VILL.A.GE RECOltit . 000, 4-a IOW: says thit tliesalsetaburg W.4-4,1r - Zifittia-111!Wv rthntit i *eat* rota at tile - 1101itiii 00 it eer test Yousttet!,:pear.lettot taps!, lately tam, }trig: Vt. travtiotil'a !sead. liViditio Sui►e WV, LSO* `: Forever fine► Where bleo With ?Teeth— A And Freeitoirt9i. bittitief affil IthWK O'er vs? Post Office - = T-Titrts. 'G. PlDltiNti- ToSI,T. M., has Mooted the l'oat ()Atte to the Store of Welsh & Sari ; whore it was for merly kepi( _ Tht &olses to 6c C7oseck—We have been 14111.164ttd to state that the atoms in this fihite, *ill be dosVd on. Friday next, the 4th tit _Publi bititena of Wayne - shore' and Vicinity will be held at the Town Hall ; on to-Mbrtotk (Battir. day) evening ; at 8 o'clock, to make arrange- Minh; his celebrating the 4th of July. A tundra! Attendance is desired: tilts intention is ; we believe ; to hats et ftiget tar old-fashioned Part of my Cdhilifation : We understand that Prof. W. T: BtkRNII2 bit ti S. NE *C61,34 , , Etiq:j fine consen ied to deliver °redone lifter the reading of `the Declafittitifi Of itidtpendeuce. tnan who gave his name as .I.ISINS, was arrested, in this place, on Wednesday Morning, by • Constuble Brit= tREAK, for stealing a lot of clothing at the house of Mr. NxemitiAs BONEAREAIti near this OW. It appears the came individual atteltipted to break mutt! the hou'se of Mt. WM. Homitu, adjoining the Borough, on Priday night last, but was overheard by Mr. eon, and put to flight, taking with him ; however, a garment left over night in. the 'ard. On being searched the pfoperty . of to a a . - ; his bundles: Whilst;Thstice STONER was iktititig the commitment ho' atteMpted to Make his escape, and succeeded in ' getting terhaps a mile from town where he \Va.% reta ken by a number of boys, who Owned him thtottgli several grain gelth: fl is note iti . the Chambersburg Jail awaiting his trial, ba}li few 4trek4 since *ti stated upon the Not reliable authority, that the minister of a certain congregation, in this county, had beep notified not to pray for the President ; and that a reihister who was assisting the ?astof.oft Cotiltinltliott tltta6ioh, was hissed for doieg so by the ladies in the congrega tied. 'rite following from the Repository and 7fanscript would seem to put at rest all doubts as to the truthfulness of the first ktetenteitt i—; STAtE ttAr., /dim lath, 1802. Enitott Ttit THA:wsdittrT:Dear tln the fifteenth- a eittlinistarice occurred in this place, to ithich,l wish to call your at tention. There was' a communion held here on that day; and while the Rev. Mil Brideri ballet Was -praying for the preservation of the Union, and for the success of the admin istration and the prosecution of the war, some Tde and men, indignantly left the church.— hese people pitfess to be good Unionists ; yet I have no doubt they Would rather listen to a preacher praying for the devil than far the Administration, or the success of the ttfai. Thdy all amittise the Valley Spirit, and every one knows how loyal• that is.— Doubtless such loyilty is far more pleasing to the rebels now in arms and of far more service to them too, than to the loyal North. fit ATE /ANN. 2214a/on.—ity uretsnce to otir eater . tieing coldnitts it will be seen that Itti exhibi tion of the "Waynesboro Classieul and Conl• Menial Institute" will-be held in this place, Pride and Saturday everting, the 4th, and bdi of July. Ware glad to learn that the *Siltation 'is now in a flourishing oondition. The Sterilises iiill certainly prove highly in teracting. The_servioes of Constables Coop er, atagreak and Crewe has been seed ,talstiseive order: tiosiittal .at Winchester is to tic ,ditieontintted, and its 500 sick and worindel ,soldieri &rite he transfered to • Frederick, where it .umber or public buildinge are be, „Big ppared for their accommodatide. The htmber in the V. S. Hospital at Frederick, Wan 425, list week. The Winchester in• mates will swell the number to a very large :stnotint. Anothe Outbreak.--On Tileaday-zigtt • ,01 lest *sok - another outbreak occurred in 'this during Web Ilestorst:lt i wasattathedstnidemolished, and the preptio ,Lter :Ili -Son" d4ven, • off. p r i the Sable aigbt the Savers** shop of GIORCht faittr r • ,ate, ,16141 ‘.lllBO . ,dtiedaitiodA tomment • :upon guise :,sishies'st . preelnit tint,e is aiither iao. ll o* not I k l o!°°•rati , thises, "104, - ( :**ibbrkellish rebel ion, inanimate& 44:-.iton 44;m:ow - of , GU4erunaent k eAd . )00144tO r ii4 1 toi°S to see 'a:id - IQ-jig !mast: ISot!Oki',t4(4, *mu ;. :#41"0,11*;044,4140.4111ing well. slid Alt ithenoPo4s.ll4l44lllM su Ottadant her- -41110111:13BontERT 0 Bs vas Stem— , Ittsive at• of clrellel o , ackythiei Inekids quarters- Ve o•tame• e Froth the hinds or Lient. MdLeod and made the cops ontsehtesi DANIEL DEdittitr, nix/Mrit* Ca bee of the ./lageilitovYo Mail." lIAGERsTonN, April 31 i 18131.' Dr. Futtaten, Dear" Sir:- -- --4 hid* dropped on. Harper a note, ,AND ALSO F O R i RUED II I M A - 11 A I.' OF 0U R (6 COUNTY. THE_ MAP OF FRANKLIN. ..COUNTY I wmts. FORWARD HIM— , ! AND ALL THE INFORMATION HE MAY DESIRE THIMETO I ' IN A DAY OR TWO: . .. The "Ilffidtl Stitiehers," of Repub licans here ; are gaining off the fears of the people. Maity good Southern Rights men ate no* *arefing, W these' excited apprehettAlotta, end ottr Noise is daily losing stfength. • I still hope the lower portion of die State still relimitt aria, and, in the end; tire eseape ffotti the chains that bind us to Blitek Reptiblicanistn. You will do me a great kindness, and one that f will not be like! soon, if you interest ..ottifielfh (en. Harper In pro curing the a guctd weapon_of defense. Only yesterthty I Was threatened with a mob, who said they *Odd compel me to hang out the "Stafs.and Stripes." Very truly yours. eetin: of the Tills letter speaks for itself.- This man Deehert, raised in this town, and obtainirig all the education he possesses' tit our free schools, and at the time the letter was Writ , ten residing at Hagerstocrn, Within the AA- , eral linos, is not only eentent to pttrte a trait tor to his country, 4 .-nt lutist heeds play the spy, and convey ; secretly, to the enemy a map of the County which was supplying the the bread be put into his mouth, and a map of his native county where hls friends and felatites reside—a map that would vide a teurderons rebel horde ids their invasive g: our peaceful firesides; and not only this ; but promises to Ruttish the rebel Gen. Harper "all the information he may deSifei" in his contemplated invasion of Ptanklin County.— Ought such a dangerous and unprincipled man be &tilted to run at large ? Is he not . at &tee a trititot and a spy, and should he not be dealt with accordingly ? In all probabili 0f thy, ince ; tion he has been guilty of sending to the en emy. After this development, we can scarce ly wonder that the people of 'Hagerstown felt outraged at having a neWspaper pub lished ill theit thitst by such a man as This. SieVDechert was formerly eormectecl with the office of the Valley ,9pirit i published in Chambersbnrg, and although a regular nc gro‘shrieker and mouth-piece ofsneli wrAches da • the Ohio Traitor, Vallandigham, h e made professions of &yotty to the last. Even after an incensed community had "gu'tod" his tory office. This shows how much con fidence can be placed in "professions" when "actions" d o not correspond. This man Dechert is a fain specimen of northern trai tors, who call themselves Union men, and who are at the 'same time exerting all their powers to prejudice the loyal masses against the government, and by thus weakening its hold upon the confluence of the people, aid the cause of the rebellion. And yet these vile conspirators proclaim themselves Union men as Dechert did fterThe 61st Pennsylvania Regiment, (Col. Rippey), had 68 killed at the battle of Fait Oaks ; 152 wotinded ; 'and 43 missing— total V% I The 2sd i 17 killed, 103 woun ded, 9 missing—total 129. The 53c1' had 14 killed, and 65 wounded. The 93d, prin. cipally from Lebanon county, was over 1,000 strong, and cannot now muster over one.. third of that number!, The Adjutant is the only field officer left ! ,The men fought like tigers at the battle of Fair Oaks. tiffirOn Wednesday' host, the noose of. Representatires of the United States passed a bill, by a vote of 88 to 43, confiscating the slave property of all, civil, naval, and army officers of the Rebel Confederacy, or rather of all who•shall hereafter hold any such offi ces, from the President down to municipal officers. It declares that all the slaves be longing to such "shall be forever discharged from such service or labor, and be freemen." The Wings' Institution at Manches ter, Carroll aeunty, Md., was broken into on the night of the 6th• inst., and robbed of $1,700 in specie, and about $2,000 in paper. A rewardof $6OO has been offered for the appnlensioft of the thief. Cket Book lost.—A pocket , book was lost between this place an d Punkatown, abont - ten - dirys since, eoutaing $8.31 cents.— The finder will be- liberally rewarded by leaving the book at this alike, or br giving such information as will lead toita rewrap,. /fir Congres s has passed a bill securing freedom in slillte present Territories of the United States, as well as the future. The President has'Approved„it, and it Is a law.— This Will , init stop.te air Veber . legislation and trouble on *a - question: • afore 'Rebel riBintels.-4-1::/n kindaY even ing hat scene. eaveity-litnver eighty more rebels prisoners were hiongiti - to thin town au -rout for Horsialump - ,Thoy Were confined tie Jail Iva nosily vioraii% and thdni: - , %kali to -Vies of destination, Comp 'etrtin-nce* fiknisintrk They were nn irapiks,--stiecliona mid-'togged, looking in every, "800 'its did thous who pmeeded thehtt'.."Arog. ireiwa tartford, DANIEL DECIIEOT IfilrGoa. Mitchell =recently. "tilted of the -War Department for authority , to hang some gifiri:aod:bridga-buroera his pos. (11 V e inatiry Stouton.apitio, ~*Ong -41.141 i &Ethiopia, oity itrescirming Vvith etusiifCipii= r ; tad bint ;- They ; art Oily, .rakerek, teeg ' kmet : waters, re- AEA to etopir , y - .. Thii poor and jail ate en:oh - de - a 4rith therm. There -h-noilreda_of_free neeroea t. tying , and tinem played, as Well as poor Whites. The • min istration has rented from Duff Oreen,libliyik of fine brick dwellings, in Which froikone hundred and -fifty to two hundred emancipa ted slaves are fed, lodged, and clothect at the expense .of the 'Government.: .Y.very Aboli tioni4 in the Union ought to e his proper ty "confiliCated" for their support. Verily, the wickedness of the present Congress is without parallel in alL•fornier Ones, They have copious tears for ihOir colored krethreh, but pone for the deceived and betrayed\•-hite man, • whose wife and children this scours • Abolition war has sent begging their bread. No sympathy for the people who hate to pay taxes •to support these' eP:gis , es in idleness- Beware; despoV,! The people are but sleep ing lions. When the outraged people are called upon to pay these testes, thssar4l pay them "in powder and lead." Alio this com plexion they are hastening the country.— Greentburg (th.) Argus, We copy ttre abOte as a toff; Specimen of the operations of th.-sen in this states who • u ..used to the' Got • ment and the war. A felt days ago . tote of the tdoi `qtinguish ed Democrats of Indiana e • •d a secret Conspiracy in that State for the purpose of resisting the payment of "the tot necessary to the pr mention of hostilities against the rebels, a it will be perceived from the fore going ettr that this plan is to be enforced with "poir er add lead." ThitSe wretched traitors, in their complaints on the increase of contrabands in Washinton and elsewhere, boldly lay the responsibility for this evil upon . the present COngress, thus eenvieting themselves of a shameless falsehood. The fugitive slaves in Washington have rim off from rebels who precipitated and War, ii?d are now engaged in aiding and comforting the enemy. All that the Goitrumeut has done is td see that these friendless and hattueless onteastsare dot permitted to starve, and for diseharging this holy and imperative duty, it is made the target of, calumny and abuse. The 'white men who are engaged fighting for the Republic are deeply commis erated by domestic traitors, while they are shot down in cold blood by the-banditti of the rebellion; but so inconsistent is treason in t e roe 'ta •s t a men whr e very - express the most -sympathy for -our-gallant soldiers ate preparing to resist, with "powder and lead," the payment of the taxes necessa ry to the maintenance and support of the army.—Phila. Press, Some Truth for Dough Pacer.— The Louisville Courier, once the 4 organ o f the Breckinridge Democracy of Kentucky, re moved first to Bowling Green, then to Nash ville, and seemed to,have "gone up" when the traitors evacuated the latter, city. It was there that it put forth the following philosophy of the rebellion, to which we invite the special attention of northern Sympathisers with the Traitors generaly.-- 7 Were not all patriotism, all self-respect en tirely dead in these craven creatures they could not helpe but rise in their manhood and stand side by side with the administra tion and demand that this rebellion shall "he put down if it wiped every traitor from the face of the Continent, But hear the Courier: "This has been called a fratricidal warty 'some, by others an irrepressible conflict be tween Freedom and Slavery. We respect fully take issue with the authors of both these ideas. We are not the brothers of the Yankees, and the Slavery question is merely the pretext, not the cause of the war. The true irrepressible Confilot lies funda mentally in the sacred animosity, the eternal antarmnism, between the two races engaged. "fhe Norman cavalier cannot brook the vulgar familiarity of the Saxon Yankee, while the latter is continually devising 'some plan to bring down his aristocratic' neighbor to his own detested level. Thus , was the contest. waged in the old United States. So long act Diokinson_doughfaces_were_to_be ' bought, and Cochrane cowards to be fright ened, so long wan the Union tolerable to Southern men; but when, owing to divisions in our ranks, the Yankee hirelings placed one of their own spawn over us, political connection became unendurable, and separa tion necessary to preserve our self-respect. "As oar Norman. friends in England, al ways a minority, have ruled their Saxon countrymen is political vassalage up to the present day, so have we, 'the slave oligarchs,' governed the Yankees till within a 12th month. We framed the' Constitution, for 70 years moulded the policy of the govern ment, and placed our own men, or 'Northern men with Southern principles,' in power. "On the 6th of November, 1860 the Pur itans emancipated themselves, and are now in violent insurrection against their former owners. This insane holiday freak will not last long, however, for, dastards in fight, and incapable of self- government, they will inevitably again fall under the control of the superior race. A 'few more Bull Run thrastuisgs will bring them once under the yoake, as docile as the most loyal of our Ethiopian gahattles,T Broken and Doubtful Anat.-The pub. lio are cautioned against taking bills of the following banks: • northwestern Bank, Warren, Pa.; Consol idasioOlank, Philadelphia; Bank of Law rent* county,, Pa.; Northwealern Bank, Pa., Pittston Bank, Pa.; Pranklin Bank, Pa.; Tioga county Bank, Pa.; Real Estate Bank, Delaware; Beverly Bank, N. J. "Serpi* our latest dater: nil, : was Toot is iron, of Itiebinood; • ' titiVER - E AVELMTION. i expeclitiontom. I:10Sed or the.glittflouts StAbeht i rltietititoni COnestoge, and - hfeend with carrying th 6 494 _obit inth togi. Iteuts;: Amain itehte ionic since to retool% the Obetrifetioho than t , cr. 7 l7nrer: • 'fit" On the 17th, thi expeditton reac e . Charles. titi miles isboye: th e niontViiiif the river, Where the:rebes bad ernoted*Tattery. An engagenient ensued, lasting isiid hour and a hitie 'While ' the gtinbiiati engaged the . bniteriei, .the ttooTa, under . Coh Fitch landed a short _distatee ; and proceeded to nin the place. • During the eanonading, a ball entered ,the bo er of the Mound City i eansing a fearful e . Josion and loss of life. - • The crew consisted of 175 of whorl were killed and Wounded OEFICIAL ACCiOtNTS 'WASHINGTON, June 21.—The following was received itethe War Department today: Sr. White River Ark, June 17 I Via Cairo, Jitney 21 To lion: E. M. Stanton, Sfecr'y of War: Cu arriv ilea below here last eve ning, we aseerta . ed that the' enemy had two batteries here, supported by tt force (number unknown) of infantry. • ( tack_was_made_at 7A. M. to-day. The regiment under my command, the .46th Indiana, landed two and a half miles below the battery ; and skirmishers were thrown out, who drove in the enemy's pickets.. The gunboats then moved up and opened on their battery. A rifle shot from one of the batteries 'penetrated the steam drum o f the - Mound City, disabling, by scalding most of her grew. Apprehensive that some similar accident might happen to the other gunboats, and thus leave my small force without their sup port, I signalled the. gunboats . to cease firing and we Would smith the battery. They ceased exactly at the right moment; and my men entlied the battery gallantly. The in tbutry were driven from the support of the guns, the gunners shot at their posts,and their commanding officer, Frye, formerly of the United Mates Navy, wounded and taken . prisoner. Eight brass and iron guns, with ammunition, were captured. The enemy's loss is unknown. We have buried 7 or 8 of their dead, and other dead and wounded are being brought in. The casualities among my command are small, the Only real loss being from the es• caping stream in the Mound City. She will probably' he repaired and ready to proceed with us up the river to-morrow. A full report will be made as early as pos sible. G. N. PI CI Col; commanding 46th - Indiarfa Vela, The foliowingjespatch was received at the Navy Department: U. S. FLAG-STEAMER BENTON, MEmPuis, June 19; via Cairo, June 21 }ion. Gideon Welles, Seer'y of the NoCy: The gunpoat Conestoga, returning from the White River, reports the capture of tlo batteries, mounting 7 guns, at St, Charles, 80 miles from the mouth. The.attack.was commenced by Capt Kel ty in the gunboats, who silenced the first battery, The second battery was gallantly carried by Col. Fitch, at the head of the 46th Indiana Volunteers. A shot caused the explosion of the steam-drum of the Mound City, by which a part of her.officers and crew were killed and wounded. I write by to•day's mail. CHAS. H. DAVIS, • Flag-Officer. Prom San Pranoisoo. Reported Capitulation. of the French Army in Mexico SAN FitANCrseo, June 10.—A letter re. ceived in this city from (Joy. Alvorea, to Guerrer, Mexico, states that on the 20th of May he received news from the city of Mex ico that the French army had capitulated. • SAN FRANCISCO, June l 9.—Arrived steamer Sonora, ship Storm King, 49 days from Hong Kong; bark Peter Clinton from Glasgow. Sailed ship Romance of the sea for Hong Kong. Advices from Oregon to the (Rh state that an election took place on the 2d inst. But two tickets were run—namely, a fusion of the Douglas - Democracy, - called the Union ticket, and the Breckinridge ticket, called the Regular Democratic ticket. The entire Union ticket was elected by nearly 3,000 majority, making the relative vote about 2 to- 2 1.--for-the Unioni—Addison-C-Giblisthe- Gov. elected, is a Douglas Democrat, who emigrated to Oregon from Central N. York. John Moßridt, elected member of Congress, is a Republican, formerly of Missouri. From :Wapitis, NEW YORK, June 24.—The Tribune has received the folloviing special despatch: MEMPHIS ) June 22.—u Over 200 merchants have taken the oath of allegiance. Preaching the Gospel of treason has been stopped by Gen. Wallace. The rector of the Episcopal church, who offered prayers for the Southern Confederacy, last Sunday, h a been effectually admonished. The cititens of Brownville, Hayward Co., raised the stars and stripes y sterday. Gen. Coles, ottlie rebel,military, original ly a Secessionist of Hayviard county, sends word to Gen. Wallace . thit since his cotton was burned he wants to take the oath of al legiance. -' • -,AO The tax Bill as Passer* Washington; June 23.—There were in all 315 amendments to the international reve nue or tax bill, The House having through its committee of conference, receded from 258, and the Senate, through its managers, from 16 of them, the remainder became a subject of compromise as embodied in their joint report, which was unanimously adop ted by the Senate,, while in the House the following-named membi - tat it: Messrs Allen of Illir ;hods Island, Johnson,'Nori leton, Shiel, Styles, White and Wood. The bill noir only approval to become a feet on the. let of Aul The Commissioner to receive a Wary of New York, June and Oen. Pope Ye stated :ed at West Pomt early this morning, and atopped at the hotel at which Gen. Scott is a guest. Rebel Accotivit • ITharlesto*., FottlitEßß,Moi4l'o2; : ittiffet A, it. The ',Another' MittaMora arrived tri# . City . Point ;taut flight,' - hilt too - late. to gaud it des= patch through. - The Richmond pa) on Monday last between 5 .Federal regiments and a battery of. Parrot gtins, and parts of 4 Confederateta . euts and a battery. The battle lasted fti. all day, with a heavy loss on both aides, The Charleston _Mercury feared that the battle would .be renewed the next d.ay; and expressed apprehensions for the safety of the city in consequence of the great ex= halation of the Southern troops and'. the loss of many,othcers. lions. Evans knd Pember ton compliment the troops for their bravery in standing under the shells of our gunboats and batteries. The fight took place within 4 miles of Charleston, and from the tone of an editorial of the Mercury, I should think that th e reb els ha*e_ been 'eut'off from a retreat by our gunboats. If this be so ! Charleston must soon fall, The Dispatch says it can no longer be de nied that Jackson - has been reinforced lately, and that the U. S. columns must either com bine or fall back across the Potomac. 31Ezvtritts,-Jttne-21-.--The-following-twew: is contained in the Grenada ...Apperd of the. 18th: • The Charleston Mercury of the 17th Bays: "The Confederate loss at Seeessionrville yes terday was.4o killed and 100 wounded. 'We buried on the field 140 Federnia, and took 100 prisoners:" Special despatches to the Augusta, Ga., papers, dated Charleston, the 16th say: "A severe battle toot place this morning on James . lid, 4 miles from the city. Five regiments of erals, with artillery, attack ed our batteries at SeeessiOnville.lCol. La mar cointnanded the Confederates, and, with a few hundred troops, repulsed the enemy 3 times, with great slaughter. The enemy fought bravely, but were defeated. Our victory was complete. The enemy's loss is supposed to have been about 400 including. 30 prisoners. Our loss is estimated at.from 50 to 100. Col. Lamar was wounded. Capt. Reed and King and Lieut. Edwards were killed. The attack will soon 'be renewed. The Confederates are much exhausted by the previous shelling of the enemy, -which has been continued day and night for a week. • • The Suppression of Guerillas. Secessionists to pay Damages. S•r. Louis. June 22.—Gen. Schofield, commanding the United States forces in r I • rebels and rebel sympathizers responsible in .their property, and, - if need be; in their persons, for damages hereafter committed by guerillas or maurading parties in that State. _ Five thousand dollars will be enforced for every soldier or Union. citizen killed; from one to five thousand for every one wounded; and 'the full value of all property destroyed or stolen by the guerillas will be collected from the class of persons'above mentioned, residing in the vicinity of the place where the act i s committed. The sum thus collected will be paid to the legal heirs of the soldiers or citizen killed, or to the persons wounded, or to the rightful owner of the property destroyed or stolen. This order is very stringent, and abundant machinery is provided to carry it into speedy effect. JEFF DAVIS' EARLY IllsToßY.- , --- Jelf Davis' father lived for a number of years in a log cabin situated ittivhat is now Fairview, twelve milse from liclikinsville, Ky. The house is now weatherboarded, and used as a tavern. Old Davis was a man of bad char acter, a horse trader and•swindler, and of every low habit's. A finwhorse *AA .rniasing on one ocoa•ion in the neighborhood, tinder such ativiciotts'Oiretlmstances that he found• it safest to leave the county immediately and fly to Mississippi. Jeff Davis is his illegiti. mate son, born some distance from his father's leonse, and takbn home by him when several years of age. These are notorious facts. Some of Davis' relatives still live in that part of Kentucky. We would never have allud ed to this sinister bar on Jeff's escutcheon were not his friends continually- prating about Southern gentility and the low bread ing of Union people,—Our own opinion is that Jeff's birth dose him more credit than any portion if his subsequent life.—.Arn shville NEW JERSEY ELECTION the a preaching elections, tliere will be • put two parties—the loyal and the disloyal. The loyal party, which will support the adminis tration, will be composed of the Republican party in mass, and all others who are in fa vor of the principles" and policy which have governed the President so far in his success ful career. This loyal party will unite on a platform of principles similar• to that laid down by the New York members, which is one that every traly,loyal man can tsupport. The disloyal party will call itself Democratic, and its great leader will be Vallandigham, and assisted by Cox, Bright, Fernando. Wood, and men of that stripe, of whom in New Jersey we have plenty. The result, we can doubt, will be 'the overwhelming over throw of the. secession sympathisers in loyal States.—Newurk Mercury. Massacre of Contrabant .y the Rebels. WASHINGTON, June 9. .—Flag officer DO.- poot writes to the Na.K Department that the refJactlfrottgb info , • ation given by a negro who had been en iloyed by our, army, became aware of the abence of onr 'troops from Hutehinnon's Is !nd. They made , a decent upon Mrs. Ma, h's plantation, our. r Mnded the house, a ,1, with the ferocity characteristic at all-events of that part of the South, murdered, in cold blood, a large number of contrabands, who were awakened from their slumbers only to the hands of the infuriated rebels: WASHINGTON, Jane 24:—The following despatch was received to-day from Gem Hal leek: Coau Mize. June - 28-8.15 P. H. tiseq..r -- E. Stanton Seeley of Unofficial- information has been received that the White river has been opened for 170 Milea,,and that Gov: Regan and the reb el Government , have fled from Little Rock, on a flat-boat, towards' Fort Smith. H. W. A LLECK , . yMaj. General. Ohitt Pt* era ef.Saturday c . . -..iikowiti A iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiTtinsiAi : . . • • .111 7 M. Eei6lir—v>illanJ➢ghetu iunoUndea 1i s, r:l4ll"Lkiiioriii that now onieuies out • Natitni's fie : will et be hi Avenging stone 'ue 3e" Electors! and 'sheathe filet nußliiiiiiitsWotiti . Deep in the festering hearts• , . (Ghost of John G. Osihrinit:'.iiiir,ic • Cal. Frientia:—itiothia Val. My lord • • • • „ Ca/. Noble—Ohivalrieriatefulliiiitei Oh! bubbles of the ocean wise did stir froth the-great deep, A partial calm bath given their The proper strength to tihist 'the • ', Chains that long have 'chafed 'thy , Bleeding limbs; now rind themas •• The Basen,cords— • - • Vu!., With which they hope to Strangle us=• Cal. Yea, ismi we will &Orr A government's4h rup °Sir Ntirtharit. FrienOs ' - - • Val.—Thy will is law, shrink not t Cal, Then we will trend the laborer Down in the vile slough of. ignorance Where he in truth belongs -7 • • val. Aye, my Mid. . • Cal. And live upon unrattuited toil Val. Aye, aye; Cal. And make our glom:rue President a sceptered King in - fact, . -With brilliant courtiers gliding like The-silver-hose Val. ImmOrkri matt i gnorlgb, enough I , We'll follow thee and ans. unto Thy deist ;Mesas the fond mother i'rease* her fiat•lityi' anti kisses - ha enconneciotia brow to leave her Sotil, imprinted there. ((Moat of Stephen A. Doirgbta rises.> , Douglas. ' Oh God! a conspinmy !. Cat. Away ! thou traitor! No mudsi/k enter here— • • Douglas. Thins Catalina !eternal vengeance Is in store— Cal. For thee (He stabs &vials. when he fully to the grou n d...) Douglas. (In the agonies of Beware, beware my Countrymen. - Beware. The storm has burst and See!. they drag a patriot to his grave Via. Well dune my lord, see The vile wretch quivers in • The stinging threes of a well-earned deaths (Jefferson Davis enters.) Cal. Illustrious King ! Ohl mighty Ruler! Here is our all ! • Val. All, Hail! Heroic Chief Dorris. DV calm my friends— . • But that body— Val. 'l'is a traitor: Davia. 'Tis well that he should sulk For his Crimea. But we must flee, A thousand horse are in...pursuit And we must fly or meeWy Die in that deep consecrated "Ditelt(A pause.) - • Davis. Bark! hark! they come I hear the clattering of their honk Oh ! Country ! !Gavel' God ( F:411 • and 6i he e . ) Val. Oh my lord ! we are here. Fear not ; fur though the torreaug-peakis— Should red upon thy bristling ranks .. And Nuture'2 , i elenunti, of wrath should Wnge u lam crusade upondby Thorny crown, still wa shalt prime the Trusty allies 01 our honored King Courage my lord! Oh driPe those eliadows rfolll thy brow! thy VIIMIDA aro here. Oh ! my South, my South, my Own, my dear, thy cherished South! The wortd's best hope Thou.itomortal umpire I and - - Wilt thou itlttl Oh God ALL MEL! Tint Sr/1M AND BARS: ONLY LOYAL MEN CAN TRADE.---.SeCre. tury Chase's agents are enforcing the play. which is already working so satisfactorily itr Nashville, of granting permits for shipping or receiving goods only to men known to be /ord. The missionary powers of trade thus receive a new development, and wag a. man begins to feel a yearning after the old flag— in his pocket, Persons of doubtful loyalty are required to take the oath of allegiance before they can make a shipment, and, as every application for a permit brings their character for loyalty under fresh' examina tion, there is no chance for backsliding. NEW YORK, June .. 2 2. The . Newbern, Progress reports that one hundred rebel dra-. goons had given themselves up at Washing. : ton. N. C. The same paper says that six North Caro lint regiments'had been disbanded at Rich mond, and- placed under a guard, previous to which they hung their brigudier general. .The bill for making a railroad to the Pacific, passed ,the Semite of the United States, on Friday last, 35 to 5. The sec tion for four broth lines at the eastern ter hinds was strick out, 2510 15. - gm,SPICING FASHIONS, 1852- SILK HATS, FELT HATS, Pi 0 0 L _H A T CA P.S,, (te.. larStraw -Hats all colors and styles, for Men and Boys, Children's Fancy Straws, great variety, com mon Straws, &c., Wu have just returned from the Easti.rit Cites and believe we have the most com plete. best selecold, and heapest stock of PAM!. lONA DIX far Men, Boys and Children, to be found Sutside of the Cities. UPLiEti RA rFs, Hat Makers, Qpposite Washington House, agere4raen, Md. SW-Before "Basting" we have visited the Eastern Cities, and just returned with a MILLION STRA W HATS, more or, less, rather less however, than mure,and an equal pioporelon of Eastern made PELT HATS, all of which we intend to sell fi)a rirCASH at "bustitig" rates. U you would save' mom • bay at the Fountain Head, HPL.IEGRAFF'S •^, • ha are realty made by busting hands, in a harstiog Inc try, and a orating se.ale, and sold at ouch prices • will **bust" all those who 101 to buy at the Venturi' Heed. Dr.GRAFFS, Hat Makers, Opposite Washington apr4s ' Hagerstowi , Md. TO COUNTRY - MERCHANTS.—In ad dition to our usual stock of home-made and WOOL HATS, we havillipst added fifteen cases of Eastern made-ELT HATS, comprising all the styles pop. War in the trade. These goods have been purchase ed from the largest and best eastern -factorMe his cash, and at the same rates as the lar gest . city job. hers, and we are now prepared to offer them us cuuutry merchants at as low prices as city jobbers. UPDFAiRAFFS, Hatters, Opplte Washington House. Hagerstown, . ste - e an ,ts er la 'ember that we have just udOgga, first els— r HOLESAIA DEPART MENT Wiwi S ',and will Hell you in email lola and eizra yott ay want, any of the toisillsr styles of the day, and always at us low prices as .eityjobbers. IMDEURA - PFS, Hat Makers Sign of the Red Hitt, Hagerstown, Md.. *is." BUSTED."--Don't b e Alarmed,, friends, we're got enough-of, - money to' keep the stock, and couhroue'esiling tit"busted* prices unul utter harvest, at the - SAT STORE, Opposite Washington' ilouNee - Hagerstown, MoL. rt few