1 . 2 A 1 liBtAititlVAii intril u ° , ~, r ,_•,,:gadwairef .„..:.• ‘4.0,6ER., • QUEENSWARE AND CEDARWAiit • • 114 VING just returned from the Emitern Cities - I he would COI the otterition of his customers. bird the piiblie kerierally' to his '• LARGE & SPLENDID ASSORTMENT DRY (iOO_DS! Whig h will be - sold at extremely Low Nees. - Below you enumerated a few articles Which will he found among his stock, to which tie fliYites your attention: FOR LAlilEs, Ladies' Shawls, Plaid Giughams, Broi:adei; Fancy Lawry, Braiges, Bundlers: MEWS WEAR, Fancy CSlF•SilllerCg o Pi;lin Cloths, hatian Cloth; Vestingsi • Ma Aid' eF, Grenailiensi :A.\ - a , == i Denim., • Tweed., Linen, shirt Fronts, 'hirt Collars, Neck Ties; 4rit,b iltntenswaivi llardwaii; Boots and Kato the . ifery best quality, such as Syrups, and Poi to Rico Molasses; Best Rio Coffee, Superi.'r Prepared Coffec, tluonnell'i ; Mt Eaglet . ; No. t ChocUldte, , Tobaccii, Ri e. Sce., The above c•Oods have been carfully selected and purchased at the wry lowest figure. He is thrrefore enabled to accommodate all who may favor him with strict attention to business and a desire to please in every respect, he hopes to merit n continuance of patronage. IN 0 TIM!, LE TO -SHQ W GOO DS, I,buntry Produce taken in exchange for goods at the,lii . gho. market prices • J. W. MILLER. A pril 18 *2 • liEivrovAL. !ALE 3 CENTS PER GLASS. THE 6til,scritser informs his customers that he hdb reihoited his Restattrant to the house of Mrs. Blair, next door to Beaver's Variety Sulre, where to will have tbr sale Oysters, Eggs, Ham. Cheese, &c, Also Washabaugh's and Ludwig's Alb :it eehti per glaa. , S. FUNK. A 1)6118 MT. HOP ~~ 'f' ~' ~''Jr9~v34 imderaigred would itillirrit his customers j and the pnhlie generally that he hus juA re• mired from Philadelphia a full assortment of Spring tt Sumner Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Shoes, Boors, Hits *Gaps, and till other articles usually retailed 1 7 :Y:country merchants, nil of Which will be soil as Intoots'ihe•nn me f;oods can be purchased elsewhere in tlie tbon* The public are invited to call.and examinelhie•attirk. JOHN M. COOrt. "Mt. Hope: April IS • _ it ', -D. LECIII,Eit ~~►eta& , he late to his friends and thb Oldie generally that ho is now in possession of all late and most improved instrutnents,and is well Prepared to perform all DENTA li operations. He will be happy to wait upon those who may require the services of an experienced Dentist. All opera tions upon the month." avid teeth performed in a scientific manner. Teeth inserted according to the biteit improvements in the art, and at moderate totes. . .. Office in his residence on thi Bouih bonier a the Ihamend. IMIZEI I PEON TROCBLES TERNEII UP INIAPILLED OUT! \iv Ho can make a many—l mean in appear -Voice, with a coat fitting like a fashion-plate pants and vat fit for a president. Who makes the fine gents you see in the cityl• The Tailor! —no mistake about' it, Well,,then we have just brought prom the City, the neatest, efeeketit',lntest, fanciest, - lolliest,.lot of , i'ANCir-CABBLMERS, BLACK CABSIMERES s ; • - CLOTHS AND VESTINGS, that cambia leer in this quarter.We will, pledge our knives to turn out good ?Italia 'env SUITS.— Frestt, sparkling goods, alWays pleaiv s and •we have them, We have•the latestiaehion Plater : and will :I - suite-nothing 'undone to please our friends and the "rest O.& J. BENDER. April 18 ,\ - _ • . jSURE and nriadultsigifil . spiced &ter Vinegar t o i l e ° by isconsii sign of tas:Goldsn Mortal tc!univA rantsciPouttrt..„.. ,' ~ ~ „.„__, ,farian _ purr • use &nice Parasol 'Acaltat • rgrat's Oinatoor • .(iihotaY. • . at onit:23). Del lines, Alkocao, Printed ChnMee', Dotnlazines, Ginghaine, - Poplins, Cedar Ware. STORE. 1 , tarki •no at Phice• tou tt r u," yo niter; ict AY-404:141 Able *Big -Red. Hinny the Sign is; All sold chearby IL B. • " ," c"l liEunJar3igned informs the pnblie, in.genciO 41 and especially these 'Of hfs cuatoinere in want of anything in his line of business . , inai he tins "com pleted and occupying , hie iiewc,and estens i / ir. ly enlarged etifabliaintieni far the . Itanufactnte and Sale OF TIN4AitE, SHEET -IRON WARE; ANii STOVES. He is now prepared to supply any demand for his Cook Blares: general Housekeeping Goods and liiiehen Ware, on such terms as must, give entire satisfaction. vlta ava7aa • offered are of the best and 'meat improved kinds,anil having been tried are acknowledged to be all that can be tle.iired as godd cciokera uiid ta.kerti, and are easily-kept ~, ~ - , - His own asssuFsertitino Wang is all made with a view to the wants of customers froth the befit mate rial and is warranted in all cases to be good. He also keeps a large assortment or -I.,V"Special nitwit:l4i if given to putting tip SPOUTING, made of the best tin,ior houses and barns, in which he has had.a lung and extensive ex perience. Remember the sign of the Rig Red Aug. 9, 1860 D. 11 RUSSELL. • ANTIETAM FACTORY A S D •LL) EM . 2 • -- S . ? HE subscriber, thankful for past patronage, still iolicitS the same; and in addition to manutit4itz ring all !dila of wiirliNl Material for Building Purpcl3.lB, such as SASH, DOORS, SHUTTERS, BLINDS, FLOORING, WINDOW FtiAMES,DOOR • FRAMES, FACING, MOULDINGS, &c.. &c. I am prepared to furnish all kinds of oak tintbe for different purposes in building, such as JO ICE, RAFTERS, LATH, STUDDING , PAIL !NG'S, S9.3.INITLING, BOARDS, &c., All of Whieh *ill he sawed to &dee, tit short notice and Upon reasonable termh. Also, saiiing, by Mill and circular saws, of every descrittioit thine; Framing, Surfacing, Matching, Fltieding, &c., &c. For further particulars apply to the subscriber, at Factory two miles southeast of Waynesboro. 1). F. GOOD. Jan. 17, 1861 TO THE LAMES! I I tS M. C. 11E8S1it informs the Ladies of Waynesboro' on 1 vicinity that She has re moved her Millinery Store to the, dwelling Wise on Main Sire( t, adjoining the residence of. Mr. Jacob Wolf, and has just received from the Eastern Cit. ice a full. assortment of Bonnets. Hatsfßonnet Trimmings, Flowera. and other articles u.mally kept by Milliners. The Ladies are requested to call and examine her two :k ft oil 11:62 THE OLD MILLER AGAIN ! A 8 the Retielli at ia noteonits last legs, nhd nearly over, we thonght right to, announce to the public that we will grind Grits of 20 bushels or upwirds either for pay or Toll Separtely,and that ive hai.c on hand all kinds of FEED, CORN in ear or shelled, or it, MEAL sifted or not. Also— Oats by the bushel or in any way that it may he w a nted;— a Is°, NI id lings, Shi pstull . and B ran, Corn in Cob Chopp6d at short notice. Plaster by the ton ..or bushel on hand. Still in the market for Wheat. We can always do up good work like it was dune at bland No. 10, and Fittsburit JOHN WA LTEM ---- JOSEPH ELLEN. Timothy Seed for Sale. THE subscriber has now fir sate 40 bushels of pi•ho e TiMoTH EEI) which he will dis puss of at fair prices. Persons in want of seed for Ii II sowing; are •reque'sted to give him a call mad BENJ. E. PRICE. Important id rarmers 1 1 1 HE subscriber takes this method of announcing j_ of the Farmers anti. others, that he has on hand a lot of DWARF BROOM CORN seed, along with some specimens of the corn. This is an excellent article of Broom Corn, and should be raised by ev ery one. He has also a full assortment of fresh DzugS, Chemicals,, &c. J. P. KURTZ. P. S. 1r am Selling Cranberries at 121 -cents pe quart. Mar. 14 Light Lights! rIIHE cheapest Light 'in use can he had at H STONEHOUSE'S Hardware Store Nnv Smoke Stack for Saleia riIHE subscriber has a heavy Iron Smoke Stack 3:1 feet lung and 16 MOMS in.diameter, which he will dispose of upon reasonable terms. Post Of fice address, Quincy, Pa. Dec2o—tf • 'JOHN L. METCALF. KEROSEN E - I;AMPS.:-:All kindsfor sale by N. D. D. RUSSELL, sign of the "Big Red horn." March'lS• FAIOdkIRS. Lt TEEL Shovels, Spades, Hoes, Fork*, Rakes; OMAnbre Drags, &c., &c., nt prices that will defy competition. Cull and see for yourselves, at aprl 1 ' BKOTIICIITON'S T H E, SEST COOK STOVE in the market to be had at the sign of the Big Re'l Horn. / L it. RuBest4. LllO CATSUP 1.1 TTLES For sale at the Store of W. H. nsoiltiftiolt Seps • L ARGTEITVOIV KETTLES at drat) Ito Russsa's. IF you want a gam' chew of Tobacco, call at apr4 .Patca'a 1 ADIES, if yet i want to see a Nice amortrnent Li of DRESS GOODS, call at FMCS'S April 4 1 F you want Co tin a large assultuent of Sbawle 1 eall'at rapt 4 Pawn's IF you want ivo!teap pair of Congress Gaiterir, coil et apr4 Pritoe4 " WHEEL. tintr.Ass." IF you want nom) Wheel !liaise, buy 'it at apr2s • Buoyant:roles ,yotrisaintritti cheapest and latest style of flat Call at - Aprt Foos's. 111 IN Toys for sale it Ruessis;i — Dean '6O jr yolk wait I Yips 131 — aer, is!" it • Place's AMES and .Millie limped skim' a v. 004 • 'l;4'. ItaioiteB CIT.R N can bef Ts!: • V) Kra , 'nobo'nob• ft fi r , 7 1 3 Tho r COOrgotiO/WAXtirt itic isubethibei icopeetiltillSr intormis itisioitt= r ers mitt the "public grtjoiAy .:that he hits re, centty_yepleniqhell hie mock 4)1 rFruit nuil Coittec tiotittresi.rintl 11.16 novi the hoest d•imorttni.tsi tit IP . - ever-brought to ‘Vayneaboto'ovith itAtslitzs i ;, 'swEEl' CAKES or mrimit,;fir.g&rtirtioti.i.;v: - - GA Toi4Oco.;etc., etc: 0 Y 'll':' , f. - 01 , a I Ife has also on hamd at all times the finest ( . I , steiti the market will afford, which will ho .served up to customers Fried, (toasted of SleWet!. AVE -.AN:D CIDER! _ he is likewise' Prepared 'to 'furnish both Washa bough‘s and Ludwig's ALE, and a superior article of scotch Ale ano Crab Apple Cider, with a prime article er!,lpololihri SaiviSgsr,bid Eggs, arid all other articles hstirillY k6pt in first rcirria4 itestahrants A genuine article of Vinegar always for sale. NovB L. B. FISHER. T 'H 1' S WAY! CHEM MAXIN THE undersigned respectfully announces to the public generally that 'he is still at the old stand on Chur.ctr Streetc Waynesboro!, Pa., where he continue's the manufacturing of Family. •. - fa • dak - un' Cia Buggies, Barouches, Wagons, and every species of vehicles usually made suciNstablislimentri: 7 — His work *arraitki to be coniposeil of the best anu most durable Material, drld Wone• but the most experienced workmen are employed.— He has now on band a number of Carriages, Bug gies, &c., &c., which he will positively sell at greatly reduced prices for cash. or upon a show credit., By keeping a good stock at 411 times, and alvir4s holding hues - elf ready td supply the de ntands of the people he liers to retain and secure a liberal share of patronage. Repairing, Trimming. and Painting..donc in the best manlier, and at the shortest notice. Lumber, Country Produce, &e:, Will tie takhn in exchange for work. JACOB ADAMS. N. B. The Books dP flit. arid of J. & A. S. Ad. ems, are in the hands of the undersigned.' Persons knowingthemgel•es indebted are requested to make kihnimiate payMeitt. .1. A. Alit,' I. ISM. Defence of Armaggcdon. A BOOK FOR THE TIMES p. 413 is acknowledged to be one of the most re• rearkable of human productions that has ever beenolrered to the American people. Thu style is chaste and truly eloquent. The subject treated of is of the most inspiring: "The United t tater: in Prophecy. For sale by F. *lt ' Noel X it it it.itNeireMitZM iIIdXWAX - W4kX T. J.- FILBERT, tv, DRAPER, Has constantly for a' ale.a Assortment of GOODS fur Gentlemen's ware. Pi rE'Latest City Fashions always ou Land la ' 1 , 2 aynts urn , a. Capitalists. TAYNESBORO' SAVING FUND.—This Society will'pay the following rates of in terest per annum,on all sums deposited in the In stitution. For 3 months, 2 per cent.; from 3 toi6 months, 3 per cent.; from 9 to 18 months, 4 per cent; and °set 18 months, 4f per cent. For a shorter period than 3 nidutii9 the terms will be made kown the Tteaseret. Notes for discountshould be handed to the Tress urer on Tuesday, as the Board of Directors meet : rgularly on Wednesday of each week, at 9 o'clock A.M. By order of the Board, Jude 17 '5B JN 0 . PHILIPS Treasuror, Notice—New Firm. HE sulAcriber having disposed of his entire Stock of Goods to Ilitssrt. Coiliflower dt ding apm, notifies all persons indebted to him on Store Books to settle their accounts with and pay the a mount of their indebtednet-s to either John P. Study or Daniel Bricker. The new firm will continue the business as heretofore. A. S. MONN. Quincy, Jan. 31, 1862. Mentzer's Horse & Cattle Powder Me 1 7 t SteTr / t, N he E r ß ec. i h p a e v r i o n r g m l: a u tk r7 n h 6 a , s the e of Mr far-tamed /Loris° aild Cattle PoVvder,fur Pennsy rya ilia and Maryland, takes this method of informing the farmers; drovers, &c., that he has on hand amid intends keeping a good supply always• on hand. Country merchants and Others keeping such articles fcr sale, would do well to supply themselves with a quantity. He will sell it on commission or fur cash cheap. Orders will be punctually' attended to. .lan. 31. Apr. 1, 1862. fleady'lllade Clothing FOR FALLI AND WINTER! FRESH SUPPLYS RECEIVED MONTHLY! A/8. ADAMS would respectf .11y inform his • patrons and the public generally that hle has returned from the Eastern cities with a general as• sortment of Ready-Made FALts AND WINTER CLOTHING. embracing all the latest styles of Coats, Pan ts,rests b Shirts, Collars, Necties, Suspender's, etc., etc., all Of Which are well made. The public are tordially in vited to call and exatitine his goods, as he is deter termined to sell at short pmflts. • He will continue to carry on the business of Tailoring as heretofore. Persons desiring gar ments cut out or made up aro invited to give hint a call. • Latest fashions received regularly. “STOVE CLIMB% ALL it "Brothe.tou'a" and get a package of C "Garburet of Iron,' It •is the beat polish in .the worth Unrivalled in economy. Permanently lustrous. The only place to bay the ger/dine article is at apr2s : • BROTH ERTON'S rt — Iti:EGRAPIIPODDER.CUTTgitS, The best in uie tor gieby /Srovg ' E: S: TROXEL. Agt. FERSH Mackerel at -. Mar 28 AMBORSON, BIXEDICT &10`014 DE AC H ES.—Dried Peacher , pared arid Wear's) Ad. At /Wisterias, Esaleter & Co's. `lll.OTli, . air, . Tooth and — Nail Brusho Ijjustreceived'and (tussle very low by M. M SVONSR. ripliE latest style it Silk 6 ustets Au Loci, POints iet irnsy23) . . ;,.. . raicie s IF yon *ant to sea Syrup "'ewer so thick, it clear crystaLand as 'skeet sa tatey, call It - -• r,- -- -a , Patel's, I' ytrt *ant a nice ptain or lanes , silk, call at ' Psucti'a want a ptty , re Summer nal ~apr4 IVAYNE - OBQ '• ": Itl NE 's - fm : 1), . EIS - EttB. TINI`ENT SELII4REGCLATING GRAIN SEPARATOR; CLEANER • AND' BAGGER • tap S TAB • Latest , Improved Thresher and Triple Gear ed Horse PoiCers. Driving either by Gear or Belt, all:furnished Complete I. , adg 'to be piii-Onlragons, 1, the undersigned,. deiire-to call the attention o Farinereintd Thresheimen of Frankling and adjoin it counties to it, he'eri bblohle the publid for seven years, during which time it has given general satisfaction, anil the patentee having made some "very important improvements which render it still more complete, • both for dead separating, and cleariitig, and also for ease of dratight and- fast: threshing. U take pleasure in re. echnindidnig'it to the public, knovling that it *ill give tho be& of satisfaction. 1C eni niatirirsctttlitig three different sizes, as followsi No. 1 is 8 horse Power,will thresh and clean from 200 to 500 bushels per day. No 2 Li 5 to 6 horse power, will thresh and ciean from 150 to 200 bushels per day No. 3 is 4 to 0 horse power, will thresh and clean from 100 to 2110 I ".2ilele per day. These Macnines nre.warranted to do the riboms and do it much better its every respect than any other machine in use. Grain having much light filth in cleaned lin this Machine is ivoilli.fiotn 2 cents more per bust= el than when cleanCd on any other separator, or the common way oleic:ming on 6nd fans. For this feiLion ilibtb l 5 not the eighth part of liet matter in theinaiti al when cleaned on the riddle principle. The blast acts freely on all the grain as it lemma the althea, whertas, when cleaned wit!, riddle that ad vantage is lost Tfiis machine does not return the tailends as, most of the separators do. By returning filthy tail ends alternately it is impossible to make merehanta grain, Another important featdre in this machine that others of the kind have not, is the Self-acting Blast Regulator in the fan, which remedies all dif ficulties in bad ckaning, blowing grain in the-chaff in high speed or irregular driving, vfhielt cannot be avoided in cleaning grain by horse power This Machine is also more dttrable and less tedious to manage than any ethetSeparator and Cleaner,or the common machine with shaker. Onleis to insure their being tilled until hattest should be sent in immediately. I am fully prepared to nnike to order and on short notice Portable and Stationed SHAFIING AND PULLEYS, IRON BRIDGES; OAST IRON WATER WHEELS, IRON KETTLES, &c, Stoves and Plow castings,also cast iron anil wrought iron pipe for steam or water, and Brass castings of every description; in a word, , I am prepared to do everything usually dime in a foundry - rind inaehin shop. Having supplied rriyiielf With the latest proved machinery, such as Lathes, Boring. Planing and Willing Machines, persons can rely on having ' their work done in the most satisfifetory I am also prepared to 'manufacture to order ma chinery fur wood, such as Tonging and lituving machines for flooring, Surface, Tenuul and Mould: ing machines, &c. I also offer to the public a new and valu able impiovement in my steam engines, made Within the last year, viz: tor the economizing of fuel, and the regUlation of speed, which renders my new engines far superior to the old engines. my machines are sold under warrantee. My ham a are all experienced workmen in thir line of business, and I use all good material, so that I am perfectly sale ih warranting all My work. I ant also prepared to do rcpairilig. in workman like a anner, on the aliortest notice. Orders solicit ed and promptly attended to. All orders sent in for repairing must he accompanied with the cash For particulars and circulars descriptive of ma chine, address GEOROK FRICK, Or D.I.IIIEL Uts an, Proprietor' of Territory and so. liottor of orders, Waynesboro' Franklin 1,:0. Pa. A pfll 18-1 NO HUMBUG ! /FRE undersigned haring opened a Watch and Jewelry eltnrei in the new building on *the corner of the. Diatndhd, and having recently return• ed front Philadelphia, would inform the reeitlentH of aynesboro' and the public generally, that he has now on hand a fine aasortinent of WATCHES, JE WE LRY, SILVER AND SILVE R-PLATED WARE, Having had considerable experience at Watch reputing, he it preened to do all work promptly in the beet manner and guarantee the performance or it, • An assortment*of spectacles, and spectitelo glasses always on hand. Jewelry repaired in the nearest IMMITM P B.—Old Silver taken ih eiehange fur path, Apr 4---tyr. A. S. A Cheap aad.lleantillial Light . O. 1 Carbon Oil-pure and non-explosive— wiirranted to burn withoutomitting any smell r used in the - • ... CAIUMN - OIL LAMPS,. . of the latest styles and improvements;—all sold CosAP roll CASH at the sign of the BIG RED HORN. . . 'Apr.4 - D. B. RUSSELL. _____ ditst Iteeeivellt - At °BitOTILSRTOIsIi" an assortment of . 2 , •-- • . ~ • Yrunllg Shears', :' • . • ;-. c i PrunFtg,Knivei . Pruu&Srtp as 4 m Meet .. Priming, Sates. . . -• . . Building Koke,ii; ;" , For sale cheap April., - - • • . May 13. iti !L;o*e i Sugare, Te! tend at fir:saWN - Nac-avtab and So canto per you at " • •Kilires. . - A - freaValytivat:of Carpotings from 15 vitt! , *t,oo at (taiy23) . PRICed • metal cal at *iv h 's STEAM ENGINtS, MILL (EA RING, CLOAKS„ die ei..c ';' '711 , , 1'• - r1 .A!,r,.• ;,..,, • 74 ,I,fii, O , A :..., '- - ''''. ''''' 'l7l ie . ': '";:i/ 4 .k' • ~ i ,,-,21 - : j: „ ~..t,,,?i c : ; , „ , 1 iri''.....;';':i , :,:rf'Z' ,:' , '' , 1,,',..'"::, -41. - - I k.', 1 ;,: . .,:1;*- •,, ,-- ',:..-:, ,+ . ~,,, , -',-.::: , -,:':', , z,",;,4 ` . - ;;;: . ,f; -; , .. 3.,, , j .:::;";.,:t!!!,... , • ; '::: : :), , . : !; ..f ,;' ; , ,i ': 4".; . ' : '‘ Y 11 a ;, ' ,:rtilltilitti ;: tgli I 1 litifid tan • ru i..oq •SiCei‘tt ' lii,tiOiiiii i i •-• ' tit; Patent Midieitten, Paints Misr . , Dji! *indow.P4sg;,Putty r Tobaccci, Snuff; and die.; now prepared to sell as chilip as the eheliPeet Will assure his cilsinizt 'ers iegaietchoinlitkiilthich is of thiriliat'hn portance, his goods . will compare with any in the market. lie has also a splendid isioitraent of Perfunthy. S'O'Spisi)4l Toilet" Articles - . of all kinds, consisting in part of the following, viz Dairdirliriet ' . ~ '''''-' , Vomadcs, • -. Amber and Bears' Oil •'i :_ Colognes, - ~ Extracts for the liandkerchief i l • Lyon's Katliairorii Burnet's Coeoainei ' • -, , liarrison'a Ladies' Wimp, • Honey Soap, • • - fietel sotip', . . • Diamond White Soap. cONTECITIONERY i rmiis &c:, Cranberries Raisins,, Figs, Prunes, Currants. Cition;Orangerti her:rims; Nuta oiall kinds, and Candies of every' varieEyY.'• - Kerosene Lamps, Lamp globdi, Ritisties, Kerosene Oil. Camphine,"Alcohol, !turning Fluid, and in fact anything and everything that is usually. found in d dffipf eddfd:. ' Thankful for kind favors arid patio-nage hereto. fare bestirve , ! upon him, he solicits a continuance of the same4and hopes that• he endeavoring to please, he dray win the Confidence of the people. PhySiciarni i .tireqiriptions promptly and carefully compounded at all hours. • • J. Fi KURTZ." iib'y .29, 1860 THE WAR 17 g. litname "dontinenial" sounds More haf to the American heart, than any of the Boyal blood, even should it be a Prince. So all you that want a good Cooking Stove that burns either coal or vread, tall at 9/u VIAI7LEpt and ask for the Continental, which is one of the be,.t stoves in market, and by far the cheapest. It takes a lthig stick of wood and is provided with fire brick to bum Coal. It is one of tilellist baking and cooking Stovcs that has ever been offered for safe. It is a fine Cooking Stove drid is easily kept clean. I always have a large assortment on hand, and will ive better bar!ains Than a.cyitherbanaa_iti. country. Si) to prove that my.name is not Om' I Bragg call and see for yourselves. Also on hand Heating S!evcs, such as 1111 RITE MO tifi'STRES, - for shop or parlor, all of whiCh t will sell Very low You will also lied a large assortment of I RU'Ur.h.3 . 1— i With Copper; 'hilts and Sheetzfron Ware, em hirh is all airily own make, and which has been proven cantina be found better in any place. Now remenKt ber I ant bound to sell clump, so all that want only thing in my line, give me a call. My slid') is still at the old place on Main . Street.'under the Printing Office. House Stpilatidgi done nt all times and of the best double tin. Feeling very thankful fur the many past favors I have received from the public, I would invite all to gibe me a call; for then you can see Ibr yourselves whore to get trargailiti. Old metal taken at Potindry Prices in exchange Arr new Stoves. W. A. 'PRIME, M Vtrainesboro'. Denier in the variety of Drags. Medi cines, Yankee Notions, Perfumery, Ligtiori for medicinal • purpoSes, Oils, 4*c., c., S\7OuLD tender his thanks to the . community. and still soli •It thu pntrattage of a generous ptllitic Who waht anything In his line. Inasmuch as he has enlarged his stock so as to .he enabled to answer all calls for anything and everything usual ly found in a Drug Store, and has a thorough ac, quaintauce with the business, ho hopes to gain the confidence of the Community. He will pal par ticular attention to filling physicians' Precripfions, and more care - nn'il precaution ifsed in waiting up oh chldnfn than Millis. Choice Winra ant?Liiiunrs for medicinal and sociareental perposes, Patent Medicines ate endless in variety, including all that have been Mode up to this date and some that are yet in embryo. Also White Lead, Zinc, Paint, Whiting anti Varnishes for !mole building or Inside work, besides all sizes of Glass. ComMereial. Note, Fools Cap and Letter Paper alWays on hand, with a variety of Envelopes of different sizes and colors. Brushes, Combs, Pomade, Fancy Soap, Hair Oil; Colognes, Essen 'ees, FlaVoring Extracts, and namerous articles in the Fancy line on fiend and offered fur sale, cheap er than ever offered before W. A. GROYE. Also a large assortment of Kerosene 011 Lampe, Chimneys, Shades and Wicks, and Kerosene Oil to fill them. A general ass•rrtrnent of Ftliti and Confectionaries, Tobacco and Cigars. Met. 11. ... NEW FIR111!--) .Coachmakingl ITIHE undersigned • ha v ing leased the wellAnown 1 Coach:risking Establish Mentor A lex. Hamilton. on Mechanics street, Waynesboro: respectfully an nounce to their friends and the public gienerailly, that they purpose carrying on the business in all its branchelN and are now prepared to manufacture to 'order all khan Or • • arriages, lituggies. ; IllarCouiches, aping . Wagons , dcc. acc.. the'best Material, and made dy superior werLaten. - 11LACKSMITHING and REPAIRING of oil kind* done at reasenable rates, promptly and 'to the satisfaCtion of customers. - _COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in exchange for work at market prices. - Cif Persons desiring articles or work in the Coach- Ms king' line, are respectfully invited to give them a - " L. K. MORRI3ON, Mar. GEO.H. HAWKER. EN'l"6:lShulata, Arct►c Varappera, and other Ucomfortable flab's for cold r. 'other at Ctrt4 titian Refl. ' A IM at 16 andcanto per pto '.!", at L~ nor. , 2ll. " • - - f• 'CURTIN. ANYBODY wanting anything' in the.,. 41 / 4 1rug line" ran . Supplied • h Mtn:* au ta eso : met - istl:cif oniicliniefot tho'iiivibtei'itial fie Ifni iecoivedat 11, Kite 'selected stook of razsit *Aires,. P. POURTHAN, FOREIGI iill DETIC lialla ,• . ' TF~tg ,:.. _sLBo-0- if ptti3, 'elPttrititylV of 90, 111 ! Vo4ollWlii3t r iAtithin , 'A.:‘,4l)4rEit'lNSE3NEATEl.Perriportihtte3nfiti: tiffiltotti for ovefit riirboequoiit in rtioti, 25 meitti TO Tittil:k_ .134;0 1 NEW hstAiitisititENT HE eatuteritFet *oaf& ibtzt the -2, • tit T Wayneeborit'.•tithl the. public 'that' he has co'm= nteneed the Sheeata.kitig basatere in the lieserneht of Kattz'siftfl ae all times lie iit. reattieees to`aceommaitate ehotie .who. may give hide nooTs AND SHOES!' thalletu On tiofice; cifidebtiStikaiprictle andulifiti the moat reriioriatile terms: ' • Obt /5:: ' THi/itk LISNIMAN,.. • FArErritkiiiLLEl RicoWniendations frorg-the Pcicully of .erinektone ' ,Ccillege. N. J. Ptiii.ujimoN, N. J.; Feb: 28th, 11,11161. The undersigned' ataliatipy to_ tesiifs that of the Patiettiville Acodeiny, Pa. have inaintained% high standing among the recent graduatee of the' College of New Jeive. ,tOitEN ~, President of the College: .FkM.P.S, C. hiOPF/4 1 'Fidftteßreditirreit d.'IN NORE MGM Profess* of Latin: JOHN T. DIJPFIB1.1), • Profearir of Mathematics FLOUR, FEED, • AND PROVISION trroitzt I HE subscribers would in form the' citizen/ of Way nesb,,ro', that s the h ih n e ve ro o o p m er f i o e r cl in al y lo o n c r, Feed and ProyiAiori Store i cupied by Joseph . Price, • 'i,itilte; the iegidelico of 1 4 1 John BeII ; where they Wit at all -timea+ - havo for sale ani, - CJII MEW MBE' RM. HOMINY, MILT, STUFF OF ALLAINDS. SCREENINGS, CORN, MIMEO AND IN THE EAR, OATS; PO- TA.ToES, BACON AND, • LARDi VIIVEOArif • • • Also, Rite, Wheat and Barley' by,••tlie busbelcir smaller quantities, and other °nicks utittallg kept in such , All Flour and Mill Stuff will he sold at Miit, Pates 4 eon CASH. The highest . ..64Bh prices paid tor wheat, rya' corn nthl oats.' DANIEL NV AIi.FUNK. Dr. Jacobs, Harbotigh & t'o'ss CelebratOd Ainerican Liniment "For IVlan 4:4ll,,Beastfi Feb t 4 —tt HE greatest and best external tredy ittkt'o • krr in i ered to the public. For-sale by F. .1. Krulx447. - Druggist. Waynesboro' and by Druggists in the county xenerally. IV' Price 25 cents per bottle. December 13,, '3o—ly Nu ',Mimi. NO 01/01, DIXON'S PURR CARRURRFOF IRON STO V E l i — Po ni, The cheapest article' in the world . , Unrivalled in Economy. Permanently (Aswan% The only place to get it is at li 110 kiE ruN'd. mitteh gg. a Aid von.tinental›Hotel, Pt WA NE.Sl3OltO', PL. THE undersigned having accently taken the a , hove named - Hotise, fotinerly known as the' "Melte Inn " takes plearure in announcing to his friend,„and the roadie that he is prepared to receive and entertain Guests ha a style not to be excelled by any country Hotel. The House hasiing been thoroughly repaired and newly furnished with eve, ry thing calculated to make his guests comfortable —the publi c may rest assured that they will at all times find it in a condition suited to the comfort and convenience of the traveler., His Hat isalways sup= plied with the choicest !liquors, and his Table with the best the markets afford, and all edict appliances suitable and necessary for the accommodation of man or beast. With faithful and obliging servants and tits own personal attention and supervision, • he will leave no means uurpared to • merit public pa t ron ags. The propHetSr assures those who may favor him with their patronage that they shall ever meet at his house a cordial reception, and that everything es+ sential to Hitt convenience and happiness of his guests shall be attended to. June 21, 1860 L. B. KURTZ IMPORTANT. J. A. FISHER A RC main reminded of his recent tour to the Eastern Cities, and of the reception of his fine stock. of cloths, Casa:incases anti Vest. logs. All of the HOST FASHIONABLE STYLES. His stock of FRENCH CLOTH'S and GASclf. VI EBBS he calls particutor attention to,. as the hest in tottm. Also, one of she best assortments Of FURNISIIINa Goons in town—all rattly for their ht./ . spection and benefit, and kindly asks a-call from all persons tiesirious of buying Goods it. his line, at ex tremely c c tli;irraccivcs•=o,‘ In the NEWLY FITTED . ROONT, next door to Uptiegraffe, Hagerstown, Md. [inn. 3; 18611 BACK AGAIN. GB PRfCE informs pis customers and the . public generally that he has removed his Barber Shop to the llaiiement of Mr. Kurtz's Hotel ) formerly occupied by hint ns a Barber Shop, where be will Shave, Cut, and Dress Hair as heretofore. Give him a call. Nov. 22:-1E ATEN antIECT?!; heavy itoots and §hoesat 11 Oct. 4 - Hanauer'. ixtures at Mar-28 ' A Nitta 'ON. UNNICDICT & ri nu:ellen' article ut Spur tur atl cts. per gal at (ocl4 . Illtn l. t r i f i C l A. s T pc E c l i 2l a i r.f i r oc a t 7 o , ll 7l o d f o a n IyA y a i b i l e ri a d n ici i n; 11, 111.sTON ER. Druggibt .May 13. IDEPtigit and Corriander, ground & ungrouna n0v.29 - at Kmrrea. JCP.PeIt oettll;k: at nov. 29 F AWL) CANS,a . t . the sigt. of the Big Rat' Hot dec2o - lOlt O.I.LE:OR IiENT.—A - Tert•platat Stove. .4.pply at I'ItIOWS Store OctlB El CONON Y. MESS SHAD to 111, SUGAR CURED' RAMS. fancy. 'Fur Sale ch.ap•at - ' ,r 1414 3014 • r largest lot of Hoop Skirts: eveirooglil. to Waynesboro% can be roes-at (may 23) F You,lrautla lep cnice And - well solectorti4toci of MilursintioodriaLlt* may 234 Kuars's EZ=3l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers