Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, May 23, 1862, Image 4

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We haVe litthriin4iititYiit iiii iAiiiiii
Abitißrale• attpliTeasiliiiiialffe-inli,ntAnt‘
itlll l oit th* - 0 0 . 41' I t :te ;then il*.Onatnent
. 41V.Ota, soo44,4,thein love ,441,Et ;1 , 0,e,!'a-.,, ,
geti mid, use
,them; others think a isleneath
_ t mix. dign'tylo 'thanifeat much interest in
, :the Teinpe - neelefnint., But thoe are ex
-- -*ptiothiati - 0 -- -WW.Woric": 7- Charles • Cin oil,
erVaria:lton, the tr2a i - of patEiotie renown,
agent - he use - ottirilenkepirits for,--the space'
of twelve mostha; 'as 'suggested by his friend i
for'his health; said i "GeatletneN , _ the exper
ience of. many years has 'tough me that I can
do withouthrandy,,snd the trial of its use
for a single year has Convinced MS.ll:4„ . qt , if:_l
continue it„.l. tan by no ; menus' folfee what .
It will do with Mo:'
i : Thorriasleffetsbn said, the habit of using
aideitt SPiiiii I,Y IL :Win public office Veg.-m
-e sion _d more injury to ,he Jublie service,
gld m ire trouble t.l me t inn any other ei:-
. ennistance which haS oceured during my ad-,
ministration, and weie- I to conimence my
administration ng&n with the knowledge,
.9 which from experience I have acquired, the
'lst question whch I would asky . with regard
to every candidate for public office should
he, is be addicted to the use of ardent spirits.
The Hon. Felix 'Grundy, formerly U . .- S.
Senator from Tennessee, gave it as his opin
ion that four-fifths of the crimes committed
in the 'United States can be traced to intern-
Terance. Said the Hon. Daniel Webster,
'No'hing less, certainly, can be said of in-
temperance than that it is a ffreat-vice,-an
in an extraordinary degree the parent and
concomitant of other great ,vices. It, strikes
~ft blow, a deadly blow on all ' the capacities
and Sensibilities of the mind. 'lt renders It
alike incapable or pious feelings, of social
regard, and of chanesac. affection !" The
lion. William Wirt 'expressed himself thus:
"It is no exaggeration
. 11_,) say, as it has often
been said, that iutemptcrance has produced
more vice, crime., poverty, and wretchedness,
in every form, domestic and social, than all
the other ills that scourge us, combined."—
Chief Justice Taney.bears the strongest tes
thminy against the promiscuous sale of ar
dent spirits, and says,_ "I see nothing in the
Constitution of the United States - to prevent
a State from regulating and restraining .the
traffic, or from prohibiting it altogeter if it
thinks proper." The Hou. Lewis Cass, ° the ,
Hon. Edward Everett, Judge Mlictur,tulge
Grier, and others, have expressed their ful
lest and firmest conviction of the pernicious
effects resulting from the sale and use of in
toxicating drinks. Is the testimony of these
.1"-N,men true or fibre: What answer does oh
serration and long and bitter experience
compel us to give'? - .
A Faithful Dog..
Lieutenant Pfieff, killed at the battle to Shi
loh, was buried at Chicago a few days ago.
that city, remarks:
Abeautiful and touching incident is con
nected with the manner in which Mrs. Pfieff
was enabled to discover_the place where her
husband had been buried upon the battle
field. She visited the field, armed with a
pass from- General ffallack, but no one could
possibly inform her of the place whore , he
bad been buried, as such a large number, of
both friend and the, had been interred upon
the same gr.•utul. She remained about halt'
a day, and was about giving up in despair,
when she espied, at the distance of nearly
half a mile, a' large dog comming rapidly to
wards whicl e ; she immediately recogniz
ed as the same which had accompinerhree
husband to the war. lie approached het
with the most intense manifestations of joy,
and immediately indicated to her, as well us
he was able, his desire that she should follow
him, She did so, and he led the way to sa
distant part of the field,.and stopped before a
single grave. She caused it to be opened ;
and there found the body of her dead hus
band. It appears from the statement, of
some of the soldiers that at the time Lieut.
t • • dog was by his side, and there
remai , icking his wounds, until he was
taken. from the field and buried, He then
took his station by the grave, and nothing
could induce him to abandon it but for a
sufficient length of time mush day to -satisfy
his hunger, until, by some means, he was
made aware of the presence of his Mistress.
Thus had he watched' for twelve days by the
Rye of his slain master. This is certainly
one of the most wonderful instances of can
ine sagacity on record. When the body was
conveyed to this City this wonderful animal
took up his position by the box containing
the,reumins, and no persuasion could induce
him to leave it, until its arrival here.
Some dile was telling an Irishman that a
fellow had eaten ten saucers of iee; ereanr,.
whereupon Pat shook his bead. "So you
don't believe it?" With a nod, Pat answer
ed, "I . belave in the erame, but not in the
A young 'lrian 'Minted the yotuge'st of
three marriageable daughters, but the old
gentleman flew into a violent rage, declaring
that if he wished to get into his family, he
must' take them as they' come, the-oldest first.
"Down with the Yankees 1" etchtims the
New Orleans delta ; to which. Prentice res
ponds, "Don't be impatient—you'll find
they will be down soon enough - for your com
The Louisville journal says that the dis
charge of our duty at the present time in
volves the discharge of cannon and serail
arms. • - •
If a man is murdered by his hired mon,
should the coroner render a -verdict *killed
loy'hisown hands?
Thom is a terrible war feeling throughout
the whole of America—even the new - born
infants are in arms.
Good reoruirig, Ebuith, you look sleepy.--•
Yes, replied Smith; I was up all night. Up
where? Up stairs to bed.
alongiongue is even harder to conceal
than a long -nose. .
At,villat , tbne of :day was Adam created?
.little before, Eve.
• why is lift the ,riddle of xiddles? 8e
cam0.3.41 -
• -101 - mothy seed
Ifggzsrvillsait4ii.:litis,now for sale .40,1tiStosisi;‘,..,,
PlinWT4 l,l 9
mtf ' irersoas in want of seed . ..far'
eirnitostimporeilogaesteli;to level= weall •
• • 11EN4r1E. PRICE-
'ATintehl.'yon etitTtltniliteulotrt er,
tqiet d iri
A'weilla a risYrer..t,oltl •11 Yate4 , •••-
'`dro,itutd iha-Anittit*fdaliVeutta,"'- •
• • WliNe the'llig• Red Hari, the 'Sign is; , •
There's - the best Cook Stoves, and 'Fip-*are,
All sold cheap-hy-I.lz-B. -
". L .IFrotn Bong itiataatha.„ •
HE'lindersigned itsfori s the-public in genera
and efliecially those of l is oistomirs in . want of
anything in' his line of bush ' , tit:, that he has emit
pfeted and isitow occupyin his new and extensive
ly enlarged establishment lb ho
Manufacini*e and Sale
• - •
a.. . -
lie is now prepared to, supply any demand for his
Cook Stoves. general Houselceeping Goods and
Eitehen ii - irre,mt such terms as must give entire
satisfaction. •
offered areare of the best and mast improved kinds,anil
having been tried are acknowledged to be all that
can be Ilesired as good cookers and bakers, and are
easily kept, clean.. .
• His Own MANUFACTURE)) WARE hi all made wit ix
view to the wants of customers front the best ma -
rift! and is warranted in all cases to be good. e
also keeps a large assortment of fancy articles.
ga:r Itipec ia I attention is given to putting up
SPOUTING, made of the - ekest tin, for houses and
barns, in which be hos had ai long and extensive
Itemomber the sign of the Big Red Born.
Aug. 9, MO L. I RITSSIi
VO. lIE subscriber, thankful .6)r pa s t patrimsge,still
solicits the same; u m selditsm to manutuctu
ri»g ah kiwis ot worked .
Malarial for Building Purpose%
sorb os
I tun prepared" to furnish all kinds of oak liinbe
for different purposes in building, sueli as
All of which will he snwed to order, at short notice
and upon reasonable'terms. •
Also, sawing, by mill and circular saws, of every
description done; Framing, Surfacing, Matching,
Flooring, &c., &C. For funbter particulars apply 0
the subscriber, at Factory two miles southeast of
Jan. 17., 1861
jV( ISS M. C. RESSEli.informs the Ladies o
Woynesboro' an! vicinity that she has re
moved her Millinery Store to the dwelling hove
Main Street, adjoining the residence of Mr. Jacol
Wolf, aryl has just received from the Eastern Cit
ies a full assortment of •
Bonnets. Hats, Bonnet Trimniings,
and other articles' usually kept by Milliners. The
Ladies are requested" to call, and oxamine fier stock
Arill 1'62
_ _
As the Rebel 41 is now on its last legs, and
nearly over, we thonght right to announce to
the publit that we will grind Grists of 20 bushels
or upwards either fur pay ,or Toßsepartely,and than
we have on hand all kinds of FEED, CORN in
ear or shelled, or in MEAL sifted or not. Also—
Oats by the bushel or in any way that it may be
wanted;.—also, Midiin s, Shipsturr and Bran, Corn
in Cob Choppmfat stir 6 notice. Plaster by the ton,
or bushel on hand. Still in the mwaket for Wheat.
We can always do up_good work like it was done
at Island No. 10, and.latsburg Landing.
NA 7 lIEREAS, -Letters of Administration, orr the
Estate of Kate S. Baisley, late of Waynes
boro', loomed, have been granted to• the subsbri
ber, n II persons indebted to the Estate,are requested
to make immediate payment, and those having
claims or demands against the Estate of said dece
dent, will make konwn tbe same, without delay, to
BALSI.EY, Adair,
Important to Farmers -
Tnsubscriber takes iiris.method of announcing
of the Farmers and others, Ora he has on hamf
a let of DWARF BROOM CORN seed*, along with
some specimens of the corn. This is an excellent
article of Broom Corn, and-should be raised by ev
ery ono. He has also a full assortment of fresh
Mugs, 111 , 3dieines, Chemicals, &c.
, P. S. I am soiling Cranberries at 12} cents pe
van, Mar. 14
Light Lights ! !
THE cheapest Light in use can be harat
STONEHOUSE'S Hardware Store
Nov t.
Smoke Stack for Sale,
.„ 1 , 1
THE subscriber has n henvy Iron Smoke Stack
3:3 feet long and 16 inches in diameter, which
he will dispose of upon reasonable terms. Post Of.
glce address, Quincy, Pa-
TEROSENE LAMPS.—AII kinds for stde by
IN D. B. liliSS LL, sign of the 9ig Red
orn." rch 1.1
TO FA101.611.6.
TEES. Shovels, Spades, Hoes, Forks, Rakes;
Oldanure Drags, &c., &c., at prices that will defy
competition. Call and see for yourselves, at
Tft - B . ET - dOttlt - STOVE
in therniurket to be had at the sign of the
Big Reg Horn
For sale at the Store of W. H. Bucerfigarom
Scps .
12 clean 'OP
IF you want a goo_d chew of Tobaceio, earl at
apr4 j , PRICE'S
ADIES. if you want to see a nice assort miin
IA of DRESS GOODS, call at - Putee's
April 4
you sraut tO see a large assortment of shawls
1 ball at ' ' rapr4 Pagen's
Yyou 'want a cheap pair of Cingreea Gaiters,
eon at apr4:- - Paors'a
you want GOOD Wheel Grease, buy it at
0F 26 13UoTuunToN'a
F yen stencil:le cheapest SW of list
" • • Apr 4 • . • • Palos's:
I lisiyelotintle At
,Dec2o -
%log want a Bice tEthak*,.citil ttt •
• C - %; . •••
LAMS aria -
- ,
4, t
0 0111 1 110TrON Alat
rAlitt eustom
er*:l44 has re-
CIS II tly . k:oi-;P„rnit , and confee
tionarius, nod lire now tip) finest p.ooriment of
e.tret%)Yrfingitt--,tts": y-OriteBboru',:willf 4
i3ARS, TOBACCO, etc., 'etc., • '
- 0 Y E ft, 8 - -
Helot; aftia - otai;l s Uti nt al.fiine'S the Oysters
th . e atrord, which - Will he .served up to
custotnerS Pried, Roasted tts, Slowed.,
he is likewise • preWt4. furnish itath
hough,wand Ludwig's ALE,' and a stiperior article
of Scotch Ale and Crab Apple (tiler, with a ptime
article of Rologn9 Sausage,
.Boiled Eggs, and all
other articles usually kept in first class Restaurants
A genuine article of Vinegar always for Sale.
Novi 1.. S. FISHER.
THE undersigned respecttutly . announcei to the
public generally that be,is still at the old
stand' ou Church St w sere
to continues the manufacturing of Family
Buggies, tiarouches, Wagons,. and every species
of velneh-s worldly made in, such, establishinkitts.-
- "His wcrk is warranted to becomposed of the
best anti most durable material, and none but
the most experienced workmen are employed.—
lie has now est hood a number of Carriages, Ifug
gies, ac., dm, which he will positively sell at
griattly reduced prices for cash, .or upow a short
credit. By keeping a good sleek at all times, and
always holding himself' ready to supply the de
mands of the people believes to retain ansi secure
a liberal share of patronage.
Repairing, Trimming, and Painting done in the
best manner, and at the shortest notice. .
Lumber, Country Produce, &c., will be taken in
exchange for work. J.ACOB ADAMS.
11% li. The Books' of the firm of J. & A. S. Ad
ams, ars the hands of the undersigned. Persons ,
knowing themselves indebted are requested to make
Tine' 1, 18111.
r HIS is acknowledged to be One of the most re
.iriarkable ot• Inumin productions that has ever
been offered to the American people. The style is
chaste and truly eloquent. The subject treated of
i s of the most inspiring: "The Unite. States in
Prophecy: For sale by d F KURT"/.
D. F. (G 001)
;."• •XlglVAMltllliVittfreitt=4l4
`c i s
DRAPE a k,
llas constantly for salt a full assortment qfN
00 DS:
IN GOODS for Gentlemen's ware. N.
arLatest City Fashions always on hantl2.X
:cab ' l'u
yi oru ,
?TIDE subscrber respectfully announces to his
j_ friends and the public generally that he has o
peneel_a Livery t...table in Wavnesboro, and is now
prepared to accommcslate Cie public generally with
' 11111151 S & VERIELIS,
at the shortest notice, day or night.—
. • Persons desirous at hiring. either for
of driving, would do well to give him a call.
His stock has been selected with great care as re
garde gentleness 111),1 speedy traveling; and his bug
gies and carriages are all in• good condition.
The above stock will be kept at the :Stable of ISr.
John Oellig.' Persons wishing to fire will please
apply to the undersigned at liowden's Hotel.
V V Society will pay the following rates of in
terest per annum,on all sums deposited in the In
stitution. For 3 months, 2.per cent.; from 3 to 6
months, 3 per cent.; from 9 to 18 months, 4 per
cent; and over 18 months, 4i per cent. For a
shorter period than 3 months t e terms wil be
made kown by the Treasurer.
Notes for diacountshould be handed to
.the se
urer Tuesday, as the Board of Directors meet
mularly on Wednesday of each week,at go'cloek
A.M. By order of the Board,
_ June 17 '5B JNO. PHILIPS Treasurer,
Notice—New rirm.
subm!riber haring disposed of his entire
Stock of Goods to Messrs. Golliflower & Clog
ston, notifies all persons indebted to him on Store
Books to settle their accounts with and pay the a
mount of their indebtedness to either John P. Study
or Daniel Bricker. The new tirui will contitrue 'the
business us heretofore: A. S. MONN,.
Quincy, Jan. 31, 1862.
Mentzer's Horse & Cattle Powder
y M. STONER having purchased of Mr
• Mentzer, the recipe for making the above
far , fained Morse and Cattle Powder,for Pennsylva
nia and Maryland, takes this method of infostwing.
the farmers, drovers, &c., that he has on hand Mid
intends keeping a good supply always on baud.
Country merchants and otherskeeping such articles
fcr sale, would do well to supply themselves with a
quantity. lie will sell it on commission or for cash
cheap. Orders will be punctually atteaded
11113.• 31. •
r. I, 1862.
Ready-Made Clothing !
AS. ADAMS wouldspeetf illy inform his
, patrons and the politic generally that he has
returned twin the Eastern cities with a general as
sortment of heady-Made
D B. ItuitistA.
embracing all the latest styles of Coats, Pants,Vests,
Shirts, Collars, Nccties, Suspenders, etc, etc.,all of
which are well made. The .public are cordialy in
vited to call and examine his goods, as he is deter
rerurined to sell at short profits.
He will continue to curry on the birsiness
of Tailoring as heretofore. Persons desiring gar
ments cut out or wade up are invited to. give him a
Latest fashions received regularly.
‘t:LbtiltArli eu,upe it CU'l'Tkato,
The beaks use For Bale by
Novil B. IS. YBOXEI - .; Age.
MU:SU Mackerel at
,"A Mu 28
y dmuaaeoa, Bitgraile? & Ca'e.
0 - 4CI-153 , *:—Dried Poikcimii.,,i i ,e*red .r fTdl o n, s a7
:.r 341 at Alcamo's-Malone dr , IL%
Tooth 'said Nail Jirushe
gum Hat, 1131,
very , l ow _ by M. M
just received and k", •' ' , m a y,l3,
is WIE.Ii. ,
'.~.~ ~Uli7yL'B
.want n prep, Summer , call at
apr4 Plues'u
- CA- -iliA*A E; - 4 .:, : . ," .7 ,' ..i,:,7
DC*IIICC of A ruin ggedon.
To Capita lists.
i , :;;; 4 4, , ,,
-•-. • I '' :T.,.. , '''i ~,,,... {* 4
, -‘,. A',' , ' ''' i• :. ..',r,fl -,,,';':,, ''' 44 1 i s l:`,*4r #.O. ~
' . ' 4. '''Ci ~.A4 'L ' ':4 , 14 - i ':
44 f./§4',f,-'l',:•"'i• - :'
- ; OttAIN 'IA:PA - 11,1Tb% C LEA EU
...AND4LAGEIER • r--
• - • , • • .:bti TOR
. „
Latest inziwored• Thresher aut Triple Gear
ed iforsti Powers, Driving either .by Gear
of Pelt, all- furnished' Complete
reads to peynt on
I; the undersigned, desire to c.tli the attention o
Farmers and Tioreshertnen of Frankling and:adjoin
ing counties to it. This tfachine has been before
the "Addle for seven years, during which time it •
has given, general satisfaction, and the patentee
having- made . some very important improvements
which render it still more complete, both for elead
separating and cleabing, and also for ease of
draught aturftst threshitg. I take pleasure in re
that at wall
give the, begtiol antis
three different sizes, as follows: "
No. Ik i 8 horse Power,will thresh and dean from
200 to 5 bushels per day.
Na 2 is 5 to 6 horse power, will thresh and dean
from 150 to 300 bushels per day
No. 3 is 4 to 6 horse power, will thresh owl clean
Iroi»•_100 to 200 I...s'bele per tiny.
• These Macitmes are warrained to du the above,'
and do it much better in every respect than any
other machine in use.
Grain having much light filth in it cleaned n this
Machine is worth from 2 v. 3 cents more per bush
el than when cleaned on any other separator or the
common way of cleaning on hand fans. 'or this
reason there is net the eighth yartof light matterin
the grain as when cleaned on the riddle principle.
The blast acts freely on all the grain as it !mires the
shues, whereat, when cleaned will: riddle that'll&
vantage is lost
This machine does.nOi return the tailends as
most of.the separators do.' By returning filthy tail
ends ulternately iv is impossible to make merchanta
grain, Another important feature in this machine
that others of the kind have not, is the Self-acting
Blast Reg Water in the fan, which remedies all dif
ficulties in bad cleaning, blowing grain in the chaff
in high speed or irregular driving, which- cannot be
avoided in cleaning grain by horse power
lioisMachine as also,pore durable and less tedious
t o manage than. any i►ther Separator and acaner,or
the common machine with shaker.
Orders to insure their being filled until harvest
should be sent in immediately.
I am fully prepared to make to order and on short
notice Portable and.titationed
Stoves and Plow castings,also cast iron and wrotiglitt
iron pipe for afeanrsor water, and Brass castings of
every description; in a word, I ana prepared to do
everything usually done in a foundry and machine
shop. Having supplied myself with the latest im—
proved machinery, such as Lathes, Boring, Planing
anti Drilling Machines, persons can rely ou having
their work done in the most sa'isfactory manner.—
I am also prepared to manufacture to order ma
chinery for wood, such as Tonging: and Greying
machines thr flooring, Surface, Tenet's and Mould
ing machines, &c.
I also otthr to the public a new and valu
able improvement in my steam engines, made
within the last year, viz: for the economizing of
fuel, and the regulation. of speed., which renders my
new engines far superior to the old engines,
- All my madhifies are sold under warrantee. htst
hams are all experierxed workmen in this line'ot
business, and, use all good material, so that lam
perfectly safe in warranting all i tny work.
I um also prepared to do repairing in workman
like warmer, on the shortest notice. Orders solicit
ed and promptly attended to. All orders sent in
for repairing must he accompanied with the cash
For particulars and circulars descriptive of
chine, address ODOiltOti FRICK,
Or DAritim Geragn, Proprietor of Territory and so
hector of orders, Waynesboro' Franklin Cu. Pa.
April 18=-tf
1 rill E undersigned having opened. n.%Vatch: and
Jewelry Store, in the new building on the
corner of the Diamond, and having . recently rel 1-
from.Philtielphia, wont l inthr in the reside nts u
Way nestmro' and the public generally, that lie has
now on hand a tine assortment of
lirning had considerable experience at Watch
rep thing, he is prepared to• du all mirk promptly
in. the Gest wanner turd guarantee the perform:mes
a it,
An assortment of spectacles, and 'spectacle glasses
always un hand. Jewelry repaired in the neatest
P. S.—Old Silver taken in vxcluing,e for goods,
3D. -10130.3EZTC:f33,
FFETM his services to the public generally.—
A Operations ref every description in the dental
line performed in the beat manner arid upon reason
able terms.
Office on Main Street; three doors East of the
Dinmond• ••`?,. Apr 4•
• Cheap alad'lleatttiful Light.
NO. 1 Carbon Oil—pure and non-explosive—
warranted to burn without emitting any smell
if used in the
of the latest styles and improvements;—all sold
CuzAs roa Cask et the sign of the . ,
BIG •RED HORN; - • '
Apr. 4 .
1).13. RUSSELL.
- ditst Received! „
At "BROTHERTON'S" an assortment of
Pruning Shears,
Pruning Knives,
Pruning :law and Chisel,
Priming tlaw,.
Jimltling. Knives; `.
For sale . chertp-2:..: 0 : i; ,
Apr/14 " : •
A. S. A.
13tilMg titifee;Sug4s, Tea Ind C. eese at
004 - • ' • 41K80911 ° 11
11 It UNlAt'lii,l4 ANL
,4:#l,tts - pei pound ac
' -
Ai.AHO atiiiisiaiiiait 41 , p -T11,4
, sign - of tba Dig lied !Torn.
deal) '6O D. 11..Itssata.
21111 manufacturing
CLOCKS„ &c &c
fl e tt ti,,1.41: - ~; ei
::, '', ~,t , , ? :..,.. 1 ...... 4; ' .- • '.'-' . ' !..‘tr k. H ?.'
r: ' ' w ', ' - 1-14 4.'" '''.
~4j F - ' fli
1. $ ;.',.,V.1:, 'pAt . , .. 1 :1,;;;.'.A ,, -.':': rirq-.., , ,..,.., ti 4 , ,, .:,- ,4vii, , ,4,...., 0
,- *, •,,- ,
,f , " -,.,..'? - i '" '';:•-'"' 1 ').' ,:',:, ':' . .i,'",. - ..i i .„,
, f -. ,- ; ; '4,ifq,'„ 4 „ :1, '.. - -t.:55;..,-,..e'.„,,,Y1tt. r-1 1- . --- , ..'r, i ~,,,;
, t.. , r,. !Si IP: Ilitoli lin I' . ! :,-,:::-f"'
' 1 1 l' ' 'C';;;k:,'' lii ) 1 CY -1 Ili! Oi. I '
.Confectioncry ) . FrultsrAgok' ' ', at.) ALP,!,
THXobseribiltlies thiiititethotkor.nnnoutreing
to the?Peopleitiat he. hitoceciiivil'il itt
Storer' 4arefulf,i/ilintettot i titnck of
• .7 .
titiasit DRUGS ,
'hemicals, Patent Midicines, Paints Oils, bye
1,%/Irn••Niiiltd(lw , iciUm,,Putly, Tobacco, §Inull; am!
Beitara;:ifcci, which he is noio,',prePareil -to;' 'so
cheap as tbe iheamt and , assure his enstOin
-ere-that in regard
portonce, ,M4 . in t the
He has also a oplentlid,naaortaseat of Pezfornety,
Toilet.. Articles.
, . . . .
'of sH kinds, consisting invert of the following, :silt
wader,' - - H. • -: . • . .
anther and Bears' Oil . , , - .. -: • • •
Colognes, .. , ,' -
Extracts for the Handkerchief,
Lyon's Kathainm, .• , ..; .
" Burnet's Cocoaine; ,
.. • _Harrison's Ladies', Soap, . '
Honey Soap,
Hotel soap,
-Diamond White Soa•
Cranberries Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Currants,
Dates, Citron, Lemons, Nuts of all kindis,
cad .Candies of every varitAy. ' -
Kerosene Lumps, Lamp globes, and Brushes,
Kerosene Oil. bamphine, Alcohol; Burning
and in fact anything and everything that is usually
found in a drugstore.
Thonkcul for kind favors ant patronage hereto.
I fare bystowevl npan.Lien ) ho s olicits a continuance of
the sante4and hopes that by entleavoribgeto please,
he ?nay win the confidence of the people.
ioe or
Physicians' prescriptions ' omptly and carefully
compounded at all hours. J. F. KURTZ.
nor .29, 1800 - '
• TIIE WAR OF 1776.
rrillE name "Continental" sous more dear to
the Americart heart, thnn'arlykof the Uoyal
blood, even should it be a Prince.
So all you that went a good Cooking St ove that
burns either coal or wood, call ut '
on& ask. for the Continental, which is one of the
best stoves in market, anti by far the cheapest.-- It
takes a long stick of wood'and is provided with fire
brick to burn coal. It is one of the best baking and
cooking Stoves dm t has ever been offered for sale.
It is a fittliking§ltimand..iiLmully-kept-eles-
W • hArml. and
Whit - ye-a large assortment on hand, and wit
give better bargains than , any, other house in the
country. SO to prove that my name is nut Gen.'
Bragg call and see for yonrseives.
Also on hand Heating Stoves , such as
11111 Hai nil COAL STdVE
for shop or parka., ell of which I will sell very low
You will also find a large assortment of
with Copper, Brass and Sheet-Iran Ware, which
is all of my own make, and which has been ggoven
cannot be found better
her I arrilMiTrid — to sell cheap, so all that want anv
thing in my line, give me a call. My shop is still
at the old place on Main Street. under the Printing
Mouse Spouting!
done at an times and of the best double tin
Feeling very thankful for the many past favors I
have received from the public, I would invite all to
give me• a call,.for then you. can see for yourselves
where to get bargains.
Old metal taken at rounilmPrices in exchange
fiur new stoves. W. A. TRH' I.E,
Mar.2B Waynesboro':
Dealer in pll the variety of Dru ; sra,
cinea, Yankee•jVotions, Perjumery,
Liquors for medicinal
pin:poses. Oils,
4,c., 4.c.,
-,, T OULD toiler his thanks to the community.
N A and still soli it the patranage of a generous
public who want anything in his line. - - Inasmuch
as he has enlarged his stock so as to be enabled to
amwer all calla for anything and everything usual
ly bound in a Drug Store, and has a, thorough ac
quaintance witli.the business, he hopes, to gain the
'confidence of the Coram-uniry. H will pay par
licular attention to tilling physicians' Precriptions,
and more care and precaution used in,waiting, up
on chldren than adults.
FREEI Dili NEE 11361.
Choice Wines and Liquors for medicinal and
sacramental purposes, Patent IVledieittes are endless_
in variety, including all that have been mode up to
this- dote and some that are yet in embryo. .Also
White Lend, Zinc, Paint, Whiting and Varnishes
for house building or inside work. besides all eizes
of Glass. Commercial, Note, Fools Cap and-Letter
Paper always on hand, with a variety of Envelopes
of different sizes and cornet Brushes, Combs,
Pomade, Fancy Soap, Hair Oil; Colognes, Essen
ces, Flavoring Extracts, and namerous articles in ,
the Fancy line on hand and offered for sale, cheap
er than ever offered before
Also's' large assortment of Kerosene Oil Lamps,.
Chjoneys; Shades and Wittlts, and Kerosene Gil to
fill them. A general •assortment of Fuits and
Confectionaries, Tobacco and Cigars.
MHE undersigned having leased the well-known
JL Coachmaking Establishmentof Alex. Hamilton,
on Mechanicastrect, Waynesbon4 respectfully an
nounce to theilnds and the public generally, that
they purpose carrying on the business in all its
branches, and are now prepared to manufacture to
order all kinds of
Carriages, Buggies, liarouckes,
Bprng Wagons, &c. (Ike., of .the best Material, and
made ay superior workmen. -
kinds done at reasonable - Wks, promptly and to the
*Won of customers.. • - 1
, • .
11#TRY PRODUCE) taken in exchange for
work at market prices. ,
lar Pinions 4lesitickg articles or work in the Coach
snaking line, are respectfully invited to give them a
vall.. L. K. MORRISON,
14ttr. 8.
_I 2 .EN bliun is, Arctic rappers, and Whin
kfri'ontfortOle fixing for cold P puler as
11,44 - IiKSORea.
1 4 /GS al 12 antl,2b coati i pox nor cd at
•nov. 29. • . Suatleo.
yr you want a nice pair of gauntlets fr00a , 376 to
1 $1.25, calf at . [aprit. - Putos'a
1- ..,,,!,-,_ - iir k O,O5OOO 4O lO StAr
) '''',"4.l 24 , AVAT.Miltilillet•T, -,
.....i.,,,,.. e ...., ~„4„..., „if
Tfilm's° 7 7',A 'WIT P.,".."0". or s vl 1 11
.8,101/100iiktie4 : 0 a or, he aviation of three,
40`olhe lottilit %AVIV . ' yoar. ,"
ADvinITIO Vo.l24l.i—Ten linos, threirinipv I t
Cons $.11; Fot eve — h i gorent inserttosy 25 celitk,',
OrPotent 'red Ole . anti' other city advsitht;
toonte to, tle.,paht,',.ol2.4l4*.teßY;sitt.ativattFo/t.r ''' "
_ ......
TO THE-, • vi:}e:
rrl RE iitstnidritlei- *ouilfaisifiWietllib' Ali:Ong of
Wariesboro' e and theviblio, atat 60 oom-
inott4it tbe,-- a ktierttiNititibittimi. l o l ohe
of Kurtz's Hotel, where be .wtil at .4 tiines - be in
readiness to acconanetilitttt 11141)**.twaY give Ithrb
tt, call. , - ,
'BOOTS 'AND - 81-1043! •—•• " . 7 .
Anode to oriler.i on short tiotico t of the best,tenteria e
anlupoi She nit toittiii;;
Oct 25,
. ,
.Reeommencialione from the Faculty of Princeton
(renege. N. tf; • t •
• Pmtme'ron, N. 4,-Peb. 20t14.)481..
The undeisigoed are happy to testify, thtli
of the Fayetteville Academy, 1 4 a. have - maintained.
'a high standing 'among the recent graduates' of the.
College of New , Jetsey..— -
F'resident•bf the College..
JOHN T. DUP'FIELD,•• : • .
Piofessor of Matbe:rnatica.
1 / 4 i?..118 subscribers. would informcdhe, citizens of
lA Waynesboro', that they have 'opened a Plow,
Feed-and Provision Store lit the room formerly oi3•
cupied by Joseph Price,. opposite the residence of
John Bell, where they will at all times have for
!LORI, 01111 MIA MlCKifillit MR
Also, R ye, Wheatland Barley by.. the bushel or. hie
smaller quantities, anti, other articles usually kept'
in such estiblishments. All Flour and Mill Stull.
wilVbe sold. at Mtm, Pltlo.lo von CAsit,
The highest cash prices paid for wheal, rye'
corn and - oats. • DANIEL- SIVIVELY;
Feb 14 —tl WM. H. FUNK.
Dr. - Jacobs, Marbangli & Co's.
"For Man, and B
T ' an.l.bost external remedy etstr o
lered to the parlic. Iforesie-by-.F. .1. Krutze
Druggist. Waynesboro and by Druggists 'in the
county generally. I.4'Price 25 cents pfir bottle..
December 13. '6o ly
- DIXON'S' • • -
The cheapest article
. in the world. Unrivalled`
in Ecy,Homy. Peivanetitiji Lestrouii. The only.
place ift getit is at .• • BROTHERVOWS.
March 22.
continental Hotel , " "
TIIE undersigned having recently titken:the
bove named .11otuse; formerly known as the.
"(Hobe Inn." takes" pleasure in announcing to his•
friends and the piddle that he is- prepared to faCOIVI3%
and entertain Gii. sts in a style not to be excelledt
by. any country lintel: The /louse having been.
thoteughly repaired and newly furnished with eve--
'ry thing calculated to make his guests • comfortable
-the public may. rest assured that they will at all
times find it ins condition suited to the comfort and
convenience of the traveler., Hie Bar is always sup—
plied with the choicest Liquors, and his Table with
the best the markets atEtril, and all other appliances.
suitable and necessary 'fur' the accommodation of%
men or beast. With faithful anmFobliging servants
and his own personal attention and supervision,,he
will leave no mean* wavered to Merit public pa
tronage. , • ,
The proprieturassures- those who may favor hiin•
with their patronntre that they shall ever Mee" at•
his housea cordial reception, and that everything es--
sential to the convenience and happiness o
guests shall lie attended M._ • -- --
June 21, 1860 La. 'METZ
A RE again reminded of his recent tour, to the-
II Eastern Cities, and-of the reception of his - fine
stock of • -,
Ca .res . and Ve.t.
4.1 lugs. -
. All of the- MOST FASHIONABL STY t. t rA. --
His stock of TRENCH CLOTOB d CASRI---
MERES he calls particular attention toy as the
best in ttsiivn. Also, one of the best assortments of
Finissmtaso Glosca in town—all ready for theii in
spection- and, benefit, and kindly asks a call from all
persons desirious of b uying Goods is. his line, at es.
• ttemely
.next &orto. \
14,de/fall:A liagersownyMtl..• [Jan. 3, 18614
CI B. PRICE infarins his cOtomers anti the
pubic generally that he - has removed his.
Barber Shop to the Basement of Mr. Kartaes.Hotel,.
formerly occupied by him as a Bather Shop, where
he will Shave, Cut, and Dress Hair as heretofore.
(live hitu a call. Nov. 22-- , tf.
TEN ' / 34;%-
py's heavy hoots and Shoes at
;. • Bssoftes.
A and.
N 6
i 0,1.4
Cuitt.ibi Fixtures at
AN excellent article of Syrup for 50 eta. per gal
at (004
.ilEs. .• ,
buyV9!!.tl 6 ,llo.‘Ario„ . ::"'"°: l 3:pz,l: 4 4.,t;
m 31'0 N it, Drags' bt
I . )kIPPOR and
. nov 29 at
)ra'Aqat bzll,lit.: a i
nov. 29
LARD,O ANS.,. at the sigh of tho Big' Red Hor
tlee24 . J). U. Hearn:,
LIOR SAW 011' FOit REpiT,--i•A 1'444-#l4ta
x stove. • gyp ' it PliW.E'd Store , :
OetlB _Amy
1:1 Oct ,
iaidesed goads nl
UTHERAN Almanacs at
TIP 'you want to wee tho latgetit'autottibout - ot Cixt.
pets towit, ut ' • APO - ..150610C
'IF you WAikt is Puntim * ** l * PPP:
1. . 31 1 to $4.4Xt.c01.k at &pa
i FOl: p lia.
i ls4 ,
, r!eaus . Mobilises
Processor of Greek.
er, ground & ungrouna
. KuaTz'a.
Ant koni