and patriotic spirit. Our noble Commonwealth has never yet faltered, and must stand firm. now, when her honor and everything that is dear to her are at stake. • . Given under my hand and the great seal of the State, at Harrisburg, this forth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, and of the Commonwealth the eighty-seventh. By the Governor. ~., . 1 4 1 LT SLIFER, • Secretary of Commonwealth. =:11=::1 One Thousand Do/lam—The State Treas urer, at Ilarrisburi Mr. Moore, has pub lished a notice that he received an anony mous letter on Tuesday last, post-marked "New York," which reads as follows: "Pass the enclosed to the credit of your noble pat riotic State: 'tis her due." This letter con tained a 81,000 U. S. Treasury Note of the legal tender issue. The State Treasurer says: "Whether this thousand dollars came from one who considered himseltindebted that much to the State, or whether it was sent as a patriotic gift, I am unable to say; but in either case, it is a compliment to our good old Commonwealth, and I know of no other manner in which I can acknowledge its receipt to my unknown correspondent, than by a public announcement of the same." Gel.' llfeiCall rn Richmond.—The Rich mond papers announce the arrival in.that city of Gen. DMA., I have from the best authority the following faots relative to the capture of our brave Philadelphia Oen. Dur ing the battle . he had been wounded slightly, my informant thinks in the arm, but the in jury was not sufficiently.severe or painful to cause him to leave the field Some hours after, accompanied by an Aid, he rode' into a piece of woods for the pur pose of ordering a body_ of our troops be be lieved to be there to fall back, when a party of rebels suddenly, advanced and ordered him to halt. At the same instant one of the van dals seized his horse by the rein, and, be fore the General could draw his pistol, or sword, he was a prisoner. The Aid escap ed, but without_ having a volley discharged after him: Foitinately none of the balls struck tint .‘ . The ' Lynchburg (Va) Republican of the Iti a says: was currently 'reported here on 'Saturday that Beauregard has been suspended froailiis command of the army of the West. The causais not known. If the report be true, it will raise it storm about the head ,of the President which he will find it difßoult to allay. We sincerely trust there is no fotiadation for the rumor." New Yark, July 8-1,130 bales of confis cated cotton._ were sold_at auction- to-day,-on acCount of the Government, at 31 and 39} cts. bringlig about 8200,000. *000 ) 000 OF oil2ol NaDar . . Clue conferetfoe eoremiteees of.. the li"vo i+duse 8a the diestei"leing tie/o*y note bill have tweed Oil A' ' , bill; *Web has alceudp b,eeeedopted by the Sew The first section proildee-fok the issue of 8150,000,000 of United States notes, not ° bearing interest ,, , payable „to _ bearer_ iits.the, Treasury, and.of such denoinimitioxii asthe Secrtitary.,Of the,Treasury way deem expedi ent, provided ,that no note shall be issued for the fractional part of a dollar, and not wore-than - BEOOO,OOO shall be olower de nbmiliitioils than live. dollars. The remainder of the notion provides for • 114- conversion Of the' notes into what is known as -"five-twenty" bonds, bearing six per cent. interest. The House originally pi posed to issue fifty millions of small notes. The second section authorizes the Secretary'of the Treas ury to. engrave and print the notes in the Treasury Department, if be should deem it expedient. •It is provided in the third section that of the amounts of United States notes author ized by thig act not less than fifty millips of dollars shall be reserved for the purpose of securing prompt payment of such depths its when detnanded, and shall be issued and used only when, in the judgment of the Sec retary of the Treasury, the same, or any part 'thereof, may be needed for that purpose. ADVANCING TOBACCO AND CICLA.RI3.=—It is stated that the tariff and tax. billslutVe ,al ready caused a material advance in the pri ces of tobacco a d cigars am o. m the whole sale dealers in alshington. Tobacco which was' last weekging at 40 eta. -per pound m now comands ets., and some brands of cigars have advanced. from $3 to $5 d.ollars per thousand. . . From the Petershturg Express, June 24. The aTenteilit Living 'coundrel We had thought that the depths of vil lainy had been pretty well sounded by the innumerable wicked ones who have been ex ploring them ever since the first: murder upon earth. But it seems that a profounder abyss bad yet to be reached than any known before, and that it was reserved for BENJAMIN P. BUTLER, of Massachusetts (a decendant we presume. of that free-booting concern called the "Pilgrims of the Mirylloirer,") to reach it. He is, beyond all question, a t this time, the most infamous of living men, and the grave never closed over his superior in all the attributes of a scoundrel. Not only does the South ring with the attrocities of this monster, but the whole civlized world is rapidly discovering- and, proclaiming his title to detestation and abhorance. The .• me....4.1.1u-tier-wl-11-hencefort • • • indelibly with. the lowest, meanest, must deprived and heartless criminalities that ever disgraced the human character. He has, in the brief" career of his military adventures in. this war, brought universal execration upon I himself and the white race to which he belongs. I=Tr;=2:l More Good News from McClellan. FORTRESS MONROE, July-b.—Fresh troops arrived here from 'Washington yesterday, and went up the James riv. r in the evening. Four small steamers, with four barges in tow, arrived at Fortress Monroe this morning, laden with artillerymen, horses, &c., and were doubtless bound up the river. A skirmish took place yesterday morning, near our left win.., which resulted in the defeat of the rebels. We took 1,000 rebel prisoners, and three small batteries, and our cavalry followed them up till they passed be yond White Oak. For, the last two days the rebels have shown little disposition to fight, and yester day relinquished their ground and batteries almost without resistance. From Front roynl • FRONT ROYAL, Va, July B.—lt is report ed here that one of our wagon trains, on the road leading southward, near Flint MR was attacked yesterday by 200 rebel bushwhack ers, and a battle on a small scale ensued. The attacking party was at first belived to be the advance of a larger three, but shortly afterwards the rebels were dispersed into the mountains, wad nothing more vezi- heard 'of them. The Bombardment of VickAburg. CAIRO, July B—The steamer Sunshine. which arrived to-day, brings news from Vicksburg to the 30th ult, at which time the bombardment was continued, and the town deserted except by' the • military. The news from White river, Arkansas is not encouraging. Colonel Fitch still holds St. Charles. No relief has reached General Sturgis. The whole country bordering on the White river is reported to be. in arms; except those persons who have fled from the operations of the conscription law, which is enforced in the most rigorous manner. Our boats are frequently fired on from the shore. From Fortress Jionrok FountEss MoNuoE, July 8---A flag of truce returned from a cruise up the York river. At Cumberland ninety of our wounded were found. They were brought a mile away, when the rebels compelled us to return them to the hospital where they were found. Rumored Battle near (Made:stein. STorro INLET, S. 0., July 1, via Baltimore, July 8. A rumor prevails here, creating great ex citement, that the rebel' battery on James' Island has been attacked to-day by the Fed eral troops under the command of Gen. Ste yens. Theefighting ' it is reported, commenc ed shortly after 8 A. M., and at . the present moment (3 o'clock) is said to be still going On. Magnolia. New York, July B.—Lieutenant Frank Brownell, the avenger of Ellsworth, has not been killed, as reported. Washington' July 8.---The Richmond Examiner, of duly 4th, estimates. the rebel loss in killed and wounded, in the late hat, ties, at least 15,000. Buffalo, N. Y., July .B.—The Common Council of this city has appropriated SBO,- 000 to raise a new regiment, giving 4675 bounty to;i : etsch recruit, in addition to the Government bounty. New York, July B.—Gold advanced to 12 per cent. premium,- and in__soine- still higher, there being rumors of an export dei ty, which is said by the trims to' be im probable. BY iii. £l. - droliedl' it's bead. We Was it (mut our • bower, 'l'is Sod diner. The frost and cold of *litter's snow ` Was incire thail could itooi, i'hit little bud vies toicediiiii6O But not*itkokt Bow kindly to the rising sup - It eplead iti tiohtle leaSssi ' But ere its life hod scarce bqurs' A wounded paren t,*Oi4,4ev Wiis gliat'ning on the,giounik, And Eight hisiipablii.eititaiii Urea So noiselessly around. A . little balea. —o !civet, dad -The mother's' deiling VOs Agistg— tbeigh he sweetly tom Tee of dtuiiiist . . And thdri he ealnilii"Nient to sleep liro placid calm and mild, But graven in our, hearts we'll keep Thit precious little Child. • Then from,his own sweet little bed They took out !oiling Oust, Anti laid his little antinin heed , ,, Deep in his mother deist. And then they raised a little mound To make the solemn place A spot of priceless sacred_ ground, No ages can efface. All covered with the mossy groom That now enshrouds his bed, He oleops so long ant% so serene That Nature calls "he's dime ' , But often tare at sunset glow We hear the warbling birds In feeling songs of bleakest woe / Repeat our heart-fah words. • - "!b ! that we could call back, again That pt In and wither') flow'r To ease these broken. hearts of palm, And 'grace our little bower. 165 - The Cineinnatti amtmercicil has re ceived important information direct profit East Tennessee by way of Cumberland dap. The persecution of the Union mea contin ued. The property, of all loyal Tennessee, r „ ails in the- Union, army wat)oug sold a auction, including furniture, - --agrienitdral implements, Sib., no attention. being paid to. the necessities of their families. A distill, imished citizen, of Tennessee ; whn bad been. arrested and emit into a Southern jail, had died there from the. erects of unwholesome. food, and his remains had arrived, atKnox ville for interment. Union soldiers who are. prisoners at the South are dying rapidly in consequence - of the tainted meat and rotten , l-which-they-lire.-oompelled-te-ea. Noar----- ly all the Rebel troops &are been withdrawn, • from East_Tennessee and taken to Richmond.. The country is filled however, with gueril la bands, who are commiting; all sorts of depredations on Union people. Recruiting in Adiania and Ohio. INDIANAPOLIS, * July B.—Oov. Morton's call for eleven additional reginients and' six batteries of artillem although only publish ed yesterday morning, has been responded to with the most hearty and confident - manner• by prominent and influential representatives. from over thirty counties. Gov. Morton and the Hon. I'. W. Thompson . arttressedia large meeting at Ifidianapolis last night. CINCINNATI, July s.—The organization of new Ohio regiments will commence inime diately. Camps urn being established in dif ferent parts of the State for their reception. Recruiting has materially improved the past few days. Over eight hundred privates, on. -furlough, have, reported at Camp Chile; and. more are coming in every day. Burnside Marching on. • NEWBERN, N. 2, VIA BALTIMORE, July- Burnside's entire: corps. d'arwee is in mo tion, bound inland somesVhere, probably', to co-operate with. McClellan.. You.r readers will be surprised to hear that three divisions are now in motion from this place, and more to come. You will -hear good news from Burnside, Parke, POstler, and Reno very sooa. The troops are overjoyed to think that they are about to follow our gallant Butraside into it glorious: field once more. J. P. A letter from. Sedalia, Missouri, says: 'The social elements which give to this place and its surroundinws are at least remarkable, if not of the highest order.--.Ahnost every body is a secessionist, and particularly the. women. d overheard ono del* ate creature remark yesterday that she h d a usband and two the Fede I a 3 , , and she hoped to God the Southern tro ps would kill every one of them ! The amiability of such a ?aster-. at the very least, remarka— ble." rr---From . ". dress Monroe, we have' the satisfactory intelligence that the army of the .' Potomac has advanced seven miles since the • 4th instant, towards Richmond . - Allatiif truce boat had been sent up the York niter to confer with the rebels concerning our sick and wounded, who fell into the enemy's hands . recently. Important papers, maps, pans Sze:, were found upon the rebel • granb4 Teazer when sh- s .er rebel - gunboat, the Young Merrimac, has been sunk since by .our gunboats in the Jau►es river. •Accounts from Fredericksburg, Va., rep resent the greatest possible distress among , the inhabitants. The 30th Rebel regiment raised in that town, is have been cut to pieces in the. recent battles ou• - ,tlia ‘ peninsula. At Warrenton, Va., occupied by our for.. ces, sonic of the women in 'the town throw dishes and other articles, from the windows, at our troops.. Our officers had better play Gen. Butler with them.. • • .A:n'aristocratic church' in - Now York is Ili trouble. A mechanic bought a thotisand- ' dollar pew right in among the white-kid- , glove people, and the presence of him and his family is a great annoyaticc:itoili* rounding him, who a. don 4 with a mechanic in suc close. proximity. A - suit at :law has been tared against the!-* plebian pewholder to 0 , - Rebel Loss 30,000.---Th : e Richnionit* periof Saturday, in-detailing the oceutrencea of the peat few days, acknowledge a loss of 30,000 - men, although they &ill a . itiotory: Add 20,000 to their estimate, and4ott, will , - be nearer the mark, -t: