Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, July 04, 1862, Image 3
injurion eh il> oratio apiekly .tury-conelusien:• . . An ,order .fiitinf? opipta of the -respett !re Stten will be balled - by the`War Depart =lneiit'tbootrow. "- - ABRAIIAII LINCOLN:. •,, , • - [Nes zns ' nom 111111111aillg. Who does net love s summer eve, An eve in the month of June; When fragrance fills the weAern breeze And sweet is "the wood-bird's tune: When - gently *avert the verdant robo That's over the fruit trees- thrown *ldle the lovely rose so meekly beads To the winds homthellirantain blown. The. monn.shines with s•tendet glow, Rendering the green vale bright; And th'o boughs of the large old oak • Dance gaily in her hght. „ From the mountain comes n low sweet tone . dike the plaintive note or a bird ; Which mi ogled tvith thi• waters malt, Is all the sound that's heard, Then who loveth not a summer eve, An eve in the month of June; When fragrance fills the western breeze And sweet is the wood•bird'a tune. Exorbitant Prices. The Louisville Democrat has been shown a privite letter from a citizen of Memphis to his brother in that city, from Which the fol lowing facts are gleaned: He is out of business and out of money.— Eight weeks ago h e had $500,_ but his family took sick and the most of it has gone to the drug store. A prescription which would cost fifty- cents in Louisville, • costs ten dollars in Memphis. Quinine pills 61.50 each. Family living in much the same proportion—flour $3O per barrel; hams 40 cents per pound; beef 50 cents; spool cotton 64) cents; calico $1 per yard; cotton made in the South 75 cents; pins one cent each. 'There are many Union men in 31emphis, hut they are / still afraid to speak their sentiments, lest the United States for ces should be compelled to evacuate. _..... Arrest of a A9py at Manasias, MAN AssAg —June 30.—(Special to the Y: Tribune.)—A lieutenant colonel in the rebel army of the name of Nichols, who has not resigned his commission, araftleclares he will not, was to-day arrested in the garb of a pedler, going from camp to camp, sell ing his wares. An old resident of lirents vine says Nichols was a lawyer before the commencement o f the rebellion, but has since been very active in raising troops • for rebel cause. Colonel Pierce held him as a s ) . NAstiyolve,. , dune 311.—Dr. Cheatham, 'Superintendent of the Tennessee Lunatic 'Asylum, was sent to the penitentiary to-day Mr treason . ; also, Rev. G. D. Elliott. Fourteen hundred United States prison ers, taken at Shiloh and paroled, were sent home to-day. A large quantity of cotton has been re ceived here. Death of Gen. Scott's Wife New York, June 28.—A telegraphic des patch from Welt Point states that General Scott has received intelligence of the death of his wife at 114111/C, on the lOult Mrs. Scott (formerly 3liss Mayo) was attended in her last illness by her daughter and son tu-law. Her age was 72 years. SerThe official lists of the Rebel losses at the battle of Fair Oaks have been published. S 5 regiments and battalions in all were en gaged, sustaining a loss in killed, wounded and missing of 5,897 • ma-SPRING FISH!' )NS, 1852 SILK HATS, • PELT HATS, WOOL HATS, CAPS, &c, UfrStraw lints all colons and styles, for Men and Boys, Children's Fancy Straws, great variety, Com mon Struwa, efr.e., We have just rearnelt•tront the Eastern Cites and believe we have the most c best selected. and he,tpust stock of FASH. lON A BLE HATS far Men, Boys and .Chthlren, to be found outside of the Cities. UPDEG RA FFS. Hat Makers, Opposite Weskit/6.ton lieuse, Hags:sat/mit, :Bd. Stir Before "Busting" we have visited the Eastern Cities, and just returned with a MILLION STHAW HATS, more or less, rather less however than nioremnil on equal moportion of E as te r n m a d e Fk.a.T HATS, all of which we intend to sell for ISM'" DASH at "busting" rates, II you would si ve money bay at the Fountain Head, UPI/EMI-11.1"S ultyre hats are really mode by busting hands, in a bursting, factory, and A. bursting seole, end sold at. such prices as will 'qid" all those who tail M buy at the Fountain Head. UPDBGRAFFS, Hot Makers, Opposite Washington House, lisgerstow, , *FO COUNTRY ME RC HANTS. —ln ad dition to our usual stock of home-made and W 001. HATS, we have just added• fifteen cases of Eastern made FELT HATS, comprising all the styles pip. ular in the trade. These goods have fawn purchas ed from the ldrgest and best eastern lacturies for 'melt, and at Um 'mine rate , ' us the largest city job bens, and eve ure now preptregl to offer them go - eauntry - nterehantsitt - tut - low — prices - as city-jobbers: - L/PUNA;RAFFS, Hatters. Uppestte Washington House,. liageretow it, Md. 118.031orelutate, remember. that we. have just nailed a first class WHULESAItI DEPA r• Al ENT to our Stock, and will sell you in *Mull lots and sizes, us you way want, any of the popular styles of the day, and always at us low prices us city Jobbers. UPllaiß.‘ I.l'S, Hat Makers Sign of the Red Hat, Hagerstown, Md. xis." BI3STE I)."—Don't be alarineki, friends, we've gut in.tough of motley to keep the stuck, and continue soiling at "busted" prices until atter harvest, at the ti AT 13 I'OR.E, Opposite Washingten House, • apr2El, Md. .The lust rim of shad sometimes prove the !mist, just so with our last rue, a bigger stock, better-stuck, and a cheaper stock thug can he produced elsewhere. may 1/0 found at all times, or Until we "bust," at 'UPDEGRAFFS, Hatters, kligu of the Red eat, klugerstowa, Md. Pron.the - Amoirr; a e n of 31 7 teesclog last. • litAUlt.—The 'Mina' market was dull and.intiatits and no transactions ot` moment' werc roporad On (phone to•day. We eon-. to quote: llowartbStreet super 155.121 -®6s.2b,Shipping - Elttra6s:so,Retailin,s Ex tra.465.6Z4E00.10; 46.90(46.5v, itiltak4wii note a see of obeshels .iirire white 'Wheal,. the firat, of the Belmar', .100 'OM per-bulk:L..of the old drop, ton* 3,900 bualtela 00111111e.4.0 ohne Maryland white tirOught, 117®155 eta. 900 Whole kir Indiana do, 125 ete, ' $OO 'boatels /OW - ft • - prime Penne .Ivauia red l2O 125 eta, ;on ern ae. 'Cr ; We quote fair to rod White 140 a 150 eta. prime to choice 6. 155®160 eta. fair to prime Pennsylvania red mein eta: and Southern do. 124®1213 eta. per bushel. CORN.a-Sales of 'Corn comprised 6,000, bushels good and strictly prime white at 58 @,t3o cis. 4,006 bushels inferior -to fair do. at 45@47 eta. 6,000 bushels good and prime yellow at 52@53 eta. and some 2,000-bush els common do. itt4B@so eta. Oats ruled heavy—Sales of 1,500 bushels fair and prime Maryland at 370:39 eta. .and 3,700 bushels Pennsylvania we quote at sq@-to . eta. May and Cattle Scales. THE subscriber iniorms the pultlic that he has now at his Saw Mill, adjoining Quincy, a first rata pair of Hay and Cattle Scales, with an inclo• sure for Cattle. A. 3. MONN; (July 4-3 w.) NOTICE TO BUILDERS. Board of School Directiei, of Washington District, will meet at the• Wesiern School house on SaturdaY the 26th of July, - at which time they will receive mynah for rebuilding the school house at Mont Zero. For specifications apply to J. S. STONER.. By order of the Board. D: F. GORDON, Scc'ry. COMMIE. List of La arcs. LIST of Leiters remaining in he Post Office at Waynesboro', Pa., Julie 30, 1862: Jacob Centralia, Messrs. Black & Phelan, Miss Mary A. Burger, Mr. John Beckley (2); Abraham Bushby, Petter Basehore,J. ii. Eyster, Esq., Levi Elexender, Samuel Foreman, James W. Fitzwater, Win. Fleasle, Hughes & Black, Henry Hawck, Simon W. Harbaugh, Amos M. Halhnnn, Jones & Jennings, L. B. Lyday, H. C. Newman, John Shank of D, M. T. Stover, Christian Sh.nik, Shelf ler & Flemmings, Geo. Wt Werhtz. . Persons calling tin any of the above letters, will please say they were advertised. One cent addi tional will. be charged on each lettrr. (July 4.) T. G. MEI IiUTON, P. M. Hoods ! Hodds ! ! Hoods !U U Jusr received per Express. direct from the man utile tures, another large invoice of Strikers. • . (.lona 13'62) JOslAlt HlCSilltg• Notice to Trempaiiscrs; TIEHSON.; are hereby notified not to tresspass I - upon the lands of the undersigned - by • fishing, hunting, or otherwise, as he he determined hereaf ter to enforce the law against all persons so offen• ding. Dill3lol.A.s IiONEOREAK. (Line 27 3w.) rain rat es, Urain Sickles, Oran' Sickles, .Grain scythes. Grain Scythe's, Of superior quality, for sale cheap (June 27 '14.) 3P - 113131.a1C1 ZTCPTI /I'llE crtizens of Waynesboro, and vicinity, err hereby notified, that I Lave been fint a long time much annoyed by cattle, ranging on the pub lic highways leading to my farm, and I do hereby notify all persons that I will take up all Cattle as strays, ill come on my premises breaking down my fences and otherwise tresspassing upon try property. SAMUEL RIN EH A RT. (June 27-3 w.) HE REAS, Letters Test onentary, on the E state of SUSANNAH ROM, late of Washing ton Township, deceased, have been granted to the ; all persons indebted to toe_ said Estate. are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claimS Or demands against the Estate of said decedent, will make kncwn the same, with out lelay, to "VARIETY STORE." T BEA VER, in connection with his Variety V • Store, has commenced the inanufacttfring of SuOTS and SHOES in all its various branches. Having employed Jeremiah Cooper as .foreman, he is prepared to produce the finest, ncate<'t and main durable wUrk made anywhere. All are invited to call. A large stock of Hats and Caps, (including all kinds of summer for men and boys ) - Eastern manufactured Shoes and Boots of the Le t make, on hand; Clocks, Trunks, Segars. Tobacco. &c., &e. You get the very best KE ROSENE there Mu} 9 tf. J. BEAVER. "11kf M. STONER takes this method of thank j,jl l ong his customers, and informs the public that he has just returned from Philadelphia with the largest assortment of Drugs. Aletlicincs ' Paints, oils, Dye Stuff's, Soaps, Petfuinary, , Fruit, Coact:- tioaary, &c., acc., that has been brought to the place this season; which ho will sell cheap. He has on hand. with what he is receiving. makes his assortment of Patent Medicine greater In variety than any other establishment in the place., In a few weeks. he will publish his list of manufactured articles. He has ou had now. his Cough' Medicine, put up in six ounce bottles, price 25 cents, "no -cure, 30 pay." Its curative properties are now fully appreciated. judging from its daily sales. I—May 9 '62. Pianosland Melode-ons. riPirE untlersigned, having - become Agent for Wtn. Knatie dr, Co's- (of celebrated pianos and of Carhart, Needham dr. CO's. unsur passed Melodeons, is prepared to furnish individ uals with the above named instruments i at city pri ces. All instruments warranted by the ni.tu4tctu ors. Lessons on the above instruments given in town or country. (mayg3) T. i.. BULL. PI ,1 L) from the preenees of gnu subscriber, Oresiding in Wayiireibotte, some time about the 26th of May last, a Brown Cow with white face, and horns bored. Any person giving such informa tion as will lead to her recovery. will be liberally re. warded. (June 27-11ut.) 5000 Rails for Sale. eubscrilier has now, on. hand 5e09 good CHESTNUT RAILS which he will Aliairose_, of on reasonable terns. Aliftme good:l43W WACH)N. ' L. tl. FORNEV4I:. 1 :,, Jan3—ti ANOTHEE_llot_athuse ' • - _ may 24) LENDID Embroidered goods at •Oei 2=21 r you want to dee the !aigeot'adsortuteut of Car pets in town, call at epr4 F youiiiiiioiipititiase,o,nire Hoop Skirt, from j_ .31+ to-V.OO cull . t'L A LARGE ossortinent of TINWAtIi of the sign of the 'Big Bed Horn. iletAr 'OlO Rtidsl6l. "At Brotherton's." Brain (;ratites . JACIOD S. GOOD, Ex'r (June 6-6 w.) MORE NEW GOODS. AT THE Dinws rr?,f) arrit.dh,:w Al; DR E W Writ EA I.Y. 00.fu'SIVe r f$ 1 ,0%rce. - ': ,,,, - , . -;,...'..tik - , , ) „:',,,,-,.1,.+- , . ' -:,-' '.. •' . '"'v-....;-';:` ,- 41=' 3-=;-'''. , '" ,' ' ;-.- ittrAtetgartid.` iiitv 4 1 4162 V . I ._ •,Y,',... , ,s 10 AVAstis.p . .Wthis. d 0 • • • 11` 1 Ilia*ienni ' 4, • TA MAW '' :. - 11 Tngolvii SORD ' 4cup .'• . ' 4a6 .' FLAltinego sAcos (Itiorm)- - - '.. 10 ' PAngtvraittissi• oAcos (sides) . -' ,6 I IhteArtica -:" 11Aooslishouhlers)-, ', a •,, u r to• A PP4isa Btrbsis Eigill RICIMOD TAKEN BY. THE UNION FORCES TOGETHER 'WITH THE WHOLE REBEL ARMY ! 11101 MOM WANE This Victory was gained with very little Loss on Our Part; and yet another, JOSIAH BESORE hos just returned from the Eastern, Cities, and is now opening the most extensive stock of SUMMER GOODS ever brought to Waynesboro', which he will sell cheaper than ins other house this side of Richmond. Consisting of everything usually Ibunti in a well conducted establishment. The community ie invited to call and examine my stock which I will take great pleasure in show ing to all who may favor me with a call. To con vince you I have a splendid stock I will ennumemte a few of the leading articles now in store, all of which I will sell at greatly reduced prices. 4181 FOR THE LADIES DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. Including the West novelties in Summer Dress Goods, to which I respectfully invite the attention of the ladies. The chnisest Collars, The fi nest qualities, The largest stock, `The best assortnient, ever exhibited in Waynesboro' , and at unpreeeden ted Superior extra heavy Blk. Silk, Elk., Brown, Blue and I.llack Foulards, Pikes (light grounds,) Bouquets of Chintz, Collars Satin plaid and prin • Marguilise, Valneia Plaid, Silk and Shepherds Plaid, Silk [manes, striped Himalayas, Blk. Persia, 131 k. Grenadine, 131 k and fancy thlrsyge, A nglaise Braze, Aeglis's High colored Challiea, Jackonets and Or gandies, Grissaile gr asnet, French Brilliants, French Chintz of the latest styles, Cumbrick 14w113, Pop lins, Moh airs, striped do., Lavellas initak ;milord TOURISTS D..nE& EDBIA Manchester, Pacific and Hamilton Detains of all styles and shafts glituaxixriecr' Cacktb.m for ladies wrapings. Sacques. Mantillas, new and elegant styles, Shawls, French worked Collars, Under Sleeves and in sets, Embroidered and Hein stitched Handkerchiefs, Kid filmes, Silk and Lyle Gauntlets, Cord and 'rase-lea, Head-nets, M Its Bel ting of all descriptions. MIN AM MOOT NM Such as Blk. Bombazines. Blk. Parcelles, Polar and Poplins, Barages, Uncoils, Chaßies, Ginghams, Prints, Blk..Bing. Crapes,- , from 2.4 to 7-4 wide, Blk„Kiiis, Gauntlets,.Orapo Collars, &c. My line of Millenary Geode is complete. TRIMMINGS Such as Bugle Gimps and Laces, all widths, Belt Ribbons, narrow :bilk thin pa, D r e gs C or d s , F r i nges &c. Spool Silks and all Colors of Shetland Yarn, Zephyr worsted, &c. OOHS!! embracing all the .most favorite Brands •such sa Nitigne, Pacific, Cochieco, Manchester, Dunnels, American and fringlish Pri nta. BLEACHED GOODS. Harrison Mills, Chester Hill, New Market, I.onsilale, Conewngo, Great Lnke, enyttiwer, Lawrenve. Belmont, Waltham, Hill Maas Co. and other brands. BROWN COTTON;. Paeifrc Sheetings A mnsk eag Sheet tugs, Portsmouth " , Merchants Shia w inut ••' • M edford Appleton" Canton Ply mouth " Shaw mut " GINGHAMS AND FURNITURE CHECKS. In which I atn pripirool to off.r g gtent bargains. ALSO 2-4 and 4-4 checks. 'ricking ,, Pennims. Blue Morretts liantasks, :Shirting etriprs, ICankerne. Corset Jeans, Crach & Huch 'Cowlings., GE. T--SWEAR. ITALIAN CLOTHS, Blk. and fancy Clot* " " " llassimeres Silk mixed do. Merino do. Cashmeretts Mersa!les - Valencies Grenedfens Hosiery Cravats Collars, &o. GROCERIES. A lame and well selected stack, in. settielt 1 stn prepared to ofrer great inducements to purchasers. Consult your ow t► interest and examine my stock befurc•.purchrsing. -'-',,:qUEE . N . WARE Plume's of the latest styles always nn hand' at prices' that tiefy compel i• ion . • 'rite subscriber tenants his thanks to his Wends and — cuitOturris'inriiistlnv:miw id":„Aosi7 riiiagei.strt. 'respeefully'sulicits a - „eantinu,inee Donk-forget ihr pluer;4:orivr i,f hiiiik-18441814.1_, dtreets,Allbrin the BrA Its A digtrifirt**att: tionutattiroduce taken iu Ake;highstit market pries.' ' '(anty23) JOBIAIi NAORr• MEMEZMM PRINTS AND DOMESTIC oneware. . , ele . imik: in t • ' ,"k• co ti el lib ti (HAM).. STIOO4 IIII O, • TA*.r.byri'-'"r.:' SECOND ARRIVAL AMOBRSON t BB EDICT & CO Waynesboro' Pa. SPRING AND SUMMER OOHS!! 4/ E nre now receiving and o ff esitor to sell a new and FULL ASSOIITNIE NT of Ds V Dpiffis Which we think we are pmpreel to sell at as low terms as any other house in town or country. • DRESS GOODS of o II kinds C hallit , e, D eloines, LI eregee, Lavellio, E ;11 ROIDE It I E S. MEN'S SPRING AND SUMMER CC. G23 g# conanatles, Cloths, Ken. Jeans, Coss imere, Fine Tweeds, Vesting, Neck Ties,, Hosiery, Cr: v:,ts Summer Hats Hondirchiefg, Shoes, Nippers A full assortment of Plain and Fancy CASSIMERE6. QUEENSWARE. A good supply of Queeneware and Gla' Beware of the latest style. GROCERIES, Alw•nys on hand a heavy lot of prima Groceries, COFFEE, SUGAR, SYRUP, MOLASSES, SPICES, &c. To which we respectfully call the attention of our custom ra Ind the public generally; and at the int time we return our thanks to customers and community for their liberal patronage, and will en deavor by fur dealing with all, to merit a continu ance of the same. Please call and see. ANIBERSON, BENEDICT & CO DRY FRUIT: jr-.lklrgigit .ilk_3lo°M`ijlLiflU4 at - ANI BERSoN, HENEIDICT & CO'S PICK LES. A LOT OP Good Pickles, Tweeds, J cm !is Liiions, CURTIN FIXTURES, OIL CURTAINS, A FULL ASSOBTMENT p ains, K a ss, ti .tzia'vact) (toD4J,i, tit - A:413E1:80N. II ENE DIC T & CO's. F -16ViNIN er , t riILF:--1 %DANDELION COPPER; HUNIMELL'S _ • ESCENCE OF COFFEE, .. -4111pur,ilsoti, UL'. EDICT & WA VII 10 . . 14 . 1:;,* 1862. o= = ~ - ~ MAT 23. Nk3im - m7IV clicomar_.JiL.itga, SLEEVES, A MBERSON, BENEDICT & (O'S AM BERSO N, BENEDICT & CO'S or A Li. D EsCRIPTIONs • . artived , from Philadelphia this'.'week, steamed up to Our ramie, and threw=oh ! ye fair pOrtioti ,of creation !=—the moist iltdiehtflil stock Of needy goads straight into our doer; that ever brightened , our counters. First, doubtless to please the came a shower of Silky Debeges, '!mines, Sky tinted Lawns, _Chintzes, Modena& Mozatnbigues. Himalayas, Poplins, ChuHies, &c., of eta ry hue of the RainboW,glirtening like stars,, that will make she old look young, and the young like Genii : theft followed a brood strewn of Nankitemi; Muslin. Ta ble-diapers, Calicoes, cum aburges,- beneath, which come flying like birds of beatify, Hi-tO-Dresses, Sleeves and Collis in setts, Shakers, Hosiery ; Sun - Umbrellsti—beauties—gaiintlets, and oft t hose-tlear little tick-tacks which snake the ladieklook so charm ing; above it a-dark sheet of ' in elegant variety:Blk. Grenadines, *adore Here ges, Wool Defines. Chilies, !Amin, linlzwines, Crape Despithges, Eng. Crape, Eng. end American Points, plain and figured, Eng. rind French Crape Veils, Mourning Collars, •Ultwee, Hoiiery, &c -- everything to render the mourner beautiful in her sorrow. After these streams ceased to flow there was another explosion and in Caine pouring fur the re.):izoro Mlles o f Silky. Broad-cloths, Parisians, Cassimers Sleek and fancy, double anal singled milled, in su perb styles, lacy as a sunbeam.—with the ascot's paninrents, splendid Vesting's, Silk, Marseilles plain, brilliant, and beautiful Neck-ties, unimpeachable Shirt-breasts and Collars everything to set the Gent fit for a picture, and make hint presentable even a t the Capit il of the Nation. So Gents. look in awl see, seeing is believing. All over the pa ventebt lay boxes, which when opened displayed those good, solid, substantial wares, our noble, ind ystrious like an much to see; because they must have them to make the boys trowsers, and the girls dresses: here Mem are strong as buck-skin. cotton, woolen. mixed, Jeans, goods of new styles, cheap and dura ble, cotton stripes, drillings, , calicoes of late styles, ticking, aheetings, in fact all thief our young friends equire-who-are-staetin g o i their t a mime Jour : y through life. Well, these goods were hardly stowed nerdy, when here catne;truelging along BM Saks Cord do. Fig'd do. Lustre s, Poplins, Our Poor, Old Rhinocerossesses! loaded heavy,— o h very—with Groceries, Queens ware, and Hogsheads of that delicious Loaf-sugar , Syrups, and Su gar-houie molasses, hog 3 heads and barrells of sugars of every grade. Shad, Mackeral, Herring, fresh front the briny wave, lucious cheese from New England, brooms, spices,—and a splendid lot of SUGAR CURED HAM S,—and sweet Ba con---and Yankee Notions, together with a full as : rtineut ofJ Leghorn, chip, fine fur and wool lints. gents and la dies boot( es and shoes, cheap, distractingly cheap.-- Now all these affairs startlingly, . and touchingly art forth nre for sale and Exhibition at the store of the undersigned, who, With many thanks for past encouragement and patronage, remains itespectlijlly your obdt. servant ma y 23) JOSEPH PRICE HO! FOR QUINCY. Second A rrival of Spring and Summer Goods. COLLIFLOWER & CLEGSTON. We are now receiving and offering to sell a new and lull assortin ent of DRY GOODi . . Which we think we nre prepared to sell on no rea sonable terms as any other house in town or coun try. A full assortment of LADIES DRESS GOODS 0 - all kinds. Silks, Dclains, Alpacas, Printpd Chall les, (Anglian's, Lawns, Fancy Print., Ladies Shawls, &c. MENS SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS of all kinds". Cloths, Cassimere, Fine 'Pweetla Ken. 'Jeans, Cottonadea, Vestings, Handkerchiefs, Neck Ties, Misery. A full assorhnent of Plain and Fancy Cassimerca QUEENSWARE AND GLASSWARE. A large mock of zr.Q:Dczoacqiciscas.:.4 Which we are prepared to offer as low as any oth er retail store hi the country. BOOTS AND SHOES. for mend and Ladies wear'of all strts arid sizes Also a large and well selected st °Lk of DOMESTIC GOODS. Niuetins, Tiekings, and a complete' assortment of Notions. Looking Glasses, Hardware, Hats and Caps, Paints and Oils, Fresh ghat! and Herring by the barrel. It is no use trying to enumerate. If you want anything in the Dry Goods line. just call and you will find us ready to wait on you with - pleasure 10,000 CHESTNUT JOINT SHINGLES for Sale Country produce tqken in exchange Ibrgooda at the highest market prices. By strict attention to business and a desire to please in every respect, we hope to merit a cow. unuance of patronage. • Nay 23) DOLLIFLOWER & CLUGSTON. 40 H ! for wings to soar," right down at Price's U Store. What for ! Why to get some more of that New York Syrup—only IV/ cents a quart at Ptiteles "hazard's Electric Powder." American Sporting Powder, American Sporting Powder, Hazard's Duck 'Powder, Hazard's Duck Powder. Hazard's Blasting Powder, Hazard's Blasting Powder' , . • acct-Pwartler—nu Tho best Powder made. 'rim only Once you can get it is at nit:26 lIR9THERTOIVIEL GUAM Calii)ELS Wtheltiett, make at ..4.1unt•13) .11. SrtmEtteuistes. 111;1.4.4, fui: ft ratterti. Itir'sa le al : • (.lutte 13) SrtmEttoeses. If 183 AND CRADIX - SOW fig, of he best land at (lune 13.) ' 21. gtinitatouez's - K - tig FORKS, 4 - 4 kinds, to; 4 iitile7ot (luto , 13) 11. tsTosEuut,...,Kgs, MOURNING GOODS, MOTHERS HITS BD SHOES ! BlNfear ? I'/. {i-:,i,' 4 ' `: ?1,1l4"2 . - ; - - , I, ' e -' .. ' % ' , . gkA .-OttWi4Wg:gl .--iii ' . . LADIES' AND, CHILDREN'S SIiDIS, 44:i GEO. STOVER, H ANKFUL fur kind larrirs and patronage liere yi eeliire bestowed upon hire, stab appears berme the public to solicit a continuance of the satne.--' lie having just returned from the eastern cities wit: u fine and well selected stock of new AIMING AND SUMMER 411r-413,41C01111PM100 Which tie intends selling at very low rates, Milo' he knows he can do to the satisfaction of all wt, will call and examine his stock. Below you will find enumerated a few articles which wilt be fonntl among his stook to which, ho culla your attention. FOR THE . LADIES He has a large assortment of Dress Goods consiOing in part of UhalieN Printe ' d and Plain Delaines, }Mk, Plg'd and IllordSilke, Plaid Mohair„ - :Silk Warp Mohair, Beregeo, Melons Cloth, raveling, French and domestic Ginghams Poplins; • Pongee Nlistpre, Cloth fur Ladies, Wrappings, Gloves, Hosiery, in great variety. c m - ,GENTLEIIIEN'S WEAR, Broad Cloths, Black and Fancy Cassitneres lu i aSa n • es, Duck Linens, . Cottonedes ' • Summer CiTatings, Tweeds, Velvet Cord, Marseilles, • Silk Vesting, Velvatine Vestings, of all kinds in fact a full assortment of goods fir deii tnert.wear. Also a lirge and well selected stock ot DOMESTIC GOODS, nurlin, Ticking; and a complete a assortment of Notions. It's no use trying to enumerate. li you want anything at all in the Dry Goads line, just call ill and you will find him ready to wait on you with pleasure. iv To persons having country Produce to sell, they will find it to their advantage to bring it to Stu ver's,as he always gives the highest market price, 8.) give him a call, and he will sell you goods as cheap as they can be purchased elscwhera. A pt/11862 NEW GOOD AT Oil MUS BIDWAH Stin't Iron and Steel, Shovels and Spades, Hots and Rakes, Spades and Forks, Nails, Brads and Spikes, ' Locks, Hinges and Screws, • Latches, Staples and Bolts; Oil's. paints, Glass and Varnishes, Mill, Cross-cut and Circular Saws, Hand, Tenon, Web and Compass Saws, Augers, Auger Bitte, Gimlet and Dowell Bias, Socket Chisels, Firmer Chisels, Mortising Chisels, Pruning Saws,and 'chisels combined. Pruning saws, Plat,tering Trowels, Pointing and Garden Trowels, Double and Single Bitt Axes, Hatchets, and Draw ing IC White.wash Brushes. Shoe, Store an Horse Brushes. Scrubbing Brushes, Cloth, Tooth, and Paint Brasile.; Pablo Oil Cloths, Floor 0.1 C10t."6, Carriage Oil Cloths; Spokes, Feildes, sh a fts, Piles, Springs and axles; Black-smith Bel lows, Anvils, Vices, Hoof Knives. and Rasps. ' Tubs, Buctcets, Churns; Rope, Baskets,Brooms and W,,rs:a Boards; Waiters, Trays, Candle Sticks Snulfert Coffee Canisters; 'fable Cuttlery, Pocket Cuttfcry. Pruning Knives, Pr u ring Shears, Silver-plated Wore, Table and Tea Spoons, Salt Shovels; Forks, and Ladles, [Meta Table and Tea Spoons, Iron Spoons, Tinned Spoons; Trace Chains, Hilt •,- Chains, Cow Chains, Butt Chains, Sporting, Pow : tier; Blasting Polivder, Shot, Gun 'Wadding; Ar nold's Writing Fluid, Shoe Blacking, Stove Black ing; Lead Pend's, Steel Pens, Writin; Paper; Flour Seives, Meal Selves, Sugar-Seives Wire Cloth; Cooking Stoves, Nine Plate Stoves, Coal Stores; Carriage Lining, Carriage Lace, an Carriage Trimming; together with. , a large art carefully selected stock of Cabinet and Saddlery , Hardware. All who desire to buy cheap are invite to call and examine my goods before purchasita; - elsewhere, as I am determined to sell as cheap a• usual, notwidihtantling the advance of some kind; of goods. The subscriber would hero take occasion to return his sincere thanks to the public for former favors and hopes, by fair dealing and - cheap goods, to merit a coMinuatice of the saute. -/ aprls WM. H. BROTHERTON., 4 , A t Broth-ikon'sMir-Aware' Store?' • Grain Cradles, - Grain, Scythes. Grass Scythes, Scythe S'harpcners, Wooden Forks, Hay Forks, Grain Fkirk - s; Fork Handles, • ' Suatheti, Rakes, &c., &C. - CHEAPI CHEAP!!CHEAP ! ! ! - June 6 '62. Sheriffalty. undersigned again rams himself to the Mon 'Republican Convention of this cqunty a candidate tin. the Sherilialty. Having receive I next to ihe highest , number of votes last time, he nectfully asks the influence and votes of those favora ble to his nomination, and itmontiris ted and elects 75Tie gee met t to promptness altd.tidglity. J. HARVEY GORDON : Waynesit F you, wvu.,g told pair .. afiti . yine mode Morac,,, iso - big'aroafcti,i-ixo NOT TO/OP .614 11349,: cal/ a; stpr 4 PATOsig.-: