• Mirth* tioittwi , seo olir &Ninety for, the* bleiOdinit ' Center kr _pate of Vlt aus) treptain:" Daft noi tved loft iikeirto7; abovethe &Or . Niggera hoe iha,tigtortteloWoM no tAigetio felt* of ills 'doe •• Quo*, the dark* eNerermore: 1 . ~... And the'lteStb, ever tiShillitr : Still iieiyingo still is cling, • - -. ' There Amite the Nation 81604 I.. , ufy in g .g. ireeWniii#raffie.” *-7—r-- A na - fah w o rds have all the 'nit:fatting '' , Of a wronged race iCillted ftotte dreantitigi 1 Knd poet &ties o'et itint sireinting Throws his shade ffilm shore to shard, A - Bet - our Midi front that altadovr, • - Darkening all the ruition'it Snot, '• • Shall gre lifted soimr IsMieil ' I Lined at the earintrn'a lent. Waynesborel 18 1 82/. W. T. ifertstra. fitted inituuk: amity, A fetter from, Mr. Ruby, of Shippensbnrg i who is in Oapt. Woodburn's company, in 31celellan'S diviskin," - Speaking •of the hard _fought battle at 'Williamsburg, says, "Our army . has l i taincki a lesson at Wil liamsburg, and i§ ttot SO rftdy VI pitch into the rear guard of the rebels until more is known of their position, strength; Ail ; and what force Any be at hand to route and capture. them Fdr the Want of this precau tion we were nigh lesion , the battle at Wil iamsburg. Otkr loss id c 'hilled and wounded on that occasion is.g,reater than generally supposed—that of the rebels about the same as ours. To show with what desperation the battle was fought, a Lieutenant of a Michigan regiment now encamped near us, states that of 1100 men engaged in the battle, only 400 were le ft, with five com missioned officers—the lu st having been lost. Tho rebels treat our soldiers like dogs.— In many cases you. conld see lying on the battle field, our men who had been wounded —.with their TIIROATS , atm knox EAR TO EAR! Two of our teamsters were found this morn ing, along the read, HANGING BY THEIR HEELS FROM THE, BOUGH '0 I? A TREE, WITH THEIR THROATS OUT!. Such barbarism chills the blood of humanity. Many of our soldiers exasperated at this barbarism, are driven to desperation, and determined to take no more prisoners in battle- TIME MEN SWEPT (MIK NIAG AItA FALLS —Yosterduy Toning fh_e people of Niagara Falls were startled by the report that three men were swept over the falls in a row bout. The occurrence is said to have taken place about 6 o'clock A. 31. and was first discover ed by a porter at the Cataract House, who saw the -boat containing the men in the middle of the river, and saw the final plunge from the brink - of the awful chasm. We learnd from a gentleman who visited the Canada side of the river yesterday, that the fatal catastrophe was also witnessed from near the Clifton House. The • Seen putting out from the Canada side miar —Chippewa, with the evident intention of land ing near the south end of Goat Island. After getting out a short distance, the current was found too strong for them, the recent high wind up the lake was still forc ing more t ban usual quantity of water through the river, and although they made every exertion to - stom the rushing tide, yet their efforts were, entirely unavailing. 'They were seen, after battling, for'n time desper ately against the current, to draw their oars from the water, and to sit motionless in the boat, resigned to their fate. In this condi tion they were swept over the falls. The names of the unfortunate men were not ob tained,--Rochester Anterecuu 26th. tar The theory that northern soldiers are monsters is not yet given tip by the Rich tn•nnd papers. Ia the same paper which the insputelt prints an account of the humane Areattuent of rebel wounded by our soldiers at Williamsburg, it assorts. that of the soldiers of Gen. Bank's army. —"some of the drunken stragglers shot hogs, sheep and other stock on the route' and se lecting a fine joint, leave the carcass lay on the highway. Poultry was wantonly slaugh tered in the barn, yards and eaten, rare. It is asserted, and has Ikea proved by an eye witness, that even the dogs, cats and rats en countered on the march of this horde s were killed cool eaten w:th a voraciousness hurl Ge e(l starvation. Indeed they bad no commissary, • L t t kfielieved_their conduct ivas attributal to dirociiinis' from their offi cers." Among our mon who fought for the U hion at Pittsburg Landing, was Henry Clay —grandson of the illustrious statesmaa—a• felt son of floury Clay who Buena Vista. It is not always - that grey Mil have their talent or patriotism reflected 1 their offspring. But the gallant Harry of the West still lives in the loyalty of some of 14 descendants.— DaniellVebster's sou, Fle.r l is also iu the Uttiou service. The New York 11th Regiment, one of those recently called out, has disgrac ed itself at Harper's Ferry,. by reusing to 1M sworn in, on the ground that they were out for the defence of Washington and would go nowhere elle. 'General Saxton rejected the whole Regiment, telling -them •' that he did not want cowards - in his -command and that they could find their way twine aktheir own expense. DIMENSIOSO OY THENATIONAL CAPITOL. dine miotts of the capitol at Washing ton are thus officially stated: Whole length Of.the , building, 751 feet 4 Inches; length: of wings,-including stops, .824 feet; width of. t . ngs, 142 feet - °B' inches; width of old Ampitol, 552 feet 4 inches; height of dome above the'baseinent fluor, *64 feet; ground actually covered, 153,112 square feet ) or mere than three and tohule acres. A letter received at Wallington from General McClellan's army states -that :Mrs. , General Lee and her two .daughters .were found on Monday last, -near Old Church --- a , point above Richmond now .occapied.by our forces—and , were sent under guard to the, White . Leo mtpressed greatj tirpri se thavourtroopsSad got Jso far .liorik; Pronilthe ilialdnume Anzezican -Tsteidv.. ,FLOUR.=-410 anti hefty" `to-dt4t :no**fisimgiono-oftlimiwilt *e r e' reported the absetivi•of an inuify for' export ,the :denumais -conAmitiln oraud ut Supei PVWMMIII 'SpOOl , 7 ,104-Itist4l4)*4 - a; 40* ivialyoti - es, biotiitio% - gooa 4446 thiAniti : *• l o4lsliels prime .Pennsylvania red at 120' eta. Per bushel, At the elms We 'quote • common - White .at 1501gl , 105 eta, medium -to fair 'do, at 180 10foatiti ' ansl_ebnice_doL...loo.,ets...ner--.btaihektair-tn. prime.Pennsiltanisi aid Bonthorg, do. 120 122 ctn. pi...l:Nobel Corn was in fair &aren't,- btit With , large receipts the ntarket-ruled dull,, and. white closed low isr. _Belau of spiv bushels inferior to strict ly . pr white at 45®00 eta. per bushel ; some 12,000 bushels bringing - the outside figure; 8 1 000 bushels good to. glioiee yellow at 52®54 eta. and 2,000 bushels' inferior to fair do, - fif 48®52 -etc, We quoted at the dose ; common to strictly prime white at 45 ®5B eta. prime dry shipping, parcels only commanding' the latter BgttreT; mid fair to prime - yellow at 51 ®53 eta per bushel.— 'Oats were in fair request; sales of 4,000 bushels good and prime Maryland at 38® 39 eta, and 3,000 bushels prune .Virginia at 37 eta. per bushel.. , Of Rye no sales were reported. Pennsylvania rules dull at 70®71 cts. and Maryland at 65®07'ets. per bushel. Front the American of .Friday last. , CATTLE.—The offerings at the State Live Stock Scales to-day amounted to . 450 head, against 700 last week. The entire off erings Were taken by city packers and butch ers at prices ranging front $4 to $5.2 . 6 per 100 lbs., showing a decline since last Thurs day-of 25-ets._per 100_ lbs. on the better grades of Beeves. ' -. • _ , • ,~+- Near this place, on the Ist inst., Mrs. E lizaGeth Ilartrnau, aged 72 years, 1 month and 26 days. Near this place, on the 21 - st ult., Catha rine Hecfner, in the .)2nd year of her age. .1 1 116TILDrillP311C41C.11E• WHEREAS, Letters Tcstamt ntary, on the E state of SUbANNA£I ROYICII, late Of—Washing lon fownshlp, deceased, have been granted to- the subcriber ; all persons indebted to tne said Estate, are requested to make immediate payment, and. thoke having claims or demands against the Estate at said decedent, will make kuewn the same, with out delay, to OB S. 'HOOD,E.er• (June 41.-- , 6n ) GAIMto slot premises of the subscri b er, residing at Monterey Springs, ea the South Mountain, Ul/ the 20th day of May last, a largo Bay Stallion, supposed to he about nine years old. The owner is requ. sted to prove property, pay charges and take him away. -DA VID MILLER. (hoe 6-3 w ) “At Brotherito r ik's Hardware Store.." rain *rndleft, Chain Scythes._ Grass Sc) thus, Scythe Sharpeners, Wooden rocke t. Ray Forks, . Grain Forks ' Fork Bandies, Scathes, itakee, &c., &c. Cm►:AN! CHEAP!! ,CIIItAP ! ! June 'l'62. Notice to Trebtstpassers,. TIERSONS are hereby notified, not to tressrass 1" upon the lands belonging. to the heirs of Chris tian Fuuk, deed., by fishing or hunting, as the en d,•rsigned are Jet !Tallied's° onlinee the law here. f un., against all purse no so offending. • • C. A. FUNK, W. W. WALKER. (June tf-3w ) DISSOLUTI XT'OTICE is hereby given that the copartner ship heretofore existing between the undersign ed, in the flour and teed business, was this day dissolved, by mutual consent. The business will I e continued by Dmittn. Stiorgor, et the old stand, in whose hands the nooks of the firm have been pla ced Persons knowing themselves indebted are re quested to call and make payment. June 2, '62 DA Pi SNIVE W. H. FUNK, • (lone 6-3 w ) MORE NEW GOODS AT TrIF. "VARIETY STORE." T BSA VER, in connection with his Variety More. has commerical the manufacturing of HOW'S and SHOES in all its various branches.— Having employed Jeremiah C.oper as foreman, he is prepared to produce the finest, neatest and most durable work madeony where. AR ore invited to call. A barge stuck of Hats, end Caps, (including all kinds oftunamer Hata for men and boys) and Eastern manufactured Shoes and Boots of the beet makv, on hind; Cl,cks, Trunks, &cum Tototerio,_ Ate., &c. You got tin, very best KEROSENE theX May 9— tr. • J. BEAVER. DIV'S a I P 3 c 31 • i M eg . ShThtoeNumpeeettat,,kesent4ldszeettitoile theof ?merit. that he has just returned from Philadelphia with the lamest assortment of Drugi, Medicines ' Paints Oils, Dye Stuffs, boat's, Perfutnary, Fruit, Confee tiosary. &c.; dic., that has been brought to the place thls season, which he will sell (heap. He hue on hand. with what he is receiving. makes his assortment of Patent Medicine greeter in variety than any other establishment in dm place. In a few weeks, he will publish his list of manufactured articles. He has on had now. his Cough Medicine, put Up in six ounce Ituales, price 25 - vents, "no cure, ao pay." Its curative propesties are now fully appreciated. judging from its daily .sales. May B '62. Pianos and Melodeons. riIHE undersigned, ,having become 'Agent for Win. Knabe & Co's (of li,dtina•.rr), celebrated pianos and of Vauban, Meedhnm dr. 4.:o's. unsure passed Melodeons, is prepared to fllruish indiahls lulls with the Elbow) hunted instruments pt city pri ces. All instruments warranted by the manufactu ... Lemons on the above instruntentsliv6n in town or euuntry. . (inn3l23) • 1.. 1313.1)D. 66 11au;ui , d's Electric Powder." American,Stiorting Powder, American Notting Powder, lieltard'e - Dircir Powder, - liaaard'Ouck,Powder% BazartVallinating Powder,. Maturtrajilas - tins — Powilfqrl, Thi".best Pciwtlee. made,. " ' • _TheAseee , Porderimide. The ordyplaceloil'Ami gat-it la at *OAS -BI.tOTHERT.OIVI3..: U Mll E 8 if I?u'maitt purchaaa nice Parasol JUr.all at. (ma} •-• • ?image. e itsAlyracinnsoi, of all 'AlesctipUona nt . _o isa y2s) • ...• A W.` abode.' of Shetland WOW at (way 23) „ ._ ~. .:, t ' i i Me :',',,,±, ~.,. , • : • 1,!. , i , , 1 •,' ''.:.4. 111 1,,,,...., 1 . , , '7-,,,.,;;; , .., tf .... ' . 1 . 1 -7111BEafitibinil. Lt,,,e,...,,,,,,,.,,.,ER t ~.,..•; :-- ~. „ ' , arrived from FhiladelPhie, this , Vied, s teame d::m up to our squm, and threW—oh t: ye' fttfr -portion of creation !—the, most deligiftfril s t oat., Of ileecy goods straight into our ' door: alit ever. brightened - our counters . First, doubtless•to please the . - • •, • -iir—atAiLltilLAMigiiire • came a shovveeof Silky Diabetes, Balzirines, tinted Lawns, Chintzes, kloderias, Mozambiques, 114n:tiepin, of °wiry hue on the Rainboiv„.gliotening like stars, that will make the old look young, and the young like Genii : then followed a broad stream of Nankeens; Muslins, Ta ble-diaper*, Calicoesp ormsburges, 'beneath. which came flying like 'birds of beauty, Head-Dresses; Sleeves and Collars in seas; Shakers, Hosiery, Sun= Umbrellas=beauties--gauntlets, and all those - d ear little tick-tacket al:title - Make the ladies look cbarar ing it a dark sheet of - MOURNING. GOODS. in elegant'variety,Blk. Grenadines, Byadore Rere , gee, Wool DeLaines. Mathes, Lawns, Dalzarines, Crape Despanges, Eng. Crape, Eng. and American Prints, plain and figured, Eng. and. French Crape Veils, -Mourning Collars, Gloves, - Hosiery; dm everything to render the mourner beautiful in her sorrow. After these streams ceased to flow there was another explosion and in came pouring fu r the IMIMNPV.446INII Bales of Silky Brooti-cloths, Parisians, - Cassimers Black and fancy, double and singled milled, in su perb styles, fancy as a sunbeam—with the accom paniments, splendid Veinings r kilk, Marseilles plain, brilliant, and. beautiful Neck-ties,. unimpeachable Shirt.breasts end Collets, everything to set the Gent fit for a picture, and make him presentable even at the Capitol of the Nation. So dents. look in anal see, teeing is believing. All over the pavement lay _boxes, which when opened dig I ed those good, solid, substantial Wares,, our n ble, bad ustrious MOTHERS Idle are much-to-see -I-because - they - must have them to make the boys trowsers, and the girls dresses : here they are strung as buck-skin. cotton, woolen. mixed, jeans, goods of new styles, cheap and dura ble, cotton stripes, drillings, calicoessof late stl les, ticking; sheetings, in fact all that our young friends require who are starting on their matrimonial jour ney through Well, three goods were baldly stowed away, when here caimr trudging along . ld — Rh erossesses. to, loaded heary very—Ca Gtocerivi, Queens ware, and hogsheads of that delicious Loaf-sugar, Syrups, and Sugar-house molasses, hogsheads and barrens of sugars of every grade. Shad,• Mackerel, Herring, fresh from the briny wave, lucious cheese from New England, brooms, spices,—and a splendid lot et SW.: A CURED 11.1:11S,—and sweet Ba cur —and Yankee lotions, together with a full as sortment of HITS ID NOES! Leghorn, chip, fine fur and wool Hats. gents anl la tiieA In,t, cs aid cheap di. tray:tingly cheap.-- Now all these affairs startlingly, and touchingly sift forth are for sale and Exhibition at the etoro of the undersigned, who, with ninny thanks for past encouragement and patronage, rimming Respectfully your °bile. servant (may 23) JOSEPH PRICE HO! FOR QUINCY. Second Arrival of "Spring and Summer Goods. COLLROVER & CLUGSTON. We are now receiving and offering to sell a' new and lull assortment of . DRY GOODS. Which we think we are prepireil to sell on as rea sonable terms as any other house in town or coun try. A run amoffinent of LADIES DRESS GOODS of all kinds: Silks, Delains, Alpacas, Printed Cliaflies, Ging hams, Lawns, Fancy Prints, Ladies shawls; &c. MENS SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS of all kinds. Moffitt,. Cassjnivre, Fine Tweeds Ken, Jenns, Cot tonailes, Vesiings, Handkerchiefs Meek Tied, Elosery. A full assortment of Plain and Fancy Cas.dimeres titEENSWARE AND GLASSWARE. A large stock of ll=KlDitiP2StEnaCZE)=or Windt we nro prepareil to offer a a IoW us any ottt ern ?Aare in the country. BOOTS AND SHOES. for men's and Larije's wear of'all sorts and sizes. Also a large and well selected stns k of DOMESTIC GOODS._ Muslims, Ticking., and a complete assortment of Nations Looking Glasses. Hardware, -Hats and. Csps, Paints and Oils, Fresh Shad and Herring by the barrel. It is no use trYing to enumerate. If you ,wart anything in the Dry Godds line, just call aud you will find us ready to wait on you with pleasure 10,000 CHESTNUT' JOINT SHINGLES for Salo Country produce taken in exchange fox good,. ri‘khe highest market prices. Hy strict attention to business and a desire to please in every respect, we hope to merit a con tinuance of patronage. May 23 )_.:L/OLLIFLOWER 45r. CLUGSTON. 6 H . ! fur wings to sear," right down at Price's o Store. What for I Why to get some mom of that New Yoh( Syrup-- ; only 1411 cents a quart at Pumnr.'s • " 4 LCONOMY MESS SHAD to be bad chop may 23 Plumes 1,1,111 E SUGAR UUR E.: HAMS. likin and fancy. For Sale cheapsit Paten's (nay 2 J.) THE _largest lot of Heti,' Skirts ever brought to Waynesboro', eau be seen at ' • • (may2B) 4 Palos's; ADI OTHER, Lbw nice Malmo 'at _ may 23) Practes I yuu want to , bee a nice and well &elected stock .I.4lfittiaiertiair goods call At taity23.) Patches arrival at .larpetilias" flora 25 ciate A *l.OO at (inay23) - 6000 - Rails for:Salo: Toirr - .... ut iiitinidr itiii -- big' :lilioi , ',Pii — Ji'ffriergia iiiikt : ... C,III.ESTSVO . I,kI LS wlitch Ise vill Aisgustt P •reitsotiOle -Pier. ~. 4 1 1.1so* : —..onii, ' goal - ft() A p lArtitir'olN.L ' • ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' '.. L. S: POPIAY,, • Pa iat's 0040, v: : 0 , 9 I , . 13.utTota ROI ?„ 11;iitir " trelggf -theort-haamr) UACOit ( t 5340 Dal - CON (1110141ret) •t mom TAW BY THE ANON FORCESAGETER wHoLE REBEL ARIVY ! "1111111 MOM HMV This, tie tail te ga ineri tcath v cry,little, Loss on Our Fart; . enui 4cee another, JOSIA-11 BESORE has just returned from the Eastern C ides, and is now opening the most extensive .stock - of SUMMER GOODS ever brought to Waynesboro', which' Ito • will sell cheaper than any other hangs this side of Richmond. Consisting of everything - usually found in a well co:ducted establishment. • atm community is invited to call and examine myistock - tiliiChirsiilliace great pleatiure in show ing to all who.may favor me with a call. To con vince you I have a splendid stock I will ennumerate a few of the leading articles now in store, all of which I will sell at'greatly reduced prices. Fait THE LADIES DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. Including the latest noveltieß in Bututner Dress Gootls, to which I respectfully invite the attention of the ladies. The choiseaf t Collars, I The finest qualities, The largest stock, I The best assortment, ever exhibited in Waynesboro' , and at unpreceden ted • UaCiDs:MV ZPLEitia,C5.O3. Superior extra heavy 111 k. Silk, 111k4 Brown, Blue anil Mack Foulards, Pikes (light grounds,) Bouquets of Chintz, Collars, Satin plaid and prin • Ma rguilise, Vain° ia Plaid, Silk and Shepherds Plaid, silk Lustres, striped Himalayas, 111 k. Persia, Blk. Grenadine, Blk. and fancy B arage , Anglaise Braze, A egla's High colored ()bullies, Jackonets and Or gandies; Urissaile gr land, French Brilliants, French Chintz of t be latest styles, Cambrick Lawns, Pop lins, Moh airs, striped do., Lavellas in all collars.— TOURISTS, ams Ml* Manchester, Pacific and IlaDilton Detains of all styles sad shades ~ 'W 531L13XL323.0X • CaOth for ladies wropings. Sacques. Mantillas, new and elegant styles, Shavuts, french worked Collars, Under Sleeves and in sets, Embroidered and Hem stitched Handkerchiefs, Kid Gloves, Silk and Lyle ,Gauntlets„Cord and Tassles, Head-nets, 13, Its Bel. Ling of all descriptions. MOMS MI MEM MS. Such as Blk. Bombrmines, Blk. Primalles, Fo!sr and Poplins. Barages, DucaDs 9 ebonies, (Anglian's, Prints, Ink. Eng. Crapes, from 2-4 to 7,4 whlo, illk, Kids, liautitlets,,,erope Collars, &c. My line of Millenary Goods is complete. . TRIMMINGS Ruch as Bugle Gimps and Laces, all widths, Belt Ribhona, narrow Silk thwi ps, Dress Cords, Fringes &c. Spool Silks and all Colors of Shetland Yarn, Zephyr worsted, &c. PRINTS AND DOMESTIC GOODS!! embracing all tho mmt favorite Brands such tin Merlon, es, prngue, Pacific, Cochieco, Manchester, Dunnels, American and English Prints. BLEACHED GOODS, Harrison Mills, Chester Hill, New Market, Lonsilate, Conewago, Great Lake, Mayflower, lonv,renVe, Belmont, We him m, Hill Mann Co. and other brands. - . BROWN COTWONS. pacific Sheeting • Amosken Sheeting, Portsmouth "Merchants " ~41inwmut " Melllind " Appleton " Clanton Plymouth " . Shaw mut " GINGHAMS AND FURNITURE CHECKS. In %Each Luca prepared to off 'I great bargains ALSO 2 1 and 4-4 (+irks, neunints. Blue Drills, Morr(us I):insisks, -Stripes, • Neukeent, Corset .tears, (leach & Buell Tuwlitig4, GENTS WEAR. • ITALIAN CLOTHS, Mk. and fancy Clutha, , Tweeds, " " Cassi Metes ' . Jeans Silk mixed do. Linens, Merino , do. • • • • Cashmeretts Marsailea Val °notes Greandiens Hosiery Cravats tours, &c. • GROCERIES. A large enamel' selictea stock; in which 'l'''ntp prepared to offer Vest AnduiettsentisteqpuMhaSers. Consutt your, ow n interest Mut -examine my Mock before Purchasing. - , ... `• , . : • QIJEENSWARE China; Olass and thifitila - e ; ,the blest ety 'alwayis hisai 3 Oi'•priees Thjory-,coniaor.priunr,- iler iriadrota.*:r toatiero hiititainko fi a &P -0 c ,lr-PW!toirrlot* Worm e. ant) I 'tentatrarice of itie .111ou'i fokgets,ike iliaerytionsir of-Witt iind thumb re.treets.,. wainithe StAtlo3 A Ng kap - Vonatrs WWI- ia (lett - at - 4014i till highest market:, price. ;, : -; • ' (inay2;3) „ - 810frie . ,Irsaiditrar p'gift.. :0 1 0 eAnsa fskanse on ' 00 •LipticuAri^toss 00 xiistaxampivist - DANDazizaor com4t, withithi*roloor ESCENCE OF COFFEE i l iterbiti '•• : • ". L'o citji 8Antpt,4104005 . --- 7 -------- ‘, • - 6 ' le: •N Onouboesa); , L . • TALr.owi 1562. SECOND ARRIVAL, _..~... AMBORSON, BENEIIiT & CO Waynesboro' Pa. MAN 23. Mme. '~~' ~k +►:-,'iii SPRING IND SUMER GOODS!! kr/E are now =dying and o (Poring to sell a new 48 and FULL ASSORTNIE :NT of Dr/ vans WhiCh we think we are preprtred toT sell at as low team as any other houseinto cir country. . • DRESS GOODS of aII kin is C lin Wei, elnines, DeregeN Lavellas, C 01.21,116 3F;.0, EMBROIDEB/ES. MEN' S SPRING AND SUMMER 33 , CD CD T) o_3 - a Cotton des, Clutha, Ken—leans, Caas Moire, Fine Tweeds, ' Vestings, Neck Ties, Hosiery, Cravats Summer Hats Handkerchiefs, Shoes , Slippers A full assortment of Plain mut 'Fancy • CASSIMEIMIS. QUEENS WARE, A good supply of Queennwero and Glassware of the lutest style. GROCERT ES, Always on hand a heavy lut of prime Groceries, COFFEE, SUGAR, 'SYRUP, MOLASSES, • SPICES. &c. • To which we respectfully c•tll t e attention of our customers Aid the public generally; and at the Ekitme, time we return our thanks to customers and the community for their liberal ratrottage, and will en• deavor by ft it dealing . With 'all, to merit a et29t).n u ance of the some. Please call and etre. A BE ItSON, DEN 111.)1UT &GO DRY FRUIT: .G~~3 ' .non ~ . A!!LMLm 2 'MPm'ML4lial ffti, at AMBERSON, WINED-MT & CO'S IMDEMUII A LOT OF G00d41.94ep, A NIBTON, IJNNEbfOtiz. CO'S CE .11.11 V FIXTEBES, - AND OIL CURTAINS, A3IBERSON,BENEDICT &' CO'S -FIGLL ASSORTNIEN2 M, MEM", itiIAWIM a.tztacfavaa - ' ,. 'eara'a'ai • -OP ESOMPrON - S , '4i,.mtstiti§ofi i pt . ool64.-*einvg. AMBERSON, agNr,inqi*Ows. LEI= 1A j „:,,,,,,,, • ..,... 4 '. l ' •-: :', .4 , : , ......V1r.... - ' 4 2 , - , ..P4 . - 4r 0 .',...: . 'il.r - 'A . ankti •,• ' . ' ,i....;r7: - ':+l, '' . ' ' . ' , "1 . {1 2 ;:!.. ' . :2 5 62 , , %Or ' 4 t'',V . %, r.,'.d..1.. , ,:•-•, 1' , - . R.' , , '-... , . • • -.. .. , ~„ • ;., ~,- , . 'Y,- -- „. ..,_.,. v, - • i'.., ~,......,—, . •::.4- , 1•••.i-- . P . ',F,...1„- An '''-'l, '''',-' ot ~„,, • :,,,,, -.„_ .•,_ ~,,,,,,,:„,,-,,-,,, • .- ,- ~., , ___ - e • ": ..-,1111111-,-I,':;lLiWi • LAIIItS"ANIftiIIitREN'S'SHOES'itC VOITANKF,M, for kind favors:in t ] patronage here, tofore bestowed upon' the puj)lie to 'solirit a cotktinualiee' ef the , satne;-4. lid having just returned :rout a fine and well selected siock of neat - Which ho intends selirig nt very lovii rate's, which he knows he can do.to the satisfaction of, all who, will call and ezaiiiin'e - his stock. 4 . , _ Below yOu will Boil enumerated' n few intielre which will be found. among. hit). utock to whielt ha calls your attention., He has a large assortment of Dress Goods consisting in part of ^ - ,Printed and Plain Del airres 131'k, Flied anti Cord -tsilks, Plaid Mohair, Silk Warp Mohair, Barges, Modern Cloth, Lavellas,- • . • French and domestic Ginghmas, Poplins, • Pongee Al ixture, Cloth for Lailic4, •Wrappillgs, G over, Hosiery, in great variety. • • GENTLEDIEN'S-WEAR, 131'k Silks COl . ll thh, Fig'd do. I,ustres, Poplins, . 1 Broad Cloths, Black and, Fancy Cassimeres, Union Cassimeres, Duck Linens, Uottonades, 'e vet - - ord, -- - - ' Marsaillen, ' . '2 Sills Vesting. '. 'Velvatiue Vestinga, cie'all Finds; in filet a full assortment' of goodssfur Clan men weer. Also a lirge and well selected stock of DOMESTIC GOO-DS i * Muelin, Ticking; and a complete a' assortment of- Notions. It's no use trying .to enumerate. If you, want anything at all .in the Dry Goods line, just call in and you will find him ready to wait on you with pleasure. To persona buying country Produce • to sell, they will fineit to their advantage to bring it to Sto ver's,as he always gives the higheit market Price, - So give him a call, and he will sell you good as .ctiesp as they can be purcliused elsesvhcre. Apr 1862. NEW GOODS! AT 1111111 ERAS MUM ME • .. Iron and Steel, • ShiWOO and 81)111104 Hoes and Rakes, Spades and Forks, Nails. Brads and Spikes, -• • Locks, Hinges and Screws, ' . • . Latches, Staple's and Bolts; Oils, ,painta r Glass and Varnishes, Mill, Crosscut and Circular Saws, l tand,'entin, Web and COmpass Saws, ' 1 .:4. Augers, Auger Mitts, Gimlet and Dowell liitt:4 Socket Chisels, Firmer Chisels, 'Mortising Chisels.' Pruning Sil vr's,and Chisels combined, 'Pruti no saWs ; Plastt:ring Trowels, PuiuNun and Garden' Triiwils,". Double and Single Bitt . es, 11, chets, and_Draw ing Kniv.c; White.w t a tea, Shoe, Store, and - 'Horse Brushes, ,Sent hi Brashei, •Cloth, Tooth, and Paint Brushes, Ti de, Oil'Cloths, FloorUll Cloths; Carriage Oil ths; Spokes,'Fallocs; Shafts, Pales, Springs and axles; Black-sirrith - Bef-' ; lows, Anvils, V ices,' Hoof Knives, and Rasps; Tubs Buesets, Chinns; Wipe, 13inikets,Brooms arid Wash Boards; Waiters; Trays, Candle Sticks Siiitlrem Coffee Canisters; Talite Clattery, Pocket. (Watery, Pruning Knives, Pr u ruing Shears, Silver-plated Ware, Pablo and T , p1.1 Spoons, Salt Shovels, Forks, and Ladles, Albata • Table and •Pea'Spoonet,_!fron Spoons, Tinned Spoons; Pr ace Chains, Halter Cliaint:, Cow Chains, Butt Chains, Sporting Pow- der; Blasting ..P6tvilor, 'Shot, Gun 'WailAing; Ar- - nold's Writing Fluid, Shoe' ,Blickiiigi,Stilack ing; Lead Pencils, Oillott's Steel Poil; Writing Piiper; Flour Scivoi, Meal Sakai; Sugar Seiveiand Wire Cloth; Cooking-Stoves, Nine Plate Stoves,, Coal Stoves; Carriage Lining, Carriage Lace, old Carriage Trimming; together with a large and careftilly;selocied stock - of Cabinet. and .Saddlery: Hardware, All who desire to buislioap arc invited, to call and: examine my goods"atire purchasing' elsewhere,. as I sin deiermided sail 'as cheap . ' al usual, notwithstanding the advitnce of .soaxe.,kinda of goods. The sulscribt , r would hero take occasion to return his sincere ihants to the public forfotmof avors;and hopes, by fair dealing 'and Cheap good.;, to merit a continuance of the same.: ripr2s WM. El. 13IZOTHPFLTOX.) SPRING MILLINERY I • Aries. C.,L. itOLLINBERGER W. IP IJ L! !MOM, the Lad 193 of :WaynesboriV and vicinity, that she its return+ ed her . 3lii• Jittery Store to the building opposite the residents; of Win. l'. - Weitgley, and Ida ju.t tedeiyed - New York - and Philadelphia her supply nein' , MIL Y net 'stock - consists' 5 of l' . ll.liN Mises' sin) cape. _Head 'Dresses, ivith Ilsoirity" by htilliners ! Tite - ladWirgt l C,ltkajted te,,eo.ll.eut examine hey neiff..goodS. . . , rr inn underei;nett again - Offers himself to( the U- ~,' U s 1 nion,itopnblicanXonventiort of Ode county as , r N.eindidate for. the StierflialtY.• - - :having_ received ‘nextto tag rashesl. number Of votes last titue,lier. DeCtfully nakii tuts influvacoandioien of thoui firrotaa. .bie to. hie - ninnination't . -±iyokiNii*askkitleed,eit =:'.i kkrot ,Foi)liiiig6 .4iinoet,(to : •..d isa , " " • • AiiiiiiC.*llll4 dirinnikbePii 6 o lll o,,fit.)6:-.:' - ` . ::s::ii = - •'.Y . '-`\. - !7 '''', ,: - ,..-•? - 4 ,, , -,. ,-....1 - ': - , ' - x.5.,..:- .I.IPACV4 s4o4 o in i t."::: 7 -.• w i ionnik In': .ay 2, 186*..' • , . .. ''., -...,.....,-,, s' . ,,ii : ~..., ' 1V yr ,votit a taattliWcitlionvar a ~gt• A 4 . by*, Wies_Awnoi.iuTr To HIP Ce ; ti ...pprAft _vT341111,-4d.: _ . vic .....,,, Witi . OUNO, do you , want to'itee, the' nicea 40 015itty;,_ ~ irteni:'ol , Piaxa lasad, rsiicy.l . Viasituelleili' '''': ' ainCeliod; call at. ~' ppvt . : -Pia9ll, • .- ~ ?' - 5 . 4 ., ,' - ';-: , ` , '-' ,,. .' , GEO. STOVER; SPRING ANTI, 41infl19iilit 4,r:ccmtiusixmosmi . iron LLDIE3 l'wee(l4, ;Sheri - A*4,s ny,....,i.,-,:.;,::1,,'