ot;Opoinn,,o-lhilid.diteh or-twin:lf, we - faktit dpiewith,l9lMvi; all buried with tito)it i k ta:doWtmrd.-- On •faking- up sotaardaziCor gye. , of, them, we dis c ov e red the lenoilps 'Oatit..•'"oiterylitingled with thosE of'the Men. 'WO took. them, phiced them in a eOffin, and bought thee, homo.". tn_wiattoit - tit ii member of the vamoittee, to•itlitithe,r .he was satiated 'that they were buiied iitimatientdirorith their faces downward,' GoitAprague's answer was, "Undoubtedly! Beyond all eontroven3yl" and that "it was dote es a mark of indignity."— ,In answer to another 'question, as to what theiz-nhject could -have been, especially in regard to the body of Colonel Slocum, he "Sheer brutality, and nothing else. -They did it on account of his-courage ,and chivalry, in hoeing his regiment, fearlessly and bravely, tpon them. lie destroyed a • bout one half of that. Georgia regiment which Vas mado up of her best citizens." Vl' hen the inquiry was put whether he thought these barbarities wen. committed by _that reg iment, he responded, "By that same regi ment, as I was told." While their Own dead were buried with marble head and foot stones, and names upon them, ours were buried, as • I have stated, 'in trenches. This eminent 'witness concludes his -testimony as follows: "I have published an order to my second regiment, to which these officers were attach e, , hat I shall nut be-satisfied—with what they shall do unless they give an account of one rebel killed for each of their own num ber." The members of youi committee might content themselves by leaving-this testimony to the Senate and the people without a word of comment; but when the enemies of a just std generous government are attemping to ex cite the - sympathy of disloyal men in our own country, and to - solicit the aid of foreign gov ernments) by the grossest misrepresentations of the objects of the war and of the conduct ' of the officers and soldiers of the republic, this, the most startling evidence of their- in sincerity and inhumpity, deserves some notice at our hands. History will be examined in vain for a par ittia ft-Aria rebellion:Against a good govern -1.7-4 prct - pme iC4 ,- tifebyz _ ambitious men, who were made doubly confident of success by the aid and cousel of former' Administra tions, and by the belief that their plans were unobs - Cffe - d - by-a magnanimous - people they precipitated the war at a moment when the general Administration had just been chang ed under circumstances of astounding perfidy. without a single reasonable ground of com plaint, and in the face of repeated manifesta tions of moderation and peace , on the part of the President and his friends, they took up-, arms and declared that they would never sur render until their rebellion had been recog o, e- L.! • _ - fathers had been - destroyed. ' The people of the loyal States, - at last - convinced that - they could preseive their liberties only by an appeal to the God• of battles, rushed to the standard of the• Republic in response to the call of the Chief Magistrate. Every step of this; monstrous treason has been marked by violence and crime. No transgression has been too great and no wrong too startling for its leaders. They disgraced the sanctity of oaths they had to,. • ken to support the Constitution ; they repu diated all their obligations to the people of the free States; they deceived and betrayed their own fellow-citizens, and crowded their armies with forced levies; they drove from their midst all who would not yield to their despotism, or filled their prisons with men who would not enlist under their flag . They , haie now crowned the rebelliori by the petration of deeds scarcely—known even to savage warfare. • The investigation of your committee have established this fact beyond controversy.- - The witnesses called before us were men of undoubted veracity and character. Some of them occupl. high positions in the army, and others high positions in civil life. Differing in political sentiments, their evidence pre sents a remarkable concurrence of opinion and of judgement. ' , Our fellow-countrymen, heretofore sutn • clently impressed by the generosity and for bearance of the Government of the 'United States, and the barbarous character of the crusade against it, will be - shocked by the statements of these unimpeached and unim peachable witnesses, and foreign nations must, with one accord, however they have hesitated heretofore, consign to lasting odi um the authors of crimes which, in all their -details, exceed the worst excesses of the Se pays of India. Inhumanity to -.the living has been the loading trait of rebel leaders, but it was reserved for your committee to disclose, as a concerted system, their insults to the wenn !led, and their mutilation and desecration of the gallant dead. Oar soldiers taken prison ,ers in honorable battle have been Subjected to the most shameful treatment. All the considerations that inspire chival ric fnetions and generous considerations for Breve men have been disregarded. It is al most beyond belief that men fighting in such a cause as ours, and susnainedhy a _Govern- - ment which in the midst of violence and treachery has- given .repeated evidences of its indulgence, should have been subjected to treatalent never before resorted to by one foreign nation in a conflict with.another. All thecourtesies of professional and civil life seem to have been discarded. Gen. Beauregard himself, who, on every recent occasion; boasted that he had - been' controlled by 'humane feelings, after the bat tle of Brill Run-coolly proposed to hold Gen. Ricketts as a hostage for one of the murder- OW3 privateers, and the rebel . nineons dis dained interooonrse and conwanOation with out 'mita surgeons, taken in honOtable battle. The outrages upon-the dead .will revive the recollections of the cruelties to which savage :tribes ii#jected - their prisoners They were buried ientany eases naked, withlheir fitteg l / 4 . 40111tWailiv,, They Were leftto decay In 'the , open nii;lbeir bones parried off. troOlkiei sometimes, atthe'tesiiiriOny proves, to ,be: ased - ailtetseitiekadernments; and - one an is leleberately'aiere that' the head - of - tee irfreiose gallant-ideate was out off WA: Eles- -. 'eeleionist,tnlinttireedinte drinirWe'otp. taktlieneeasiOn •Monktrous ealluVievainficef jet — •l -`- your 'iiteirkg; ;*" ,listmerfWeidit the skull of a gOttsent RepTeeini: 4401:Zithielnial-lierini7otirvertod 441'J-tech' , 46# of:tho xnlelp 'rigonertlikeii FThs -7 " 'Ore haourof Gov.-. • ( 6 0** 4 I f : ' F BI hid els -.% 0 0- tatted ,ting:' OW' Moral'**Mc - 14'00st _coitol4l**.y.,:protos tluirthubblf WO* str t iofiloarli SerYico'',War(:latrriaid. lie does bot :IrMitate*i hyena des ecration of the hanored oorpie was ,beeause the rebels believed it to be the body of _Col. SlocuMi - sOziinst whom- they Yore-infuriated for hivin g displayed so much . courage and chivalry in forcing his regimeet . fearlessly and bravely upon them:, , These disclosures, establishing, as they incontestably do, the consistent inhumanity of the rebel_ leaders, will be read with sor row-andindignatioi by ,the people of the loyal States. The3r-should Inspire these people to- tenewmt exertions to protect our dottary 'from the restoration to power of such men: The should, and we believe theyarouse disgust and 'horror of foreign natieru3 againstthis unholy . rebellion. Let it be ours to furnish,. nevertheless, a continued contrast to such, barbarities. and crimes. Let us persevere in the good work of maintaining the authority of the Constitu tion, and of refusing to imitate the monstrous N dices we have been called upon to lures tigate-. .. - Your committee beg to say, in conclusion, that they have not yet been enabled to gath er testhr_ony in regard to the additional in quiry suggested by the resolution of the senate hether Indian sava es have been employed by the rebels in mi itary service against the Governmerit of the United States and how snob warfare has been conducted by the said savages, but that they have ta• ken the proper steps to attend to this import. ant duty. B. F. WADE, Chairman. INTIETCH FAIJTOIIV lIE suhscritler, thankful forpast patronage, still 4j solicits the same; and in addition to manufactu ring all kinds of worked Material for Building Purposes, • • such as . SASH, DOORS," SHUTTERS, ° BLINDS, FLOORING, WINDOW FRAMES, DOOR FRAMM - FAVING, MOULDINGBi- I am 'Prepared to furnish all kindi of oak limbe for different purposes in building, such se JOICE, RAFTERS, LATH. STUDDING , PAIL . INGS, SCANTLING, BOARDS, &c., All of which will he sawed to order, at short notice and upon reasonable terms. —Also, sawing, by mill and circular saws, of every description done; Framing, Surfacing, Matching, Flooring, &e., &c.• For further particulars apply to the subscriber, at Factory two miles _southeast of Jun. 17, 1861 LOOK.HERE!! M. M. STONER, Druggist, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN HIS LINN OF Ml saes, WAYNESBORO', PA., Has not only got back to his "old business," but to the "old - stand!" Having fitted up the room now occupied neatly and having returned from the city with a fresh sup ply, which he has just received, cowls. I II flag of Fresh, Foreign and Domestic Drugs, A largo and general assortment of Medicines, Chemicals, Patent Medicine, Dye-stuffs, Dry Paints and Paints ground in Oil, • Oils expressed and•distilled; Fruits green, preserved and dry, Confectionaries, Liquors of all kinds for medicinal purposes, Books, stationary,fancy and miscellaneous articles, all of which he offers for sale. Thankful for favors received and hopeful of their continuance,he invites the public to call before purchasing elsewhere. ,Stoner offers for sale a lot of beautiful shells.— Carkon Oil which will suit for Kerosene Lamps warprted not to smoke, can be had at Stoners. Parrafin, Crystal, and Benzole Oils: also Cam phine and burning fluids is for sale by Stoner. Stoner has a lot of barrels,kegs, jugs, cans. fce. which he will sell very low. .loci 31. Notice—New Firm. THE subscriber having disposed of his entire Stock of Goods to Messrs. Collifiowor & Clug stun, notifies all persons indebted to him on Store Books to settle their accounts with and pay de a• mount of their indebtedness to either John P. Study or Daniel Bricker. The new firm will continue the business u heretofore. A. S. MON N. Quincy, Jun." 1,1862. i t Mentzer's Horse & Cattle Pow AI - M. STONER having purchased o Mr i e Mentzer, s the recipe for making the a bove far-tamed Horse and Cattle Powder,for Pennsylva nia and Maryland, takes this method of informing the farmers, drovers, &c., that he has on hand and intends keeping a volt snpply always on hand. Countiy merchants and Oilers keeping such articles fcr sale, would do well to supply themselves with a quantity. He will sell it on commisSion or for cash cheap. Orders will be punctually attended to. ° Jan. 31. -- Apt. 14 1862. Ready-Made Clothing ! FOR FALL AND WINTER! FRESH BUPPLYB RECEIVED MONTHLY! AB. A DAMS would respectf illy _inform his patrons and the public generally that he has returned from the Eastern cities with a general as• sortment of Ready-Made • FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, embracing all the latest styles of Coats, Pan ts o Vests, Shirts, Collars, Necties, Suspenders, etc, etc, alt of which are well made. The public are.cordijolly in vited to call-and examine his goods, as _he is deter termined to sell at short profits. _ lie will continue to carry on the business ofairailoring ae heretofore. Persons desiring-gar ments cut out or made up are invited to givelim a call.. , Latest fail/dens received regularly. ' Oct2s. • . • A. 8. A. trxpcirtant,' to uterS illa subscriber takes this method of announcing Tof the Fanners and others, that he has on hand a tot of DWARF BROOM CORN. seed, along with some specimens olithe corn. Tide is sit excellent article of Broom Coin,"-stel should be raised by ev ery one.,_ E Ass also a . fullamortment of fresh • 111.tdicinm, Cheinitide, 41ke.. • ' , J. KURTZ. Crinbenies cents pe , .• • - • "-. Mar. 16' B ROO t'- . T . 4 :,-jndoreigned `tontistute, platinfeeture Smote epos :the - old. - pneciple . ' ill of I.o34l,lol'iterreet to bti• will. These tme4l*Pel..t are *elicited. to ties him egedl. jeht2: - - -.42k - COB OZOKN EL' 4 7 714 ' proom o da:**.:o3ko . * 'no listeboar:Spigo- " 7 ,-; ~:, i, ': - i, "')• : I. 1 ..:'‘o . "lef . ' 7 ; f I .'4' ' ' it-'''' Zee , , F .: ::,,,. it), l: ~..::.:,.:: ::',."--1.:: ...?;; !.:.;' • Ai : ' - • .-,. - 7,;.. ', :''' :.'..' . 0 IMMITOrlillid;liallli. ' , GEISEWS • 'PATENT SELFMEGULATINO GBAIPLBEPARATOR. 'CLEANER AND BAGGER improved rhiesher and 7 Gear ed...ll6m Powers f Driving either .by Gear or Asti, all furnished Complete ready to bp :put on. Wagons. , 1, the undersigned, desire to call the attention a Farmers and Threshermen of Frankling and adjoin ing counties to it: • This Machine has been before the public for seven years, , during whichitime it bee given general , satisfaction, and the patentee having made some very important improvements, which render it still more complete, both for dead separating and cleaning, and also • for ease of draught and fast Threshing. I take pleasure in re , minending-it-tolthe publie, knowing — that it wil! give tho best of satisfaction. lam unieuractuiing three different sizes, as follows: - No. L is 8 horse Power,will thresh and clean from 200 to 500 bu'shels per day. No. 2 is 5 to 8 horse power, will thresh and clean from 150 to 300 bushels per day No. 3 is 4 to 6 horse power, will thresh end-clean Irons lOU to 200 h.cslttle per day. TheseLldaenines are warranted to do the above, and do it much better in every respect than any other machine in use. I • • Machine is worth from 2 la 3 cents more per WA el than when cleaned on any other separator, or the common way of cleaning on hand fans. For this reason there is not the eighth part of light matter in the grain as when cleaned on the riddle principle. The blast acts freely on all the grain as it leaves the shun, whereas, when cleaned wits. riddle that ad vantage is lost This machine does" not return the tailends as most of the separators do. By returning filthy tail; ends alternately it is impossible to make merchanta grain, Another important feature in this machine that others of the kind have not, is the belf.acting Mast Reg ulator in the fan, which remedies all dif ficulties in bad cleaning,_blowing grain in the chair• in high speed or irregular driving, which cannot be avoided in cle ' g grain by horse power This Machine is also more durable and less tedious to manage than any other deparator and Ulvaner,or the common machine with shaker. &c:,-&c Orders to ,insure their being filled Until harvest should be sent in immediately. • - I am lully prepared to make to order and on short notice Portable and rationed T 3 1 1 - • •ItlB . AND DAW MILL GEARING, SHAFTING AND PULLEYS, IRON BRIDGES, CAST IRON WATER ' WHEELS,, IRON KETTLES, &c, Stoves and Plow castingsslso cast iron and wrought iron pipe for steam or water, and Brass castings of every description; in a word, I - am prepared to do everything usually done in a foundry and machine shop. Having supplied myself with the latest im proved machinery, such as I.athes, Boring, Planing and DrillirgeMachines, persons can rely on having their work done in the most satisfactory manner.— I am also prepared to manufacture to order ma chinery for wood, such as Tonging and Groving machines for flooring, Surface, Tenout and Mould ing machines, dm. 1 also otTer to the public a new and valu able hnprovement in my steam engines, 'made within the last year, viz: fur the economizing of fuel, and the regulation of speed, which renders my new engines far superior to the old engines. All my machines are sold under warrantee. My hams are all - experienced-workmen-in—thiir-lirie-iii business, and 1 use all good material, so that 1 am • perfectly sate in warranting all my work. . I am also pzepared to do repairing in workman• like manner, on the shortest notice. Grderrsolicit• ed and promptly attended to. All orders sent in for repairing must be accotipanied with the cash For particulars and circulars descriptive ot ma chine, address GEORGI.: FRICK, Or DANIZI. GEISER, Proprietor of Territory and so. Honor, of orders,' Waynesboro' Franklin Co. Pa. April 18-tf ,NO HUMBUG THE undersigned haiing opened a Watch and Jewelry Store, -in the new building on the corner of the Diamond, and having recently return• ed from Philadelphia, would inform the residents of Waynesboro' and the public generally, that he has now on band a fine assortment of r WA ;DES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND „.- TLVER-PLATED WARE, ' Having bad considerable .experience at Watch repairing, he is prepared to do all work promptly in the best manner and guarantee the performance of it, An assortment of spectacles, and spectacle glasses always on hand. Jewelry repaired in the neatest manner. W. A. GROVE. P. B.—Old Silver •taken in exchange kir gouda, -----Apr4--Iyr. Cheap and Itiautifial Light. 'lvo. i- Carbon Oil—pure and nor-explosive— IN 'warranted to bum witheuteinkting soy smell rf used in the • OARDON OIL LAMPS, ' of the latest styles and-improremeopg--all sold Cesar . vox Caw at' the sign of the • • 1310 BED HORN. • April ' '1); B. RUSSELL. Just - Received! • At "BROTHERTON'B" . an assortment of • • ... • - Pruning Shears, • Pruning Kari*, - Pruning- alai, and Chisel. 'Pruning Saws; - _ _ • Budding:Knhw;'• '• For Mkt cheap • RIME Coffee, Ougasat Teas aed G.-Jew:at -.- - . , ungoijoi piCl o iti" ,, Les at-12kaad alr! ceatij o r s r fai v l yz itt: .s. LARGE 'assortment of. TINWARE at the 21 6 :16gniotifigt 11)0 . 11601 Hera,. - ' dte:SO '6O D. D.. Room CLOCKS„ &c &c ElC=l:4= c, ~.. 11, r , • " • 0 - - R , 19-f“ • r , - ; 11111 N i 1, 11'1 COUittliolle.l7, - Fruits, &ce,_ &c., &C. milgitsbeekibertrikes tilievaethavtivt annbuncing ,tithippople that ha' hag received id his &Drug rtore4 a seleited atUk or"; ristat Daird , I" • 'Chemicals; Perna-Midieinee Paints , Ode; Dye Stuffs, witido*.Ailatisi:PagY, ' Volarnea. 800; end klegentrite4 whicli lib fir ntiW ' ,- preparedrAo:aell" es cheap as the cheapest and : wilLassurehis eastern ers that-in regant , loquality .vihich-tiorthe first h a : penance, his Aprils, will :compare, with. the lie has also i 4ilindidrniolortrnent idlierramervi Soaps sad . Toilet i tikirtiales of all kinds, consistinpin part of the following, via Dandolinee; • - Pumades," Amber; and Dears' Oil Colognee, • • •‘ Eittadts for thii Handkerchief, Lyon's ,Kathatton, Hornet's Cucoaine, Harrison'ti Ladies' Soap, • . . Holley Soap,' ' - Hotel •Qap, Diamond White *tap.- I— CONFECTIONERY,F i RUITS, &o, Crnnberriea, Raisins, Figs, Prunes, 'Currants, Du re, k Citron, Oranges, Lemons, Nuts of all kinds, and C andies of every variety. • x coo Lamps, Lamp globes, and Brushes, Ken, ' r no OiL Camphine, Alcohol, Burning Mid', and in fact anything and everything that is usually found in a drugstore. Thankful fur kind favenTi and patronage hereto. t‘ i fore bestowal upon him, he solici continuance of the same...and hopes that by elides ing to please, he may win t e eon, idence of the pee et. Physicians' prescriptions promptlyand carefully compounded at all hours. J. P. KURTZ. nay .29, 1860 TOE WAR OF 1776. r HE name "Continental" sounds more dear.to j_ the American heart, than any of' the Royal blood, even should it be a Prince. Ho all you that wort a good Cooking Eltove that burns either coal or wood, call at M. I TRIM'S and ask f.•r Ihe Continental, which is one of the best stoves in market, and by far the cheapest. It takes a long stick of wood and is provided with fire brick to burn coal. It is ne of the hest baking and cooking Stoves the t has cr been offered fur wile. It is a hue•Cnokirfg Slot, and is easily kept clean. I always have a law assn ton hand, and wil I • r-hargairui . country. tkr to prove that my name is not Oen. ~Gregg call and see for yonrsetves. — - - Also on hand Heating S:oves , such as Eli MI 110 UAL BTiVES, fur shop or parlor, all of which I will sell very low You will also foal a large assortment of Rita l T2 ir ZCY'L4Q6IMEA9 with Uopper, Brass and Sliert-Iron Ware, which is all of my own make, and which line been proven cannot be found better in Any place. Now remem ber I tun bound to sell cheap, so all that want any thing in my line, give mo a call. My shop is still at the old place on Main Street, under the Printing °Mee. House Spouting! done nt an times and of the best double tin. Feeling very thankful lir the ninny past favors I have received from the public, I would invite all to give me a call, for then you can see for yourselves where to get hargtAins. 'Old-metal-taken at Foundry Prices in exchange fin' new Stoves. W. A. THIT I.E, Mar.2B Waynesboro': P. POURTRIN, • Dealer in all the variety of Drugs., Medi cines. Yankee Notions, Perfumery, Liquors, joy medicinal purposes, Oils, . ' . 4 - e. ! 4•c•, - Air°l.ll.D tender his thanks to the community. and still soli it the patranage of a generous public who want anything in kis line. Inasmuch as he has enlarged his stock so as to be entibletho answer all calls thr anything and everything usual ly found in a Drug Store, and has a thorough ac quaintarde with the business, he hopes to gain the confidence of the Community. He will, pay par ticular attention to filling„ physicians' Precriptions, rind more care and precaution naiad in waiting up on chldren_ than adults. • - FONIGI 111 DOMESTIC- INGS. Choice Wines and Liquors for meAnal and sacramental purposes, Patent Medicines are endless in variety, including all that have been Mode up to this date and some that are yet in embryo. Also White Lead, Zinc, Paint, Whiting. and _Varnishes for house building or inside work, besides 1111 sizes of Glass. Commercial, Note, Fools Cap and Placa Paper always on hand, with a variety of Envelopes of .different sizes and colors. Brushes, - Combs, Pomade, Fancy Boap, Hair Oil; Colognes, Essen ces, Flavoring Extract's, and numerous articles, in the Fancy line on hand.and offered far sale, cheap • er than ever Offered before. Also a large assortment of Kemsone - Oil Lampe, Chimneys, Shades and Wicks, and Keroiotne Oil to fill them. A -general assortment of Fui ts , and Confectionaries, Tobacco and Cigars. Oct. 11. - NE W FIRM! Coachma,kingl T . RE' undersigned having leased the well-known • CoachtnakingZstablishmentotAlax. Hamilton. on Mechanics street, Waynesboro', respectfully an nounce-to their friends and the public generally, that they. purpose(carrying on the business in all its branches, end are now prepared to manufacture to order all kinds of • • :" • •," • Carriages, Dieggief.4l3.. "Kauches, Nang Wagons, &c. Acc., of the twat: material, and made oy superior workmen. IILACKShirtHINO 'and •REPAIRING of all kinds dolling reasonable rates, promptly anti to the satisfaction of 'customers. COUNTRY PRODUCE takeil in exchange for work - at market prices. • . Lir Penions desisinearticlei or *ain the Coalln. making kilo, givs them a call. - - Le{ K. MORKICIONi Mar. 8. LiZO. B. NA WKAR4 • a bhaVrisiviticlic: , t‘rsispd •‘ au arA~ti kjetimfprialslis liz ins fur cokt rAstOur at q4 ;t:.-"; ,u rid • ' •' tiat at Id and 35 cpata pet Or' cd at auv. 20. ' ' ' KURTINI. L AI" Itsseases ERN Tit I . S'- ' 1 01:-. A - Y, ! 11011111111 11E 31ndersigned reti - tenth/ annornicei to the public-general old stand on Church Street, War:o6llre; Pa., where he,continuet the Maitufireittring of Family ' a4luziatia. - a a ' Buggies, Baroucimii, Wagona,:aiol every species of vehicles usually made in' such establishments.- 7 Alt work is WillTantedAD compised of the best anu, most durable' material, .and none but the most experienced workineni are employed.-- .He.has now mr,fianti a number' of Casriiigee, Bug gies, &c., &c., Which lie "will positiv,llly sell - at greatly" reduced: Jorieee for 'Muth •or upon a short credit. 'By keepuirt goad stuc k- at all times, and always holding, himself ready to supply the de mands- of the people he hopes to retoin ant!,iiecure a liberal share of , patronage. Repairing, Trimiiiingi - arid Painting . done in the best manner, and at the shortest notice. Lumber, Country Produce, &c., will be taken in exchange for work. - JACOB ADAMS. N. B. The Books of the firm of J. & A. S. Ad ams, are in the hands of the iinderskned. Persons knowing themselves indebted are requested to make immediate payment. J. A. Nov' 1. -DM!. a . .L I = j'... W 1 T - FROM MEXICAN ROW ir BEAVER , in connection With his Variety 'Store, has commenced the manufacturing of J 15400 TS and SHOES in all ite4arious brandhes.— Hering employed Jeremiah Cooper-as foreman, he is prepared to produce the• Mew l 'neatest and most durable work made anywhere. A large stock of Hats and Camand nEastern man ufectured tthoes and Hoots of the best- make, on hand; (Mocks, Trunks, Selma, Tobacco, .Stc.,dtc. You get thu very best KEROSENE there. A few fat Hogs aro wanted. J. BEAVER. Dcc,6-1 months: ACARD.—Kind friends and patrons, you have my warmest thanks for your - very liberal coamgmant. Havin'g discontinue:ll the manufactu ring of shoes &e., on my own account. and engaged myself with J. Heaver, at the Variety Store, I be speak for him the continuance'of your patronage.— Lo see us at our new plum • Det-13 . J. COOPER. 11eIbnee of Armaggedon. A - 1300K FOR THE TIMES. THIS is acknowledged to be ono Of the most re markable of human productions that has over boon offered to the_American people. The.style is chaste and truly eloquent. The subject treated of is of the most inspiring: 4, The United States in Pro hecy. For sale by • J KURTZ. ovt • MititifYINZZIKICKICIDditeriIIitMrsOLNISM T. J. FILMEKT, g DIM I' ER, - 24 rg Has constantly for age a lull asititment of GOODS for Gentlemen's ware. , : a Wi.atest City ,Fastions always on hantl. ' • 11 Waynesboro', l'a. , i • X N , 21:•01KWA0401i4a,WaY1F414,74,71.7AM,..XVX NEW LIVERY. HE subscrrter respectfully announces to his T friends and.the public generally that he has o pened a Livery t4table in Waynesboro, and is now prep.ared to accomnatiJate the public generally with # & MUCUS ; .L.;-- 0 ,„,p at the shortest notice, day or Hight.— Penton* desirous of hiring, either tat riding or driving, would do well to give him a call. His stock has been selected with great care as re• garde gentleness and speedy traveling; and his bug. give and carriages are all in good.condition.. The above stock will be kept at the Stable of Dr. John Oellig. Persons wishing to mire will please apply to thti undetsignett at Betwien's Hotel. . nob—Ow •• JOHN RICHARDSON. -To Capitalists. ; x 7 AYNESDORO' SAVING FUND.—This Societywill_Pay the following rates of in terest per annuto,oh all sums deposited in the In stitution. For 3 months, 2 per cent.; from 3 to 6 months, 3 per cent.; from 9 to 18 months,4 per cent; and over 18 months, 91 per cent. 'For a shorter period than 3 means . the tetras will be made kown by the Treasurer. Notes for discou ntshould be handed to the Tress urer oja Tuesday; is the Doard,ot Directors meet igtilarly en Wednesday - of easchweelt, at'S o'clock -A.M. - • By. order of the Board, June 17'58 • JNO. PHILIPS Treasurer, . V INLEALidt:tI I II - 4qIIJIJ.EK . GIi treito, The. bestitt .use Fur sale by NovRE. TBOX Agt. EIRESII Mackerel at, . .' .„- r Mar,2B, Analift3oi. UKNEDICT & COI; - - 3E t CHE3T:-7Dried Peaches, pared and upper L. ed at ASIDERSON, BENKDICT & Co's., JLOTH,Hat,Hair, Tooth and Nail liTtiZe just received and for sale very low by M. M STONER. t - - May7l3.- 11111 E BEST cOOKBTOVE ' .. • ' in the market to. be had at the sign'of the Big 'Rost Horn.. - - . • . D . B. Emelt., 41011 CATSUP UOTTI.EB ~ . , - For side to the Store of; W. H. Bacrnmirrort 8130 f ARCM 1110gkErrI.E8 at ~, , - 7 --- I j dealt - tato • • • _ - : -'-- Ressitit.li. •• Yeiiiiant a ,roo4 chew o( Tobacco, call at • spit - • • • Pala& r ADIEIB, if you want to WW a nice "aulortbutiit. JLA of \DialSs 4100.1.18 0 call at • • Yams% April - • 1 F you want a pretty'flummer Balmoral calliw ar l 4 • • Paica's LI waut.a aicc paw of Gausiticte s (dui 3T to 411.215":"Call et: japi4, 'Piaci a ryou wautlu 'ea large assuittavatulttitawle col at •- Pror4 — Tfluoviar 1 r,yau want 'a cheap. pair ut Congress (Jailers, unit at , PAW* Tl.rtuya l'utlatta at ' • Doc2ll 110 - - z, t z ,Z1V.1.1 4414004 401 !CitY 1141 ,1'0!°` Inentaialielitill44o4 . lllooll, 44, TO Vitift xzw , ' , v,5 i rtt.,411.4 - tottstEN-. , • , eitiserrAt 3•7, 1 6' T1 T, , j /mit• memo(' 'fhb' 8/106fiktiking Ike 4,1-ICurt,A's WWI; WOootii' 51i,!!!444,14 readinise icotriWniiiitAte Wire firlitilisay , aticrrig mode to brilftriilO OltortlOytices;aribtr*Miti -- andutiott toiiltioittiOhoillibteidin* • 1 -.• f. Oct Itai ,74 Reco - inmeitthitiunt Ytom Me Faculty J princeot erlleKe: N, -J. • • • • PalXaxrds, N.,,..14,1 7 W2dth0.1801. . . The untlereigtosd .ere, halipy . to' testifyituditoltitio, of the Pa fetteville Acedettlyi:raa.tifive mrintaittej, Et high staiiding anwng'the seceilt• 0144 4 ", College -of New Jersey. • 4 JOHN MACLEAN, _,,.-- treirittent of UK College ' . JAMES P.. MOf,'EAT!' PROVISION inmost' HZ — subscribers would Inform'citizens of Waynesburir; that they have 'opened a Flour, Feed and Provision Store in the room fonneSly , pc• copied by floseph Price d opposite the residence of John Bell, where they will- at all- times have for sale , , . - 11111, CEA Vit ilitYllitilr HOMINY, MILL STUFF OF ' LL KIN K= SUREENINGS,' CORN, .. SHELLED AND IN - THE g Alt, OATS; Po l r - TAT 4 )ErI, BACON AND ',T.:, . . , • LARD, VINEGAR; 14.!: . 4 Also, Bre, Wheat-and Barley by the ba,* lor in • • le smaller quantities, and other articles us e ly kept . in such establishments. All Flour and ill Stott' , ... _ will be sold at MILCP - uronv ran Casa. .. The highest cash prices Amid for Wheat, rye' corn and oats. -. DANIEL sNIIIELY, ,44 - ;(, ~ Febl4 —tt WM. If. FU. 'K. • .-‘,../i-- Dr. Jacob.4,llarbiiitgla it, t Celebrated Aierican Milhaud. Milk: greatest and beet external remedy ever a J. bored to the public. For sale by F. J. Krulze Druggist. Waynesboro! and by Druggists in ther county generally. -IL-V"Price2s .cen per bottle. December 13, !60—ly NO LABOR. r Uillgt i'hc cheapest article in the 'world.. Unrivalltri in Economy. Permanently Lastroa4. 'Pho only place to get it is at . lilt OTH E tON'tS. March 22. - - "Continental H ()let" - IV A Y:\ ESBO PA. rpfiru,n4ersignettl having recently Alien the a " hove named noise, formerly known as the "1.: lobe Inn " takes plearuro in uncingto hies friends and the public that he is prepared to receive and entertain Guests in a style nut to .be excelled by any country Hotel: Th House having been thoroughly repaired and ewl furnished with ere,- ry thing calculated to make guests comfortable: —the public may reit assured that they aill at all times - find it in condition suited -to-the-comfort and - convenience of-the trayelei... Hie Hatisalways Sup plied with the Illmicest Liquors, and his Tattle with the hest the markets afford, and all other appliances siitahle and- necessary for .the accommodation, of man or beast. With faithful and obliging servants anti-his own personal attention and supervision,t will leave no means tampered to merit ptiblic twangs. The proprietor assures those Who raky favor hi with theirpatronage that - they' shall. ever meet 8. his house* cordial reception, and that everything es sential to the convenience and happiness of, his. guests shall be attended to. +June 21, 1860 IMPORTANT. J. A. PTS H E R A C again minded of his recent tour to the /1. Easter% Gales, arid of the reception of his fin* stock of Cloths,- Cassitneres and Vest, All of therMOST'. FAS3IO.N ABLE STY LES. His slack of FRENCH CLOTHS anti CAB4I - he. calls particular attention to, as the bt•st in towo. - -, Also, etfe 01 : she beet areartnionte, of Futuitsuism-H;foos in tovru—all ready.. Rot their in spection and benefit, and kindly asks a call front all persons desirious of buying Gouda is, his line, at ex- EktdirStkir':73.sSidii * SP'sp In the NEWLY FITTED ROOM,. next door to EiNirgrairs', Hagersuititrt,M4l. CAM 3. ism.] CI B. PRICE informs his •' Customer grainkabe Ur • public generally that dre has removed his Baoer.Shop to this Basement of Mr. Kurtes Hotel, fornferly occupied to, him us a Barber shop, vitiate' he wilt §_have. ent,,and Lbws Hair, es ttrktgurft. •Grivelthu -- • • -:- ' it. Boy: heavy Bilata and S haie stso B, ates. lif ' " 1J M mr.2B AMBIHVOL BINIMICT & Co'. . _ excayiut article ot,Syraicfor SO, cta per at ( 1 k $4 EDICATEL) I,iquors t eolal only -s,sitediapi t 111 end by spacial attractions of Physiciin,, by 11. ni.I3TON kat. Druggist —, iitsy 7orriarideir, grown! &:-usigtottikt I ISPPER and net 39 bYYrli 4:1 CUE . nt Y.. nov. 20 • • .. • LA . 1 . 4 16 R SALM, 011.1Vit I* .ib i t A,Au r , 1, kpply Stott elette - • • ' CE-SD D Eatbruidelvd sa,la 11 1 ,7 let - 'PIS No 4 New thleditit *Aim* call at art ' Pia&ll • rerztrowswivittatitt*AUT.' ----- ' 7- 7 7777, U. MUSGRAVE U GER, • Profesectior:Lnini JOHN T. , 'lM.Prißlab. Professor of Mathematics mar.2B FLOUR,- FEED' AND DIZON'S runE•mnuotiT OP IRON STOVE POLISH, iiags. tremely BACK AGAIN. e 'a the Big ReOtPt It. 1134.4 t 10109154 UTlikatiX , Alinastacs at • oto - 2,16 , , • you want to we Itto !ango , t asoortataat 4014 pets iu limn. call at "-apt Puce* yo.aytanvo'parghast(A Itire :Hoop tatiAtilixr .31i to Ut•lii) yolk (ap4; • Piitoe•O. L. IL KURTZ .' ICt~d~ts'li lEff2l t I IC,mii , eo
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers