Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, April 11, 1862, Image 4

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    „ ~. (: _
„Colonel INizelPirt
'' ,, ~xrs
vet ge..**4`•
..klkotddeld erqueintaiMe be'torget;,,
And ne,er brought to mind;
To'ditnk.tdd Wise hes run erv4t
Atilt foft,o'ne dog behind.
stole:atioYilte last old goose,
' • lib ate the brindle Ceeti
He did not spare the spavlnediteutr;
• He took Al but une so*. •
t 4
He used- bp . ilN thb oats and corn,
He Tea by all thel ay, -
Ittai *hen the Yankees - 40W hi 14114
OM Wise he rah away.
He ten 16-toet be .could not stair
For valley or for bills
He bail ho time-to call atotte r d
2' To pay his washing bill.
/But when 21111 VrabrieibloWa his holm,
And the devil - chime his own.
May he throw opt% *Me Nei arms
ire wettottMOM Wise home.
iiheti he takes old Wive below,
With denkihn and his host,
May he with rest and imnibling,
No longer swear and boast.
When Floyd comes home to greet him.,
As he is sure to do,
May the devil and his suede,
Put both the traitors through.
Bat, good devil, youlle careful.
And give them all they need,
Or, by the great old Moses,
They'll both again seceder.
iotch Floyd in every inoventent.
Be sure to guard him 'well;
For iryou don't be careful,
He'll steal Wise out of hell. ,
A Patriot Mother and a Rebel Son.
A few days since,Xrs. Tilghman, accom
panied by her daughter,
Mrs. Lowry, came
to Boston and .put up at, the Revere House,
for the purpose of G"e'n. Tilghman,
the rebel prisoner at Fort Warren. There
was some difficulty in ohtaining the required
permission, but on Saturday, says the Ga
zette, the mother and sister were allowed to
visit the Fort and have an interview with
the prisoner. The first exclamation on meet
ing him was, "Oh, my rebel sour 'and du
ring the conver Edie said,. "When I
heard you we aken I thanked God that
you had been r seued froni secession inftuen
ces, and were I to hear there was any chance
of your being exchanged, I would go on my
knees to the President to prevent you from
again joining the rebels, fora had rather
have you remain here during your. life. than
to know you were among' the traitors of the
Mrs.Tilgianan received her permit to visit
the Fdtt direct fr m S n-whom•
s e mimed, stating that though her son
was a rebel, he was still her son, and she felt
it her sluty to visit him, if permitted. She
left for Philadelphia, accompanied by her
daughter, this afternoon, expressinu. r' her ob
ligations to Col. Dimmick and others for their
kindneas.and attention
Several years ago, and soon after the "an
ti-Ream-rim" came into, force in the Green
Mountain State, a traveler Called in nod ask
ed for a glass of brandy. •
"Don't keep it," said Rashe; "forbidden .
by 'the law to sell liquor of any kind.
"The deuce you are," said the stranger
"Such is the fact," said Rashe, "the house
'don't keep it."
"Then bring your ownbottle," said the
traveler with decision; "you needn't pretend
to me that you keep that face of yours in
repair on water."
Rashe laughed heartily, ansl brought in.
r - a .• - the "critter.",
7,70 •
People who go out of church before the
• benediction, ought to have the old Scotch
clergymaniof whom this.atory is told,speak to
them. The ancient reverend had just raised
his hands to give the parting blessing when
the 'liaise of the escaping multitude attracted
his attention and disturbeilllie quiet of the
.church. Quietly he open a hi- t in.
thus addressed the doorkeep - er, and effeci u .
ally stopping the practice for &at day at any
rate: . .
"Amid now Jain open the doors, and fet all
those cursed people Who dont want the bleSs
lug retire!"
AN athatit Dittitatir.".--Aft old sequain-:
tanee of ours in the country , indulges in a
very exaggerated style of dsieriptiort and
illustration, in his ordinary conversation.—
For instance when- describing the effect of
an alteration on his kitchen chimney, which
he had ordered his mason to make, he said
that "before the chimney was altered, it
drew the *rang way so poWerfil that every
flock of wild geese that flew over the town
for ten years was sucked down into the fire
place, but since the alteration has been made
the draught has been so strong that if he
should hook one end of a log Chain in the
- Middle of the kitchen floor,' the other end
Would stand glittering up the chimney. _
following 'curd for the
gout' is taken front an old work:
Ist.' The -patient must pick a handkerchief
from the pocket of a maid of fifty, ycars,who
never had a desire to change her condition .1
- 2(14-He must wash it in an honest ntiMr's
Ba. a ftltist dry it one initsoifq . hedge
who was tiever covetous.
.4th He mist send it to i doctor's shop,
who never killed a patient.
. - sth: Hermust niark it with a hvityer i s ink
who.rover cheated a client
:Apply it to the part affected and &
•Onitreasoii,why we merit with so Air peo
ple who are reasonable and agreeable in cons
' versation*that - there is scarcely any per•
son whoAcraanot think more of *hat he has
,to eirthin of answering what may ,be mad
• - Er. -
" A:Mani liaiking at the _rata_
. sudsikaif liour, and toning afarrowten iacheiroide;wiE dough an siota, in 6
lours s64lo:tainutes. ,
• ,
ota: Je 446(
titrrtney isli6Botarir=
*Odd' Nag
• •• " • -•
• •
. , • • I
, Look:10 the Came* or, intiiP ati iiii passes
,Otroggh Ate wodd ; Mattilsit*Jil pais,. 1
low nazi to sinicAndeithe Weight *this
aulteided *one Ole 'Mend if
own 'sex forget iiiiiithei,‘llmndons
hi* etiothor, . perhaps, betraya:ll69 , bttt
aillietiqns with unshaken affections; braves
the efriiilteit of feeling, of hisjimper embit
tero.4 by the disappointments of, the,, world
with the highest of all virtues; resig ned
donee ministers to his wants, even when her
own are hard and pressing; . she weeps with
him, tear for tear, in- his &streams, and is
the first to catch and, reflect ray of joy,
should but one light up his 'countenance .in
the midst of his sufferings ;and she never
leaves him in his misery while there remains
one act of love, duty or compensation, to be
performed. And at, last, when life and sor
row end together, she follows him' to the
tomb with an ardor of affection which death
itself cannot destroy.
Rules`for Life.
1. Choose the path of virtue, and imitate
a high pattern.
2. Do all the good in thy power, and let
every action be•tcseful.
3. Cultivate thy mind carefully—it will
be a store Of pleasing reflection.
4. Be diligent in thy business, and strict
ly upright imall thy dealings.
' 5. Inveitigate affairs closely, and. wiloge
6. Lay thy plans with prudence, and be
prepared for emergencies.
7. In all difficulties be patient, and.over
come them by perseverance.
8. Do that first, always, which deeds do
ing most.
9. Have a place for everything, and every
thing in its place.-
10. In all these: thilvs,be- economical
without meanness, and combine utility, with
INstrecEssrtm It His confess
that increasing years brings with them ,an
increasing respect for those who do not suc
ceed in life, as those words are commonly
used. Heayen is said to be a plate for those
who have not sueceded upon earth ; and it is
surely true that celestial graces do not best
thrive and bloom in the tot blaze of worldly
prosperity. 11l success sometimes rises from
superabundance of qualities in themselves
good—from a conscience too sensitive, a
taste too fastidious, a self forgetfulness too
romantic, a modesty too retirit... I will not
go so far as to say z with a poet, that "the.
world knows. nothing of its greatest men,'
but there are forms of greatness, or at least
execqinee, that die and make no sign; there
are martyrs that miss the palm, but not the,
stake; there are heroes without the laurel,
and conquerors without the triumph.--T
has so, knit the mind and body topper, that
they act and react upon each other. Who
has not felt that the state of health gifes
coloring to everything that happens to him ?
One_man, whose health is depressed, sees
his.,own &elide, that used to burrs so 'cheer.
ily, only covered with gloom and sadness.--•
Another, of bright and joyous mind, in the
full vigor of health, will go forth, and the•
very - dsert to that man's eye will rejoice,
and the very wilderness to his view will blos
som as the rose, and t s
the saddestrains in
nature will sound to him the most- joyous
and brilliant. , A sufferer goes out and foal
on nature, and its roses areaff become horns,
its myrtles all look like a desert,—and the
sweetest minstrelsy of the grove and the for
estsounds' to him 'like a wild and wailing
miror running through all the sounds Of na
WHAT WAR Is.-3 Var fs a game of•sei
ence, not a question of courage. An army
of 100,000 men Indy overthrow to-day an ar
my.of 250,000. It may kill and wound 20,-
000 of the foe, and lose but 1.0,000 men it
- ; yet the izo,ooo of the enemy, being
demoralized and Mors du combat, will hardly
venttire on . the following., to renew the con-1
test with the retraining 90,000 of thevietora. l
All nations are brave; but history isafull of
instances where the brave have laid
their ems, • The idea that any people can- 1 1
not beconquered is net even decent nonsense.
The notion .that any army without money,
leather or read; without a harbor - or , a ship
at sea; wi th out recogiiitiott or repute le
cause, can defy the laws of life and streng th
and peilnanently.withstand the mighty pres
sure of at least equal courage and contint4.
ly replenishing force, is preposterous, and
nothing else. ,
The roost 'remarkable instance of the pow
er of prayer happened id the case of Gov.
Todd, as related himself in an address he
made lately at the Briar Hill to prepare 'for
assitining the chair. Mr. Todd said: "In
the prig of 2847, when about to leave
home in the'service of the riatiorial govern
ment, yon met me on this spot and gave me
your prayers and good wishes of 'myself and
family; and I felt that to these prayers arid
good wishes, in part, I am indebted for that
same-return; for not only did Mrs; Todd,
myself and all the children we took away
with ris (five iri number) return safely to
you, but we broligk back two moi'e."
Boston Journal has compiled a table show
ing the casualtids of the Most important bat
tles of the rebellion., including that near
Winchester. We should judge that it is as
,correct as it is possible to make.. it. The
following is a mapittilation:
Union---Killed and Wounded; 8,240, prix-
oners, 1.440; generals killed; 1; losses-32
cannon, 4 ALIA 10300 =takes.
. Rebel—Killed and wounded, 12,4293 pri
soners, 18,707; generals killed, 8; kisses
-220 cannon; no accolintof ships and Steam:
YARSIIITAL LicrttallitENT.Said the mo
th& of John and Charles:Wesley; "The first
- Step tolonn the mind of a child is to conquer
its will. ' Vied"once subdued; then many
indulgences can be safely granted.
geld the gdilty,.Webster, when abotit to
die for llus - fatal blow dealt poorParkinau
—4loeif inalictk. but iii rage—"ln early child
-4.7.30W1tt1ue ittOt handed tem
lAirottlie4 imetawiter :an A titsteit Weta pet
skUritideW le the
end of sw3 weocesarY Oar the
young. • ' .
" • '
- F
Uti ri ftt
• •t
1. D . ,;„
• .. ” 1, “ •
GEIDER'D VATE4: stihr.normArpro
MID vas " -
Latest - haftioved "17tresk7 snit Triple -
'Boise t'encers,'Driroing either by Gear
. or Belt, 'all furnished Complete
ready to be put on Wagons.
1, the undersigned, desire to call the attention
Pant ira and Thresherreen of Prankling and adjoin
ing counties to it This Machine has been before
the public for seven years. during vshich time it
has given general satisfaction, nett the patentee
having made cone very important improvements
which render it still more complete, bola - for dead'
separating and cleaning, and also for ease of
draught and fast thistishing. I take pleasure in re
commending it to the' public, knowing that it will
give tho hest of satisfaction. I ans nianacsettraing
three different sixes, as folfoiveß
No. L is El horse Power will thresh and clean from
200 (0.500 huihels per day.
No. 2 is 5'S 6 horse power, will thresh and clean,
from 150 to 300 bushels per day
No. 3 is 4 ta.6 horse pewee, will thresh and ekan
Irma lOW to 200 heshele per day.
TheselMactunee , are warranted to do the above,
and ch it ninth LOW its every respect than any
- tither machine in use.
Grain having much light filth in it cleaned on this
Machine is worth from 2 to 3 cents more per bush
el than when cleaned on any other separator, or the
common way of cleaning-on hand lams. For this
reason there is not the eighth part ()flight matter in
the grain as %Oben cleaned on the riddle principle.
The blast acts freely on all the grain as it leaves the
shues, whereas, when cleaned with riddle that ad
vantage is lost
This machine does not Tetuan the Magnify. as
most of the separators, do. Ry returning filthy tail
ends alternately it is impossible to make merehatita
grain, Another important feature in this machine
that others of the kind have nut, is the Self-acting
Blast Reg ulator iii the fan, which remedies alf•dif
&ethics in bud Cleaning, blowing grain in the chair
in high speed or irregular driving, which cannot be
avoided in cleaning grain by horse power • •
This Machine is also more durable and less tedious
.manage thUa , any ethos Sepa ratorvid Cleatter,or
the common machine with shaker.
Orden; to insure their being Red until harvest
should be sent in immediately. •
• I am fully prepared to make to order and on short
notice Portable and Stationed
Stoves and Plow pastings,alsoxast trorkand wrought
lon pipe toe stearli or water, and Brass castings al
every description; in a word, I am prepared to do
everything usually done in a foundry And mathine
shop. Having supplied niy.self with the latest inb:
proved machinery, such as Lathes, Boring, Planing
and Drilling Machines, persons, cart rely on having
their work done in the most satisfactory manner.—
t also prepared to manufactures_ to order ma
chinery fur wood, such as 'ranging and Groving
machines lin. flooring, Surface, Telma, add .tfould
ing machines, &c. /.
1 also otter to the public a new and 'valu
able improvement in my steam engines, made
within-the-last- year, viz: for the economiiing of
fuel, and the regulation of speed, which renders my
new engines Air metier to the old enginesp
A!} my machines are sold under,warrantee. My
hams are all expevieliced wdrkrnen in -this-lin
busitietis, and `Vine ill-good material, so that' am
perfectly safe in warranting all my work.
I am also prepared to do repairing in workman
like tnatutar,on the shortest notice. Orders solicit
ed and - promptly attended to. All - orders sent in
for repairing must be accompanied with the cash
For particulars and circulars descriptive of ma
chine, address UEOROI F HICK,
Or DANIM Geisan,Proprietor of Territory and so
linnet of Orders, aynesboro' Franklin Co. Pa.-
April 18--sf
Ready-Made Clothing
• •
AA S. ADAMS woul r it respectfully inform his
• patrons and the public generally that ho has
returned from the Eastern cities with a general as
sortment of Ready-Made
embracing all the latest styles of Coats, Pants,Vests,
Shirts, Collars, Necties, buspenders, etc, etc., all of
which are well made. The public are cordially in
vited to call and examine his goods, as he is deter
termined to sell-at short profits.
'Lie will continue to carry on the business
of Tailoring as heretofore. Persons desiring gar
ments cut out or made up are invited to give him a
Latest fashions received regularly.
Important to Farmers
r rIHE subscriber takes this method of announcing
of the Farmers and others, that he has on hand
a lot of'DWARF BROOM CORN seed, along with
some specimens of the coin. This is an excellent
-article of Broom Corn, and should be. raised by ev
ery one. He has also a full assortment of fresh
Dings, Medicines, Chemicals, &c.
P. S. lam selling Cranberries at 121 cents per
quart. • * Mar. 14
mita undersigned continues 'to manufacture
Corn Brooms upon the old principle, all of
which he will warrant to be well made. Those
having broom can are requested to give him a call.
Smoke Stack for Sale.
THE subscriber has a heavy Iron Smoke Stack
33 feet long and 16 inches in diameter. which
he trill dispose of upon reasonable terms. Post Of ,
face address, Quincy, Pa.
' 6000 Rails for Sale.
THE subscriber bits now on hand WOO good
• CHESTNUT RAILS which' he Will dispose
of on reasonablw terms. ' Also—one good ROAD
;.0. YEW! VEtr!
TIRE tandersigneAl ofcrihis setiice to ali persons
who want a cryer. Ready at all thucs to cry
Public Soles. Nrenduce.' Auctions, 4*.c.,".at the most
roederats terms. All order/ilea at the °Mee itof the
Village Record; will ho promptly attended to.
Swat - • 0Z0..V. MONO
N e l;ligrigi assortment of - •
' • .14,EltOSENS lAll4l$Bl "
n n ox,ltoni nrOo r of •Knnoense always
on bind. ' '•-•• a. ISTONEHOUBg.
' - •
'rumor* Alolthig..Sofooti.
aoternfirroNAztitt, .•
; ,Olimt•l ' . - . 44 Ma - MT - t 1 :1:
, °Aglaia', ilia pltblitlgeneMlly n ; thlit' the Atte 10.-
cattily „rePlenistied ,hisSlocit oVrtuit , P •anki Oonftle"
tiohariesi and his uthethe fin'eli itintotinitin
ales I AC : A - 111-111.1:E
, •
*ma* . „ ,
NUTS, 1 2 EUNES, FIGS,: swtve
OARS; TORACFIO,,ete, etc.' ; • -
CiY; E R _
lie has also on hind atoll times -flit - lineal lhithars
the Market, will afford, 'which will-be _served sp:to
custoniers Fried, Refitted or Stewed:* • •
lie is likewise prepalid to furnish faith . Washit,
boughot and Ludwig's ALE, and a superior article
of scotch. Ale and Crab Apple Cider,. with pima
article of ,Hologni Sausage, foiled Eggs, end all
other ankles usually kept in first class Restaurants
A genuine 'article of Vinegar always fur sale. •
.Davit Lytili FISHER.
T W'..A• Y
THE undersigned respectfully announces to the
&Mk generally that 'he is still at the old
stand on Chstrcisiltreo4, Waynesboro', Pa., where
ho contiutree the manufacturing of. Family
Buggies, klarouches, Wagons, and every species
of vehicles uqually made in such establishments.—
ills work is warranted to be composed of the'
best anu most durable material, and none but
the most experienced Workmen are employed.—
lid has now on hand a number of Carriages, Bug
gies, &c., &c., which he will positiv. ely sell at
greatly reduced . prices for cash, or upon a short
credit. By keeping a good stuck at all times, and
always holding himself ready to supply the de
minds of the people he hopes to retain and secure
a liberal- shore oX Ralsonage• •
Repairing, Trimming. owl done in the
best manner, and at the shortest' notice. '
Lumber, Country Produce,' &c., wilt he taken in
exchange fur work. JAC9O ADAMS.
Pi. B. The Books of the firm of 1; & A. S. Ad
ams, are in the hands of the undersigned. eersons
knowing themselves indebted are requested to make
immediate payment. .1. A.
Nnv' t,
Ir r n E a
t no t r ieir op s e t n o ,
r fo e r
outheast corner of the Diamond
~ * r-aetionti-.
for Gentlemen's ware. Their
stock embraces Blue, Black and .
Fancy Cloths, Plain, Fancy Cassinieres,, Silk and
Satin Vestinge, and all other goods for coats, pada,
and vests, of the moat fashionable styles. Also—
°love's; Cravats, shirta,collars. &c. &c.; with an as
(leadsmen are invited to call and examine their
stuck of new goods.
OrThe latest Fashions regularly received.
May 13 lblbt.
Delbnce of Aarinaggedon. -
rpHIS is acknervledged to he one of the must re
j_ trackable of human productions that has ever
been offered to the American people. The style is
ehaste_nraLtruly eloquent. The subject treated of
is of the must inspiring: "The United 'States in
Prophecy.. For sale ha J F. KUJt
IX AZiOarntSilittiliVitellielZitifalrfaXXVlSl
PA T. J. 1 0 111;BERT;
• a
tHas cototantly for pale a full assortment of
N.l • COW/S A /or Gentkmerea glare. 4pi
3§: or Latest City. Fashions always on 4anil.Pl
IVaY 0% nestado', P. a
MBE subscriber respectfully 'announces to his
friends and the public ,gerierally tliet he has o
prened a Livery Stable iu Waynesboro, and is now
prepared to aceounnodate the public generally with
vria;ft '
ip at the shortest notice, day or might.—
Persons desirous of hiring, either fel
riding or driving, would do well to give him a ma.
His stock has been selected with , great cam as re
ptile gentleness and speedy traveling; and his• bug
gies and carriages are all in good.conditinn• -
The above stock Will be kept at the Stable of Dr.
John Ming. Perione wishing to Aire will please
apply to the undersigned at Bowden'etiotel
A. S. A.
kHE undersigned offer for sale SEVEN THOV
SAND FEET of .well seasoned POPLAR
LUMBER, at the Mill of George Knepper, near
Hughes'' Furnace, at reasonable raid's, soma of
which is joke Scantling, 4- by 4 inches square and
same.3.s by 4 inches, and 2 inch Plank, 1 inch,
inch, inch Boatils.•
Persons wishing to buy Poplar Lumber will please
give us a call GEORGE KNEPPER, Jr.
Febl4-2m &era of David Knepper;Dee'd
To Capitalists.
A YN EBB oio ,
BAlNFllNp 7 fhie WSocietywiilp.;the following rates in .
terest per annumon all sums deposited in the In
stitution. For 3 months, 2 p;r cent.; from 3 to' 4 6
months, 3 per cent.;frorn 9 to 18 months,4 - per
cent; and over 18 months, 44 per cent. Fur a
shorter period • than 3 months the terms'vrill be
made howl' by the Treasurer.
Notes for discouutshould behaitded to the Treas.
Auer on Tuesday, as the Board of Directors meet
rgularly-on Wedneeday'of each week, at 9 o'clock
A• 141. By order:of the Board,
June l'PEril •JN O. PH11,11 ) 8, Treasurim.
ti:l.EtittAPH YOUltEtt UUrriata,
71 'l,'"e bes.titi use For sale** ,
oi7ll ' E. 10.,'Ettoxpb.. Agt.
IRESH Mackerel at
Mar 26_ Axasason, %atom ikeo'a.
D E 4CHl39.—Dried Peaches, 'pared and unpar
r eclat Astsussos; : llsastuor & Co's. ,
iILOTH; at , H
4,Austreeelied and for sale wevy low by -M. M
STONER. • ' : • May 13.
BEit i r
J. in theparket- to be bad at the:sign of the
Big Rol Horn. • • D tl. Miasma.
~ ,
4 Fat Will ,e Stoto of 'W. H. DioyinisTO
Itottlie"'.. „, •N,,,,, ~, ` .. .• ..
. -
trKEIGH-111(1.4jk rtvis at •
I. I
' ~ kC~i6G~a.~
',l' -41106:1:11r4340140, ---; 33 " '
'!' - -.- :::.: ~_ 7- ',':7:. Ail. - ._ •:,,,':, ,;,. , - 4:- : -4•4',---- 4.
~ •01) z,'\- , . , :z 'i 7,;',V al._ .f,, ,,,, ,''....Y , .,7.: . ),.. 4t 4 ' ,4 :4 '.;,
i , .,41‘9 . : ,- wana, 1 ,0 ,
lAvis.A juit returned from the E as tern cities
withapothemLot of nesv. 04 : nteigstnkstylee
tadree -
01;saimireed for Ileadti;SCAaV Quali ty and at
POW' 04 0 :b 8 .
Wool Delietioi'',. — ' , ' 2 -, i : .....
:Bombazine, , •
. .
-t, • French Merinos, „ -, • .'
Pi c hitoil - Cobuig,
- Cashmeres,
' Mohair Alapaca,,
, •••' - -) , - .. , lamella Cloth,. •.. I
. ' ' '' • ..•
. . '
' . '.: ' ; -D.begela . 4 , 1 - i -
,'••• , ',' - 4.
°- Peisian behinds, ' , ' ''' • " •
Swiss Gingham, •
Ladies WuoJ Elastic Skirts, E :tension Skirts, Aptoth'resseht, eltislitißtite4itilitess-Tsim
mingsl &a. •
French Cloth, „
enieirnere,- '
- • Veatinge,
' "rireithi'
A1.1313.--A- heavy Sot of
not necesemy to mention.
. pool's AND SHOES,
(21 5. 22.Qiit=t r a.raLiZiMg,
of the very best in market anil quality: such as
'Syrups. New .orleans • and Pinto Rico Molasses, a
No. 1 Brown Sugar, coffee crusbect mail granulated
dn; beat article of
Rio Coffee, . ' •
Imperial Tea.
-Rummell's best Esscence of Coffee'
Raker No. 1 - Chocolate,.
Raisins ? ,
Carburet of Iron,
Rice, dtc.,'"&c.
,--... - vai.yu — neen selected careful
rchased at the rosy lowest figure with on
the wants of this community. He it
labled, to accommodate all who may fa
ll] a call, in qtrintity, quality, style and
trouble to show goods.
Produce takin iu exchange fir goads at
market prices. by—strict attention to
d a desire to please in every respect he
mit a continuance of ',patronage.
Oct. 11
Dealer variety -4- Drugs: 'Medi
cines, Yankee Notions, Perturnery,
. Liquors for medicinal
purposes, 011 s,
-ur,D tender his thanks to the community.
,y o
and still soli•it the patranagelef a generous
pul *c who , want anything in his fine. Inasmuch
as he has enlarged his stock so BS to be enabled to
answer all calls for anything and everything usual
ly found in a Drug Store, and has a thorough ac
quaintance with the business, ho hopes to gain the
confidence of ttie Community. He will pay
ticular attention to tilling physicians' Precriptions,
and more care and precaution used in waning up
on chldren than adults., • - • - •
Choice Wines and Liquors for • medicinal and
sacramental purpose 4 Patent Medicines are endlesi
in variety, including all that have been mode or to
thip date and some that are yet in embryo. Also
White Lead, Zinc, Paint, Whiting and Varnishes
for house building or inside work. besities,all sizes
of Glass. , Commercial, Note, Fall; Cap and Letter
Paper always on hand, with a variety of Envelopes
of different sizes and colors. Brushes, iforobs,
Pomade, Fancy Boa'p, Hair Oil; Colognes,. Essen-
ces, Flavoring Extracts, kna numerous articles. in
the Fancy line vu hand and offered for sale, cheap
el' than ever odhred before
Also a large assortment of Kerosene Oil Lamps,
Chimneys, Shades. ard Wicks, and Kerosene Oil to
fill-therm A , general assortment a 1? nits and
Confectionaries, Tobaicu and Cigars.
Oct. 11.
NEW FIR ili!
THE undersigned having leased the well-known
Coachmaking Establishaent of Alex. Hamilton,
ou Mechanics street, Waynesboro'; respilctfully an
nounce to their friends and the public generally, that
they purpose carrying on the business in all its
branches, and are now prepared to manufacture to
order all kinds of
Carriages, Buggies, Barouches,
Slung Wagonii; '&c. &c., of the best material, and
made oy superior workmen.
kinds done at reasonable rates, promptly and to the
satisfaction of customers.
COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in exchange for
work at market prices.
Pr Persons desiring articles or work in the Coach.
making line, are respectfully invited to give them a
call. L. K. MORRISON,
Mar.B. 4 'U EO .I3. HAWKER.,
Breech-Loading Repeater"'
- -
'PHIS Pistol,lor simplicity of construction, coma
, pactness end durability. it 'superior to all oth
ers yetioftered to the public, : It can be loaded as
quickly 'u other pistols are capped. The load may
remain, n the . - I'istol any length of time without
the . lightest.pistut inartufactrusd that
has hate and is safe to carry. 'lt will force a ball
through si one inch board at .460 • distance (Won.
hundred yards.. Weight onlywight and a half OM
For sale • BROTHeRTOWS .
May 3 : - • Hirdware Agate.
eUNTIS 4 ShoIit I I I .. - Arc.tic :91Ppellti and other
orafoihrhle . 0 1 . ttther at
flied :.l jt~aoie'a.
plaii at 18 ansl.3Weents par, par zd at
rsov.4B:' 4
Ttokirta at
fke4'" ). > HISSION •
MIIN,Toya rat sale at
' Gloves
- 10• r t WNW.
' 1 4;1 ;, i
31314silia': •
141111411151.50 If p in eilvenee, or Niihiti
this* Men , :•11111 4 t*-00.0et ittle.expirpleit. of thou
months- bk*itlibitt:tbet yeari
ADVERTIOZNENTILTifiIIineI• three laser.
Lions $1; for every subsequent' insertion; 28 dents.
larrattlitir OrdiOnet lOW 4 1ibtr 1 4%,0",0 118 ! 1 *
Inen l4 4/4V - PaikiinglUngi li;in 4 1 • • ) •
BiotherOn't qf! r da*Vi ll i d
• • 'aint 1510 rd
- take this'i*tifOrl if intertidal' 'As" piblic:that 1 -
Ibare jiiilCrecrived from l'hilideipWit
carefully selected stock of • •
.• '
• Ode,
, • Paints.
Storer!, „ .
'Cutlery, •
Hardware, -
Varnishes,,on ot6tit,' •
shoo Fhminge;
Agricuihrtal Impl a rtichts,
aft of orviefr 1 desire tritliapose Ot at , prices t, suit
the times. Try . me,•and by an examination of my
stock, convince earlier that I mean just what I say,
I take pleasure in showing-geothr whetheisales are
effected or not. To, persons abOut to build lam
prepared kr offer eittraordihrlidtMiati
- Hardware and Paints. Thankful to friends for past
favors, a contiassuce elthesame in respectfully and
licited—promising to do all in my. power to render,
satisfaction to all who may faior, me with their pa
tronage... W. H. BROTHERTON.
April 11.
. . , .
ffiHS subscriber would inform the citizens of
Waynesburg and the public that be has cow
menced the Sneenenking.husinces in the Basement
ut Kurtz's Hotel, *here- tie will, at all times be in
readiness to accommodate those who mat give him
a call,
BooTs AND , stiorsr
made to N •
order, on short notiee,,of the best material,
and upon, the most reasonable term.
Recommendations from the Faculty of Princeton,'
liege. N. J.
PH/Neirrogr N. 3., Feb. 26th, 1861.
The undersigned are happy to testify that pupils. -
of the Fayetteville Academy, Pa. have maintained.
a high standing, among the recent graduates of thei
College of New Jersey.
President of the College..
Pmfessor or Mathematics
11)1,r.,Jactifts, liarbaugh & 4.4 es
Celebrated American. Liniment
it . .
For Man and Beast."
T" greatest and best external' remedy ever . °
feted to the public. For sale by F. J. - Krufz)
Druggist. Waynesboro' and by Druggists in the
county generally. tiirPrice 25 cents per bottle.
December 13, '6o ly
Now Millinery Elatablishinensi-
THE undersigned would inform 'Baena el -
Waynesboro' and vicinity that Was coin
menced tho Milliner business, in Mut. h, sueet, e
few doors South of the Diamond. '8 expects to.
receive her goods in a few days. ',/,/ to lanlics.are
most respeetfully inxited.tocgive her a call. No
pains will be spared toisuit the•taste of. all. By close.
application and a determination to .persevere, she,
hopes to gain the . confidence,as well as the support
of the annuli:WV. thii has made arrangements se- -
that she can receise new. goods weekly if necessary.,
Please give her a call . . Krill. 11E88E14 r '
Way, nesburo',. May 2, , '91., - •
NO LABU/C.• 'ir • ' iSt/ ODOR:
PURE ci4lßuftsr OF itiOW
The cheapesi article in
in Econumy. Permanently Lustrous. The only
place to get it is at , DROYHEMPON'd.
With 22.
ontinental Hotel?
THE Undersigned having recently taken the a
-1 bore named • House, formerly known as the
Inn" takes pleasure •in announcing to his
friends and the pnblic diet he is prepared to receive
and entertain Guetits in a style not to be excelled
by any country Hoick. The House laving been.
thoroughly, repaired and newly furnished with eve-.
ry thing calculated to,make his guests; comfortable
—the public . May rest assured that they will at, all.
times fi nd it in dcondition sniied to the comfort and,
convenience of the traveler. , His Bar is always sup- ,
plied with the choked. Ligpors, and his Table with
the best the markets afford, and ail, other appliances
suitable and necessary for the accommodations of
man or hes* With faithful. sad obliging servants.
and his (siva personal attention and supervision- r ho
will leave no means wavered to merit public pa?
The proprietor assures those who may favor him:
with their patronage that they shalt ever meet at
his houses' cordial reception,Jrnd that everything es,
sential. to the , convenience, and .happinfis of his.
guests shall be attended to. . .
June 21, 1860 I.: B. KURTZ --
BACK _AGALNI. - -.:7--
. ,
GB. PRICE inkirmil hie customers enil die
• publiC'generallY 'thit he• has removed hie
Barber shop '
to the Basement of Mr. Kurtes Hotel,.
formerly occupiettioy bile as a 4 Barber Shep, where
he will Shave, Cut; cad Dress Hair as heretofore.
Give him& call.. Nov. 2.r—tf..-
and Boy's heavy titsota and 6hoes at
Oct. 4 • Bssones:
1)111i1'AIN Futures at
ki Mar 213 . Awaxmott. BILIVDICT & God
ent article of Syrup fur 50 ctn. per get,
- (Or.t4. • _ , BE.BO4III'S
itN e ica I
rand bY I B2 - 1 1) alliTe i c u t r :o ' u s : 1 :3 1 f -° a ntY Phle ll itin dic , i l7
11. ALISTON OR, fAiuggsbi May 13.
nov 29
11.13 EPPER sKuo at
n0v.29 . - -
LARD ID.ANS, at the riga of the Dig Redtiorn
dec2o 9f . B.
..Stove. Apply at PRICE'S Stara
LENDID Embroidered goods at
I tlet . - -
,r4:l FARMERS.
el FEEL' Shovel. Spaded,. Hoes, - Fork's, Rakes;
°Manure Drags, Shovel,
at prices thai wade 4"
competition. Dail and see litiyoureolics; at
sprit , - Ditotaitirroliett
Light Lights!
rSE cheapest Light , io use ba. had.,ll,t
TOZISHOUSprei our lisul,wskte ,Stese
{.HE Cute*, Su ' - Teas and C, eeso I;
amosies '
~,,,, Ai • .
. . .
, 4- •
. , .
Professor of Oreek;,
Professor of Latin.
er, ground dc unwound