~~,,. ,M ,~ `. ~ ~7•.... rriiP tilt WisititAi k • MOW • , • • 4.40E111 'nlil, - .B.lkiti.bos plaiyototo; 1.. L nut A, roll:It:a by. - Wins With! live in illiazne.44 6 WIN% all-aitiunti hi ti.t) ald hilt. iddrettigg earth, - - And drive gilkabittitir away. With Out the'o int , • —Elk& weind bd4lark'asititirti'tirv; • Withunt its 1104,„sheds itit7w4i alan'a Oise ensign' Airiness, Then,cateh tbe bleated aittliiiatua, • - kith anti haute, Riots eittgett sky,llimagh rifted elands, ,Yid' health witijiy-they egirne, Aini there's another sunlight The saddened spirits tieeile, The sight that cameo (row !Gettig ittoileai And kind and gentle deeds:, „. Withoat it, dark tel !Hi:thirst tray; Wadi challis are all aro s uiali` if erueiviinis or unkind nettli' • Within our homes are found. Then open aide the window s . • Welcome the nun of day, - Hive and - receive the love light, . To help as on our way. thit Heavenly Pother, grant us Thine own Eternal Liilit, To gild out upward path to reuirua,A4 That are turever bright. CURE FOR SCROf ULA:-.=-NiChOIRS.LOII wo - rth the famous mil ionuire and - wine grow er of Cincinnati, publishes u cure for scrofu: In. The directions he gives are as follows: "Put two ounces of aquafortis on a plate on Which. you have two copper cents. Let them remain from eight to twenty-five hours. ' Then add four ounces of clear, strong vine gar. Put cents and all in a large mouthed bottle, and le pit well corked. Beg in by pouring four drops'in a teaspOonfid of fain water, and apply it to the sore. Make the application three times a day, with a soft hair pencil, or made of soft rugs. As the sore heals apply it weaker. I request editors in-all parts of the Union and abroad to copy this, and to republish it' quarterly_; it may balm many lives. Cincinnati, Ohio. N. LO&OWOUTH. ===== The demands of a true education are first, that it regards the ultimate and ripe fruit of hardy manhood rather than the immediate growth of a hotbed development. It oppo ses the brawn and muscle of the mature man who at fifty is in full vigor and girded for life's contest, to the precocity that subsides ut twenty,five so that its subjects become confirmed . /Skvalids in body and pedants in soul.'! Secondly. It should point to some special end. It should inspire a Sadness of purpose that pursues relentlessly its obj6t, with a zeal that knows no abatement, arid is deterred by no obstacle; circumstances pres ses all thin rs into service to accom dish its end. Even the po'wers of nature and of life, are the servants of the strong, pure soul.-- GC7I. , Ban km. LITTLE Siiis.—Little sins have a fearful power of eating out the Christian heart.— The ants of a tropical climate will surround their prey, and after destroying it, est it'uut so thoroughly, and yet delicately, that at a distance it - may appear still alive. Yet when the storm comes; it crumbles: been falls the protestor whose inner life bias been destroy ed by little sins. A Business Man ean sOnbet;mes go along for alittle while without advertising, and so can a Wagon without greasing, but it goes hard, and there is a good deal at' unprofitable squealing and grumbling, if not a breakdown, before the journey is ended. Bead the ad vertismen te. Carrying -politeness to excess is said to be raising your h 4 to a young lady in the street and allowing a couple of dirty collars and. a' pair of socks to fall out upon sidewalk. The newest Yankee notion is a machine by which a man can tell when he has become sufficiently drunk. It is called a fuddleom -eter, and it operates tty giving a follow a sharp punch in the ribs the moment he has got drink enough in the skin. "Mamma," said a little fellow whose moth er had forba de him to draw horses and ships on the mahogany sideboard with a sharp nail, "mamma, this ain't a nice house. At Sam Racktea we can cut the sofa and pull out the hair, ride the shovel and tongs on the carpet; but here we can't do nothing. The best way to get -help in this world is to help yourself. Show that you need aid and AU will turn the cold shoulder; but prove that you can do without folks, and they will Veg t#:_ivc you a lift. In chemistry, • the best way to separate two bodies, is to introduce a third. The same rule holds true in other departments To increase the distance between a pair of lovers,. all that's required, is to let 'Willie walk into the back parlor with a lighted can dle in his band. Life is a fading tint and fleeting form. It is the bluonn s grape, the blush on the rime th% foam on the wave, the beam on the cloud, the smoke on the wind, the arrow in the air. As"t can be aeon through the smal lest holes, so the most tilling' things • show a person's character. By °oust:ant doing good , fou can put the envious to sue torture as you might enjoy if you bad the malice of a feud.. Wolves noontime:l lodse their teeth but not their nature. Who . practice cot virtue in yolth oaaaot . 4 in , old rte. Wore are aodilas Int wind, butisaaingis %Viten 81,11spud.'key leers saethei praised thinks!dieeeltilajtarid. -• • . ' illat 'ia"iiiio; istird a vaaka ... Idiah ita tf . - 4lt .. if. t h itaNs t ."::77-7, -7, ''''. • - t:'lr ';':Ztitoi tilditll1 01 0W 11 ,0 .' ' *- :' bur . ni-•,.1.“i'.:•- , ... ii . sde w t , ~ A o ri fig i isi f le . h. SagiNEß"t" . ~' i':',..,,, -,,.; Zr. 5 , ,,,, ~,' .:- • .: , --: s iy:::,+ 7 .,,, , ,,1 :.• -4 . 31 . ,... -.,,,,, J, ~„,, . Ilittei t i , . - .= , ' 4 .z:• - - -, . -- ' ==l =ESE ilk 4 intlikl l l3l 7. 11 1.: aologq,zioott:',ooo.o o * - okidistinmittli I rtniiihk-Mt • 1 430 unto thithe ittiv,iftittii raw A r hviti the eit There's the best eoob Tili•lviice All Bold cheap In?D . Usiol4" ~„ L l,l O , '' Sonk cant w id e r s i gilei pt forms. the • puhlic., in genera en d . espe ti n totose othis eitatouiers iii Want of on yskib g in byline of=pasinegs, %hit he , has Colli pined i l :gair Him occupying hie new end extensive ly e bb, - ' establishment fur tilt! - ' Astansfractiire Mid Stile • OP Tlltl WAftE, -840 ET-DION IVAHE, AND • STOVES.' • • tee nosiiireisisrd to supply any demand for his Cook Stoves. general Housekeeping Goads . and AtileAen Ware, on such terms as must give entire satisfaction.' • , _ viaa avalaa offered are of Om best and most improved kinds,and eying been tried are acknOwledged to 66 all that . 1 'an be desired as good cookers and bakers, and am easily kept clean. His own irstrurAcTunin Milin is all made with a view to the wants of customers from the best mite vial and is warranted in all cases to be good. He also keeps a larie assortment offttnost articles. e i , l attention_b_gillui_tiittinLirp_ SPOUTING, made of the best tin, for houses and barns, in which he has had air:lngmar' extensive ex perience. Remember the sign of the Big Red Horn. Aug. 9. 1860 D. RUSSELL. I%i TIBTIII - FIETOY AND ZaZt Er 6 Lta 122 . 03 2, HE stiliscriber, thankful for-past patronage, still V solicits the same; and in addition to manufactu ing all kinds of worlod Niateripl for Building Purposes, such as BASH, DOORS, SHUTTERS, BLINDS, FLOORING, WINDOW FRAMES, DOOR FRAMES. FACING, MOULDINGS, Ace., Ste. I am prepared to - furnish all kinds of oak dud'e. for different purposes in budding, such as . JO ICE, RAFTERS, LATH. STUDDING , PAIL INGS, SCANTLING, BOARDS, dec. All of which will be. sawed to order, at short :41k and upon reasonable terms. Also. sawing, by mill and circular saws, of every description done. ' Framing, Surfacing, Matching. Flooring, dtc., 6Ec. For further particulars apply to the subscriber, at Factory two miles southeast of Waynesboro. U. F. GOOD. Jan. 17, 1861 TO THE LAMM IMS M. C. RESSER informs the Ladies of %Vsyneshoro' an I vicinity that she has re moved her Millinery-Store to the dwelling hen.° on Main Street, adjoining the residence of Mr. Jacob Wolf, and has juit received from the Eastern Cit. les a full assortment of Bonnets. Rats; Bonnet Trimmings, .Flowers. and other articles usually kept by Milliners. The Ladies are requested to call and examine her stock April 1'62 NOTICE. WHEREAS, Letters of Administration, on the Estate of Kate S. Balaley, late of Waynee bore', leceased, hare been granted4o the subscri ber, all persons indebted to the Estate,are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the Estate of said dece dent, will wake konwn the same, without delay, to GEO. J. DAI.SLEY. Adru'r, AprillS-6w chambereburg. Important to rarmers ir , HE-subscriber - takes this method of announcing of the Farmers and others, that he has on hand 1 a ot of DWARF BROOM CORN seed, along with some specimens of the corn. This is en excellent article of Broom Corn, and should be raised by ev ery one. He has - also a full assortment of fresh Dans, Medicines, Chemicals, &c. J. r KURTZ. P. S. 1 am selling Cranberries at 12i cents pe quart. Mar. 14 BROOMS! THE undersigned continues to manufacture Corn Brooms upon the old principle, all of which he will warrant to be well to 'le. Those having broom corn are requested to give him a call. JACOB BECK N ER. Lightl Lights !!. ► IHE-cheapest Light•in use can he had at H STONEHOUSE'S Hardware Store Smoke Stack for Sale. THE subscriber has a heavy Iron Smoke Stack 33 fret lung and IS inches in diameter. which he will dispose of upon reasonable terms. Post Of. Tice address, Quincy, Pa. Dec2o---tf - JOHN L. METCALF. 5000 Rails for Sale. rpHE subscriber has now on band IMO good 1 CHESTNUT RAILS 'which he will dispose of on reasonable ternia. Also—one good ROAD WAGON. L. S. 'Polack:lr, • isna—tf KEROSENE LAM PB.—All kinds foi solo by DAL sign of the "Big Hod Horn." March 1J TO FARMER'S. STEEL. Shovels , Spades, Hoes,' Forks, Rakes; Manure Drags, dcc., dr.e., at prices that will defy competition. Vail and sec for yourselves, at apt 1 BROTIMITON'S IMHEIIIESTO - OK I STOVE in the market to be. bad at the sign of the Big Re,* Horn• 200 CATSUP • BOTTLES For salt at the Stole of W. H. BRoraziwos &DS L. dre2o-110. F you wants good chew of cameo, cell at I aPg 4 nuclei LADIES, if you want toes a aka asiortotea of DRESS GOODS, call at Psoca's A rill E you want to mean largo woorttnentor Shawl, .1 can at - IM4 . Paxnes IF yo wait a cheap pair of ,Coagress Gaiters, [ all , arP4: ; • Pamir • MW r ' . 1. GREASE." 17 Toy visetieoov Wheel Grease. boy ft it Akpr23 • • Beenrewroe• lIFa want the cheapest an • test sty aof: at Call at • Apr 4 • Pares'e: 114Voye for sale s ". - • vierra-iii— tkoiSti ofto , , ~ . - you'want.t.eicefadduit,"taltair _-: •-': ". .;.- .•:-,-- ,t'••• ,.. .,, ;.'-' , .:.1 - 4:•':.v. ,. -.,': . 7..',.... - s , .rilica's • ' '-flo, 4 , .r.. s g .;,-`,. .. ,' --: ~.,lllsseas's ~ 'A "ifhaßi litrrilling In i gg74iiii . It Ifivir - esis be iijolied ' 7 :i.;_i , -:, , :.*•;,, ,, .,,Ktriviii* - • -- .. ~ . . , ... _.... . B B. RissiLL. LOS at Russmes. Fri r . 0,001110 1 1 1 1/02thirart. Z - fp k 1 5 i iiritillii4e*firdi ,.. ii 1 .1 14 ' 4;dd :hid•' A;;;• ikim. i .1. -ltd midi the ; Oddly' -diddleally ildit ids'idiii ri; dyad, repleiiiihdif ha oidiie di Fitiiii add' Coure !iodides. bud, tidi".iidyt .the Mint amintiment. of —74 6. : 11fitr04 . 8 Wt.! ; " . .,V; • , ever Ipreiightio wl4l NUTS, .11A1M1(1S, PRITIVEti, Mpg,' SWEET cAItES EVEIII%I/11SC11114 4 1014,1,Ci: OARS; 'MiI:WC% , He has Also on hattd strtlllimes tht..flaelit Oysters the Market williffonli WM' 'netvetl up to custotners Fried,. ittotsted or-Stewed. 'Attu A.141 1 1) - 0 taint he is likewise .prepaieit to 'Ttiiiiieb _both Washa. baugly; end •Imilirieti ALE; tier Sisuperint aiiiole of Scentih Ale anti Ofalt Apple Cider; with: a pubife article of. Ifologna tiausaige,- Ego; and sll other articles usually.keiptin first class ilestopiapts A genuine article of Vinegar AlWayi for salo.-i, NovBl . 1,:8. FISHER. TIN I A=Y'! CHllia.llolo I llt al , , . nitersjgne . &respect! ully-a . announces -to-_ t - public generally that no is - Still at the old stand on Church Street, Wiiiriesbeio',PS., ii! li 6r f? he continues the manufacturing of Family - ' ataiu'iarts,4 Buggies, arouefics, Wagons, and 'every species Of vehicles usually made in such establishments.— His wcrk is warranted to be composed of the best 'atm most durable Material, and • none but the most t_tperieueed workman are employed.— He has now on hand a number of Carriages, Bug gies, &c., dec., which he will jiitively sell at greatly reduced prices for cash, or upon a short credit. fly keeping a good stock at all times, and always holding himself ready to supply the de mends of the people he hopes to retain ant! secure a liberal share of patronage. Repairing, Ttioning, -and Painting done In the best manner, and at the shorteit notice. Lumber, Country Produce, &c., will be taken in exchange for work. J ACOII ADAMS.. N. D. The Hooks of the firM & A. $. Ad ams, are iu the hands of the undersigned. Persians knowing themselves indebted are requested IA make immediate fiayinent. J. A. Nor' I. Dim. Leftism or Airausiggedon. A BOOK FOR THE TINES. THIS is acknowledged to be one of the most re markable of human productions that has ever been offered to the American people. The style is chaste and truly eloquent. The. subject treated of is of the mast inspiring: "The United ,Statca fli Prophecy. Par sale lijr J F.-K UR l'Z. Nov t - 'l'. .1. FILBERT 4 DRAPER; Pik ii Has constantly for sale a full assortment ofl': NI 6001)9 for Gentlemen's ware. N 4 EY'Latest City Fashions always on hand: X . NI Waynesboro', Plte a. .14:60.01 . 0:4nr.1404Mgaita'5474XM;47.7X V X NEW LIVERY. THE subscriber respectfully announces to his friends and the public generally that he has o. pened a Livery Stable in Waynesboro, and is now prepared to accoinmoJate the public generally with f,„ RESER MIMS, ffit p at the shortest notice, day or night.— Persons desirous of hiring either for riding or driving, would de well to give him a call. His stock has been selected with great care as re garde gentleness and speedy traveling; and his bug gies and carriages are all in good condition' The ahoy stock will be kept at the 'Stable of Dr. John 0. .g. Persona wishing to aim will please app o the undersigned at _Bowden's. Hotel. .nob-6w JOHN RICHARDSON. —To Wapitalists. t%TAYNBSBORO' SAVING FUND.—This V Society will pay the following rates of in terest per annotat i on all sums deposited in the In. stitution. For 3 months, 2 per cent.; from 3 to 8 months, 3 per cent.; from 9 to 18 months, 4 per cent; and over 18 months, 41 per cent. For a' shorter. period than" 3 mottos the terms will be made kown by the Treasurer. Notes for discountshould be handed to the Tress urer on Tuesday, as the Board of Directors meet rgulaily on Wednesday of each week , at 9 o'clock By order of the Hoard, June 17 '5B JN 0. P1111,1P6 Treasurer, • Notice —New rirm. THE cube •riber having disposed of his entire stock of Goods to Messrs. Collifiower do Clug. Mon, notifies all persons indebted to him on blur° Books to settle their accounts with and pay the a• mount of their indebtedness to either John "P. Study orGaniel Bricker. The new farm will continue the business as heretofore. A. 8. MO.NN. Quincy, Jan. 31, 1862. Mentzer's Norse Eir Cattle Powder MM. BTOPIEn having purchased of Mr • Meat:Ar t the recipe for making the above far-famed Horse and Cattle Poirder,for Pennsylva nia and Maryland, takes this method of informing the farmers, drovers, &c., that be has on'hand sad intends keeping a good supply always on hand. Country merchants and °timekeeping such articles fcr sale, would do well to supply themselves with a quantity. He will sell it on commission or for cash cheap. Orders will be punctually attended to. Jan. 31. Apr. 1, 1862. Ready-Wade' Clothing I, ,je' FOR FALL AND WINTER! • FRESH SUPPLYS RECEIVED MONTHLY! AS. ADAMS would respectfilly inform his .' patrons and the public generally that be has returned from the Eastern cities with s genera I sr sortinent of Ready•Mado 1 • . • , . FALL AND *INTER ELOTRINO, embracing all the latest styles of Coats, Pants,Vesti, Shirts, Collars, Nectiea, Suspenders, etc.. etc.; all of which are well made.: The public are cordially in vited to call and examine his goods, as he is deter- Outlined to sell at short profits. ' If. will continue to carry on t h e business of Tailoring as heretofore: 'Persons desiring gar ments cut out or made up are invited' to give hini a call. Latest faabions reeeird regularly. 0c126. - ' A. S. A. ri i ita,kaiitAYN repo ,It'UUTTEdis. Wail The use Pot sale by . crrA' • E."B. PROXE IL., AV. T A IRES: " saw al. 4. 1.. : „V ' M ar 46 Anaaasax. UMiltalar & Co s a.. . ._ ~—._ P 5 A CHsB‘..finiad Peaches; ;parad and Anysr ad :s: ,- Amisasols, Buswor & Cm's. : / 7 1LOTH, Hat, • air,:Tooth aW'i ; Hail Bruns k a ljnit moiled and formals way low by M,CM ESTONSIL - . •,.- ' - : May IL", '..- ryoll want a pretly,Sumitter ahrto - 'PM Palos% .; ~.. ~,,..: ....-: -2" • ' ' ' 17 . %1 - - "': a:tf. NONO)_ , , ' ''' ' , t -4 , , ,?---, "."-.:-..,', 4-''. i. - . t,ti, t ' 1 ': - .f 7 '7,- r',.:' . - '.., ~,i-,;.•,,,,,. .:.! ~.,. ' --.3';',1-- q'.. , _ . . 44•, - _,.. i• - ; -- -•- -"-- - ' - ~-,....,, - : ,-- 7 • 10111111 ft 11 AT CiEItSER'S7I4TENT.I:I9TiF= TINO ORAW SEPARATOR. CLEANER i 4 AERAAGGEEFI - ?:: , • , Ifatest InirroveAl Thresher, 44 2We Rear ettitorsv Sit/1414 or -Belt, all furnished Complete nag to be•put'on 'Tapas.. , 1, the undersigned, desire tb tall the attention et Fairmers,atid Thee:die:Men Of Pranklind and 'adjoin ing countieslo ii. This qachine has Wan before the public for seven years, during Which' tune' it has given general satisfaction, 'and the patentee having Made some very important ;improvements which render it still more complete, • both. for Mead separariug end cleaning. and also for ease 'of caught_and_fast_thmshing---1,-take-pleasure-in- • ionimending it to the public, knowing that it will give OM Wet cifliiiilifactiOn. lan three different sizes, as follows: No. 1 is 8 horse Power,will thresh and clean from 200 to 500 bushels per day, • •• -- No 2 is 5 to 6 horse power, will thresh and clean from 150 to 800 bushels per day No. S'is 4 to 6 horse power,: will thresh arid clean from 160 to 200 k. , shele per (lisp • These .Mactunes are werranted to do the sbotre, and do it niuch better in every rest than - any other machine in use. Grain having much light filth in it cleaned on this Machine is worth front 2 ti,2 cents inure per Wide; el than when cleaned on.any other separator, or the Common way of cleanilig on hand fans. • Fur this reason there is nut the eighth part of light matter in the grain as when cleaned on the riddle principle. The I last a is freely on all the grain as it leaves the shues, amerces, when cleaned will. riddle that ad- Vantage is lost This machine does-,not return, the - tailends as• most of the separators do. 13y - retaining filthy -mil ends alternately it is impossible to make me/enema grain, Another important feature in this machine that other's of the kind have nut, is the delf.acting Blast Reg ulatur in the fan, Which remedies all dif ficulties in bad cleaning, blowing grain in the chaff in high speed or irregular driving, which cannot be avoided in clew • g grain by horse power • This Machine is also more durable and less tedious to manage than any other Separator and Cluaner,or the common machine with shaker. Orden to infant', thiir being filled until harvest should be sent in immediately. I am lolly prepared to make to order and on short notice Portable and 'Stationed , • STEAM ENGINES, SHAFTING, AND PULLEYS, IRON IiRIDOES. CAST IRON WATER WHEELS, IRON ICE rTLES, 4lce, Stoves and Plow eastings,also cast Iron and wrought iron pipe for steam or water, and Brass castings of every descriptiiin; in a word, I inn prepared. to do everything usually done in a foundry and machine shop. Having supplied myself with the latest int. proved machineryosuch as bathes, Boring, Planing and Drilling Machines, persons-can rely on having. their work 'done in the most satisfactory manner.- 1 ant also prepared to manufacture to order ma chinery for wood, such as Tonging and Graving machines fur flooring, kleristoe, Tertout and Mould ing machines, &c. I also offer to the public a new and valu able improvement in my steam engines, made within the last year, viz: Cue dm economizing of fuel', and the regulation of speed, which rendess.my new engines far superior to the old engines. All my machines are sold under. old_ My hang a are all ezperimeed workmen. its this line in business, and I use all good _ material, so.thatlitin perfectly safe in Warranting all my Work. • I ant also prepared to do repairing in warkman• like rranner.on the shortest_ notice._ _ Orders selieite_ tid and promptly attended to. All orders sent in lox repairing must be accompanied with•the cash. For particulars and circulars descriptive of ma chine, address HEOHOE FRICK, Or OAMICL OKIARR Proprietor of Territory and ao lieator of orders, Waynesboro' Franklin Cu. Pa. April 18—tf NO HUMBUG riIHE undersigned having opened a Watch and Jewelry Stare, in the new building on the corner of the Dimond. and having recently return• etl from Philadelphia, would inform the residents of Waynesivro' and the public generally, that he has now on hand a fine - Ussurtment of WATCH ES, SE WELRY, SILVER AND SILVE eI:AD WA RE, - ;14 • e CLOCKS„ &c &c - Having had "eensiderahle experience at Watch repairing. he is prZporett to do all wore► promptly in the beet manner and guarantee the performance of it, An assortment or spectacles, and spectacle glasses always on hand. Jewelry repaired in the neatest manner. W. A.O.OIIOVE. P. 8.-9111)3ilver taken in 'exchange fur goads, Apr4-Iyr. Cheap and•llleauttriti Light. • O. I Carbon Oil—pure and rion-explooive -11 warranted to burn without emitting any amen rf used in the - CARBON OIL LAMPS,. of the latest styles and iniprovententr o -411 bid Caere FOR Csan at tho sign of the BIG itgu HORN. - • -"- 'RUSSELL. . • Jmuitllteceived2 At N'BROTHERTOISMS" ad assortment of , Pruning Sheers, ' Pruning Knives. ,Pruning Saw and Chisel. • ' • Pinning_ Saws. ' • Tar sale cheap liaddiug , S i s4l'4Nl" -. 13 11 /Mb Whoodulguay,l'aititalitt C. ease at Oat*" • • 11_31tP.Wilti at I'o ailo„*itiliospiiipuuad at uov Ktirrlett lE' ita LARGiostataat of i` N'AVAREP"arirte alga - tat the ilecl.'o 110 , D. B. Rtititr:t. , 7.• ;AI i.g . ., o f i ;_..- • • -.. , , ,-. ~- ' , 1 • 1 . - .17-; 1 „-fg' '.... ',„ - •/ ': 3 ! ..,' ' • :/,' -,..,:'; ~''..,- ;.:•,' •OF : :,', fr. ' Jj.: - :;' , E,-?.";;3 ? ' :: , : ' -''' -.., f; )' •'' --' III:. }. . e; -' r ' , t i• - ...; Ai . . , _. ;,:, ',;,,.. ji ,--- ~ I I , , ~4„..., 1I NS,- - . 11 1111•- -11 1111,: tontiiisoitotrsiali.....iii.4,,44.o.,•l4iil ~,,,,,..5 .... .,,.,,.,,1 tont, ~. t: ..1 4 ,„„ iblithotgod or rfinotinang .IL to-, , ..: rff:- : i: ''`flaifillifitlealted - lit lihi 'Diehl , flitoki,.t - t -' gi Isol, iegill.fitiyogbfitOkar . - , - ~,..,,. 4 1 4* ... • mnicalii; Piiiiio - gitiaiiiiiii:#4l,iiii - -iiiiiir tlys 8 illio,islailoielifiisiiTaltiri,Arobsecoillnalt and tile alio Aka.; *Mob. he is. lici*. Eti:epaida TO sell as ch ap,,soi ifii'iliiiii#E,ti . lad ' iiilll•aistate hie Custom e that iii MOO to 011110 . iithhib to Of ilia Mel itii. ) ' , lands, I.4._goattrit will Oiiiiipitiii,ititti: Wily in the market: -- ,'''. • :.• -:, ' ~. ' , ' , ' • :r, ., 7 .- He •hat also a attleadij giaortazeni of rerfinqiiiyi Battier' ailtU• ~t ~. ; - t•-• ,, ;i't '' t.; ..-: - „-t :',•,:' .; • l'oliet ,A.rticle. , .. - _ of ail kinds, cansudiiii in pill of Bando „ Pomades, • . , Amber-and Bears' Oil Colognes, 6- Extracts Lyon's Korb:dr - dm, Burnees . Ootiosisio. tadies':BosP, • , Hodmy Bap, Betel soap, . DiansOnd WI CONFECTIONERY, FRUITS. Ake . Cranberries, Raisins,. Ns, Prunes, Curranbi, Dates, Citron, Oiangee, Lemonii,Nitts of all kittglii,' and Candies of Cier.t , variety,.— • • Kerosene Lamps, Lamp •globes, and Diushes, Kerosene Oil. Camphine, AlCohol. [hutting PIM, and in fact anything.and everything that is,usuallY found in a 'drug store. Thankful for kin.d favers'iLmt patronage hireto. fore bestosuml upon him, lie solicits a cmitinuaAce of the same. and hopes dist by endeavoring to, please, he may vrin•thii confidence of the people. Physitilins' prescriptions prongaly ana.carefully • compounded at all hours.' P. KURTZ: • nov .29, 1860 • Op 1176. TUE mime "truntifie6 r- satiniliFiri-ont:tiearta the AlfieriCan heak,. 'than iny of the, Rdyo blued; eve should it be a Priride.• • $o all you that want a good.Oboking Store that burns.either coal or woad, call at ' TETiugs and ask for the Continetili whir is one of the best stoves in market; and bk or the cheapest. It takes a lung stick•of wood and provided with ire brick to burn coal. It is one of e best. baking and cooking Stoves tha t-has- ever bee offered fur sale: It is a fine Cooking Stove and is ea.; ept clean. I always have a large assertrnent on hand, and wil I • . ria.tlum—sno-other—horsae--in-t country. Bo to prove, that my nome is not Gen. Bragg cilia - MI sea for-sonnielvei, Also on hand Heating troves , such as • RIDE PLATE AID COAL STOWS, for shop - or parloq_ z all of which 1-will sell very low. You will also fin a large assortment of . ' 'EP LEI EiEl s w ifh Optic r, Brass and Sheet-Iron • Ware, which is all of my own make, and which hal been' proven Cannot be found br•uei in any place. -- Novrrentern= her I am bound to sell cheap. en all that want any thing in my line, give me a call. My shop is still at the old place on Main Street. under the Printing House Spouting! done at all times and of the best double tin. Peeling very thaukfutfor the many pest favors I have received from the.puhlic, I would invite all to give me a call, for then you cave for yourselves where to get bargains, - . —old_metattakeri at - Fouitdry Prices in exchange for new Stoves. W. A. TRITI.E,. Mar.2B . Waynesboro', f. POURTMLIN, Dealer in all /he variety of Drugs. Medi. . eines, Yankee Notions. Perfumery, Liquors for medicinal , purposes. Oils, 4c., ihtilsthethpaantkras ntmotitehe co ofa gn mmu e n r t o y s ' erid still soli public who want anything in his line. Inasmuch as he has enlarged his stock so as to, be enabled to answer all calls for anything anti everything usual ly found in a Drug Store, and has a thorough ac quaintance with the business, he hope. to gain the confidence of the Community. will par par ticular attention tb tilling physicians' Precriptitths, and more care and precaution used is waiting up on chltlren than adults. DEO AM POETIC ERS. Choice—Wines and Liquors for medicinal and sacramental purposes, Patent Medicines are endless in variety, including all that have been mode up to this date and some that are yet in embryo. Also White Lead, Zinc, Pa nt, Whiting and Varnishes for house building or inside work. besides all -Mum of Wass. Commercial, Note, Fools Cap and Lotter Paper always on hand, with a variety of Envelopes of different sixes and colors. , -Brushes, Combs, Pomade, Fancy Soap, Hair Oil; Colognes, Frown. ces, Flavciring Extracts, and namerous articles in the Fancy line on hand and offered foe sals• cheep et than ever ()tiered before Also a large assortment of Kerosene Oil Lamps, Chimneys. shades and Wicks, and Keros•ino Oil to fill 'them. A general ass•.ntment of Fin is and Confectionaries, Tobacco and. Cigars. • , Oct. 11. . • NEW' FIRM! ,c_oachwa.if.ingt THE undersigned having leased the well-known Coachmaking;stablishinent43f Alex. Haindtun. *Mechanics street, Waynesboio% 'respectfully an.: flounce to their friends and the publiegenerally, that they "purposecairtylUg on the business in its branches, and 'are now - prepared to manufactitre to order all kind. of • carriages; Buggies, Illarimehes, Sprig Wagons. lte. &e., of the beat material, and made ay superior worLmen. BLACKOMITHING end. REPAIRING of all kinds drite.st reasonable :rat promptly and to the satitfaetion of custnaters. colts rltir PRODUCE takatt in exchange for work titillative prices. • • - • or Persons desiring articles artwork in the Coach niuking line, are reeinetfully invited' to giro Shea' call. ‘. L.C. MORRISON.- Mar. El; - • GEO. 11:114WKER. • ANN bhatrist dscUr ft , Tappan. -au* 'the k_XcOmfatti,ble sl".itra foicold Oit4 -." '!' • , is JO, an 25 : entis par ilo..ard jat - now. 'llllk,' ' " iktril4. y;lftirant arnica pair at Gait/Meta from . 37. t cft - cart at, [apr4. PHlceri , ADYlolroE.Sgr.#l:l3r=.llen - th.Ltee?* tiduiSi.t rot oat subseitaenk, 131 11 'reiteat OW Ch , ativeriiao: meats to be paid TO tv 114,1011 o t` (1 ' i'xpy b. . . • R . 'A. frIHE eahseliber. would ttit' of Wsyneetano',eilid the POW' that . het hOiettlit =laced the, ttheleatakilit lstealeseiti thelieienieht %a Kitties Hotel; evhvie •he,tirill at re a to acelY/amodete• thLOOtt ' , haat slt#ll.lltiihits • eaU. !node to . order, on eheit f Or tho hest tlishitlak aratlapoa the Aida Ossi#B,i6lo tiltirii,2, - Oct 25 ''"J'Adiff lllt 1i Y: FAr Reionsmendalipai from the aste o n ton 'f . .14 • • ' Paiiejessus, N. 1:; eeh. 004 1861. The undereigise'd ire Itappy testify'rhat pupils of the Fa rem:rine Ataderayi Pa. have aiaintaiiiitid a high nding Own ,the mesa. gaideuitel.orthe - College f New Jessey. - -• • . • • .10/1N.14.401411AN; rem esP u.s:l4) ego. • -. -Prolessor of Cheek. • 0. MUSOKANO.OIOER, t Profiesior of,l4athi. 101ihr igieri h 11: Profteak teletlieinatica ite_Sesp mar.2B FL9tpz,',.FEED;, PROVISION- STOMA jiE eabscribers *bald infrirra the tititette of Waynetilig.ri,. that . they haioe a Fleur, Feed unit Priiitisioci Store in the 1'60(016ra:671i oc• covird. by Jorieph Pike, ovii,iiite the reside:tie of Juba. WO. .wheio they will. if. hive for . , sale 11,1114MWELMAT ILE KINW', so RE.E.N.IN.D.% ."4.)DitS, S1l,111.1:ED. As4N.D; DV•THE EAR;_DATto, 20 4 I'AT/lEs, 11.AtiorN ANU LARD, V114,1E61:04. Also, Rm. Wheat :toll Bailey 'by - the bushel op in. smaller, quantiticat, and other 'articles usually kept in such establisfunentei* , All ,Flour apJ Mill tltult will be sold at Mit.t,' Pincus von U,►su. The highest cash---prtees paid lor. wheat, ?ye coin and OMB. DANIM, Febl4 —tt W tliN IC. Dr; Jacobs, Illarbatigh & (o' Celebrated Americas Lialaient it _ _ THE greatest end best external remedy ever o tend to the public. tot sale by F.. 1. Krutze, Druggist. Waynesboro' and by Druggists in the. county generally. &Price 2.5' cents pet bottle. December 13. 'Bo ty • _ Pi Lit Dint N O UDOrk FORE CARRURRT OF IRON STOVE POLISH, The cheapest ankle in the world. Unrivalled, in Economy. Permanently Lustrous. Tnii °nip place to get it is at itito ni ±: ft roN i s. March 22. dims , • __. _ ... vontinental Hotel? WAYNESBORO', PA. 'ORE undersigned having .Iscently, .taken the a-•• bovemamed House, formerly known as the "(Hobe Inn" takes pleasure in annouiMing to his. ' friends and the public that he is prepared to receiver and entertain Guests in a style not to be excelled by any country Hotel. The /louse having been. thoroughly repaired and newly furnished with eve-. • ry thing calculated to make his guests-comfortable. . —the public may rest assured that they wjll at ails • - times find if' in a condition suited to the comfort nad . convenience of the traveler. His Bac is always sup,. plied with the ehoicestLiquors;. and • the best the markets afford, and all other appliances. suitable and necessary for the abcommodation of man or beast. •With faithful and obliging servants ' and his own personal attention and supervision, ha will leave no means utispat4 to merit public pa tronage..: The proprietor assures those orhoinay favor hii. ovith their patronage that they shall ever !neat" at his houses cordial reception, and thateverything es- , ' sential to the convenience and happiness of his, guests shall he attended to. riars June 21, MU - 1,".11. KIM ICI.II , . , ................ J. A. .F •I 'E R A RE again stern L eit tn ie i s n:l l( ea nd O o l f t ti e . reC rece ;: i l o i n to o lr bi t tAa sock of • Clotho, _Cassignereo and Vests. All of the MOST FASHIONABLE , STYLES.- His stock of FRENCH CLOTHS and CAB4f. , MERES he calls particular attention to, as the best in town. Also. one of she beat assortments of ruirsisttimi-Goonv in town—all re.nly• for their in. 'mention and benefit, and kindly asks it call from all . persons desirious of buying Goolt ttia line, &tits* tremely • • '- 12:baDemr.17PzPacarda6s e In the NEWLY FITTED ROOM, Den doer to Up(legal's', llogeretown, Md. [Jim. 3,,18814. 'BACK AGAIN. Urß. PRICE farms his customers and' the . jl biic:Qrnerally that he 'his reinorieditia Barber *hop to the Basement of Mr.'Kurtes Hotel, folOerly occupied 'y him as a Barber Shop, where he will Share, taus, and 'Dress Hair as heretofore. Give bins a call. , Nov. 22—tf. • X nod Bay's heavy, hoots and tlhoei at: • k tht.4 Essatuetib --t: IN Fixtures I . ki • Mar 28 ASUER , OII. BeNRDICT & co'd" kN excellent article or Syrup for 50 etc per-gall at (tlct4 Lleaoun's ikt il anTb e y A e r po k: c l i ) al L il is trec u t r tWa ul o l f o a nly Pl a u s :it e i t rinj N. me.erll r; It. Uruggibt - • May 13; Liziort; It and Corriander, ground . & impound 'l-einir 29 at • KUltTealk, lot:iv a.4t tlta; at • •,, • n0v..114 . • Kim** rAItD , CANS, At the sigh al tho' Bit Bed SW' 11_4 tiss2o ; J NOR BALE'. OR 'eau .REST. --Maur, JV atom. Idly at. rintlE.!tli Store,: 1 1.EN114:11 Einbruttletad sodas at r UT#EILI.II, Ahnsitsackkat - ' `Aritatit see th 1 patcfirtairi;lildrat V you grant - tiripticbsie & nir& • ill , : Ntsl , lo l alltfithoW j : i3ll. bi- *LIS calo4: 4 " low t .• " ='' • • , • • , • •". :‘• ••i• - kr!" , .. - • • DISON'S nags. EETZI hugest r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers