Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, June 20, 1862, Image 3
• r ue' Loudoun County WAtmitiVlT, June 15, 1862. The Secretary of War having received complainti that the jail of Loudoun -county was being used for .the detention of' the —ela-ves-ofrebels;atittth. I •I • ; that 'county were activly eo-operating with the authorities of :the Confederate states, the matter was refered to Gen. WADSWORTH, as coininaader of the department. Col. SWAIN, of Scott's Cavalry, was ordered with a detich meat of his command, to go to Leesburg. After a week's absence the command reterd .ed- fast evening . Col. SWAIN had a general jail delivery of the negroes confined on a rebel account, and straightened up' things generally. lie also brought here Chief justice ASA BooEfts and the Rev. E.' H. BOURSE as prisoners, they refusing to take the oath of allegiance and • being proved to be active in the rebel cause, the reverend gentlemen ac ting as a kind ofl rebel post boy. Leesburg, proves to be _a hot bed of Secessioo„the ladies of the place crossing the streets to avoid' ineetivg the officers of the cavalry troop, the children singing Dixie in front of the quar ters, and most of the stores were closed during the stay - of' the troops. GENEROUS AND NOBLE.-A few nig lis ago one of the ladies of our city, a passenger on the Metropolis, while coming from. New York with somPsick and wounded prisoners, seeing that thy were not cared for as her generous manic would dictate, and learning from them that the wants of the inner man were the strongest, calling the steward of the boat to her she said: "Can these men have supper ?" "No marm, there has been no provision made of that kind by the Govern ment, and we cannot provide for4hese unless we provide for all." "Can you get them sup pers if I pay for it?" "Yes." "Very well do so." The supper was accordingly got, with all the delicacies on hand. No stint— but the best—for which the sum of $l5O was paid. No one was informed of the act, —no herald or newspaper reporter was there to proclaim it. One of the recipients of her noble bounty is the author of the bounty.— Pall River Press. _______,..,_ Aid to the Starving ;Southerners Sr. Louts, Mo., June 14.—Nearly $6,000 worth of provisions and money have been subscribed here for the Southerners about Corinth. $3,400 worth of provisions was forwarded on Wednesday, and another ship ment of nearly the same value will be made to-day. THE PRESIDENT'S LADY.----Mrs. Lincoln za---ift-ROV4R-th: f •_ /.• -•• I • - - - vitals of the District, which are full to over- Aidwing with our - suffering soldiers.—Kind words, beautiful flowers and creature com forts she dispenses with fiberality, and many a poor soldier has returned her kindness with his heartfelt blessing.—Cor. Journal of Commerce. Col. G. F. Shepley, of Maine, it is said, has been appointed Military Governor of Louisiana. nei_SPRING FASHIONS, 1852 SII.K 11 AT 8 , FELT HATS, WOOL HATS, CAPS, 4.Ve rirStraw Hats all colors and styles, for Men and Boys, Children's Fancy Straws, great variety, com mon Straws, &e., We have just returned from the Eastern Cites and believe we have the most Corm plete, best selected, and heapest stock of FASH IONABLE HATS 11.1. Men, Boys and Children, to be found outside of the Cities. UPDEG BA FPS. Hat Makers, Opposite Washington House, Hagerstown, Md. ear Before "Busting" we have visited the Eastern Cities, and jus returned with a MILLION ISTRA W HAT:S, more or less, rather less however then more,anti on equal ptoportion of Elston% made FELT HATS, all of which we intend to sell for VirCASH at “busting" rates. II you would sire money buy at the Fountain Head, UPDEORA FP'S whererhats are really made by busting hands, in a bursting factory, and .s bursting scale, awl sold at such prices as will "bust" all those who !hit to buy at-the Fountain Head. D EGRAFF'S, Hat Makers, Opposite Washilloon House, Hagerstow. , Mil TO COUNTRY 3IEROFIANTS. —ln ad dition to our usual stock of home-made and WOO,l, HATS, we have just added fifteen cases of Eastern made FELT HATS, comprising all the sty/es pop. ular in the trade. These goods have been purchas ed from the largest and best eastern factori. s for cash, and at the same rates as the largest city job bers, and we are now prep creel to offer them to country merchants at as low prices ail city jailors. P 1) Et: HA FFti, Ha tters, Omotote Washington House. Ilageraown, Mel. mt. Merchants, remember that we have just added a first cl..ev WHOLESALE DEPART MENT to our Stock, and will sell you in small bus and sizes, as you may want, any rit the popular styles of the day, and always at as low prices us city jobbers. UPDEGRAFFS, Hat Makers sign of the Red Hat, Hagerstown, Md. n .Z.,),74 Near Middleburg, on the 10th ult., Mr. Samuel Barnhart; agecl,ill years, 9 months and 27 days. How shall I miss thy loving smile, - The mild look of thine eve, Then will be so lone and drear, Since y , a are gone Irma us. But while [ treed life's path alone, I'll think thy spill' nigh, And strive to reach thy home of bliss, For I must also BALTIMORE, JULIO 16, 1862 FLOUR.—Prices of most descriptions, owing in some measure to the light recipts have ruled steady. Transactions embrace 1,20 bbls. Howard Street Family at s6® $6.50; 1,000 bbls. City' Mills Extra for ex port at $0.50; 3,200 Ws. 'very choice do., at $7; 500. bbls. Howard Street Extra at 65.50@55.564 000 bbls. Ohio Extra at $5, 50; 200 bbls. Howard Street and Ohio do. at $5,25; 1,000 bblo. Ohio 35.1243:and 2,000 bbls. City Mills do. at $5®35121 per bbl. ,WHEAT.- 1 - - Threceipta of Wheat for the week Toot - up .17,000 bushels only. To day sales wore confined to Peansylvania rod of which soine).,2oo bushels fair to strictly prime sold at 120®t25 eta., an advance of @5 .eta. per.bushel. , White Wheat was quoted as r anging, from 80€4160 cts. per bushel for common to strictly piime quality. The market closed- quiet at ourquotations' viz: Inferior and c mm m white 80@i:10 cts. iY wiedidur - 426 ®l4O cte. rani to `pl 4 l 4 4tkiiriitE4lll@l6o . eta. choice and family, 4 ,463olll:Weti.oidinary to strictly prime. Pennsylvania red at 120®125 ots. and. Southern do. 124®128-etsilast bushel. RYE'-.Receipts some 8,000 bushels,— prices have declined. We now quote Penn sylyaniant 66@67 ots. and Maryland at 62 (063 ate. per bushel. CORN.—Prime yellow was unchanged.— Inferior and common White sold slowly at 40@45 eta. and Yellow do. at 47@60 eta per bushel. Sales en Thursday of good and prime White at 56®58nts. and yellow do. at 55®57 eta. a decline in the latter of one cent . per busji el. OATS.—We quote at the close good and prime Pennsylvania at 40@41 eta Maryland at 39®40 eta. and Virginia do. at 36@39 eta. er bushel. -1 1067 . 2111 14 1110 - JIMEICIII IMMEDIATELY a good young, heavy . ilrnught Horse. A. Dark Bay More prefered. Apply to (June 20-1 f) JAS. H. CLAYTON. Moods ! Hoods Z Z Hoods JUS'F received per Express. direct from the man ufacture', another large invoice of Shakers.. (June 13 '62) , JOSIAH BRI3OR.C• — STRAY 130434-. CA ME to the premises of the, at juirt ing Waynesboro' 'about the 11th of Match last, a Black and White spotted Hog, with a piece, off the lett ear, a piece off and a slit in the right ear supposed to weight 100 pounds. The owner is re quested to prove property‹ . l charges and take him away. . H. CLAY I'ON (June 13-3 w) 313CCOREalligit. CAME to the premises of the subseribese„re sidlng between Monterey and Sobillasville, in Frederick county, Md., on the 10th inst., a Bay Mare with the two left feet white, supposed to be a bout 5 or 6 years old, also a black horse with a star on the forehead arid blind of the left eye, and thick pasture on the left foot in front, supposed to be 11 or 12 years old. The owner is .requested to prove property, pay charges and take them away. W. H. (MAMMA.; IZRAEL WILLIAM (June 13- 111 .iw ) IIHE subscriber intending to remove to the West offers at Private Sale ONE HALF ACRE LOT OF GROUND, situated three miles west of Waynesboro', on the turnpike leading to Greencas tle, upon which there is it TWO STORY LOG KOLTSE with Basement, Smoke House, ana' Wash House under one roof—also, a good Stable, Hog Pen and other necessary outbuildings. If the above property is not sold prht'atley on or before 7'uesday the Ist day of July next, it will be offered et Public Sale on that day, at 1 o'clock, P. M., to the highest bidder. A good title and posses ill hr the Ist. of - Ortrenre. 703627 awn will be wyeh on the Ist. /rloll.Tri (June 13—ta.) JOSEPH 1101.1:NIAN._ G RAIN CR A DELS of the hes, make at (Junel3) H. STutootoun's ! _ B ELLS,I3ELL 4 , for fa rmere, for sale at (June 13 ) ' H. Srousuousa's. 1 R AND bIADI.CSaTHES; ho ‘, _I beet kind at (1un013.) H. StosattoLss'a Akiti - S AND FORKS, of all 'kinds, for sale at (June I 3) H. SToNtuvosies. Notice to Tresspassers. IIERS.ONS are hereby notified, not to tresspass upon the labile belonging to the h e irs of Chris tian Funk, deed., by fishing or hunting, as the un dersigned are determined to enibree the law hereaf ter, against all persons so offending. C. A. FUNK, W. W.' WAI,KER, (June 6-3 so ) DISSOLV TI 011. XTOTICE is hereby given that the copartner shipll heretofore existing between the undersign ed, in the Hour and feed business, was this day dissolved, by mutual consent. The business will be continued by DAxtgt, SNIVEIX, at the old stand, in whose hands the books of the firm have been pla ced Persons knowing themselves indebted are re quested to cell and make paymeut. June 2, '62 DANIEL. SNIVEL} - . W. IL FUNK, (June 6-3 w) MORE NEW GOODS AT TII ti "VARIETY STORE." - T - B V E RT - ih — corrn ectiatt—with—hi p • Store, has commenced the manufacturing of BOOTS and SHOES iu.nll its various branches.— Having employed Jeremiah Cooper as foreman, he is prepared to produce the finest, neatest and most durable work made anywhere. Ali are invited to call. A large stock of Bats and Caps, (including all kinds of Fununer Hats for men and boys) Eastern manufactured Shoes and Boots of the to t make, on hand; Clocks. Trunks, Segars. , Tobacco &e., &c. You get tilt; very-best Kl3lloBENE.there Muy9— tf. .1. BEAVER. NIZINAT 4mncl VIIELME3MI 'VIM Le T M. STONER takes this method. of thank sing his customers . , and informs the public that he has just returned from Philadelphia with the largest assortment of Drugs. Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye Ntulfo, Soaps, Perfumary, Fruit. Confect. tio.tary, &c., &c,„ tlitit has, been brought to the place this season. which he pill sell it heap. He has on hand.•with what he is receiving. makes his assortment of Patent Medicine greater in variety than any other establishment in the place. In a few weeks, he will publish his list of manufactured articles. He has on had now, his Cough Medicine, put up in six ounce bottles, price 25 con is, "no cure, le pay." Its curative - properties - are - now fully appreciated. judging from its 'daily sales. May 9 '62. EPTTL.4I."SP MIEOXLB.IIII. 14 ME to the prouder* of the suhicriber, residing kiat Monterey Springe„ou the South Mouotaiii, on the 20th day of May last, a huge Bay Stallion, supposed fit be'aheut nine years old. The owner is tog', situ to prove properly, pay charges and take film away. DAVID MILLER.- ' (June 6-3 w ) Pianos and :Melodeons. PRE undersigned, having, become Agent for I Win. Knabe & Coe. (of Hakim are), celebrated pianos and of Cohen, Meedhem & Clo'a. unsur passed Melodeons, is prevailed to I furnish indivial. mils with the above tinned inetruments at city pri• cos. All instruments warranted by the manufactu. American Sporting Powder, • American Sporting Powder, Hazard's Duck Powder, Hazard's Duck Powder, Hazard's Misting Powder, Hazard's Blasting Powder, Thu beat Powder made, The best Powder made. The only place you can get it is st,„' apr26 BROTHERTON'B. 'ES - CV nc at the ALARGE prod/mint of 1 sign of the - Big Red Horn. dec2o '6O • D. EL *client.. MARKETS! (*fit noorto 41113ERSON, BENEDICT & CO• WAYNESBORO, June 20, Z'aus, , BACON, (HAYS) " (81 ions) (SnouLDans) TALLOW; 1862. SECOND ARRIVAL. . IVERSON, BENEDICT• & CO Waynesboro' Pa. MAY 22, Tieg-mErlivihr SPRING AM) SUMMER, Cil 11 . ' S II crY)E are now Toceiving and o fferinst to sell a new anc3FULL ASSE3Itr VIE BT of bjEV EDDA Which we think we nre prepared to sell at aglow terms as any other house in town or country. • /1.41Z1. , . 1 2D22Z - MEaß li° DVSS GOODS of all kinds Silks C hanks, Col'd do. D elnities, Fig'd do. 13 epeges, Lustrcs, tavellas, Poplins, , ccomir_NAL.wtss, SLEEVES, Ell B 0 DRRI E S MEN'S SPRING AND SUMMER <M. 1:11) Eit3 a enitonades, Ken. Jenne. Fine Tweeds, Neck Tien, Crav:its Haniikerciiiefe, A full iiasorttnent of Plain and Fancy CAsSINI El RES QUEENSWARE. A good supply of Queensvvare anti Gla 'aware of the latest style. GROCERIES, Always on hand a heavy lot of 'prime Groceries, COFFEE, SITUAR, SYRUP, MOLASSES, SPICES. &c. To which we respectfully call the attention of our co-toners Ind the public ka•nerally; and at the bailie time we return our thanks to customers and the community for their liberal ratronaire, and will en deavor by fir dealing with all, to merit a continu ance of the same. Please call arid see. AMISERSON, BENEINLIT & CO DRY FRUIT: ..zik_lEi°3lEmiLliEffiiN, A MBERSON, BENEIDICT dr, (BO'S . PICKLES. A LOT OF Good Pickles, A MBERSON, BENEDICT eSt (JO'S _ / CURTIIV FIXTURES, OIL . CURTAINS,. AM BERSON, BEIVEDICT & CO'S A Fri.L ASSORTMENT PRINTS, MURIA. GIAGIIIIIIS .a'zipvau tis's(J; OPIALI; DESCRIP ('IONS at AMBERSON. BENEDICT & CO'S. v i laL-= DANDELION COFFEE, • ESCENCE OF COFFEE, at • /el BEVISON, ttr.N EDICT & Burns Euas LARD 8 14 10 " 6 " s 41 8 41 7 I Som. 4a6 II Aeottlhams) 10 BACON (slues) 6 BACuN (shoulders) ' 6 BY THE UNION FORCES TOGETHER WITH THE WHOLE REBEL ARMY ! This Victory was gained with very little Loss on Our Part; and yet another, JOSIAH BESORE has just returned from the , eastern Cities, and is now opening the most extensive stock of ever brought to Waynesboro', which he will cell cheaper than any other house this side of Richmond. Consisting of everything usually found in a well conducted establishment. The community is invited to card examine my stock which I will take great pleasure in •show ing to all who may favor me with a call. To con vince you I have a splendid stock I will ennumera to a few of the leading articles now in store, all of which I will sell at greatly reduced prices. FOR THE LADIES Including the Hest novelties in Summer Dress Goods, to which I respectfully invite the attention of the ladies. The choisest CANN,I The finest qualities, The largest stock, I The best assortment, ever ezhibited in Waynesboro', and at unpideeden ted Superior extra heavy ilk. Silk, Blk., Brown, Blue and Mack Foulard., Pikes (light grounds.) Bouquets of Chintz, Collars, Satin plaid and prin. Mu rguilise, Valnc is Plaid, Silk and Shepherds Plaid, Silk 'metres, striped Himalayas, ilk. Persia, 131 k. Grenadine, Blk.'and fancy Barage, Anglaise Braze, Aegla's High colored Chnllies, Jackonets and Or gandies, Grissaile gr mud, French Brillkpnta, French Chintz of the latest ',Lyles, Catnhrick Lawns,Pop lins. Molt airs, striped do., Lavellas in all colors TOURISTS ' Manchester, Pacific and Hamilton 'Helaine of all styles and shades ,ex• for ladies wrapings. Sacques. Mantillas, new and elegant styles, Shawls, French worked Collars, Under Sleeves and in Ms. Etnhroidered and Hem stitched Handkerchiefs, Kill rimes, Silk end Lyle Gauntlets, Cord antl:Fassles, Head -net% Bt Its Bel ting of all descriptions. CI oths. Cass imere, V es tings, Hosiery. Suinmer Misr Shoes , Slippers iTr Poplins, Barages, Uncoils, Chnllies, Gingham, Prints, Blk. Eng. Crapes, from 2.4 to 7-4 wide, Blk. Kids, Gountlets,.Crape Collars, &c. My line of Millenary Goods is complete. R.ueh as Bugle Gimps and Lacer, all widths, Belt Ribbons, narrow silk (Jim ps, Dress Cords.Ftinges &c. Spool. Silks and rill Colors of Shetland Yam, Zephyr worsted, &c. OOHS!! • bracing_ all the most favorite Brands such—as M Mina es, Sprague, Pacific, (ochiceo, 'Manchester, Dunne hi, American and English Prints. Harrigan Mills, Chester Hill, New Market, !Antoiale, Conewngo, Great Lake, Mayflower, Lawrenee, Belmont, Waltham, Hill Manf. Co. • and other brands. BROWN COTTONS. Pacific Shretings • A mosk eag Shrotinge, Portinnouth " Shavvinut " A ppleton " Plymouth " GINGHAMS AND FURNITURE CHECKS. In %Welt I am prepared, to oftcr graft • bargains. '`ALSO 2.4 and 4.4 checks. 'Pickings tie animillline Drills, Itrareens Damasks, Shirting StripeWaukeens; Cargo Jeans, Crach & Hach Tow Hags, ITALIAN CLOTHS, 131 k. and ratio , Clutha, " 46 Cusiduieres Silk nixed do. Merino do. Cashineretts Marsailes • Valencies Gre nedie ss Hosiery Cravats Collars, &c. A large and Well selected stock, in vatiirh I am prepared tossifer great inducement's to purchasers. Consult your uw y intervist and esalsits my stock -before pureltasini,r,"l QUEENS WARE China." , Glass and . Stoneware. , of tlir latest styles nitvayitint, band at prices .that defy courputi ion. • sub.ierdwr teittlersltis thanks this tricntls cuutomers for post Citrons. and patronage, and r.ilierbfury bolieits a c.ontittnitien ,uf, due mine, that iurget Owe: Corner 1•11 Ainits'aiul (Mulch Swots, wlirru thu s . rAitti A 4 41,1 IsTial Es flow, Colattryloruiluce taken in rxeliangfrfur.pcsis • at ills highest mortal prim. ' (ma)%l3) . -:. •• - ..,' •-= , - : ~..147,,;, : ••-•:.•::: 1 4.1, - .• t,' , '"' '-.41r-V1,... - i; - .: • ; . 7,, • 5 . . 5. 'en -4 :•11V.M....1D,%.,_ ,:ik• .4 4 1+ , 4 1'.1:' , . i.. - k ~. ' ' ',' Cr' '' ,y!'rj, ~' .N. :f • . - ..' ..' . r. 4 'rr. , ,f ~., ..z...t.i ~ .'1"--, ,,t 4 ' • ' . ~. yre .. ~.,fit ' ^", .--; • .....'.. •, ,, ' , ..?,1 .`, .. .... 7 '44 ':7 .. ' ..-. ."''..."*-":". ... :• -: - ~,-: , -... ~ . ..t4 - "01, , t., Y. II , r. . . •4I::I 1 : vs 0 1: ' . . „ ~,,,,.,,,, ' 47ll4El ' l ' .• .'' ' - . I i"• 1 - 1 , Li rt. 1Y ~ - ,0.. - 2 ' .1 : - . •' ' . 1 'Ulan -Olt 1111:, .- - - . -i:.. , . ..: : 4::-. '': ..c --,: ' •:-..... . • • pni .k r 01314.* . , , IrOrFISBO/i6, Jun .' 10 1862. 'lO I WAsiten Wow, , S 0 UNWAIMBD 901 CLOVE 3 BUD 81131117 00 PLAXINIMD I PARED NACHOS 00 UNPARVp " 00 DRIED APPLU 00 RICHMOND TAM "OMNI MOMS MM." ER GOO, DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. :Mica LPErificriftwas MOIRES Mg MILLIE CM. ontbatines, Blk. Parcailes, Folar and TRIMMINGS PRINTS AND DOMESTIC BLEACHED GOODS. GENTS WEAR. GROCERIES. Merchants Medford Canton Shamnut " rvere,lo, leans Limas, .104.‘H RE - ORE. 'TMENEn mnrui Loaded whit .freah SUMMER GOADS-, strived from Philadelphia this week, steamed ,up to our some, and threvi.t-oh I' ye fair portion of creation !--the moat delightful stock efficacy goads straight into our don't, that ever brightened our counters. First, doubtless to pleaso the came a shower of Silky Debeges, Balzarines, Sky tinted Lawns, Chintzes, Mudenas, Mozambique.. Himalayas, Poplins, Challies, &c.,4kev• ry huo of the Rainbow, glistening like stars, That will make the old look young, and the young like Genii i then followed a broad stream of N ankeens; Mullins, Ta ble-diapers, Calicoes, osnaburges, beneath which came flying like birds ok beauty, Head-Dresses, Sleeves and Collars in setWShakers, Hosiery, Sun- Umbrellas—beauties—gauntlets, and all those dear little tick-tacks which make the ladies look so charm ing ; above it a dark sheet of MOURNING GOODS. in elegant variety, Blk. Grenadines, Byadore Here. iges, Wool DeLaines, Chaffin, Lawns, Ba(twines, Crape Deapangea, Eng. Crape, Eng. and American Prints,.plain 'and figured, Eng. and French Crapc Veils, Mourning Collars, Gloves, Hosiery, &e everything Oa render the mourner beautiful in her sorrow. After these streams ceased to flow there was another explosion and in came pouring for the CONZVIONM:iii`. 4 I Bales of Silky Br oad-cloths, Parisians, Cassiiners Black and fancy, double and singled milled, in ma peyh ivies, fancy as a sunbeam.—with the accom paniments, splendid Veatings, Silk, Marseilles plain, brilliant, and beautiful Neck-ties , unimpeachable Shirt-breasts and Collars, everything to set the Gent fit for a picture, and make him presentable even at the Capitol of the Nation.. So Gents. Ichok in and ace, keying is believing. All over the pa yetnet.tiny buies, which wilt!) opened displayed those_god, solid, subaatitial wares, our noble, ind ustrious MOTHERS like eo much to see ; because they' must hare-them to make the boys trowsers, and the girls dresses : here they are strong as buck-skin. cotten, woolen. mixed, jeans, goods of new styles, cheap and dura ble, cotton stripes, drillings, calicoes of late sty fee, ticking, sheetings; in fact all that our young friends require who are starting on their matrimonial jour tie through life. Iy s WEd aw, y, when ei t nee goof b were ar here came trudging along Our Poo; Old Rhinooprossesses! loaded heavy,—oh very—with. Glocerics, Queens- Ware, and Hogsheads of that delicious Loaf-sugar, Syrups, and Sugar-house molasses, hogsheads and barrel's ol sugars of every grade. Shad, Mackerel, Herring, fresh from the briny wave, lucious cheese from New 'England, brooms, spiecte,—and a splendid lot of SUGAR CURED HAMS,—and sweet Bo cor—and Yankee Notions, together with a full as sortment of RATS AND 5110 ES ! Leghorn, chip, fine fur and wool Hata. gents ant la des boot, es and :how-, cheap di tractingly cheap,— Now all these affairs startlingly, and touchingly set forth are for sole .and Exhibition at the store of the undersigned, who, with many thanks for past encouragement and patronage, remains Respectfully your aide. servant (may 23) ' JOSEPH PRICE HO ! FOR QUINCY. Second Arrival of Spring and Summer Goods. COLLROWEII & CLUGSTON. We are now receiving and offering to sell anew and full assortment of DRY GOODS. Which we think we are prep.tred to sell on as rea sonable terms as any other bongo in town or coun try. A full assortment of LADIES DRESS GOODS of all kinds. Silks. Delaing, Alpacas, Printed Mull ieß9 Ginglmmo, Latvia, Fancy Prints, &lms Shawls, dic.• 0 MENS SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS of all kinds. Cloths, Cassimere, 'Fine Tweeds Ken. Jeans, Cot tonades. Vest ings, elandkerehiefs, Neck Ties, Hosery. A full assortment of Plain and Fancy Cassinvres QUEENS WARE AND . GLASSWARE. A largo rnack of CI•LEICOLTOQIDEPtiCIDEZ:Scw- Which we are prepared to offer n a low as any oth er retail store in the country. BOOTS AND SHOW" for men's and Ladie's wear of all sorts and sizes. Also a large and well selected stock of DOMESTIC GOODS. Musfins, Tickings, and a complete assortment .of Notions. Looking Glasses, Hardware, Hats and Cups, Paints and Oils, Presh Shad and Herring by the barrel. It is no use trying_ to enumerate. If you want anything in the Dry Goods line, just call slid you will find us ready to wait on you vith pleasure. Ili,ooo CH ESTI% IT'P JOINT SHINGLP.9 for Sale , Country produce taken in exchange fur goods at the highest market prices. ity strict attention to business anti a desire to please in every respect, we hue to merit a con ttnuatiee of pationago. May 23) C WEB & CLUGSTON. "/ 1H ! for to soar," right down at Priev's 11„, Store 14 but for? Why to get sozno -tnore•of that New York tSyruy—only I•2i mite a quart at PRICE'S TRIbT4E111":11L - 91EICIIE.• 1 1nEAs1It T tntnr t . B,leofsi;;;NAl lute o lon deceased, have been granted to the aulieriber; all persons'indebied t‘i we s aid- Estate are requested to ni.ske humediate . payment, and those having claims or deinands.agatust the. Estate 01 said decedent, will make known the same, with out lelay, JACOB B. GOOD, Eer• (June 6 -f-6w.) TICONOM Y 11.4 EB6 SBAD . to be lied amp at inay23 Pettex's V,INE 61:1;Alt t;I:lail) 11 AAIN. - Plain anti - `fancy. For sale cheap at • - Pnies'ai. . _ koloy2 I.) , .. -_. r g i'HE largest lot of Hoop Skirts ; over brought, to Waynesboro'. con lie seen at - : ... • '' - " - (ortay23) • ' :,: . * ' ; .rittateit' - t islnTll4l{ lot of thosoitlice Hhak'ers at ..i.. may 11:1) 1 'aittnea . . ot ' & SVMMIR DRY Ji* Groceries, MOIL Ban LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES, &CI n - GEO. STOVER, ciaIIANKFUL for kind tavoiaand patronage here )", tofore bestowed upon him, again appeurs•boforb the public to solicit a continuance of the sothei. - .....t. fie having just returned from the eastern cities with 11U aad-well-selectedatoek-of--ne• SPRING AND SUMMER 41W•re1314CD.Xilonibi Which he intends selling .at very tow "rates, which he knows he can do to the satisfactiOn of all who will call and examine his stock. Below you will find enumerated a few articles which will be found among his stock to which he calls yuur attention. TOIL THE LADIES le has a large assortment of Dress Ooods consisting in past of Cha!lies, Printed and Plain Del aines. Fig'd and Curd bilks, Plaid Mohair, • klilk Warp Mohair. Bereges, Medea? Cloth, Lovelies, • French and domestic Gingham*, Poplins, Pongee Mixture, Cloth for Ladies, Wrappings, - Cloves, Hosiery, in great variety. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, Broad cloths, Black and Fancy Cassimerea, Union Cassimyres, Duck Linens, Cottonades, .Suinmer oatings, Tweeds, Velvet'Cord, * Mars:tines, Silk Vesting, Velvatine Vesting -3 , of all kinds in fact a full assortment. of goods for (Jim men wear. Also a large and well selected stock of DOMESTIC GOODS, Nltolin, Ticking; and a complete a assortment of Notions. It's no, use trying to enumerate. If you want anything at all_ in the Dry Goods just call in and you will find him ready to wait ou . you with pleasure. To persons having country Produce to sell, they will find it to their arivantage to brit(g it to Stu ver's,as he always gives the !dullest market price. So give him a call, and he will sell you goods as cheap as they can be purchased elsewhere. Aprll 1862 NEW GOODS! 11011111111 KEEN 811111 Iron and Stew, .Shovels and Spades, Hors and Hake* Spades and Forks, Nails, brads and Spikes, Locks, Hinges and Screws, Latches, Staples and Bolts„ Oils, paints, Glass and . Varnishes, Mill, Crass-cut and Circular Saws, Hand, Tenon, Web anti Compass 'Saws, Aug, auger-Bitts,Ginilet.—and_Dowrli socket Chisels, Firmer Chisels, Mortisitigetiv4 Pruning SJws,and combined, Prtinti.o.; Plastering Trowels, Pointing arid (14A-n, Doable and Single Bill Axes, Hatchets, and Dr aw ing My. i; White.wash Brushes, Shoe, Store . amt Horge Brushes, Scrubbing litulhes, Cloth, Tooth, and Paint Brushes; Table Oil Cloths, Floor Oil Ciotils, Carriage Oil Cloths; Spokes, Felloes, Hubs,. Shafts, Peles, Springs and axles; 13lnek.s . mith Bel lows, A n vils, View, Hoot Knives. and Rasps; Tube, Buenets, Churns; Rope, Baskets,Brooms and Wash Boards. ' Waiters, ' !'rays , Candle Sticks Snuffers Coffee Canisters; Table Cuttlery, Pocket Cuttlery. Pruning Knives, Pr u fling Shears, Silver...plated Ware, Table and Tea Spoons, Salt Shovels, Forks. and Ladles, Albata Table and Tc. SpoMm, Spoons, -Tinned Spoons; 'l' race Chains, Halter Clethi ,Cow Chains, Butt Chains, Sporfing Pittv den, Blasting Poidey, Shet,, Gun Wadding; -Ar nold's- Writing Fluid, Shoe Blacking, Stove Black ing; Lead Pencils, Gillett'S Steel Pens, Waiting. Paper; Flour 'Selves, Meal Selves, Sugar Selves anti Wire Cloth; Cooking Stoves, Nine Plate , Stoves; Coal Stoves; Cariin;e Lining, Carriage hue, and Carriage Trimming; together with a large stud carefully selected stock of Cabinet and Saddle.y Hardware. All who desire to buy cheap arc invited to call. and examine my goods before purchasing elsewhere, as I ern determined to sell as cheap a , . usual, notwithstanding the advance of. some kinds o f goods. ,The subscriber would here take occasion' to return his sincere thanks to the public for former favors anti hopes. by fair dealing and cheap goods, to merit a continuance of the same. pr:iri WM. H. B•ROTHERTON. "At Brotherton's Hardware Store." Gnain Cradles, . • . Chain Scythes. Grass Scythes, • Scythe. t• - •litrpetters, Wooden Forks, Hay Forks, Yorks, 'Fork Bundles, ;Sulfites. Itaitus r. &c., &c. etitue! Canny!!, ugh:AL.! II June 6'62. . aheriffalty. rrE und urine:fled asap; offers. the 1.% uion Itepubliean Corm taloa of this a candidate for the Sheriff:illy. Having - mown:. next to the highest ninnber of votes .last nine, hem:. nectfutly asks the Influence anilvotes of those favors. Ulu to his ninninstien...mii it nominated a nd steete 4 i he pledges himself to discharge hi duties with pronitinieiis and fidelity. J. I-I.IIOIIW GOIthON. )4:ayiief'db: re May 2, 181;2 • . F you want II gq , o4l i rftir one Matt Morucc, 1.3.1i4d, WARRAN,uu Nur TO youN4 tt , do yotov.tileto see the nieas-us , ut , ! Mimi- of .Plain and i''aney. I.l.ii:ii-' ,,, 7: : : -, ,qt Viiayneab.?m i , c. 411 at snr4 , 't<:•nis . ..:: H-' ._,...„ frerh a trtval ..n: Parectiaga.frout 25. cett#4::4!: 41 *t.oo at (.ii 23) l'atce;:::' Pates'i .