P[tns7 LumvlL SPRIG & SUM DRY=GOODS, Groceries, WEISER . BIM LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES, &C, ----o - . GEO. STOVER, 14 HANK FUL for kind favors and patronage hero - tofore-liestowed uport.him,_tnrin_apreitis before the public to-solicit u Continuance of the sante.-- Ile having just returned froth the eastern cities with • fine and well selected stock of new • SPRING AND SUMMER 41.411CD1DON Which he Intends selling at very low rates, which he knows he can do to the satisfaction of all who will call and examine his stock. Below you will find enumerated a few articles which will he found among his stock to which he calls your attention. FOR THE LADIES He has n large assortment of Dross Goods consisting in part of • ehallies, • • Printed and Plain Detainee, Bfk, Fig'd and Curd Silks, Plaid Mohair, , Silk Warp Mohair, Bermes, Medona Cloth, lnivellas, PrenCh and domestic Gitigliama, Poplins, • Pongee Mixture, • Cloth for NV ra ppinggt G loves, Husiery,.in groat variety, GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, Broad Cloths, Black and Fancy Cassimercs, Union Cassitnives, , Duck Linens, Summer Coatings, Tweed - Velvet Cord, It/tamales: Biik Vesting, Velvatine Vestingv, of all kinds; in fact a full assortment of goods for Gen tile% wear. Also a large and well selected steek of DOMESTIC GOODS, Mullin, Ticking; and n complete o t m::ort.me t) ; of Notions. It's no use trying to entimccate. It* you want anything at all in the Dry (100,14 line, just call in and you will find him ready to wmit on you with pleasure. To persons having country Produce to sell, t hug will lied it to their advantage to bring it to Stu ver's,os ho always gives the highest market price. give hint a call, and be will sell you good* as cheap as they con be purchased elsewhere. Aprl ris62 SECOND SUPPLY PRESEE LINE. ___lll7_lll_Subseriber_lias_no_w_for_sslo_ni_his_ Lime File, about three miles East of Waynesboro' a tirsbrate ankh" of 'WOOD-BURNT LIME, for White-washing, PListering, lc- lie will be prepar ed to furnish Isis customers WAh Lime any 'time du ring. the Spring and Summer. April=3w JOSEPH M; HESS Just Received! At "IMOTHERTON'S" nn assortment of Pruning Shears, . Pruning Kniven, Pruning eir, and Chisel, Pruning Hews, 411 budding Knives; For sztle cheep A pri)4 LMPOR BAN FROM MEXICAN ROW jBEAVER, in connection with his Variety o 61tore, has commenced the manufacturing of lit 'WI'S and SHOES in all its various branches.— Having employed Jeremiah Cooper as foreman, ho is prepared to pro duce 1116 finest, neatest and most thwtble work made anywhere. All are invited to call. A garde stuck of Hats and C4294'2111 Eastern man ufacturat Shoes and Hoots et the best make, on hand; Clocks, Trunks, Sewers, TobaccooSte., acc. You got thu very h,•rt KEROSENE there. A few fat Hoge' are wanted. Dee.B: i menthe. ACARD.—Kind friends and patrons, you have mpwarmast thanks tar your very !Montt en coursament. Having discontinued the JR inufactu ring of-shoes &c., on my own account, and engn,, , -ed myself with .1. 131.avei, at ° the Variyty Store, I he sett% for him the continuance of your patronage.- 1h ) come and see us at our new Dec° J. COOPER. • 1 SCHOOL. TA F.. uourr respectfplly informs the citizens of Waynesboro', that ho lain open a school for males and femalts, on MONDAY, the 31st of 111 s nen. iu the EaSiern•Sehool • Terms, moderate._ • SO deduction' made for, lost limo, unlocin este of :Ark oyss of lawns. ' Mar2B-3t Notice*--New rirni. ;TOTE and scriber having disiered of his entire 40 stock of (fowls to Messrs. Golliffowcr S. Clug. pun, notitiee, persons joidelited to hint vu Btore Pooks to et ttle their eccountir -with and jury the a mount of their indebtedness to either John P. Study or Daniel Bricker. The new firm will continue the Puniness its heretofore. • MONN- Jun.21,.1864 - ignizeii.llc;so & Ca ttle Powata. A f . fr I • 111 31 e . tatz lEl e r r ° t l)4 l; E r i o l ci h po ilv f i o a r g waking S ri 'l lo ° above lli at-blued liorsean,tl •Valllo r0wd0444 r0i....5 1 4" Wallin! Maryland, takes this method of iiiforosial Ilio fanners; drovers, &c., that be has on hand slit: iptcpds latching a kixid supply 'Always Am Laud. CcluntrY.lficcOlsants and others keepiog such it etielet fce sale, *Quid do *Cal tirsupplythezuln 2 l,4.s,with i. gauntly,' He will sell it on vininisdion or i.lr cosi zhosp.. Onioni willim punctually iittondocflo: Jam. 31. '. ,: ''. A . - ~:.., , •.. :- , , , . , ' • ' Apr. 1, 1861. :- • ~ -- :,„ '- •• •-,•: •' • r. tr.. and unadultoratod spiced ciden,Kauega; o n : s ale by 16i.i)!Ieir. ,s" - , 0r, ; 4144..:4-401.1eii..*yr.4.) . • .. 1 - .' '‘ ''' 14iii Et r 'Apr 41400 .r.ealts Per' ii.u.,, ' ..,.... .: _ . .... • IS Altitli - Ti S• I comitiArsirwinkLy 'amilittioN, Asia:n(3T ik 00' 1562. APRIL FIRST! - 0 - IMORSON, ?MEDIU & CO. Waynesboto' Pa. '1111117111E211.11[7 - -IPRING AND SUMMER GOODS!! F. nrn nnw receiving nn n !Erring to sell a new 48 and FULL. ASSORTVIE NT of r j, auji. Y Which 0-r; n're prepared' to sell at as low, terms as any In r I,oo_e in•town or country. SPRING AND SUMMER QS. LE') I 3 a cn l t,,,HopA, cloth'', N o I:. .N. 3 ns, 11.1tiptlimere, 1' ine TIT - 14.tts, • V isti nge, N rot( Ties, HoAiery • Cravat!, Summer Hata lintidlan•chiers,. • Shoes, • pions A lull ustiortinent of Plain and Fan., I2ASIM EBBS. -.:_-- • _ A gnoll supply of Queensn'tire and Gla estvaro of the latest style. Always on hand a heavy lot •of prime Grocedyr, - - COFFEE, SUGAR, • SYRUP, MOLASSES, SPICES, &c. To which we rizeipectfully call the attention of our customers and the public generally; and at the mime time we return our thanks to Clltibuticrit end the community for their liberal patronage, and will en dmivor,lty fair dealing with all, to merit a continn • once of the same. Please call and ere. AMBERsON, BENEDICT & CO• NEWS -23atiliP a iME 6 MO at dr, CO 'S J. BEAVER. .r. A LOT OF Good Pickles, A FILL ALstiI)47IIICNT Rink, WAS; MOM ,swa4avolpp4ai i I :43F DE:SCRIP11010 • - tit itEXBDIC r 04.60'* P.4%.3coagxx)Mk'ss PANDZILiZOK,A*OrriIa, '' '4; ✓ 14'.1111E800/iot Apr 1i 14, 11165,: 15 cents - 10 " go is Eurroi Enos, ilAnnn, (Etas) "- (orasti) ' " (suouLnans) TALt.OO, • DRESS GOODS of all kinds C hanks, 1) eta ifle/f ? , Hereges, 1. avellas, SLEEVES, EMBROIDERIES , . MEWS . , GROCERIES / DRY FRUIT: 5 114 -OE - VCrATEIEIIt+ I P 3 W=3 AND . PICKLES. AYBERSON, BE ?EDICT & (•O'B CUIT.IIN FIXTURES, OIL CURTAINS, ,A :11:13E RSON, BENEDIC 1' d[ 00 8 ~..„..:ESCENCEOF- . l tiffEt . ::,'`l: l ,,.: , . . • . , . , , ',,, . . : .1. 4 ! • ... ,-,,,,,.., t t , . . T i iii i ii i 1t . 4 iti 6 PIORPI,nat TM . R Me rreei'ved- and iiitlally receiving on overwhelm inn stock pr goods from the Eliateriliciiies. - (heat -has been the Impression that all kind of gorilla have advance', te•enormoue prices j be tithe idea will be, m iiros i tutnliately dispelled:by calling at the ; : C - AP .CORNERI 8 ", On Main and Chureh Oils., Where all kinds of Goods—Tench ee nre below nom ei.l and a-multitude of other erticlis usually round in a fall house: - neverthOess' ,we will, name a few along with important imam . Silks. • • Whines, Perla Lustre.. Ducala, Gingham, Fancy Poplin., FANCY SPRING GOODS!! Pinid Gingbion;- 'Brocades, Lustres, TN DEPARTMOT- Can he selected! Botne of; tho handsomest Myles of Cased memo, Marseilles, Cloths, Vnteneies, %reed ngo, thenedineo, SUMMER GOODS. Denima, Tweeds, Jeems, I'ho Moore me only a fe w of the lea (ling items; lout any astielu &shed in the dry gotnit or other trepnrinienta can he dupplivil. And further, tee have • 'Skeleton and Balmoral Skirts, Collars, Sleeves, Linen Htl Us, Hosiery, Gloves, • Shawls, Ladies' Gaiters, Gauntlets, 11ut•ins, Corsets, Tassels and Cord, Shaker's Ribbons, and Parasol, 'turnings, Laces, QuiMugs, • - H end nets of Chenille, Counterpanes and Quilts, 131'k Bilks Cord do. Fbed do. Lugo mg, Poplins, The prople of Waynesboro' and vicinity, and of other illtieVN, PTV n.4,11'0114 ti) call ontLex amine this op londid stodk of Dli Y 000 NS, GROCERIES, &C., as the proprietor treks assured that po one can find fan It in rives or style; amd in-iclusian Ito returns his thanks to the community for former. fa. vors sind hopes fur a continuance of the name Apt .10SiA II 11}1S 013 b. THE GRANDEST VICTORYOF THE liyy, ACHIEVED OVER YANKEES, REBELS, AND TIIE "REST OF MANKIND !" D.l2.a`P 11.11111 S Ficah as Ittornirg-glories, beautiful ns the spr;og day; cheep as snuff! Ohl ye lair portion of Creation! do ye wont Sake that glisten on ilitean• WAY, Drlnitias, of every buc of the Rainbow: Hinut 7 Ilyns. molting and printed like fairy fields; Modem's, Ibilz trines, Mezaitibiques. Deliegea, Arc, that would woo by their beauty the Genii of the star 4 —WALK UP To 'till; COUNTER I Our Lawns of softest tints. 'Chintzes sparkling like dew drops, Gingham,: as Irksius, with our Magic Milings, Collars, Silk,panntlets. Balmoral Skirts, Head Fascinators and Morucce:Batchels whieh will deck )ou out in etheria I splendor. 'and compel the admiration of the Ucuts!— We will insure GENTLEMEN. ) Yeu ere lint forgritteil!-Not all that is .. beu wind lo bengs to the ladies;, for bless their lieartq, thvy love to Kee the rents in mplerilid array!, Fresh iron') Fr:lyre, and eassinscres slepli as mirrors. limey as the Ntlitiiyoryil with Voitijigo of a style do handsome, that To . sal; is ti buy ; which with our SN lendid shirt breasts cheaper, than ev,ib'elrgant Nerl,dies, &c, will make you Atlunises,every moth. el.'s soil yutt. AU row YE 111 NIFTY NERO Ye mothers of the rloitig generation.! Yn•arc•al waya before u,-! We have - for you at prices as low as Itsl'ore the war. those good solid Ustuthurghs, Shet:tings. Wilding', Linens, l'owlings,' Tic k in gm. . • • Calicoes, Donterties,, and all the Notions ntctasiry to llcuscitecrtas,and CLEM' is the wold!—Clive us a call!. GI- NIL CYCII 3111,X1L. X IEI SS , murk liefo4 fast Winter's prices.—elvan, , I ure, fresh, so'eet ad new milk.- New Yerk 4 and. lo,ver ing Syr tp at t2i and ltai et", old fashion et! :user House s —that used to please the vorNa 'urn. su• gam White, 11rnwh., mid CllANO:Viiiti;:"•••thiit is "of every grade. •Cheesc.to mike the mouth Pinter Gloa.ware, Queenevrare,, in fiocth is nb use to anunieratc; the fact is. every thing :to dress up the loveliest lady. or the lalairing• ?Ina lt,tee sod: will 'as cheat:A*llw vitriir .:Canki we gay morel Tutnh Tu=h in/at our door. on the attileo, antl the. untilraignedwill he' „glad talrect yuki ,• ..• „ •., ~ . . .. ' Vary R.,pectfugy.-, „ '.. - Apr4 .. , ..Jto.rik.: 'ct Gau t _ F; I ;CAoe I, ;Syr, Uric:Hot .11+Opeo . ,cajtot r or - u 1 44 - ' - - - - : "- Ritline..4" • rotrworit to gait the 'oiuo.! - A4,oilineatitrigit • ,pcti.isktomr. call at a it, -, •:, "; )r i dgEv t g: I 1; yAio - ty44::*eltimis ,4411o.O. in itorts,(6 o t ijfiitore .4, eltlfit urrl '4.4--'77,;•l'.iipii:*.i: . j,inons Clam!merino', Merino Cesiimeres. CLE-tit TILE TRACK, A forty Illiinoreron load of SATE, Boors sgoEgi, &c. ; Orll3 I ,v 'l:4 1 • ' ; ' -'• • 71[111g neiritil4lontinelifet itotintle.ut ,Ato 606. to the'A;topitann tititittVtitatt ikny'tsf- the It twit even rtliotild ft bera Print°, Nu #ll-yo(t tbot . o , 2ntgooft ncrith*,B,tove Oat iftlieeceal or want:cal :`, - " 7ETITLE 9 S and ask far. the -Contlaentali Which hi and of the beet atoi(os lit ntarketi and by fat' the . elitmpes4 It takes a long *k of Wood-and 1* firovided.vrith fire brick to burn coal: -It itrontrof the best baking and corikingSttives the,t has ,evet and attired for sale. It is a tine tlooking stovo. and is o ashy' kept dean. I always have a large assortment on hand; and s wil I give betier bargalne thim, one other house in the country. 80-to' prima that fay name is not 'Gem , Bragg Call and, sea-for yam/elves. Also on hand Heating Stoves , such as ' mens, - - hours, Rep Detainee, Printed Chollies,, Brilliants, • Bombazines, for shop or parlor, all of • wlilch I will sell very low. You will also fled a large assortment of .:3F;JP.:41.922.E1a 8 with Copper, Brass and Slieet-Tron• Ware, which is all of my own wake, and which has boon proven cannot he Mnial better in anyplace. Now remora. Ler I am bound lo sell cheap. so all that want any thing, in ply .line, give tau a -call. My shop is still at the old place WI Alain Street, under the Printing Office. done at all times and of the beet double tin. Feeling very thankful for the many pant favors I _have r receiveLfram_the_pulaa, I would invite all to Fancy _Prints Lawns, .11raiges, give me a co , or ic , where to get bargains. Old metal taken at Foundry Prices in exchange for new Stoves. W. A. Tian E, Mar.2B ___ . Waynesboro'. rri u n dem ign oil 'will sell at public tole at her 4.1 residence at Willow Grove, one mile south west of Waynesboro', on the 19th of April, the fol. lowing property, to wit: 35 Acres Brain in the Bround, 2 COWS,t3 head HOGS, 3 head of youug CA'I7I.E, Plows and Harrows, 20 yds. Carpet, 1 Iron and 1 Copper Kettle, 2 Secretaries, 2 Bed steads, 2 doz. Chairs, 2 large and 2 small Rocking Chairs; 2 Wardrobes, 2 Cherry Dining Tables,Cup board and Kitchen Table. 2 Washstands, 2 Parlor Stands, 1 Churn,4 hbls. Vinegar,Lard, Bicon and apple-butter, stmby the pound, a Lot of Brooms, 5 tans of Hay. 7 7 otab) as by the bushel 2 Clocks, bucketa, baskets, I saw, and many ther articles not necessary to , mention. SAN to,commence nt 1 . 0 o'- clock on said day, when the terms will be ,made known by MARTHA FUNK, apr4-ts GROPCIN V. Mosta, AM. _ NO HUNIIBUC iii:r undersigned haring ripened n Watch and I Jewelry Store, in the new building on the corner of the Diamond, and having recently return• ed from t i i *_ t e.• Wayneshoro'.and the public generally, that ho has now on hand n fine assortment eT WATCHES, Jf; WELRY, SILVER AND jr SILVER-PLATED WAIIE, : Having had consitlerolde experience at VVolrd repairiN, he is prepared to do ell work promptly in the 1,6 l manner and guarantee the portiwinance An assortment of spoctscle., and spectacle glasses always on Wand. Jewolry repaired, in the neatest manner. W. A. (MOVE. P. 8.-0111 Silver taken in exchange for goad• Apr4—lyr. IMPORTANT. J. A. FISHER A RE again re) ti Eastern CiOlllS, C: All of the MOST FASHION %IH,E STY LES. Mit monk of FIZENeII monis and GASQI -11E111;t1 Ito calls particular attention to; no the hest in town. Also, i n to of the befit; amorttnentit of !'c•ttvistitsa 0 rano in town—all ratify tar their in -I.vetion and hen. kin 117 a.kt it call front all iwri.otis , ilt•sirious of. buying Goads it. his lino i ttentoly • % In the NFINVIX firri c ED "MONT, npit 111111)r ti II Upitegritflle, 11 ! 1arratotvia. Md. ' [Jun. 3. 1801.] MECHANICS - STREET" .AHEAD Is, an d Ludicig's Ale cit 11 . en's per Wass. GONVE new or nrvrr, for Ve livm more fun than ever. A ho. ' Olvtere, Eggs, Choose, limn. Bread, Butter, and I'ijkleA. , Conte one, 001110 all. Both groat end small, Aed Nl' the 11311, lip nud Alma' the wall, • In Old J ne's B.srlu•lor's Aprt--1v .108. FUNK. Cheap and Beaufilial tight. , Catittin Oil— vino - end nor. ex pl es : vo ..— Icitratatett. to burn nlihout ernittitnt-any gntull f uved iu thu - of the latost - sty!l.3l ,and, inkooratinents;--411 soil CHEAP Pull CAHN at thy sign the UORN. • Apr. 4 .•-• yo U. 13. RUSSELL. • • , „ „, ARIES, if u want ree 1_ ~nt(e- , ,aokirtmen t I„orIlliESS (301DS,iall ai haes's Apri4 you want ta pi rchnstr n , air u floopEikirt from 4114 t0,5:?..00 call at ~..(ktpr4 , iaces .. .. F pm want cepretty Sunyttur Dalindr.d Cail i'is , i,. ____ ppr 4 .. . Ptithes . ____ _ . IF you vrolif it!io , iitlfr Of (south is irulii":l7t to $1.241, ut rslq4. Paiem's f'.F y ili vi..tot a itiee sat of ilivier SloSves t ) ,- r, e. 411 Pat; s's • -I F ow Aatir a 1116 Shukir,'esll prt- . • Tutees; iF yi!i; ;;;5. -, ,44 , 0,1 : Fritir or TT Morlieeti ;1104. 1 ,'11;rmiirksrso• xcir tv +./P tO4 TiLitei edit al' ainq "1 - F , yvu 41110s.e's ~4 :esit'of Islp(s. 0.111 ut • - • ' EN KM AND COAL STMS, Mouse spouting! PUBLIC SALE. CLOCKS„ &c &c illigs. az c=oQxy• '.rreac:octia•i, CARBON OTT. LAMPS, , , _---_ --- -) - - '. , 111111011 T--- • -.- ",,,,- , ~,...,-, ~.....,...:.•.:,,,,„.„...„,_,,,,;, ... 74 V, ' ...• SOPA a1..:-.1120` ' ' ".-.; alaot t'; ' 4 ' ~,, ~,-, cllll:anlispiliter, than ' it, itatremage,' sill! AI soiling the initibr and in lid' idol( to milititaitif ring ajjklndil :'of,lsrjrrlte4 , :': 2" ' ' i',,..':7'-' . „. ' ' ' ' — , , „ , , , blot o.lo'for-,13 - uildins Purpoistm . •.. . . ;-. - 4 : 1 :`: 1 4 11C 4:"‘' ' I '' : ".• - . : s r. : BASIL, 1:1,00013, ,81W,1701119 1 , , ,• .. .. . ' ' BLINDS, •rt,ooqproi lnsIDoW , -- ." --='-'' " li,ititionS;Vonn , ' '', , • '.. • f 4 11'4,106,' PA curia, -: MotitomMis; '&C.,-"&c. I am preparedio - ftrinislt nil kilitli ' of oak timbo for diaront purporei in buddirstrorucit as, . , , • .101C1.0, RAFTEHEI, f, Ant' SIUD1:11N 0 , PAIL - , imp% scArtrx:lNo, u0.40§,.6ic., , All of MAC!) will bo riSnred to order, lt short notice and upon reasonable terms. ' ' , ',''' • "' • Alio, alautitig v by mill and circular'stives, of orrery description donor Framing, Surfacing, . Matibing, Flooringc&C., ifcg. l For further particulars apply to the Subscriber,at Factory II?? Wilds southeast.cif Waynesboro. , L. F. GOOD., Jan. 17, 1961 . . L-1) O‘K •HIE.R.-E !! ril. STONER o niuggist, WIIOLZSALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN lII§ LINO OF 11081 Kos, W A YNEBDOR.O', PA., Has not only got back to his "old trinities's," but to the "old stand!" Hiving fitted up the y . room now occupied neatly and haViirg c•—=" returned from the city Oat al tresh sup• ply, which ho has just received, consist. i• se," air Coarse yes ting of Fresh. Foreign and Doinestie.Drugei, A large and getimal assortment of Medicines, Chemicals, Patent Medicine, Dye-stuffs, Dry Paints an Mats ground in Oil, Oils expressed nd distilled; • Fruits green, prese . ed and dryer Vonfecti nark's, 'Agnelli of all ki s' fur medicine" pirposes, Books, stationary,fa 7 and raisceflaneous articles, all of which he offers for sale. Thankful for lavora received and hopeful of their contionance,ho invites the public to call before purchasing elsewhere. Stoner offers for sale allot of beautiful shells.— Carbon Oil which will quit for Kerosene Lamps warranted not to smoke, can be had at Stoner s. Parralin, Llrystal, and Denzole Oils: also Can,. Janne and burning fluids is for sale by Stoner. stoner has a lot of burrels,kegs, jugs, cans. &c. which he will sell very low. Jan 31. FLOUR, FEED, PROVISION STORE! ILE sobscrihers would, inform" the eitieens of II — Waynesboro', that they have ' opened a Flour, Feed and Provision_litore in the room formerly pe. copied by Joseph Price, o, o ite 111.: reddonco of John Dell, where they wi ll a all times have for sale fillll2, 110211NY,1111.1. STUFF OF ALL KINDS, SCREENINGS, CORN, SEIELLED • AND IN THE EAR, OATS, PO. TATOES, 1./ACON AND LARD, VINEGA,R; Also, R To, Wheat, and Barley ,by the bushel or in smaller quatitities, and other articles usually kept in such establishments. All Flour and Mill Stuff will sold at MILL Putoua yon CAstt. The• highest task priers paid for wheat, rye corn and oats. DANIEL sNIVELY, Feb I 4 —tf WM. H.'FUNK. WANTED 5000 BVB,, NVJ EAT I llhe old Miller at his old Trade! 11111 E undersigned baiting associated themselves in tin Milling' brininess, and having leased of Peter Falinestoak the old ,Roy -r mill pitiperty, Mie mile southeast of Waynesbora', are now psepared to purehtilkie grain from their friends at the highest market price; and also to do all kinds of Orindinit, including chopping corn and cob. WO,_ err also prepared to furnish' ot the lowest tnarhot prices, all_ kinds of also Plaster by the ton or bgih- Out cold friends will please call and see us; Doc 6-1 r HE undersigned, Executor of Ehrist iSn,Frantx, I3en.o4ecesse.l, will sell at public solo, on nuitsnalr the limn nat. OP APRIL !MX}, tho Latour ing personal property, to wit: ' ONE CARRIAGE , 1 lot Harness, 1 Rifling 'addle, Bridle. Halters, I Saddle, Wood saw, Mattock; 25 yds- Carpeting, 1 Looking Glass, 1 lot Chaim, I Table."l Settee. 2 Bedsteads. 2 Clocks, Coverlets, Blankets, Bedding, Lot Queensware, I Cot, I Comfort, 1 lot Quilts; 1 Hair Mattress, 37 lbs. FEATHERS, a lot of linen and cotton sheet's, and many,. Other articl es not herein specified. mato to commence lit 1 o'clock on said day wli;•tt the terms will be made► knows by Mar22—ts ABRAHAM FRANTZ, Ex's. .event (nor to the leption of his fine nn 11 Test- WAYNESBORO' CLASSICAL AND COM MERCIAL INSTITUTE, A. ]E TRIMMER, Prin. Com. Department, W. T. DA RNIVZ, A. M., Prin. Ciao. Deportment. TIII4 Institute affords advantages unequaled by any other schrial in this section of the Stitt.: A regular Ctsatuost and Sentxtrlrtc course, or n thorough rummest, and Cotoottaist education, in eluding Double Mary Book, keeping and Practical and Ornamenttl Penmanship, Pitti:ar.swing, /cc.— Students ntlntitted at any time. For further par ticulars address Principals., . . Mar2B-3w . NOTICE. L i s -E ta ß to E t - r elintieraoB of Administration rrintlraletiPonf tin the Township, de eased, have hecn granted• to the subscriber ' all' persons imlehtml to the Estate. are requested to mike fanmediate payment, and Heise Clain sor demands-against the N.tate qt said decedent., will make known tho sarno,lvit4- oat delay, to • ADR.M. 'Mar 28—flw , 'A BELE cr 1 - Pf :1 4 3g - A?iD CLAS§IO • • .13 Ci Et 0 - 0 Is True undersigned intrude opening a SELECT . 1 . SCHOOL, far !Tulles and fumahra, ftunalos, in the Wuynesborn' Academy, on the 24th of Msnen,!Ut. The course ut instrestion Will he full and thorough; thergasernmsnt mild but &M. ' There will . he a Liter:try' Society, heft, in contieetion with theschool, the objelit of , witieh will ;be to -improve thrintiudi m•o4lg aml Meet:ea . unify. ••• . Thitlo:--Por cfessiotPor . alev!ii Common English bratchcs s2'so - Higher v - 3. 5 0 Latin nipt Greokovith any of the abtve, each . LSO lkdat-K,lioitig• taught grist's Ittir7— 3w - • • A, A. : LEO 11LIDER.11„ B. • Irtuoak:Nt; 'kindt•itsr- sato by D. D. IlliSSE,l4#, rip of :the µHitt Evd. Horn."' • ' - '. . • -March • .. F yuti -- w,:itt. k7Dripijiiup 'lover .so.ilt lick, leW c 1...3k ~. ji. rry*tal_ptal it5.).0,.! az,l li9neg,. cull ut,, • _ -, = : hitattirr o o. , 4k.. 42i i n d 2 . 5 00A!,i,F, -. 4 :k::: 7' • 4 - 1 t .,.-; ; ,_ y ~,........._ ....„,i. -, :- .., , . . . ~:....,- _ i*K's.:! ~. ~._?..• i v iv.29' , _.,...- , ~. ..'.'e. .. ; • 4'''' o.;';' .. :' , I- - • ,•---- ;.÷ , -.i........,-- --'...,,..,-;.e- - . ...,p., —1. , .........,..„, , ........., , .., ....,.... ........,...... ,• ' _ ~..... • F soil want, aiii!e, ( . , ts,niA 'FT klneY eitlkilli 0 - ,-..„.• . ; ,, i : .„4,--I,Ii(A,V, ostartuvlac. - iifiTo k ,- r , ' , '"tilci.,-. I: iiiihr t : '.....,' ' : ..: .., ' ',.:'' '': :," '.: . ir.rivoed... '' --- K'ol ifik lilt '14 . . 4:44/O.- • - ''.'"::.„.-, !I:i'Al:,-,.:, 1 :; : ....:::,. lAiii47iwti;,ii:ig;t4i> ..niazis, !*',cf.; .rx„,. dole : :... 'l;.u. , ,t . t . :, l i , • ...-!-`... 7.4-,' -• Pi.- 1:! : '4 „. " 4, • , ` , .. 1 i*'', ' ' : ; iritint ' 4 'of Piiio.'•dutr.. rtike`s . ''4,,,f4ioictscht lik x. 4 y fib #'l"7‘l4liiit r iT - -a . 9o:ltti4l-4 . 4 ... 1 . .lAlltili:j. - ' A 4 1 ,t0exh ift4'oll..4' , • , „,Wl' - !.., , %. , ;41,10-, ti:;," c.iii lie - At i 4siiilll -., = ' .‘f... --- titrii*:'''''' 7 "' - . 7. .„..,,, „.,.•..-' . - • : ,.... it. c .'7. T . --, ---:, - ~ : - ..L - -.K.,. ~ ~....„, .''.'--.. ,. ..... 7 :;,;.i.:5..., ; :it..4,, ..:,, , , , 4 :; ,.„ J.-4 , --. -.--. • „ .-- , ' * ..... _..'- i--. - .. • ....z.,'' ' -- - - i O ,---...:',-•••,-.Vii..,..4.'szl,e - - - JOHN WAI.T.ER, JOSUPH ELDEN. PUBLIC SALE. , •J:•:):,11 . q ! ), 1.1 -,•,'',.,-, 1 ,-/ . 5 ,1 1.,.1'k9 . •,.ii _4l.,Aa;t4d;•4;;Pi TWitat#rielitiO l • , r _- . . . Int iiiik orIARA!!0; V , - .. 41 4.7 , Y -n !'4 ll9t iflk trl, In WayirsiboW; Fnin tin ON CPA I- It ~..'..--, . , ) , : , 9 .,t11-b. '.,,: • ' ' V AL t Blit-. ..,,I,•! . STittes, -- _ 1 ' 1 . ,:t . .:':11 ' situntod -ono ,thijeeTietiAdAtkett#4olol tu,i't ad. .s; joining hinds of .ifeliftE,lo4lll44linii :rinks's, as fol.' '''"P-11 lows: A valust*Pkit‘-ktliiiiikail the •' . ' i " II A Nliti V IA Rll ". • . !. • •• .., ... . . • , containing 130 Aunts, more or logo:or fini,t quality • LIICZISTOS I . 1 0. - . . with a never•failing ElPrinvalui aulhlinipf:suificont or - farming; Shenk/. alp a tprivini:Orilierlf otchoies rub trees on the premises, With water:running Oro' •he entire farm. This farm has tbe,hilvantaise of a ~arge proportion of ' u•'•• MEA A O w,i1,4 D and altogether is regarded atone of the most deal cable farina in the county. ALSO-11HE MILL PROPERTY, CONTAININS , 2b ACHES, more of lc% • with DISTI LLER.7-' iitl Apparatus ,attached which -is fraoritilly located with a &good water power; and surrounded by a fine wheat growing section: Also the farm ktiwn es the Q,4l.aa[aa . adjoining Mansion :Farm, containing 100 Acts's, inure or less, of (hied hintinitone.Lihd, with 'louse anti-Barn, conveniently laid off into suitable fields, with a thriving young Orchard and a well of never. failing•water at the door, and ~Aniting water barn yard.. These Wins offerinducements to capi. talists for a safe and profit iblo investment., The above property will be sold separate or together to suit purchasers.' Terms elude known on the day of sale. Possersion given of the above propertfpn day of sale. N. B. The above property will he shown thee of the Executors, D. W. FUNK, - , E. 8. TROX FA. - Executors. 141 or2S—ts Lll l - ,q citla L'infaU Should you ask me, should you wonder, Where to buy your Stoves nits Titzwdro; I mould answer, I would tell you— . ' "Go unto the fine new store room Where the Dig Red Horn, the sign is; There's_the best Cook tovos add Tin ware, All sold cheap by IL H. Russell." [Prom the Song of Hiawatha. Fa HE undersigned informs 'the publicUin 'genera' 14 and especially ti ro of his customers in want of anything in hie lido of business, that ho has com pleted and is now occupyin his neer and extensive ly enlarged establishment or, the . , IYlanufac LIU° and Sale OF"lIg WARS, SHEET'-TRON WARE; AND STO . lre is norr prepared to supply any demsnd - for his Cook Slaves. general Housekeeping , GOodi rind A:itchen tare, on such terms us must•gien intim satisfaction. vza -wwT4:l; • offered are of the hest and mast improved kind/And having beeß tried are neknowlethod to ha all that can he desired as good cookers and bakers, and ire easily kept. clean• His own r.t.INCIPACTURTM %VARA is'all made' with a vie_w to the wants of customers from the beet Otte.; ria I and is warranted in all cases' to bo good. Ho Also 'carps a huge assortment of famey artieles. kartspeeiol attention is given to putting up SPOUTING, made of the hest tin,'for houses and barn's, In which lic has had a !Origami extensive OX perienCA. Remember the sign of the Dig Red liorh, Aug 9, 1960 It. U , IttlssELL. FRESH DPI U~ ME IC! NUJREY, !Confectionery, rritits, &e•; riIHE subscriber 'lakes this method of airnon 'icing the porde that he has received at his'Prug ours,' a large one carefully selected stock of PRESK DRUGS , Chemicals, Patent Millie:ince, Paints Oils, Dye Stuffs, window (itasq, Putty, 'Tobacco, - Snot!, and Scgaisoirc., which ha is now prepared to soil ' cheap es the cheapest and Will assure his custom* era that in regard to quality which is.of the first im potence, his goads will compare 'with any in the market. - lie has also a splendid assortment of Pc:rummy, Soaps anti • • Toilet .art i c les. of all kinds,, Consisting in part of tho following, ;tit Mandolines, • ~. __ l'ulwities, , , • t , mber - and Bears' Oil • , ' . - Colognes, Bxtracto for the Hanakerchief,• ' - • . _ Lyon's Kathsiron, ' , LlornotVeocoaine. ' liltrason'o ',males" Soip, ' . II uney Soap, ..;. . ' :Hotel soap, . - Diamond White soap. - • CONFECTIONERY, FRU/TS, & Cranberricia, Raisins, Figs, Prunef, CalTanta, Batas, Citron, Oranges, Lemons, Nuts Olafl hieuti, and Candies of every variety. , . - Kerosene karnpg, Lamp globes, and Binaries, Keruseno Oil. Canaphine, Alcohol, 'turning Fluid, anti in fact anything anti everything that:is usually found in n drag stun. Thankful for kind fa vrm and patronage hereto. fore bestom...! upon him. he-solicits a coininuanee of the sante;and hopes that hv' endeavoring to please, he may win t ho confidence of the people. Physicians' prescriptions premptly:. itmd carefully compounded at all hours. l. r. now .20, ls6o , • STILL IT - 1111 1151 .11. THE FORKS OF THU AI4IIiWW.VIIIIEKS. • . VILE imbscrebor informs hii..t*Omersisini the public generally thlt he conthritA4hit • ~ . • in _all its branches, anti is how better prelito44thart Elinnerly to actenrnodeto thpeo 40 , 1(14 onY' 111,11131bn., . 1: mark **ill lie executed atsho.t tics rani upcn reasonable - 11`bstikleV.to the' I)tiLik gir the liberal • eUeeosgeliiiir bes*fora. ea. - tended; ha solicits* coo tinesuce4 fheigTetretiege ' P. B.—flo has 'Shia for isaki,lo44,‘'raktr"e'pat. " 64104 for fungus puipousx..,- , 11 ! , I V lt r • - OF - . . .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers