.' J Wet 'into be to tbviolf, • ! If thou the troth woutdst tonal • the cold uOtst overflow, If thou Mtothet'e t oul Woullyeach. ' It heeds the iAbstlow of beset To Oat the lips,mi hit* hi*, itmi thy thoughts Shall the seotid'a famine feed; ■peak truly, and each ,Woutek thine Shall be a frbittill seed; , Lite truly, MIA thy life shall be A grant mut neibln creed. ~J'~J ova. If yo it *mild : now: ow a.O i won 07$ • ,712@n his tail is twisted, just ask a stuck up \t ghat little bill he owes you,' when An - editor down south reports-himself-son struck, and says he is recovering though the low was a heavy—one--an-dleven---,-poune When does a bottld resemble Ireland?-- 'When it has a Cork in it. - _ 'Why is money expended for, the Village Record, like the City of Philadelpha? Be cause it is well laid out. • In the town of Crockett, Texas, there is said - to be not a siOgle marriageable female. What a chance for old maids. • In North Carolina the lightning struck a barn and knocked over' two darkies; one of them scrambled up and exclaimed, "who fire dat gun." "Wood is the thing, after all," as the man with a wooden leg said, wizen the mad dog bit it. When you see a drunken rebel black with mud you may conclude that he has dyed in the last Alta.—Prentice. • . Talk of flutes—the singing of spear's and all that—true music lingers in the rustling of satin petticoats. Fights are very easily got up. All that is required.is three participants—two block howls and a pint of rum. To, prevent Sealonsy—:-marry a pug nosed woman, largely pitted with the small-pox: birth during the past year. This may be called a case of solitary confinement. There is -a maiden lady in Connecticut, so modest, that she turned off her washerwoman because she'put her clothes in the same tub with those of a young man. What a poor world this would be without women and newspapers 1 How would the news get about. When you hear a young lady declare that she hates all men, infer that some particular one has touched her fancy—and—she has not touched his. How can five persons divide five eggs so .that each man shall receive one, and still one—remain—in _the_dishl One take the dish. What can be worse than to have a tooth ache ? To have tw6 teeth-ache. What is most like a'. horse's shoe? A mare's shoe. To detect counterfeit bills, offer them to a printer. If he refuses them write""worth less" an the back, and give them to the mis sionaries. Why is a Cooper , like e lady ? Because one hoops up staves; and the other staves up hoops? Some stupid says that if a "fee were charged to see the sun rise, nine-tenths of the world would be up in the morning." An enterprising Yankee named Fisher, has started a sausage lottery at Leaven a worth, Kansas. Re puts up a hundred sausages at a time, five .of which each con tain a gold dollar. . What bar is that often opens but never Ants ? A crow-bar. Even woman has a right to be any age she pleases, for if she were to state her real, age, no one would believe her. Every young lady has a right to faint when she pleases, if her lover is by her side to catch her. The rebel leaders are still on the race Comte, but some of them will soon come to the stretch. ~It is not at all, unseasonable for fall bf rebellion to begin in the spring. . The kind of stocks which are apt to rise when 'soldiers are in an enemy's country are gun stocks." . -It has been suggested that old Mr. Bell ran away from Nashville beeause,he was a fraid of "the enforcement of the laws." Let our soldiers, if they voila hit our en emies in the weakest - point, shoot at• their knees. The rebels are all getting weak in the knees. Breokinridge, Buckner, Hardee, great guns of rebellion, only showed their break ' es al Bowling Green. if Jeff Davis wants to get in a safe place, WO advise 'him to climb a Ugh tree and draw it up after him. ' Two far - rAi, Pttai•E'''"" A iktiTinms±llcet each havin g --.. fi Went . to mar '- 11 thin' las ° - Masa I" The agreed t 4) Be forene ' dui ,...,. '1gti11"2.4%,..:- 'll6li/wee ebid63na for one , - ,joimi. -,,,,....,,,- Egad two chickens '''' f'i'iiiike, a utragher be ire ....40figkr - -". would ty_fire'dollem • irod..tweq. chickens for two ` - k...,44-they.me The ,„ nort day. they -", •...,,, - , joity labia ...nil- .with the ;umber . ..,, g - r - ,''''. L'. -roar ket-A..,...104,1 , and owbrAreceii -,-.1..-',7' -.. , , •• ,;‘ , wv - ,,,,. ' es,--,Lettren,4lll - ...:',- „" ~,,....,,. ............. 400ort, - ..auw.o. 4 Aft- Am " s''' ,,, , w -,,„„•,,,,,,,,,„., — ',;''` '_____,...—: s?'.- ~7.f . .z...t4h- ,- Sy q ,-, :.i ' ''' -%; A ! ,, r . _ , : i.-- - -- , ls • : Ars. v...,,,,k....4...r" , ~-..- z....,.- ,--- ' _ - ::,...--,....,- ~---,-.... --,,, - , . • . ~. ,_,:•.,1--„,4.-3,--- ~_ __, . .., : , ,. .., , -- , -..", • ,..c,•,: i .:40 , - y . , .. ~.,- - - --p,..; 4-7_ q7,1P+."7 1 . , -- ...", • • "-- :,,,,f4-7.4144,1—, , ~ , ' -_-- ^' ' -^", - , , , , -.4,,v . 1f.,.; 'O. ,-,' ....vt „4 ",`,4.4.'s -...7.4 , • . - ' ,' : ' ;7 1 :. .... , --,„,," ;:54.- , '," ' -, - 1 •: , m1' - -o , .v._ - • . -- •-ti..l"ii."-ft.2.44 . .1 ". 4 F , .. , •.. At , . IMMI , - "U r Ili DISS; Wait , rigula ConfectioneirY; Pruitt; &C. TH$ lubscriton takes this toettiod of initdentitti to the,peoplO that bp fleirreceived at Ws 411,t0i store; Marge and - coteLlly ielected SOO of mutt =vas. Chemicals, Patent Midicines, Paints Oils, Dye Stull's, window Otago, Puny, Tobacto. Shut and Seger*, &c.,whith - hia , is- near prepared to sell as 'heap as the cheapest and will assure his Custom ; that in regard to quality which is of the drat lan rtance, Wipe& will compare 'With iiny in the Irket. lie hat elm a splendid assennuitii of Perfumery, Toilet Aktticitis. of all kind., consisting in part of the following, ♦ia Bandolines, Pomades, • Amber and Bears' Oil Colognes,~ Extracts for the Handkerchief, ' Lyon's Katheiron, Burnet's Cocoaine, • • Harrison's Ladies' Soap, ' , . Honey Soap, • CONTECTIONERY,FRIIITEI, ficc. Cranberries, Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Cu rants, Dates, Citron, Oranges, Lemont, Nuts of all kinds, and Candies of every variety. Kerosene Lamps,Lamp globes, and Brushes, Kerosene Oil. Compiine, Alcohol, Burning Fluid, and ia fact anything and everything that is usually found in a drug store. Thankful for kind favors and patronage hereto. fore bestowed upon him, ho solicits a continuance of the same.:and hopes that by endeavoring to please, -he may win the confidence of the people. Physicians' prescriptions promptly and carefully compounded at all hours. J. P. KURTZ. nov .29; 1860 THE WAIL UP 1776. THE name "Continental" sounds more dear to the American heart, than any *of the Royal blood, even should it be a Prince. So all you that want a good Cooking Stove that burns either coat or wool, call at 9/ii LA. ITITELES and ask for the Continental, which is one of the best stoves in market, hnd by far the cheapest. It takes a long stick of wood and is provided with fire brick to burn coal. It one of the best baking and cooking .Stoveaj.ha t bats ever been offered for sale. It is a Sue Cooking Stove and is easily kept clean. give better bargains than any other house in the country. So to prove that my name is not Gen. Bragg call and see for yonrselves. Also on hand Heating Stoves , such as EN PLATE 111 COIL STHES,, for shop or parlor, all of Which I will sell very low You will also find a large assortment of with Copper, Brass and Sheet-Iron Ware, which is all of my own make, and which has been proven cannot be found better in any place.. Now remem ber I am bound to sell cheap, so all that want anv thing in my line, give me a call. My shop is still at the old place on Main Street, under the Printing Office. House Spouting! done et alrtimes and of the beet double tin. Feeling very thankful for the many past favors I hive received from the public, - I would invite all to give me a call, for then you can see for yourselves whereto get bargains. ' Old metal taken at Foundry Prices in exchange for new Stoves. W. A. THUMB, Mar.2B Waynesboro'. P. POURTIMAN, Dealer in all the variety of Drugs, Medi • tines, Yankee Notions, Perfumery, Liquors jar medicinal . imposes, Oils, yc., ISPe. WOULD tender his thanks to the community. end still solicit the patranage of a generous public who want anything in his-line. Inasmuch as he bks enlarged his stock so ss to be enabled to answer all calls for anything and everything usual ly found in a . Drug Store, and has a thorough ac quaintance with the business, he hopes to gain the confidence of the Community. He will pay par ticular attention to filling physicians' Precriptions, and more care and precaution used in waiting up on chldren than adults. RBI i i' I IIIESTIC MIS. Choice Wines and Liquors for medicinal and sacramental purposes, Patent Medicines are endless in variety, including all that have been mode up to this date and some that are yet in embryo. Also White Lead, Zinc, Paint, Whiting and Varnishes for house-building or inside work, besides all sires of Mass. Commercial, Note, Fools Capgild Letter Paper always on hand, with a variety of Envelopes of different, sifts and colors. Brushes , ,Combs, Pomade, Fancy Soap, Hair Oil; Colognes, Essen ces, Flavoring 4stracts, and nameroas articles in the Fancy line on hand and offered fee' sale, cheap. er than ever orfered before ' Also a large assortment of Kerosene Oil Lamps, Chimneys, Shades and Wicks, and Kerosene Oil to fill them. A general assortment of Fai is and Confectionaries, Tobacco and Cigus.- Oct. 11. ' NEW FIRM! Coachmakingl, MAE undersigned having leased the well-known Coachmaking Establishment of Abs. Hamilton. on Mechanics street, Waynesboro', =spectrally an nounce to their friends and the public generally, that they_ pttrpose carrying . on the business in all its branches, and are now premed to manufacture to, order all kind: of • -a.:.. Carriages, Buggies, Barouches, bprng 'Wagons, die. &c ,, ' of the best material, and made by superior workmen. ' BLACKISMITHINU and REPAIIIfiqG of all kinds done at reasonable irates,promptly mid to the -satisfarsion of customer& COUNTRY PRODUCE . taten in exchange for work at market prices. 13r Persona &writ* artieleior work in the Coach making line, areleopeetfully invited to tire them a oat. 'L. K. MORRO:ION; Mar. , OKO. B. HAWKER. g *NT* beams", Arctic *sappies t sad orb* Ur-comfortable Wu for cold rather at . " " illaaorea. wEt%wiizaiii!mg ;x01,11 . 47 : , 04pj " ~. Diamond White Soap. fi!!!!! qi*AlNt Sl3oltb - 4 w.a : 4 l4 P MACHINE SHOP ! INIMPETTOINITANIN. GEISER'S wyrprz... lipl,r-REGULATING GRAIN SEPARATOR, CLEAW„ . • . AND HAGOER. 1 , AND TRIO . Latest improved-Thresher and Trip/. Gear ed Horse rowers, Driving either by Gear or Belt, .all furnished Complete . ready to be put on Wagons. 1, the'undersigned, desire to call the attention o Farmers' and Thresherthen of Prank ling and adjoin ing counties to it. This lqachine has been before the public for seven years, during which time it 'has given general satisfabtion, and • the patentee having made some very important improvements -whieftvender-it-still-more-complete,—both:for_clea. separating and cleaning, and els° for ease of draught and fast threshing. I take pleasure in re. commending it to the public, knowing thatoit will give tho best of satisfaction. ,I am manufacturing three different sizes, as' follows: No. 1 is 8 horse Power,will thresh and clean from 200 to 600 bushels per day. No. 2 is 5 to 6 horsepower, will thresh and clean from 150 to 300 bushels per day No. 3 is 4 to 6 horse power, will thresh and clean Irom 100 to 200 kfilhele.per day. These, ; Macnines are .warranted to do the above, and do it much better in every respect than any other machine in use. Grain having much light filth in it cleaned on this Machine is !orth Boni 2 t. , ) 3 cents more per bush el than when cleaned on any other separator, or . the common way of cleaning on hand fans. Fur this reason there is not the eighth part of light matter in the grain as when cleaned on the riddle principle. The blast acts freely on all the grain as it leavos the shues, whereas, when cleaned with riddle that ad vantage is lost This machine does not return -the tailends as mdst of the separators do. By returning filthy tail ends alternately it is impossible to make merchanta grain, Another important feature in this machine that others of the kind, have not, is the Self-acting Blast Reg ulator in the fan, which remedies all dif; ficulties bud cleaning, blowing grain in the chuff in high speed or irregular driving, which cannot be avoided in cleaning grain by, hinse'power This Machine is also more durable and less tedious to manage than any other Separator and Uluatier,or the common machine with shaker. Ordeis to insure their being filled until harvest should be sent in immediately. I am hilly prepared to make to order and on short notice Portable and stationed T 3 GRIST AND SAW .._HILL GEARING, SHAFTING . AND PULLEYS,- • IRON BRIDGES, CAST IRON WATER WHEELS, DION KE TTLES, &c,• Stoves and Plow castings,also cast iron and wrought iron pipe for steam or water, and Brass castings of every description; in a word, I am prepared to do everything usually done in a foundry and machine shop. Having supplied myself with the latest im proved .machinery, such as lathes, Boring, Planing and Drilling Machines, persons can rely on having their work done in the most satisfactory mariner.- 1 am also prepared to • manufacture to order ma chinery for wood, each as Tonging and Gloving machines for flooring, Surface, Tenon' and Mould ing maehincs 1 also offer to the public a new and valu able improvement in my steam engines, made within the last year, viz: for the economizing of fuel, and the regulation of speed, which renders my new engines far superior to the old engines. All my machines are sold under warrantee. My hams are all experienced workmen in this line of business, and - I use all good material; so that lam perfectly sale in warranting all my work. 1 am also prepared to do repairing in workman• like manner, on the shortest notice. Orders solicit ed and promptly attended to. All orders sent in for repairing must be accompanied with the cash For particulars and circulars descriptive of ma chine, address GEORGE FRIG K, Or DAMS. Oman, Proprietor of Territory and so licetor of orders, Waynesboro' Franklin Co. Pa. April 18—if abady-leade Clothing FOR FALL AND WINTER! FRESH SDPPLYS RECEIVED MONTHLY! A B. ADAMS would respectfilly inform his • patrims and the public generally that he has returned from the Eastern cities with a general as• sortment of Ready-Made FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, embracing all the latest styles of.Coatsl'ants,Vests, Shirts, Collars, Necties, Suspenders, etc., etc., all of which are well made. The public are cordially in vited to call and examine his goods, u he is deter termined to sell at short profits. He will continue to carry on the business of Tailoring as heretofOre. ...Persons desiring gar ments cut out or made up are invited to give him a call. Latest fashions received regularly. Oct2s. Important to Varmers tritiE subscriber takes lids method of announcing of the Farmers and others, that be has on hand a lot of DWARF N BROOM CORN seed, along with some specimens of the corn. This is an excellent article. of Broom Corn, and should be raised by ev ery one. He has also a full aseortment of fresh Dais% Medicines, Cheniicals, J. F. KURTZ. P. 8. lam selling Cranberries it in cents per quart. , Mar. 14 BROOMS! . THE under/limed continues t o manufacture Corn Brooms upon the old -principle, all of which he wilt warmnt to be' well made. These having broom corn ate relent:pa to, givelim a call. 'anti * • JACOB LIELPOICR. Smoke Stack for Salo. Tstibscriber has a heavy Iron Bmoks Stack 1, 83 fret long and MI inches in diameter. which he will dispose of upon reasonable terms. Post Of. fice address.l.lnincy, Pa. Dec2O—if JOHN L. METCALF. • 5000 Rails for Bale. - - • 4M11=1•INI. Tm subscriber has now on hand 5000 good CHESTNUT RAILS which he will dispose of on reasonable terms. - Also-rone good ROAD WALION s s • . • LS 8. FORNEY, - . . ' - 0 TES I' . . ~0 YES 1 ' ". 0 YE S ! yhiisi tideraigned offers bis service to all persons , who want * cry r . Ready at -all 'times W ary ulie - sates, Vends:es% Auctions. 41te., at: the meat *Auden*" teraim . All ;Went left a t the 00lee of the .Vithige Reeord t will be Promptly attended to. Jaen " 1.. „ ~ - ..,• . 4043.1 r. MONO : A. LANGE *maximum or . . - ~. —-- - - KEROSENE' LA-MPE; ""'". • ' -, aw ermilent *stick of Kalessmi .on, always gip ‘ laseL.- - - ------ - - 4111EaCPArERIMSE. --.7 *hal' ortrathinott SalatOne . 1 , 1 ,OONI2IOIIIOI4TABSI PRE subscriber brooms his custsitn tint phbliti generally that he has re cently replenished his stock of Fruit anti 'Codas destinies, ghd has no •the finest trortntent dr: `AL N D I Eli I • ever brought to WaynesbOro% with NUTS, RAISINS, PRUNES, PIGS, SWEET CAKES -Or. EVERY LDESORIPTION,. - Oli• OARS; TORACCO; 0034 ate, cs• 0 Y 1 He has also on band at all times the finest Oystenr the market will , eilordi which will be , serred up to customers Fried,'HOlittiti 'or Stoned: ' .=ll . ite is likewise prepared to furnish both Weighs.. beughs and 'Ludatig'a ALE, and a superior article of tieotch Ale unu Chub Apple Cider, ',MA plisse article of Bologlis' bisninge,• Boiled Eggs, and ill other articles usually Iteirt in tad elassltestatirants A genuine article of Vinegar always i for sale. NorB • • .8. MEER. ALE - THIS WAY! CHIN MIENI HE undersigned retiFiectfully announces to t e T public generally that he is still at the old stand on Church Street, Waynesboro'., Pa., where be continue i6O ntanuflitturing 6( Family Buggies,' broaches, broirches, Wagcihs, end every' species • of •vehiCles•uvually made in such establishments.— ' His work is Warranted to Ws composed of the best ana most dirrable •material', and _none but the moat experienced workmen are eniployedy— lie hos now oil baud a number of Carriages, tin gles, &c., &c., which lee will positively sell at greatly reduced prices for cash, or upon a short credit. By keeping a good stuck at all times, and always holding himself ready to supply the de mands of the people he hopes to retain and secure a liberal shire of patronage. Repairing, Trimming, and Painting done in the best manner, and at the shortest notice. Lumber, Country Produce, &c., will be taken in exchange for vrork. JACOB ADAMS. S. N. S. The Books of the fine of J. & A. S. Ad onis, are iti the hands of the undersigned. Persona knowing theniselves Indebted are requested to make immediate payment. J. A. Nov' 1. 18(11._.... . . IMPORTANT NEWS FROM .MEXICAN ROW I JBEAVER, in connection with hie Variety • store, hoe commence) the manufacturing of IiIIOTS end SHOEttin all its various branches.— Having employed Jeremiah Cooper as foieman, he Olt prepared to produce the finest, neatest and most urabler-work4 . . All are invited to call. - A large stuck of Halts Mid -Caps,and Eastern man• ufacturcd Shoes and Hoots. of- the' beat make, on hand; Clocks, Trunks, Segura, Tobacco, &c., &c. You get the very best KEROSENE there. A few .fat Hogs are wanted. J. BEAVER. Ecc,l3—J months. ACARD.—Kind friends and patrons, you have my warmest thanks for your very liberal en couragment. Having discontinued the manufactu ring of shoes &c., on my own account, and engaged m yself with J. Heaver, at the' Variety Stole, I be speak for him the continuance of your patronage.— Do come and see us at our new place. Dec 6 J. COOPER. Defence of Armagge A BOOK FOR THE TIMES. ITIHIS is acknowledged to he one of the most markable of human productions that has ever been-offered-to the American people. The style is chaste and truly eloquent. The subject treated of is of the most inspiring: "The United States in Prophecy. For sale by: J F. KUILPZ. XXXlSAMOlMilltradrifilWititiMOSSZW Pi T. J. FILB E KT, DRAPER; " Pi !Das e onatantly for sale a full-assortment ofit, N. GOOD§ for. Gentlemen's ware. 0,1 ,Ai IV - Latest City Fashions always on hand ...all m Waynesboro'. Pa. * -F.VAMAAMOIMPIZZIAIMINWIiMit NEW LIVERY. THE subscriber respectfully announces to hi.. friends and the public generally that he_has o• p ened a Livery bitable iu Waynesboro, and is now prepared to accommodate the public generally with orc( - lASI I RECLlS,ffitakt. 4 ,,ft pi at the shortest notice, day or/tight.— Persons desirous of hiring, either for riding or driving, would do well to give him a call. His stock has been selectell with great care as re• garde gentleness and speedy traveling; and his bug gies and carriages email in good condition• The above stock will, be kept at the stable of Dr. John Oellig. Persons wishing to' niro • will please apply to the undersigned at Howden's Hotel. nog-8w 'JOHN RICHARDSON. To Oapit4 Ists. A. 8. A. WAYNESBORO" SAVING FUND.-,—This Society Will pay the following rates of in terest per annum,on all sums deposited in the In. dilution. For 3 months, 2 per cent.; from 3 to 6 months, 3 per cent.; from 9 to 18 months, 4 per cent; and over 18 months, 4i per cent. For a shorter period than 3 montus the terms will be made Mown by the Treasurer. Notes for discountshould be handed to the Trees= urer on Tuesday, as the Board of Directors meet rgularly on Wednesday of each week, at 9.o'ciock A.M. ,By ordet - otthe Board, June 17'58 JNO. PHILIPS Treasurer. r i Ei.EUILAPH rlatLlSlt UUTTSKS, The beniu use - • -Fur nle by Nave • , .E. S. TKOXEL... Alit. . , , 1 4 1R1:01 Mackaylit, , Mar 28 A macatios. Bolan= &CO li. OE 4, taitS.—Dried Peaike_ p s pared aild€lfar- X - Mat ~ -m M :. , Am asoa, IMIC? & it, 11.0T1i, Hat; Ilair,.-Tooth• and Nail Bruen° %Aust. received and for sale very IQ ' w by M. M all'ONEiti " •.. - ey la. - - -- THE BEST COOICSTOYE in the market to be had at the simorthe Rag Ro I c)00 CATBUP LI • TTLEB • e For sale at•the Stara of W. 'O. Baotazarox I ARGE I' Li dee%) 'fie Ploq want a good chew_of ADIEd, if you went to see a nice assortment 1,4 of ..LIKeISS (100DS, all st - - hun's _414:44. IF you want, a pretty Bummer Balmoral call at apr4 huon's F you want-a nice-pairof Gauntlets born WO to I 0,4416. - Copt. . .r, I.IP you want to we s largo isoutaleut o tihawir end *t Piton IP you want a cheap .paur ..ak.coagram : _Gaiters, tall at ,f PP IN Toys for nig at .1161140110-319 n ERI D D.vitussim. ThTTI Rosswes. abaft), 041)4, • , F mails .. , INTim t iltputility Sk-" -. ( • ;.., iC 11,.' . ..°:.1:10" vatit i haori6ae, thenliftil or paid pittintitge,itill yr solicits the same{ and in silditiOnloininittie,tn= ring all kind. ',UAW .;' • • .• -- , taticitikl . Stfilaing 4 PursKosai, .stchis , 944411, OOHS, SHUTTERS, DI,INDS, FLOORING, With OVV TRAMESAIOOR' . . FRAMES, PACING, motrimiNos,i &e., &c. I am prepared to SOMA all kinds- , of oak timbe for,different purpose. hr such as .1120 T ,RAFTERS, LATH, STUDDING, PAD . , NOS, BOANTLINO, BOARDS, &e., All of which will bd sawed to order, at +Mort notice and_npon _reasort.biti_tertni.' • Also, sawing, by, mill and .eiregbir maws, of every' description done; Framing, 'Surfacing, Matching, Flooring, &c., Acc., For further. particul.rrapply to the subicriber,t, B 4 actory two miles southeast or Waynesbo - ro. ' ' - . Den DOOR. Jan. 17, 11301. LOOK HERE!! M. M. STONEK, ITHOLNEALS AND. RETAIL DZALIII IN NIA LINE OP DEW ' Dees WAYNZSBOItO', PA., Has not only got back to_his"old business," but to the "old stand!" Having Alta up the / ' room now occupied neatly and having returned from the city with a fresh stip. ' ply, which be has just received, conois.' r 111 ting of • Fresh. Foreign and Domestic Drugs, A large and general assortment-of Medicines, Chemicals, Potent Medicine, Dye-stuffs, Dry Paints and Paints ground, in Oil, Oils expressed and distilled; - Fruits green, preseived and dry,' ' Confectioneries, • Liquors of "alrkinds medicinal 'purpinges, Books, stationary,fancia d miscellaneous articles, all of which he offers for sale. Thankful for tarots received and hopeful of their continitance,he invites the public to call before purchasing ,olsewhere:: • Stoner offers for sale a lot Of beautiful shells.— Carbon Oil which' will . suit for Kerosene Lamps warranted not to smoke, can be had at Blundell. Parrafin, Crystal, arid Bensole Oils: also Cam phine and burning fluids is Or Sale by ) (Stoner. Stoner has a lot of brirrelsAtegs, Ala, cans. &c. which he will sell ver low. Jan 81. FLOUR, FEED, PROVISION SPORE I I ra HE 'enhactibers Would inform the citizens of .41 Waynesboro', that they have opened a Flour, Feed and Provision Store in the /0011tfortnerly.m. copied by Joseph Price, opposite the residence of John Bell, where they •will at all times bare for sale 1 1 1.01111, CHI MIII, 11111191111 T AIN HOMINY, MII,L STUFF OF ALL KINDS, SCREENINGS, CORN, !SHELLED -AND IN THE EAR, OATS, PO TATOES, BACON AND LARD, VINEGA II; Also, R re, Whgat and Harley by the bushel or in smaller quantities, and other Artieles usually kept in such establishments.. All Flour and Mill Stuff will be sell at MILL PitteE4 von °ABM The highest cash prices paid for wheat, rye Born and oats.. DANIEL sNIVELY, Feb I4—tf WM: H. FUNK. - WANTED! . 5000 BUS. WH EAT The old Miller at his old Trade! y r HE undersigned having associated themselves in thr - Milling business, and having leased of 'eter Fahneetuck the old Hopi , mill property, one Mile southeast of Waynesboro',aro now prepared to purchase grain from their - friends at the highest market price; and also to do all kinds of Grinding, including chopping corn and cob. We are also prepared to furnish at the lowest market prices, all kinds of Mill Stull; also Plaster, by the ton or bush. Our old friends will please call and see ns. JOHN WALTER, JOSEPH ELDEN• DecO—tf Notice—New Firm. — HE subscriber having disposed of his entire Tstock of Goods to Messrs. Colliflower & Clug eton, notifies2all. - persous indebted to him on Store Books to settle their accounts with and pay the a mount of their indebtedness to either John P. study or Daniel Bricker. The new firm will continue the business as heretofore. A. S. MONN. Quincy, Jan. 31,1862. Mentzer's Horse & Cattle Powder l.Bjoyßhavng rltit ael ofMr N l oe.,r,ttrecipeiLraagteatove far-famed Horse and Cattle Powder/or PenrsaYlia• xiia and Maryland, takes this method of informing the farmers, drovers, &c., that he has` on hand and , intcnds keeping a good supply always on hand. Country merchants and others keeping such articles fcr sale, would do well to supply themselves with a quantity. He will sell it on commission or for cash cheap. Orders will be punctually attended to. J an. 31. Apr. 1, 1862. A SELECT ENGLISH AND CLASSIC SCHOOL. a i i r HE Undetsigned intends opening • SELECT SCHOOL, for males and females , 'lla the ynesboro' Academy, on the 24th of Maim, '62. The course olinstruction will be full and'Uotarougli; the government mild but firm. There 'will be a' Literary Society held in connection with the school, the object of which will be to' improve the mind, morally and intellectually._ _ TERMS:—Per Session of eleven weeks: Common English branches $11.150 Higher ••aima. -' iso • Latin and Greek, with any of the above, each 1.60 Hoko-Keeping taught gratis klas7—Sw . A. A. J.ECHLIDER, A. B. KEROSENE LAMP/J.—AU katala tor sale by D. B. RUSSELL, sign of the "Big Red horn." March IJ PURE and unadulterated spiced ,citter Vinegar for sale by Stoner, aiin' - of the Golden Mortar fries outyo cents per quart. - • J an. 26 IF yon want to am/Syrup sever so thick, as clear crystal and as sweet as honey, call at apr4 Patca's F you want a nice plain or fancy silk, call at a , rit• • • - • • • - Pamirs ArtNUNG, Jo you want to see the nice. assort -1- mint of Plain and Fancy Citaiimesa in In synesboro; call at 4ps4 Piaca's • TO FARMER - S.l TEEL Shovels, Spades, Hoes, Parini, Rakes; lalltimure Drags, &c., &c.. at prices that will defy competition. - Vail and see for yourselves, at spat . . , Baornenroe's. Light ! Lights U TRE cheapest Light - ht_psti can 'be had at H grONEHOUSHIS Harditater Stow • Pisa I - - • .‘ 7 ;ffee ---- #l . ***WiStrtTette4vi • lissoin's pßlti p • m...mos at: Ise atpt • 36 opus per pound at nov"29*- ' K oo relk, 4.. LARGE araornaout TLXll,ltAßEiritif 11 ai Big Ret.Hoell;• . dec2o 410 Ti — Nyßotif wanting nagibing.in.the Nip cap , - Oft:o6 , !bras •to"lifter i d elpifailich' Of threit'' fieaffillittibt -•0• • h .•.• - AinrAirplesmpoys.-/rea lieei,tbree done $1; for eviyy , subsequent iiiieriletri,lifP 4 apediatiae, and 'tithe idiy moots to be paid remi-anittially,fitidirefielei •••• 71114111SAdiA t :ill' 41 Brotherton's • - iPtaird Store/ take this method of 'informing the, plblie that-I - -I r have just redeivedlargo awl carefully selected stock of 4: • , . • -Steely . Oils. • them, • I , Paints, ,Ilto Mao Brushes, : Cutlery, Hardware, ' Varnishes, Oil Cloths, - . Shoe Finding", Agricultural IMplemints, all of wolch I desire to dispose of at prices ti stilt ) the limes. Try me, and by an , examination of my -- stack - amvisice-yourrelf-t . hat-l-mean -1 lake pleasure in showing goods whether sales are effected or not. To persons about to , build I am, prepared to offer' extraordinary inducements both In Hardware and Paints. Thankful to friends for past favors, a continuance of the same is respectfully so licited—promising to do all in my •power to render satisfaction to all who may favor me with their pa tronage: W. H. BROTIIERTON. April 11. • ._ .. ta A M .. M.CjaeL z la..ql.ind lIIKE subscriber would inrorm the chimps of Vir ay nesbore'snd she• public that he has corn summed the Shoemaking business in the Basement of Kurtz's Hotel, where he will at all tidies be in readiness to accommodate those who may giro hies a call. BOOTS AND SHOES! made to order, on short nutice, of the beet Mabarkel.. and upon the most reasonable terms. Oct 25. THOS. 0111PIGMANe FAYBTTEV4ILE OBAIINARY. Recommendotione from the Faculty of Prin.eeton College. N. J. • Pntuciaos, N. J., Feb. 28th, IEI6I. The undersigned are happy to testify that pupils of the Pa retteville,Aeaderny, Pa..,tiave in.t haunted a high standing aiihnig the recent §rodUates of the College of New 'Jersey. JOHN MACLEAN,' • President of the College.. JAMES C. MOFFA I P • Professor of Greek. • G. MUSGR AVE DIGER, 'to moor o a et. JOHN T. IMP . Ptoictufor Mathematics Dr. Jacong,Co's ' Celebrated American Liniment t. • • • "For Man and Beast.". ITIIHE greatest and best external remedy ever o JL lered to the public. For sale by F. J. Krum, Druggist. Waynesboro and by . Druggists in tato county generally. I?'Price 25 centsper bottle. December 13, 'BD— y LAtiUK._NU UDUR • 34ZOWS FAIRE CARIII.IIIgt . OF IaDY STOVE: POLISH, The cheapest article the world. Unrivalled in Economy. Permanently Lustrous. The only place to get it is at . . LIEU I'HER yow l s. March 22. `Continental Hotel," WAY.NESI3OI(O', rA. THE undersigned having recently taken ilia a• hove named Hausa, formerly known' as thw “Globe Inn." takes pleasure. in announcing to his frignds and the pnblic that he is prepared to receive and entertain Guests in a style not to be excelled by any dountry Hotel. The House having been thoroughly repaired and newly furnished with eve ry thing calculated to mike his guests comfortable —the public may rest assured that they will at all times find it fn a condition suited to the comfort. and convenience of the traveler. His Bar is always sup. plied with the choicest Liquors, and his Table with the best the markets afford, and all other appliances suitable and necessary for the accommodatioa of man or beast. ° With faithful and obliging 'servants and his own personajattention and supervision, tke will leave no means tampered to Dent .public par (nonage. • The proprietor assures those whii'may favor him with their patronage ,thet, they shall ever meet as his houses cordial reception, and that everythinges. , smith! to 'the convenience and happiness of his 'guestashall be attended to. Juno 21, 1880 ARE Ef his recent 'oar to tire" this reception of his fins stock of Cloths, Cassimeres - and -Vest. Ingo. All of the MOST' FASHIONABLE STYLES, His stock of FRENCH CLOTHS and CAS'tf. &IMES he calls particular attention 'to, u the best in town. Also, one of she best .assortments Fttaxeanien Goont in town : —all ready for their . spection and benefit, and kindly asks 'Call front : all persons desirious of buying Goods i 4 his line, at " trembly Ltaaermr: EPlr•Scroatossa In the Pit WLY ( FITTED . #OOSt o next door -to Uptlegrafre,sifirgerstewn.htd. •[.ten. 3.186x] BAVW" 'AGM N. GB. PRICE inEirais his customers - and the • public.. 'generally that be has . received his Barber shop to the Basement of Mr. Kurtz's Hotel, formerly occupied by him as a Barber Shop, where he *ill Shave. Cut,, and Dress Hair as heretofore. Give him a call. Nov. 22—if. M ES o mf Boy's henry Boots and dh it oe i s at ,i. C ' URTAIN Futures at Mai 28 Amite sagoarirai;Co'g N excellent article of Syrup for 50 ctn.' per ;all (Oaf: „ EDICATED Liquors, sold only soefird' MARA opirdiardiireetions 'ors , rkyiduioXia bj 11. ut.STONEß,Orritgiol . - IX YEPPER and Coninnder. ground & ungraund gm 29 at , ' Sur ma's. pEpemt-sAvet,st . CA ; NS:at tiai rs- ihp:ot it'll Big Ralf Wilt d0c.20 ' - Xiang. ;tolt SALE ORAPOit 1. • n.plst „r• Stave. ..ttoply. at MEWS SW* • OctlS • it'EN OW glabroasited i * i" Oct AN Alla . 44E s. it'ai. , " 7 . ' - _;...' ites*. l o L nortlit '... L'-- • `-'•> - ' ''' sites*. - , ..., , ..,:. . - .. PUBLZO I L.B. KURT?. ANT. SHER
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers