11411 1 !The'disad at - Pittsburg tandinginati I - notice in the detnand ibr'llolii. ' Tlie onli all been buried, a large' torei having .been silo to_Ported on 'astir to-dni otOing-. 100 in ' t a l i / Ai l/ 0 4 the bbls. IdeVrard Street Extra ak 000 'peAbbl. engaged f or several days interment of the thonsanda of Rebels into ; Ilinierd Street and - Oliio Extra are o and 200 bbls. Ohio Extra at $5.44 per t bid. ered were left dead on the battle-field, aside from at 65.50 and ordinary to elloie Super at our'own.— -Tlie_trench system was introduc - $5.124®5.25 per bbl. ed, £m111 .. 2065° 800 bodies being placed in al ' GRAIN .—Wheat—Sales reported of 500. single-excavatlon. -- bushels inferiorkand,common white at 117® -.4.40...------------ _ 123 cts. 600 do. fair and-good do. at 148® TO COUNTRY MERGEIANTS.—In ad- , 153 eta., and" 500 do. good Southern red at dition tO our usual stock of home-made and WOOl. 1241 eta. per bushel. "We.quote carmen tol HATS, we have just added fifteen cases of Eastern medium white ate 125®135 eta., fair to goad' wide FELT HATS, comprising all the styles pop. do. a ., t. 145®150 its. and prime to choice do ular in the trade.. Those goods have been porches. eJ from the largest and best eastern factories for at 155@16A) eta. per bushel; ,fair to prime cashi and at tho same rates as 'the a jariest city job. f Penilsylvania red at1.26®1.28 eta. and South bets, and we tire now prepared to oiler them +o, ern do. at 128®131) eta per bushel, corn, country merchants at as low prices on city jobbers. ' Sales of .800 bushels Mixed and, common IitPUEGRA Fes, Hatters, ' white at 5-7®58 cts., prime do: at 61 cts. Opposite Washington House. and prime yellow at 56 eta. per bushel. We Hagerstown, Md, f quote fair to prime Maryland Oats at 34® 36 eta. and do, Pennsylvania at 364®38 cts. per bushel. , . . gs.Merehants, remember that vie have just added a first class WHOLESALE DEPART:. MEN to our Stock, and will soil you in small lots and sizes, as you may want, any of thC' popular styles of the day. anti always at as low prices as City jobbers. VPDEUR k ITS, Hat Makera Sigh of The Red Hat, • • • Hagerstown, Md. va,..Thelast. run of shad sometimes prove the tint s., ju.t so with our livit run. a bigger stock, a better stock, and a cheaper stock than can be produced elsewhere, may be found at all times, or until we ..bust," at UPDEGIIA F FS, it h aW . rs. Sign of the LW Hagerstown, Md. - • , mi. " BUSTS:!)."--Don' t-'b e alarmed, friends, we've got enough of money to creep the stock, and continue selling at 'busted" prices until after Warvest, it the • _ HAT STORE, Opposite Washingten House, HagerstoWn, Md. WI-SPRING FASHIONS, 1852 SILK HATS, FELT HATS, WOOL HATS, CAPS, &c larStraw Hats alleolors and styles, for Men and Boys. Cholaren'S . Fancy Straws, great variety, com mon Straws, ale., We have just rettiritti front the Eastern Cites act} believe we have the most rem• ptete, best selected, and cheapest stoeltmf F SH IONA 131. E HATS for Men, Buys and Children, vs be found outside of the .Ctties. 11:11 ) 14.16 . 11. 3 iFF5, Hat Makeni, - Opposite Washington Howe, • : .llagerstown, Md. iteirßerore "Busting" we have visited tht Earern eitws, find just returned-v. 1.11 u MILLION • • ttuin more,and an equal intoportion of asteria mut e TELT AI'S. all ot which we intend to sad! far 1-Vq/AsH at "busting" rates If you would save money buy at the Fountain - Ilea 1,171.9101itt N FF:I where hate are really made by buraing hanals, in a bunting Newry, on a bursting sc ale, :mil Bold at surly prae, s as will "burst" all thuee 11 hp tail to buy at the Tautihnia Head. UPIJEaRAFFS, Hat Makers, Opposite W.i.hitigtoil tiousti: __H vista Md.. spr2s ~ 1 Married on the morning of Easter Sab- bath, by the Rev. J. F. Campbell, .Nlr. George Ciattfinuit and Miss Catharine Wiky el-mt—Also Mr. Philip Itragermana4d. Miss. Sarah. C. Wulf, all of Allams county Pa. F ' ZSrMU I Z I. 4I .I, JI. In Quincy Township; on the 12th inst., of Tylihoid Yeitet., Nutley Ellen Burkkolder, daughter of .or. John and Susamthiekholder, aged 10 years, 7 nonth3 and three dap.. "Youth. like the spriiii4, will 14/011 be gone. By tli.chtig time or conytielhig Be.ith; ion !horning Sun in.ty ewt at 111)1111, And Iva" you ever• hi the ilarh: "Your-sparkling eyes and blooming Must %saner like the blasted Ruse, - The coffin eikrth. a n d win 4 ing Sleet 11 ill soon your aehrojaults enclwe. licetilesa ones lii .t. wi lely •xtrnl(,' The grave mmt goon bi come )flur Le d; Wle tlarnre reigns. an.lvapors r ill, uoleinri•liil.anee round your liinLJ: *!Your friznila may piss that ioIIeAQUIC place, And, ioith a Bich movu slowly on, Stilt s.azing on ilto ipirvo of gram, Wilkihich your g aces. are ov, rgrrte Near sinithsbnrg; on the 12th inst., Pracy freddle i age'd years, 2 naontlis'and 2 clays. At his residence near Leiltersburg ' on the 15th inst.,. Christian. Strife, at an advanced age, a well known and respected eitizeir 4 Near Jacobs' Church, this County, on the ilth inst., Mr. George- Barnhart, Spa., aged 61 years, 6 months and 2 days. The , subjent of this notice was a kind hus band and father; and was esteemed as such. Although he was a victim to cliScasc for pa ny years did Dot murmur, having a full assu rance of•God's:mercies. A' few days previ- : sous to his death he felt the - necessity of- a full Sense of his pardoning love, and after a few days seeking his God l, by faith in his Saviour, dialed - die promise set forth in his 'ord, and was enabled to " t!ivepraise to God, and was in a- 'continued flow of love 'and praises 'to God; and is supposed to have been engaged in prayer to God when fogad in his expiring moments. While the body now yests in 'the burying_ gound_attuehed to Ja cobs' Church,. his 'spirit rests in the home of the blest. May the widow and her chit= dren strtin tolneet' Aim in glory. The 'solemn occasion was improved by the writer from Prov, xxv-ii; 1:.• • •"- . ,' :'Q. W... 4. In Greene:lWe; , stt; the resideeee-jaf Dr. C Oki. -the.A.Gth Inst., Miss lan. 4. Walker, inlier sth' year. . • PRIcE- cUttit ENT 3.0.13 Z A. El 33-El3 O.ELE ll= .Ik4 YIVfIeVIWRO*, April. 20, 109. . ..10 • Wagon) Winn, . , .10 UttiVAIVREU I. 20 Darras Baas LAMS TA 4LOIII Swim ‘ 4,16 MAcoN (himis) 13Actrim 7 liAuus (illtoahler) . • ;Amax., 14,1862.4; - There were offered at- ',the _Maryland - Cat tle Scales :thismorning 45,01/eadifieel tle,' and st..-43...higv5, • - of Bogs wee' large, causing decrease' in\:-.prices.: Wifliutitc : per,3,00 The demandier,Slicep thilsireel:** - I'lo4.- : sales:being I)utti4:-Ahtfrata :0 3 0. 003 *• - '• -^weitialAirit*AltanfoisitS, ..Y 04 4. 04 0 -P; - - Gl'J'viiu iitso Tigurity rtaxs t :un 1 (10 l'Aito, PiLouis po IJl:riamp " WI DPIXD APPLaII 00 Congregational lletting. A MEETING of the Mynesboro' Lutheran AL. Congregation will be held in the Union Church.on Saturday the 10 • th day of May,at two o'- clock, . present.as business of• iinportanie will be brought before the Congregation. JOSpU. CRESS, apr26 • - DAVID 110 66 Hazard's Electrie Powder." • American Sportinc Powder, /` American Spurting Powder, Hazard's Duck Powder, ° • Hazard's Duck Powder. Hazanl's Misting Powder, Harlan Blasting Powder, Th.-11(.4 Powder made, The beta. niktle, The only place you can get it is at apr26 DROTHERTON'S. —6I STOVEILEANING MADE-Ea:S-0r ALL at "brothe tots'a" sti`ol get a package of C ••eurburot of Irol›; It is the best polish in the worth • Unrivalieil ib rennority. Penn:inputiy lustr.us. The only place to buy the genuine article is at spr2s - 13ItO I'HEIRTON'S PUB - LIC SALE. nnilerttigned will sell at public ale at her I residence itt Wa)towitoro", on SAI:I7UDAT the 3rd day of Ma y neat, the following, property, to wit: ONE BUREAU, 1 Glass Clipboanl,2 Looking Glasses, I long Kiteh- Chairs I mahogany 5k14.1103n1; • ONE C °KING STOVE, as gno.l as new, I ten plate Stove, 1 barrel Coppe r K. tde as good as new. I gallon Copper Kettle, 1 Iron Wash Kettle•, I Baking ripparatu4, 1 :sink, Walnut t•in large Wool Whcel,l spinning Wheel, I Wand; I nix Heckle; l Hogshead, I live gallon Keg; I Map of the (Toiled states; a lot of rumblers. 4 Watters;'l lot of tin sheets, a lot of glass Jars, a lot of beer bottles, a lot-crocks. • I Reel, 2 Chests, a lot l'inwa:e, I Marble Stone of a yard square, 1 Churn; 1 cow chief), I shovel, 1 spade, 1" dung fork and many dither articles too numerous lo mention. Sale to coomu•nce at 11) o'clock on said day, when the terms will be made known by ' avr.:s ANN MARIA BLAIR. NEW GOODS! Blitlllllll STJIIE! Iron and Steel, Shovels and tip.idee. Hoes and Rake*, Splides and roeks„ - Brads and Spe,es, . Locks, Hinges and Scretvit„ Latches, Slaplea and Holt'', Oils. paints, Glass and Vaaritishes, Mill. Cross cut and Circular Saws, hand, Teflon, Wel, and Colllpagt* A tiarre, Auger Bills, Gimlet an f Dow. II Buts, Socket Chisels, Firmer Chisels, Mori ming Chisels, Pruutig Saws,an.l :Insets combined. Prurnrig saws, Plastering newels, Pointing and (ion:. n 'frowels. BotibM toil Single %X.'S, I I a IC11:18, Witt liraw• lug ICtuv :; Winic.w ash Bruslieit. Stine, :NOM , :Ind Horse Brushes. Serubbing Brushes, Cloth, and Paint Brushes; ruble Oil Cloths, Floor I lit Carriage Oil Clothe; Spokes, Fel oes, Hubs. Shalt*, Kies. Springs and axles;. Bnick-sinith Bel lows, Anvils, Vices, Hoot drives. and Rasps; 'rubs. Buckets, Churns; Rope, u a ,4o,,,,Brmailis an I Wash Board.; Waiters, Trays, Candle Sticks &utters Culhe Canisters; Table Cuttlery, Pocket Cuitaiy, Pruning hntves, Pr u ring Shears, Silvvr-plated Ware, table and Tea Spoons, Salt Shovels, hirks, 'null trilled, Mihail. Table and Tea Spoons, Iron t. - poons. Tinned Spoons; ra cc Chains, Ha do.r Chains, Cow Chains, Butt Chain% Sporting Pow - tier; Blasting Powder, Shot, GM( Wadding; Ar nald's VI rating F.uid, Shoo Blacking, es.Prve black ing; Lead Pencils, Gillott's Steel Pous, Writing Paper; Flour Saves, Meal Selves. Suza r Seives and Wire Cloth Cooking Stoves, Nine Plate Stoves ' Coal Stoves; Ourriage Lining, C image Lace. and Carriage Triininatg; together wits a I age and aurefully selected stock of Cabinet and Saddlery Hardware. All whadesire to buy - cheap are ilivited to call and examine my goods before purchuaing elsewhere, Rs I ant determined to sell us cheap u usual, notwithstanding the advance of some kinds of goods. Ttle 'subscriber w ould hero take occasion to return his situate thanks to the public tor foinier favors and hopes, by Jai: dealing and cheap goods. romierit a, aunittnuatice of the same. . ape Wit . IL O BRTHER lON. I nth iIF hipliBLES TllitiNEll _-_UP_AIDIIII4IIII. OUT! Wmin make a man ? —l mean M appear ance, with a coat fitting like ■ ftehiati-plate petits and vest lit far a president. Who maitre the fine gents yea iges3 in the cit3l The .Tailitrf. —tie mistime Aleut it, Well, thesrate have just brought frum the City, the neatest, aleckest, finest, 4 of r A tf:l r ASS 1 MERs, BLACK' CASSIMERES, CLOTHS Ai that cantle Sera In this Varlet% We will - ptedgo our velvets to turn out goal I Firs AND tjiMAP g I rter , ll, isparitling gothis ;Always . piesse, end we !vivo have the latest Fashion Plates 'and nrip !vivo -nothing umlaut to please our finti snit Cho 6 .rest ut uiankutd. ° U. et, 1. 4LEND&R.. April tti • SECOND SUPPLY or FRESH LUKE. /'HE attborriber hoe now tivr male et his Wire Ails. about; thsto uti(oe Emit of likayriesterro' a tirst•nse ertietu of IN4/011 7 11LTHNT 1434 E, fur Whileorashinig, -Plaister44petc• He withw piepi odtolurnieh him cosuoitere w,th I l ime-aoy 'titto Ow rilig tie SerirtOolti Summer. - April-3w', • litE - Eusc JOSEPH llf:• HERS -' —lrtiOrrnalitt.7 . . . N-ellittion •orill' . be' z ield pt' the Offev of the • 14 . 41.esburu booms• mud, ou ktusokir TO' Ileirairj ,e 1 MAX altlrtri6i.eiert Imo ,Pirshietit, Our Taiesurer and Jii3041”110440140 guilaii l PlP a l i!Jaat 'Miaow/is/yr Oir:Noiltiralourp'tlid litairillunt 'bear kineliiruil•lo ty. --7 • rodaSsden ..,... ' . lisiso-4w ~' ll* WALTIM Weer 1 4 :,' ' . • ~- • - JMARKEireiv conntarti) vkzinay brnEktiott tittirmincT & Co. WAVIVESBORO'i April 18, 1862. Byrrits : . , - tit cents , Eaam, ' 10 " -qo Degas, (Finks) • 10 . 4 - " VI DIC2I) . • /,... " " (nHaULDEtta) ' 7 , TALT.UViro . 8 111 LAUD, 7 'I 1562. APRIL FIRST* ====l ABER SON, BENEDICT & CO Waynesboro' Pas NaJIMIIJILT SPIN BD SC HER GOODS!! crThE are now receiving and o filqing to seN a clew 144 4 and FULL ASSORT VIE NT of RN DM/ 81013 Which we think we are reported to sell at as low terms as any other house in town or country. Ma A,, U;)UZ.O.• DRESS GOODS of all kinds iterives, Lordias, ccomaxA4Lital, SLEEVES, E:fill Roam izs. MEN' S SPRING AND SUMMER C.l TX) EM3 CoMinacies. Cloths, • Jeans, Cni*imere, Fine 'Tweeds, V etti gs, Neck Ties, Cravats Isuntiner fiats ilagrulkerchiefe, Shoes, A full usseltment of Plain an] . Fumy CASSINI EllE3. QUEENSWARE, A poll Ripply of Queenswara and Gla esware of he latest. v ie. GROCERIES, Always on hand a heavy lot of prime Groceries, COFFEE, ISISGAR, *YRUP, 'Co which we respectfully call the attention .1 our eustessi , rs And the public generally; and at the bailie time we return our thanks to C 11.4411111.13 and the community for their liberal isatronare, and will en deavor by fair dealinit with all, to silent a continu• Alice of the same. Piense call Cu) see. • AM BERSON, BEN EltlesT sk CO DRY FRUIT: 11;cmdekalizzl--m Aib .1111..3110.310 1 311C-•11M MB , at AMBERSON. 11ENEIDICT & CO' S PICKLES. a L 0 I'ol/1 Good Pickles, at AMBERSON, BE NEPICT & CO'S BURT ~ FIITERES, OIL CURTAINS, AMBERSON, BENEDICT & COV FIIII. ViSORTAITENT Or • PRINTS, 11111SLINS, MUIR .:(54talattrii 44044 OF 1.1. DOSORIPEIONa. . &MISERSON. UEN EDIU & CO'a. W.4ILiakoriUMILVS iiAciOnsaied aorsiar, $U , tY.,.~~1. ..:',.'1..p1,144.K.'0ff_.!,, i :.,,,1 es • Amszsaux,voiltiaVrlivrat.',.l Brk Silks Cold tit>. .ust rex, Papilla; MOLASSES. SPICES. &c. je: -`W'''--,'Mi:L.Zi=: LATEST'A'RRIVA MIN AMI SUMMER 800 - 03 Harditre t GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE AND CEDARWARE I •, . . llAvora just returned from the Ealtern Cities he vrould call the attention of his customers and the public generally to his . LARGE & SPLENDID ASSORTMENT. DRY GOODS! will be Bald nt extremely Low Pricer Below you will find enumerated a few — ifttle • which will he found amo g his stuck, to which he invites your attention: FORFORT E LADIES, Silks, Del tines, ,!%Ipacee, Printed ChaHies, bombazines, Gingham... ' Pooh's, - - ALSO: — La/ Ha' Shawls, -Plaid Gissgbants, Brocades, Fancy... Prints, Lawns, • Braiges, Linen Han MEWS WEAR. Fancy Caasimersai Plain '• Cloths, Italian Cloth, Irestiings. Mareailley, 443aCt3c3D etcma Lk ilia's, Tweeds, Jeans, Limn, Shirt Fronts, Shirt t.tollirs. Queeneware, Har•dtivare s Boots and Shoes, Cedar Ware. (325: 1 -.ZYMUBMI2I:2EITM e ' Of the very hest quality, etteh as Syrups, and Poitu Rice Molasses; ' Bee Rio coffi.e, Superi.,r, Prepared Coffee, /1 'test Essence;' No. I Chocolate, Raisins, Toh•cco. Rice. Art,. dec. nhovc goods have been carton) , selected and purchased at the nn• Fewest 6eure. He is therefore embed' t.. arrommodtte :A who may favor him with a cull . liy strict attention to business and a desire to pleura in every respect, he lope e to merit a continuance of patronage. Pod 1•Rol, BEE TO SHOW GOODS, country Produce taken is) rat-Lange for Ramis at the highext market rites J. W. MILLER- AprillB '62 g 7T - rel;7vii ALE 3 CENTS PLR G LASS. THE subscriber informs his customers that he has removed his Restaurant to the house of Mrs Blair, nit rigor to Heaver's Variety /Slow, where fe will hove for sale Oysters, Eggs, Ham, Phesse, 4lrc. Also Wasbabaugh's and Luditig's Ale at 3 cents per glass. • J' IS. FUNK. A prilll3 MT. HOPE STORE. •Eiavxr c4a.c32)MwEMI.:. rINHE: undernigeed would inform his customers and the prOilie generally that ho has just re- ceived front Philadelphia a full assortment of Spring it Summer Dry Goads" Groceries, Harder 4 re; Queensware, Shoe*, floolos Hats Caps, and all other articles usually retailed by county merchants. all of which will be sold es low as the same goods can tie purchased elsewhere in the county. The public_ ere invited to call and examine his stock. JOHN M. COOK. Mt• Hope, April l& TO THE LADIES NEW MILLINER! GOODS! A I, IsEs" M. C. 11E8:MIL itiftirtnit the Ladies of Waynesboro' an' vicinity that she has re, emitted her /dillinery Store to the dwelling house on Maio - Street, adjoining the residence of Mr.. Jacob Wolf. and has just,•reeetveil Bonn the Easterts.Cit. ira Lull issortinent •of • • • - • Bonnets. Eats, Bonnet Trinimikits, , Flowers, • and ether'aftic!re unfitly kept by Milliner*. The Ladies are rrquested to cull mid examine her stock Aprillll3 J 11. - TIETREIt 4NNOVNCEB to his friends and the public entered!. that.he is .now in pesscatiiint.tif all the Into and-trost,iMproved instruntetitavinif i, yell prepared to perform aII.DENTA I: operations.- He will lbrimppy to wait upon those whilmay require. thr service* of an experienced. Dentist. All ere: timis upon the mouth and teeth performed in a. scientific manner. 'Teeth inserted areerding to the latest in:write:meats . in the art, and at moderate rates. . Office in his residence on Hie South. C..iine ol . „ the Diamond:- ' ' ' ' ' - A prd ! 1 ,'G2 - W Het ua g te .i.:. i t c t i t e te: . t u tf u lil ie u;in ta tt e ra u tii r et W i or y t eT t e Lte haw:, hamlet!, have becn grat,S4d to the suloteri her; all persons iiidebted.to the Eitategire requested In hrtke hrtnethote paytavist, and those having- Asinss or !lam:suds agoinat the Estate of 441 de:so- ..1E 8 01; 14 1W kenwn the Lime, wititOut 4.114,441 VEtia. 13MA6I.f.Y.4cItiOW • AptiltB IF you, W. ot 4 niee spt ni Uutierowiyv a runJ Gur. lutr tor urvitiy•ti ve icutd; 041 1 4 44 etta - belt44 . 0 4 u •11s ' Krziyer • •....1; Farr untivAl & Sll Et RY 0001 S, Groceries, EINAR LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES, &C. o.11.11:) ,, motm GEO. STOVER, Vit HANK FUL for kind favors sod patronage here tolore bestowed upon him, again appears before t.e pu is o - solicit - a - continuithee-of-the-sa.; He having just returned trout the eastern cities with a fine and well selected stuck of new, SPRING:: AND SVMMED, r-lr • I • 4 • 7 Which he intends selling •et very low rates, Which be knows he can do to the satisfaction of all who will call and examine his stock. Below you will find enumerated a few articles which will be found among his stock to which he calls your attention. • FOR THE 'LADIES - He has a large assorttnent of Hresa Goods consisting in part of tlhallies Printed anti Plain Delaines, • BM, Fluid anti Curd Silks, Plaid Mohair, • - Silk' Warp Mohair, Ilcreges, Medona Cloth, Lavellas. French and domestic Oinghams, Pongee Mixture, Cloth fur Ladies, Wrappings, Cloves, Hosiery, in great variety. • • GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, • Clothe, -. Slack an unc, Union Cassimeres, Duck Linen*, Cottonades ' Summer Coatings,. Tweeds, • • Velvet Cord, Marseilles, Silk Vesting, Velvatine Vestings, of all kinds; in fact a full assortment of goods for (fen men weir. A leo a large and well selected stock of DOMESTIC GOODS, Muslin, Ticking; anti a complete a assortment of Notions. lt'a no use trying to enumerate. if you want anything at all in the Dry Goode line, just call in antityou will find him ready to wait on you with pleasure, To persons having country Produce to sell, they will find it to their advantage to bring it to Sto ver'smobe always gives the highest market price. So give him a all. and he will sell you goods as c heap as they can be purchased elsewhere. April 1862 NO HUMBUC ! 9' "HE undersigned having opened a Watch and Jewelry store, in the new building on the corner of the Diamond, and having recently return• ed from Philadelphia, would hiforin the residents of Waynesboro' and the public genera*, that lid has now on band a fine assortment of WATCHES, 3E WEJ A RT, RLLYEB AND - E It- PI, ATE D WARE, CLOCKS,, &c dm Having had consiaerablo experience at Watch repairing, he is prepared to do all work promptly in the beef manner and guarantee the periodiane An ttedortment of aped:icier, andivectaclo glasses always on hand. Jewelry tepoireil in the neatest =l3 P. 8.-013 Silver taken in i'zcliange for goadsi Apr 4-1-tyr. Cheap and Ileatitifttl Light. • N o w .l r c a; i: t tn tu 9 b itpzr t e hu a u n t a ciri n i o . r u ow ig lio n l y as_ s il— n_ I used iu the. • - CARBON OIL LAMPS, of the latest styles anti improvementir e —all sohl •Cuu.se sou Ciao at the xign of the MU RED kIORN ' -- • Aprol D. R. RUSSELL. • ___ Just ••• • -"l" iteceireilt _ At " 2 13ROTRERTON'S" an assortment -Of , - • 'Pruning Eilieors; • Pruning Sow and Chise), • Pruning saws; • . liudding For sate pril4 • ' r THE OLD MILLER - AGAIN ! -4 8 the Rebuilt ti it new , on its last kg s. and; ,tik &arty over, we thonetlatieht to attnouttro tv the! public Oa s t tvo iv!!! grithl 'Cti-IS of %I bushels' ,upwaieltrithe r for pay ouYoliiefinrtely,snel that We have- on Mind all kinds 4 FEED. CORN in veer or shrike!, ur ir. MEAL sifted ur not., Oats by ttw bushel or in say Way' that it may, be weete.t;—..l.lo, Rtidtiugu, :A. vault anti Bran, Corn I in. Cu b Chopped it aboet notice. Plaster by the _ton I or bushel on list a: -Sall iii.ihe matteefor What. We con, atIN3).% work tikelt wms done aet Islarid Nu. IQ,' and r ittsbur4 hatolinig. Jtsi{ wAtaiA. ' AprlB ' , ,JONEPti EfattiS.. 1.1( • you:m4,lo Lc itt jl Us/valet bay -Alt. eN. ri.114 :0 1 47Fit :IL CAR MS tan ANVNOMMI*Wtthat, , ft'S 11l P.. 401 E Has received and is dilly: oiersithel in ing stock of goods 'Vain the alias: Great has been the itiipiiiiien'thaCell t iiiiid of geirds have advanced to eheinienefrieetik, hk e the ide**iii be immediately dispeiled by ceiling at the • . 11. HEA;r:O94NP47 .,. neve e in a full linua43,Jilifteßli - el. along GO~IfS-rr- 3 TN MOS BERITEIT Can be seleetell some of: ths.hmlsomest styles of Cussi ineres, „ • Morsellles, • Cloths, Vs!eagles, Vaal toga, Usettadiam,` SUMMER COOD3. Denims, Twecijs, Jeans, The nbow. ere only ft few of the lea ding iteins, but any article desired_ in. the dry kopdErnr, ether &pertinent& can be supplied. Anel • furtfdyr,• we have Skeleton and Dalrrtoral Skirts, Collars, .. /Sleeves, Linen ILl"kas, Hosiery, Gloves. Shawls, Ladies' (loiters, liauntlets, Nu' ias, Corsets, Tassels and dortl, ittblions, and Parosdl4 Railings, Laces, Qin!linge, The pre& of Wayncstoro' and vicinity, find At other places, are respectfully invited to call and ex amino this splendid swot of URY UOO GROCERIES, &C., 3 I the proprietor ft els essareti that no one eon find lu It m prices or style; and in conclusion hd rcturas his thanks to the eortimunity for former La. arors and hopes for a continuance of the samo Apit • • • SOSI All B Eti 0 R - - THE GRANDEST VICTORY,OF THE WAR, ACHIEVED OVER TIMES, REBELS, AND THE."REST OP MANKIND M c B Y A DISPLAY OF FRESH AND BNE[j.lp Ltp,ms Fresh as , Mornirg-glories, beautiful ~ as the Sining Jay, cheep as snuff! Oh! ,ye fair portion of . - Creationrdo - yo want. Silks thnt.'glisten on 1941 Y, Detainee, of every hue of the Rainbow; Hima layas, mottled and printed like fairy fields; Modenap, Balzwines, Mommbiquea. llebeges, &e ; &c:, that would woo by their 14-auty the Genii of the stars! . - -WALK UP TO TIIK COUNTER I •„Our Lawris of softest tints,. Chintzes sparkling` likedisi' • drupe; Oingharns us Venus, with oar - Nagle T nUffiiilZl4, Gul l ies, Silk Gauntlets, Bel morn! Head Fascinators and . Moreci:e:kfatchels which- wilt • deck you out in othrrial splendor,-and compel the admiration of the Uontet---We will insure • •- - ' • • - GENtLEMEN,. • W. A. GROVE. You Pre not forgotten!—Not all"thai is beautiful - belongs to the Ladies; fur bless their heeds, they , love to see the Gents in splendid army! Cl.O NIS fresh from France, and Cossitneres sleek me mirrors. . Miley as the sunny-eye; with VesUngs of a style's," bandsonie, that re age is t' buy ; which with our svleinlid shirt , breasts %cheaper '-thati:ever, elegant - - Neck-ties, Ate, will make yuu AatiniseS,every moth.' er's sort of yaw. • kiD 1111 , 111"Tillfri-1111111111 • Ye 'milers of the i;:ing generations! ' Ye are a • ways before u r !, . We have for you at priers el low ex Woo) , the woe those good solid. ' • ' • Osnaburghs, - - ISLertinge. bhirtings. ~ .I'ickipAs. • - Calicoes, • , • • itnnerties,k • an 1 all the Notions. ncessslry, to. liouskekccers,ao... CHEAP. is the eronir—Clive us call! MEAD, THE AMIE!: , t- • • - Crr CO a lELIEI-X3llll' :""' ••• • - much below_ fool Witatet's „juices:ft-tics% pust...J: fresh. rait - cet as new walk. !Vets , Ictork:tuD),Laier. ing :syrup at 1'24 aii.l-18i'cy ! .... foishienceoh Bitttur ••• ,House, --.that need to pleaseAh4euttsti 'use,' • gam; White. Ur , OW if. 1111 1 .1RIANGABlig, -. V . : that is' of every' grade. (heese:4lertiike -Ono month mater: Ceesintarek, Ghete.tomm. QUeerusweedv.'•:;;:t . ..- RiTS,BOOTS-SIVES . in fact if hum) use to. cut:merino , : the Met,,fts elM11: thug - to dress up theiterellest fady, of Vie Latole , tur ,ou.ao,wv haver— sutt 'weasel! cheep sucthe eat. Cowie we say tue . te - t'''.. Tattoo dour. tou. he Sitar° and the' uuderioupied. wait: glad to greet ' - - Very. Rrispektfully; C•7r . Cs•lciiitT*6&Zi caik44% •ZI.4;;;;l " /Agr4. ruinio.. i IN 4 , - ;:q.41 4 4,.. -..,..,-- ~._.„..- k e:icksk iitott:to. amkt Alm • ' • utiltivitiaam4iik ci pe4 ,„ , i„:,,,,,ic,,, ~7,,110 :,..., .4 . 3if5evr,.;,.:J044 , 0 ....., 4 You vir. .D s t*PlikVoi"esllW,ll4o,.. :640,y, .11; AL} to 4r.: iiii iimilet "'— - ..t.iiiii 4 :' i--11119-111k4M- •5 ~ : , ; ',, v ". -::' iy. , .'7, r.. ,:-.,•-, ,,, : - 1- , '',., , ,.- .F...,:.! , .; --, :1 , ' : A, Plaid Gingham, Brocades, I.ustre9, Counterpanes and Qui lte, Muraeilleri Skirts, belts, IIIP-IIIP-lIUtItA! A firrty .REGuiceroo'Toid of Fancy Prima, lawns, Braiges, Linens Cashicrier:?ati, ' • M eripo , .thasiirneres. ININA - k ~. < /
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