' .LOYArit' correspondent of thil 'NeW 'York i.Tribune who was with Gen. -Blake in retreat from Winchester, thus fecortte their recep tion in Martinsburg,Va: We reached Martinsburg about I P. K, having retreated, or "skeeddled," twenty-two miles, and oh, glorious sight and sound! were received by thi;inhabitatits With cheers, and waving-of handkerchiefs hy, the women. A portion of the men had cartridge boxes and muskets ready to take a hand with us. The women shouted," Don't be disheartened, you may drive themhback again." "Courage, boys ; courage; you are in the right cause." This was indeed sweet encouragement to men. who had received nothing but jeers from all the females they had met since polluting the "awed soil" by their foul "mudsill" tread. Is. cheer went up from thirsty and blackened months ! ` and many an . eye was dimmed -with tears.— 'The • women , of. I%lartinsburg, Va., God bless them!" will be the toast of many a patriot "mudsill" for years to come. We stopped at Martinsburg for about an ha* and then started the trains on as the enetnyn advanced guard were coming ,in sight once more. To save the town from being fired by these "fiends in human from," we fell back from it about three miles, but the en emy did not advance, which was a In thing fdr us, as our teams had reached to Potomac, and the water over the ford 'was too deep for" them to cross very fast, and had the enemy advanced another Ball's Bluff affair would surely have been emoted, - Relief fa r Starving " Women and Ohlldzen. ST Louis, June 10.-L-lames E. Zealman, president of the Western Sanitary Commis sion, this morning received a despatch from Gen. Ha!leek stating.that hundreds nf women and children in the vicinity of his operations are in a starving condition, their husbands and brothers having all been pressed into the rebel service and robbed of everythang, and appealing to the citizens of St. Lotus for re lief Tor the sufferers. Mr. Zealman laid Genatal Halleck's despatch before the Union Chamber of Commerce, and $2,000 worth of provisions were iluediately subscribed, and a committee appointed to receive and collect food or money to buy it with. Similar pro ceedingt were had at the old Chamber of Comme ee, and liberal subscription of provis ions and money made, The citizens generally are also flirnishing large supplies, and, from the present appear ances, the hospital steamer Empress, which will leave for Pittsburg Landing to-morow, will be heavily laden with food for the suffer ing Southerners. Contributions from other points, addressed to Brigadier General Callum chief of staff at Corinth, will be properly distributed. Mone ih not re uired. as there are no provnuons in the country to pure PICAYUNE BllnEtt.--Tho rebels in New Orleans find that "Picayune Butler has come to town," and is a pretty hard character in their estimation. The various papers of the city have been .suppressed by his orders for urging the destruction of cotton. Ile re quires all the hotels, coffee-houses, tko., to procure a license. The circulation of all confederate notes was to stop on the 27th of Nay. The observance of the late fast day of Jeff. Danis was forbidden to be observed. The most amusing thing is to have the Gen eral seize the specie amounting to over a mil lion of dollars, belonging tothe various iiti tutions of the city, which was placed in the hands of foreign consuls for safe keeping, supposing, that under the protection of a for eign flag it would be secure. The General informed the consuls that he•respected the flags of foreign nations but not when used for such a trick—that of protecting the mon ey of rebels, • PHILADELPUIA, June 6.—Fearful accounts are being received of the damages done by the flood on the Lehigh and Delaware rivers, particularly near Maunch Chunk. The, dam there as well as two others have been swept away, and • many houses swept off. The railroad bridge is also gone and canal navi-' gation is stopped for the season. The Le high Valley Railroad will not be in running order for several weeks. - The wholo town of—Newport is washed away, there being but three houses left out of about 300; The loss of life has boon ter- -ne—SPRING FASHIONS, 1852..... SILK RATS, PELT HATS, WOOL HATS', • - CAPS, &e U'Shaw Hats all colors and styles. for Men and Boys, Children's Fancy Straws, great variety, com- mon Straws, Ate., We have just returned from the Eastern Cites ar.d believe we have the most anti- Vete, best selected. and theapeat stook of FASH ION:III'r.N HATS flar Men, Boys and Clul3ren, found outside of the Cilies ' UPDEGRA FPS; Hat Makers, Opposite Washington House. Hagerstown, Md. XErßefore "Busting" we have visited the Eastern Cities, and just returned with a MILLION STRA W HATS, more or less, rather lesa however • than soore.nntl an equal ptoportion of ,Eastern made FELT HATS, all of which we intend to sell for ILATCASII nt "hustittg", rates. U you would save money hus at the Fountain*Haid, UPOEGRAFF'S wheie hats are really made by busting hands, in a bunging factory, and a bursting scale, and sold at such prices as will "bust" all those who fail to buy --at the Fountain Head. 17POEGRAFFS, Hat Makers, Opposite Washington House, Ha gerstowr, Md. To COUNTRY MERCHANTS. —ln ad dition to our usual stock of home-made and WOOL. HATS, we have just added filteen cases of Eastern made FELT HATS, comprising all the styles pop. tiler in the trade. •These goods tinv . s been purchas ed from the largest and best eastern factories fur cash, and at this same rater as the largest city job bers, and wo are now prepared to offer them to country merchants at as low prices as city jobber*. UPDEGRAFFS, Hatters. Opposite Washington House. " Hagerstovin, Md. Merchants, remember that we have just - added a first clots WHOLESA LE' DEfA RT. MEN!' to our Stock. and will sell you in small lots and sitea,.as you may craue;'illiy of the: popular styles of theiriTanil always it as low prices •01% city jobbers. UPDEURA FPS, Wit Makers' tSign, of the Red ; Hat, HinseratoWn, ALL -•- - rim of sliced ficimetimes prowoe the - a:kat, jskit 7 so with our' fast „run, iikingset stock. a better atoek; and a cheaper stock than can lte . produced elsewhere. utiy be found ay. 'ell tlines,Or' until we "Lust; , at •• - • -- • ITPDEGIMPFS:''IIettria: iitizur‘tgratei• MORI MMl=lO . . Atom the Bottimore American of Tuesday. -notice some inquiry for Family. Flour - thir foreign ',lourketa, - sales re ported emnprise . 800 Uhl; Reward Street Family at 110($0.60 per bbl. The demand for other deseri tions is congaed to smell ots o goo. 'uper an , !Ara Flour suitable for the retail trade, We qttote as follows, vizi 116 ward. Street, Super, at • 85.25@5€4371 Shipping , Extra, at 85.50, Retailing Extra, at 85.62 i, Family, at 86.00@56.50 . . GRAIN.-- , The receipts of Grain on Change te-day comprised 3,000 bushels Wheat, 24,- 000 do. Corn. 11,000 do. Oats, and 850 do. Rye—total 38,350 bushels. Wheat—Sales of 1,500 bushels good to choice white at 145 ®l6O ets and 500 bushels ordinary Penn sylvania red at . l ' 0,118 ets, per bushel.—. Sopud Wheat it A - • scarce, and the small parcels coming to market command full pri ces; lower" grades sell very slowly, •We quote white nominally at 80@8f ets. for common; 110@125 et.g, for medium to fair 140@155 ets. for good to prime, and 1604 162 eta. per bu.sherfor choice Family Flour. ayelk i The market wash co d red Wheat; we quote nominally at 11. 22 ets. for coin. mon to prime Pennsylvania red; and at 120 r d , 123 ets per bushel for fair to good South ern red. Corn—Sales of some 10,000 bush els inferior to prime dry white at prices ranginc , from 40 @ 58 eta . per bushel, tits suitable for coastwise or European shipment only comitianding over 50 eta, Of yellow 8,000 bushels good and prime at 54.®55 ets. and 2,000 bushels inferior and common do. at 47®50 ets. the Market closing - steady.— Oats—Sales included 5,000 bushels 31ary land add Pennsylvania at 88®39 ets, per, bushel for good and prime parcels of the for mer, and 40@41 eta. per bushel for the lat ter description. With light receipts, the market closed firm. Of Rye 359 bushels Pennsylvania at 66 ets. at whick figure we quote at ' the close, with a very invited de mand. • floods! Hoods2T Uoods JESP - received per Express, direct from the man uracrtires, another large invoice of Shrkers. (June 13'62) Josimi Burnie. SEATIEL.A.I2" 3BECOC:F. CA ME to the premises of the subscriber, adjoin j ing Wavnesboro' 'about the 11th of Match lass, a Black and White spoiled Hog, with a piece, oft' the hell ear, a piece off and a slit in the right ear supposed to weight 100 pounds.: The owner is re quested to prove property" p.iy charges and take hits away. ..1‘ H. CLAY PDX . (June 'l3--3ve ) EirimPLAILIC .IE3CCAMLISMIS. CAME to the premises of the subscribets, re siding- between Monterey and gabillasville, in Frederick county, Mil., on the lOth inst., a Bay Mare with the two left feet whiti;supposed to be a. bout 5 or 6 years old, also a blank horse with a star the II •no 'Tr .-- H Oierlutt eva on Aorenead urn. Slirrn ierlutt eye, and thßk pasture on the lett foot in front i aruppoaed to be 11 or 12 years old. TIE owner is• requested to prove property, pay ett , ' and take them away. `45- • W. H. GLADHILL, IZRAtL WILLIAIt. (June 13-3 w) 'MIME Sal ... THE subs ber intending to remove to the Weet offers at , rivate Sale ONE HALF ACRE LOTOF Gft UN D, situated three miles west of Waynesliorei, i the turnpike leading to Greencas tle, upon whie there is a TWO S QBY LOG HOUSE with Basement, Smoke House, and Wash House under one roof—also, a good Stable, Hog Pen and other necessary outbuildings. If the above property is not soh) privatley on or • before Tuesday the Ist day of July next, it will be offered at Public. Sale on that day, at I A clock, P. M., to the highest bidder. A good titld VORICS. sion will be giyon on the Ist of October, 18112. (June 13—ts.) JOSEPH HOL. LMA _ _ G RAIN CR 4. Ltt,B of die Ces, make at (Junel3) H. STONRIIOI3I3es. B EL L S , II ELIel, for farmers, for sale at (June 13) H. STONEHOLIB6'S. r IRSs AND CRADLE SCYTtlffeorTO kjbest kind at (lunel3.) H. Sroaamousit's RA KE S .AND FORKS, of aflkir7ds, for tirie at (June 43.) H. STONEUOUSE'S. Notice to Tres.spasieirs. PERSONS are hereby noti fi ed, not to tresspass upon the lands belonging to the heirs of Chris tian Funk, deed., by fishing or hunting, as the un dersigned are determined to enforce the law boreal ter, against all persons so offending. C. A. FUNK, W. W. W4LICER. (Jane 6 --nw.) DISSOLUTI ON NOTICE is hereby given that 'the co-partner. ship heretofore existing between the undersign. ed, in the flour and feed business, was this •day dissolved, by mulu'il consent. The business will be continued Ntsl SmvEi.v, at the old stand, in whose hands the books of the firm have been pla ced. Persons knowing themselves indebted are re. quested to call and make payment. June 2, '62 DANIEL SNIVELY. W. H. FUNK, (June 6=3w ) MORE - NEW GOODS AT THE "VARIETY. STORE." To BEAVER, in connection With his Variety aj Store. has commenced the manufacturing of 13' OTS and SHOES in all its various branches.— Having employed Jeremiah Cooper as foreman, he is prepared to produce the finest, neatest and most durable work made anywhere. All are invited to cull A large stuck of Hats and Caps, (including all kinds of 'Summer Hate fur men and boys.) Eastern manufficture - d Shoes and' Boots of the al make, on hand; Clocks, Trunks, Seunrs. Tobac7.. ttc., &c. You get tlit: very best KEROSENE:them J. BEAVER. azyrs are Ua M.STONERt l kesthis t eth ? o : n tM•ing hiscustome,anli:rmta thank' that he has just returned from Philadelphia: with the largest assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Ods, Dye tituffli;fioaps; _Perfumery t Fruit, Confei tioaary. &c., dtc., that has been lmiught to -the place this season, which he will tell' cheap. Ile has on band: with what he is receiving. makes - his - assortment of Patent Medicine greater in.tyeriety than any other establishment in the' place: a few weeks, he will publish his list of snanustettrred articles. He has on had now, his Cough Medicine; put up in sir ounce 'bottleit,' price 25 cents, "no cure, ao pay." Its curative properties ore now, 'fully appreciated, judging from its daily sales. Hey 9 '62. - art • = mo :-. ir.= 'a : i . '. !,C li 21. 1 ‘ l l l . 43 1 : the ySprings,iell.oti: the su bs c r iber. 1 1 1 3ou ‘ th l rilio ."• ±;"- 'on the Ptty: day of....Kasr eAt. eiterge Day Stir 7?. 'ittippimtisiklwe about nine yeas etfh The owner 1d reliviOM 10 jmno properly. "q' ebergal a nd 'tyke filtii'Wiy. ' b 44.1.1 MILLER. , ,f, (June . 6 =3w) • ' ":',,i: ~.~E'1'li~:, congury WEintLy Aldilintßorf; ,EZINEIDICi o ik co• 43 7 4 YIKEST ORO Juno 13, Buiras ' 10 cenli • BARitII.IIIAKIO ". 10 is • 6 66 u • ' • (ElutivLDEßly ' • • • 6 is ' .TALLOW, - 8 " LARD, • . , • 7 - 61 1862. . SECOND ARRIVAL -0- DIBERSON, BENEDICT & CO. Waynesboro' Pa. MIN 23. 1104-31E1W SPRING ° IND SUMMER GOOESI! \TripE eve now receiving :Intl o ffe,ring to sell a new 447 and FULL AsSGWr%IR NT of • DinT rimes Which we think we are prepared to sell at as low terms as any Otter house in town or country. z'r~~~i~~~~'~~~ DRESS GOODS of n II kinds C hallies, D elaines, ereges, Lavellas, cApx..za.a.lELo3; SLEEVES, EMBROIDEHIES. MEN'S SPRING AND SUMMER CE) CC , LE) Cotton ades, Cloths, Ken. Jeans, Cassimere, Fine Tweeds, Vestings, Neck Ties, Hosiery, Cravats Summer Hats Handkerchiefs, Shoes , Slippers A full assortment of Plain and Fancy CASSIME RES. QUEENSWARE. A goad supply of Queenswaro and Glassware of the latest style. GROCERIES, Always on hand a heavy lot of-prime Groceries, COFFEE, SUGAR, SYRUP, • MOLASSES, SPICES, &c. To which we respectfully call the attention of our easterners and the public generally; and at the same time we return our thanks to customers and the community for their liberal patronage, and will en• deavor by fair dealing with all, to merit a continu ance of the seine. Please call and see. • 411 AM BERSON; BENEDICT .. at CO DRY FRUIT: lIIPEL'irz-.7OCiCe -- ..'PUX+IEA*4 AILIIIE•glIE"31E.011-W.iii - , at A MUERSON, BENELDICT & CO'S PICKLES. A LOT OF Good Pickles, at A MBERSON, RE N DIG r & Co's . CURTIN FIXTURES, OIL- CURTAINS, AMBERSON, BENEDICT' ik CO'S A FELL ASSORTMENT Faun, 'musifig, GIAGIIIIIS Lyaziaavacto, 14aa, OF DESCRIPTIONS at ANDERSON, BENEDICT 6c CO'S. DANDELION cost mm, WJMMELL'S • ESCMCE pF COFFEE, A MBERSON, BENEDICT & COS. - WA Itl o l - sql Mints- -44? z, /°' Elms -4 ; - g Lean 7 Tattow SGAP 4a6 , Boos (hams) 10 BACON (slues) 0 Moos (shoulders) .6 BY THE UNION FORCES TOGETHER WITH THE WHOLE REBEL ARMY ! 1101 PEON EMU" This' Victory was gained with eery little ' Loss on .Our Part; and yet another, JOSIAH BESORII has just returned from the Eastern Cities, and is now opening the most extensive stock o* SUMMER GOODS ever brought to Waynesboro', which will sell cheaper than any other hous • it eof Richmond. Consisting of everything usually found in a well conducted establishment. The community is invited to call and examine my stock which I will take great'pleasure in show ing to all who may favor me with a call. To con vince you I have a splendid stock I will ennumerate a few of theleading articles now in store, all of which I will sell at greatly reduced prices. FOR THE LADIES DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. Including the latest novelties in Summer Dress Goods, to which I respectfully invite the attention of the ladies. The dinkiest Collars,The finest qualities, I The largest stock,_ The best assortment, ever exhibited in Waynesboro', and at unpreceden ted • Supericir extra heavy Blk. Silk, Blk., Brown, Blue and LElnck Foularla, Pikes (light ground4l Bouquets of Chintz, Collars, Satin plaid and prin • Mnrguiliso,.Valncia Plaid, Sillt . and bhepherds Plaid, Silk Lustres, striped Himalayas, Blk. Main, Mk. Grenadine, Blk. and fancy - Burage, Anglaise Braze, Argla's High colored Chaffing, Jacknnets and Or gandies, Grissaile gr mini, French Brilliants, French Chintz of the latest btyleo, Cambrick Lawns, Pop- IMa, Mob airs, striped do., Lavellas in all collars TOURISTS 1311 Silks Cord do: Fig'd do. ' Lustres, Poplies, Manchester, Pacific and Hamilton Dclains of-all s lea and shades ®r C7l4cotb.ss for ladies wmpings. Bacques. Mantillas, new and elegant styles, Shawls, French worked Collars, Under Sleeves and in Eels, Embroidered and Hem stitched Handkerchiefs, Kid Gloves, Silk and Lyle Gauntlets, Cord and 'resales. Head-nets, Hilts bel ting of all descriptions. EMIN flI ll MIRY GEIS. Such ns Blk. Bombazines, Blk. parcailes, Folar and -Paplins, Barages, Ducalls, Challies, Ginghitms. Prints, Blk. Eng. Crapes, from 2.4 to 7 4 wide, lk, Kids, Ganntlets,Crape Co!lars, dte. My line of Millenary Goods is complete. Such as Bugle Gimps and Laies, all widths. Belt Ribbons, narrow Silk limps, _ Dross Cords, Fringes &c. Spool Silks and all Colors of Shetland yarn, Zephyr worsted, &c. AN D DOMESTIC n C u u embracing all the most favorite Brands such as Merimacs, Sprague, Pacific, Cochicco, Manchester, Dunne's, American and Bliglinh Prints. Harrison Mills, Chester Hill, New Market, I.onsdale, Cnnewago, Great Lake, Mayflower, Lawrenee, Pennant, Waltham, Hill Mani. Go. . and other brands. BROWN COTTONS. Pacific Stieetings Portsmouth " Shavimut' " Appleton " Plymouth " GINSHAMS AND FURNITURE CHECKS, In which lam prrrtrod'to offer groat bargains, ALSO 2-4 and 44 checks, 'Pickings Dennitns, Blue Drills, Morrow, ,Dnineskr, Shirting Stripes, Nankeent-, Corset Jeans, Cruet' & Huch GENTS WEAR. ITALIAN CLOTHS, Blk, and fancy Clutha, " • " " tassiureres Jr;ans Silk - mixed do. - Linens, Merino do. Cashmeretts litarsalles ValencieS • Grenediens Hosiery Cravats Collars, &c,. GROCERIES. A large and well selected stock, in ionicli . -I_am preparwl to offer great itplacements to pureliascrs. Consult your ow mintgrest and examine my stock before purchasing: , _ QUEENS WALE China, Glass and filtoneware. of the latest styles always on hand at prices that defy competition.' subscriber tenders his• thanks to his friend a 'and .eustoniers tor past favors and patronage, and respeoftilly Solicits a continuance of the same.-- IJon't forget ilse,place.l;orner of Main and Church Streets, where the STARS AND• STRIPES' Rao. ,Cruintry'produce taken ip exchange for goods at tile highout 'minket - ; price, Ern :13 43) PIHOE zosiltst BORO';' June 10;1002. • - Mosso Wool, SO UNWARMID - • • ge OLOVELSICIO T. 4lO rtAxeicia 'POO PMrnD PRACItIeO 00 UNPARXO " • 00 DRUID APPLIM 00 RIGIBIED TAM TRIMMINGS PRINTS BLEACHED GOODS. A inoskeng Sheetings, Merchants " Medford ' Canton AI Shawmut " JOSIAH 'I:IESORE. TA NEUMAN 0001 S, arrived from Philadelphia this ,week,, , steamed up to oui.squre, and_ ihrevr• , 4oh Lye_fair. portion z-of creation I—the moat delightful stock' of fleecy goods straight into our door, that ever brightened. our counters . First, doubtless to please the E • LX.X3IE2 Mil I came a shower of Silky Detteges, Balairinee, Sky tinted Lawns, Chintzes, Mudenns, Mazamb Himalayas, Poplins, ChaHies, &e., of eva ry hue of the Rainbow, glistening like stars, that will make the 011/ look young, and the young like Genii : then follotred a broad stream of N ankeenß; Muslibs. 'Ta ble-diapers, Calicoes,. Dan tibUrges, beneath" which came flying like birds of beauty, head-Dresses, Sleeves and Collars in Bette, Shakers, Hosiery.; Sun- Umbrellas—beauties—gauntlets, a taut! those d ear little tick-tacks which make the ladies look sett:arm ing ; above it a dark sheet of MOURNING GOODS in elegant variety, Mk. Grenadines,. Byname Dere. ges, Wool DeLaines, Challies, Lawns, Balzarines, Crape Despanges, Eng. Crape, Eng. and American Prints, plain 'and figured, Eng. and 'French. Crape Veils, Mourning Collars. Gloves, • Hosiery, dm— everything to render the mourner beautiful in het sorrow. After these streams ceased to flow there was another explosion and in carnet pouring • fo r the. C~~►~~~~~~~~~~~ Bales of Silky Broad-cloths, Parisians, Cassimers. Sleek and fancy, double and singled milled, in su perdriatyles, fancy as a sunbeam.—with the accom paniments, splendid Vestings, Silk, Marseilles plain, brilliant, and beautiful Neck-ties , unimpeachable Shirt-breasts and Ciollors. everything to set the Gent lit for a picture, anti make him presentable even at the Capital of the Nation. So Gents. look in and see, seeing is believing. " All over the pavement lay boxes, which when opened displayed those good, solid, sub.tantial wares, our noble, hid ustrious MOTHERS like so much tp see ; because they must have them to make the boys trowsers, and the girls dresses : here the i y are strong as buckskin. cottcn, woolen. mixed, jeans, goods of new styles, cheap and dura ble, cotton stripes, drillings, calicoes of late styles,• ticking, sheetings, in fact all that our young friends require who are starting on their matrimonial jour ney through life. • ' Well, these goods were hardly stowed away, when Our Poor, Old Rhinocerossesses! loaded heavy,—oh ver Witt Groceries, Queens. ware, and Hogsheads of that delicious Loaf-sugar, Syrups. and Sugar-house molasses, hogsheads and barrel's of sugars of every grade. Shad, Mackeral, -Herring, fresh-from the briny wave, lucious cheese from New k;ngland, brooms, spices,—and a splendid lot of SUGAR CURED HAMS,'--and sweet Da cur--and - Yankee Notions, together with a full as sortment of Leghorn, chip, fine fur and wool Hats. gents an I la dies boottes and shoes, atop, traetingly cheep.— Now all these of startlingly, and touchingly set forth are for sale and Exhibition at the store of the undersigned, who, with many thanks for past encouregement and patronage, remains Respectfully your chill. servant (nor 3 3) _ HO! FOR QUINCY. Second Arrival of Spring and Summer Goods. colunown & CLEGSTON. We aro now receiving and offering to Bell a new and lull abeortment of • DRY GOODS. Which we think we ore prepared to sell on as rea sonable terms as any other house in town or coun try. •• A full assortment of LADIES DRESS GOODS of all kinds. Silks, Detains, Alpacas, Printed Chan ies, Ginghams, Lawns, Fancy Pride., Ladies Shawls, &c. MENS SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS of all kinds. Clotho., Cassiraere, Pine Tweeds Ken. Jeans, Cot moieties, Vesting..., Handkerchiefs, Nerk Ties, Hoscry. - A full assortment of Plain a d Fancy Cassimeres • QUEENSWARE AND GLASSWARE. A large stock of CfaEr="3l:4C2PClWZna(M.Eincs • Wh!ch we ore prepared to offer a s low as any oth er retail store in the country. BOOTS ANVSETOES. for men's and Ladle's wear of all sorts and sizes. Also a large and well selected st ock of DOMESTIC GOODS. Muslims, Ticking:4 and a complete assortment of Notions. Looking Glasses. Hardware, Hats and Caps, Paints and Dili, Fresh Shad awl Herring by the barrel. It is no use trying o enumerate. If you want anything in the Dry Moils line, just call and you-will find us ready to wait on you with pleasure 10,000 CHESTNUT JOINT SHINGLES for- Sale Country produce taken in exchange for goods at the highest market prices. By strict attention to business and a desire to please in every respect * we'hupe to merit a con.., tinuance of patronage. .lay 23)- I.:OI,I.IFLOWER & CLUGSTOI‘.I. 6 * (AH I for wings to soar," right down at Price': Store. What - for! Why to get some more of thi4.l.lirw Yorx•Syrup—only 123 cents a quad at Plaknes Tweeds, 1 4 41t7 GOD _lll[4llD 7 lIEREAS, Letters Testamentary. on the E; state of ScsaxsAn Emits, late of Washing ton,Towneltip, deceased, hang been granted to the subcriber ; all persons•indehted,to Me said Estate - arc requested to make immediate payment, alit] 'those having .claims or demands against the -Estate of said decedent, 'will make kncwn the . .saine,-arith=, out :iclay, JACOIT S. GOOD, Ex'r; ' (June, 6-;-6w.)' • E CON O3 MESS OMY , !lAll to . be_hati cheap at ; an ...1 . in. S 7 fancy, „Pae-l cheep Tata* 4 - Z. • ' : 1111 441 4 1e5t 6;e - or:amp eye: brou g ht to Wiiin t vsleani*,,ear? be See at f-• A ictruterootiif theisellie hakersi. may :43 ) " , , res HITS BD MEE JOSEPH PRICE NAT ,:c..,, a I „, ~.: 7 • '' 'LZ - : 144 ' :' - 12 tyal l .. - : ,' si'.4 ,r-• -'•• ' • .; , :l'i , A,.: ::,s:' • ..' Groceries, :all EINAL ILOOM LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES, 84, ..........0 ........... GEO. STOVER, i"? HANK FUJ4 for kind•lavoni and patronage here tofore bestowed upon;him, again appears before. the public to solicit ,a continuance. of the• same.-- He having just returned 'front .the eastern cities with a fine and well selected stock of new SPRING AND WIWI 4131.413113E110 IVhich he intends selling at very low rates, which he knows he can do to the satisfaction of all who will call and examine his stock. Belo*. you will fnui enumerated a few articles which will be found among his stock to which he calls your attention. Egon Tina LAD/E3 He has a large assortment of Dress Gookconsiiiiirit in part of Mathes.' Printed and. Plain,Delaines„. • 811, Fig'd and Cord. Plaid Mohair, eilk. Warp. Mohair, ' Bereges. Medon c' Cloth, Lavellas L • French an 3 domestic Gingham, Poplins, 41/ Pongee Mixture, Cloth for Ladies,. Wrappings, Gloves, Hosiery, in great variety.. GENTLEMEN'S' WEAR'. Broad Cloths, Black and Fancy eassinieres, Union Ciaisiinercs, Dirck Linens, Cottons-ales, Tweeds, • Velvet Cord, . Marseilles, , Silk Vesting, Velvatine Vestings, of all kinds; in fact a full assortment of goods fur Oen men wear. Also a large and well selected stock of DOMESTIC GOODS, Muslin, Ticking; and a' complete a assortment of Notions. It's no use trying to enumerate. If you want anything at all in the Dry Goods line, just Call in and you will find him ready to wait on you with pleasure. To persons having country Produce to sell, they will find it Co their advantage to bring it to Sto ver's,as he always gives the highest market price. So give him a call, and he will sell you goods as cheap as they' can be purchased elsewhere. A prll 1862 NEW GOODS: AT 11110iliMIS MOW MEI Iron and Steel, Shovels and Spades, • • Jloes and Rakes, Spades and Forks, Nails. Brads and Spikes, Locks, Hinges and Serowe, Littches, Staples arid Bolts, • Oils,•paints, Glass and Varnishes, Mill, Cross-cut and Circular Sawir Hand, Tenon, Web and Compass Saws, Angers, Auger Mitts, Gimlet and Dowell Bins, Socket Chisels, Firrner Chisels, Mortising Chisels, Pruning Saws,and Chisels combined. Pinning saws, Plastering Trowels, Pointiiig and Garden Trowel's, Double mid Single Bitt Axes, Hatchets, and Draw. ing niv, White.wash Brushes, Shoe, Store and Horse Brushei, Scrubbing Brushes, Cloth, Tooth, and Paint Br&sbes; Table Oil Clothe, Floor Oil (noels, CarriugV Oil Cloths; Spokes, Felloes, Hubs, Shafts, Peles. Springs and - axles; Black-smith Held lows, Anvils, Vices, Hoof Knives. and Raslls; Tubs,* !decriers, Churns; Rope, Baskets,Brooms and Wash Boards; Waiters, Trays, Candle Sticks Snuffers Coffee Canisters; Table Cuttlery, Pocket tuttlery, Pruning Knives, Pr m ning Sjioars, Silver-Voted WAre, Table and Tea Spoons, Salt Shovels, k orks, and Ladle's, Aibata .Fable and Tea Spoons, Iron Spoons, Tinned Spoons; ;T - r aee Chains, salter Chains, Cow Chains, Butt Chains, Sporting Pow. der; Blasting Powder, Shot, Gun Wadding; Ar nold's Writing Fluid, Shoe Blacking, Stove Black ing; Lead Pencils, Gillott's Steel Pens, Writing Paper; Flour Selves, Meal Selves, Sugar,Saives and Wire Cloth; Cooking Stoves, Nine Plate Stoves, Coal Stdveir Carriage Lining,. Carriage Lace, and • Carriage Trimming; together• witu a large. 'amt. sarefully selected stock of Cabinet and Saddle*, Hardware. AU who desire to buy' cheap are inviteir to call and examine my gOode before purchasing elsewhere, as I am determined to Sell as cheap 84 meal, notwithstanding tl:e advance of some kinds uf goods. The suinicriber would here take occasion to return his sincere thanks to the,public for fomiiir favors and hopes, by fair dealing and- cheap gdods; no merit a continuance of the same. apr2s WM. 11. BILOTHERTON: SPRING MILLINERY! MRS. 'o..L...Hol:4llVBERGER waOnt.,rilvtiinlysrmtivitp4ehLo V a i s esZ: i, W ve tyltu r l i o . : livery Store to the building opposite the residence , of- 11fut. P;'Wegt ley. and, h&a quit reCeiyed from' . New York 'and. Philadelphia her Spring amply of. . new At IL LINER V..(kOODS. Her stoick.'tonaistir of RUISINETS, RIBBONS, PrAYirERSi Miiltele antV,Ohlldren's -Hied A ' Dresses, With All other articles usually kept- by Milliners. The ladies ate noited to call examine fici f tiew 'goc4s; ' May 2, 1862. -Ir.' .. . . . . - Sheriffalty., -, - ' : , 1911111 g undersigned again offers hintsellta..thet- 'A:: nion Reptibhcan Conventionrof thh county as n i 3 eandidato lot the SjiertE thy. ' .'Having:iseeir hest to the highest:numbee Oilliteti last time; he nectfully asks the intluencesfilertotes efthoiefit ble to his nomination, and ilitiOnatedancl theta& .: he pledges- himself to diste i hnie...hia ,dat4en', , -witit : ' promptness and fidelity. ,• ,'.: - -•' . , I. HARVT.Y GQIiDoN. , ~ ' , Wyactihtio l May 2; 1862. • -- . • ---, ,- --1-.' you " F 'wont a good pair of/loam Made litozugoor' Booaillihrsgaswrzu Nor To , BAP - • -=••• PUPAL Irotirgo„ do-you want to see- the `nioca.lulanttc , ;..rneu► of Ption and, rang Casaintiantlit Wayneaboro% e 411: at apr4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers