• - "'""""At di, • 4 4 . 444bir nitint 1111V11)141111*; =MT • • •, „ . ling' lip the glaring , toCkat 'bier • Vtitil it 'total the'.efehing•4l4. For k i renklin'ii'mertmho nobly die, The' lavestiirthe brave.. • Chaitir • 01 PIIVIY:t4 II .Itii They MI like Men - but not ih vain -;" TO .011 ft-hero's . •-• With ringing henna lohg and loud '' That Retitled to rend the very cloud, • • . They struck 'CI Treason vile and proud - • 'Until its sceptre MI, • :I%off-weary worn they !ay to • • Where 'Priasetea vain sail haughty a t test' . .Had wrung a siali from many a breast - The soldier's dying. knell. • • Bleep on ! Wive Martyrs to a cause • That will rektore a IV (dirge& Was; EuroPe's.Deiptds_ wildly pause " - Auld trembling . thrones quake. bleep on I :where ''reason's legions trod The desecrated orittlioned sod beipieatheil by "intures holy God - The sovereignty of State. All bail! thy mem'ry ever dear Though many a mother's blinding tear lios fell like dew upon the bier ' 01 her heroic eon. Yet will thy name forever be The battle-cry of Liberty, • While every banner of the free •Shall bear the fame yoa've won, Rejoice brave soldiers you shall wear ' 'he-IsureitiLvrhick-ncr - coweriltrigh; While matrong e gmy and 'maidens lair Unite to sing thy fame. • - Which like a temple towering, high • Toward the,azure star-decked sky ,- . Will move each hearrlike yours to try To bless the Keystone's name. Peace to the ashes of the 11E4 Thrice honor to the hearts that bled l'he gallant hand that katumbdugh les Into the bl oody-fray With loud and thundering peal on pent enus'd the traitors ranks to reel Before their bristling line of steel They bravely fought their way. •r 0 , COUNTRY MERCIIANTS.-4n ad. dition to uur USAI I I stock of home-mado and WOOl. .HATS, we have just added fifteen cases of Eastern ,de FELT livrs, comprising all the styles pap. u rin the trade. These goods have been purchas e from the largest and best eastern factories for c:sh, and at the same rates as the largest city job bers, and we are now prepared to offer them to country merchants at as low prices as city jobbers. UPDEORA FF$, Hatters, Opposite "Washington House. Hagerstown, .14d. ,Merehauts, remember that etc have just 'Ward a first class WHOLESALE DEPART -IVIENT to our Stock, and will sell you in anion lots_ find sixes, as you may wont, any of the popular styles of the Joy, and slways at' as low prices as city japan!. IfPDEURA FFS, Hat Makers sign of the Red. Hat, Hagerstown, Md. • wo., The Mast riaa of shad sometimes prove the lin, at, just so with our last run, a bigger stock, a better stuck, and a cheaper stock than can be produced elsewhere, may be found at all time's, or until wo "bust," at LIVDEGRAFPB, Hatters, Ittjgn of the Red Hat, • Hagerstown, Md. gg),"I3USTEI)."--Don't b e alarmed, friends, we've gut enopgh of money to keep the stock, and continue selling at •• busted" prices until After harvest, at. the HAT STORE, Opposite Vashingten House, Hagerstown, Md. sE,_SPRING VASHD ►NS, 1842 SILK lIA-TS, FELT, HAT S, WOOL TS, CAPS, rP'Sr raw Hata all colors and styles, for Men and Hoye. Children's Fancy Straws, great variety, com mon Straws, die. We have just returned tram the pastern Cites ar. tl believe we have the most cow plete, hest selected, and cheapest stock of , FASH• lON ABLE HATS for Men, Heys and Vhtidreu, Ili be found outside - of the Cities. UPDOGRAFFS, Hit Maker'', Opposite Washington House, Hagerstown, Md. ipt2s 13 Before "Busting" we have visited the Eastern and just returned with a STRAW EATS, more or less,mther lees however than more And an equal mopartiott of Eastern made FELT HA'' . • . uke-ud-te,-sell few at "busting" rates. If you would save oney bay at the Fountain HemI,UPDE ti ICA FFB w are really made by bursting hands, in a bursting Inc ur__ L T4l.., and sold at such prices as will nburbt" all thus - ealio jail to buy at tile Fountain Head. ' EGR A FFS , Hat Makers, 017'640 Washington House, Eagerstowi , Freak thotafiu; of Green castle, Will visit this Ate on Saturday or -Friday of each week-with Fresh Fish during the season.. l'ersons in the country fish are requested to leaN;c their orders with E. W. Washabaugh.• 71441%,X : LMF. , .13 11 1" 1 3. Pro* the .Baltimore Ameritag, BALTIMOUV, May 10 CATTLE,--At the live .Stock Scales to. day 050 head of Cattle were offered. The supply vim considerably in excess of the de mand, and only 300 head found purehmeis, at prices ranging from '53.75 to $5 per ioq BA for good to prime fat Beeves. Of the balance 150 head were driven to Washing ton, the remainder being held over. - FLOUR.-...tioward Street and Ohio, Su per, of which the supply is are - now =held' firmly at 64,50 per ,bbl. . Shipping brands-otiloward Street and Ohio r.tra we quote at $1621a5.87,. with:some choice ..brands - held $5,87i per bbl. , —W.ILNAT,O-..We : quote , 'echntnon to', fair . white at 325®140:cta.; good do. at 15U® 153 eta., .and prime to -choice do. at 168(4 162 etii and Sothern do. which has come "orward it.132®144 eta, per bushel Ocutu.--41se e ire ,elferings , 'have from 57®6L',v eta. lorfalf.top yellow and, w@IJA - eta: per • . :1 !R tlaote fikir f r ;prune , i'l'.eauvl 7 40 .1 1 1 0 00/s'ele• ' rules firra .Ponnytylrania. :OREAT AMERICAN. CIRCUS. !rho largest and moot campletiv ettuipped Eqinot• trign Establitihment In tote' conmibies - THE GREA TEST itliorisE . - Euro ,ean •auirAtnerican Male and Female. Aire tient, . t • cent Collection of won derfully- TRAINED TREES AND PONIES ever brought `together, affolding, facilities for the presentation of more novel end vatted : Perfannan • ces than have evei been_ given In a traveling exhi ." The managers fates pleasure in announcing to the public tha6 they are able for this - station of '62, to cater for their amusement In a superb* man nor to any traveling , tompaity. The wagons have been newly painted and decorated mitts to present a neat and elegant appearance. The harness is 'new and beautiful. The wardrobe is of the most costly description; manufactured from _designs ported from Paris during the past Winter; and in fact the whole"paraphernalia Is of such a description as to at once give satisfaction to all. Will Exhibit in WAYNR:4I)IMIO' ' Truilt4DAY. MAY it: . rttlrsrm;rivw77nzml. ernoon and evening of each day. • Doors open at 2 and 7—Performance to commence half an hour later. larAdmission 25 •Cents. One of the greatest features of this Exhibition le the ENGLISH' STEEPLE CHASE. Introducing the entire Company, mounted upon their highly-inettled, thorough bred Horses, leaping Huidleas Hedges, sc. , - THE ZOUAVE HALT; . Will also perform another feature of the Show, in which the Horses will, at the word of cortimani4 lie down, set up, and go through a great variety of performances. The beautiful Trick Horse, Washingtone will op. pear at each Entertainment; ,aid .go through his wonderful and truly. surprising .perforinaucek.: LOOK A'r 'rH E N AMES. Dan Gardner, R . Hemmings, George Derious John Faster Menly Morei.te, leiguor Parker, P. W. Whitiker, dons. Danait, King Rrothers, Miss Eliza Gardner, Mad. Camille, Little Minnie, Master lad. Gardner, C. Ricker, J. Wambold. T. Bohm, Welt Dad, and a hest of auxiliaries; the whole'forming a bright constellation of Equestrian, Acrobatic and Gymnastic talent; the whole enlivened by the Wit of three great eit.4lle—Dun Gardner, John .roster and Young Dan. LV"'On the morning of the exhihition • the Com pany wilt enter town in grand prnoeFaion, headed by Peter Dritner's American Brass Band, seated in a beautiful Band Coach. drawn by a line of t.plen. did horses, followed by all the horses, ponies, car riages, luggage vans, &c., die. W. H. GARDNER, Agent. C, Witmer, Advertiser. [May 16-2 w 1011111111 s., MEE undersigned begs leave to inform the- pub lie that he-has established himself in business, at the old stand, on Main Street, in "Smoketown," next to Eli Little's Smith filhop, where he is pre pared to Trim, Paint , and make all needful repairs to Carriages anikilu gales. "Small favors thank fully received." ANDREW STREAM'. May 16--if. . 1133EVEMEIND. gAYED front the premises of the subscriher iving in Sight of Dears Factory, on the 12th inst., gLEVEN Snot? and SEVEN LAtins, two of which are Merino Sheep. The Lambs have each n elit in the left car. Any person returning said Sheep or furnishing suehinformation as will lead to their recovery will be liberalP rewiftdetl. (May 161 DANIEL HOLLINGER. MORE NEW GOODS AT THE "VARIETY STORE." JBEAVER, in connection with his,Variety • Store, has commenced the, .manufacttiring of BOUTS and SHOES itt alt itltvatioue branches.— Having employed Jerenliali;Coaper as• foreman, he is prepared to produce the finest, nestest and most durable work made anywhere. ' are invited to call. A huge stock of Huts and Caps, (including all kinds of Sumner Hats for meta and boys,) and Eastern ntanauetured Shoea and !Mote of the beat make, on hand; Cl cks, Trunks, Sews. Tobacco, &c., lite. You get thu very best KEROSENE there. May 9— tf. J. BEAVER. II 6:11 n ,a_AF gall b r- AMS, e his of thank• S hTs O c N u sUni e t a t k s s a n t i nt e r t m h o o d 1' s ing that he has just returned from Philadelphia with the largest assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, this, Dye Stuffs, Soaps, Perfumery, Fruit, Ilonfec tioaary, dcc., dm., that has been brought to the place this Pea:ton, which ho will sell sheep. He has en hand, with what he is receiving. makes his assortment of Patent Medicine greater in variety -than any ether establishment in the 'place. In a few weeks.- he will publish his list of manufactured artjcles. lie has on had now„.his Cough Medicine, put up in six ounce bottles, price 25 cents, "no sure, 30 pay." Its curative properties are now fully appreciated, judging from its daily sales. May 9 '62. THE OLD MILLER AGAIN ! AB, the Reba is now on its bud legs, and nearly over, we thought right to announce to the public-that we will grind Grits or 20 bushels or upwards either for pay or Toll•seentely,and that we have rm hand all kinds of FELD. CORN in ear or shelledior ir. MEAL silted or not. AlsO 7 - Oats by the bushel or in any way *hit it may be wanted; -also, Midlings, Ship:tun' and Bran, Corn in Cob Chopped at taunt notice.' Platter by the ton or RAH on baud. Still in the market 10 Wheat. We ean'alniitys ilcrtip god ' , Work like it was done at, Ishind No. 10, itud rittsbuitt Landing:" _c JOHN wAur,ER, AprlB JOSEPH ELbEN. THE sabstirilker' errs for 'Rent a comfortable 110U.Skl,:ital a I.ot of Grout O , altaatell" at Reiggold. tyaabiktoa couoty,"11141. _ For' fartkea yartrculais persons wishing to rent will platiae'call on Catharine shank, Mai; of the preaosea 'or tikon the selmeriber. - , W. B. HUNTER: fron2--aw . . . ,„ • kolectrie rp*dr.,9 American Spotting - Pow : 4l. .Americatriepurting Powder, Hicarti's Di4ek Powaer. „ iluzard'a Duck l'owiler.; •'. kissAirti's gating Powder, liazonripilinstiuganwdet,• l'be beila Powder tuatiet.. heat rima.er - tuttde• 7: l ha slaty tpince.youT get it is ne gooooiltaits for43Ej:e. ri11... lIR oubserflier hill 'noir _op' hsinil WOO good " Cf(Esl'N llT.U.kil t is whil.l4 'be iiiiill,llivose ._ . of tin ..rmionitble. tent's. , Abssi--so,tbe ': good KIND WAIiO.N. .- ... ' b. , 15:• POIIIN kat, ' ' Jail:- IS : - . v , . =1"M., 1 7 1„9,15F._ 11 , :, 49,P,; I V f"' e . • , . , ~ .. - T:' ;-.' ' .—.i' - ' • / . . 7 % • Groceries,: illi HU • lan! LADIES'' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES, &C. --o---- HANKFUL Tor kind losers and aatronage here -torero bestostel upon him, again appeitre before the. publie to solicit a continuance of the same.— He hating just, returned from the eastern cities with a fine and well selected stock of new CZ- MUDD JEN fail fio Which he intendsitelling at very low rites ' which he knows he can do to the satisfaction of all who will call and examine his stock. -Below you w ill find inutnerated a few articles which will bo found among his stock - to which ho calls your attention. ' FOR THE LADIES He has a large assortment of Dress floods consisting in pert of 4- Vila Mei • Printed and Plain De'sines, - 811, Filed and Coll Si lks, plaid Mohniv, Slik. Warp Mohair, Houle*, • Medona Cloth, • - • French and daLllitik Gingharna, Poplins Pongee Mixture, Cloth for Ladies, Wrappings, Glove*, Hosiery, in great Variety. GENTLEUIEWS WEAR, " Broad Olathe, Black mind Fancy Cassinaereo, . Union Cassitntres, Puck. Linens, • Cattonadem, • • Tweeds, ' Velvet Cord. Marseilles, Bilk Vesting, Velvatitle Vestings, of all kinds; in feet a full assortment of goods fur Gen men wear. Also a large and well *elected sleek 03 DOMESTIC GOODS,. Marlin, Ticking; and a complete a assortment of Notions. lee no use trying to enumerate. If you want anything at all in the Dry Goods line, just call in and you will find him ready to wait on you with plensnre. To persons having country Produce to sell, they will find it to their advantage to bring it to Stn. ver's,as he always gives the highest market price. No give him a call, and he will sell you goods as cheap as they can be purchased elsewhere. April 1862 • NEW Goops Ili MM US KIM SEP Iron and Steel, Shovels atul,Spades, Hors and Hakes, • Spades and Forks, Nails, Hinds and Spikes, Locks, Hinges and Seresva, Latches, Staples and, Bolts, Oils, paints, Glass and Varnishes, Milt Cross-cut and Circular Sawn, Hand, Tenon, Web and Compass Saws, Augem. huger Mgr, Ckijulet ‘and Socket Chisels, ehrier elwi s el4 - __M ar fi g i'ng.lerhi se t 1 runing Saws,anil ',Angels combined. Pruning saws, VMStering Trowels, Pointing and Gorden Trowels, Double and Single Bitt Axes, hatchets, ing K uiv. r; White.i.vash Brushes. Stine, Store and Horse Brushes, Scrubbing Brushes, Cloth, Tooth, and Paint Brushes; Table Oil Cloths, Floor Oil Cloths7CiTiiiiige Oil Cliitlist'Spekes, Fehoes, Hubs. shafts, Pyles, springs and axles; Black-smith Bel lows, Anvils, Vices, Hoof Knives, and Rasps; Tubs, Ilucsets, Churns; Rope, Baskets,Brooms an.l Wash Beards; Waiters. Trays, Candle Sticks Snuffers Coffee Canisters; Table Cuttlery, Pocket Cultlery, Pruning Knives ' P r u ning Shears,' 6ilver-plated Wore, Table and Tea Spoons, Salt Shovels, Forks, and Ladles, A Mita Table and Tea Spoons, Iron Spoons, Tinned. Spoons; Trace Chains, Halter Chains, Cow Chains, Butt Chains, Sporting Pow der; Blasting Powder, Shot, Gun Wadding; Ar nold's nth% Fluid, shoe Blacking, Stowe Mg; Lead Pencils, Oillott's Steel -Pens, Writing Paper; Flom Selves, Meal Selves. Sing ir Selves and Wire Cloth; Cooking !Royce, Nine Plate Stoves, Coal Stoves; Carriage T.iniitg. C..enake Laeic,' anal Carriage Trimin.ng; tojether with] 'a Lime and carefully selected stock of Cabinet and Saddlery. Hardware. All who desire to hayehea p are invited to call arid examine my sonde before purchasing elsewhere,- as l am aleterminei to sell as cheap _it usual, notwithstanding the a varier , of some kinds of goods. Tito subscriber w hh here take ace talon to return his since i tha to the public for former favors and hopes; r it dealing and cheap goods. to merit a continuance of the same. upr2.s- • ,„ WM. 11,11ROVIERTON. 7SPItING MILLINERY ! 11tRS. C ` L..IIOLLEVA6 I ' V OULD infirm the' Ladies /a Waynesboro' and vicinity, that she has r owned her Mil -1143-fs9 oPfit4e,, -11 .0 of Wm. P. Weaire'y', jirit'ryieciVed` from New York and Philadeliibla her Spring' supply. or new MI; LI N tity•wous: fl'er stuck ronsl is Ott -80NNET104 - 1113130INT8; PLOWEII0; Misses' and Children's Hats, Cater; Braid _Dresitik with all other =Wei usually .kept, by , Milliners. The : ladies • are invited to call and examine her' new _ goals. ' May 2., 1862. - - 81tekiffal ty ,_.-„,.... ,-.. .. „ a . p T" unit&gaiittattairrOliets:hllaself to; tbe .Ij , . minis, Itep,nbhcan',convsittion-or ,1,1,41 c,initity as a candidate for' the' nir lierilVilty: ,*,:ffievi - ikeiVail next to the higheA'nuraber:tiliotos last 'time, be res. Dectfully ttslottheinlhOtico'and `. , tiles of those favora ble to WS' riniiinalieb andif &initiated and elected he pledges himself'. to -"iligtharge:: his dative . with promptueSs and tairity.i- . . ~. _ • .-! , ,j. If ARVri" dQRPOZI. 1, k ,t9 1 " 0yost wiiit tu toe tiyive."ctqr 119.)..thick, Iltd, F tear • " ivylftill'aliit: *wit c its-tuliiirrit id :•!- t: , i• r""" . -. ' • THE,it'.4.ri:jer ::` !liin iin`v ilti ,.. eisic;4 . o);ti;flii4ol :orF.7)7l39'3ltt,re' pinirepr: 7 l - inCriiikrilat ;a' r'1 1 r.j. 114 . Y rtY,. 1!) ,,,,,,, ~,,..., r, . ,I* - - - -47 4J1114..., *Si--- " ,'-- • '-• / R`da-.B' i p0u.0.,7,„1.7417iti,,ttri,17,4-.1.1.704enirk-7:41,;,4,07.71-,c1.4,,w_r.,,:yi1t....46;,‘„,,d.7.Y17145irt r'tki l y l44 7 c4 C i titsl - mt"4 6 l; : ti t 4 103 i, '' . ''' ' " ' ' ile ?'..;, 1 • 4,1'4 ft:re .' O 4 0111:41 . 0.siii,', cA11.,11- WI .. _. :1 1 ,:iciet ' N=:M t.., „ot&I ....sitor irl , . qv , • vw it 1 amiadaLdb+4 ll6 B l ...!-- , ~ -...", r .1.., 4 ;' - rp'.t.r,.. - '-'._ •,? i ," " flitkre.' 1:1 6 ' .7•tr,.y. , ,, '"' il, i 7 _SVMME -ALSO•- . Ladies' Mum's, Plaid Clinghatni, ,ttracsales, Fancy Print'', • - Lawns, - !fringes, Linen Handk'fa. Fancy Cassimeres, Plain, 4. • • Italian Cloth, readings, Marseilles, - Grenadines; AjiWIGIOCID .EIGHE • Tweeds, • Jeans, . Linen, Shirt Fronts, Shirt Collors, NeCIL nes. &c. Queenanare, . pardwarce, . Boots and Shoe., • ca . Lp_.'zaz - matirauzza--- - , Of the very best quality, suelt , as Syrups, and Porto Rico Molasses; Beet Rio Coffee Superior Prep:tied Colibe, Best Essence; No. Ohocolato, ' 'Raising, ' • ...,,To,bance, • , is**, &c. _ The above goods have been artfully selected and purchased at the vcryjoorest figure. He is therefore enabled to accommodate all who rimy favor him with a calf. By strict attention to business and a desire to please in every respect, he hope* to merit a continuance of patronage. NO TROLBLE TO SHOW-GOODS, ' Country Pratlnce taken in exchange for goods at the highest market prices J. W. mit.t.r.R4 AprillB '62 " . , . ALE 3 CENTS PEE GL M. Milt subscriber informs 'his customers that he 1 has removed his 'Restaurant to the house of Tien, door to Beaver's Variety Were, where Fe will have for Palo Oysters, Eggs. Hain, tfvore, dre. Also ,Washubaugls'e and Imdwjg's Ale at xcinitelper glued, .'• ' J' tB. FUNK. A , WIT; HOPE. STORE. THE would infirm his customers and the Tth& generalq , that he has just re. reived from Philadelphia. a hill assortment of Spring dr Summer Dr," Goods, Grorerieo, Marti'ware, Queentwaro, Shoes, Boots, Hots tCaps, and all Ottrer-artichrsrunity d ;ailed merchants,, by countr merchants,, all w itch will - b Id no low its the same goods cell' be r poreheisol 'elsewhere in the county. The, public arc invited to call and eirstnine his stock. JOHN M. COOK. Mt. Hope, Arty 18 _ NNOT7NCES his Merida and theipithlie J . l . gen e rally that he is 'no in possession of all the kite and moat improved instrumentsond is well prepared to.perfisrm all DENTAL operations. H will be happy to, wait upon those who may rewrite the services Of an experienced Dentist. All circa lions upon the mouth and teeth performed in a scientific manner. , Teeth inserted according to the hank improvements in the art, and' at : moderate rates. °Moo in his mittens:lc on the Bondi CJrner of the• Diamond. . , i no orpoqiumagn „ . tp AND.MbIED:OIII!.: rllO can- make. a I manl-4 • men nin appear-: once. with a coat fitting,like n fAltion-ploc, pants and vest ft fur a preaident: Who makes fine gents yuu The, Talkie—no: Midfake theta it. ,'Well, then we have jast.brotught rune theteity, ncateit, sleekest, fittest; let/cleat, ti i .bl fest,' 14- of , • "": * • " ' • FANCY CA . 43I:IIERS,III,AektAtk3NERts; . . CLOTII AND:VE - 4 . 1'1NQ% ' • , tilakeen be creep in !Jug quortei., We will . wives tilt, turd' out: teal 'errs AND': CuRA • fileall4,"tilitif we have them. We have the Intent fitehitoullatee, nett vial ira_c 4t u tD thi nu, liiittithe 111,Calsty tiur frieUtte knit tit.) . -1 - .2 c..t. .., • • ' ; atter,,Xtueptt• :, , t4sti.etusethit—eig . n.or.th , e4;44.lt4t-Aliqat, Prirti.tUuve ennui per wart :''• . _ll9- Ig=Ems 'OF, SPi~I~.~ . a ~~~~~11~~~~ ~,_ -~- Ilardiviarep altoositttnat ,IiIIEp,SWMW::ANO - 'OIIBWARE I 'ETA VINO just returned from the Baitein Cidea Jul. be would call the• attention of hie cuatomers and the public:generally'hi his . • LARGE Bc, SPLENDID ASSORTiIENT DRY GO'flDS! Which will be sold at extremely, Low Prices:. Below you wiil 'find enumerated q few articles which will be foiled 'muting his otock • to which he invitee your attention: " ITA o*i Dcl lines, A !paces, • Printed Malik+, I.lombaZi, Oinghenn, MEN'S WEAR, REMOVAL. cszeavnr. DR. W. D. LECHLER 1.4 Pril` 1.4. t 14 4 4 ,V ii OA i#(o- - 4, , ~. , , , 4 r ..:.: .$ k . iii „ r •' " ,"*.,, ' . / 4 ""r7 1, 4 1 ' 9 .1ft.tr , , _ , OA* ,?' ',':- ContirktYrED - VAEKtIY - ; ','; ~.:::"' ~,, ~., '. 'Z,,' ': • ir:' $44-rjritliki '1,141111d P*7 1 ' , ~ , -"t , 19-t—i'' b,}ll 1Z:41.41.t'T . ,tr-r - -;/,'''' -. • : ' - t r /A " ,*;fllolop' ' ' -' 44Y , 16 7 11/4 1 * - - - LiAIioN,(HAMIO ii ,':'''''.•<',' . .oioits)., ~. \,. -,' i 7 ".' ' ' " • '_(„Stiolit : 62o) ; , ~ • 7,1 ",. • '' TALtilniti •V;' , ' ; r'" ','- ~ -. i . ",' r,•,, " • )4Ano," '.a. ~ . t,,..,.-..„ . 2' 7; :5 . ;.;.. . , ~~~:~' ~ O EMU -sag , APRIL- *',Q.l ItIBERSON' BENEDICT , & CO: Waynesboro' :Pa. - • ~• GOODS!! y ore noW toceivinz awl o &tit* to ntill , a new \4le and FULL 'ASSOurIIE • • hErM DTII:.©II.OS Which we think wa are prepale.l to aril at as low terms as any other house.in town or. country.,. DRESS GOODS of nil kinds Challies, D ilciegea, Lavellae, EMBROIDEULES. MEN'S SPRIAIG AND. SUMMER (23 1 CID CGO M 9 Co ttonades, Cloths, Ken. Jeans, - Cagsirmae, Fine Tweeds, Vesting, Neck Tim, Hosiery, Cravats Summer Hats IlUnd kerchiefs, Shoos, :Slippers A tali assortment of Plain and Fancy CASSIMEKES. QUEENSWARE, A gaud supply of QueoUsivare and Glassware if the West ,etyle.. Alwaya on hand a heavy 161 of ' prinie Grin:cries, ,COFFEE, - •• Alt, • • ••-•' • • 61XRUP. -• • • mol.Assgs. , . • , SPICEB, To which we retspectfully call the attention ofonr cuMemera 'nil the public generally; Mol•at the intim time we return our .thanks 'cuettatn••re and the community for their liberal ratranace, and wild en deavor by f tic dealing with all, to merit a 'continia ance of the same. Please call and see. MllEltt./N, DENEDIOT-&-Co DRYPRA T: • at ) E: EDI I' 4: C4* PteKLE,S. A L 0 TiO Gootr OIL CURTAINS, A FVIGL ASSOBTMENT BIRK %ISM MGM, a ~!b uaialp c ialza4 „. ~,,: ..„:,.., Or , 51,141i.t0rk.§1, 11 3RT1C4....- •-:.:c; f '''..',''. •'. ~., ..., . • . _ • , , : ..., , ' ,i.. • - • ~... :. tea...v. .41:,, 1 ,.., t _ .: - r• - : . : r . : „ ..., .. • ~.., . , - ..., • - - - 'i - : z . ,:•!.:.',% '.: t. ;. ' ' ---- ',.- - - - - • .. t , - '- ' ' 'l - .i':''', .-i}harsmitio.N.-,:corr , , _..• .. -4 4 , ..., ~...,,,,,..‹, .-...4.- ' 4 ~-,"'" - ' W4 l.:' - , • ' ' '• ' , ' 7. ' ‘, "•'' C: ' . 'i ~"' '''' ....." -. : i1i 1; '71 . 7 ... ','. ' *:.f. . . . , ... ''''.../,.':':s:":%. ''... - , . -..T.. .;'•,•',. , , ~,,.„, W..,.%.„..:-, , ,, ,%' -.,:,:.„..: ; .4 4; , 2 4 , _, '• . ' e • - ..;04.1.;..ei -1 4 .1..r.14,: :',..' '' 1. , • . .llk WK3,.'ra1•Z. , ,01 a ne.stri;,)ki4; , s.oo,4, kook SPRING IND. RIMIER ~~~~~~s . -~... ~ . , *SLEEVES, GROCERIES, AMDERS6N;TENEDICiT & Mr% tratiff FIXTERES, AMBEItSpN,.I3ENETtict & CO'sl aid . • t s'' AND IRITHilia - Mollll4ot - ' flag received and is illiiy,-,receiyinghqovorwliel,m 4 ing stock of goods fiont',lllolloteoi , has been the iniintlisidif, .advanced to within' **b e Omediately diiiiiikotki:ittlltiieatlfte•ot • . , •,..• a CHEARL:CORNEIii, - : , • On Main andthureh Stu,, Where all kind. ottlOcitt4—such lit Brn breit.n , nam ed anti a - multitutle of &het artictinOisilirlfilliani in ti full house; few along with impaitaht items; - • Silks, Detainee, Paris Lustre., Gingham., Fancy Poplins, FANCY SP.It ENG Gingham, Brocades, `Lustres,, TH OEITLEMMi iIiTAITET Can be ticketed wink of; 'the liandsoniest — stv kg of Caatiimereti, Maratilka, Cleat's, Vatenejec, Vestinga, Grenadines, SUMMER 000D3. Denims, Tweeds, Jeans, 'Tho alieve are only a few of • du lea ding iterng, 'but any article desired in • tho dry gortds or -ether departments can be supplied. ,And further, we have . • . , . , . . , Skeleton anti IlitinprartfOrts,.Cullars, , Sk'eveS, I;inen' litllss,'HOt•iery ; Gloves, " ' ' Shawl 4; Ladies' Gaiiiiisi, atuntlets,'' • . Nubias, ecrratts, — l'a.itsels and.Conl, . . Shaker's Ribbons; awl Patasol.4, . . Ruffling., Laces,, Quillings, • Prad nets of Chenille, ' 0 , , , Cotll',, Fig'J Jo.. Lustreo, Poplins, The people of Waynesboro' and' vicinity; and of ether 'plum; are respectfully invitetl tai call and ex amino this splendid stuck of DRY GOO Us,, GROCERIES &O us , tho proprietor - . feels -assured • that • no one en n find fault rri "prices or style; and. in conclusionlio returns his thanks to the community for format. ft. vors and hopes fur a continuance of tlio 4 aatno • A p.rt 7 • JOSE A II BESORg. 111P- - - - --111P----111J1111111 THE GRANDEST VICTORY OF THE WAR; ACHIEVED OVER TANKEWRERELS; ATID TUE "UEST OF IIIINKINOI" B Y A DISPLAY DP,FRESH AND "f3TigAPARDDS --Frelll -as , Aldinitig : gloriesi" beautiful ' as, the `CIWW - ati Spring day, snuff!_ Oh! yo fair portion o f Creation! do ye want Silksthat gli.ten on Baos3t NAY, Delaines, of every WO4 tho dtairdiow: Hintai layas, mottled andprinted like•fairy fields;-Ntodeliss, Halzarines, Moviiribiques: Deheges, &c , &c, that would Woo by their tieduty. the (;enii'of the'stars! ;WALK UP To THE CHLINTOR! .: Our* Lawns of Softest;tints. Chintzes sparkling like dew drops, gingham:: bright as Vends, with oar Magic. Duffling . is, Collars, Sijk;aiuntlets. Balmoral' Skirts, Head Fascinators and MoroeCo B:l:tchAs which will deck you out in etheriai'splendob; lad collpel taw admiration of the Gentd--!-We will insure - ill. • GENTLEMEN, .. ~. +J r... ~ .. You ere not flirgettrul—Nor all that is beautiful belongs to the Ladies; for fitess their hearts, they love to see the gents lit splendid' array! (11.0 Prf fresh from France.,and Gassiotere's',sleek as mirrors, fancy as the sunny-eye; With Yestings of e style so harulsoare, that To I.) )ity with ou r Sylenditt shirt Welsts. „elituiier • 'than o k Tr,,etegaut Neck-ties, &c, will.meau yau ,I,d'onises,every Moth- Zreisiitt of, You. hill 11011 N HIM'MINUTE Ye mathare._the'r:s . ing : zt•nerat , laila! te,are aY ways` before tt,! _ We haie far - yne at r'rices"i i t oty as a ate I!te trap tlinge gond • • ' m ana hu r gli s , • ••: tilieetings. • - . . . . • •., . .... - - , - Torzfinr, , ' ---.-,-'.' ' ' •., • • , . . -•- Ttcraiiga,': - ; •• , • -". --- Caliorrii - - .--'•:.,--,: ~ • 1../o/neptica, • AO ail ihe Noticaur neceaaniiii7 7 1fairalccepeni,an,l• WIEAPis the:viurd!=-Givii-iii ti calf! • ••• r: '•:.; CLEAN Gk. 3etCra2lLlEt. X 31E. ga, murk below list Waiter's - prises.;;46lsan , pure. frasNsweet as now fun. inkover 3.3%tutifiiiliinued Stllll r. :uilsers4ll4t.tia , t,51 . 0 - Rid* villa: !fin. ";:u gars, ;White, .aritrteiiixannts :every grade. ~..01000,3710 - 1411X0 : —.03.11 Water coo ar,vvare-,. GbfitOritrtit: I.4lornifyv: • - ST'S, EiCtinitiSaClE -11 • 'feet iftic" use to , etuutersteoho44 erY • dung 674)Air.tipliartaiiithitAity04.,;the' "4.1.0. /jut - maniFe havek 7 ot4 • 7 doo4 ~.on.Aottioro b. glad io grog' yotk; 0 . „ sAitts- OSRKWP 11P: yolvwsut'itlood , tvaihi s nie -.4C- - -,,, , 400 Fii.„,141104. , liza,, ~,, , 40,-...rtiak,,,..... :1 ', - :, ent-.... k. ,,,,,. -. ~.., :-.L L - ''' .1V, 4 .21X •','-'l'. f .'. , ';' , • ' , ''i °l'' , ''-r'• ~ - ''' ' --- ' ' , • . 4,!,t,-.4....:`4,,,,,, ;, 4 .!p- , _,- I. .4"..'it't,; ,'' 1 E33,541*, I`iit:uos, Rip Delairir•s, grit!teAt ChOlics• BOmbazirte4, Fancy l','111)0, 1111 W t • /WigCS, ,I,invn9 linahmor.ttbi, INcriro Oaslitn6re-s Marseilles Skirts, Belts, MCI A forty Rhinoceros, toodof • ■ oft: It • -y.w4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers