•••-- • ',114' Hard Ware, QUEIMAIII. ANDCEPADWARE I I;Vll 4 f4lttittretitniiii friintihe taititriCiCuts : .he, would call the' attention of his customers and the public 'generally* his S'ELENIND ASSORTMENT DftY GOODS! N' hif h will, be sold at extremely Low Prices. Below you. will find onun;erated , a few articles Which will be ticitind among- his stock, 4o Which he invites yopr attention: • - FOR THE. LADIES, Silk's, - Del tines, A ipmesis, Printed Chalks, Itonthanines, Gingbanis, - Poplins, -ALSO: - - - Ladies' shawls, Plaid Gingbanar, Brocades, • Fancy Prints, Lawns, _Braiges, MEWS WEAR. • Fancy Cassimeres, Plain " ' Cloths,. • Italian Cloth, Vestings, Marsaires, - Gretiatliens .Al.aGMCD)Evzrzb Denims, Tweeds, Jeans, Linen, ' Shirt Fronts, Shirt Collars. .Neck Ties, &c. Queensware, Hardware, 1) - CMiUl3l. l o... 6— kUri Of the very best quality, such as Syrups, and Porto Rico Molasses; Rest Rio Coffee, Superior Prepared Coffee, Mannell's Hest Essence; No. I-Chocolate, Raisins, Tobacco. • Rice:&c., The above goods hove been carfulty selected and purchased at the very lowest figure. Ho is therefore enabled to. accommodate all who may* Savor him with keen— 13y - strict attention to business and a desire to please in every respect, he hopes to merit a continuance of patronage. - NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS, • Country Produce taken in exchange fin goods at the highest market prices • 4. W. MILLER- April l 8 REMOVAL. ALES CENTS FEU GLASS, firm E subscriber informs his customers that he 4. has removed his Restaurant to the house of Mrs. Blair, next door to Beaver's Variety Store where to will have for sale Oysters, Eggs, Han , Cheese; &e. Also Washrobatsghrs and Mutat' a -Ale at-IV tents per glass. April P 8 MT. HOPE. STORE. S;:gMk%!XV` CM.C:;) t.c. THE tinderaigred• would inform his easterners and the public -generally that be httsjast re ceived front Philadelphia a fall assortment of Sprint* Sumner Dry Goods; traceries, Hardware, Queensware, Shoes, Boots, Bats -Caps, and all other` articles usually retailed aticountry merchants, •all of which 'will be Sold as -low-as {ho same goods -can be-purchased chambers in-the county. The public arei nvited, to sell and -examine his stock. JOHN M. COOK. 4 • Hope, April 18 1111 V. LEMILER .-.4 - '•ISTIVOI7NdES talk' friends and the public 11 - ; ,:gioeiallY that twirl -now in possession of di , Ithe!latennd-rnoat•improtedinstruntenta,andis well I,:fefleatto-Per4l ll4 REBlZA4.4.Operatinns.- He wrn happy faymit upint those who may reqitire ' , ititinetaices ean :ever/tinned . Dentist. ‘.41.11 op.era lions-14ton thei mouth and -teeth performed 'lll a scientific manner. ,Teeth inserted-according to the lateitHimprovements -in.-the art, and at • moderate rotitlenee on the South Corner .of 'the Mitnirond.,_ , -- . 4pnL:ll;'B2 lIVIVIVE M li • BS . UM ; •:I f: .011 - 101141 D WI . _ , - 1 iamb make 7, a'meiri—l mean Ity - ince. with svenatlettingiike listuon-plats , • 4 1eitOista1ismst;4tfor n'Ttesidem Vim makes the. • AlitniAgettts lea-see.an the •city'l The Tfiiilo4— , no • mistake :sbourit, • Veil, then welavajuat,lnoteit. 'sfstitlAsg3ithltlie neatest; Aleeksett.fmgetpftinciest, , 1000, - *lfar:CaiiiltXMEßS; taiLAt.IC A2Bllll. LE% Gls, k pa se-see ti :10 Akin quiiitee.:Mteetill "pledge Ottr•; 4siteiss46 , Stintottli -good Aiti-aionE Voltast. ..,Eoo,olkigillte*CelllnkraVkilt*Ata we bore. '41,104. it1if4440.) 1 k7 etknellltittee k .andlailo *3lAlOlOO.l' Ail'Bol3 ebetiti by D.: iLlindseli. urniersigniti infontio" thO public. iri geneta Yr arid typecially those , of his custoineroin:wont of anythingn hill line of , "that he has eons , plettitnind is noW, occupying hist,new,,runit crtensfro ty eniargetreitabliatinient for the . • ' ' Manpfacttiieiiitd Sale otylli!Attft; BittET-TRON AVARE, - Arkp • —.giv ovni.. iieitt nu'alu.Cparvd tottutoilly :any- demand-for his Cook Stoves. general Housekeeping Goods end Kitchen Ware, on such teems is - musk kit:Tire satisfaction. • • - varacticactat offered are of the best and most improved kinds,and haSing been tried 'are _acknowledged 'to be ell 'that can be desired as goad cookers and bakers, and are 'easily kept 'clean. His own rarilivrAirrrailrio twins is all made with a view to 'the wants of customers from the best mato. rial and is warranted in all cases to be good. He also keeps, a large assortment o!faneg articles. EirSpecial attention is given to putting up SPOUTING; made of,the best tin, for houses and barns, in which he has battik longand estensive_ex perience. • Remember the sign of the Ili" Red Horn. Aug. 9, 1860 ft. it RUSSELL. ANTIETAM FACTO' . AND .1;12 LI Lta Z.LI 03 - 2 VO HE sulnicriber, thankful for post patronage, stilt 11 solicits the same; and in addition to manufactu ring kinds of worked Material for Building Purposes ; such as SASH, DOORS,. SHUTTERS, , BLINDS, FLOORING, WINDOW FRAMES, DOOR FRAMES, FACING, MOULDINGS, &c.. &a. I ant prepared to furnish all kinds of oak limbo for afferent purpp . ses in building, such as JOIEE,RAFTERS, LATH. STUDDING ,PAIL INGS, SCANTLING, BOARDS, &c., All of which will Ent sawed to order, at short notice and upon reasonable terms. Also, sawing; by mill and circular saws, of every description done; Framing, Surfacing, Matching, Flooring, iitc.(drc. For f'urt'her particulars apply to the subscriber, at Factory two miles southeast of Waynesboro. - D. F. GOOD. Jan. 17, 1861 Cedar Ware. it /Liss M. C. I . 2ESSER informs the Ladies of 11 . 1 Waynesboro' en 1 vicinity that she has re moved her Millinery Store to the Dwelling house on Main Street, adjoining dm residence of Mr. Jacob Wolf, and has just -received from the Eastern Cit. ies a'full assortment of and other articles usually kept by Milliners. The Ladies arc requested to call and examine her stock April 11'62 THE OLD MILLER AGAIN:I AS the Rebelli - 41 is now on its last legs, and nearly over, we thonght right to announce,to the public that we will grind Grists of 20 bushels or upwards either for pny or Toll separtely,apil that we have on hand all kinds of FSED, CORN in ear or shelled, or in MEAL • sifted or not. Also— Oats by the bushel or in any way that it may be wanted;,---also,. Mid Hogs, Shipstulf and Drop, Corn in Cob Chopped at short notice. Plaster by the Mn or bushel on hand. Still in the market for Wheat. We can always do up good work like it was done at Island No. 10; and Pittsburg Landing. THE subscriber has now for sale 411 bolds of prime TIMOTHY SEED which he will dis poss of .0 fair prices. Persons in' want of seed for fall sowing are requested to give him a call mat BENJ. E. PRICE• Important to Partners fIpHE subscriber takes this method of announcing of the Farmers and others, that he has on hand a lot of DWARF BROOM CORN seed, along with some specimens of the coke.. This is an excellent article of Broom Corn, and should be raised by ev ery one. He has -also a full assortment of fresh brags, Medicines, Chemicals, &c. F. - KURTZ. P. S. I am selling Cranberries at 121 cents pe quart. • A. Mar. 14 • Light ! 'Lights!! HE cheapest Light in use can be had at H T STONEHOUSE'S Hardware StoPe Nov Smoke Stack for Sale. TEE subscriber has a_heary Iron - Smoke - Stack 33 fret long and .16 inches in diameter: which he will dispose of upon reasonable terms. Post Of fice addresulaiairrcy, Pa. . 4 1)ec2.1 • JOEL:Y L.; METCALF. f KEROSENE by 1). B. RUSSELL, sign of the "Big - Red Rom." - Mardi 1J TO FARMERS. TEEL Shovels - Spades, 'Hoes, Forks, Rakes; Manure Drags, ..Stc., at -prices that will defy :competition. Call and see for yourselves, at ,apr I I , • BaoTtuutTures THE H.EIdT C.VOK vr. . in tinivniarket to be_ had at theeipt,of the Bin Red Horn- - D D. Russem. 4100 CATSUP BOTTLES Z o e • Fortelle et the Store of W. IL Becrrararrox KETTLES at r yon Want a good chewTobacco,•eall at . Fasces ADIEBAf you arant , to see nice itsaietnieii •irt DROSS GOODS, call at . • Patcs'e 2 . -•-• You waatiojeCtkliulte tuatattaent .call at . rapi4. Piton's. "W hEL REA -EA • Tr voa laiat - aokat'VaadAiredite;borit.ot - 411.r:a141 , „ -.7 . • -1. -.V.41,71..pipx.c0's 4":1 1 101a8iii4, T: catt*.#l4 l o, 7 : • • TO THE LADIESI NEW MILLINERY GOODS! Bonnets. Hats, Bonnet Trimmings, Flowers. Timothy Seed Dor Sale. You WWII a ,41 o , ll P , lair • ol Contrives Gaiters, - sprit_ Posies ,F It* *nit a:cheapest - And ~ 40,anikt ' • :, 1464 v , eciolYTOri ~itiie;a3 ~; , F ,tea :i~iae.a;~ ,:~I~,~" ..• . f • '', 7,4 7 1ra 1 • i * 00 0. At' .'. - ~.,,. ::: s l ' er, ' ''' , :t * : ~ ..l'ii...-:'''-4, ' ;,- it , : ; . : c. , "41-; JOHN WA urEit, JOSEPH ELLEN. Rosettes. embracing sit the West styles ii(ConseTants,Vests, Shirts, Collars, Nestles; Suspentlere, etef; eta., all of which are: well made. ' The public are mindially in sited sited to call and mu( ine his rob, as he is deter tanuined to mill at 'profits. •,., • ile - lOU vlclattirlit , iO., WI . 0 ./ 'OA business of 'Philo** es linnet° ere,: - ,kersons, desiring gar ments Mit outtrirnilxis tip are invited.to give bini a - lattept Kiwi* wie4o - oarilifiiii... . - ''... 0.', - )•1 •• : ~..-'. :-:,-% ;:-..-: , _ .. , i... 5 .; A.,,,: ' R-POtlisekeietst - --:: - '.. -i . . . •,. -. ..,. . , ~, `Ma $B, - . Ainkamoi• ifititapiprokbo!,;. Pial. 31111"14!c;--Piadisal an tup 'l r . , 4 4/4/0 1 447W41 1 Afd , )144 1 ;11fiiibi ) al# ,e . . f.sk!l•foifis4, 'riot 401 „t9r, 74, el Initli;;I:1' , =-_ "•:- - - _ 4 , (,-.-' Atsy. 13:•, - Oleat 44310 Of Bilk DOP 3 ll•#Lifl &we Agin. ''` .',.`.(10 2 Tia,) - . •-• • - Pitta's . , _ R U * i-I*4 I ll ia - 14010 - • ..elt7.11711) eves brOught tel lArttinetiboro : %irOth." • CAKES 017::EyelorAiosoOPpico, el ft- r I He' t4i also hanit'tit all thitis,Aing Anent OYstera the market will allimli,Which - ; Will be 'served, up to customers fried, !tasted or Ste+ted. LIE - a. D DER! he is liketeisti'ltrepareil•: terltutt - It " Washa hough,iittitl lAulwitee AlEVend- a kilo *facie of ticotch - Ale enu Untli -ApPle , Cilleti - with a - time • article of Bologna' Sitteige, w ith 41 all other artistes usually kept in tist - class Restaurants A genuine article 'Of Yinegar always foi safe, Novo• 7 = FISHER. THIS WAY! CHEM MAR IMHE undersigned respectfully announces to the public" generally that he'li; still_ at_the old stand on church Street,. Waynesboro', Pa,4tvhere he continues the tnanufactimng of Falsity ifia=l4lAtil4 4 , • , . . Buggies, Barouches, Wagons, and every species of vehicles usually made -in such establishments.- -His week is,warranted to becompased of the best ono most 'durable material, and none but the most experienced workmen are employed.— He has now en hand a number of Carriages, Bug gies, ac., 'Ste., which he will positively sell at gfeatly reduced prices - tor cash, or upon a short credit. fly keeping a good Stook at all times, and always holding himself keady le supply the-do mends of the people he hopes to retain ant! seCure a liberal share of patronage. Repairing, Trinutiing, and - Painting done in the best manner, and.at the shortest notice. Lumber, Country Produce, dtc.,:Wittbe-takerr im exchange for work. • . JACOB ADAMS. N. B. The Books of the firm of J. dr..A. 8. Ad ams, are in the hands of the undersigned. Persons knowing themselves indebted are requested to make immediate payment. J. A. Nov' I. 1861. Delbnce of Armaggcdon. A _BOOK-FOR THE TIMES. ripTHIS is acknowledged to be one of the most re markable of human productions that has ever been offered to the American people. The style is chaste and truly eloquent: , The subject treated of is of the most inspiring: "The United States in Prophecy. For sale by J F. KURTZ. • Novi idkis - 11X1411ZWAIdaletIVMMUIZMIKA* _ _ _ T. J. fILBER'r, MA - PER, has eonalangy for sale a full alsorlmeat of N, GOODS for Geallemiu'e ware. ti re Latest City Fashions always on ham); Wayneslioro', Pa. 5.,V,4241.40244XX1414714MM-LVAMSEAtiti*WRX NEW LIVERY. THE subscri)er respectfully announces to - his I friends and the public generally- that he has o pened a Livery Stable ill Waynesboro, and is now prepared to accommodate the public generally with ((t? Off SIMS & VIEW Ogg p at the shortest notice, day or tught.— PerAons desirous of hiring, either for riding or driving, would do well _to give him a call. His stock has been selected with great care as re gards gentleness and speedy traveling; and his bug gies and carriages are all in good condition The Above stock will be kept at, the Stable of Dr. John Gettig. Persons wishing to aim will please apply to the undersigned at Bowden's Hotel. nal-- w JOHN RICHARDSON. TO Capitalists. VAYNESBORO' SAVING FUND..—This Society will pay the followingrates of in terest per a nnum,on all sums deposited in the In stitution. For rmonths, 2 per cent.; from 3 to 6 months, 3 per cent.; from 9 to 18 months, 4 per cent; and over 18 months, 41 per cent. - For a shorter period than 3 mounts the terms will be made kown by the Treasurer. - ' • Notesfordiscountahould be handed to the Trese urer on Tuesday, as she Board of Directors meet rgularly on Wednesday of ,each week, at 9 o'clock By order of the Board, June 17'58 JNO. PHll.lPS . Treaituror, Notice--New .I"arm. THE subscriber having dbiposed • of his entire Stock of Goods to ldessrs—Colliflower & Clog sum, notifies all persons 'indebted to him on Store Books to settle their accounts with and - pay the a mount of their indebtedness to either John P. Study ,or Daniel• thicker. The• new firm will continue the business as heretofoie. MUNN. Quincy, Jan. 31,1862. bleatzer's Horse & Cattle Powder having • • a of Mr 140 the STONER E : recipe fot" Zr r i%above far-famed Horse and Cattle Powder,for Pennsylva nia end' Maryland, takes this method of informing the farmers,,drovers, dri v .gat he has on band and intends keeping a good Ilriply always on hand. 'Country merchants and inierskeepiug such articles fcr sale c wouhl do well resupply themselves with a quantity. lie will sell it on commiwdon or for cash cheap. Orderswitl be punctually- attended to." -Jan. 31. Apr. 1, 1862. . ReiAy-Made' Clothing !, FOE FALL AND WINTER! FRESH SUPPLYS RECEIVED MONTHLY! . . A .B.ADAMB would reipeettilly inform his A patronsand the public spatially that he has returned!'rout the Eastern cities with at genera; as. sortmeut of Ready-Made 1, FALL AND WINTER ',CLOTHING. - FO-DDRit artaliedijir 090 LPorsitlejiy , ,E.„4.2TR0X81.4,Agt. +7l . y,7 RI 44e mrev* GEI8E01;-::PATEN14 , 111Elili20CliThAlittio• GRALNr•Rtil'AILtir OIL CLEANER • „ „,7.ANWEACIDER _ 1 - 4ttest• bapi•Ovecl -2 . I ktes4ei; Gear Horse Porter s ; Oriving eithei• , by-Oeae . or. Belt; tilt furrWied'Oontfilete • , reatlg to be put on Wagtail. • , 1, the Ondersigied, desire to era the attention o Farmers,end 'lllresheriaen "of rrankling and adjoin, ing.countieS to it.-, This Ilachine has- been before the public for seven years,. during Which limo it bee giVen general satisfaction,. anti ,the patentee having made- some very importaptimprovements which render It still more complete, both for dead separating and „cleaning, find also for ease of draught and fast threshing. 1-•takepleastire in re. commentling - it - to - the - giubliC;; - knowing thatit will give tho best of satisfaction. ~I ant manufacturing three different sizes, as folloWsr • -• , N0..1 is 8 horse Power,vrill thresh and clean from 200 to 500 bushels per day. No 2 is 5 to 6 horse power, will thresh and clean from 150-to .400 busbels.per day•. No: 3 is 4 to 6 horse power, will thresh and dean from 100 to 200 i•oshele pea day. - These -Machines are warranted to do the above, and do it much better in" every respect than any other machine in use. Grain having mach lighA,lllth ink cleaned oh this Machine is worth froin 2 b 3 cents moss-per bush• el than when cleaned on any, ether separator, or the common way of cleaning on hand fans. For this reason there is not the, eighth part of light matter in the groin as when cleaned on the 'riddle principle. The blast acts freely on all the grain as it leaves the slates, whereas, when *stied witt.lriddle..that.asl• i. vaotageialost — - _ - - - - This machine does not return the tailende as most ofthe separators do. Hy returning filthy tail ends alternately it is impossible to make inerchatita i grain, Another important feature in this machine that others of the kind have not, is the Self-acting Blast Reg ulator lathe tan, which. remedies all dif ficulties in bad cleaning, Wowing groat in. the chaff in high speed or irregular , driving, which cannot be avoided in cleaning grain by horse power This Machine is also tuoi•ti durable and less tedious to manage than any other Separator and Cleaner,or the common machine with ahaker. Orders toil - unite their being filled until harvests should be sentqin immediately. - am fully prepared to make to order and on short notice Portable and Stationed • GRIST AND SAW MILL . GEARING, WAFTING- AND PULLEYS, IRON BRIDGES, GAST IRON WATER WHEELS, IRON KETTLES. &c. Stoves and Plow castings,also cast iron and wrought iron pipe for steam or water, and Brass castings of every description; in a word, lem prepared to do ' everything usually done in a foundry and machine shop. Having supplied myself with the latest im proveJ machinery, such as Lathes, Boring. Planing and Drilling Machines, persons can rely on haviir g their work done in the-most-latisfactory Manner.— I sin also prepared to manufacture to order ma chinery for wood, such as Tonging and Groving machines for flooring, Surface, Tenotrt and Mould ing machines, &c. 1 also oiler to the public a new and valu able improvement in my steam engines, made within the last year, viz: for the economizing of fuel, and the regulation of speed, which renders my new engines far superior to the old engines. All my machines are sold under warrantee. My , ham s are all experienced workmen in this line of business. and I use all good material, so that I am perfectly safe in warranting all my work. I am also prepared to do repairing in workman. like manner, on the shortest notice. Orders solicit ed and promptly attended to.' All orders sent in for repairing must be accompanied with the cash • For particulars and. circulars descriptive &ma chine, address GEORGE PRICK, Or DANIEL OEIANR, Proprietor of Territory and so• Hector of orders, Waynesboro' Franklin Co. Pa. April 18—tf NO HUMBUC THE undersigned having opened a Watch and Jewelry Store, in the new building on the corner of the Diamond, and having recently return ed from Philadelphia, would inform the residents of Waynesimit4' and the public generally, that he has now on hand a fine assortment of WATCHES, JEWELRY, SIGNER AND "-- SILVER-PLATED WARE, ‘. CLOCKS„ &c &c Having had conai►lerable experience at Watch repairing. he is prepared• to do all work. promptly in the best ni \ anner and guarantee the pertur►nance ofit, An assortment of spectacles, and spectacle glasses always on hand. Jewelry repaired in the neatest manner. W. A. GROVE. •• P. 8.-01,1 Silver taken in exchange for goods, Apr4-Iyr. IC. 3D. FIM24.36IIIIIVEMEE, DE NT 8 T OFFERS his services to . thit . liablitt generally.-- Operations of every • descaptioa in. the dental floe performed• in the - besttionner and'apon.reascia slifetertae. • , , Dee on Main Street, three doers East O , f the •• Diamond, , Cheap and Bean'lifkd Light. O. 1 Carbon Oil—pure and , non.oplosive—.. warranted to burn Without emitting any plUeil iF used; in the „ • CARBON OIL LAMPS : of the %telt styles imprOvoimmt,47-01 sold COUP, Poi CAW id the ifgh . olo, • BIG RED:1110 Aprot . D4l l RUBBE_ LL. • —73litit At 41ROtlitRTONIO annitpiagne:: ' • . Pinning • Thuninit Knignyk , •'• mr4l4teed, . saWar -- • , . - .110401ce • For ail cbaii , ' ' i 41,011f.430SwhOgirairanclitniVinion'id;''4•]•:',. 117': ; - •••••.. 8 0 4 1 1 .1 1 1:0 1 ,..: 111 1 , 1 0104. 1 44:PkOigr Sri c*4l* o !**** : :if,- . P of:: 11 • oft6a Ilig Rid /Jam • • • D. fttuttata4 . • ec" 'B4 .‘ ; tofilet HE ii4iiitssriak4tilsiasthaiStioai•aaciail 4XitAtilltillithlOorthirtikhO jershiasithiODsng stasis,' larpmel .. 0444 ieleCted steak ot tvsla CisMileala; ?Mein ;Mblieltmai• Paints Oat, Dye nnraiwilldeW Otaass' Only, .Tobacco. 8114 and '40,, &eq. now prepared to sell, as cheap as the cheapest will,assnre his cattalo ere that in regard to quality , *bleb leaf the flea intS - I.portance t his goodie will compare with .aoy hi-ttho 14 bee s w ots ; splohdid ostior4nent , at -Perfuming, I . !i 0 ps and- •• • • ilet _ of all kinda; consisting in , patt 'of the follOaring, - Yis • • , .• Poinades, • Antber and Raid 04' • ." • • _ceilig-eo, " Extracts for the Ilandkeitehiefi' -• - - Lyon's , • -Bittnet's Oocoainei; _Harrisan's Ladies' • „ Histet. soa#.. • ' • Diamond Hoop, cortsitorprtzmi s raUittkft Crairbesrieni Kakinei FigEN Prunes; Conan* Dates, Citron, Qrangetii Ifienrons, - Buts of all kind's. and Candies , of every variety. Kerosene Limps ' Lainp globes, and Brushes, Kerosene 04,0..1144We, Alcohol, Burning Fluid 3 - emr ani . itierittituttltift found in a drregidinei - = ' • Thankful for kind favors and patronage hereto fore bestowed upon hint, he solicits.a continuance of the sante.pnui hopes - that be endeavoring•to please, he may win the confidence of the people. , Physicians' prescriptions promptly and carelblly" compounded at alt hours. .1. F. KURTZ: . ntiv .29,:1860' . . 7'111144,VM6, TrIHE. name "Continental" sounds more deer to the American heart, than.anq of the [loyal blood; even should •it be a Prince% So all you that want a good Cooking St ove that burns either coal or Wood, call at TRITIES and ask for the' Continental, which ialine.of the best stoves in Market s and by fdr the cheaperit. takes a- long stick of Wood and is provided with aie brick to burrs coal'. is-one of the bide baking and cooking Strives the Chile ever been offered fin' sale. It is a line Cooking Stove and is easily kept Wan. L alwa s have a bare assortment on hand and Will give betterbargains Phan. air; other house in the country. - to prove that my name is not Pen. Bragg call and see for yew-selves. Aldo on , hond Heating s!e-Sys, such as PLiffi in COAL RIMS, for shop or parlor, ali•of which I will sell very low You will also Omit a forge assortment, of ttaziLt, - `KSP'idli.ll:l2.2:so3 o W ifh Copper, Britss and Sheet-Iron Ware, which is of my own make, and which 'has been proven cannot be found,iwuctin any-place. --Now remem her I am hound to sell cheap, so all that want any. `thing in my line, give me a call. My shop is still nt the okl glace on Maim Street. under the Printing . . House Spouting! • done at all times and of the best double tin. • Feeling very thankful for the many past favors I have received from-the public, IVrould- invite all to give me a call, for then you can see foi yourselves where to get bargains,. • .Old metal taken at Foundry 'Prices in exchange for new Stoves. W. A. TRITLE, , Mar.2s . • Waynesboro'. e. POURTRIN, Dealer in all the variety of Drugs.. Medi. cines, Yankee Notions, Perfumery, Liquors /or medicinal purpays, Oils, , •c., WOULD ten.ler his thanks to the commu n ity. and still soli it the iatranage of a generous Public who want anything in his line. • Inasmuch as he has enlarged his stock so as to he enabled to answer all calls for any thing and everything usual. ly•found in a Drug Store, and has a thorough sc• quaintance with the business, -ho hopes to gain the confidence-of the Community. He will pay par tin:War-attention to - tilling physicians' Precriptions, and more'care and precaution-used_ in waiting up. on chidren than adults. 101131 ill -DOMESTIC En Choice Wines% and Liquors` for Medicinal Intl sacramental fiurposes, Patent Medicines are endless in variety, including all that have heels mud ur to this 'date and some that are yet in embryn. Also White Lead, Zinc, Paint, Whiting and Varnishes for house•building or inside Work. besides all sizes of Glass. Commercial, Note, Fools Cap and Letter Paper always on hand, with.a variety of Envelopes' of different sixes and Okra, Brushes, Combs, Pomade, 'Fahey Soap, Hair Oil;I Colognes, Essen ces, Flavoring Extracts, and nameroua 'articles in this Fancy line on hand and offered for sale, cheap er than ever offered before • • Also a large aisortment of Kerosene Oil Lamps, Chimneys, Shades and Wicks, and Kerosene Oil to fill Ana. A general asr•rrtment of Faits and ClcinfOtiorimies, Tobacco and Cigars. Oct. 11. NEW FIRM! COachmaking.!: FINE undendeaed - having leased the well-known .1. - CosehmskirigHstshlishment of Alex. Hamilton. on Meehan/Me street. Waynesbere. tespectliilly an flounce, to theiilliends and the public plurally, that' they rupee carrying. on the business in on he Wandler/00d are'now prepared to mentifieturelO order all kinds ot . . `, '" • . Ca.lrr.l ggages s Illoleg,llllstrischies, Stung Wagons, ito. ite., thi bait material, and made oy ansaiitiovaroiLman.• • • • BLACKS,MITHING sant '',.llE.tlfitll4Cii _of all libido, done at' iiaannibla - , rotes, 0 9 0.4 1 1 1 1,and•toille astkifaction - or-cuato - matio; ,-Couriner pRgRUcE ts n:'in istetuinge far *wk . ** marketti*ak, _ • • FirPerionidalmgantiolaa, ,OWQ01, 1 4 111 1 0 9sch"‘ Making line, are rospectinity tae thaw a q;c4 ., !;. 111,itYlCgits : s llk 4 llhi " 11 ' ,111114A1019.2' itO „WPOrlft ar4o Ut, l l- "' • 16,11,A141WOOWS,1114kft• at, :1 0 4 i ' Pet P 4 ,!:V4 ,14 ti ; NIQIO vriin‘int ,olnything 64 ,the, 0, Mino ' eon' b. suppiie4: • • Xi-flares. 411'tielesk. fn6tfts,~io he , p+ii~t xeh~ ;l,=6Hiii~~ilif9il TO 7,1 7- 7Tdc - „ NEW, ,-.t.511A131:113441,1tNT " aubserfber.yrofil jiitlittu j. WeYeeetieteitiettheiPitiliW 140.„ edind: ineneed the of KlittArktotelvreiherdAke#ol ,. ..4loll,4o l jeedineek tetlice., , leesu,ikte Ift#4 Situ ,l o lll 13 P0 made te•enlii,- " OctMAN - 1 „., rzcvliTV44. l 2itiAlOXO:le! #ecorpmengationi!_ from J..• c• • Piaitegabz‘N,Airttii: - Iletb, The Ualleriligni4 tire hepptee tettitiAtiat pupils of the Fayetteville - Academy, Par"tiale a high , atataliittiduktgAbetttottl*Ottittee the , Geliage of Nett.ilereetyi• ;oitti . lriAtittAist, ' Piestidenk B -ufam:Ai . 0:1111;18 -ti SR* jj. of loom T:' UPPIELIY," krPffeiedo:44,l44, mar.2S' FL(itlittF a I A D. PROVISION: °MOM: alit subscriber* would• inform the citizens off w.y.e.bonv, trhit they have opened a Flonik• reed•and Protirion.Store lic• the zoooliforbiletl, 00- copied, by Joseph Price, 'oppoiite the , :residence Off John ell, where they Will at, all Ames. have for sale ' r '•. HUM IN V,. MILL STUFF °FILL KINDWi SUREENINGS, CORN, sashimi AND 15: THE -EAR, pm's, PO.. TATIMS, U!% ON ANI), , . LARD, . • Alan, Rye,. Wheat and Harley: by the bushel or he smaller quantities, and other articles usually kepti in such establishments. MI Flour dad. Mill Stunt will be solirat Matt Pincus win - CAM - The highest casts prices. paidfor wheat; rye • corn and•eats. - ' ' DANIEL SNIVELF, Feb —0 • • ' W !IL H. FUNK.. . 11148:.1iielbs; illatrbstugh & Coro Celebrated Aabeviiatiliana sr"° greatest and best 'external remedy ever () feted to,the puhHe. Ifbr sale, .by 1F,;• J. Arius& Druggist. Waynesboro" and bp Druggists in the county generally. .EV'firice 25 cents per beetle . ... December 13, '6o—ly - • ODUR nuccrww.. PURE CARBURET, IRAN - STOVI POLISH, - , The Cheapest article in the weed.. - Unrivalled in, Econemy,__Permattently„lustrons.--The-ohly— place to get it is at • nitosnigitpxsis.. • March 22. • "Continental' Hotel * " WAYNESBORO', PA. THE. undersigned having recently taken the a— bove named House, fertnittlyi known as the: "Cliolve Inn " takes pleasure:-in announcing to hiss friends and the public the& he is. prepared tereeeive and entertain Guests in a 'Style not to• be excelled/ by any country Hotel., 'the House having, been. thoroughly repaired and newly furnished with:pt./c— -ry thing calculated to make his,guesta Comfortable -the public may rest assured that they wiant ,ll lo times find it in a condition suited to the comfort and convenience of the traveler. Sie Buis alWays stip— plied with the choicest Liquors!, and his Table withi the best the markets afford, end ail ether ttPfaiiineea. suitable and necessary for the 'accommodation oft man or beast. With faithful and obliging servant*. and his own personal attention and anfieivision, he will leave no means nnsiared tu, "merit pa— tronage. The propitiate* asetwes those who may thvor-hints with their patronage that they, shall ever 'meet at his house a cordial reception, and that everything es— sential to the convenience and happiness of; his guests shall he attended to. June 21, 1824' ~:i~POT~~ ~~ :.:~. ~: .~_~.._ - J. A. FISHER AR the LaxinutTenges,indteitijul of his the, re rece cep:ita w orh: dock of Cloths, Ca.ssimeres and' slags. All of!be MOST His stock of fRENCII OUJITHiS tide- .07,0 4 4- MERES he. calls 41111ficitlar 'attend** toy„,silSthe best in town. A 1541111116 of she beet' aisonmenti• --- ot Fonsuaniso Goons in town—olf ready - for thole' in spection and benefit, and kindly asks &call from all persons delirious of buying Gouda h c nislias, at Cot EZQQ I ' . I:3;)ZPtICIISXS',24 In the ItEWLY FITTED Ttl)OM. next dent- to Ilixlegratre, Iligerstoten. Md. [lan. 061.] ' • BACK AGAIN. /N. iftbenii cui' tenter' s-erid the kjr • -pUblic.generally- that , he hoe removed his Barber Shorite , the Ihmemout of Mr. Kurtz , * Hotel, formerly occupied by , him es& ,Barber Shop, vbietie he will Shave. o,wpm:id Deese Heir as, heretofore. Glee him s coll. • . fir m u—tr.„ EN end Boy's hoary Boots sad Shoes at, tlet.4 ITRT'A IN:Fixtunik n' • ' 'Mai 28 Miamois: !ham? AN excellent article of Syrup for at (tletit • • • TfeIibICATED Liquors, sold only. telktinfleVfit. atittliy special directions of ik M. M. sTONEß..Drugirom - 4420 4 ,0„. ler, ground 15EITEitila COrriati nov:29 • at. I),4liik.tat.isAVtal 11 0i'sie 1701,1-1- 0 0 La 040 lf,'P V OR %%UR OR-FOR:, aux J APtokat rAWlrti Owe,' , •;;; irftUNIMIX-Pabtfaii*94itoodikik,': M Oct' UTHEKAN' A ItuainiiiAt 1:zoo yowl wOOO-th: hotio#soithr Tewintimulop. I Igo% tplato•Oofitfi y ao4; pp~ ixt ' to fige‘a%cittvirt : -'2Att:,,, Paws rg Nth /, ' - ilmatics L. B.' 'KURTZ: aili 4r 1 :t16 -, 't'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers