it 9 LATEST ARRIVAL , SPIN SUMMER C, - .0 7 .41,131'1l - nardwW,te, GROCERIES, QUEENSNARE AND CEDARWARE I ma-Avow just returned tom the Enstern Cities he would colt the attention.of his customers and the public generally to his LARGE & SPLENDID ASSORTMENT- DRY GOODS! - Which will he sold at extremely Lott , Prices. Below you will find enumerated a few articles which will be found among his stock, to which he invites yont attention! FOR THE LADIES, —ALSO:— Ladies' Shawls, • Plaid Ginghains,. • Brocades, • , rainy Prints, • Lawns, • Bratges, Linen Hama'lir. MEWS WEAR. Fancy Caseimerea, " Clothe; Italian Cloth s Vestinga, Marsail'as s Grenatliens .41.D.23ciDeaca Denims, • Tweeds, Jeans, . Linen, flineensware, • Hardware, CM.I:3a)Z3UaM.3MIM a Of the very best quality, such as Syrups, and Porto Rico Molasses; Best Rio Coffee, Superior Prepared Coffee, Bummell's Beet Essence; • No. 1 Chocolate, Raisins, tobacco, Rice. &c., &c. The aticit , e Odds have been carfully selected and purchased at the very Idlest figure. He is therefore enabled to accommodate all who may favor him with a call. By strict attention to business and a desire to please in every respect, he hopes to merit it continuance of patronage. NO TROLBLE TO SHOW GOODS, Country Protltice taken in exchange for goods at file highest market prices J. W. MILLER• AprillB '62 REICOVAL. ALE 3 CENTS PER GLASS. MITE subscriber informs his customers that he 1 has removed his Restaurant to the house of Mit. Blair, next door to Beaver's Variety store, *here Fe wilt-have for sale Oysters, Eggs, Ham, Cheese, &c. Also Washabaugh's and Ludwig's Ale at 3 cents per glass. JOB, FUNK. AFRO MT. HOPE STORE. %OE' 41.0) I • Eit3, THE would inform his customers and the pnhlic generally that he has just re. beived from Philadelphia a full assortment of Spring at Summer Itsy Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, shoes, Boots, Hats Caps, and all other articles usually retailed by country merchants, all of Which will be sold as low asAhe same goods can be purchased clsevrhere in the - County. The public arc invited to call and examine Ins stock. , JOHN M. COOK. Mt. Hope, April PEI • Bit. IV. LECIILEII d i . • NNOTJNCEB to his friends and the public generally that ho is' now in possession of all e late and most improved instrumentspind is well prepared to perform all DENTAL operations. He will be happy to wait upon those who May require the • the s vices of an experienced Dentist. All opera tio upon the mouth and. teeth performed in a tine manner.Teeth - insetted according to the latest improveme nts in the art; and at moderate rates. . , Office in his residenbti on the South Corner of the Diamond. • . • Apill 11;'62 I PECK OF TROUBLES TUNED FP AND. SPILLED OUT! • _ . i t ,litr• 1.10 can make a ment—l mean in.appettr. V Nye. with a coat fitting like slaibioh•plate pant. emir. you fit for.a president. • Whorl:takes the . • , , Rise gantilim see in the cityt ''''' ' :The: - Tailortr-no mistake abciut it, Well, then we, have just brought ' from the City,.the neatest, sleekest; finest, tiniest; - lollient, Int of • ' "'''- •-, : : F,ANCY CABSI ME REI, BLACK C ASSIM CBES, , .• CLOTHS AND,. VERTINGIB, - , , - ' that canbi; Mania this quo*. We' sriU pledge our . "indite' to turn ontaiood Print am) 'CnasP Sutra.— • • " graSi, spar_ kling goods shier pianos, and we hare • l themi'' . L IWo have tha latest Esahien Plates, and will 1 nethirieundOne to plass our friends and the _ • mankin4" •• Aft, ,0: dc J. BENDER._ ILof , •.., -, ..: 1 8 - e: - , • -WV . ' -, - . -• ' Telßeindlatradlatkitted *dud tkler . " iiide:by Stone* t4'CiodderilMortgif ne44dtt, cents Per, Quart : Jan. ADINEIrif you want tolinkoltinw sinicerPantsof otT.-7 -( S+l9 - ' l iko=" 1 " 4. . SEMiI De!lines, Alpacas, Printed Chalice, bombazines, Gingham% Poplins, Shirt Fronts, Shirt Collars; Neck Ties, &c Cedar Ware. Pstriets _ Yottisk triecehotild.ion Wonder; _ ikeit) toll* yontfiltoverland 'Tinware; >t id tlnette~.4 *QUM 101 l yon. , ..ra• 4 . ' "Ho Unto thii dote want ~. Where the Rig `Red "Horn, the sign ist IP , There's the beat Cook Stoves and Tin-ware; • so c cap yr. usse Vim* Song of Hiatoiioa. HE• undersigped !aortas the public in genera and especially those of blecustonters in want of anything in his line of Ifirsiners; that he has Com-. pleted and - is noir occtipying his new and eiteusite• ly enlarged estaillshinent for the : • • • . • - Manufacture and Sale OF TINWARE, SHEET-1110W WARE, AND sroirES. . • He is novrprepared tolittpply any demand rift his Cook Moves; general Housekeeping. Goods and Kitchen Ware, on such terms as rand give entire satisfaction. 11143 OVC:IIa4 offered are of the best and mast improved kinds,and having been tried are acknowledged to be all that can be desired as good cookers and bakers, and are easily kept clean. His own MANUPACITTIRIED WARS is all made with a view to the wants. of customers from the best mate rial and is warranted in all cases to be good. He also keeps a large assortment of fancy articles. UPl:special attention Is given to putting tip SPOUTING, made of the best tin, for houses and barns, in which he has had a long and extensive es e. —.l.iemerrih - er the sign of the Big Red Horn. Aug. 9, 1860 ' D. El RUSSELL. ANTIBTAM FACTORY AND • SCt 12 Mk vo HE subscriber, thankful fur past patronage, still lj solicits the 'met and in addition to manufactu * ing ali kinds of worked Material for Building Purposes, such as SASH, DOORS, SHUTTERS, BLINDS, FLOORING, WINDOW FRAMES, DOOR FRAMES, FACING, MOULDINGS, &c., dec. I am prepared to furnish all kinds of oak timbe for different purposes in building, such as JOICE, RAFTERS, LATH, STUDDING , PAIL INGS, SCANTLING, BOARDS, &c., All of which will be sawed to order, at short notice and upon reasonable terms. Also, sawing, by mill and , eircultivaws, of every description done; Framing, Surfacing, Matching, -FloorintroStcw&t.-For-furtlier-particulars-apply-to ' the subscriber, at Factory two miles southeast of Waynesboro. 1). F. GOOD.' Jan. 17, 1861 TO THE LAD/ESI NEW MILLINERY GOODSI 14 Ise M. C. R4EII. informs the Ladies of in Waynesboro' an vicinity that she has re moved her Millinery Store to the dwelling house on Main Street, adjoining tha residence of Mr. Jacob, Wolf, and has just received from the Eastern Cit. ies a full assortment of Bonnets, Hats, Bonnet Trimmings, Flowers. and other articles usually kept by Milliners. The Ladies are requested to call and examine her stock Aprilll'62 THE OLD MILLER AGAIN_! A 8 the Retie Dim is now on its last legs, and nearly over, we thonght right to announce to 'the public that we will grind Grits of 20 bushels or upwards either for pay or Ton separtely,anil that we have on hand all kinds of FEED, COHN in ear or shelled, or in MEAL silted or not. Also— Oats by theAstuthel or in any way that it may be wanted;—alsoi Mid Hogs, Shipstuff and Bran, Corn in Cob Chopped at short notice. Plaster by the ton or bushel on hand. Still in the market for Wheat. We can always do up good work like it was done at Island No, 10, and Pittsburg banding. JOHN WALTER, AprlS JOSEPH ELDEN. Timothy Seed fbr Sale. IHE subscriber has now for sale 40 bushels of mime TIMOTHY SEED whidh he will die poise of gt fair prices* Persons in want of seed fur tell sowing are requested to give him a call mat BENJ. E. PRICE* • Important to Farmers PHE subscriber takes ibis metluidof announcing of the Farmers and others, that he has on hand a lot of DWARF BROOM CORN seed, along with some specipens of the corn. This Is an escellent article of Broom Corn; and should be raised by ev ery one. He has also a full assortment of fresh Dugs; Medicines, Chemicals, dec. J. F. KURTZ. P. S. lam selling Cranberries at 124 cents pe quart. Mar. 14 Light 1 Lights!! , IHE cheapest. Light in use can ho had et H - — STONEHOUSE'S Hardware !Store Nov 1 Smoke Stack fOr Sale. THE subscriber has a heavy , Iron Smoke Stack 33 feet long and.lo inches in diameter, which he will dispose of upon• reasonable terms. Post Of fice address, Quincy, Pa. llcc2o-1! JOHN L. METCALF.. KERPSENE LAMPS.—AI! kinds for sale by D. B. RUSSELL, sign of the "Big Red Horn. " March 1J • TO FASIVIDItti. CI TEEL Shovels, Spades, Hoes, Forks,ltakes; OManure Drags, 4., &c., at prices that wilt defy competition. Call and see for yourselves, at spell - Bnongwrotes TIM DEIST COOK BTOVE in the market to be bad at the sign of the Dia Red Horn. DH. Russau. • ‘lOO CATSUP BOTTLES 4 For sale at the Store of W. H. Brtorntatort Sept, ; . AR E IRON K TLES at jJ dee2o 'SO Rossmea. 1 - P•you want a good chow of Tobacco, call at apr4 • Paica'a LADIES,,if yen want to see a nice alwortmen Of ;DRESS GOODS, call at Paula's I' you want to ace a large assortment of Shawl, call at rain 4 Pases's F you want a cheap pale tiy Congress Gaiters, I Call et spa Paata's • , HEEL GREAtiE." IF vim wa4t, OfroD Wheel amuse. buy it et • ...upo2s - ROTEIII3TOI6 ' len 4eantal , nreheapest: and latest 'style of Hat , • - Patos'e.. all* Togo fornOs at. ,• F Tots Dokl2l/410.:', 41- .Mta f 81140.4',0 1 4 lIFIFik 2: • Plltolol. and OHO. at... - :" Bowan's lipSll,4N,4an , , J. • „ 00141111011014Altir I rtIHE itibooriber re/Tactfully hi(hfrina hit custom- A. acetic] the goneralie that he has re.; candy replanished his stork' of Fruit and Comet - - 1011811014 V-A:I 4 IIIDAE t ever brought to Waynesboro', with NUTS, RAISINS, -kiturizsr,hoe, fowttt CAKES -OF EVERY ; DESCRIPTION, CI GARS,, TOBACCO, etc., eta. , O . YSTER,S! 'Fte nab also on'hatiti 'at All tintis the finest Oysters the marketftill afford; whiCti will be served tip to I customers ?tied, Roasted or Stewed. . ALE ANM canint! he is likAvise prepared to furnish bdth Washa. , bough i s• and Ludviig's ALE,and a SUperior article ofselcutch Ale aga Crsit Apple Cider, with ,a ptitne article of Bologna Sausage, Boiled Eggs, and all other articles usually kept in first class Ihothurants A genuine article of Vinegar always for sale. NovB lo IL FISHER. THIS WAY! CililllGE = • • tgfiliiii••; - • ,poia ibis ttitee.amiiil2•oo after the iiktikailaitt 'Ot thee 1016163 Oki' Oath • ' • ADVEIIIII6tII6BNIStist • • tn r effeff stitiretineriS• hilettiOni $6 ants. -Adveiffacli 12irPatept , *aide to, be, plitleoioll,:ittittAttillttittftkifeet,, TO TIM,: NEW ESTAiIidigHMENT. 41HE subscriber rree► ingems , the eitisens oQ Asynestioro'' and , the publiti Aid 6b Ime corn- 4 menced.thie Shoemaking bosinesa.M. the.liesement of MASAI Hotel, whare he limes be readiness to itedoirmielhitis those Ishii freiy, ere him a eel_ • .. nooTs -AND SHOES! made to order, on short 'tertiet' ry.Ober - ire waterier eltdoPeu the most refaimOble Oct 25. • .111_08. BitertOMAr.. FATEITTIIVILIdIBE BRY. ' egentetentlaiions from Me raitifty of Prineetint College. Ni J. . - • • Pniaolros, N. J., Fib. 28th, /884 The undersigned are happy to testify that of the Fayetteville A'cadenay, Pa have sitairiCri d el a high standing smong.the reient graduates of the College of New 'Jersey. JOHN MACLEAN, . President of the College. JAMES (I: MOFFAI 4 Protegee/ of Cheek. G. MUSGRAVE GIGER, Profaiscir ofJottin. JOHN T. DUFFIELD, Professor of Mathematics mar.2B FLOUR, FEED, PROVISION SPORE! • grain subscribers would inform the Citizens of Cj Waynesboro', that they have opened a Flciur, Feed and Provision Store in the room fOrnierly oc• cupied by Josepb Price; opposite the residence of John Dell,. where they will at to have Ali sale RR Cl 11' MEAL 11 lt HOMINY, MILL STUFF OF ALL KINDS, t34.:IISENINGS, CORN, SHELLED AND IN THE EAR, OATS, PO.' TATOES, BACON AND I . LARD, VINEGAR; • • Also, Rte, Wheat rind Barley by the bushel or in smaller quantities; and other articles usually' kept in such establishments. All Flour and Mill Stull will be sold at Mtbt, Palmas iron Cisn. ______The-highest-cash-prices-pahl-for-wheati-rye— corn and bats. DANIEL SNIVELY, Febl4—tf WM. H.xFUNK. Dr. incoba, Darbstugh & Co 7 n Celebrated American Liniment an an T"greatest and best external remedy ever o tered to the public. For sale by F. J. Kral= • Druggist. Waynesboro and by Druggists in the county generally. Cir Price 25 centsper bottle. • December 13, '6o ly ISO LABOR. • NO ODUe DIXON'S PURE CARBURET OF IRON' STOVE POLISH, The cheapest article in the, world: Unrivalled in Economy. Permanently Lustrous. The only place to get it is at BROTHER TON'B. March 22. Li Continental Hotel, Po WAYNESBORO', PA. THE undersigned having /men* isifin;the as Bove named - House, forMerly hreivin ;Ss the obe Inn." asked pleasure in announcing to hie friends and the public that he is prepared to receive arid. entertain Guests in a style not to be excelled by any country Hotel: The House 'having been thoroughly repaired and newly furnished with ere= ry thing calculated to make his guests comfortable —the public may rest assured that they will lit ill times find it in a condition suited to the comfort and convenience of the traveler. His Her is always sup• plied with the choiceit Liquors, and his Table with the best the markets afford, and all other appliances' suitable and necessary for the accommodation of man or beast. With faithful and obliging servants_ and hie own personal attention and supervision, he will leave no means unspared to Merit public pa tronage. The proprietor assures those whoi may favor him with their patronage that they -shall ever Meet at hjohhousea cordial reception, and thateverythiriges.. seTtiel to the consemeneo and haPpidess'er his guests shall be attended to. 'June 21, 1860 L. B. kultrg'. IMPORTANT. J. A. FISHER ARE again reminded, of his recent tour to the Eastern Cities, and of the reception of hie fine stock of Cloths, Cassianeres and Vest- . , lags. AU of the . MOST FASHIONABLE STYLES. Rig stock of FRENCH CLOTHS and VAB4II MER ES he calls "articular attention to, as th'ci best in town. Also,•cone of she best assortments of FURNISHING 000011 in town—all ready for their in spection and benefit, and kilLdly asks a call from all porsdns desirious of buying Woods n. his line, at e* tremely IZAKID'IMP 13;;Trit1aSoClia3a In the NEWLY PITTEDROONf, next door to Updegraffs', Hagerstown, Md. . [Jan. 3, 186f.] BACK AGAIN. B. PACE informs his customers and the (:j 4 r, public generally that - he has removed. hie Barber shop to the Basement of Mr. Kurtz's Hotel, formerly occupied by him as a Barber Shop, where he will Shave, Cut, and Dress Hair as heretofore. Give him a call. Nov. 22—tEe MEN and Boy's heavy Boots and Shoes at 011.4 Bssorta's., CURTAIN Fixtures at Mar 28 Amasaioa. %same" & Colot A N excellent article of Syrup for 50 cu. per gal_ at (OCt4 liseoas'a _ 'IXEDIOet,iTED Liquors, sold only stbfedicine MI and by epecial directions of a PhYsicien, by AC Iif:STONER, Druggist - sfey 13. • EPI S kR and Coriiirider, ground do unground P nov 29 • at Ktrwres. PEPPER SA WE at n0v.29 LARD CANS,at thriaigiTathiTßig Ra t rif - 0 - 7 dectO D. B. Raman lOR BALE' OR FOR RENT,--A Teut•plata Stove. Apply at PRICE'S Store OctlB • - " • . LENDID Embroidered goody at Orr UTHERAN Almanacs at j noir 29 F you went. to see the largest assortineu or Car I pets in town. call at apr4 . Puna's' F you want to puichase a flirt' Hoop Skirt front .31.. f to $2.00 call at [apt . Plum's I,IOR No. t New Orleans Mame akor r ailr4 Palos ' s MIS Ktrars's RRMAI * /. ' .:„.lierwriPst•